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“I want to put dirty pictures of you on the internet.”

Melissa stopped eating, and put down her fork, and said, “Dude, for fuck’s sake.”

Two months ago she’d let Scott talk her into sucking a stranger’s cock, and it had ended badly, with him jealous. That had started exactly this way.

“It’s just an idea,” Scott said.

“A bad one.”

“Mel, this isn’t like last time.”

She looked at him for a moment. “It kind of feels like it.”

“It’s different. I won’t get upset.”

“Dude, you kind of said that last time. And then were.”

“Yeah, but with this, you won’t actually be with anyone. They won’t be touching you.”

She thought about that. She picked up her fork.

“All right,” she said. “So if I believe you, and you’re sure won’t be a thing, you really, actually want to do this?”

He shrugged.

She took a mouthful, then thought for a while, chewing. “So,” she said. “What is it, the same thrill, sharing me, but no jealous?”

“Something like that.”

“Like one picture?”

“Or several.”

“Doing what?”

“Whatever you like.”


He looked at her, then shrugged again.

“I’ll think about it,” she said.


Melissa thought about it, and looked at a few websites where people shared dirty photos of themselves, and decided it was a completely stupid idea. There was no way she was going to let him spread pictures of her around the world, with no idea where they might end up or who would see them. Just no way.

“I thought,” she said a few nights later, over dinner. “And no. I don’t want to.”

He nodded slowly.

“Is that okay?” she said.

“It’s fine.”

“You seem upset.”

“Nah, I just… I’d have liked to.”

“It’s not that I don’t want try some more kinky shit, just not this. I don’t want someone who knows me seeing, yeah? My mum. Or your mum. Or your dad.”

“Yeah,” Scott said, like he hadn’t thought of that.

“Your dad,” she said. “Seriously. That wouldn’t be good. We’ll do something else, okay?”

“You realize you don’t have to show your face? Not if you don’t want to.”

“Ah, yeah, you dick, and you realize I don’t care? I said no.”

“All right. Thank you for thinking about it.”

“We’ll think of something else.”


She looked at him and realized he was disappointed. He was being good about it, wasn’t pushing, but he’d been excited by this and was disappointed now.

She wondered if there was some compromise they could find.

“What’s the appeal?” she said. “Why naked pictures?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Because people can see me but not touch?”

“I suppose.”

“So not touching is the big thing?”

“I think so. After last time.”

She nodded, and ate for a while, thinking.

“We’ll work something out,” she said. “I promise.”

He nodded, and seemed to relax, and she decided he was okay with her saying no.


Melissa started thinking more about people looking at her. About being watched, and people wanting her. She couldn’t quite decide how much she was into this. A little, she thought. Maybe a lot.

Almost accidentally, she flashed a guy at work. She probably wouldn’t have even noticed if she hadn’t been thinking about being watched anyway. Usually, at work, if she was wearing heels, she took them off when she was sitting at her desk, and put them back on to go to meetings or lunch. One afternoon, leaning on the edge of her desk, fiddling with the strap on a tricky shoe, she realized that the way she had one leg bent against the other to reach, she might be showing quite a lot of thigh.

Then she realized Thomas, who sat opposite her, was looking.

Sometimes it happened. Sometimes you bent over, and people looked. Some guys were creepy and that was bad. Some weren’t and that was better. Thomas was an okay person, and kind of cute, and if he looked now and then he wasn’t usually that obvious, so Melissa didn’t really care.

He was looking now.

She watched him through her hair, and tried not to be obvious that she was.

He was looking, but might not have completely realized himself. It seemed like it was from habit, because her legs were there. She was fairly sure he didn’t know she’d seen him, so she stayed as she was for a moment, trying to work out how it made her feel.

It made her feel good. If she liked the person looking at her, she liked being noticed. She liked the attention.

Now she was doing it, on purpose, it turned out the idea of being looked at was hot.

She started fiddling with her shoes more often, if Thomas was at his desk. She started kneeling the wrong way to get into low filing cabinets, or bending over to hand him something with one too many buttons of her shirt undone. She spent a week flashing Thomas, then decided it was stupid, that soon people would start noticing. This wasn’t something to do at work.

She found other ways to be seen instead. She went out with friends and spent the evening crossing her legs, and noticing how people looked when she did. She went for a walk and pulled off her hoodie in front of a stranger seks hikayeleri and let her shirt come up with it. She went jeans shopping at lunchtime with undies that were to small and see-through to be sensible, and forgot to close the curtains properly in the changing room. She waited for a guy to ask if anyone needed a different size, and handed him the jeans, and stood there while he looked.

