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The day had finally come, our wedding night. I had dreamed of this day longer than I could remember, and finally it was here. It was perfect – I had the perfect dress, the perfect people, the perfect decorations, and, best of all, the perfect man to marry. The day was wonderful, and I will never forget it. However, like every other, the day came and went, and the only things left now are the memories, bills, and the most beautiful pictures I would ever see filled up in dozens of albums. Strangest thing was that my wedding night wasn’t the classical lose-your-virginity-to-the-one-you-love kind of thing. The night also came and went, with my husband and I just sleeping in each other’s arms. I wasn’t ready yet, and that was alright with him – he understood me so well. I really loved him for that.

A month, two, three passed by and Jason and I were still just as happy as we could be. Our marriage was anything but perfect so far, however, with arguments left and right, but god the love we shared afterwards. The more time went on, the less arguments we had, and the more our love seemed to blossom. Surprisingly, just four months after our wedding night, I felt like I was ready to move forward with Jason, and take our relationship up a step.

It was the evening of December 17; very chilly and drizzling outside. I had to work late, as usual, and when I had gotten home I found Jason waiting on the doorstep for me. I smiled, he always waited there for me. I drove up and turned out my lights, stepped out of my car and ran to the doorstep – it was raining harder now. I ran into his arms and we embraced each other in a huge hug. I always loved saying hello to Jason; every hello was as special as the first one we had shared, all those years ago. We were so meant for each other. I kissed him lightly and suggested we go inside: he was soaking wet and he needed to get dried off before he got a cold.

We stepped inside to a warm, welcoming dwelling. He had lighten a fire and we heard the gentle crackle of flames as we walked into the living room, closing out the cold behind us. I went into our bedroom and retrieved some warm clothes for Jason and he changed in front of the fireplace. I brought a towel to him and took his wet clothes to the laundry room and stuck them in the dryer. When I returned he was sitting on the floor, cross-legged with the towel hanging over his left shoulder. He was leaning back onto his hands and had his eyes closed, listening to the rain pound against our roof.

I quietly walked into the room and picked up the towel off of his shoulder. He did not move as I started to gently massage the towel into his wet hair, drying it. I loved him so much, each moment was better than the ones before. In the back of my mind I wondered what it would be like to make love to Jason, but I smiled as soon as I realised I already knew the answer. He leaned his head into my hands as I massaged a little firmer: I was relaxing him, and that was good. I had hoped that tonight would be the night. Finally I brought the towel down onto my lap and settled myself beside him, leaning my head against his shoulder and he leaned his head against mine.

“I love you, April” I heard him barely whisper.

“I love you, too,” I replied, just as soft.

I was getting drowsy, it was nearing 1 AM now and the soft pitter-patter of the rain outside was hypnotizing me. I slowly laid myself down onto the floor and I felt Jason lean down next to me, lying on his side to look at me as I closed my eyes, a small smile across my face. I felt one of his hands touch my cheek and he leaned down to kiss my soft lips. I kissed him back tenderly. He leaned up and back and then situated himself on my chest, his head between my breasts, as he fell into a gentle sleep. I felt his breathing almost in rhythm with mine and I thought to myself, ‘Well, if it doesn’t happen tonight, we have the rest of our lives. It doesn’t matter – the only thing that matters is that I’m here with the one I love, and he’s here with me’ just as I was falling asleep.

I woke up a short time later, and noticed that it was only around 1.30 in the morning. Jason was still dozing on my chest, his left hand around my waist, and his right hand leaning against my left cheek. I felt horrible to wake him, but I knew that we needed to turn the fire off and head to bed, it wasn’t safe to leave it going all night.

“Darling, wake up,” I whispered to him as I brought my hand up and ran my fingers through his hair. He slowly stirred and woke himself up.

“What’s the matter?” he asked me.

“Nothing honey, we just need to get to bed, we don’t need to leave the fire on all night.”

