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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking that perhaps they don’t need the education since they already know the trade.

It’s June and just six days before the last day of school and I have one that I just got out of a meeting with an hour ago. Betsie, she seemed to slack off way too much, and I had to tell her she will not be graduating with her class, and that she will have to take the extension course this summer instead of working.

With a blank expression she tried to reassure me that she could pull it off. She wanted to work all summer and reach her goal of getting out of this small town. This was the reason I gave her one last chance. But like so many, the pull of family needs to keep the local trade going is stronger than any free will they might have left. She came in to tell me she was giving up on it entirely. I tried to get her to reconsider so she could at least march with her class at graduation. She said she was not interested. I had cut her a lot of slack in the two years I have had her in my English class. She had been very ill her freshman year and had to be held back. Now age 19 and older than all of her classmates, I guess I expected her to lead the pack, so to speak. But it just wasn’t happening.

I was sitting in my office during the last week of school, finishing up my grading. I was not in a particularly good mood because another one of my students is throwing her life away. Not to mention my wife of 20 years left over three months ago to go back to the city we came from. The trouble had been brewing for a long time. She had told me that if I wanted to fix things I need to join her. When I called her last month she told me she had moved on. It seemed to be no wonder that I was having a difficult time getting through the usual end of the school year disappointments. I gathered my papers, and turned off the lights in the classroom. I went over to the door, opened it and twisted the lock with my key.

I sighed as I rested my head against the door, “What am I doing here?”

Realizing that I forgot something, I unlocked my door and went back into my office. I let the door close behind me and I go back around the corner to my office and library to grab the stack of essays I forgot to pack. As I put the stack into my bag, I hear a knock on the classroom door. It is barely audible from my little corner office at the back of the classroom, and I go around to see who it is. It was Betsie, the girl I had the meeting with. She seems anxious or nervous about something. I go over to let her in.

“Betsie what can I do for you,” I said as I inched the door open a bit.

“Can I talk to you?” she asked politely.

“I am getting ready to leave, can it wait until tomorrow?” I sighed.

“Well yes…but I would like to talk to you now if you have a minute,” she said with desperate eyes.

“Ok”, I sighed and motioned for her to come in.

I couldn’t help noticing that she had changed her clothes and her hairstyle from our meeting earlier. She looked more provocative as if she was trying to be noticed. I had not realized that such tight clothing was allowed at the school.

“Let me set these down,” I said as the door closed behind her.

“I have given some thought to my future and…well I need to work this summer for the cash, but, I don’t want to be someone who didn’t finish high school and ends up regretting it,” she said softly.

“You never know if you might end up needing that high school diploma that you’ve worked four years for,” I smiled as I sat at my table in the front of the class and folded my hands.

“I know,” she sighed, “Is there any makeup stuff I can do to at least get a C and pass so that I can work this summer or is it a lost cause?”

“Well hmm,” I said as I stood, “When I talked to you earlier I told you the best option was to take the two week extension which is very intense and do over what you had trouble with. It would be difficult to catch up in the week that’s left”.

“Oh,” she said with a sigh.

“Wait a moment,” I smiled as I walked over to my small out of the way office.

I heard her start to follow me as I walked. I thought that maybe I should have asked her to stay where she was because I do not usually allow students back there so that they have contact with testing materials that they have not seen yet. But since exams are done, I didn’t see the harm. However, it caught me off guard when I turned around and she was right directly behind me. I looked down at her for just a second and she smiled at me. It was infectious and I looked away quickly, and went to my desk. I sat down and went in to the drawer to bring out her folder. I set it on my desk and busily went through it without looking up.

Looking Yenibosna Escort out of the corner of my eye I could see that she seemed to want to sit down on the chair on the other side. Glancing over to acknowledge that she could have a seat I was frozen for a second by her attire which I had said is different than the jeans and t-shirt she was wearing earlier. My first thought was not so appropriate and I tried to cover it in my own mind. I made a mistake, and a big one. I swear it was an accident that I stared. She sat in the chair with a tank top and a mini skirt. I could tell right away that it was far against the dress code that the school allows. For the bottom half of her body, did not have much to hide it. I was about to speak to her about it, then realized that I had been staring. I glanced up and saw her smile, and quickly looked away and back to my work.

