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This is another one of my stories based upon a well-known traditional fairy tale.


Chapter 1

Scarlet Hood lived with her parents on a remote farm in the heart of the Black Forest area of Germany. As a youngster, she had gone to the school in the local village five miles away. She had to walk there and back – no matter what the weather.

At home, her mother taught her how to cook and sew, while her father taught her about the animals. The farm was small, but they kept a variety of livestock on the various areas of pasture and hillside. Sheep, goats and cows were maintained, along with a reasonably sized flock of chickens. By the farmhouse Mrs. Hood had a small vegetable garden. It didn’t by any means supply all of their needs, but helped to eke out the family’s limited income.

Most families in the region tended to be fairly large, but Helmut and Magrit had only been blessed with the one daughter. While they tried (very diligently) for more children, somehow it just never happened. It was certainly something that they would never dream of mentioning to the village Doctor – even if they could afford to see him, which they couldn’t.

Magrit had originally lived with her own parents on the other side of the nearby forest, but having been courted by the handsome, young Helmut from across the valley; she had married him and moved away. Her father had died some years later, but her mother remained in the little cottage. It was a relatively short distance, so the family saw her quite often throughout the year.

At eighteen, Scarlet was becoming frustrated, but she couldn’t understand why. Never having been more than a dozen miles from home – to the nearest town, she hadn’t seen or experienced anything different to the life she knew. Her only hope of escape was to be courted and to marry someone. Not as simple as it may seem, for there were very few eligible young men in the area. That said, she very much like Gustav, who was a woodsman in the forest nearby. She sometimes saw him as he walked close to the farm.

One hot day, as she was working in the vegetable garden, he had stopped and asked if he could have some water. She obliged readily and found that he was handsome and pleasant to talk to. Without understanding what she was doing, she began to flirt with him. From that day, he quite often came by when she was working outside and stopped to talk. Many times, she watched him as he walked away. But then came the day that she idly wondered what his backside would look like without trousers. Her face flushed immediately at the unbidden thought, colouring her face to a shade that almost matched her hair.

Her heart hammered against her ribs and she began to feel dizzy. Things were happening to her body that she couldn’t understand; there was an aching in her breasts and every time she breathed she experienced delightful tickling sensations there. Staggering towards the gate for something to hold on to, she wondered if she was losing control of her bladder. There was a definite wetness between her legs. So much that she could feel a trickle running down inside the leg of her knickers.

She waited for a couple of minutes, getting her breathing under control until she no longer needed to hug the gatepost. Terrified that her Mother might see her in such a state she quickly made her way into the woods and found a hiding place that was out of sight of the farm. She collapsed on the floor amongst the leaf mould and exhaled in relief. Pretty soon she started thinking about what had happened.

Scarlet was dressed in her everyday clothes, typical for this particular area of the Black Forest. Although she wore the more colourful traditional costume to attend church, working clothes needed to be more hard wearing and less likely to show dirt. Her skirt was brown, pleated and came down to just below her knees. Her blouse of white cotton had short sleeves and was worn underneath a tight, black vollsteiff bodice.

Over the skirt was worn a white cotton apron, with a modest amount of lace adornment. On her feet she wore black shoes over white, woollen stockings. Underneath her outer clothes she had a slip, just slightly shorter than the skirt and white knee-length cotton bloomers.

Having slumped to the floor, the skirt had ridden up along with the white slip to reveal an expanse of flesh between the bottom of her knicker legs and the top of her stockings. She could feel the cool air gently caressing the fine hairs on her legs and once again felt the odd sensations she had experienced earlier. She unhooked the top part of her bodice to enable her hands to slip inside and ease the tenderness she felt there. To her surprise, the touch of her fingers brought forth even stronger reactions. She could feel how hard her nipples had become and now knew that it was the rubbing of her bodice on these that had caused the butterflies in her stomach.

