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Big Tits

On Christmas Day, Scott and Ryan meet up with the Nelson family. Scott’s parents treat them to a delicious lunch buffet at a local restaurant. Afterwards, they all return to Scott and Ryan’s dorm room. There, Ryan presents the gift he got for Scott: a book about love letters exchanged between famous historical figures.

“This is for you. It’s called ‘Love Letters From Days Past’. Have a read whenever you get bored,” Ryan says excitedly.

Scott opens the book and begins flipping through its pages. The book has beautiful illustrations inside, depicting romantic scenes. One page features a painting of a young girl writing a letter to a boy. Another depicts a knight delivering a letter to a woman. A third shows a pair dancing in front of a fireplace while holding hands. Each scene captures the essence of romance beautifully.

“Thanks for this. It’s lovely!” Scott says, impressed.

Ryan beams proudly. “You’re welcome.”

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson brings out gifts for Scott and Ryan. Ryan is surprised to receive gifts from the Nelsons. Meanwhile, Scott receives a new set of headphones, a portable charger, and a travel mug.

“Wow! Thank you so much!” Scott exclaims joyfully. “I really appreciate everything.”

In return, Scott procures gifts for his parents and Greg. He buys his dad a DVD boxset of a popular American drama series. He also purchases a new shirt and a sweater for Greg. Lastly, he gives his mom an ornament shaped like a snowflake. She loves it, especially since she enjoys decorating her tree every year.

Later that evening, everyone eats dinner together before heading home. Before parting ways, Mr. Nelson tells Scott and Ryan how grateful they are for inviting them over today. He wishes them happy holidays.

As the group leaves the building, Scott looks forward to spending more time with his loved ones.


A week later, Scott and Ryan celebrate New Year’s Eve at Craig’s apartment.

Craig takes Scott aside and speaks to him. “So what’s the score between you and Ryan. Are you two dating? He’s met your parents, right?”

“Yeah, sorta. Well, kinda. Um…”

Craig chuckles. “Don’t worry man. You guys can tell me anything”

“We’re not officially boyfriends yet.”

“Huh?!” Craig gasps.

He turns towards Ryan. “What did you do? Did he dump you?”

“Nah, dude. We’re totally cool.”

Craig frowns. “Then why isn’t he your official boyfriend?”

Scott clears his throat nervously. “Well… um… we haven’t actually done any stuff…”

“Like what? Sex stuff?” Craig asks curiously.

“CRAIG!” Scott and Ryan say in unison.

Both boys blush deeply.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make things awkward,” Craig apologizes quickly. “It’s okay, we’re all adults here.”

“No, no, it’s fine. It was just unexpected.”

“Let’s change the subject then,” Craig suggests.

They spend the rest of the night talking about the recent events. At midnight, they toast to the new year together. As the clock strikes 12am, Scott and Ryan share a kiss near the veranda of Craig’s apartment.

“Oh guys, get a room” jokes Craig.

“Shut up, Craig!” Scott and Ryan retorts.


After winter break, Ryan and Scott resume their daily routine at college. A week before finals, Scott talks to Ryan seriously about their relationship.

“Listen, Ry, I want us to be boyfriends.”

“Really?! That would mean so much to me, Scottie.”

“That aside, I think we should study hard since finals are coming soon.” Scott says with worry.

Ryan nods. “Yes, let’s focus on our studies first.”

The following day, both boys head to the library to complete assignments. They sit side-by-side studying together. After finishing one assignment, Scott glances at Ryan and notices something different about him.

“Hey Malatya Escort Ry, have you been working out or something? Your arms look bigger than usual.”

“Nah, I just started wearing my tighter shirts since you asked to be boyfriends” Ryan smirks.

Scott blushes. “Oh wow, thanks. But yeah, those muscles are so hot.”

“Focus, Scott.” Ryan chides.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t help myself. Those biceps of yours are making me weak.”

Ryan smiles warmly. “Thank you.”

“Okay, enough flirting. Let’s finish these assignments before the deadline. And please stop looking at me like that.”

Ryan chuckles. “Fine, I’ll keep my eyes off you as long as you promise to stop ogling my arms.”

Scott grins happily. “Deal!”


With enough hard work, Scott and Ryan finishes the first semester without much worry. Now, all that’s left is to wait for grades. With 2 weeks of break from school, Scott and Ryan discuss their plans.

“I’m thinking of going to my folks back at Marrow Falls. What are your plans for the break?” Scott asks.

“Hmm, well, I might go visit some friends down south.” Ryan replies.

“You don’t wanna come along with me?” Scott inquires. “My parents live pretty far away so I won’t mind if you join me.”

