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All characters are 18 or older.

I have received multiple requests to continue this story.

Sorry for the delay, but real life made writing too hard to focus on for a bit. I’m back now, and more chapters should happen with a bit more frequency.

Constructive feedback is encouraged. If you have specific requests for the story, please include an email in your message so I can request further information or to discuss some options for how to proceed in a direction you would like.

This chapter was started before certain requests were made. The chapter with those requests will be coming soon.

A reminder that this story takes place in the late 90’s in the southern U.S.


Kathy had gone to visit her friend Molly in one of the neighboring villages to the main town of the area. Molly had been at the wedding, dressed as a stunning grown up Wednesday Adams, but, as usual, refused to allow any pictures to be taken of her.

Molly was 5’3, 20 years old, with raven black hair. She was thin, with pert breasts, on the smaller side of a B cup that matched her toned gymnast’s body, with the cutest toned, muscular bottom. Her skin was naturally pale, almost radiant. She was the sexiest Wednesday Adams Kathy could think of. Her thigh high black stockings with white ribbons at the top. The tight black almost see through dress with white collar, and black underbust corset was enough to make any man or woman drool, if you were into women.

Molly was a gymnast. Not competing any more, but she still kept in practice. She had been in training for most of her childhood. Nobody she currently counted among her friends had ever seen her perform, but she moved with a grace that belied years of training.

Molly often seemed distant, even cold. She would open up to Kathy more than others, but never too much. Kathy liked Molly enough that she tried whenever she could to get her to come out of her shell.

Kathy showed her friend the pictures from the wedding, commenting she wished she had some of Molly, as well. When Molly asked to see pictures of Max, Kathy smiled to herself. She showed pictures of Max in his outfit, then, winking conspiratorially, showed her the pictures of him shirtless.

Molly made the proper sounds of interest, but Kathy caught the flash in her eyes when she looked at Max. And she understood more than Molly could possibly know. Kathy knew that distracted look, and doubted Molly was conscious of the hand that drifted down her neck to toy with the end of the braid that was resting on her chest.

Then Molly surprised her. “You know, my grandparents left me their old property when they passed. It has a creek that used to be much larger, and the old water wheel and Millhouse are still there, and in good repair after my Grandfather restored them. There’s even a decent sized pond formed by a small dam with the cutest little waterfall. Do you think Marie and Max would be willing to do one of these sessions there?”

“I could definitely ask,” Kathy responded. “But I can tell you Marie would want you in the photos, too. Would you be comfortable with that? She’s already had Max do a solo shoot for her. And each of her shoots must be different in some way, or she won’t do them.”

“I think…I think so.” Molly responded, looking thoughtful. “I know that place. I played there all the time as a girl. I’m…comfortable there.”

“Well, alright then. I’ll head on back and get in touch with Marie. I’ll call you and let you know. It will have to be soon, though. Max’s leave is almost over.” Kathy replied sadly.

She kissed Molly on the cheek and left, headed back to town. She liked Molly a lot, and thought she was just as sexy as Marie, in a different way. So sexy, Kathy would have to drive slow, because she thought she might need to ease some of the tension down below on the drive home. Molly always did make Kathy feel a bit randy, but since she’d been with Marie and discovered she wasn’t just curious, she was finding Molly to be an incredible turn on.


Molly had been incredibly pleased when Kathy came by. She always was, even if she refused to let it show. She thought that soon, she might show Kathy her true self.

She had been aroused all throughout Kathy’s visit. The fiery haired redhead never seemed to pick up on the few incredibly subtle facial tics that escaped her when she was near, but Molly was rather damp.

And Max. When he had spoken to her at the wedding in front of all those people, she had to clamp down on all emotions to keep from gushing like a schoolgirl. When he’d asked her to dance, she had refused because she was afraid there might be a wet spot on her skirt.

He was hot, in an odd way. He seemed to know he looked good, but was completely unaware of the effect he had on women nearby, even sometimes seeming shy about it if he did sense it.

Molly smiled to herself. She had a secret. Due to her incredibly religious and conservative parents, Molly hid all traces of escort izmir who she really was. She wasn’t the cold, emotionless caricature of a proper lady. That was just her imitation of her mother’s behavior

No, Molly was perhaps one of the most passionate women there was, and she was completely in love with every aspect of sex. She was just incredibly circumspect about it, since her parents knew just about everyone she knew, and were incredibly nosy.

