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First day of summer. Time to sleep in, hang out with friends, and stay up late; but no I’m getting shipped out to Virginia to stay with my aunt. I’m Rachel and I am 5’5, with honey blonde hair, blue eyes, 18 years of age and because of my daily running schedule my body is pretty trim.

My flight from Michigan to Virginia leaves later in the day so I put on my running gear and tell my mom that i will be back.

“Okay but not too late, you don’t want to miss your flight.”

I step outside and take a deep breathe of the fresh country air. “I’m gonna miss this,” i thought out loud.

After about four miles i decided to turn back and head for home. Quickly hopping in the shower and getting cleaned up; i get out and admire my naked body in the mirror. Turning back and forth to make sure everything is looking good for the summer. My breasts are the perfect size, 32b, and i love the weight of them in my hands.

I hate the airport. Everyone in such a hurry and pushing people around. My mom parked out front and got out to give me a hug.

“Be good for your Aunt Taylor, okay kiddo?”

“Yes mom. I’ll text you when I land. Love you.”

It was about three thirty when the plane started boarding. I found an empty row in the back; I really hope no one sits next to me. Of course with my luck a guy about a couple years older than I am 6 foot with brown hair and deep blue eyes sits a seat away from me.

“Hey, I’m Brandon,” he turns and says while holding out his hand.

“I’m Rachel,” I say back and shake it.

We talked for most of the flight learning each other’s interests and why we were going to Virginia. Brandon lives there with his twin, Bryan. Before we landed we exchanged numbers and hoped to see each other again.

It was about dinner time by the time I arrived at my aunt’s house and I was starving.

“Aunt Taylor? You home?” I call out when I step through the door.

Taylor is an on call doctor at the nearest hospital and is always leaving at weird times of the day. I wandered into the living room where a girl sat watching tv. She noticed me right away and got up to say hello.

“Hey, you must be Rachel. Your aunt told me that you’re staying for the summer. Oh I’m Veronica by the way but everyone calls me Roni.”

The air rushed out of my lungs when I heard Roni speak, it was a voice of an angel. Roni is 19, has dark brown hair, with big hazel eyes, and looks like she works out a lot.

“Taylor said to show you around and my friend is having a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come with me?”

“Ya sure,” I replied maybe too quickly.

She chuckled and flashed me a big smile that made me weak in the knees.

“I live next door if you ever need anything. I’m also over a lot because your aunt has cable,” she laughed.

Oh my I don’t know if I can spend the whole summer seeing her around everyday. She turned off the tv and left me to unpacking and getting settled. I went up stairs to the room I would be occupying this summer. After all my clothes had been put away i opted to take a shower before getting into bed.

“Shit I forgot a towel,” I groaned.

I know there were some on the dresser in my room. Quickly and quietly, I ran into the room naked.

After locating the towels, I began to dry myself. A gleam of light was in the corner of my eye. I turned to look and gasped as I notice that Roni had been staring at me from her bedroom window. Our eyes met for the briefest moment before she started to lower her blinds. Not much later Roni’s room went dark. I decided to follow her lead and turned off my own light. I slid into the warm soft bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

I open my eyes and stretch out a bit. My mind immediately recalled my interaction with the neighbor last night.

I wandered down the stairs and was greeted by the smell of coffee. Aunt Taylor was sitting at the table sipping some and reading the paper.

“Oh good you’re awake,” she got up and walked over to give me a big hug. “Sorry I couldn’t be here to greet you when you got in, sweetie.”

“It”s okay Aunt Taylor, your neighbor, Veronica, was over and invited me to a party tonight.”

“Ooo fun fun. She’s a good kid; I trust her. Well I got to get back to the hospital. I won’t be back until later.”

We said our goodbyes and she kissed my forehead before walking out the door. I usually see my aunt twice a year, but this is the first time I will be staying with her for a long period Keçiören Escort of time.

I finished my cup of coffee and went to change for my morning run. I didn’t know the area that well so I went wherever my feet would take me. Finally slowing down to catch my breath, I realized that I may have ran eight miles away from the house and I didn’t know if I could find my way back.

I walked into a nearby coffee shop to ask for directions when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Hey Rachel how’s it going,” an angel spoke.

“Oh Roni didn’t see you there. I’m actually a little bit lost.” i turned bright red from embarrassment.

“Did you run here?”

“Oh ya. Why?”

“Wow that’s hella far girl,” she said with amazement. “I was just heading out, do you want a ride?”

“That would be awesome! Thank you.”

I tried to hide my excitement but I know I’m not fooling anyone.

Roni led me to her motorcycle and with a smirk gave me the spare helmet.

“Ever ridden on one of these Rachel?” she asked even though she knew the answer.


“Well climb on back and hold on tight.”

“To what?” I question not seeing anything.

“Here let me show you.”

She reached for my arms and guided them around her waist pulling me closer into her. My heartbeat started to rise and I could feel myself becoming damp. The engine roared to life right under us as Roni maneuvered her way through the streets.

I loved the feel of me being pressed up against her and I never want to let go.

We slowed to a stop in front of Roni’s house. I was still in a daze so when I tried to hop off I tripped and rolled my ankle.

