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Sex in time of Pandemic.Don quarantines with his ex wife’s daughter and nature takes its course. Don was self distancing by telecommuting from home. He had seen the early signs of the viral epidemic beginning in China. Don gathered data from the world health organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). He projected the epidemic outcome globally and planned accordingly. He moved his assets out of the market into secure liquid accounts. He purchased enough provisions early to hunker down for quite a while. The loft apartment that Don owned was repurposed from a warehouse. He had the entire 3rd floor. It had an open floor plan. The private master and guest bedrooms shared a large master bath. Most of all the apartment was relatively safe. Don abhorred gun v******e, but he was not naive, Don had firearms for protection. He had a concealed carry license for his glock.Don was not a good family man. He came to this realization after two failed marriages. I guess he could be considered a workaholic. He prioritized work over family. His first wife had hung in there for nearly 20 years before divorcing him. His k**s were grown and making lives with families of their own. He worried about them all. Shortly after his first divorce Don met and married Jennifer. Jen was a beautiful, vibrant and exciting woman with a healthy libido. Maybe too healthy of a libido. 4 years into their marriage Don came home early from work the catch Jen in their marrital bed fucking the married nextdoor neighbor. Jen suggested marriage counseling. Don had no time for that and filed for divorce immediately. Don and Jen remained friends. In fact, Jen was one of Dons fuck buddies until recently. Ann was Jen’s daughter. Don had never bonded with Ann when he was living with Jen. Ann had made it clear from the beginning that Don was not her father. Ann was not outwardly disrespectful as dismissive and distant towards Don. They remained indifferent towards one another throughout his second marriage.Jen called Don shortly after the first case of the virus was reported at Ann’s college campus. She pleaded with him to pick Ann up and let her stay in place with him. Jen recently began chemotherapy for breast cancer. She was in self quarantine because of her compromised immune system. Jen begged Don to pick up Ann from her cesspool of a dorm and bring her back to stay with him. Don agreed that this was the logical and safest plan for Ann.Quarantine Day 1Don drove to Ann’s nearby college. He put his gloves and mask on even though the CDC did not recommend masks at the time. Don had noticed all the front line responders were wearing masks for a reason. He arrived at Ann’s dorm and entered. After seeing Don in mask and gloves, students gave him a weary wide berth. At first sight Ann balked at Don’s protective attire telegraphing that he was embarrassing her. She was packed and ready to go as requested. At first sight Don noticed how Ann had bloomed into a beautiful young woman. A younger, prettier version of his ex wife. Highlighted dirty blonde hair. She had an athletic body with just enough feminine curves to validate that she was all woman. Don had retrieved Ann from her dorm in just a few minutes. Before she entered the car Don gave her a squirt of hand sanitizer then her own mask and gloves. Don’s jacket opened enough to reveal his holstered weapon. Ann balked again complaining “Isn’t this a bit much?” Don replied sternly “No, I insist. Better safe than sorry”It was quiet on the way back to the loft. Don had never seen the traffic so light in the city. Don could see Ann sulk behind her mask. Don broke the silence “I know you think that I am being over protective but here are the facts. In China the virus went from the first reported case to full blown epidemic in less than a month infecting millions and killing thousands. The virus is spread by people who don’t present symptoms. Someone in your dorm is statistically likely to have this virus. America is not prepared for this. We do not have enough tests at this time. We can only test and confirm symptomatic people, leaving the others to spread the virus exponentially. The W.H.O. will declare pandemic in less than a week. So you and I will be in lockdown at my loft for the next 2 weeks until we know you are healthy” Ann scoffed, “Is that gun necessary?”