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A small part of Shari felt ashamed at what she was doing. She was a successful high school teacher, married, and living very comfortably in all aspects of her life, yet she found herself yearning for this particular time of the week more than any other. Wednesday was the day that she stayed late working with the school’s advanced critical writing team. Shari was an English teacher, and enjoyed discussing writing styles and other topics with the students.

But that was really only a fraction of her enjoyment. She still shook her head in disbelief, even as she pulled the tiny vibrator from her bottom drawer. The team had just left, and she could barely wait until they were gone to close the blinds on the windows and pleasure herself. She always quietly locked the door, and she sat behind her desk just in case someone walked by and looked through the window on the door, so that it would appear that she was working. Anyone that happened to look through at the right moment, however, would see her writhing in her chair, head thrust back. Although she could be very quiet when necessary, she could not quite control the gyrations of her body when she orgasmed.

Shari sat down and leaned back slightly in her chair. She always made sure to wear a skirt or a dress on Wednesdays to make it a little bit easier and less conspicuous. She closed her eyes and started thinking about the person that made the desire well inside her so strongly, and this was the most troubling part of it all. Her name was Monica, a barely 18 year old student, and member of the critical writing team. Monica was very youthful in her appearance, but also shapely and athletic for a teenage girl. She ran track so she had muscular legs, and jet black, shoulder-length hair. She was a perky C-cup, and thin as most teenage girls normally were.

What Shari couldn’t understand about herself was not only the fact that she was fantasizing and masturbating about one of her students, but also that that student was a girl. Shari had never been attracted to a woman before, let alone a young girl. It felt perverse and a bit wrong, but that perversion is what kept her so entranced by Monica. It was difficult to control at times, she made a conscious effort to not stare at her too intently, so as not to arouse any suspicion, or to make Monica uncomfortable, but it was increasingly difficult for her to do so. Shari thought about the first time that she realized her attraction for Monica. It was just before a big district track meet, so Monica missed the weekly meeting of the critical writing team. Not wanting to turn in her writing piece for the week late, she had ran over to Shari’s classroom right after practice, hoping to catch her before she left for the day. Shari was just packing up her things when Monica came through the door. She was wearing a pair of athletic sandals, a tight bare-midriff top and some short biking shorts. She hadn’t showered yet after track practice, so her skin was still glistening with sweat, and her nipples were clearing protruding through her top. Shari was touching herself through her panties now, thinking about seeing this young, shapely woman standing in front of her wearing very little. What had put her over the edge that day was when Monica dropped the papers she was holding and bent over to pick them up. As she bent down, Shari eyed her body and it was clearly obvious that she had no panties on at the time. She could see the gentle curvature of her pussy framed by her thighs, and her mind was instantly filled with thoughts of sex with Monica that she hadn’t been able to shake sense. Ever since then, every Wednesday took place just like this one.

Shari, being very horny by now, didn’t even realize that she was caressing her breasts through her dress. She sat up for a moment, hoping that no one had walked by and just happened to look through that door window. Her nipples were hard and her clit was getting harder, and she could feel her pussy getting wetter with each passing minute. She slipped her panties down and let them rest on the floor by her feet. Leaning back in her chair, she began slowly running the vibrator up and down her clit and the opening of her pussy, feeling the vibrations cause her delicate skin to tingle and warm. She imagined that it was Monica that was doing that to her, and that the breast that she now was feeling in her right hand was Monica’s and not her own.

At first, her fantasies about Monica were fairly tame, but as time passed and she became more comfortable with just the simple fact of two women having sex, they had become quite vivid. She had imagined being one of the sports trainers, working with Monica after a meet, alone, working to remove the tension and soreness from her tight young body. She imagined that all women who had sexual thoughts about a young girl had imagined being a coach or something, seeing all the girls in the locker room. That one had crossed her mind several times. She at times wished she could figure out Ankara escort some kind of reason to be there after track practice or something, but sadly enough, she could not. Shari had even begun going to track meets, although she had no interest in track and never had done so before. In her mind, she both hoped that Monica noticed this change, and also she hoped that she didn’t notice, because she didn’t know what she would say if Monica suddenly came up to her and asked her about her new found interest in track. One thought that had entered her mind more than once, that was the most farfetched, but intensely arousing fantasies of all would be to arrive at work one day, unlock her classroom, and find her Monica, naked, riding her husband on her desk. It was shocking, but she had even thought about it when having sex with her husband, although she wouldn’t DARE mention it to anyone.