“Oh no Rachel. You ok?”

“Uhh I’m not sure I can walk. I think I sprained my ankle.”

“Here try to move it.”

“Ow ow ow,” I yelled with a grimace on my face.

“Sorry . Let me help you to your couch, darlin.”

I shiver by the sound of her saying that to me.

Roni bent over and hoisted me up onto her shoulder. She took off running across the yard laughing. I was to stunned to speak.

Next thing I know I’m being thrown onto my aunt’s couch with Roni falling on top of me. We giggle for a second before we caught each other’s eyes. Roni slowly started to inch her lips closer to mine, but before we could kiss Aunt Taylor walked in.

“Hey Rach… oh sorry did I interrupt something,” she said with a grin.

“Nope not at all,Tay,” replied Roni like nothing happened, “but Rachel did fall and hurt her ankle.”

“Hmm, doesn’t look broken, just a little swelling and bruising but nothing too bad,” Taylor said, “well I just came back to grab my lunch. You two have fun tonight.”

She left a couple minutes later and again Veronica and I were all alone. Roni disappeared into the kitchen for a bit then returned with an ice pack. She gently put it on my ankle and rested my legs in her lap. After watching tv for a minute I started to slip in and out of sleep.

I awoke to a hand gently shaking. “Rachel. Come on darlin wake up.”

I groaned and snuggled deeper into the couch.

“Rach we have to get ready for the party.”

“Okay okay I need a shower though.”

“Yeah you do,” Roni said laughing really hard.

I pushed her and tried a stand up. I grimaced at the pain my ankle was in.

“Oh here let me help you.”

Roni put my arm around her shoulder while i hobbled into the bathroom. I turned around to still see Roni behind me.

“Uh thank you but you can go. I got it from here,” I said blushing a dark red.

“But what if you fall,” Roni replied surprised I was kicking her out.

“I’m not going to fall,” I scoffed

She glared at me while i pushed her out the door.

“I’ll be sitting right outside the door. Right outside.”

I chuckled and closed the door. I turned on the shower and climbed in. After washing my hair I bent down to turn the spray off when my shampoo bottle fell. Right away Roni was in the door.

“What was that? Are you okay?”

“It was just the shampoo bottle. Now can you please..”

All of a sudden I stepped onto the bottle and went tumbling down. I opened my eyes to see that I didn’t fall but that Roni had caught me.

“Well well well miss I’m not gonna fall,” Roni said giggling at me while i scolded her.

It got quiet when we both realized that i was naked. She let her eyes roam over my body and let out a sigh of Etimesgut Escort appreciation. Again we were so close to kissing but I had to stop it.

“I um need to um get ready.”

“Ya sure. Me too. I’ll see you in five minutes, okay?”

I smiled at her as she walked out of the bathroom.

“Rachel, sweetheart, are you ready? We don’t want to be late.”

“I’ll be down in a minute,” I shouted from my room.

I had decided to put on a white and pink sundress and underneath I had matching white lacey bra and panties.

I stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the angel who called herself Veronica. She wore a black button down with blue jeans that looked like they were painted on and finished it off with some black Vans. She was the definition of perfection.

“Wow Rachel you look gorgeous,” Roni said looking me over from head to toe.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.”

“We better get going. Stick is waiting for us.”


“Ya he’s my best friend, you are gonna love him,” she winked at me while holding the car door open for me.

We arrived at, I’m guessing, Stick’s house which was huge. It was a brown two story house with a pool and jacuzzi in the backyard.

Walking through the front door, we were greeted with the sound of booming music. A male with shaggy light brown hair, blue eyes, and about 5’10 sought us out through the crowd.

“Hey Roni, glad you could make it.”

“Didn’t plan on missing it,” Roni replied back, ” and this here is my friend Rachel.”

“Hey Rachel, I’m Bryan but people call me Stick,” he said with a goofy grin.

“Hey bro we are out of beer,” a guy said to Stick. “Wait Rachel?”

“Brandon?” I knew I had seen him before, it just clicked when he said my name.

“So you guys know each other?” Roni ask.

“Ya Brandon and I sat next to each other on the plane ride here.”

“Haha and I think we hit it off pretty good, so don’t get any ideas bro,” he said with a chuckle.

I looked over at Roni to see a blank expression on her face that I couldn’t read.

“Hey Rach, let’s dance,” Brandon said pulling me onto the dance without an answer.

I looked back to see Veronica’s reaction but she had already disappeared into the crowd.

I had been dancing for about an hour and still no sign of Roni. Maybe I read the situation wrong; maybe she wasn’t as into me as I thought. The music turned into a slower tune so I thought it would be a good time to grab a drink.

“I’m going to grab a drink then look for Roni. Ok?” I yelled over the music at Brandon.

“You stay here, I’ll get it for you and tell her that you’re here.”

I nodded and watched him maneuver himself off the dance floor. I looked around to find an empty seat and luckily found one in the corner. As I made my way towards it, Brandon had caught up to me and handed me some vodka and punch drink. I didn’t realize how thirsty i was and quickly drained the cup. Not even a minute or two later, I started to feel the room spin and I couldn’t keep my head up.