“Desperate people will behave desperately. Like I said before. Better safe than sorry” When they arrived at the apartment, Don demanded that Ann head straight for the shower and give him her clothes to wash. Don caught a glimpse of Ann’s naked flesh as she handed him her dirty clothes. He kept his gloves on as he emptied clothes from her luggage into the washing machine. In the second bag he noticed that she had her computer laptop with a few sex toys. Don closed the bag thinking that Anns sex life wasn’t his business. She was technically an adult now. Don realized that Ann would need something to wear so he retrieved one of his tee shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He knocked on the bathroom door with no response. He heard the shower running and tried the bathroom door knob and it was locked. Don popped the lock with a jeweler’s screwdriver. He averted his eyes from the girl’s naked figure in the steam of the glass shower walls when he entered the bathroom. As he left the t-shirt and sweatpants on the counter with a fresh towel, the shower suddenly stopped. Seconds later Ann shrieked as she covered her full wet breasts with one arm while shielding her bald pubic area with the other hand. “GET OUT!” Don had unintentionally caught a glimpse of Ann’s naked body. She was all woman now. His body reacted to it. He felt a stirring in his groin. He babbled some lame excuse over his shoulder as he headed for the door. “I’m sorry Ann. I thought I could have been in and out before you knew I was in here. Your clothes are all in the wash. I left you some of my clothes to wear until yours are dry.”Ann kurtköy escort came out of the bathroom wearing only the white t-shirt and a scowl on her face. The t-shirt was long enough to act like a mini dress. The white fabric clung to her wet body, her voluptuous breasts bounced slightly defying gravity as she walked towards him. Her nipples were hard and visible through the white fabric of the shirt. Ann pouted as she flopped down on the couch in the living space. The t-shirt rode up on her exposing her pussy. Ann noticed Don gazing at her bare crotch. She was frustrated and self conscious as she pulled the bottom of the shirt down to cover herself while crossing her legs. Ann was angry now. “Your sweatpants were too big. They were falling off of me. Listen Don. If we are going to live together. We have to set some boundaries for privacy”Don replied, “I agree. Why don’t you make us some coffee, or tea if you prefer. Will talk about boundaries after I take my shower.”Ann started to say more but Don just walked towards the bathroom. Don hoped to conceal the hardness in his pants. He stripped, entered the shower, soaped up liberally and washed thoroughly. He kept thinking of Anns body. His erection would not go down. He closed his eyes as he let the warm water hit his face. His hand went to his cock and he began to stroke it. His mind drifted off to recent memories of Ann’s naked body in this very shower. They intermingled with memories of how good it was to fuck her mother. He could feel the beginnings of his orgasm. When Don opened his eyes, he was shocked to see Ann standing on the other side of the shower glass door holding a cup of tea and watching him. Her eyes were locked on his cock as it reflexively spasmed during his ejaculation. He did a final rinse, opened the door and defiantly stood in front of Ann naked as she gazed at him. He asked her to hand him a towel and meet him out in the living space so they could talk about setting boundaries. Ann set the tea on the counter and retrieved a towel. Don dressed and joined Ann in the living space. He sat down in a recliner across from her. Before he was able to speak Ann slowly uncrossed and recrossed her legs. This movement gave Don a detailed view of Ann’s pussy. It brought back memories of Sharon Stone’s famous scene from Basic Instinct. The movie where Stone’s character confidently flashed her pussy to a room full of male investigators several times. He began to speak, but was distracted “I agree that we have to set some boundaries. I will give you all the privacy you require and expect you to do the same for me.”Ann was irate. “PRIVACY! Huh… Didn’t you think it was an invasion of my privacy to go through my belongings then unlock the door to the bathroom while I was showering? How did you feel when I walked in on your shower?”“I apologize for all that. I just wanted to wash your clothes immediately to eliminate the possibility of contamination. I swear I wasn’t trying to be nosey or catch you naked in the bathroom. I just thought you needed some clothes to wear and a fresh towel. And yes, it did feel like an invasion of privacy when you stared at me in the shower”Ann slowly uncrossed then recrossed her legs again contemplating Don’s words. She believed Don and thought his words were sincere. However, she liked the power she felt. She asked bluntly, “Did you like what you saw?”