“Actually, I’d love to see your family again, Scottie.” Ryan answers. “But I’m afraid my schedule will be tight because of practice sessions. Maybe next time.”

“Oh dang, I forgot you still have practice before the next semester begins.”

“Yup. I gotta stay focused on my game.”

“Alrighty then, maybe we can hangout during spring break. If not, I understand.”

Ryan gives Scott a hug. “Thanks, Scottie.”

“Anytime, Ry.”


Scott took the long trip to Marrow Falls to see his family. He did not have very good memories of the town because of high school, but his family made sure that it remains a safe space for him. He was outed by his best friend in 11th grade after he told him about having a crush on him. It was very embarrassing and soon enough, the whole town knew he is gay. Thankfully, his parents were very supportive during that time. The only person who wasn’t happy about Scott being gay was his ex-best friend, Aaron. Ever since, Aaron has become more distant towards him.

As the bus approaches the outskirts of the small town, Scott spots his dad waving at him from afar. When he gets closer, Scott sees his father is dressed in his usual attire: jeans and a plaid shirt. His mom greets him when she opens her front door and hugs him tightly. She smells of lavender soap.

“How’ve you been doing, son?” Scott’s father asks.

“Good,” Scott replies with a smile. “And how have you two been?”

His mother pats his back affectionately. “We’re fine. You know we miss you terribly whenever you leave.”

“Where’s Greg?” Scott asks.

“He went to visit an old friend. Don’t worry; he’ll be home tonight. By the way, do you remember Aaron?”

Scott looks at his mother with surprise. “What does this have to do with anything?”

“Well, Aaron wants to meet you.”

“After what he did? No way.” Scott shakes his head. “Besides, why would he even bother wanting to see me?”

“Just hear us out first, okay?” His mother urges. “Aaron has changed since you left town. We didn’t say a thing last Christmas because we didn’t want to ruin the mood.”


“Look, he’s apologized several times already. And we think it’s time to give him another chance. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with giving someone else a second shot. Right, Hon?”

Scott’s dad nods slowly. “That’s right. Just talk things over with him.”

Scott sighs deeply. “Fine…but I get to call the shots.”

“Of course.” They both nod.

Scott takes his bag and heads inside their house. Malatya Escort Bayan He goes to his room to take a nap. After waking up, he checks his phone and notices a text message from Ryan.

Ryan: Hey, Scott! How’s everything going?

Scott: It’s great here. Thanks for asking.

The reply comes immediately.

Ryan: Cool. I hope everything’s okay at Marrow Falls. I miss you, Scottie.

Scott: Me too. I wish you could’ve joined me for break.

Ryan: Well, maybe next time.

They send messages back and forth until Scott’s mom calls him for dinner.

As they eat dinner, he talks about his college life.

“So, how’s your classes going, honey?” his mom asks.

“It’s alright. Some professors are tough as hell while others seem like they’re just humoring me.”

“Hmmm…well, I guess everyone has different teaching styles.”

“Yeah. But I’m getting used to it now.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

During dinner, Scott’s mom mentions how proud she is of him becoming such a smart student despite all the obstacles thrown against him. A few moments later, Greg gets home.

Greg walks into the kitchen where his brother sits. He smiles at his brother and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, bro!” He says cheerfully. “How’s it going?”

“Pretty well. Classes start in two weeks so I don’t really have much to do until then.”

“Sounds good. So, did you tell them yet?” Greg asks.

Scott rolls his eyes. “Tell who what?”

“You know what I mean. Your boyfriend. Did you guys finally come clean to our folks?”

Scott frowns. “No. Not yet.”

Greg grins knowingly. “Oh, yeah? Hey Mom, Dad. I can’t believe Scott hasn’t told you he’s boyfriends with Ryan.”

Both parents pretend to be shocked. “Oh, we know. I called Ryan before Scott got here”, Mrs. Nelson says. “But hey, no need to rush, dear.”

“Don’t worry, Scott.” Mr. Nelson adds. “We love you regardless. Besides, I heard from some of my friends that you and Ryan make quite the pair. In fact, one of them said they saw you kissing each other during New Year’s Eve.”

“Oh for fucks sake, even Craig told you that?” Scott sighs.

“Language!” His mother scolds him and laughs.

“Sorry,” Scott apologizes sheepishly.

“Anyway, let’s not dwell on the past. What matters is you and Ryan and good.” She hugs her son.

“Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.”

Mr. Nelson claps his hands together. “Okay, kids. That’s enough talking about boys. Let’s go watch TV.”

“Dad…” Greg mutters.

