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Sg JC gals are more fun indeed..Foreword: This is my second story, after my first one flopped; please stop me if I bore you. Also, parts of the story are embellished for a better flow. As well as parts that I might have forgotten. Bear with me, and for this, I thank you in advance.This is why I love to do dares. Not because I have something to prove, but rather, it usually results in a win-win situation for me.A while ago, actually, a long while ago, while I was still in Poly, on a chilly evening, I went with two friends to Clementi Interchange for some dinner at MacDonald’s. It was while we were eating and chatting over burgers and fries, a sudden movement of wavy jet black mass caught my eye. It belonged to the head of a pretty girl in a green JC uniform.Throughout the rest of the conversation with my friends, I could barely advert my eyes from her, and soon, it caught the attention of my two naughty friends, who suggested that I get her number, which I turned into a wager with them betting the rest of their week’s allowance. They readily accepted, and I plotted my tactics to get this beauty’s number, and perhaps, her heart and body?We finished our meal and as soon as the pretty gal and her friends finished, they walked to the nearby bus-stop, which we followed some distance behind. From this, I gauge her to be about 1.6m, quite alright for me, with nice legs, not exactly slender, but with some muscle tone and not jiggly at all. Her body posture conveys the confidence of a sporty athlete.I was quite thankful when her friend ran to catch her bus, and she sat down at the rather empty taxi stand railing. Mustering up my courage, I went to approach her, with those two idiots giggling behind me.Me: Hey, can sit here? *Gesturing to the empty spot beside her*Her: *Nods*Me: How are you?Her: Ok lorMe: I’m Fantom, what’s your name?Her: Oh, I’m Melissa.Me: *Slight pause, thinking of what to say* Nice to meet you, you from (school name-if you know it, kindly don’t say it out)Melissa: Yeah.. Just finished CCA, you?Me: Nearby school also, So-and-so Poly lor, doing diploma in (something) engineering..Melissa: Oh, nice, I had a cousin who was from that course too, but he graduated edi..Me: Woah, you come from smart family hor? Anyway, what you doing here?Melissa: Eating dinner with my friend, just missed the bus earlier..Me: Oh? Which bus? I saw my bus fly just as I arrived. (A lie, I don’t stay remotely near there)Melissa: (Bus Number)Me: Means you stay around the Japanese school there?Melissa: Yeah! You stay there too?Me: No la, but my friend does, we going his place to do project mah.. *Points at the 2 giggling idiots*Melissa: Why they standing there?Me: They abit sot one, don’t care them. Eh bus come liao. My two friends boarded the bus, they actually had a project to complete, I was just supposed to go get something from one of them, but as Melissa’s place was nearby, I pretended to be part of their project team. Luckily they wised up pretty quickly and played along.From the conversation with Melissa in the bus, I learnt that she was a year 1 student, previously from Normal Stream who got her stuff together in the final year and got to a science class in JC/her school. She bore more than a passing resemblance to Linda Chung, with her hair tied up neatly in her green blouse and skirt, she was quite a sight to behold under the better lighting of the bus.There was once when the bus lurched, and as we were all standing, due the lack of seats on the bus, she fell onto me as she was holding her files and some books. I took this opportunity to hold her under the pretext of stabilising her. As chance would have it, I was rewarded with a small peek down her blouse and I was staring at her quite flawless breasts cupped lovingly by a floral print half cup bra. I also caught a waft of her scent. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but damn if it wasn’t erotic.As her stop was a few stops before ours, I took the chance to get her contact, right in front of my two friends, who didn’t quite believe it as she typed her number into my phone.I waited two days before I called her. Mostly chatted about the crappy lame stuff, quite fortunate timing I had, she was pissed at something that happened in school, and wanted to complain to someone. All I had to do was just pretend to be listening. Took the chance to ask her out to dinner for the next day, with the pretext that I would be near her place because of my project discussions. She rejected me, saying that she had plans, with a suggestion that we meet another time.Not one to be rejected so easily, I told her about my school’s open house, and invited her to