“Alright, you put out the fire and I’ll go get the bed ready for us,” he said back to me. I nodded and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. He got up and grabbed the towel on his way up, before he walked out of the room and into our bedroom. I put out the fire and walked through the darkness into our bedroom. Kartal Escort Jason was nowhere to be seen, but when I saw the light to the bathroom on, I figured he was just getting himself ready for bed. I walked over to the bed and instantly fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. I felt Jason stirring me awake what must have been not five minutes later.

“Wake up, sweetie, time for a bath,” he said, his voice so soothing. I was only half awake and didn’t really comprehend what he was saying, so he picked me up off of the bed and carried me into the bathroom. I curled myself up in his arms, my hands around his neck. He set me down onto the bathroom floor; it was warm. The whole bathroom was steaming, and I smelled the wonderful scent of lavender. The aroma instantly made me relaxed and calm.

“Why are we taking a bath baby?” I asked Jason.

“Because we can, and because I love you,” he replied. There was something different about his voice this time in the way he said ‘I love you’, but I didn’t really think about it. I felt him lift his hands up to my work-shirt (I still hadn’t changed) and gently begin to pull it off of me. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the sensation of his touch; so gentle, so soft. His hands caressed my bare belly as I felt him pull my shirt up. I slowly lifted my arms and he gently rose it up off of my body and let my shirt fall to the floor. He wrapped his hands around my wrists, gently, and ran his hands up my arms, up to my shoulders and neck. He curled his hands together at my neck and pulled me in close to him so that we could kiss again. He always treated me like royalty – as if my body was some kind of precious, rare flower, and one harsh touch would destroy me forever. But, of course, I didn’t mind.

I brought my own hands up behind my back and Jason turned to light two cinnamon candles as I unclasped my bra and it fell to the floor. The temperature change caused my nipples to get slightly hard, and I knew Jason noticed when he turned to face me again. His gaze slowly lowered itself down to my chest, and I closed my eyes, feeling his gaze burning into my skin. I loved it when he looked at me. His hands rose up to meet his gaze in the middle: they both landed on my breasts at the same time. I felt his first fingers of both hands gently touch the top of my chest and run down my breasts, finally stopping to land on my hard nipples. I shuddered as I felt him bring his thumbs up to join his fingers and give them both a gentle squeeze before he dropped his hands down to my pants.

He unzipped my zipper as I undid my button and slowly pulled my pants off. I saw him remove his clothing and he offered his hand to me, telling me I could step into the hot water first. I lifted one foot up and slowly eased it into the boiling hot water. We had an enormous tub, one where we could both fit in the most comfort one could imagine. I settled myself down into the soft bubbles and Jason followed suit. Soon we were both lost in the warm water and were both leaning back on opposite walls, enjoying the sensations of the bubbles popping on our bodies.

It was hard to stay awake, with the rain still pouring down outside and the amazing aromas of the room invading my nostrils, giving even my nose a sense of peace. I felt the water slightly ripple and I opened my eyes to see Jason moving over towards me. I smiled and he settled beside me. I felt his warm, naked body against mine and it not only soothed me, but turned me on as well. He put his arm around me and I settled onto his shoulder again. I smiled again as I felt his free hand move over to gently caress my cheek. I leaned my head over so that my lips could brush against his hand in a sweet, little kiss. I noticed that he did not remove his hand away from in front of my mouth, so I kissed him again. Still he did not remove his hand, but instead moved it around so that his first finger was touching my lips. He did this often, so I was not thinking anything sexual of it. He said he loved the touch of my lips, and always just liked to touch them with his fingertips.

He moved his fingertips from left to right on my bottom lip, and back again, only very lightly touching me. I brought my lips together to give him another gentle little kiss. I felt Jason’s hand leave my mouth and go back down into the water. I closed my eyes again and once again leaned myself against his shoulder, safe in his arms. His hand curled around my neck, confirming my thoughts of safety. He rubbed his head against mine and I did the same back, our silent “I love you’s” heard only between us. His head leaned up off of mine and I leaned mine up as well. I leaned my head against his hand that was around my neck as I felt his mouth around my earlobe. His teeth gently gripped my skin and tugged it slightly. His mouth let my ear go and he rubbed his nose on my neck underneath my ear. I couldn’t help but slightly moan.