“Frankly Ann, I did like what I saw. You have blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Your body is beautiful. It’s hard to believe that you’re not still the 11 year old gangly girl I met years ago.”Don saw a glimmer of that young girl as Ann began to blush. Her tough facade seemed to melt away. Then her naughty side came out once more with a vegnace. Ann slowly uncrossed then recrossed her legs once more. Don was not sure that Ann was completely aware she was exposing her pussy but his cock responded to the sight reflexively. Did he just see a glimmer of wetness dripping from her pussy?Ann glanced at the bulge in his crotch saying “I think I see what Mom saw in you. You are a good man. Plus you have a great body for your age. You must have been good in bed because she is real slut”.“HEY! Have some respect for your mother. She is going through a rough time right now.” “OK, Ok….. Look at you defending Mom even though she cheated on you. No disrespect to Mom but she really likes to have sex alot. I’m just saying, after seeing your… attributes. I can see why Mom wanted to keep you around. Is that why you kept seeing each other?” “Listen Ann, The sex lives of your Mother and I should be private from you. You’ll just have to accept that.”Ann chuckled. “It wasn’t so private when her beds headboard was slamming against our shared bedroom wall, with my Mom moaning loudly. I’d have to put a pillow over my head and wish for it to stop just to get some sleep. But you Don… she seemed to moan loudest for you.”Don felt his face turn red as a combination of embarrassment, jealousy and pride rushed through him. “Ok, Let’s get off the subject of sex. It’s not appropriate. Listen it’s been a long day. I’m gonna turn in. We’ll have plenty of time to catch up over the next few weeks. Your clothes are in the laundry basket and dryer if you want to put them away.” Ann nodded and smiled, “Sure, I’m tired too”Don gulped the rest of his tea down and headed for the bathroom to floss and brush his teeth. While heading back towards his bedroom he heard a buzzing coming from the guest room. Curiosity got the best of him. The door was cracked so he peered in. Don could see Ann in the glowing light of her laptop. She had his T-shirt pulled up over her breasts exposing her body, A wand type vibrator buzzing between her legs. He stood transfixed by her act of self pleasure. Don stirred from his gaze and realized he was invading her privacy again. On the way back to his bedroom he thought that it was going to be difficult to keep an appropriate distance from Ann. In bed he masturbated once again thinking of her, then finally got to sleep.Quarantine Day 5“I’M SO BORED!” complained Ann with a sigh. Don looked up from his desk top in his office area at Ann. She had not bothered to dress again. It was late afternoon and she was still wearing the same cotton night shirt as she had from days before. It was about the same length of the T-shirt he gave her to wear the first night, but it fit better. Ann’s hair was pulled back in a ponytail. No makeup. And she was still gorgeous. In fact, Hot as hell. She clearly was not wearing anything under the nightshirt. Don had thought things were going fine. He had immersed himself in work. Ann kept to herself busy, taking online classes, skyping with friends and watching TV. Ann whined, “I miss live contact. I need some attention. Let’s talk….. PLEASE!”Ann reminded Don of her Mother’s neediness. It was not an attractive quality. He offered “Give me another hour. Let me finish up here. We can order some takeout to be delivered. Anything you want, but may I suggest Italian. I want to support my favorite restaurant. Their menu is in the drawer near the refrigerator. Order anything you like. Why don’t you shower and get dressed as if we were going out. I’ll do the same.” The food would not arrive for another hour and a half giving them both time to shower and get dressed. The restaurant’s delivery was in the lobby at the scheduled time. Don made sure to give the delivery person a generous tip on his card. Ann was setting the table in the dining area when Don returned from the lobby. He paused a moment to admire her visage. Ann was wearing a tight mini dress that emphasized her young woman’s figure. Her makeup was tastefully applied. Ann was pretty without any modifications. She was stunningly beautiful when dressed and made up. Ann noticed Don staring at her and asked, “What?”Don was thinking of Ann’s naked body, Her hourglass figure. Her ample tits that defied gravity. Her bald pussy that she kept flashing him, when he registered that Ann had asked him a question. He felt his cock growing in his pants. He stammered a bit. “Ummm…. Uhhh… Well you just look so beautiful. You are stunning. I mean…. You’re a pretty girl without getting made up. But you are a real knockout. You look like a runway model”Ann suddenly felt a bit self conscious. She tugged at the dress, pulling the hem line down her thighs. Then she primped her hair saying, “Thank