“Come on, buddy. It’s not every day that we’re all together!” Mr. Nelson insists.

The siblings leave the dining table and sit down in front of the television. While watching movies, Scott receives a new text from Ryan.

Ryan: Hey, Scottie. How was are you doing?

Scott: Good. I’ll try to call tomorrow if I can find a free moment.

He sends this message and waits patiently. The rest of the night passes without any more contact between him and Ryan.

After dinner, Greg and Scott head to their respective rooms. Scott changes into his pajamas and lies down on the bed. He stares at the ceiling for hours thinking about his relationship with Ryan. Finally, he falls asleep.


The days pass slowly in Marrow Falls. Today, Scott asks his mother about meeting with Aaron in the local café.

Mrs. Nelson looks surprised. “Are you sure you want to meet him there?”

Scott nods. “Yes. If anything happens, I’ll be able to run out easily.”

His mother thinks about it for a second. “Alright. Just remember to stay safe.”

Scott thanks his mother and leaves the house. On the way to the cafe, he stops by his favorite bookstore. There, he buys some books he needs for his upcoming classes. Once inside the coffee shop, he orders Escort Malatya a latte. After ordering, he sits on a table and waits for Aaron to arrive. As the minutes pass, he starts to get anxious.

Aaron arrives five minutes late. When he enters the room, Scott stands up. They shake hands and sit down.

“Hi, Aaron,” Scott greets politely.

“Hello, Scott. I’m sorry for being late. Thanks for taking the time to meet me.” Aaron says, apologetically.

“I was opposed to it, but my parents insisted.” Scott shrugs.

They both sip their drinks silently for several seconds. Then, Aaron clears his throat awkwardly.

“So… uhm, I guess you already know why I came here.”

Scott shakes his head. “Not exactly. Why did you want to meet?”

Aaron takes another deep breath. “I wanted to apologize for what happened in 11th grade. It was bad, and it’s not right for me to out you. You don’t have to forgive me, but I deeply regret what I did then.”

Scott blinks rapidly as he listens carefully to everything Aaron has to say. He never looked for an apology, but this is something he had been hoping would happen since the beginning. Now that it actually does, he feels overwhelmed with relief. Before he realizes it, there were tears in his eyes. He quickly wipes them away.

“Frankly, it doesn’t matter anymore.” he manages to say.

“Really?” Aaron asks hesitantly.

“Yeah. I forgive you. I’m honestly much happier now than I was then. It was a very traumatic time for me but I’m glad my parents were supportive. I hope you don’t do that to anyone ever again.”

Aaron smiles weakly. “Of course. I won’t do it again.”

A small silence follows until Scott speaks. “This doesn’t mean that we are friends. I’ve moved forward and it might take some time until I’m ready to be friends.”

Aaron nods. “That makes sense.” Aaron smiles wryly. “And thank you for forgiving me. I appreciate your kindness.”

Scott chuckles softly. “You’re welcome, Aaron.”

For the next half hour or so, they talk casually about Scott’s experience in college and Aaron’s recent activities. At last, Scott gets tired and decides to return home. He waves goodbye to Aaron and heads back through the town.

As he walks through town, he remembers how different things used to be during high school. Back then, he wasn’t really comfortable around other people, especially after Aaron outed him to the entire town. In fact, he was scared to even speak to most of the students. This made his social circle extremely limited. Most of the time, he spent alone in his room reading. Even though he felt lonely sometimes, Scott didn’t mind because it helped him focus better on studying.

Now, however, he knows he will need to start interacting with others once he begins college. Luckily, he met many interesting people during his first semester. He even has a boyfriend now. All these events make him feel hopeful about starting this new chapter in his life.

When he reaches his childhood home, he sees his parents sitting on the porch waiting for him. Mrs. Nelson stands up when she notices him.

“Hey! How was your meeting with Aaron?” She asks excitedly.

Scott smiles warmly at her. “Good. We talked about old times and stuff. And he apologized for what he did.”

Mr. Nelson rises to his feet too. “We heard. That must’ve taken a lot of courage!” Mr. Nelson exclaims happily.

Scott grins widely. “Thanks.”

He hugs his father tightly before heading inside. Once inside the house, he tells his parents about the rest of his day. After dinner, he talks to them for a while longer, telling stories from his first semester in college. Before he goes to sleep, he calls Ryan on the phone.

Ryan answers almost immediately. “Oh, hey Scott. What’s up?”

“Nothing much. Just calling to tell you I got home safely. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow night.”

The two hang up shortly afterwards. As Scott lies in bed, he thinks about how far he’s come over the past year. Although it took some time, he eventually overcame all his fears and started living life to its fullest.

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