I noticed that the water was getting slightly cold, so Yakacık Escort I suggested that we finish cleaning up with a nice hot shower, and Jason agreed. I let him step out first and I drained the water as I stood up myself. Bubbles were still clinging to our bodies, popping softly in the silence. I stepped out of the tub, reaching out to kiss Jason gently, softly. His hands wrapped around my neck as my arms wrapped around his. Our lips seemed to fit perfectly together, like a puzzle we had been trying to assemble our whole lives, and we had finally found the missing pieces within each other. Finally the water drained, and the wet bubbles had dripped from our bodies onto the towel underneath our feet. I reached over to start the water for us in the shower across the room as Jason stepped over to our cabinet and pulled out our two different shower gels. A Sweet Pea scent for me and some classic Old Spice for him – the perfect combination for a night such as this.

The water was steaming, and I let myself step in first, feeling the warm jets of water splashing onto my bare back. Jason stepped in after me, setting down the bottles of shower gel on the shelf inside the shower. We were facing each other as I looked into his warm brown eyes, and he stared back into mine. He reached up and traced his finger down from the top of my jawbone just underneath my earlobe all the way to the tip of my chin, smiling as he felt my warm skin under his fingertip. I smiled back and reached beside us to grab his shower gel. I poured about a quarter-sized puddle onto my right hand and closed the bottle, setting it back on the shelf. I always loved to wash his body with my bare hands, it made it so much more sensual.

I rubbed my hands together, getting a nice lather going, before I placed my hands onto his shoulders. I leaned forward so I could take in that wonderful, amazing smell of his soap before I started to massage the soap into his soft skin. I rubbed his shoulders, his neck, and his chest, the aroma now driving me insane – it smelled, he smelled, so good and it was just welcoming me onto his body. I got a little more gel onto my hand and pulled him in close to me. I placed my hands up and over his shoulders, so that I could massage his shoulder blades, and scrub the lather into his warm back. I pressed my fingertips firmly into his back and he closed his eyes, once again becoming so relaxed. Finally, I pulled my hands back up and got some of his shampoo into my palms. I scrubbed the shampoo into his hair, very gently rubbing his scalp underneath my hands. He was all lathered up, soap dripping off of his body. We switched places, so he could stand into the water and let the water wash him clean.

When he was all clean of soap and shampoo, he turned his attention back to me. I had tried to refrain from making this too sexual, I really didn’t want to give Jason the green light just yet, but I didn’t want to give him a flat-out red light. I really wanted to make love to him, but more than anything, I wanted to savour every moment and remember everything. And I think Jason already knew that was my plan. It turned out that I was a little more tense than I thought. He reached over to get my body wash and put some on his palms. He looked down into my eyes as he rubbed his hands together. I felt the heat from his body intertwine with my own when his hands lowered down to caress my neck. I knew that the heat that I was feeling was not the steam, nor the water.

His hands pressed into my neck, curling around it, as he brought his face down to meet mine. Just as I closed my eyes to lean in for a kiss, he pulled himself away. Now I knew his game. He finished rubbing my neck and move down to firmly grind his thumbs into my collar bone. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations of his wonderful touch – I just wanted to let his hands explore my body, and do that they did. His palms rubbed my skin everywhere from my shoulders to my belly. Finally, I was completely lathered up in the front (he had paid little attention to my breasts, which gave me another sign telling me that he knew my plan already) and my back was getting cold. My hair was also begging to be scrubbed my his gentle hands.

“Turn around, sweetie,” he quietly asked me, looking down into my eyes. I smiled and turned myself around, flinging my hair slightly so that it was all behind my shoulders. I felt his hands on my back, rubbing more shower gel into my cold skin, soothing me even more. I took in the wonderful mixture of the two aromas between us. I was about six inches or so from my nose touching the shower wall, and very close to Jason behind me. His hands rubbed all over my back, his body blocking the water from hitting my own. I felt his hands drop from my back and I knew he was about to lather up my hair, my favourite part of our showers together. Sure enough, he lifted his hands up to my scalp and gently massaged his fingers into my hair, almost tangling it. I felt Jason Kadıköy Escort keep getting closer and closer to me, almost forcing me into the wall in front of me. Before I knew it, he was so close to me that I knew he was doing it on purpose.

