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Shanti looked down at the clutter on her nuptial bed. Over a dozen dildo, vibrators and sheaths of different shapes, colours and sizes were scattered across its expanse. She looked at her handsome bridegroom waiting expectantly at the foot of the bed.

“So, let me get this straight. You want to watch me masturbate.”

Her voice was flat and even.


“So that you can video-tape me.”


“On our wedding night. On our honeymoon.”


Shanti smiled sarcastically. “Tell me, what shall I use? A dildo? A vibrator? Or just my fingers?”

“Whatever you like.”

“Anything else you have in mind that I should know about? Tell me now before I get my hopes up.”

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

“Not much chance of that now, is there?”

Shanti tossed aside the sheaths. That left her with four dildo of different sizes, the smallest not less than eight inches long, and three large vibrators. She looked up at Sridhar, arching her eyebrow questioningly. He nodded.

“Yes. Fine. Begin on my call. Take your time.”

Shanti closed her eyes. She could hardly believe what had happened.

They left for their honeymoon right after the rituals, a prolonged lavish affair that, at his instance, was crammed into one hectic day with the marriage and the reception both spread over a Sunday lunch. He said he hated large weddings. They flew south to a beach resort. The flight was a short hop and, after a half-hour drive, they arrived at the resort. It was a swanky five-star deluxe hotel. They were expected and had confirmed reservations.

All through the wedding and reception, and on their trip down, Sridhar was suave and polished. In the hotel, he was devastatingly charming, and Shanti smiled to herself as she watched the female receptionists trying to catch his attention, not missing the envious looks thrown in her direction.

Sridhar was evidently well-known at the hotel. He greeted the concierge and the lobby manager and the guest relations lady by name. He introduced Shanti and they were congratulated warmly. He had told Shanti that this was he came here frequently, when he wanted to get away for a few days and just relax. The check-in formalities were waived and the receptionist handed them their key on a large brass tag.

“Your usual suite, sir,” she said with a smile, her eyes devouring him.

“Thank you,” Sridhar smiled, flashing his perfect smile. “Is everything ready as I had asked for?”

“Yes, of course, sir. If you need anything, please let me know.”

She sounded as if she expected him to call her to spend the night.

“We will, thank you,” he said and took Shanti’s arm. “Come, Shanti. You’re going to love this.” He hoisted his large camera bag on his shoulder.

The suite was truly spectacular, with a huge living-sitting-dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and two bedrooms, one larger than the other. It had a huge balcony overlooking lush tropical gardens that stretched to silver sands and the vastness of the ocean. The furnishings were elegant, quiet and very, very expensive. The bar was fully stocked, there were flowers and fruit everywhere, and a bottle of champagne nestled in its bucket on the balcony with two crystal flutes. A card hung on a thread around the bottle’s neck. With our compliments, it said. The champagne was Dom Perignon.

Sridhar smiled.

“It’s incredible!” Shanti gasped. “Do you always stay here?”

“Always,” said Sridhar with a smile. “Why slum when you can lord?”

He led her to the balcony. The moon rose in a cloudless sky, and they could see the white tops of the waves and hear the wind in the trees and the crash of the surf. The lights glimmered in the huge azure pool.

It was breathtaking. Shanti hugged herself with excitement.

“Happy?” Sridhar murmured, close behind her.

Shanti nodded. She could smell his musky cologne, deep, masculine, erotic. He brushed the back of her neck with his fingertips. Shanti shivered. Her long hair was in thick, single braid down her back and she was dressed in a simple printed *sari*.

Sridhar drew her against him. She nestled against his broad, deep chest. Her groom was incredibly sexy. He put his arms around her. She thought he might touch her breasts. His fingers brushed her arms and her naked midriff and she tensed. Her breasts grew hot and swelled and her rigid nipples ached for his touch.

“Tonight will be special,” he murmured as his lips close to her ear.

She turned around in his arms. He pressed his lips chastely to her forehead. Shanti closed her eyes and waited, her lips fluttering expectantly.

The kiss never came. He traced the line of her jaw with his fingertip.

“You are very lovely,” he said, kissing her eyelids.

Shanti’s hands slid up his arms. They were thickly muscled. Her fingers rested on the deep swell of his chest.

Sridhar stepped back smoothly, sliding his hands down her arms and locking his fingers in hers, arms stretched.

“Very lovely and very sexy,” he Rize Escort smiled. “Will you do something for me?”