She sat exploring her breasts Alanya Escort through the thin cotton of her blouse until the trickling feeling returned between her legs. She stopped playing with her breasts and pulled her skirt and slip up further. Sure enough, there was a damp patch down there, which seemed to be growing as she watched. Experimentally, she touched a finger to the area and shivered. Her mouth fell open. Again she touched the middle of the wet spot and it made her go cross-eyed. She dared not touch the same place again for fear of fainting away, so moved her finger to contact an inch or so higher.

The effect was electrifying. She did it again, and again. Nothing in her life had prepared her for finding that her body had the ability to give itself such pleasure. She laid back and used a finger from each hand to touch both areas again. Before long she forgot about where she was, or even who she was. The delights that she was experiencing for the very first time were taking her to an entirely different place to any she had known before.

When the inevitable happened, Scarlet at first thought that she was dying – a punishment for doing something that must be so very, very wicked indeed. But then her senses began to return and she marvelled at how her body had felt. It took some time before she felt strong enough to rise to her feet and when she walked, she felt an embarrassing cold dampness in the crotch of her knickers.


Chapter 2

Woolf Badmeister watched Scarlet as she walked unsteadily back down the pathway. My how she had grown in the last few years! From where he had been sitting in the woods, repairing one of his traps, he had been able to see the young woman through the gaps in the bushes. He wished that she had pulled her drawers down when she had masturbated, but the strands of semen hanging from the leaves in front of his diminishing cock proved that it hadn’t been absolutely necessary for his pleasure.

“It’s definitely time for that little chicken to be plucked,” he muttered. As he dressed himself his mind wandered; how could he persuade Scarlet to drop her drawers for him?


Gustav had noticed how much more Scarlet was flirting with him nowadays, but he hadn’t let on. She did everything she could to catch his interest, but to no avail. Sure, he kept turning up and seemed to enjoy spending time talking to her, but even when she placed her arms behind herself, pushing her breasts out at him, he didn’t respond at all. His eyes didn’t even flicker to the developing mounds that she was so proud of.

Each time he walked away from her, Scarlet felt a yearning ache in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t love – it was lust. But she still didn’t understand this.

It was fortunate that Scarlet helped her mother by doing the washing now; that way she was able to deal with her frequently soggy underwear without awkward questions. She masturbated most days after seeing Gustav, although sometimes she had to wait until she was tucked up in bed. On those occasions she became pretty desperate and during the evening had to her constantly bite her tongue to prevent herself from snapping at her parents in her frustration. On those night time occasions she found herself imagining the two of them naked together, but her limited sexual knowledge led her to believe that union would take place in much the same way that the Billy goat did with the nannies.

Good fortune came to her aid in the end; she had gone into the forest to pick some mushrooms for her mother, when she caught sight of the farm through gaps in the trees. Clearly, Gustav had just called at the cottage and been told that she was in the woods. She knew that he would follow the well-trodden path as usual and that if she hurried she could meet him further on.

Scarlet was slightly out of breath when she reached the track and had lost some of the mushrooms from her basket in her haste to get there. She thought quickly and decided that she needed to take some desperate measures. Undoing the top two buttons of her blouse allowed a tantalising glimpse of her cleavage, her breasts being pushed up by the bodice. She pretended to be looking for fungi as Gustav rounded the bend.

“Scarlet!” he said. “I didn’t think I would see you today.”

“Hello Gustav. I’m picking some mushrooms. Would you like to help?”

It wasn’t exactly men’s work, but Gustav was happy to spend a little time with Scarlet.

She deliberately made sure that she was able to bend low in front of him. When Scarlet straightened, it was clear that he had seen what she wanted him to see; his face had reddened slightly. When she tried the trick again, Gustav seemed to lose the ability to hold a conversation.

Scarlet was feeling very aroused. Otherwise she would never have dreamed of doing what she was; stepping over a large log, she took hold of her skirts and raised them Alanya Escort Bayan just a little too high, revealing the tops of her stockings and the silk ties holding them in place – perhaps even a little flesh between them and the white bloomers. The effect such actions had on Gustav were almost as powerful as they had on her. At that moment, if he had asked her to take all of her clothes off, she would have done so without hesitation.