you….. This is the only dress I brought with me. It’s better suited for a club”Don placed the food on the dining table. He opened a bottle of chianti from his wine rack and poured them both a glass. “Don’t tell your mother I’m letting you drink. She’ll have my hide. Plus I’m sure you’ve done plenty of drinking at school already and it’s safe to assume you’re not driving anywhere”Ann and Don ate quietly at first. They eased into conversation catching up on each other’s lives since Don divorced her Mom. Ann was on her third glass of wine before she stopped the small talk and blurted. “I’m so bored! No offense Don. I miss socializing with my friends in person. I miss frat party keggers. I miss going to the club. I miss my mom, I am worried for her health and safety. I’m so stressed! I miss my boyfriend who is now a 1000 miles away in quarantine with his family. I miss sex with my boyfriend. I am tired of my damned vibrator. I miss his cock. Whoops…. Sorry I tend not to have a filter when I drink” Don tried not to react to the sudden change towards the topic of sex in the conversation. Memories of watching her use that vibrator through the crack of her slightly opened door flooded back. He said, “Well Ann, we can try to figure out something to ease the boredom. Right now all I can do is offer a safe place to social distance.”“I don’t mean to sound like an ingrate, I appreciate you allowing me to stay here Don… So how’s your sexlife? I mean… before the pandemic.”“Well, I’ve made use of some dating apps.”“No steady girlfriend?”“No, not really. Most women my age don’t tend to stick around once they realize I’m not interested in a long term relationship. Your mother remains my closest long term female friend”“It’s ok, we’re both adults here. I know you’ve been fucking Mom since your divorce. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out… Can I admit something to you Don? I had a crush on you when I was a girl. I was jealous of Mom. I thought she didn’t deserve you.” Don was speechless. He didn’t have a clue. He had always thought that Ann resented him. Ann continued, “Oh my God. I can’t believe I just said that.” She shrugged, “Well…. Cat’s out of the bag now. Memories of that crush came back to me after seeing you in the shower the other night. I can’t help but assume that you got hard and needed to relieve yourself after seeing me naked in the shower… You have a nice body Don. I got really horny after seeing you naked…. masturbating and cumming. That’s why I left my door cracked that night. I wanted you to catch me pleasuring myself, to return the favor. I know you saw me. I could feel you watching. Did you see me cum?”.Don had a hard time believing Ann was saying all this. He shook his head no saying, “I didn’t see you cum. I’ll admit I was curious. You are so sexy. I saw you with your vibrator for a few seconds, then I felt guilty as if I was breaking our trust in privacy.”Ann looked disappointed. She visibly contemplated what to say for a moment, then said. “I have an idea that could benefit us both. Have a seat on the couch.”Don moved to the couch in the living area. He was aware that he was already fully erect. Ann put on some slow music. She began to slowly sway to the music in front of Don. Ann’s hands ran up and down her body sensually. Don blurted “Ann it’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you. I do. It’s that we can’t. We have to keep our distance for now we don’t know kaynarca escort if you’ve been exposed to the vir….”Ann interrupted, “Shhh…. Please be quiet for now or I’ll chicken out. I promise to keep a 6 foot distance” she slowly pulled her lacy thong off from under her dress and threw them at Don’s feet. She continued saying, “I can see that you’re hard. Take your cock out and feel free to stroke it for me. I want to watch you.”Ann continued to sway to the music. She lifted the hem of her dress slowly on either side revealing more flesh with every movement until her bare pussy was exposed. Her inner labia was swollen and visible between the gap in her thighs. Ann encouraged Don to take his cock out with a nod and a facial expression. He was powerless to Ann’s seduction. Don unbuckled, unzipped, then removed his pants and boxers in one quick motion. His hard cock stood at attention as he watched Ann move. She danced slowly, turned her back to Don and unzipped her dress at a frustratingly slow pace. Ann was enjoying the tease. She took one arm out or the dress and then the other. She peeled the tight dress down to her waist. Ann reached up her back with both arms and unclasped her bra. She turned around facing Don and let the straps fall off her shoulders while holding the cups in place. Ann let the bra fall slowly off her breasts as she looked directly into Don’s eyes. He was excited