view the courses that we had, as well as promised her the grand tour. Since there was 3 days of open house, I told her to take her pick, as all 3 days I’d be doing duty there, so I’d be able to show her around.She came around on Friday, after her classes, alone. In my mind, I was thinking, “Whoohoo!”Decked out in her school attire, her yellow cardigan made her stand out from the crowd, as well as to accentuate her features. However, I pretended not to notice her, and continued chatting with my other friends who were also doing duty to cut classes, ignoring my vibrating handphone in my pocket as I had told her exactly where I would be. She spotted me and came towards me. Serious ego boost when she came over to me and said, “Hi!”I introduced her to the rest of my friends, and offered to get her a free ice cream, courtesy of my school. No idea why my school ALWAYS gave out ice creams last time, hear that they still do so now, but it was arousing to see her licking, biting and sucking the cone. Dirty thoughts came to my mind as I imagined myself being the ice cream cone.Don’t quote WHOLE POST unnecessarily Took her around school, showing her the different areas, eg: engineering, IT, biz, chem, design blocks, food courts, library, and other relax areas. As it was my turf, I took the lead showing her around, and as such, a few times held her hand to pull her to the correct places, like at the more crowded areas, in case she lost sight of me.Sensing almost no resistance from her, I began to ask her more intimate question, as well as to find out more about her.Realised that she just ended her first relationship with her secondary school boyfriend after he took more interest in his online games than her. She had logged onto his game account once just to test out the game, but realised that he had another ‘sweetheart’ online, and thus broke off with him over that. His loss. Came from a quite well to do family, living in a condo, and her father often goes overseas for his company, her mother plays mah-jong with her friends regularly, so quite seldom home, and thus, she’s quite lonely.Showed her around some of the more unusual places in my school that not many students knew about, as well as took her to my clubroom. I was a key appointment holder in the club, and thus had almost unlimited access to the clubroom. Quite lucky that there was nobody else bursa escort in the room at that time, and since we had a meeting there the evening before, the windows was still covered with some posters.Under the pretext of finding some documents, I told her to make herself comfortable, and she started up the club computer, while I went over to the filing cabinet, pretending to find my things while secretly looking over at her.With her school uniform and her yellow cardigan, she looked the part of a demure schoolgirl with her hair tied up neatly in a ponytail. I had turned on the air-conditioning when we entered the room, but I left it at a higher temperature, and soon, she took off her cardigan. Her actions while taking it off pushed her chest in front of her, and I had a better gauge of her breasts. For an 18 year old (she was from normal stream), she had quite sizable assets.She wasn’t those gals who didn’t eat and had a very skinny figure, she had quite a good runner’s figure, though I’d bet that she didn’t win very often, not with those twin peaks in front of her. Her legs were well defined, and her arms were well toned. Though she was quite fair, her skin showed signs of being in the sun. Beach volleyball, perhaps? Imagine her lithe body clad only in a bikini and jumping all over the place, trying to make contact with a ball. Melissa: Hey.. What..Me: Yeah? *woops cut her off* You were saying?Melissa: What you all do here? And got nothing nice here leh.. *referring to the comp*Me: Arbo, this is club comp, cannot anyhow put things inside, what you wana see? *Walks over to her, leans over her back, and took control of the mouse*Melissa: Got pictures anot?Me: Ya.. Wait ah, I show you..There was actually another chair beside her, the monitor and keyboard were on the left side of the table, but the right side has some documents, and besides, she had placed her bag on the chair, so I took the opportunity to get closer to her.Her hair smelt like some woody essence, with a hint of lavender or jasmine, not sure which. Can’t possibly be from any shampoo right? Maybe she just smells nice. Her hair was slightly longer than shoulder length, no longer tied up with her blue fluffy rubber band, *No idea what it is called, it’s those rubber band used to tie hair, but with like fluffy strips of cloth coming out from the centre* which was resting on the table beside the monitor. It (her hair) was wavy, with quite a healthy sheen to it.Just smelling her hair was like heaven to me at that time. But being so close beside her, I could also hear her breathing, and she was seated on the chair, while I leaned over her right shoulder, with my stomach bumping onto her upper back. Quite solid, if I might add.I also had a small peak at her twin peaks when I bent over her. She was wearing a pinkish bra on that day. Couldn’t see much because of the angle, but my small brother was excited at what I saw. From that angle, I could also see her thighs, and as she was seated, her skirt sat much higher, and exposed much to me. Her thighs were quite toned, she was a runner, but her skin was smooth, and the sight of her inner thighs sent blood rushing down.Suddenly I froze, there too much impure thought on my mind that I forgot what I wanted to show her on the computer. At that point she turned her head towards me and her warm breath down my neck was too much for me to endure, I could feel the slight strain in my pants, was wearing jeans that day. Slowly, I turned my head towards her, and our faces were just a few centimetres apart. I could feel her breath on my face, and my heart was going “BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM”. Fast and furious. Her breathing also became shallower and we were both lost for words.Throwing caution into the wind, I planted my lips on hers, and it was oh so sweet. She was in slight shock, probably, but she returned my kiss, and slowly, her lips parted, and our tongue met each other. It was like a spark of electricity had passed between our bodies at that instant, and with the exchange of saliva from one mouth to another, there was a connection amongst our bodies. It was quite uncomfortable for the rest of my body, save my mouth and my genital region, which was quickly reacting to the close proximity of her body, her fragrance, and her sweet tongue in my mouth, fighting with mine. As our tongues swirled around each other, slowly at first, then quicker after a while, we shifted our positions. I soon found myself sitting on the recently vacated warm chair, and Melissa was sitting on my lap, our mouths still locked together, tongues still fighting for dominance in the close confines of our orifices.As she shifted herself on my lap, closer towards my body, she was soon sitting part of her bottom on my groin, which was hosting a giant erection. I hadn’t had any release for days, was busy with school stuff. It felt great as every small shift would rub her skirt on my jeans and ultimately, on my erection. I wrapped my arms around her back, and pulled her closer to me as I leaned forward and soon was rewarded with her boobs pressing against my chest.Her hands weren’t idle as well, hugging the bottom of my torso, as her hands slowly explored downwards and towards the front of my body. Using her left hand to push my T-shirt up, her digits found my nipples and twirled with them, one at a time. I was in heaven, on cloud nine. Both my hands traced the outline of her bra strap from the back to the front, and where they had met, they slowly undid the buttons that held treasures within.Button by button became undone, and the sides of her blouse folded towards the path of least resistance. Her pink bra sat proudly in front of me, begging to be released of its load, which I gladly obliged, running my hands around her again, this time inside her blouse, and found the clasp at the back. Luckily it was a conventional bra, and came apart in seconds. As my left hand went around her back again, caressing her smooth skin on the way, pulling her in closer towards me again as I felt she was slipping further, my right hand went beneath the bra and fondled her left breast, slightly twisting her nipple, feeling it harden between my forefinger and my thumb, with the rest of my fingers slowly swirling, making circles on her breasts.She arched her back, thrusting her chest towards me, and exposing her neck. From tongue fighting, I changed my position and kissed her ear, licking it, and twirling my tongue in around the earlobe, which elicited a soft moan from her. Encouraged by this, I continued downwards, gently kissing her neck, sucking on the soft and supple skin. Apparently she liked this a lot, and moaned louder. I was afraid that someone might hear us from outside, but at that time, such thoughts quickly fled my mind.I could feel her shivering slightly, and I’m pretty sure it’s not from the air-conditioning. This caused her hips to move, grinding her butt against my erection. *BEEEEEEEEEEP DOOOOOD DOOOOOD BEEEEEEEEEEEEP*KNNBCCB F**KING HELL! What the CB ass! My phone bursa escort bayan rang! Melissa stopped what she was doing