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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.

Sprawled out on the bed, needing a rest for once after a marathon session of sex that had stretched long into the afternoon, Stephanie’s head jolted up as the doorbell rang.

“Huh?” She grunted, looking at Callum. “Who’s there?”

She would have been more eloquent in her speech before, but pulling words out of her mind had become hard lately. It didn’t bother her too much though, because her and Callum found a way to make themselves understood, very easily, between one another. There was just something more than an intrinsic understanding there, language in grunts and groans and even body language too.

“Order delivery,” Callum said, his words also simpler. “On…screen.”

He had forgotten the word for a mobile phone, but that was okay. He had still managed to order food after fudging the order several times with his fat fingers, though it was partly the screens not making much sense to him anymore. When either of them struggled with a delivery order, they could always revert to things that they had ordered before, at least, which tended to be at the top of the screen and only a few clicks away. However, only time would tell for just how long even that level of intelligence would last…

Stephanie hauled herself up with a whoop, lumbering from the bedroom. Her shoulder crashed through the doorframe, knocking yet another chunk out of the bedroom frame, but she didn’t even feel it. The house was so small and claustrophobic for someone like her, but it didn’t occur to her to find somewhere else, perhaps, for both of them to live. It was quite as if thoughts like that just didn’t cross her mind anymore.

And there were other things too that didn’t come to mind, even when they were out and about, partly out of practicality.

Clothes… Well, they were one thing that became more optional. With so much hair on them, even though some skin could still be seen on their overly muscular bodies, coats of hair gleaming with good health, there didn’t seem to be a need for them anymore. Everything that needed to be covered on their bodies was covered, but there was still an obvious rise of her breasts on her chest and nipples tucked away within the hair. The parts of skin that showed were mostly at the backs of the knees and insides of the elbows, down her sides and her stomach, the front of her neck and her face. The T-one of dark hair had spilt gloriously down her chest to make her breasts beautifully hairy in a way that was well and truly unique to Stephanie.

She lunged for the door with a roar of delight, startling the poor delivery driver who leapt back. His face turned white as he trembled, holding out the bag of food, though he was frozen in place from shock and horror, a towering beast of a woman looming above him.

“Yes! Foooood! Thank you, delivery man!”

She grinned, though that didn’t seem to help him at all, retreating with a slam of the door that she did not intend either, though, really, the door didn’t lock either. It was not as if anyone was going to head in there to ask what Callum and she were doing, after all.

They tore into that food too voraciously, a bag stuffed to the brim with Chinese noodles and dumplings, more vegetarian options in there than usual. It must have been one of their recent orders and they messily slurped up noodles with greedy abandon, manners well and truly out the window. They’d barely even finished their meal, Stephanie’s stomach still growling for more, when she pounced on her mate and partner again, rolling off the bed to the bedroom floor to mate all over again.

It was the best way to be, after all, full and happy and engaging in day after day of wild, wild sex. She had not realised just how freeing it could be to follow her whims and desires, to let her body ache with raw pleasure just as it needed to. For so long, she had held zonguldak seks hikayeleri back who she truly was, the beast that was inside every human being, fitting into norms and boxes and thinking that science was all that would ever be needed to sustain her in life. But, on her transformation into hybridisation, she had unlocked a whole new world of sex and fun, flirting and fucking and eating and demonstrating just how much stronger she was.

She’d gone to the gym before to keep herself in shape so that her mind could be in its best shape possible. Yet when she stopped caring about things and merely indulged in the base, simple pleasures in life, that was when things truly came through for her.

She might not have realised just how much her mind was slowing down, becoming calmer and more animalistic, for she had all her needs met, but she did understand just how she felt good about it. Words fell from her, so that she could only grunt a few to communicate, and the pair forgot how to use the apps on their phones to order food. Thankfully for them, the local delivery services had learned that they could use their accounts to deliver food to the strange, muscular couple by then — and if they did not simply go ahead and make the orders and charge the accounts, either Stephanie or Callum would turn up on their doorsteps, bellowing and roaring. And no one wanted that…

A closer and closer watch was placed on the home that they ended up in, spending more time at Stephanie’s rather than Callum’s apartment, simply because it was more convenient for them. They feasted daily and ran down to the park at night, leaping into trees and scraping up the huge trunks as they scrambled back down. Even swinging around lampposts spilling pools of arming light to the ground took on a new air, deviating from the romantic, playful lilts that such moves may have had before. When they could simply bend metal like that and laugh off the athletic feats of their bodies, well, it seemed silly to dance and sing in the rain, yet they still did.