“Lean against the wall there, honey,” he said to me, a slight difference in his tone. Before I could really react, he had pushed himself hard enough against me that I was now pressing firmly into the cold shower wall. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but my breasts were pressed into the chilly tile, and my hips were pushing against the wall as well. I felt his warm body against mine, and I felt his hands wrap around my wrists. He brought my hands up to the wall, even with my head, and placed my palms onto the wall before letting go. I closed my eyes as I felt his hips press against my ass gently – I moaned inside. His hands brought themselves up to my hips, and then moved slowly, ever so slowly, up the side of my body, his fingertips finally brushing against the sides of my breasts.

As soon as it all started, it stopped. He leaned back and allowed me to have my space again. While somewhat disappointed, the water was getting cold now, and I needed to rinse off so we could get out of the shower before we froze to death. I washed off quickly and Jason stepped out first, retrieving some towels for us. He went ahead and walked into our bedroom, with four towels in his hands. I finished up in the shower, and I let my hair drip for a few seconds before I stepped out into the steam-filled room, now getting chilly with the door open. I stepped out of the room, finding no towels left, and I scrambled to get behind Jason, needing some warmth against my shivering body. I went up behind him and hugged my arms around his neck, pushing my body against his, seeking some kind of warmth for myself. I felt his smile as I let him go, my body finally getting used to the temperature of the room. When I stepped away from him, I noticed that he had put two of the towels onto the bed, where we usually slept; the other two on the dresser on my side of the bed.

“Lie down baby,” he said, smiling slightly at me, pointing to the towel he had laid out on my side of the bed. I settled myself down on top of the towel, my body covered in chill bumps, my nipples hard and erect. I looked over at him and I watched him as he got another one of the towels from my dresser. He got a large beach-towel and laid it over my body, covering me from below my shoulders almost all the way to my ankles. My arms were underneath the towel as well, lying by my side. As soon as Jason straightened out all of the wrinkles, he lowered his hands down to my shoulders, where the towel just started. He placed his right hand on my left shoulder, and his left hand on my right shoulder. He slightly pressed down on the towel, then curled his fingers up, grabbing handfuls of my skin along with the towel. The feeling was surprisingly erotic and I didn’t even know why. He had never done that before, though, so I just figured it was because it was a new sensation to me.

He repeated this over and over, going down my body. He only did it one more time, however, before he skipped over my breasts and moved down below them. He pushed his hands into my tummy and curled his fingers in slightly. It was like he was giving me a slow massage, and it felt amazing. When he finally moved down to my thighs, he curled his fingers in a way that they went between my legs slightly. I let out a soft moan – now I was sure this was his idea of foreplay for tonight, and it was turning me on; taking over my body. He continued going down my legs, until he was sure he had grabbed every inch of the top of my body except my breasts. He started to move his way back up my body, but I reached one of my arms out and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him in to me while I sat up, the towel dropping and gathering together on my lap. He stared into my eyes and leaned down to follow the trail I was pulling him into.

I closed my eyes as our lips touched. We shared only a few seconds of a sweet kiss before he pulled away. He held my right shoulder with his left hand while his gaze and his other hand lowered down to the towel in my lap. He picked up the towel and tossed it on the floor beside him. His gaze returned to my eyes while his left hand gently pushed my shoulder back; he was telling me to lie down for him. Time seemed to have almost stopped, everything was moving so slow. It seemed like he was just slowly inching me to lie down, that some force was pushing back against me, refusing to let me lie down, yet inviting me at the same time. When I was finally lying down completely, my wet hair against the pillow, Jason leaned down to kiss me on my cheek. I tried to grab the back of his head, and to silently tell him to continue to kiss me, but he moved his head up. His left hand was still on my shoulder, and now his head was hovering over my chest, my nipples still just as erect as before. He licked his lips and took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and lifted my chest up to him, begging him to grasp my nipple with his mouth, but instead of feeling his warm tongue on my nipple, I felt air. He blew onto my nipple slowly, and it sent chills down my body.

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