The colour of Gustav’s face had deepened even further and he was breathing heavily. When Scarlet turned away from him and bent at the waist to pick some more mushrooms, she deliberately swayed her backside at him, he couldn’t prevent a groan from escaping his lips.

Scarlet stood back up and turned round. “Whatever is the matter Gustav? Are you unwell? Perhaps you had better sit down!”

She pulled him to the large trunk and sat him down. The fact that she knelt down in front of him giving a delightful view of the valley between her breasts didn’t help. Her skirt was sitting above her knees and he looked down at them. Scarlet followed the line of his gaze and realised that she was kneeling in the dirt in her clean white stockings. She stood suddenly and said, “Oh, look what I’ve done now!” She pulled the material up high to display the mud that had adhered to her legs and showed Gustav what was worn beneath. He had often wondered about that. Gustav clamped his arm across his lower stomach in response to her actions.

“Oh Gustav!” Scarlet cried. She dropped her skirts back down and dropped next to him on the tree. “Whatever is wrong? Is it your tummy?” She took hold of his arm and tried to pull it away.

“No!” he said. “You mustn’t!” His face was a picture of painful embarrassment.

Scarlet assumed that Gustav had a stomach ache, but saw a possible opportunity to – maybe – get his breeches down.

“Don’t be silly. Straighten up and take your hand away.” Before he could object she had slipped her hand into his and pulled it aside. For all his strength, he seemed incapable of resisting and when she pushed him upright he just froze in anticipation of the shock, revulsion and castigation he knew was to come.

“What… what have you got in your pocket Gustav?” He didn’t answer, but made almost silent strangled noises in his throat. Scarlet reached down and put her hand on the long hard lump. “Oh!” she said as it twitched.

Scarlet wrapped her hand around the shaft through the thick material of his breeches. She looked up at him with a surprised expression on her face and asked, “Is that your… thing, Gustav?”

He nodded slowly, still unable to speak.

“Can I see?” she asked breathlessly.

Gustav didn’t respond, so Scarlet took that as a positive answer and knelt back down in front of him. She reached up and unfastened the two buttons at either side of the front of his bundhosen and pulled the flap down. She could see a damp patch on the front of his shirt beneath which the end of his penis lay. She lifted the material aside and gasped.

“Oh, Gustav! It’s so big!

Scarlet marvelled at it; it was much, much bigger than she had imagined. She had expected something like the size of the goat’s pizzle! The thought of trying to accommodate something like that made her dizzy. The skin was smooth, but she could see blue veins beneath the surface. The head was shiny and an almost a blue colour. She could see a little of his hairy testicles, but her attention was focussed on the shaft itself.

“Can I… touch it?” The whole thing jumped when she said that. Scarlet reached out and wrapped her slender fingers around it. It was so thick that her fingers hardly met. Gustav started breathing again, but his gasps were laboured.

Scarlet could feel the blood pulsing in Gustav’s dick as she held it. She leaned nearer to look more closely. She was now close enough for the young man to feel her warm breath on his sensitive skin. He seemed incapable of any voluntary action at this point, but looked disappointed when she let go of his cock.

Sitting back on her haunches, Scarlet had been wondering what made Gustav’s penis jump every now and then. She had an idea and brought her hands up to her blouse. Taking hold of the open collar, she pulled the ‘v’ apart and leaned forwards. Sure enough, the dick jumped at the sight.

“So you do like them?” she said. He nodded slightly in agreement, so she moved up onto her knees so that she was very close to him and repeated the display. This time the cock seemed to jump and slap against his stomach. If possible, it seemed even larger than when she had first seen it.

Scarlet didn’t really understand what she was doing, but Gustav wasn’t objecting and she was enjoying herself. That familiar wetness was making the material between her legs feel cool on her pussy. Her own breathing was becoming heavier as she reached down and took hold of the hem of her Escort Alanya skirt and began to lift it.

Gustav’s eyes were bulging as he watched the material go higher and higher, revealing more and more. By the time the skirt was bunched around her waist he could see the dampness that Scarlet could feel. He could hardly sit still and looked like an animal, coiled like a spring and waiting to pounce. Her hand moved to the bows that held the waist of her bloomers up. “Shall I?” she asked.

