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These true events occurred at the start of the Christmas holidays after my first term at university. They centre on Lisa the girls cherry I popped the previous summer. You will see she clearly leant a lot in her first term at university. These events occurred over 25 years ago hence no cell phones etc. Enjoy – Steve.


It was a Friday night on my first day back home after my first term at university. I was at the Windmill pub and hadn’t intended to go out as I had to start a Christmas job at 7.00am the next day. My friend Mark had other ideas and earlier telephoned me at my parent’s house badgering me to go out with him for a drink.

‘So how many girls you fucked at university then?’

‘Ere well…’

‘If it was me it would be hundreds.’

I was tempted to explain to Mark that as a term only lasts for ten weeks, in the highly unlikely event he could fuck a girl a day that would only equate to seventy and not the “hundreds” he had implied. However, in deference to Mark he had watched a pirated copy of “University Sex Explosion.” The sordid video-tape contained a bunch of forty something male porn stars pretending to be university students, each one had multiple sex with women who were of student age. Mark being unable to separate fact from fiction genuinely believed this sort of thing went on at university.

Poor old Mark was never going to go to university; he had left school at 16 and gone to work for a local gardening company. Mark quickly dispensed with asking me about university and instead started talking his favourite subject himself and his amazing sex life.

‘Yeah did I tell you what happened the other day.’

‘No Mark.’

‘Yeah, well there was this…’

‘It’s not the story about that older woman and her neglected bush is it?’


‘Twin sisters?’

‘No you cunt, are you taking the piss?’

‘No of course not, please do tell.’

‘Well there was this like, mother and daughter, and I was doing their garden and the mother’s like sunbathing, topless like, I was staring at her, she wanted it, her cunt was dripping wet. So I’m staring at her from a distance…’

I gave an exaggerated yawn. If he going to make up stories he had to at least make them credible, who on earth sunbathes in England in December?

‘Yeah, and then I feel these hands slide up my trousers and it’s like her daughter looking at me, then she squeezes my cock through my trousers. “Oh you’re so big,” she moans. “Yeah I know,” I tell her. Then she unzips me takes my cock her hand, I’m really hard at this point.’

‘Yeah obviously,’ I replied just going through the motions. I looked round the pub hoping I would spot someone else who I could talk to. It was reasonably busy and decked out with cheap Christmas decorations. Meanwhile Mark continued…

‘Then she takes me in her…’

‘Surprise!’ A female voice in my ear.

Fuck, what’s going on, the room’s gone black. It takes a split second to realise someone’s put their hands over my eyes blinding me. The hands are soft, warm with a smell of tobacco as I try to think of any girls I know who smoke.

“Who is it?” I was tempted to ask but before I can, the hands are released and the stranger walks round in front of me.

‘Hi Steve,’ she flashes me a smile.

She looks really familiar like I should know instantly who she is, it’s strange, and I think I do but I don’t. It’s the pub the Windmill, where I am sat with Mark that’s the clue, as I say ‘Lisa.’

She smiles nods, before stating, ‘yeah…’ in a sort of shagged out transatlantic drawl.

‘Sorry I…’ she had seriously lost allot of weight, her hair was much shorter and straighter. Also, Lisa had totally lost the desperate, “I can’t believe you might even consider having sex with me,” look. Instead it was a confident, “I will fuck whoever I want to.”

She held my gaze staring into my eyes, as I recalled the last time I had stared into them was just after I had shot a load of cum into her unprotected womb. I was forced to say, ‘you you look really different.’

‘Yeah,’ as she slid her hand down her flat stomach, ‘there’s not so much of me now.’

I just nodded as she lit a cigarette.

‘Cigarettes,’ as she puffed out a plume of smoke, ‘red wine and sex.’


‘My diet.’

I was somewhat aghast by her change in appearance and personality as she turned to Mark, ‘so.’


‘Let’s hear the rest of your story.’


‘Yeah, what you were telling Steve, we got to where she had your cock in her hand, did she blow you? I bet she did, me, I love the taste of cum.’

Lisa looked at me, and then put on this deliberate confused face before pronouncing, ‘oh Steve I didn’t swallow with you did I?’

I was totally shocked that she could be so open about our night together where I took her virginity. Although I don’t think I was as shocked as Mark as Lisa edged closer to him, and said, ‘he’s really good you know.’


‘At eating pussy, in fact he’s almost as good as a girl!’ Lisa then gave a huge throaty laugh to Mark’s incredulous Döşemealtı Escort look.

And with that she was off down to the far end of the pub.

Mark’s reaction was strange, he sort of sat there for about five minutes taking small sips from his drink and crunching on his packet of crisps. Eventually I asked, ‘you alright?’