She had conspired to lose her virginity in high school. During the summer, when her parents had sent her to be a counselor at a religious summer camp, she had seduced one of the other councilors from a nearby camp, a guy from 2 states away. It wasn’t great, but it served her purpose of losing her virginity, and her parents never found out about all of the wild things she had done with him.

More recently, an open minded married couple from town, Ben and Janice, had taken her into their bedroom, teaching her all sorts of wonderful things. She had had countless wonderful orgasms with both of them. It was one of the best times of her life. She loved being able to drop the cold bitch routine once their front door closed and revel in the ecstasy of hedonistic pleasures until it was time to leave, but even then, there were neighbors, so she couldn’t scream like she wanted to.

She had cried in her home for weeks when they had to move because of his job. All the way to Seattle. They had offered to take her, but she couldn’t leave her grandparents’ land, and refused to sell it. They promised to visit when they could, but it had been 3 months already, and group sex by speakerphone as they fucked just wasn’t anything more than a tease.

Looking outside to ensure Kathy had left, Molly pulled her special box from its hiding place behind the wall of her closet. She had to hide it because her parents felt they were welcome to come into the house and check up on her while she was gone. They’d have stroked out if they knew she had a collection of sex toys and she smoked marijuana.

She opened the box and brought out a joint and her favorite toy, a 6 inch purple plastic vibrator she’d jokingly named Barney. She lit the joint, and once the familiar euphoria settled over her, pulled her wet spotted white panties down, and settled in for a long relaxing night while fantasizing about Max and Kathy, wishing she could be with them both at once.

She gave some thought, while working herself up. This would be her first Boudoir shoot. Depending on how it went, she might want more. The thought excited her. She wanted this first to be…unique. Not just for her, but also for Max. She wanted to explore herself, her sexuality.

She wanted to be…satiated. She wanted sweaty hardcore flesh slapping on flesh moans and screaming orgasms fucking, but she also wanted to feel cared for. She wanted Max slamming her while Kathy strummed her clitty with her tongue. But she also wanted it to be visual and erotic. She wanted to have a threesome like in the porn videos she had gotten from the next state over, but while dressed in costume.

That would just be…the best of all her current fantasies. She knew some would call it vanilla, but she was truly excited now, her mound puffy and her lips parting and wanting fulfillment.

The joint soothed her nerves, and she circled her button with the toy before inserting it and working it fast and hard like she wanted Max to do to her. She came while crying his name out as loudly as she dared.


In the weeks following our trip out to the boonies and Marie’s secluded hideaway, Kathy had called on me to visit her no less than 3 times each week. Marie was there for 2 of those each week, either taking photos or participating, sometimes both.

I had also found time to spend with Marie. Once a week, we would go out to one of the nicer restaurants, and catch a show after. Some of the local bands were really good. Afterwards, she would find some semi private area for us to fool around. She loved the thought of getting caught, but wasn’t so brazen as to ACTUALLY get caught.

It seemed Kathy was forming a bond with Marie that was on par with the one forming between the 2 of us. I was ok with this, as I was forming my own attachments to her, as well. The elfin beauty had been the instigator to the two most erotic encounters I have ever had the joy to be involved in in the span of 9 days.

Now with just 6 days left until I had to go back, I was wondering how much of it I could spend with Kathy and Marie, and if Marie had any more…adventures planned.

Another one was soon to happen.

I had just gotten back from an outing with my mom, whom I hadn’t seen in a couple of years, though we talked twice a week on the phone. I missed spending time with her. She had done a great job as a single mother since her and my dad had split.

She had come home from out of state, and wanted to take the horses out for a good long ride, since it had been too long since my mom had izmir escort bayan a partner to take both horses out. I liked hanging out with my mom, and got to hear all the new stuff going on in her life.

She told me she may be getting married again soon. The new guy (Rob) seemed really nice, and took her out to nice places and on exotic vacations (her words for an RV trip across the states). She seemed truly happy for the first time in years. I was incredibly happy for her.