and sat up straight, looking at me straight in my eyes. I pulled out my phone and saw that the caller was my lecturer, had no choice but to answer it.Me: Ya sir?Melissa sat up straight on my lap, and gently ran her fingers over the jeans covering my erected penis, and with her other hand, was flicking my left nipple. So erotic, yet, on the other end of the line was my lecturer. F**k man!Mr F: Where are you? You needed to be here to take charge of your people.. Also, where is the rest of the materials that supposed to be here?A semi-dressed chio bu was right in front of me, making me horny, as well as moaning softly, but there was nothing that I could do. Didn’t want to fail my main module or get bad grades.Me: Ya, I told JW that I take break for lunch mah.. He supposed to be in charge now.. Those things should be behind the wall of the stand.. Else under table..Mr F: He not here, cannot reach him, faster come back, find those things, we can’t find it..Me: Orh, coming soon liao.. *Line cuts*Me: Hey, someone f-ed up, need to go back there settle.Melissa: *abit sad/dejected look* OrhMe: Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you.. Come come, I need choing back..Without a word, she clasped back her bra, and buttoned up her blouse. That was the saddest sight I had to endure that day. Didn’t waste any time switching the comp off properly, just killed the power to it, the air-conditioning and the lights, locked up the room, and ran like a mad dog back to the open house exhibition area with Melissa trailing behind me.Damn, was I pissed when I learnt that the Mr F not only found what he was looking for, but JW came back from his toilet/smoke break. The rest of the time saw my face in a very dulan mode after I’ve sent Melissa to the bus-stop and saw her board her bus back home.*Click* (My Hp Sony Ericsson, I love the click SMS tone)[Hehe, that was fun.. Wasted yeah? Cya soon kies? Muacks] –SMS from Melissa*****Postscript: I called the lecturer Mr F for a reason. He F-ed my erotic rendezvous with Melissa. I also know this post is killjoy, or kill-erection, but it’s what happened.Melissa had some other event on Saturday, and couldn’t come back to my school, so I was thinking of another excuse to get her out, alone, preferably in her school uniform. Damn if that isn’t hot on her. The way she sashays, the sway of her hips, the gentle tussle of her hair, slightly floating, kissed by the gentle breeze. Oh god, couldn’t concentrate on any of my lessons the next few days.Those few days saw my handphone crash twice due the high number of SMSes exchanged between Melissa and me. She wasn’t my girlfriend, not by a long shot, but she was open to stuff, and that put her really high on any guys’ list. I kept thinking of her and our fun time in my clubroom. Ended up wanking in the clubroom once, and a few other times while thinking of her. Don’t think anyone else knew what happened there, on either occasion.We became like semi-stead, going out a few other times, mostly in the west side, JE, Ginza, Clementi interchange, to name a few, but nothing like that of the previous meeting took place even though I did my best to get her in the mood.In my mind, I was thinking, “was she doing it so that I’d ask her to be my stead so she can get back at her previous boyfriend?” In the end, I didn’t really care much, telling myself if that there was no progress, I would move on. As usual, most of our outings were proposed/planned by her after the first two or three that saw no action from her. This time, was for a movie at Orchard Cineleisure. Forgot the name of the movie that we watched on that day, there was action other than that on the big screen. It was a Saturday morning, and as such, the cinema quite empty, with barely 20 of the seats taken, mostly by couples just like ourselves.She wore a baby blue spaghetti strap top and a matching knee length skirt with a slight flare. I could see the straps of her bra side by side her top’s strap, and was she a sight to behold, clad from top to bottom in baby blue, just like a demure princess. Her hair was down, flowing in a slight wave, and the slightest of breeze will cause some of her hair to float behind her, like she was a creature of mythical lore.Most of the other couples probably had similar intentions to what I had, and thus, we were all spaced out pretty well, the closest was about 4 seats away on a different row. I led Melissa towards our seat, and we plonked our butts down waiting for the movie to start. It was the usual crap romantic love story that most gals seem to adore for some reason.There was a kissing scene which was pretty steamy, and I forgot who it was, but the actress made me think dirty thoughts and