at what he saw. Her breasts were firm with no sag. Her areola were pink, the size of silver dollars and her nipples were hard. Ann turned her back to Don once again. She slowly pulled the dress down from her waist, over her hips and down to her ankles. Son was treated to a view of her firm but round ass. He saw her pussy peek out between her buttocks and thighs as she bent over. Don began to slowly stroke his cock.When Ann turned around and saw Don’s grip jerking his shaft, she smiled with satisfaction. Her hand began to move on her pussy as she watched him. Ann asked “Do you know how to edge when you masturbate?” Don nodded affirmation. Ann requested, “I don’t want you to cum until I’m close to cumming. I’ll be sure to tell you when I’m going to have an orgasm.” She pulled a chair approximately 6’ across from where Don sat on the couch. She spread her legs wide giving Don full view of her pussy. Her fingers began stroking the left side of her clitoral hood, down the crease next to her swollen inner labia. She watched Don stroking his cock and said, “I have been dreaming of you and that cock for a long time. Now I can’t get close enough to touch you. Do you want to feel my body as much as I want to feel yours?”Don croaked out a simple “Yessssss”“Then Tell me Don. Tell me what you want to do with me.”Don and Ann continued to mutually masturbate facing each other 6 feet apart. Don replied “I want more than just to see your body. I want to be close enough to touch, smell, taste and feel your body. I want to explore and discover your body with my hands and mouth. I want to kiss your lips deeply while my hands play with your breasts.”“Oooooo, that’s it Don. Tell me how much you want me. This is so hot.” “I want my hands to touch you like you’re touching your pussy now. I want to lick and suck your nipples, then kiss my way down to your vulva. I want to smell and taste you as I lick your pussy”Ann inserted 2 fingers into her opening while the other hand frantically rubbed her clitoral hood. Her breasts bounced slightly in reaction to the motion. Ann pleaded, “I’m so close to cumming……. I want to suck your cock so bad. Let me suck…. Oh GOD! I’M CUMMING!”Don watched Ann’s body tighten as she announced her orgasm. She let out a few guttural sounds while her fingers erratically rubbed her clit. Then she slowed to a stop, exhaling deeply. She seemed to melt in her chair as her body relaxed, hand motionless on her pussy. She opened her eyes to see Don still stroking his cock. Ann said “Oh my God. I can’t believe I came that quick just using my hands. Wait…. You haven’t cum yet? Wait, hold on for a bit. I’ve got an idea” She got up and went towards the guest room. Don enjoyed watching Ann’s naked body in movement as she walked away. The way her tits bounced slightly, the way her tight buttocks rose and fell opposite of one another as her hips swayed every step. Her body was a work of art.Ann came back quickly carrying a large black silicone dildo. She took the seat across from Don. She instructed him to keep stroking his shaft for her and asked. “Do you want me to suck your cock Don?” She licked the sides of the dildo, then kissed it’s realistic circumcised head. Don was a bit put off at first by the color and size of the dildo. He pondered if Ann had a BBC fetish. Don snapped back to attention when he noticed Ann take most of the phallus into her mouth and throat without gagging. Ann pulled the dildo out of her mouth and smiled confidently then said “I’ve been told I can give really good head. Or….. would you rather fuck me?” She placed the head of the dildo at the opening of her wet pussy. She pushed and it penetrated her pussy without much resistance. Don began to jack his cock faster watching Ann slip the dildo in and out. He mumrmured, “Yes, of course I want to fuck you.”“Good…. I want to feel you inside me Don. I want to cum inside me. Can you cum for me Don?”Don felt the beginnings of impending orgasm. He stroked frantically and told Ann that he was going to cum soon.“I’m close too….” Ann pistoned the dildo in and out quickly with her left hand. She rubbed her clit swiftly with her right hand. She began to moan.Don’s orgasm was triggered by Ann’s moaning. He shot his load. He could not believe how much he came. The sight of Don ejaculating pleased and excited Ann. It was confirmation of his orgasm and all that was needed to trigger her second orgasm. She continued to fuck herself with the dildo and rub her clit through wave after wave of pleasure.They both sat across from one another naked and satiated for the moment. They both knew they would eventually have sex. It was just a matter of keeping their distance for now. It was going to be a long 9 days.To be continued….

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