Anything, she said to herself, my god, anything, but take me, darling! Take me hard! Her cunt was already tingling in anticipation. She nodded with a bright smile.

“Thank you,” he said softly. “Let’s go in. I’ll tell you what I want you to do.”

He took her arm and they moved back to the suite.

“You looked stunning at the wedding,” he said with a smile. “You are absolutely devastating, with all the jewelry and everything.

I’d -“

Shanti looked at him and smiled. “You want me to dress up for you?”

He smiled with genuine pleasure. “Yes very much. You don’t mind?”

She laughed. “Don’t be silly, Sridhar, of course not. Give me ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” he said with a broad smile.

Shanti was moving away when he pulled her back, close to him, his hands on her bare waist. His fingers were hard and strong and seemed to burn her flesh. She ached to feel his hands on her breasts, in her crotch, at her anus.

“One more thing, if you would,” he said. “Dress without any underclothes.”

Shanti’s heart skipped a beat. Her eyes brightened with excitement. This was very sexy. The man was evidently a master. He planned to fuck her slowly and deeply, to savour every minute, to explore every inch of her being. She nodded breathlessly and turned away, her eyes lingering on him. She was used to being fucked, but this was special, very special. This man would make love to her, long and slow possess her as a woman should be taken.

Fifteen minutes later, Shanti stepped out of the dressing room into the master bedroom, looking absolutely ravishing. Her hair was drawn back with a centre parting in a long, single, tasseled braid. Her eyes were rimmed with *kajal*, and she had a *bindi*, but she wore no other makeup. Diamond studs glinted in her earlobes and one nostril. A thin gold necklace and the long black and gold *mangalsutra* hung around her neck. She had draped the rich brocade *sari* in the Tamil fashion, with the *pallu* down the front. Her blouse was taut, with a deep V-neck and her breasts jutted out proudly, squeezed together by the tight material to form a sexy cleavage. She had worn the *sari* low, below her navel, and her midriff was bare. Gold bangles tinkled on her wrists, and she wore rings on two fingers of each hand and on the second toe of each foot. Sexy gold anklets drooped around her slender ankles.

Her eyes flicked to the bed and the smile died on her lips. Sridhar had set up a battery of video and still cameras around the bed. He was fiddling with the controls of a monitor on a laptop computer wired to the cameras. At the sound of her step, he looked over his shoulder and turned.

“There you are. Good.” He studied her and his mouth fell open. “My god, you’re stunning!”

He saw her looking at the video equipment clustered around the bed and chuckled softly at her bewildered expression.

“That’s the other thing,” he said, delight in his voice. “I’m sorry I forgot to mention it. I want to preserve this forever, for posterity.”

He moved forward, languidly unbuttoning his shirt. As he neared her, he pulled it out of his jeans and flung it aside. For a minute, he stood before, smiling down at her, arms akimbo. Shanti looked at his handsome face and her eyes slid down over his torso. She couldn’t help the sudden intake of breath. She felt a ripple of naked lust: her breasts swelled and her nipples stiffened and her cunt tingled in anticipation.

Sridhar’s body was like a piece of sculpture. The torso was smooth-skinned and hairless, in a sharply tapering V from the sprawling shoulders to the narrow, high hips. His chest was deep and broad with a thick cleft between the slab-like pectorals. His belly was hard and flat, paved with strong, square muscles. His skin was stretched taut over the mighty musculature and was almost translucent: she could see the fine tracery of veins under it. His sharp nipples were set in small aureoles pulled low and far on either side of the mighty W of his chest that swept from armpit to armpit. He was devastatingly sexy.

Shanti felt a frisson of excitement sweep through her. The thought of this demi-god fucking her, and filming it all as well, was incredibly erotic. She looked up at him, and he smiled down at her. He pulled off his belt. His fingers opened the clasp of his jeans. Her eyes swept down to his belly, and he chuckled dryly. His eyes boring into her face, he stretched his arm and picked up a plastic bag from the bed and turning it upside down, shook out the contents.

Shanti’s head turned and she gasped in shock. Her eyes whipped back to Sridhar. Suddenly his face was cold and still, his eyes dark and flat.

“Have you been fucked by other men after we met?”

The quiet words stung like a whiplash. Shanti gasped and recoiled, eyes wide.

“Have you?” There was a sudden malevolence in his eyes that terrified her.