Because they could. Even if their singing was more like bellowing and roaring and the resident animal control officers stopped by, shaking their heads and moving on swiftly. Even if they left hollows in the grass where they threw their bodies down in the dead of the night to mate, not caring who heard them as Callum dove between her thighs and lashed her pussy with his tongue. There was no limit to their pleasure as he slurped at her sex, intent on his mate and on giving her the most pleasure possible.

If they’d been more aware of themselves and conscious of how they had changed, they would have realised that the mere fact of him eating her out showed that he was not fully gorilla. Whereas fingers may have been used to test a mate and connect, soothing readiness, there was something more carnal and almost human about using one’s lips and tongue to bring pleasure to a partner, much the same in how Stephanie gave him blowjobs too.

She moaned as his tongue drove into her hungrily, dragging up and over her fat, swollen clit. No more was that part of her neatly tucked away and hidden, no, it was nice and obvious for him to lap over, even suckling on it with his lips, which were still so very soft and pliable. Maybe it was a good thing, a very good thing, that they had not both transformed completely into gorillas, for there was still so very much of the human experience to allow to play at their fingertips, his tongue lashing her clit desperately.

Stephanie moaned and groaned, hips rocking, powering up to him, as he lapped deeply, tongue swirling and dragging over her clit as she climaxed. She needed it, craved it, wanted every last drop of it, the ripples of vibrant lust pounding her like Callum’s dick. Yet there was a bestial edge to it as waves of ecstasy took her body for the ride of its life.

Panting heavily, Steph launched herself up, only to take the hardness of his member between her hairy breasts, rocking back and forth, back and forth, until her loving mate exploded, marking her body with his cream, trickling between the hair where it slicked down to her chest. There was nothing, between them, that was off limits, their bodies belonging to each other, feral passion coursing through, thrust after thrust.

The only problem with their changes, in a sense, was that they could not go out anymore, though everything settled in the end, with some intelligence remaining to them. They could say some words and sometimes even put a sentence together, but that was the limit of it, following the desires of their bodies, day by day. Really, there was nothing else that worried them, nothing that concerned them, though things only picked up, forcing them out more, when their regular food deliveries slowed down. If they’d had their previous intelligence levels, they would have understood what a bank balance was. As they were, it wasn’t something that they needed to care about, even as they took to racing, even sprinting, to their favourite food places for meals that they had not even paid for.

That, ultimately, could not help but attract a bad kind of attention to them, even if all came right for them. After all, no one came to any harm.

Things could not go on as they were forever, despite their best interests and intentions. Callum had taken the loss of his job harder, for they had caught on to the caught that he was not suitable for surgery any longer, but it had been set aside when he realised how much more free time he had too. It was not as if, after all, he didn’t have the company that he wanted and a mate that loved him as much as he loved her, fucking in his apartment to the chagrin of so many neighbours. The bed bounced off the wall as he took her roughly, her thick, muscled legs bent back halfway to her chest as Stephanie laid on her back, roaring as he filled her with his seed.

She knew and understood the power coursing through him and encouraged her mate to get every little bit of it out of his system, all so he could do what he wanted, so he could feel better. In the end, as he fucked her, again and again, the two of them coming together in all manner of wild positions, even fucking hunched over like animals on the bedroom floor, Callum found his own kind of peace in his new life, a life that was his and his alone, not following any path that anyone else had laid out for him. Of course, as he lost his intelligence too, it was easier for him to not worry about things like that anymore too. There was no telling, at that stage, however, whether Callum would have wanted to go back if he could have. Either way, it was too late for that.

In the end, they became hulking and massive, though they were not taller — they still gave others the intimidating impression that they were taller. No one would have said that they did not have humanoid forms anymore, but their hair was a dark brown-grey, shifting through different gorilla hair shades, as they lumbered through their lives. Barely able to get through the doorframes in either of their homes, they eventually just broke the doors off their hinges, making their hugely muscled bodies room to fit.

Of course, things had to change, sooner or later. It was the researchers at Dr Stephanie’s previous facility that sounded the alarm when all her projects had been abandoned, coming to find her, though they had needed reinforcements as the simple-minded hybrids howled and snarled and beat their fists on the ground. They were neither gorillas nor human beings — frankly, no one knew what they were. The potential, to someone else, of all that the genetic recombobulator could do, however, was limitless. As long as the safety features were updated so that no one could prick themselves on the needle of whatever DNA and carrying agent was being used, of course, not before the rays themselves could seek out and hunt down the disease agents in a human body.