Right after we got done putting tack away and brushing down and bathing the horses, I heard the phone ringing in the house. I told mom I’d get it and ran for the house.

The answering machine had kicked on, and was going through the whole “we’re not home” routine when I picked up the phone and killed the machine.

“Thank you for calling…uh, hello?” I said. I was getting better about not answering like it was my department phone down in Gitmo.

“Doing better, Max,” Kathy giggled into the phone. “You hanging out with your mom?”

“Hello, beautiful! You know it. We just got back from riding the horses for a while. It’s a bit chilly, but still pretty out. What’s going on with y’all?” I responded. The longer I was on leave, the more my drawl came back.

“You’ll have to go out riding with me sometime, Max. I love riding! I even know some special trails where we could have a nice private ride after the ride.” She teased.

“Now that sounds sweet AND spicy. We’ll have to try to make that work soon.” This married woman had me wrapped around her pinky.

“Mmmm, yeah, I like the thought, too. Listen, I had another reason for calling. We have a favor to ask.” She said,

“Anything for you, Kathy! What do you need?” I responded.

“Umm, this is one we want to ask you in person. Can you meet us at Marie’s boutique?”

“I most certainly can. Do I have time for a shower and dinner with my mom?” I asked. It doesn”t matter how old I get, my mom is still THE best cook I know.

“Sure thing! Meet you at the boutique at 8?” She asked.

Looking at the clock, I saw it was 5 at the moment, and said “8 sounds good. I’ll be there with bells on!”

The heavenly laughter tickled my soul “while that might be appropriate, given the favor, how about just regular clothes at the moment.”

“Yes, ma…err, sure, thing, Kathy” I said, stopping myself at the last minute from calling her ma’am, which she did not like, for some reason.

Bells on would be appropriate? That must mean it has something to do with her wedding, where I wore a jester’s outfit complete with a belled hat. Hmmm.

Dinner with mom was great. As always. We spoke about my life, and I told her about Kathy and Marie (some. She didn’t need to know the details I’ve shared with y’all, she’s my mom.). She was very supportive, not the least bit judgemental, and said as long as we were all consenting and tried not to hurt each other, she thought it was beautiful.

With a full belly and a happy heart, I got in my truck and headed on into town. As per my habit, I got to Marie’s about 15 minutes early.

No sooner did I arrive than Kathy opened the door and grabbed me and dragged me inside and upstairs, where she could safely take my breath away with a lover’s kiss for the ages.

Marie cleared her throat behind us, and asked if she could have one of those, too. Kathy turned and kissed her the same way, after which she chuckled and said she’d meant from me, but that she would happily continue to kiss Kathy after.

I gave Marie the requested treatment, before the three of us found seats, Kathy and I on the loveseat, Marie in her chaise lounge facing us.

I had no idea how to describe or define our relationship, I just knew that it was something amazing to me. I was developing strong feelings for them, and they were developing strong feelings for each other and myself. Years later I would learn the term Polyamory. I just thought it was beyond words, myself.

“Max,” Kathy started, “Do you remember Molly from the wedding? She was dressed as Wednesday Adams?”

I remembered her. She was extremely attractive, but had seemed distant to me. When I’d asked her to dance, she looked at me rather coldly and said no thank you, politely, yet frosty nonetheless. I didn’t know if she didn’t like me or was in character for her costume.

“I remember her,” I said, “but I got the distinct impression she didn’t care for me.” I shrugged and continued, “either way, it doesn’t matter now that I’ve met you two,”

Marie giggled, while Kathy smiled sweetly. They looked at each other and shared one of their now patented knowing grins.

“Alright, what’s going on?” I asked. ” Last time y’all gave a look like that and giggled at me, it was a sucker punch. A pleasant one, don’t get me wrong, but y’all knocked me out for sure.”

That being when I was told Kathy’s husband is gay and they married for reasons other than marital bliss in the sack.

Kathy had a knowing smile as she said “You may have izmir escortlar made a bigger impression than you think. See, I was visiting her today, and when I was showing her wedding photos, she actually asked about yours.”

“What? Why? She showed no interest in me before.” I said, confused.

“Max, sweetie,” Marie said, “I know you still somehow find this hard to believe, but a great many women turn their heads to look at you. You’re more attractive than you want to admit.”

