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I had been in the home for just three weeks, and I wasn’t happy. In fairness, it’s not really a home. It’s one of those senior independent living facilities, where we all have our own little apartments and can live our own lives as much or as little as we choose, but there’s a dining hall that serves meals, and staff available to help us with anything we can’t manage on our own. There’s a bus service for folks who can no longer drive their own cars (not me, yet, thank God), and basic medical and health services available on site. All in all, for what it is, it’s not a bad place.

But I was unhappy. And I let everyone I met know it. Staff, other residents, I was a pain in the ass to everybody.

I had recently lost my wife of forty-eight years to a heart attack, and eight months later, my kids, realizing that I wasn’t managing too well on my own at seventy-seven, convinced me to move here and sell the house. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like giving up a lifetime of things we had acquired as a couple, I didn’t like leaving the comfort of my home for so many years, I didn’t like relocating to another part of town and having to learn where things were and meet all new people.

And so, I was sitting alone on a couch in one of the common areas one afternoon, thinking about how miserable I was, when a resident I had been introduced to as Claudia walked up and sat down next to me. Claudia is a nice looking lady, if you understand that “nice looking” doesn’t mean the same thing here that it does out in the world. Nicely dressed, full-figured but not obese, tastefully made up, with silver-colored short-styled hair, nevertheless her skin was wrinkled and aged and she moved about slowly. Most of the residents here are in their seventies, plus or minus, and Claudia fell into that category. There are some much older, but you don’t see them often. Occasionally one or two of them will sit quietly in the library or one of the other common areas, or will come to dinner in the dining hall, but mostly they stay in their apartments and have their meals brought in by the staff. Eventually, they move on to full-service nursing facilities. Or, they just don’t wake up one morning.

When I met Claudia, I had been in my perpetual bad mood, and had spoken sharply to her. As she sat down, I thought to myself, “Well, I guess I’m in for a lecture now.”

Claudia started right in. “Jim, I know you’re not happy here. We all see it. I feel badly for you, but what you need to know is, most of us felt the same way at first. I was miserable for weeks when I moved here. Trust me, it will get better.” I started to apologize for my behavior, hoping to forestall the real scolding I was expecting to begin, but it didn’t. Claudia continued, “I want to tell you that we’ve found a way to bond as a community, to fight the loneliness, and to just feel better about ourselves. I’d like to tell you about it. Is that all right?”

I nodded, thinking, “Here comes the Bible pitch.”

I was wrong again. “Jim,” she asked, “do you like to be touched?”

“What do you mean?” I responded.

“I mean touching. Physical contact with another human being. Most of us haven’t had much of that for a while when we arrive here,” she sad, placing her hand on my chest, rubbing it gently. “Does that feel nice?” I nodded. “Good,” Claudia replied. “Let’s walk back to your apartment and talk some more about this.”

I agreed, and we stood up and began walking down the corridor. On the way, I asked her, “What kind of touching are we talking about?”

“All kinds” she answered. “As much or as little as people are comfortable with.”

“Sexual touching?”

“It’s sexual, or it can be, but it’s not sex. It’s touching each other, everywhere. It can include genital and anal touching and fondling, and mutual masturbation. Even oral stimulation sometimes.” We arrived at my unit and walked inside. Claudia began unbuttoning my shirt. “It’s better skin-on-skin,” she explained, as she began rubbing my bare chest. My nipples crinkled up as she tickled them, and, running her hands through my chest hair, she observed, “You’re a hairy fellow, I see.”

“I guess so,” I replied.

“Would you like to touch me, too?” Claudia asked. “Go ahead, touch my breasts.” I hefted them in my hands through her blouse, and then she began unbuttoning it. Sliding it back revealing her large breasts, secured in her bra, I reached behind to unclasp it, and slid it off her arms, exposing her melons, sagging a bit but far from spoiled. I gently touched them, held them, and began teasing her fat nipples, which stood erect promptly. “That’s it,” Claudia encouraged. With both of us shirtless, we stood there in the living room, caressing each other’s chest. “That’s nice, isn’t it?” she asked.

“It is,” I agreed.

“This is what I’m talking about,” Claudia went on. “Touching. Just making each other feel good. It’s relaxing, comforting. Making contact with another person after being alone for so long. Would Escort Şişli you like us to take off the rest of our clothes?”