thus, I was semi aroused. Melissa was sitting on my right side, and my right arm was already around her neck since the start of the movie, and her head was resting gently on my right shoulder. My hand was slowly going up and down her upper arms, just rubbing as I watched the steamy portions, when all of a sudden, Melissa lifted her head up and planted a wet kiss on my nose. The moment she lifted her head, I had turned mine to face her to see what she was doing, and her kiss, instead of landing on my cheek, landed right on my nose.We stared into each other’s eyes, looking, searching, and I lowered my head to the same level as her and kissed her on her lips, tongues twirling in the confines of our mouth. Melissa turned her body towards me, and my hands slipped off her shoulder, and as it travelled downwards, caressing the heaving mould that was her right breast covered only by her bra and top..My dextrous fingers slipped into the small gap between her bra and her breast and reached for the nipple, while slowly massaging the breast. I could smell Melissa even stronger, the more she kissed me, and my left hand wasn’t idle either, reaching for Melissa’s thighs rubbing it up and down through her skirt’s fabric. After a while, my left hand went under her skirt, and rubbed her inner thighs, which elicited a soft moan from her, and encouraged me. Our kissing got more ferocious, and I was pretty sure that some of the other moviegoers knew about what we were doing, but as we were at the corner, there wasn’t much for other people to see without turning back and missing their movie.I soon got to her panties and explored the outline of her pussy through her cotton panties. She froze when I did that.Me: {Shit, did I do something wrong? I want my pussy!!}*I’ll use this bracket { and } for my own thoughts from time to time.Fearing something bad, I stopped exploring any further and rubber her pussy through her cotton panties. She later told me that she stopped as it felt good and she couldn’t think properly. Anyway, her pause was only temporary and she continued kissing me back after I continued to explore her mouth with my tongue, gently nibbling on her lower lip, and sucking on it.Melissa escort bursa soon took my left hand with her right, and guided it to the entrance of her pussy, motioning for me to rub her clitoris. And rubbed it I did. Slowly at first, more of a tickle than actually applying full on force, up, down, left, right, semi-circular, all in seemingly random motions. She let out another moan, and arched her back a bit, at the same time sitting lower in the chair, pushing her genitals towards my hand.Her body contorted itself, and while arched backwards, she leaned on my right shoulder, and her head was on top, resting between my head and my shoulder. She was nodding her head, almost rhythmically, back and forth.I decided to torture her more by inserting my middle finger in without any warning. Melissa gave quite an audible gasp and sat up straight when I did that, and the couple nearest to us turned their heads in our direction, but quickly looked away.Me: {Cool man! Got green light to do almost anything liao}I took my right hand away from her delicious breasts and cradled her head, guiding it back onto my shoulders, teasing her ear with small swirls on her ear lobe and behind her ear. She seemed to like that, and soon after, took both her hands and wrapped them around me.Actually, it was quite uncomfortable as there was the armrest between our seats hindering most of my motions, and it was seriously hurting me in my ribs. Thus, I patted Melissa’s head, and whispered to her.Me: Hey, sit on my lap.Melissa: Orh.. Hehe..With my middle finger firmly lodged in her pussy, I guided Melissa from her seat over to my right thigh with the help of my right hand under her right armpit. Her skirt was riding high on her waist, which meant that her bare ass was on my jeans. Damn! Why didn’t I wear shorts on that day.I continued fingering her with my left middle finger while my right arm was around Melissa’s waist, holding her in place on my thigh. I shifted my butt lower down the seat so that it was more comfortable for me, as well as to let her ass cheek grind against my erection as she squirmed about. Our lips met again for the briefest of seconds after which her back was arched again and my mouth roamed lower, to her neck, kissing her there softly, as well as tasting her perspiration. Slightly salty, but turned me on even more.From there, it was a straight line to her breasts, which was bouncing about in her bra, begging to be licked and sucked, but it was hard enough to reach there with my mouth due to the position that we were in, and thus, I concentrated on