Then she got embarrassed and said never mind and left.

She decided she needed to talk to Scott before this went much further.

“So maybe on the being watched,” she said to Scott that night, getting ready for bed.

“Okay,” he said. “How do you mean?”

“I tried it. I think I like being looked at. So okay on someone else watching us. Maybe.”

He was looking at her.

“What?” she said.

“You tried being looked at?”

“Yeah?” she said, and pulled up her tee-shirt and flashed him. “I tried it. So what?”

“Nothing,” he said.

“Good.” She went and brushed her teeth. When she came back into the bedroom he said, “You really need to tell me a bit more. About the trying it.”

“No I don’t.”


“I just noticed someone perving at me. And I didn’t mind it. That’s all.”

“That’s all?”

“Yep. Want sex?”

He grinned at her.

“So yes?” she said.

“Yep,” he said, and kissed her neck. “And the rest? Someone watching us have sex?”

“We’ll see,” she said. “Don’t push. Let me decide.”

He kept kissing her and didn’t answer.


Melissa thought about whether this was a good idea. She wanted to try something new, but that she didn’t want to so much she’d risk problems with Scott. Scott said he would be fine, but he’d said that last time, and hadn’t been, and she wasn’t sure she should trust him again to know his own feelings when he might turn out to be completely wrong.

She thought a lot, and all the thinking didn’t help, either. She was agitated. She fidgeted, and she had trouble sitting down to do anything. Like being horny, like impatiently waiting for Scott to come home when she planned to jump him, all the time, except that she wasn’t even horny at all, not really. She was just thinking about sex too much, trying to decide.

That weekend, she walked around the house in only her underwear, just to see how it felt. To make sure that if they tried this, she wouldn’t get embarrassed and suddenly want to stop, and to try and check whether Scott would care. She stood next to the front windows, with the curtains open, in view of the street. Scott watched her. He seemed curious at first. Then he started smirking, like he knew some secret.

“What?” she said.

“You,” he said. “You and how you do things.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m into you, that’s all.”

“Oh,” she said, and decided that was good.

Scott kept watching her, but she decided him looking wasn’t the same. She liked him looking, but it wasn’t the same as a stranger sneaking a glance at her, because he could just stare whenever he wanted to. It didn’t have the same thrill as new eyes. It didn’t have the same uncertainty either, of not knowing whether a stranger would see terrible flaws and laugh at her.

“Is this because of the thing?” Scott said, after a while.

Melissa looked over. She stayed beside the window. “Maybe,” she said.

“Have you decided anything?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

He grinned.

“I think I need a push,” Melissa said. “I think I need this to just happen. Not to have to plan it out and decide everything first.”


“It’s kind of cold-blooded, you know? Like this. It worked before, talking about it so much, but it seems weird now.”

Scott nodded. “Okay. So what are you saying?”

“That I need a push. Like I said.”

“You’re sure?”

Melissa stood there. “I think so.”

“Really sure?”

“No. But I think so.”

Scott thought a moment, then got up and went to the front door. He opened it, and held it open, and said, “Come here.”

Melissa hesitated. As far as she could see, there was no-one outside. The street was quiet. It went nowhere and had hardly any cars along it. There were bushes down either side of their front garden, and the house over the road had trees in front of it too. The neighbors wouldn’t see her, and if anyone was coming, she’d probably hear voices or feet.

“Why?” she said, suspiciously.

“Just come here.”

“I don’t know I want to.”

“Okay. But if you do, come here.”

She stayed where she was. “What’re you doing?”

“Giving you a push. Come and stand here.”

She went, carefully. She stood in the doorway, topless, mostly bare all over, and looked out at the empty street.

In a weird way, it was quite sexy.

“Okay,” she said.

“Go outside,” Scott said.

She looked at him, and wondered if she should.

“Dare you,” he said.

Melissa hesitated, looked up and down the street, and then stepped outside.

“I’m going to close the door,” Scott said.

Melissa stood on the doormat. It was scratchy under her feet. She was almost naked, she only had her underwear on. She folded her arms over her chest.

“Do you want me to?” Scott said.

Melissa didn’t look back. “Okay,” she said.

Scott shut the door.

Then he locked it.

Melissa heard it lock. She heard it click, and suddenly started to worry.

“Scott,” she said quietly, “Hey. Unlock it.”