“I . . . I’m not sure,” I stammered. “I don’t know if it will . . .”

“Don’t worry. You don’t need to get an erection. We’re not having sex. I’m going to touch it and fondle it, and it’s ok if you get hard or if you don’t. It’ll feel nice either way, right?” I nodded. “And you can touch my vulva, too, if you like. I don’t really get moist anymore, but if you’re gentle, it will also feel good.” We slid out of the rest of our clothes, and faced each other naked. I was surprised at how lovely Claudia looked to me. She was still an elderly woman, but, I realized, very appealing nevertheless. I reached up to cup her breast once again, and slid my hand down her body, brushing my fingers through her thick, dark pubic hair, and resting at the top of her cleft. She held my balls, and then traced a finger over my soft penis and, as it twitched once, held the shaft in her palm. We stood there for several minutes, gently caressing each other’s genitals, and then she suggested we sit down on the sofa.

As we sat, Claudia snuggled up next to me, something I hadn’t felt in many months, and reached down to squeeze and stroke my cock in earnest. I grew a little in length and thickness, but never became erect. Nevertheless, I was enjoying the sensations immensely. After a bit, Claudia spread her legs, and said, “Now, Jim, put your hand on my pussy. Slip your finger, very gently, between my lips just a bit, yes, just like that, and find my clitoris.” I found it. “Now, don’t touch it but softly, slowly, run your finger around it.” I did, and it stood up. As gently as I could manage, I touched the tip with my finger, and Claudia gasped. She reached over, and as I continued to tease her bean, she ran her fingers through my bush.

“Would you like to suck each other?” she asked me. I nodded, and slid down to put my face against her vagina. “Be sure to get plenty of spit in my slit,” she instructed. I pressed my nose into Claudia’s pubic hair and began exploring below with my tongue. I couldn’t believe this was happening. It had started so naturally. I breathed in her fragrance, made my tongue wet and began licking her little button. Continually adding saliva, getting her very wet, I worked her pussy with my mouth and tongue, and before long, her breathing became louder. Her clitoris was hard in my mouth, and I sucked on it firmly, before returning to my licking. Claudia moaned once, twice, and then shook underneath me as her climax kicked in. I licked fast and furious while the orgasm continued, until she finally shouted, “Stop!” and squeezed my face between her thighs. I stood up, intending to mount her, but my penis remained soft and limp, hanging straight down. I stroked it a couple of times, but then gave up, a disgusted look on my face.

Claudia saw my disappointment. “Oh, Jim, it’s ok. We’re not having intercourse. This isn’t about that, so there’s never any pressure to perform. You don’t have to get it hard, because you’re not putting it in anyway. Now, lie back and just enjoy.” She took my organ in her hand, lowered her face to it, touched the tip with her tongue, and then, very gently, took it all into her mouth. Moving her face around, sucking it in and out, I thought maybe my cock would stiffen at last. It didn’t, although it did grow a little more. Claudia was unfazed as she continued on, giving pleasure to my penis with no thought of bringing me to orgasm. After a time, she stopped and sat up next to me, her naked body pressed against mine. I put my arm around her and held her breast as she rubbed her hand up and down my hairy chest.

“Jim,” she began, “let’s talk about this now. Just so we’re clear, I’m not seducing you, and we aren’t going to be lovers. There are quite a lot of us here who enjoy the touching. It can be as much or as little as you want. I like to include licking and sucking, some other folks prefer not to, and just touch each other with their bodies and their hands. There’s no exclusivity, or not much anyway, and we all circulate with each other. There’s no vaginal or anal penetration by penises, so we don’t really consider it being promiscuous. Fingers are another matter, they go everywhere. There’s also no kissing, if you don’t count a nuzzle here and there. Orgasms happen if they happen, like mine did, no big deal either way. That’s not the point. If a couple decides they want to take it farther and become actual lovers, that’s their choice, but it isn’t part of our community. Oh, yes, sometimes men are with men and women with women. It’s entirely up to you as to what you will and will not join in.

“We have an understood invitation of sorts, which also is a password. If someone asks, ‘Do you like to be touched?’ that’s considered an offer to go somewhere, get as naked as the two of you like, and do what feels good to you both.