I think I even heard her snicker a bit as I fumbled with her papers in the folder. I had to recover, so I got down to business and began figuring exactly what she needed in order to actually graduate. I frowned from her lack of attention to my class as I made a list just to show her that it would be impossible. I don’t enjoy giving bad news, so I just did so and got it over with. I looked at her as I finished and saw her expression of disappointment, mixed with a little desperation.

“I’m sorry,” I sighed. “I don’t see how you could get it all done this week. I don’t have to remind you that you should have done this work to begin with.”

We talked for a while and she eventually told me that she wanted to try anyway. I let out a sigh because I thought that I would be wasting my time and hers, but I did as she asked. She took the assignments and left. I stood as she started to walk away and again my eyes gazed upon her. I watched her feminine walk as she did not look back. Even after she exited my classroom I stood thinking about those long legs that I know she had brought out on purpose. I can’t help thinking it worked because I really should not have given her that work knowing full well that she couldn’t pull it off.

One week later…

It has always baffled me how students can have such an opposition to following instructions. But with amazement I had passed everyone in this year’s senior class. All except for one, that is. One more appointment and the school year for me is officially over. This does not count graduation tomorrow of course. I never miss that. I just have one more duty to perform. I was not looking forward to it. That was of course if she even shows up.

She was late by over thirty minutes. I gave her that chance, but the work she passed in this morning is not complete. She has no choice now but to take the extension or forget it entirely. In my disappointment, I had already filled out her paperwork to turn into the office. I just couldn’t help thinking of the hard road she has ahead of her not finishing her basic education. Who knows what she will have to take for a job. A rather bright student in this year’s class had a sister that failed to graduate two years ago. When I asked him about her, he said she never smiles anymore. I remember that situation, and it was so similar to my only failing student this year.

“Marry a rich guy,” I whispered to myself, instantly regretting the thought.

But I began to think how that might not be so difficult for her. She is striking, with her long red hair, and thin body. As I began to think about her, I quickly realized again that I really need to get out more and meet some people.

“Ok I’ve had enough,” I said and finished the paperwork.

Quickly I picked a few things up, and headed for the door. Locking it, I closed it behind me. Suddenly I head heavy running footsteps behind me.

“Wait, please!” Betsie said as she approached.

“Your late,” I said as I opened my door.

I walked back over to my desk and set my things down. I sat heavily in my chair. She handed me a fairly large essay. I looked it over a moment.

“This seems good, but Betsie it still leaves you the one assignment short,” I sighed, “And a big one too.”

“I know,” she sighed, “I tried my best but it seemed like my dad gave me extra work this week.”

“He should know school is first, but under all that you did have plenty of chance to get it done when it was originally due,” I said, “You need to take charge of your future. Your 19 years old. Take charge regardless.”

“I know. I don’t know what else to do,” she said with a whimper, “I mean I’ll do anything.”

“I think that has been the problem all along this year Betsie. You haven’t done that,” I said.

“What it takes,” she said as she raised her hands up in frustration, “You know that I thought about coming in here and offering to sleep with you just to have you sign off on my graduation?”

“Well I uh…that…That’s really not the way to get what you need in life,” I stuttered.

“I know but I was saying to myself, ok just this once to get the right start in life. Just this once do this,” she said.

“Could you live with yourself afterward?” I asked.

“You know I did ask myself Yenibosna Escort Bayan that question,” she said, “I thought long and hard about it when I went to bed last night. Honestly I said yeah I could. I could do this for my future.”

“Well,” I stuttered, “I…don’t make sacrifices that you will regret.”

“It wouldn’t be a sacrifice,” she admitted with her back turned.

“Betsie,” I started then was interrupted.

“Would it work if I offered myself to you?” she asked.

“No,” I sighed after a ridiculously stupid pause. “You are a nice girl and I would like to see it stay that way.”

“Me too, but as long as it doesn’t get me in trouble, the offer is there anyway,” she whimpered.

“And for the wrong reason,” I smiled nervously. “No. You would think that being a year older than all your classmates would give you a few more smarts.”