“Fuck,” Melissa said, scared. “Fuck. Open it.”

“I’m giving you a push.”

Melissa was standing ten feet from the road, with only a lawn between her and anyone who drove past.

“Open the fucking door,” she said, angry.

“A push.

“Scott, fuck.”

“I’ll open it if you want me to,” Scott called. “Or the back door’s open.”

Melissa hesitated, then ran around the side of the house. Scott was at the door, holding it open. Melissa ran inside, and pushed it shut, then leaned on the wall, beside him, and wanted to laugh.

To laugh, or get drunk, or stand there swearing.

“Fuck,” she said in the end. “Dude, that wasn’t cool.”

“I told you I was going to.”

“Shut it. Not lock it.”

He kept grinning.

“Not make me run around naked.”

“You liked it.”

“I know, but fuck. Still.”

“Was it hot?”

She glared at him, and didn’t want to admit it, then said, “Yes.”

“How hot?”

She pulled him over, tugged his jeans open and her underwear down, and showed him.

Sex was good, but it didn’t ease the faint agitation she felt. She wanted something. She wanted more than suburban pranks and the risk of being seen. She wanted to do something like what Scott had suggested, she just wasn’t quite sure if they should.


Melissa wandered around in her underwear for another hour, until Scott said, “Just order a pizza and go to the door naked.”

“I can’t,” she said, then stopped and actually thought about it. “Can I?”

“You’re hot. The guy won’t care.”

“You think I’m hot. That’s not the same.”

“You’re a chick. You’re naked. Same difference.”

She stood there for a moment, looking at him.

“You’re hot,” he said. “Shit, of course you’re hot.”

“Careful,” she said, but went and ordered a pizza. Then sat on the couch in the lounge, waiting, holding the money ready in her hand. After a few minutes she said, “Topless or naked?”

“What turns you on more?”

She sat there and almost wanted to blush. Or scream. “Naked.”

“So naked.”

She pulled her undies off, then sat there naked. She was nervous, and turned on, and couldn’t think. She actually bit her nails a little.

“Maybe just my tits,” she said.

“Whichever you want.”

She picked up her underwear, then put them down again. “Naked,” she said.

The doorbell rang.

Melissa sat there, and didn’t move.

It rang again.

“Are you…” Scott said.

She shook her said, said, “You get it.”

He grinned, and kissed her, and took the money from her hand.

Melissa stayed where she was, and listened. She was a few feet from the pizza guy, was really only hidden by a half-closed door.

She couldn’t decide what she felt.

Scott came back into the lounge, and put the pizza box on the coffee table, then sat next to Melissa and put his arm around her.

“We don’t have to do anything,” he said. “Nothing you don’t want to.”

“It just felt too creepy,” Melissa said. “Some poor guy going about his day and then me there in his face.”

“He wouldn’t have minded.”

“He might have.”

“I’ll bet he wouldn’t.”

“You don’t know that,” Melissa said. “And it’s wrong. So don’t tell me it isn’t.”


“And don’t talk yourself into a hole.”

Scott grinned.

“Fuck me?” Melissa said. “Again?”

“Of course.”

They had sex on the sofa, and then later ate cold pizza.


A few nights later, while they were getting ready for bed, Scott said, “You’re worried about the internet because people could keep the pictures, right?”

Melissa thought about that, then nodded. “Yeah, mostly.”

“What if we made a dirty movie and I showed someone in person?” Scott said. “Like holding my phone. So he couldn’t keep it.”

“Ah, why?”

“So it didn’t get out. But so he could see you, and you’d know he’d seen you, but he couldn’t keep it somehow without us knowing.”

Melissa sat there for a while, feeling turned on. “That’s awful,” she said. “We can’t do that.”

“Sorry,” Scott said. “It was just an idea.”

“I’m into it. But it’s awful. That you’d even ask me. Isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. No more than you blowing other men.”

“I suppose.”

“We don’t have to.”

“Ah, no. I’m…. Who?”

“I hadn’t thought that far. Anyone you like.”

“It has to be someone we trust. Who won’t talk.”

“You’re sure? Not a stranger?”

“You’re going to just walk up to some guy and say here, look at this porn then give it back?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“So it has to be someone we trust not to just run off.”


“And it has to be a guy, too. I don’t want another chick comparing herself to me.”


“So a friend. One of your friends, basically.”

“All right.”

“And you have to pretend I don’t know he’s seeing it.”