“Yes, the staff knows all Sultangazi escort about it. They’re discreet and they treat us very well, and we’re appreciative.

“Now, I expect you’ll receive some invitations. Accept the ones you like, be polite about the ones you don’t, and enjoy yourself.” Claudia cuddled with me for a few more minutes, then stood up to dress and leave. I remained naked on my sofa for a while, thinking about the experience and what lay ahead. After a bit, I started pulling on my pud, thinking about Claudia’s large breasts and furry pussy, but it remained limp and soft.


A couple of days went by, and I was too preoccupied with what had occurred, and who else around me might be part of this arrangement to be my usual bitter self. I spent time in conversations with other residents, each time wondering if they would be the next one to approach me with the invitation/password. I felt like I had been admitted to a private club, and started to feel a bit better about myself. And I thought about Claudia a lot. After breakfast one morning with three ladies at the table, two of them went on their way, and then the third one, Sheila, asked me, “So, Jim, do you like to be touched?”

“I do,” I replied, and she led me off to her apartment. Inside, she gave me a hug. I hugged her in kind, and we rubbed our fully-clothed bodies against each other for a few moments. Then she stepped back and started undressing. I did the same, and when we were naked, I walked around her and held her from behind, my hands cupping her breasts and my penis pressing against her bottom. I slid my face against the back of her neck, just below her snow-white hair and ran my hands up and down, from her breasts to her belly and back, finally stopping with my palm over her mound, and turned her to face me again. She had a nice figure, with a bit of a tummy. Her breasts were small, as were her nipples, and her full bush was as white as her hair. I pulled her close and we held each other tightly.

Sliding my hands down Sheila’s bare sides, she stepped back and reached down to grasp my limp penis. It twitched and swelled noticeably, and I thought, at last, I might achieve an erection. Moving my hands all over her body, I let myself go to the feeling of her stroking and tugging on my cock. “Let’s go lie down on my bed,” she suggested. “I want to snuggle some.” I followed her into her bedroom, and we turned down the bed and crawled in. I felt her nude body against mine, put my arms around her, and we relaxed, just enjoying the closeness. Sheila then began fingering my scrotum, leaving my cock alone for the time being. She pinched the skin, stretched it a bit and tugged on some of the hairs, dragged a fingernail over the back of my sack, then held my balls in her hand, gently squeezing and releasing.

After a bit, I moved my hand down to her pussy, and teased her lips, but Sheila stopped me. “Don’t finger me inside, just fluff on top of my mound.” I ran my fingers around on top of her hairy mons and pressed my penis against her thigh. She reached around to pat my butt, slid a finger inside my crack and touched my anus, just once, then sighed, and we closed our eyes to rest for a bit. I asked if she wanted to come, but she declined. “I just want to feel you on my body. All of you.”


After that, some woman or another would stop me every couple of days or so, and ask, “Do you like to be touched, Jim?” After a time, I started inviting some of them, as well. I spent a lot of time with a lot of naked women in a lot of beds. I saw Claudia frequently, at meals and in the common areas, and as we shared more touching encounters, I noticed a special feeling developing for her. I would have liked to touch with her more often, but I remembered her comment about there not being any real exclusivity, and I spread myself around liberally. I never declined an invitation with any of the ladies, and, through all of it, I never had an erection or an orgasm. Although I missed it, and I gave orgasms to many of the women with my fingers and my mouth, I found it to be liberating after a while. I never had to worry about getting it up, the women didn’t seem to mind, since we weren’t fucking anyway, and I didn’t have to wait days between encounters to recover. The touching was gentle and sweet, and I enjoyed it thoroughly with all of the ladies. Their appearances were never an issue. Some were pretty and had nice figures, others were not, but I made close friends with them all. I was much happier than I’d been in a long time, and much easier to be around. I enjoyed being around all of them, but somehow, Claudia remained at the forefront of my mind. Clothed or naked, I always felt better being around her.

Then one day, Laura appeared. She was new at the home, having moved in about a month earlier. Laura was an unattractive little woman, skinny, wrinkled, with grey hair that looked like it had been given no attention Taksim escort bayan for a long time. And yet she was pleasant and chatty, and had made a lot of friends in her short time here. She was nice the couple of times we had spoken, and my curiosity was aroused, so one evening after dinner, I walked up to her and asked, “So, Laura, do you like to be touched?”