“Ok whatever then,” she whimpered, “I understand. But I’m more than willing.”

“But,” I smiled, ignoring her last comment. “I am giving you this one last chance so listen very carefully.”

“O…ok,” she perked up and moved closer to me, “Finally.”

“No I am not changing my mind about that,” I said with my hand facing forward.

“Sorry. Just wishful thinking,” she smirked.

“Get that last damn paper in to me right here by two tomorrow. I don’t want any excuses. You will have to work on it several hours but if it is here in my hand by two, you will be graduating with a smile at six,”, I snapped.

“Really?” she smiled and wiped her eyes.

“Yeah really, and a good job too, or I’ll be putting in the yellow paper instead of the blue one, know what I mean?” I snapped.

“Thank you,” she perked up. “I’ll go right now and…I’m not going home. I’m going to the library right now.”

“Go then and get it done,” I said.

I watched as she ran out of my office with a smile. I can’t help but be hopeful. But for her to offer what she did to me, I had to stop that idea right now or else hear about her making a habit of it someday. This certainly wasn’t going to help my thoughts any because it’s hard not being tempted.

The next day – 4 hours before graduation – my office

“Ok Betsie you graduate,” I said as I quickly looked over her paper.

“Thank you,” I worked hard on it.

“It looks like it,” I smiled. “Now go and get with your class.”

“Ok,” she smiled.

I watched her head for the door with a spring in her step and smiled at her new found enthusiasm and accomplishment. As she disappeared out of my office, I followed. I found her new enthusiasm infectious. I watched as she stopped before she got to the door and seemed to just stand, staring at nothing. Her back is turned to me so I can’t see her expression. Wearing her white skirt with white formal top like all of the girls are supposed to wear this year she looks so professional. I thought at that moment maybe she would turn out ok.

But I couldn’t help noticing that her skirt is a bit shorter than the specified length. I guess she didn’t hear that briefing from the grad coordinator. Suddenly she stretched her arms up in the air and continued walking toward the door. I watched as she reached it, then paused once again with her hand near the knob. But instead of reaching out to turn it, she pressed the lock button in the middle, and reached up to twist the shade closed.

Nervously I backed off a little but still stayed close enough to peek out to see what she is doing. Not even once looking over in my direction, what she did next was unbelievable. Setting down her graduation gown on the desk next to her, she turned sideways to me. I watched as she began to unbutton her white blouse top. Now pulling it out from her skirt, she took it off of her shoulders and set it on top of her gown. In the same fluid motion, she unsnapped the front of her pinkish bra and removed it, fully exposing her small but perky breasts.

I ducked out of the way just as she looked my way. Then I regained my gaze in between two book shelves. Reaching behind her, she unsnapped, then unzipped her skirt, and pulled it down, and stepped out of it, being careful not to let it get dirty on the floor. Now standing there only in light pink panties in the middle of my classroom, she turned to walk toward my little corner office area.

Beginning to sweat I tried to figure out what to do. I know what she wanted. Even an idiot could see it. But is this for real or what? This is crazy and dangerous. But why was I feeling so interested? I watched her stop again, smile, then keep on walking. Not knowing what else to do, I rushed over and sat at my desk seeming oblivious to her advance. I tried to thumb through her essay as I felt her round the corner and into view.

“How does it look?” she asked.

“Fine…fine,” I said without looking up.

“How do I look?” she asked.

I sighed, knowing that I would now have to look at her. The question forces me in to it. But what will be my reaction? I am supposed to be in shock and tell her to get her clothes on. But I’ve already seen it and it’s affecting me.

“I um…Dammit Betsie!” I tried to Escort Yenibosna cover. “What are you doing?”

“Walking around in my panties in your classroom,” she smiled.

“I know…I know what your doing but why?” I stuttered as I looked away.

“It occurred to me that I got a second chance from you and I want to give something back,” she said as she came closer to my desk.

“This is inappropriate Betsie,”, I said nervously.

“Very,” she giggled as she rounded the side of my desk.

“I’m your teacher,” I said softly, feeling the tension.

“I’m your student,” she giggled. “So what?”