Scott looked at her. “I don’t know.”

“You have to. That’s like a rule. I don’t want everyone knowing I’m the kind of person who lets people watch her dirty movies.”


“Say it. Go on. See what fucking happens.”

Scott grinned. “Of course you aren’t.”

“So you have to pretend I don’t know. That you’re showing him without me knowing.”

“That kind of makes me look bad.”

“It does.”

“Really fucking bad.”

“I know. But for this, if you want to do this, you’re going to have to look bad. Rather than me.”

“Is that fair?”

“Want to or not?”

After a moment Scott shrugged.

“And I’m going to hide somewhere and watch him watch,” Melissa said, thinking. “That’d actually be hot.”

“How will that work?”

“Don’t know. But I want to.”

Scott thought. “It’d really have to be one of the bedrooms, if we do it here. With you in a wardrobe.”

“Then we’ll do that.”

“So I’m going to ask someone we know to visit, and come upstairs, and suddenly show him porn, all in a bedroom.”

Melissa started grinning.

“You don’t think…”

“Okay,” Melissa said. “So maybe not that. Fine. You show him wherever you happen to be, and tell me after.”

Scott nodded.

“But remember good. And tell me in detail. Like lots of fucking detail.”

“I promise.”

“Okay,” Melissa said. “Then we’re doing that.”

Scott kissed her. “Thank you.”


They tried to make a dirty movie. Scott went down on Melissa, while she held a camera and filmed him. She was quite turned on by the idea of what they were doing, and more aware of the camera than she’d have thought, but afterwards, when they watched the movie, there wasn’t very much to see. Half of Scott’s face, and a bit of Melissa’s tummy, and from an odd angle, with what was happening hidden, and the camera starting to wobble fairly badly at the end.

They tried having sex and the same thing happened. If one of them held the camera, the picture bounced around a lot. With the camera sitting on the dresser, the picture was steady, but was too far away to see properly.

Melissa was disappointed. Scott seemed disappointed too.

She tried a last time, sucking Scott off, and that actually worked. Penises stuck out, she supposed. The interesting part of the movie was happening at the end of Scott’s cock, not right in between her legs where the camera couldn’t see, like with sex and her getting head.

Scott managed to hold the camera steadier too, most of the time. She wasn’t sure if that ought to annoy her.

She liked what they had managed, but the movie wasn’t perfect. Suddenly she wanted it to be perfect. In the first movie, her hair was in the way a lot of the time, and it was hard to tell when Scott actually came, because she’d kept sucking as he finished and he didn’t do anything really obviously like shout that he was blowing his load in her mouth. She decided she wanted to try again.

They made another movie, the next night, and made more of a production of it. Melissa started in a party dress and took it off while she sucked, and knelt down, and kept her hair out the way, and made sure Scott came on her mouth as much as in it so it was obvious when he’d finished.

When they watched the movie, it looked like porn. It looked like real porn, not just them holding a camera. Melissa was pleased.

“Is someone watching me give head as good as watching me give it to someone?” she said, watching herself suck.

“Pretty much,” Scott said.

“Okay,” Melissa said, surprised by how well the movie had worked. “Show someone. And tell me when you do.”


“Um,” Scott said, a couple of days later. “So the movie.”

“Yeah?” Melissa said.

“It didn’t go that well.”

“Oh.” Melissa was suddenly worried. “What, did I…”

“No, not that. I showed William. He told me I was a sick fuck and left.”

“Oh,” Melissa said. “Oh shit.”

“Yeah. I’m not sure what to do.”


William phoned Melissa a few days later and tried to tell her Scott was showing people films of her.

“I know,” she said. “Um, thanks for telling me, but don’t worry. He told me about it.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Nah, it’s okay.”

She sat there and tried to decide if she should say he could watch it again, now he knew it was okay. She decided not to.

“Bye,” she said, and wondered if it was going to be weird, next time she saw William.


“Fixed,” she said when she got home.

“Maybe we should give up on this.”

She sat there for a while, thinking. She was about to agree. This hadn’t ended that well last time, and they were pushing a bit hard, trying to make themselves do kinkier things.

She didn’t want to give up. She wanted to try. She’d wanted to try last time, with her giving blowjobs, until Scott had got jealous and weird and said no.

Last chance, she thought. One last try to make this work.

“We could get someone to watch us,” she said. “If you were into that.”

Scott looked up.

“Just someone here,” Melissa said. “With us. Him watching. No movies.”

Scott was thinking.

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