The feeling was getting very intense now, she was biting her lip to keep from making any noise. The chair was rocking back and forth gently, as her thighs flexed reflexively. She had both hands underneath the desk, darting a finger in and out of her pussy and spreading her lips as she pressed the vibrator down hard on her swollen clit. She wished she could prop her legs up on the chair but she didn’t dare risk it, even though probably everyone in the school was gone by this time except for her. The embarrassment of getting caught would be overwhelming, especially if it happened to be hornball Mr. Freeman. She would probably have to give him a blowjob to get him to keep quiet, and even then it would be unlikely that he wouldn’t spill the beans about it. He had wanted to have sex with Shari ever since she started working there, but he was harmless enough, and his advances were flattering and not menacing enough to be a concern for her.

Shari was breathing hard and right at the edge, trying to hold on till the last second, until her orgasm finally spilled over. She felt pleasure radiate through her body, making her back arch repeatedly. Her throat was tight from holding in her moans. At that moment all she could think about was feeling Monica’s naked body, feeling their nipples touching, grabbing Monica’s ass and caressing her, until finally she laid her back and buried her face between Monica’s thighs.

There was a soft knock at the door, and almost immediately there after, the knob was turning. ‘Oh shit’, Shari thought. She hadn’t completely locked the door. She clumsily grasped at her panties to get them off the floor and steady herself.

“Mrs. Williams?” she heard the soft voice at the door and she could imagine herself going completely white. It was Monica! Shari was terrified now that Monica may have seen her or heard her.

“Um.. yes?” Shari felt herself turning into a stuttering fool. Her heartbeat was absolutely pounding in her head from fear.

Monica stepped into the room. “Oh, I’m glad I caught you Mrs. Williams. I was hoping you hadn’t gone already.”

“Oh yes, I had a few things to finish up, I was just getting ready to head out.” Shari couldn’t resist looking Monica up and down. She had on a pair of tight hip-hugger jeans and boots, and a thin black knit top that clung to her body perfectly, much to Shari’s dismay. She had just cum, she was still wet, her clit was aching, her panties were in her desk drawer and seeing Monica looking completely sexy was much more than her brain could handle at this moment. “Is there something I can help you with?”

Monica was a bit unsteady about bringing up this subject with Mrs. Williams. She didn’t even really know what to say, since all of her thoughts and feelings were essentially a big mess inside her head at the time being.

“Well, yes,” she said hesitatingly, sitting down in the chair in front of Shari’s desk. Shari shifted in her chair, sitting up straight in the most prim and proper manner that she could manage.

“All right, I have a few minutes, Monica,” she replied. “What can I do for you.”

“Well, Mrs. Williams, we’re friends right?” Monica looked directly at Shari. Her eyes had their usual intense quality, but were a bit softer this time. Shari could sense a bit of nervousness.

“Well, sure, Monica, I’m glad you think of me that way.” She did not want to give away the fact that she was tremendously flattered by Monica’s admission. She did flash Monica a quick smile, which seemed to put her at ease a bit. “What’s on your mind?”

Monica shifted in her chair. “Well its about Bobby, Mrs. Williams.”

“Bobby…”Shari thought for a minute. “Oh, Bobby Slater?”

“Yea..” Bobby Slater was arguably one of the most popular guys in school, starting linebacker on the football team, and surely one of those guys that teenage girl wet dreams were made of. “We’ve been kinda dating for about 3 months now,” Monica continued.

“Oh,” Shari couldn’t contain a bit of surprise. “I had no idea, Monica.” Shari certainly didn’t make a habit of noticing Ankara escort bayan the dating habits of students, even Monica, but it was a surprise that she could be dating one of the most popular kids in school and it not be glaringly obvious. Most of the girls her age at this school had no shame in being arm candy for football and basketball players.