‘Yeah,’ before he spluttered, ‘did you shag it then?’

‘I can’t tell you that.’

Mark took another sip of his drink, ‘you never did tell us what happened that night you went out with a drink with her.’

‘No I didn’t did I?’

‘Well she seems to think you shagged her, dirty slag.’

‘What do you mean?’


I chuckled, ‘are you just pissed off?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, when she was carrying a few more pounds I heard a rumour she fancied you.’

‘No that’s bollocks.’

‘So you wouldn’t?’

‘Wouldn’t what?’

‘Shag her.’

Mark looked at her down the other end of the pub, ‘nah, I have much better offers all the time at work.’

‘Oh really,’ I replied dismissively.

We continued the rest of our drink not much was spoken, I said I was back at the supermarket where I had worked on the summer starting tomorrow. A couple of other people came and went. It was towards the end of the evening when I caught Lisa’s eye, she was still at the other end of the pub with some friends. I recognised most of them from school but didn’t really know them all that well.

‘Shall we go over?’ I said to Mark motioning in the direction of Lisa and her friends.


‘To be sociable, it is nearly Christmas.’ Mark said something but I ignored him and got up walked the short distance to where Lisa was, ‘hi you alright?’

‘Good thanks.’

‘How’s uni?’

She smiled, ‘good, lots of new people,’ she lowered her voice and looked at me seductively, ‘and new experiences.’

‘I see.’

‘I don’t think you do.’


She looked around, ‘with you, it was the best.’


‘Yeah, I’ve had crap sex,’ she then raised her voice enough for her friends to hear, ‘like really, really crap sex, like he cums before he’s even properly inside you.’

‘Okay,’ I said hoping she would quieten down a bit. It was at this juncture Mark wondered over.

‘Mark,’ greeted Lisa.

Mark grunted a response.

‘Mark, Marky Mark, who is so full of hot stories.’

Mark appeared uncomfortable as he looked around hoping in the hope one of Lisa’s friends would silence her. But nobody intervened allowing Lisa to continue.

‘So Marky, this girl was sucking you off and then what happened? You said her mother was sunbathing topless,’ Lisa giggled, ‘did mother come over and say “no daughter you’re doing it wrong, it’s like this,” and proceed to take you in her mouth?’

‘Er, yeah it was something like that.’

‘So who was better at sucking your cock? Mother or daughter?’

A couple of Lisa’s friends rolled their eyes, some others drifted off. Time at the bar had earlier been called and so a few minutes later there was just me, Mark, Lisa and Lisa’s friend Chloe. Chloe was fairly quiet and reserved, in the background was Chloe’s boyfriend Ben who I vaguely knew from school. I could see he was getting annoyed with Lisa, possibly worried she might corrupt Chloe with her outlandish behaviour.

‘Drink up,’ boomed the Landlord, ‘haven’t you lot got home to go too,’ as he collected the empty glasses on the surrounding tables.

‘Lisa we’re going,’ announced Chloe as she stood smiled at the Landlord and walked over to Ben, ‘do you still want a lift?’

‘Yeah, we can party round at mine.’

‘I don’t know about that.’

‘See you then Lisa.’

‘Oh no,’ she moaned, ‘Steve you can come back with us, can’t he Chloe?’

‘I suppose.’

Whilst he had not been invited Mark managed to tag along as we walked the short distance to Chloe’s Ford Fiesta which had been parked in the pub car park.

Ben sat in the front next to Chloe whilst I sat in the back in the middle between Lisa and Mark. As the car set off I felt Lisa’s thigh brush against me, ‘you really were the best she whispered.’

‘So you keep saying.’

‘I mean it Steve, I really mean it.’

‘Mmm,’ I murmured as I began to feel myself getting hard.

‘Do you think we can lose him?’

‘Yeah,’ I whispered, ‘he lives near Chloe. Can you get her to drop him off?’

‘Will do,’ replied Lisa as I felt her head rest on my shoulder.

About ten minutes later we were outside Lisa’s parent’s house.

Mark had tapped Ben on the shoulder so Ben got out of the car enabling Mark to exit followed by Lisa and me.

Chloe eyed up the three of us, ‘we need to get back.’

Lisa walked over to the passenger window which Chloe had wound down and whispered presumably about taking Mark back.

Chloe shook her head.

‘Oh Chloe!’

‘No Lisa.’

Lisa stomped her foot in a huff and walked up her drive.

Me and Mark followed, turning she whispered, ‘you need to be quiet my parents are in.’

‘Where’s Döşemealtı Escort Bayan the toilet I need a slash.’