“Well, I guess I can’t argue, since the two most beautiful women I know are talking to me right now after some steamy kisses,” I smiled in defeat.

“Anyway, I may have shown her some of the pictures of you shirtless.” Kathy continued, patiently ignoring me for the moment. “And I could be wrong, but it did appear she was hungrily eyeing your abs.”

“Ok, so…she likes my abs. You two ladies seem to enjoy them, too. What else is going on?” I asked.

“Wellll,” Kathy teased out, “she asked if I could get Marie to set up a boudoir session for her at her grandparent’s old property. Then,” she smiled devilishly, “she asked if I could get you to be in it with her.”

“Excuse me, what now?” I said.

“She wants sexy pictures with you, Max. I think she wants more than just pictures, too.” Marie said with an impish smile.

“I see,” said I, not quite sure I actually did.

“So would you be willing to do it? The session…and possibly another session?” Kathy asked.

“Kathy…Marie… That is a question, and I am glad I wasn’t just volunteered for this,” I started,”but there are other questions. Ones that, to me, are just as, if not more important.”

“First, do YOU, both of you, want me to do this? Second, are both of YOU ok with this? Because while she IS pretty, I have zero interest in it if it would in any way have a negative impact on any of us.” I said firmly.

“I love women just as much as the next sailor, but you two are special. I don’t want to lose either of you and I don’t want either of you to feel beholden for any reason to think you have to share me.” I finished.

Marie and Kathy again giggled to each other, Marie asking Kathy, “isn’t he so sweet? And cute when he’s clueless?”

Marie looked at me. “Max, I have been trying to get Molly in front of the camera since she turned 18. I just KNOW she has a naughty side in there that would melt the film. And I know Kathy is turned on by her, too,” she said, while Kathy nodded.

“I had to bring myself off when I left her house,” Kathy told me. “There’s just something…Max, I am sure she is not actually the frigid woman she shows the world, and I want us to have her, at least one time, if she’s up for it. Would you be ok with that?”

I looked at Marie sternly and said “You see what you did? You created a monster when you seduced her!” However, I couldn’t keep it going, and smiled at her and Kathy.

“Max, I didn’t seduce her. Your pictures did that for me.” Marie said in mock shock. “I was just in the right place at the right time for her…sexual awakening, as it were?”

Kathy just rolled her eyes at us. “Whatever. You both know you love me just as I am!” As she stood up, turned around and wiggled her cute little ass at us and Marie and I nodded, very appreciatively.

“So will you do it, Max? Will we? Do you have any reservations, Marie?” Kathy asked us both. “If either of you have reservations, I’ll tell Molly we just can’t make the session happen. And no hurt feelings amongst us.”

“If both of you ladies are up for it, I will do it,” I said, making Kathy smile.

“I said I wanted pictures of her, and if they can be naughty, even better,” Marie said. “I’m in. When?”

“Saturday?” Kathy asked. “That’s two days away. That way, we can ensure Max is well rested for any performance that might be required. And you and I can still enjoy him tonight. You know…since he’s here and all.” She said, sliding her shirt down and showing me a diamond hard nipple.

“Oooh!” Marie said. “Mind if I participate more and save the film for now?” As she started to unbutton her tight jeans.

“Nothing I would love more!” Kathy replied.

They kissed each other passionately as I watched happily. Then they turned and commanded me into the bed with them. It’s a good thing I had two days to prepare. Those ladies drained me dry over the course of the night. They were so excited about Molly, they couldn’t control themselves with me.

During a lull, Marie looked at me thoughtfully, then informed me that I needed to grow my facial hair and shave it into a Van Duke for this shoot, And that’s all I would know of my costume until gameday.

Then they got back into the evening’s festivities. They sucked me and licked each other. I went down on both of them. They took turns riding me like a damned carousel horse. I could spend a whole day describing that night and would still miss something. Like I said, they were beyond words.

I sighed in exhausted contentment afterwards, as we formed a puddle of snuggling flesh and slept together on Marie’s bed.

They spent the rest of the time making sure I rested and got plenty to eat to build up energy for the day they were awaiting. Then, for some reason, they tortured me.

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