“Yes, Bobby Slater.” Monica frowned, and looked away for a moment. “I really hope you don’t mind me talking to you about this, Mrs. Williams, but I can’t really talk to my Mom or anything. She’s more clueless about guys than I am.”

Shari had to stifle a chuckle. It definitely stroked her ego to think that this 18 year old girl would choose to come to her with personal advice, and increased her curiosity about Monica in general. “Well,” she said, ” I don’t know that I would be much better, but I’ll certainly give it a try.”

Monica crossed her legs in the chair and moved closer to the desk. “Well, see, he’s like a pretty cool guy and all, but I’m just not really attracted to him, like, there’s something missing.”

Shari sat back. She was long removed from the workings of teenage romance, but she could relate to what Monica must have been feeling. “I guess the best thing to do then,” she started, “is to not let it go too far. Better to break up with him sooner than later. It would just turn out ugly if you strung him along.”

Monica nodded slowly. “I know, I know,” she replied, “it’s just I don’t really know how to do that. I don’t have much experience with boys. And besides, look at him, he’s like totally hot, and half the girls in school would be climbing all over themselves to be with a guy like that. You don’t break up with a guy like that, but he just doesn’t do it for me….oop!!” Monica must have noticed the obvious look of surprise on Shari’s face at Monica’s youthful candor at the situation. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Williams,” she blushed,” I….”

Shari gave her a warm smile. “No, no, Monica, it’s all right. I understand. Let’s just say that you aren’t the only one that’s ever been in THAT situation.” She glanced at her watch. She needed to leave in a few minutes, so she started to gather up her things. And the distraction of collecting her belongings helped to quell the thoughts of Monica that were brewing inside her head. She continued, “the most important thing is that you do what you need to do for yourself. Don’t fight it. Don’t just go along with the flow if you aren’t happy with the situation. Just let him down gently. It’ll be an important life lesson for both of you.”

Monica stood up and said,” Gee, Mrs. Williams, I knew you would understand. I guess I just needed it hear it from somebody else.”

“You’re welcome, Monica,” Shari responded, giving her a warm grin. They both started to walk towards the door, when Monica did something that shot through Shari like a knife. They were standing about 3 feet apart when Monica turned and said,” Thanks, Mrs. Williams, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then she gave Shari a look into her eyes, very intense and very deeply, biting her lip in the cute, overtly innocent but slightly naughty way that only a flirtatious young woman could. The look alone almost set Shari on fire, and she was about to give into the temptation to reach out and touch Monica, although she caught herself.

“You’re welcome, ” she managed to stutter ought. “Be careful.”

Monica slipped out of the door, and Shari closed it softly behind her. She needed to compose herself for a moment. Was Monica flirting with her, she thought to herself. It felt that way, but she couldn’t be very sure. Not like it really mattered, she wasn’t going to risk anything with Monica, there was too much to lose if she was wrong about the signals Monica might be giving, but even worse, if something DID happen and someone found out. She sighed, leaning against the door, because she knew that if something did happen, she might find it very difficult to resist.

Monica was kicking herself as she walked down the hallway. She couldn’t believed that she chickened out, making up that lame story about breaking up with Bobby. She had been gathering her nerve for weeks to talk to Mrs. Williams, but at the very moment when she could have, she didn’t. She had no idea if she could bring herself to try it again. Now, she thought, Mrs. Williams must think I’m some silly little girl who can’t even break up with her boyfriend. Her and Bobby weren’t even really a couple, but they hung out every now and then and she would let him get to 3rd base on occasion. She even gave him a blowjob once, but mostly she hung out with him because he was a really nice guy and he wasn’t a pig that would try to force himself on her at every opportunity, unlike the majority of boys that she knew.

Monica’s biggest secret was that she was much more at home around girls in the locker room after track practice than around any guys. As a matter of fact, she figured that if it wasn’t for Escort Ankara the showers she might not be quite as interested in sports. She enjoyed the playful kidding with the other girls, and watching them discreetly. She doubted that anyone had any suspicions that she tended to stare at some of the girls, but she didn’t know for sure. If they did, no one said anything.