pleasuring her with my finger.With every squirm, I could feel her pussy twitching, and I fingered her faster and faster, adding my index finger into the fray. And boy was it a tight fit. Melissa then turned her head towards me, giving a soft moan. Afraid that she will moan loudly when she came, I locked my lips on her, not tongue fighting, way too overloaded for that, but just to subdue the sound of her moaning. It wasn’t long before Melissa came, shuddering quite heavily, and I could feel some wetness on my thigh through my jeans. Shit!She stopped to catch her breath after her orgasm, and was still sitting on my lap. I took the chance to smell her hair, pushing my nose deep into her lovely tresses, breathing deeply, trying to match her breathing. It was simply erotic. Melissa smelt different somehow, like something else in the air. Being so close to the source of that smell, my little b*o got rock hard under my jeans, which was getting uncomfortable since there was no way for me to adjust it very much with Melissa on me.I motioned for her to stand, while I moved over to her vacated seat, which was in the corner, which would give me a little more privacy. Melissa sat in my former seat, gave me a mischievous grin and muttered two words.Melissa: Your turn.. Wasting no time, I unzipped my jeans, pushed my briefs down and let my dick spring free from its prison. Melissa soon had her right hand wrapped around my dick, and was stroking it up and down slowly. As it was cold in the cinema, her hands were freezing even after our earlier exercise, and the moment she touched my dick, I got a mini shock.I moved closer to her and once again began to fondle her breasts through her top and her bra. Melissa switched hands to masturbate me as it was at an odd angle for her. Once again, the coldness of her left hand gave me a shock, but a more pleasant one at that. Though her strokes were slower than my own, it was more sensuous.She left my dick for a while, and went to touch her own pussy, leaving my dick even more exposed for all to see. Moistened with her juices, her left hand returned to my dick and went up and down my shaft, and her right hand around my back.I had a feeling that the couple in front of us knew what was happening, but for the rest of the movie, they didn’t turn around at all, even through all Melissa’s moans.Feeling high, I took my right hand off her breasts, and went down, under her spaghetti strap and massaged her abdomen and tickled her navel, slowly drawing zig-zag lines on her body upwards. Reaching her breasts again, I cupped one of them at a time. Due to our awkward position, I could not use both hands, so my attention was for one breast at a time.Pushing her bra up, I got to her nipples with ease, tuning them like the dial on the radio, as well as gently flicking them. All this while, Melissa’s strokes were pretty even, even when I tried to stimulate her continuously. Quite fun, to get a handjob while watching a movie, though exciting, as at anytime, someone can just shout out and we’d be busted, most likely with more serious consequences for me as I might be caught for flashing/exposure. Heart was going ‘BOOM BOOM BOOM’, fast and loud.I soon felt that I was going to come, and whispered to Melissa.Me: Got tissue?Melissa: Har?Me: Coming liao, duwan it to be all over my jeans..Melissa: You wait..After that, Melissa quickened her pace, stroking me faster and faster. The music from the movie seemed to complement her actions, louder and louder with increasing tempo.Me: Tissue faster!Having said that, Melissa bent over took my dick in her mouth and sucked hard. The feeling is simply indescribable, and I shot my whole load into her mouth while caressing her smooth back, pushing her down further. I was spent, but she continued sucking my dick even while I was shooting and didn’t stop for quite a while. I’m sure you guys know the feeling of CIM while the girl is sucking.My balls were totally overloaded. The best thing was that Melissa swallowed the whole thing. Soon as my dick went soft in her mouth, she came up, and helped me to put my dick back in my underwear and pulled it up. I zipped up my jeans myself in case she did something wrong and catch my dick in the zipper.After the incredible blowjob, she looked into my eyes, and kissed me on the lips once again. She tasted a bit salty, most likely from my little army of sperm. I was slightly disgusted, but kissed her back. We watched the rest of the movie, which ended pretty quickly, and when it did, waited for the cinema to clear out before leaving.That was the first time I got a handjob/blowjob during the movies, and damn if it wasn’t fun.

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