What Stephanie and Callum had become, however, was something that could not be allowed to remain in their homes, though police had had their eye on them for some time. It was not quiet, when they brought in the heavies to capture them in the dead of the night, tranquilising the gorilla-human hybrids while they hollered and threw chairs. And yet it was the very fact that humanity still lingered there that kept the researchers and the captors of Steph and Callum safe. Even in their hybrid, transformed bodies, rippling with muscle and an overgrowth of hair, both naked, they didn’t want to hurt anyone, even if they very much did not want to be taken away either.

And yet the facility that they were taken to was better for them, even if Stephanie and Callum would never again have any kind of close-up human interaction. It just wasn’t suitable when they were so much bulkier than human beings, weighing easily double and more what they had before, for gorillas packed on so much more muscle mass than humans. Yet they were not gorillas and the researchers did well to understand that, providing them with a huge sleeping area with big beds that they constantly broke, an outdoor place to run and leap and exercise with trees and varying undulating levels in the terrain and more. There was even an indoor gym for them, though the equipment had to be replaced with heavier and heavier weights quite frequently as they showed off to one another, laughing and whooping, throwing their hands up as the gorilla humans played to their strengths.

The researchers could not see how they took such enjoyment, not yet having started the direct study of their minds and how those had changed, but they recorded it all from high walkways and cameras that monitored everything the two did. There was nowhere within their admittedly large, out of the way enclosure that they could gain full privacy — but as long as Stephanie and Callum did not know they were being watched, there didn’t seem to be any issue at all there. They thought that they had all the seclusion that they could have wanted and the researchers got to see just what effect hybridising DNA had on two previously human people.

Callum’s face was thick with hair, though he was still, very clearly, a hybrid between man and gorilla, even if it could not have been mistaken, not at that end, as a beard. He bellowed, beating his chest, though there were many mannerisms that they’d taken on that were due to their more beastly DNA rather than strictly gorilla behaviours. It seemed to have changed them into something that was neither one nor the other, not a purist to either species.

But, together, they were happy, his mate dragging him to bed with a playful snatch of her large, hairy hand. Her nails stayed smooth and small naturally after all that, for she was using her hands in a lot more of a physical way after everything that had happened, running and mating and doing all that Stephanie felt that she needed to do. Her mate clung to her as she pinned him to the bed, though neither was stronger than the other, sinking onto his already hard cock with a whoop of delight.

Steph squatted as she rode him, muscles bulging, her breasts on show, though they were not the dominant feature of her body, nestled in so much body hair that, frankly, she was kept quite warm. His shaft sank into her perfectly as she humped and ground rampantly onto him, breath catching, need hitching up another notch. There was nothing quite like their wild mating sessions, horniness increasing, seemingly, every time they fucked, but she was happy to be with him, the simple life they led and everything that they could ever need right there at their fingertips.

With her mate, Steph revelled in simple pleasures, grunting as she took further lust from him, her mate bearing his feet down into the bed, which creaked dangerously, as he thrust up into her. Callum, after all, was not about to be left out at a point like that, one hand on her hip, guiding her roughly down onto him, all while his teeth bared in feral glee. She could not tell what was in his mind, but one word alone floated in her mind.


That was a word, a good word, a good feeling too. Warmth blossomed from her chest, curling into every fibre of her being, even all the way down to her fingers and toes. With hair covering her body, only some skin remained to be seen, the monstrous woman that had transformed into a hybrid, all for the sake of science. Even if it had been an accident of course.

As the previous Dr Stephanie howled out her orgasm on her mate’s cock, she revelled in the experience, all in being big and hairy and unapologetically herself. No more would science and research cloud her experience of the world, her intelligence gone but leaving a simmering, smouldering lustful happiness in its wake. If people had known what they could get, if they could only hybridise their DNA, perhaps they would all have been racing to the genetic recombobulator in droves.

But Steph would never know, not as the bed smashed under them and Callum roared, spilling his load inside her.

Her mate. Her loving mate.

And it was with him that she would stay forever, stretched out in the afterglow with his arms around her. Well, at least until the next round… And that would not take long at all!

Together, the gorilla humans had finally found the home they belonged in.

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