She smiled a big smile and answered, “Yes, so very much! I was told what to expect, but no one has approached me until now.”

“Well, then, let’s walk back to my place, shall we?” I continued. We walked down the corridor and I held Laura’s hand. Arriving at my door, we went inside. I turned to face her, and touched her cheek with my hand. She gave me a smile, and I slid my fingers down her face and neck to her breast. Except there seemed to be no breast there. I tried the other side. Same thing. I unbuttoned my own shirt and placed her hands inside, on my chest. Her fingers ran through my chest hair, and I began opening her blouse. Sliding it off, I found no bra inside, just a plain undershirt. Lifting it up as I slid my hands up Laura’s body from her waist revealed tiny nipples and just the barest bit of curve evidencing her breasts. Her entire body was skinny, almost emaciated looking, with no discernible feminine curves at all. As her arms lifted above her head, I could see that her underarms were unshaven, with sparse patches of hair. I smiled and teased her tiny nipples and she opened my slacks, slipping them down my legs. Reaching inside the waistband of my briefs, she found my penis and held it tenderly. I unfastened her skirt and slipped off her high-waisted panties, reaching around to feel her buttocks. Her pussy was likewise unshaven, covered with sparse but long grey pubic hair, with curly hairs extending beyond her triangle on both sides and continuing down her thighs a bit. Clearly, this woman had given up shaving, as I’m sure she’d had no need to do so for some time before moving to the home.

I caressed and tickled her mound, teasing her pubic hairs, and then slid off my briefs, freeing my soft, hanging cock. She came in for a hug and I hugged her back. Leading her to the couch, I sat down and had her sit naked on my lap. As I returned to feeling her little titties, she wiggled her fanny around on top of my penis, and I felt it twitch two, no three, times. I put my face against her chest, and was surprised to breathe in a sweet fragrance. Unlike shaving, apparently perfume was still on the program. I stopped all motion and just held her, and we sat like that for several minutes. Eventually, I found myself growing an erection, my first in a long time and definitely since arriving at the home. Laura noticed it, and climbed off of my lap, to feel it and examine it. Fingering my pole lightly and looking at it closely, she asked me, “Do you need to come, dear?”

“I don’t know if I can,” I told her. “This is my first hard on in months, and it’s been even longer since I had an orgasm. What about you, do you want to come?”

“Well, I don’t need to, but if you can manage it, dear, it would be so nice.” I began gently fingering the outside of Laura’s slit. She started masturbating me in earnest. I marveled at how big and stiff my dick had grown, and it was showing no signs of shrinking on me. I wet my finger in my mouth and probed deeper into Laura’s vagina. I found her clit, firm and at attention, and I began softly teasing it with a fingertip. Laura closed her eyes and immersed herself in the sensation, smiling broadly, giving an oddly pretty look to her homely features. As she rocked her pussy against my hand, I laid her back on the sofa and slid my face down to her vulva. Licking gently, I made sure to get her cleft very wet, and then I homed my tongue in on her stiff little bean, going faster and harder as Laura’s breathing turned to gentle moans, and then louder ones. When she came, she gave a little shout, convulsed two or three times, and was still. Returning her attentions to my stiff cock, she ran her hand up and down its length several times, and then leaned over to take it in her mouth.

Sliding her lips up and down the length of my shaft, Laura tickled my sack and increased the pressure of her sucking around my cockhead. I moved my hips in rhythm with her mouth, and let myself drift with the pleasure. I thought, finally, I might come, but after ten or fifteen minutes expertly using her mouth and hands on my penis, nothing was happening. My boner was rigid, but I wasn’t getting any closer to orgasm.

Eventually, I whispered, “I don’t think it’s getting there,” and gently stopped her, lifting her body to straddle my lap, facing me.

“It’s all right, dear, maybe another time,” Laura answered, resting her head on my shoulder, and we just sat like that, holding each other and relaxing for half an hour until she got up to dress.


One Sunday evening, after the football game, several of us fellows were leaving the common area large screen TV when one guy I knew a bit, Tony, came up to me. “Great game, eh?” I nodded. Then he surprised me. “Do you like to be touched, Jim?

I stopped for a moment, thinking about it. This was a whole new thing. Then, figuring I had nothing to lose, I slowly nodded, “Yes.”

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