Lisa pointed Mark to a door near the stairs before she went into the front room as I followed after her.

‘I don’t believe Chloe, can’t you get rid of him?

‘How am I supposed to do that?’

‘I don’t know.’

Mark returned, looked around the front room admiring the expensive decor, ‘can we put some music on?’

‘No,’ said Lisa, ‘that’s a two-grand stereo.’

‘Drink then?’

Lisa nodded, then fixed me a glare and exited the room.

With Lisa out of the way I turned to face my friend, ‘Mark, what you still doing here?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Two’s company, three’s a crowd and all that.’

‘Do you want me to go then?’

‘I think that’s the general idea.’

Just then Lisa appeared with a bottle of red wine and three glasses

‘Mark was just about to go weren’t you Mark?’


‘No it’s okay he can stay.’

I looked at Lisa surprised she had changed her mind but then I saw the wicked glint in her eye. She then poured out three glasses, ‘bottoms up,’ she toasted.


As I said it was a very big room with two settees and a couple of armchairs Mark and I sat on an arm chair each whilst Lisa stretched out on one of the settees.

‘So what shall we talk about?’ asked Lisa.

I shrugged my shoulders, Lisa smiled before announcing, ‘sex, let’s talk about sex. So Mark, this mother and daughter, do tell me more I love a hot story.’

He looked away red faced and embarrassed.

‘Come on Marky lets hear all the details.’

‘Just this bird I shagged on a job, happens all the time.’

‘Oh I bet it does,’ laughed Lisa, turning to face Mark, ‘so how many?’


‘How many women have you slept with?’

‘I don’t know, loads I guess.’

‘Oh Mark you can do better than that, more than a hundred?’





‘Er yeah,’ he replied a bit too overeagerly, ‘about that many.’

‘Wow that’s a lot more than me. I’ve only slept with five,’ she deliberately paused, ‘girls.’

There was a deadly hush in the room.

She smiled, ‘girls are so much better at sex than boys they really know how to please and are not selfish, although not all boys are bad at sex are they Steve?’

I replied with a smirk.

Lisa continued, ‘Steve here took my cherry in this vey house didn’t you? I thought all boys would be like you, you know nice and gentle, licking me out, oh Steve your pussy licking skills are almost as good as a girls, in fact you could show some girls a trick or two.’

Now I don’t know whether Lisa was making up the whole lesbian thing up or just to get a reaction from Mark. But if that was her intention it was certainly working as she continued.

‘My first time with a girl, it was an accident, it just sort of happened, I was seeing this guy I really liked him but he cheated on me, and I was so upset crying in my room. One of my friends was walking past and heard my sobbing, knocked on my door. “What’s wrong?” She asked and I poured my heart out to her, she cuddled me, held me close. I could smell her perfume her body up close against me. I felt something, do you know what I mean?’

I nodded; I don’t know about Mark, but this story true or not was really turning me on.

‘Then we looked into each other’s eyes, both smiled, we both wanted it, wanted each other really bad, then we just started kissing each other, God I was so turned on and so was she, before I knew it she had my top and bra off and one of my nips in her mouth, God I got so wet, so quickly.’

I now had a hard-on which was proving a bit uncomfortable; attempting to adjust myself Lisa raised an eyebrow.

‘You alright Steve?’


Lisa then took a large swig from her glass leaving it almost empty, ‘opps,’ she said as she looked into the diminished contents.

‘What’s up?’ I asked.

‘Red wine, it really makes me horny, better not have anymore.’

With that she stood up, ‘I’m just off to the loo.’

Once out of the room I said to Mark, ‘she’s gagging for it.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘What do you think I mean Mark. She wants some cock, are you going to do anything about it?’

‘I thought she was yours and you were…’

‘I think at this precise moment she’s anyone’s.’ Looking Mark in the eye and nodding to the door, ‘so how about it?’


‘Go to the bathroom, she’s probably in there waiting for you now.’

‘I, I…’ he stammered, ‘well I’m er, you know,’ he then seemed to draw inspiration from somewhere as he concluded, ‘I’m a bit shagged out at the moment.’

Shaking my head I went over to the table with the bottle of wine and filled up Lisa’s glass before sitting back down.

Mark looked a bit confused, I heard the toilet flush and a few moments later Lisa re-appeared.

‘You okay boys?’

‘Yeah,’ I replied before looking at her glass, and remarking, ‘Mark’s Escort Döşemealtı filled you up.’

‘Oh did you Mark?’

‘I…’ he spluttered.

‘I think he wants to get you all horny.’

‘Do you Mark?’


‘He’s always saying he regrets not going out with you in the summer.’

‘Mark is that true?’