“So this stuff isn’t supposed to happen,” I said just as her hand reached out and rested on my shoulder.

“Your right,” she sighed. “Everyone else blows me off. They don’t say it but I can tell. You were firm but fair with me and…”

“Ah dammit Betsie,” I said, “I am 20 years older than you.”

“Don’t think this is the first time you have gotten me horny just from looking at you and hearing your voice. I get that way in class all the time,” she said softly.

“Betsie,” I started.

“You can’t tell me your not curious,” she said as she brushed her exposed leg against the side of mine.

“Curious?”, I asked nervously.

“Yeah, about more than one thing,” she said as she touched the side of my face. “That one question I know is in your mind. Am I really a redhead?”

“Ah fer…Betsie!” I said as I started to get up, but she seemed to be blocking the way.

“Find out question number 1…come on,”, she said as she took my hands.

I looked up at her sweet young face and it’s long gaze at me. Her closeness drew out an interest in me that was hard to avoid. Her energy and desire seems to be so contagious. I looked down as she took both of my hands in hers and places them on her hips and inside the band of her panties. She smiles as she guides me to lower them. As we did this, I couldn’t help it and I look down as her neatly trimmed and so deliciously red thin patch of hair came in to view. I look her over and remark on her beauty and grace and revel in the pure rarity of this site. Taking my hand, she smiled at me, then guided it over to her. I felt the tickle of her fiery patch then pulled my hand back. She was quick however, and didn’t allow it.

“I’m offering everything to you and no one has to know,” she said softly.

“Betsie…this isn’t right,” I sighed.

“Then stop if you want…pull back,” she panted as she rubbed my hand on her thin young hair covered lips.

“I…but,” I started as I looked at her.

“You know I thought about taking a chance and not passing the work in, ” she smiled. “Then offering myself. I’ve always been attracted to you. I guess it’s a good thing I like a kind professional man.”

I sighed and looked into her deep blue eyes. So deep that they seemed like oceans. My hand rested on her inner thigh, and I feel the heat of her young budding womanhood. I try to close my eyes to pull my increasing desire back. She decided to kiss me and it was all over. Just a peck, square on the lips and I felt her breath on my skin.

“Ah damn”, I whisper as she pulls back.

“Can I help having feelings for you?”, she asked. “No.”

“But there are other ways to get to know someone,” I sighed as I opened my eyes.

“Later yes, and I want that,” she whispered. “But I think we know what we want right now.”

“Oh my,” I sighed as she hugged me with her naked form.

“Want me to leave, teacher?” she smiled seductively as she began loosening my tie.

“No…yes…both…but…you are so…um, maybe we could have some coffee sometime,” I stuttered as I realized that she had started to unbutton my shirt.

“Well yes, later if you still can respect me after what I want right now,” she said as she pulled my shirt out from my pants and took it off of me.

She next tried to pull the zipper down on my pants but didn’t have much luck. This was like an infection that I couldn’t stop. But I was starting to think I didn’t want to. As I stood and she quickly unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down I felt a definite draw.

“Hey slow down, what’s the rush?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to change your mind,” she said.

“I don’t think I can,” I said.

I flinched just a bit as her small soft hand stroked me. It had been a while since I had this kind of touch. It had been over a year. It wasn’t possible any longer to ignore the attention I was getting. Being a full foot shorter than me, I looked down at her fiery gaze. I could see in her eyes that this was not about graduating at all. Yes this whole thing isn’t appropriate. But she truly desired me, and I had to admit that I felt the same.

I brought my student over to the edge of my desk and she sat up on it. Now even level, I looked into her eyes and kissed her soft lips. Her tongue twisted around mine. I put my arm around her and the other I guided downward. Her breathing seemed to intensify with what she thought was pending. But I stopped, then went to my knees to gaze upon her beauty. Gently running my fingers over the opening, she let out a small moan. I looked up at her and smiled as I spread her open just a bit. Moving my head closer I became dizzy with the intoxicating sight. I had the perception that she had been around by the way she carried herself everyday. But it seemed I was wrong. Reaching out my tongue, I gently touched what I knew is one of the sweetest spots of all.

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