Monica wasn’t sure if she was a lesbian or not, she doubted it but she couldn’t be sure. She had never done anything with another girl, and not very much with boys. She didn’t care very much about it, and really didn’t think about sex that much, until she happened back to Mrs. Williams room one day after the critical writing team meeting and saw her, one foot propped up on her desk, head leaned back. That time, she had peeked through the window and her first instinct was to look away, but she found that she couldn’t quite bring herself to do so. She hadn’t been completely sure what was happening at first, but when she saw Mrs. William’s back arch, and lips clench tightly, and the relaxed way that she slumped down into her chair after a minute or so, she knew that it could only be one thing. Monica had hurried away afterwards, so she wouldn’t be seen, but her mind was raging afterwards with thoughts of seeing Mrs. Williams masturbating at her desk. She had never seen another woman pleasuring herself. She had never even watched herself do it. The thought excited her, and intrigued her, how a woman looked when in the buildup before orgasm, and the look on her face afterwards.

She thought about it every time she saw Mrs. Williams. She began to realize that she wanted to be near Mrs. Williams a lot more often. She was always the first one to critical writing practice as often as she could be, and was always the last one to leave. Was this attraction, she thought to herself many times. Initially, there was only a passing fantasy, but lately, she found herself sometimes watching Mrs. Williams intently, but not really listening to what she was saying. She was undressing her with her eyes, thinking about what type of underwear she was wearing, what it would be like to touch her, and various other forbidden thoughts. After all, it was her married teacher!! But Monica couldn’t help thinking about her, and that was why she was on the verge of revealing her secret.

Monica made it outside and started the 8 block walk home. Her mother would have picked her up if she wanted, but the two weren’t very close, and Monica didn’t spend much more time around her than necessary. Besides, she was horny as hell by this point and she needed to cool off a bit before getting home. She wouldn’t dare let her mother catch her masturbating, so she would have to wait until 9 or so when her mother passed out.

Shari was making the drive home, thinking about what had transpired in her classroom, barely concentrating on traffic, when her cell phone rang. It was her husband on the other end.

“That’s fine honey, what time will you be home? Ok, I’ll see you then.” Her husband had to work late that night, as he did maybe once a week. Shari’s thoughts of Monica were getting markedly more decadent. She was having thoughts of Monica sneaking out those nights Mike had to work late, and driving over to pick her up on a corner somewhere, to take her back to her house for a few hours. Shari shook her head. I’m going nuts, she thought. She decided to stop at a bar not too far from home and have a drink.

“Hey, long time no see!” the friendly bartender Albert said to her, as she sat down at a bar stool. “Shari, right?”

She was a bit surprised. “Uh, yeah. Its been at least a month and a half since I’ve been in here. How’d you remember?”

Albert smiled. “Aww, you work here long enough you get pretty good with faces. What’ll you have?”

“Whisky sour,” she said. “Double.”

“Whew,” Albert said, shaking his head, “a double on a Tuesday night. Must have been a rough one.”

She smiled back at him. “Oh just a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

Albert squinted and let out a laugh, “Ohh, right. Gotcha. That kind of stuff.” Albert was flirting with her, innocently. He didn’t really know how to talk to a woman without flirting.

Shari cut her eyes at Albert. “What do you mean that kind of stuff?”

Albert stopped what he was doing for a moment. “Oh, c’mon, I know that look. The stuff that you have on your mind involves somebody else!! Either lust or love or a little bit of both. You been a bartender as long as I have, you tend to notice this stuff.”

Shari gave him a smile of resignation. “All right, all right,” she said, “you’ve found me out. There’s no getting anything passed you.” The whiskey sour was beginning to take effect, and Shari was feeling a lot more relaxed.

“That’s right! Now who’s the lucky guy?”

Shari’s jaw dropped in feigned surprise. “How straightforward of you?”

Albert back up. “Hey, sorry, sometimes I can be a bit on the nosey side.”

“Besides, who said it was a guy?”, Shari replied playfully.

Albert let out another hardy roar. “Well, well well,” he said, “judging from the wedding ring I don’t think I would have guessed for a girl.”

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