“Woah there Rachel, do you need get some air?” Brandon questioned.

“Umm, ya but I don’t think I can stand up straight.”

“Here I gotcha.”

He put his arms around my waist and guided me to the backyard, where there weren’t much people. We sat down on a hidden bench in the garden and just started to talk about anything that came to mind. I was really out of it and beginning to slur my words when Brandon placed his hand on my thigh and started to kiss me.

“Brandon stop. Please I like someone else,” I tried to squeak out.

“Who? That dyke bitch? I can show you how good a real man can fuck.”

As he said that he yanked up my dress and ripped my panties off. I started to panic but i couldn’t find my voice and I was frozen with fear. I could hear the sound of him unbuckling his pants.

“Mm nice and tight, just the way I like it.” That was the last thing I could remember before blacking out.

I awoke sometime later with a splitting headache and an aching pain between my legs. Everything finally started to sink and I curled into a ball and started to cry. I could see that the party was still going on so I quickly walked through the house towards the front the door because all I wanted to do was get home and sleep it off.

I was almost out the door when I felt someone grab onto my are; thinking that it was Brandon Demetevler Escort coming back for more, I spun around ready to attack.

“Woah Rach, what happened.” I breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Roni.

“Can you take me home please,” I could barely croak out.

She had a really mad mask on but nodded her once and led me to her car. Once we got in she sped down the road. After a little bit of driving I noticed we weren’t heading in the right direction. Whenever I tried to tell her about it she ignored me. I gasped when I realized we were at the beach.

Living in Michigan means I have never really been to the beach that often but I loved the times that I did get to. I love the sand between my toes and the salty sea air was refreshing. I was brought out of my trance when Roni spoke to me for the first time in awhile.

“Are you going to tell me what happened to you or am I just gonna have to assume the worst.”

I opened my mouth so tell but nothing came out and the tears just started coming and wouldn’t stop. Roni quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and scooted me towards her while she cradled me in her arms whispering soothing words in my ear.

After I had calmed down I began to tell her what had happened at the party.

“That low life piece of shit. I’m going to kill him,” Roni said through her clench teeth and balled fists.

“Hey. baby, calm down. I just want to forget it even happened.”

“He should be in jail for what he did.”

“I don’t want to press charges. Let’s go home Roni.”

She looked at me with soft deflated eyes and started the car back up to go home.

Pulling up into her driveway, I started to feel sick thinking that I was about to be alone after everything had happened. Roni could sense my reluctance about and offered to walk me in.

“Uh, do you want to come in and hang out? It’s still kinda early,” I said with a nervous tone in my voice.

“That would be lovely.”

I turned to look at her and of course she had her trademark goofy smile. I couldn’t help but smile along with her.

Finally getting my key to work, I opened the door. I walked in and turned to close it when I ran right into Roni. Again I could feel the sparks between us. I looked up to see her staring straight into my eyes. Not wanting to ruin the moment I didn’t stop her when she started to descend her lips onto mine. When they met I felt a shock run from my lips down through my body. I could feel my nipples start to harden and my pussy start to drip.

The kiss started out slow and passionate but very quickly turned needy. I could feel her tongue asking for permission to enter so I opened up to get a taste of her. Soon we were pawing at each others clothes and trying to get as close as possible to each other. I was becoming very hot and grabbed her bottom lip in between my teeth and pulled.

“Upstairs now,” she growled into my ear.

We raced upstairs into my bedroom and locked the door. As I turned to face her, I could see the hunger in her eyes so I slowly walked toward her while I seductively pulled off my dress and bra. Roni just stood there frozen while she watched me climb into the middle of the bed.

“Are you gonna join me or just stand there,” I said with a wink.

She whipped her shirt over her head and shed her pants and panties off in less than a second. Next thing I knew she was hovering over me breathing heavily. She dipped down her head to kiss me again but it felt was more loving than earlier. I reach my hands around her neck to pull her closer and deepen the kiss.

She broke the kiss and descended down my body. Stopping at breasts, she took my left nipple into her mouth and lightly nursed it while she pulled and twisted my other one.

“Please, Baby, I need you now.”

Hearing the neediness in my voice, she let go and ran her tongue down toward my pussy but stopped just short of it. I heard a whimper escape my lips and Roni lifted her head with a smile before diving into my hot center.

“Oh god, Roni, don’t stop. Oh yessss right there.”

Roni ran her tongue up and down inside my slit, using the fingers on her left hand to hold me open. I was so close and she could sense it as she pressed two fingers inside me hitting my G-spot. Roni then sucked my clit into her mouth and nibbled on it. That was all I could take as she sent me into an earth shattering orgasm.

“Baby I’m cummmiinnngggg, oh god oh god Roniiiiiii,” I screamed in orgasmic bliss.

I could feel Roni move up next to me and gently place her lips onto mine. She moved me right up next to her, placing my head into the crook of her neck.

“I want to pleasure you too,” I said with a small yawn.

“Tonight was about you Rachel now get some sleep.”

I didn’t need to be told twice and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

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