Again, there was no reply, so she took a deep breath and unfastened the button and pulled the cord undone on one side. The garment slipped a little, revealing part of her belly, but she paused a moment before repeating the process on the other side and allowing her knickers to slide down. She knew she was being wicked, but she no longer cared. She felt the cool forest air on her pubic bush as she exposed herself to a man for the very first time.

Gustav’s eyes saw dark red curly hair on pale white skin, contrasted with a deep pink gash at the centre. It was all too much for him and with a loud groan, his cock erupted.

Scarlet was taken by surprise. She was witnessing what appeared to be fountain of milk. At first she wondered where it was coming from, but then realised that it was the ejaculation from Gustav’s penis. Without any physical contact he had suddenly orgasmed and the resultant torrent was being sprayed high into the air. She watched, astounded, as the jets of come flew high into the air, before gradually reducing in height and volume. When he had finally finished, his semen lay everywhere. She even had some in her hair and on her dress and bloomers. Looking down at her own nakedness she saw how close one drop had come to the centre of her own arousal. The little dribble sat caught in her pubic hair until she reached down and pinched it between finger and thumb.

Inadvertently, she made contact with her clitoris and moaned aloud at the sensation. She stared hard at Gustav’s still semi-hard dick and succumbed to the need to achieve her own fulfilment.

Gustav’s eyes had been closed, but now he opened them – along with his mouth. He sat watching as Scarlet frigged herself and his cock began to recover immediately, rising once again to full attention.

Scarlet approached her climax and doubled over with the pleasure. Her head came to rest on Gustav’s lap, unheeding of the sticky white residue that remained there. She opened her eyes in the final stages of masturbation and saw the massive erection almost close enough to touch with her nose. The urge to kiss it was simply too strong, so she did. She felt moisture on her lips and without thinking licked them. The slightly salty taste of his semen pushed her over the edge and she came, noisily and with a considerable loss of body control. Her face nudged incessantly at the cock, almost causing it to burst again.


Chapter 3

When the two young people had recovered their senses, they both dressed in an embarrassing silence.

Scarlet gave Gustav a peck on the cheek and then ran home with her basket of mushrooms. If her mother noticed that she had been gone longer than usual she didn’t comment.

Long into the night Scarlet lay awake on her bed thinking about the events in the forest. Gustav was big and strong and handsome and his penis was so large! She slipped her hand between her legs until a fingertip was at the entrance to her vagina. She probed gently, but still couldn’t understand how such a large lump of meat was supposed to fit into such a small passage. Her thoughts and her digital manipulations had aroused her again and until she once more rubbed herself again to orgasm she wasn’t going to gain any relief and get to sleep.

When Scarlet awoke, the very first thing she thought of was how she could arrange for something to happen with Gustav, similar to the previous day. Unfortunately, she didn’t even see him for over a week. Perhaps she had scared him off? Then, one morning, she saw him coming out of the forest along the path that led to the cottage. When he arrived, he explained that he needed to see her mother urgently. She followed him inside and listened as he spoke to Magrit.

“You mother asked me to call on you Mrs. Hood. She said that she hadn’t been feeling very well for a few days and wondered if Scarlet could come over and do some chores for her. I was asked to fetch her back – if that’s OK?”

“Of course,” said Magrit. “Is she alright? Should we fetch a Doctor?”

“No, she said that her leg was hurting a bit and just wanted to rest it for a while.”

While Scarlet was concerned for the welfare of her grandmother, nevertheless she was excited by the prospect of a walk in the woods with Gustav, alone. Already she could feel the fire alight in her belly.

As soon as the couple were out of sight of the cottage, Scarlet transferred the basket of food she was carrying to her left hand and then slipped her right hand into Gustav’s. He still seemed bashful, so she waited a while before talking to him.

“I hope that nasty swelling of yours hasn’t returned?” she asked, tongue-in-cheek.

“Scarlet!” he said, shocked. “We shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong.”

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