He repeated the question Rize Escort Bayan and now there was a distinct threat of violence. Shanti stared at him dumbly. Suddenly, his hand whipped at her face and Shanti cried out, her head jerking sideways. The blow wasn’t hard, but it stung.

“Answer me!” he rasped.

Not looking at him, Shanti nodded, cringing from another slap.

“How often?”

Again, she didn’t respond immediately and this time he hit her harder. Shanti cried out, tears streaking her face.

“How often?”

“I don’t know,” she sobbed softly. “I don’t know!”

“What does that mean?” he snarled, gripping her face and turning it to his. “What does that mean? Once? Twice? More than that?”

“More!” she moaned. “More than twice.”

“With the same man? Or was there more than one?”

“More – more than one -“

She was cringing, expecting another blow. Instead, she heard him chuckle softly. His fingers loosened their grip and he touched her chin gently.

“Good,” he said, his eyes dancing. “That’s better. Whatever the answer, I must have it. Never disobey me. Do you understand?”

He released her and stepped back. “Now, listen carefully. I know what you expect. I’m sorry, but it is not to be.” He nodded as she looked up in horror. “That’s right. I will not sleep with you. Not tonight. Not ever.”

Shanti could scarcely believe what she was hearing. She looked at him aghast, her ears burning. He went on in his quiet, smooth voice.

“Sex, as you know it, or have experienced it with other men – and you will tell me about your experience or experiences when I wish to hear them – is not something we will share. Never. Get it?”

She opened her mouth in protest, but he went on. “There will be no kissing. No fondling. No foreplay and most certainly no copulation. Your cunt will never – never, you understand? – feel my prick. Nor your mouth or hands or any other part of you.”

“I – I don’t understand!” she cried, her mind whirling.

“Don’t understand? What is there not to understand? It’s quite simple, really. Let me put it in a language you may follow. I will not fuck you. Ever. I think you should be able to follow that now.”

“But why?” Shanti cried. “Why are you doing this? Is there – is there someone else? Another woman?”

Sridhar smiled. “To answer your last question first, Shanti,” he said dispassionately. “There is no one ‘other woman’. There are other women, or have been. Frequently. Now, if you satisfy me, you will suffice, at least for the time being. There may be others, if I choose.”

“But – but how do I satisfy you if – if -“

Sridhar laughed in her face. “As all the others have. In exactly the same way. Like all the other whores I’ve paid for. As they did.”

She stared at him uncomprehending. “I – I don’t understand -“

“No, I don’t expect you to. I don’t expect anyone to.”

“What – what do you want, then Sridhar? How – how do I -?”

“I like to watch.”


“I like to watch. It turns me on to watch a couple fucking. I like seeing it live, or in films. For years, I watched one blue film after the other constantly. After a point, they’re boring, not really exciting enough. Fortunately, I have an electronics company and we make or import the latest in audio-visual equipment. So I decided to make my own films. I make extremely sexy films. And I watch them. Again and again. When I get bored, I make new ones. Ihave an enormous library. Over three hundred tapes.”

“But don’t you – don’t you want to -?”

He smiled thinly. “No. I prefer to masturbate, repeatedly and I can come again and again without effort. I find it exhilarating.”

Shanti took a deep breath. “Well,” she said quietly. “Good for you, then Sridhar. And goodbye. I don’t want this. Live with your quirks. I won’t.”

She turned away and headed for the bathroom.

“You’re making a mistake.”

She turned anger in her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

“Perhaps you should see this. It might change your mind.”

“Not a chance.”

“I think you should consider, Shanti. This could change everything.”

He picked up a remote control from the coffee table and thumbed a button. The big colour television set against the wall flickered to life. Shanti gasped. It was one of her films. One she had made for one of Suhas -who may have leaked it or it reached Sridhar through some leak. It was done soon after she had lost her virginity and was the first in which she had the innocence still intact. The sequence on screen showed her thrashing in unfaked passion with an enormously endowed man in an eye-mask.

He was licking her slit. His tongue was thick and heavy and long, almost animal, a bright sexual organ on its own. Shanti lay naked on her back and her head rolled from side to side and her hips heaved and bucked eagerly under his face. Her hands were under her swollen breasts, squeezing the fleshy mounds, tugging at her long, rigid nipples sexily. Her legs were spread, her knees bent, Escort Rize moaning feverishly.

Shanti gaped in dismay and watched her hands roll sensuously over her breasts, then slide down to her lover’s head, moving it around between her thighs. Her hips arched, her back bowed, and her body jerked on the bed.