‘I guess.’

‘God I was so nervous back in the summer wasn’t I?.’

I nodded before replying, ‘but I think you’ve made up for it now.’

‘Yeah, but back then I was afraid you wouldn’t fancy me, but then when I caught you staring, you know at my tits and you said that thing about girls in purple dresses, I guess you fancied me, but I was still unsure whether you would do it with me. I had to call Michelle from the pub.’

Lisa continued, ‘I was such a virgin back then, I’d never even seen a real cock let alone suck on one, or let one explode deep inside me. Oh, remember Steve how I woke you up in the middle of the night?’

I nodded.

Lisa turned to face Mark, ‘I was just so horny, so I started to play with Steve’s cock which just made me even hornier. I just wanted to have his cock inside me, despite the fact we’d run out of condoms and I wasn’t on the pill. And then Steve woke up, remember when you fingered me I was so wet wasn’t I?’

‘Very wet.’

‘And remember how you got me on my back and started to tease me with your cock didn’t you, not slipping it in just teasing me with it. Fuck I so wanted you to slip it into me, I couldn’t wait till the morning for you to get some condoms. Then after a while you slipped your whole bare cock all the way in. It felt so amazing without a rubber in the way, and then it got even better when you started to fuck me, but then you stopped. I was so, so frustrated, so then, oh fuck Mark, I did something really bad and naughty, I can’t believe I did that.’

‘What?’ Asked Mark now excited.

‘I said to Steve, “will you cum inside me.” Oh God for some reason I just wanted to feel his cum inside me, my period was due shortly so I didn’t think I could get pregnant I was just so horny wasn’t I?’

I nodded.

‘Remember how I kept whispering for you to cum inside me, and eventually it all got a bit too much for you and you did. I will remember that for the rest of my life, the first boy to see my tits, suck them, lick my pussy put his dick in me and then best of all to cum inside and to take my cherry properly. All in one evening. I think Steve, that’s what made it even more exciting.’


‘The risk that you could have given me a baby.’

I swallowed hard, relieved that I had not got her pregnant.

‘Still that can’t happen now.’

‘How do you mean?’

‘I got put on the pill before I went to uni, just as well,’ she laughed.

‘Just as well,’ I remarked. I then looked Lisa up and down.

‘What?’ She remarked coyly.

‘You going to have another sip of wine?’


‘Or are you horny enough?’

‘Looks like I’m not the only one,’ replied Lisa as she looked down at the bulge in my trousers.

‘Yeah,’ I replied, ‘just recalling our wonderful night together.’

‘Mmm, it was good wasn’t it?’

I nodded as we stared at each other for a while oblivious to Mark’s presence.

The silence was broken as Lisa smiled at me, got up from the settee and walked over to me before whispering, ‘we can’t go upstairs,’ with that she took hold of my hand, ‘it’ll have to be the utility room.’ I cast a look over to Mark and smiled.

Mark sat there red-faced with an obvious erection, knowing that I would be fucking Lisa just metres away and he’d been there on his own with his virginity still intact.

What Lisa did next shocked me at the time and still to this day I can’t believe what she did. For as we walked past Mark she stopped then took hold of his hand too. For my part I was in a state of bewilderment as Lisa led us both across the hall through the kitchen and into the utility room. She then closed the door and placed a chair under it thus preventing it being opened from the kitchen. The room was illuminated by a neon strip light.

The three of us just stood there for a moment Mark looked terrified.

‘Are you okay Marky?’ asked Lisa.


‘What what is it?’ She ran her hand down his chest and he flinched, ‘oh Mark don’t you like me touching you?’

‘No, I mean yes I do.’

‘Oh Mark,’ she said, her hand was on his chest, ‘your poor thing, your heart is beating like crazy. You can’t be nervous not after all the things you’ve done.’

‘Er no it’s not that…’

‘What is it Mark?’

‘I don’t.’

‘You don’t find me attractive?’ With one swift movement she had pulled off her sweater leaving in just a vest like garment the outline of her bra clearly visible. ‘Is that better?’

‘Oh fuck,’ grunted Mark.

Lisa ignored him as she took off her vest leaving her just in her bra, her erect nipples clearly visible. ‘Is that even better?’

Mark nodded.

‘Hmm, well, Mark, what is it?’

‘Sorry I’m nervous.’

‘But why?’ As she looked at him intently.

‘Ere yeah well…’ he spluttered.

‘Oh Mark,’ she replied mockingly, ‘is there something you want to tell me?’

‘I’m …’


‘I’m not really that experienced.’

‘Well neither am I it’s not like I’ve,’ she paused as she looked us both up and down, ‘done anything like this before.’

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