“Where did you get that?” she gasped.

The film was meant strictly for Suhas and only Suhas.

The camera lingered in a long close-up of his tongue in her cunt, curling and flipping through the sodden cunt-flesh, rimmed with damp curling pubic hair, flicking her swollen clitoris furiously with his tongue and his thick lips sucking it, drawing it in and out between his lips. Her lust was evidently unfaked.

“I told you. This is my hobby,” Sridhar explained. I found it with Suhas while he was getting me drunk after our engagement and now I’d be interested to find out what your parents or friends would think if they should chance to see something like this. Personally, I think it’s wonderful. You agree?”

He turned up the volume. Shanti heard herself moan and gasp obscenely as the man slid up and worked her breasts and nipples with his tongue. She arched her back, squeezing her breast into his mouth. His large, white teeth tugged on one as he pinched the other, and then he rapped his tongue rapidly across her nipple. Shanti groaned and arched, her hand pumping his cock.

“I want to suck your cock,” she heard herself say. “Let me suck you.”

The man moved up and squeezed his thick, dark penis between her breasts, fucking them slowly, raking her nipples down his shaft. Her lips fluttered, questing for his cock-head and, with a dry chuckle, he knelt over her face and pushed his cock into her mouth. She sucked his penis hungrily, her head rocking up and down between his thighs. His bloated penis distended her face. She licked the gorged cock-head lasciviously, winding her tongue round and round the slimy bulge, her fingers deftly working his balls. The man’s hips pumped gently, pushing his cock in and out of her mouth and then he turned around and they went into a sixty-nine. The camera retreated to a mid-shot of their bodies writhing together, then moved seamlessly into a series of alternating cuts between his tongue in her cunt and his penis in her mouth.

After several minutes, the man got up, licking his moist lips. Turning her on her side, he knelt behind her buttocks, lifted her upper leg high and wide and squeezed his ten-inch penis deep into her cunt. Shanti’s body twisted and writhed and her face contorted, in detailed close- up, a vision of naked lust. The man began to fuck her, in time to a cleverly syncopated, pulsating soundtrack rhythm, plunging his cock in and out of her cunt. Shanti watched as the man’s rocking grew faster and remembered how wonderful it felt.

“I got it a little after the marriage was fixed,” Sridhar said. “You have no idea how relieved I was to find that I was engaged to a rutting whore. You must know that the only reason I consented to marriage was to please my family and get them off my back. This was an added bonus. I have no regrets.”

“Put it off. Please.”

“Why?” he laughed. “I like the next bit best. Where he fucks you doggie-style, the camera work and editing are pure genius. You must tell me where to get more of these.”

“Sridhar. Please.”

On screen, Shanti saw the big man push her on her front on all fours. He dropped in a low squat behind her and, holding his thick black cock in his hand, squeezed it through her buttocks into her cunt in one long rush. The film snapped to a shot of her face, arched, riven with lust, her mouth wide, her eyes hooded, her body lurching forward, then cut to a shot of his enormous penis driving in and in and in, disappearing inexorably into her flesh. It cut back to her face, and her voice came through the background music.

“OHHH yes! Ohhh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck my cunt! Oh god!”

“Take it! Take it, whore! Take it all!” the man cried, forcing himself deeper into her.

“Ohhhhh yes! Yes! It feels so good! Fuck my cunt, baby! Fuck me hard!”

The film snapped back to a close-up of the monstrously distended penis grinding and rasping and squelching methodically in and out of her cunt. The huge lance glistened with their juices, and Shanti could see the thick, hard veins along its length. They had scraped and mashed her inflamed clitoris relentlessly till she was dizzy with pure joy. The dark penis appeared and disappeared between the curves of her buttocks and the shot dissolved into an even tighter close-up. Shanti’s cunt filled the screen, and she could see the man’s heavy, hairy balls squeezing against her buttocks and cunt-lips, the thick shaft scrunching and grinding and pushing greedily through her cunt-lips, spread wide in eager welcome by her clawed fingers, surging into the sodden cunt-flesh within. The close-up was pin-sharp and she could see the small, dark hairs of her cunt, damp and curled inward.

On the screen as they continuously watched the man’s buttocks flexed and un-flexed, his puckered anus winking at the camera as his penis burrowed and squeezed relentlessly in and out of her flesh. His balls pressed to her cunt-lips and she saw her finger cupping and squeezing them eagerly.

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