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Sissy Dani CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 4″This should be the most exciting night of your life,` MistressJennifer told me. “We’ll be celebrating Sissy Dani’s first’birthday.'” It was true. A full year had gone by since Jenniferhad first used her secret hypnotic designs to implant within mymind the personality of Sissy Dani, a simpering, submissive malelesbian who craved being both beautiful and bound. In that year,she had also aided many of her dominant female friends tosuccessfully transform the men in their lives into submissivefeminized slaves as well. Many of them would be at the partytonight. “Let’s get you into your birthday dress,” Jennifersaid, holding out the special creation. “Can’t that wait?” Iasked petulantly. I had noted over the last several months thateven as Daniel I was becoming increasingly girlish–my voice washigher, softermy gestures and walk more feminine. This “personaseepage,” as I had come to think of it, had seemingly begun theevening Jennifer imposed a second set of posthypnotic commandsupon me. I was now compelled to wear feminine undergarments and alight coating of makeup at all times, whether dressed and actingas Daniel or Dani. I was now reluctant to wear female clothingwhen the Daniel persona was in charge– for fear the “seepage”would increase. Jennifer, of course, had the solution to myreluctance. “Don’t you want to be PRETTY, SISSY DANI?” Those werethe code words, the special message that would activate in fullthe feminine psyche hidden within my own. As usual, the switchwas instantaneous. Unable to resist (though within, I knew howhumiliating the entire scenario was), I dropped my gaze and heldout my arms, wrists touching. “Transform me, Mistress,” Ipleaded. “Bind me into your service as sissy Dani.” Jenniferordered me to remove my male outer clothes and the black laceundies I was also wearing. She strapped me into a plain whitestrapless padded bra and then added white panties. No garter beltthis time–the sheer white stockings she gave me to put on myhairless legs were designed to stay up by themselves. When shehanded me the dress Sissy Dani was to wear to the party Iunderstood why my lingerie was so simple. The dress was elegant,sexy, and tight as tight could be. Its shirred white fabric clungto everyone of Sissy Dani’s curves. It was low-cut and strapless,the bodice fitting like a bustier. The hem was among the shortestSissy Dani had ever worn–nearly eight inches above the knee. Abuilt-in starched petticoat made the skirt stand out, seeminglyrevealing even more of the legs than usual. Now came theshoes–the barest of bare white sandals with seven-inch heels.Fortunately, in preparation for the party, Jennifer had made me(as both Daniel and Dani) practice walking in even highereight-inch heels for the past month. In comparison, these werelike flats. I looked down at my feet, and the Sissy Dani personawas enchanted by the sight of my red- painted toenails winkingthrough the thin straps of the sandals. It was an extremely sexysight. Fully dressed for the party (or so I thought at thetime), I was seated at my vanity for a make-up job. In keepingwith the sexy yet virginal white of my outfit, Mistress Jenniferemphasized the little-girl look of my face without neglecting theneed to make me the sexual center of attention she wanted me tobe that evening. The final effect–with ultra-long lashes,carefully shaded pale colors in the eyeshadow, a deep corallipstick, and my usual embarrassed blush–left the impression ofa Monroe-like sexpot trying to masquerade as a p*****nager.Jennifer was certain I would be a hit. My usual bondage jewelrywas also added–locked kaş escort collar, bracelets, ankle bracelets. Shefaced me toward the mirror and snapped her fingers. Instantly, mymale persona reasserted itself. I gazed at my reflection–and thehypnotic effect of Jennifer’s commands combined with the “personaseepage” left me with a raging hard-on. Jennifer recognized thelook of longing on my face. “Concentrate on other things,Danielle,” she cooed. “For example, I have a big birthdaysurprise waiting for you at the party this evening.” She grinnedevilly–and I shuddered, half in fear, half in anticipation.”Time to go,” she told me, producing my “outerwear,” such as itwas. First came a pair of opera-length white satin gloves,exceedingly tight and fetishistic. So tight, in fact, that Icould scarcely move my elbows or fingers once they were on. Sheforced my arms behind my back and demonstrated the gloves’ othersecret: The two halves of a nylon zipper ran up the inner side ofeach glove. Forcing my arms close together, she closed thezipper, imprisoning my arms as if they were bound in a singleglove. Over this elegant bondage she placed a white satin capethat fell to my waist, mostly hiding my imprisoned arms–butleaving just enough showing to make it interesting should anyonenotice my awkward condition. “Now you just stand here like thatand get used to it,” Jennifer advised, “while I get into my ownparty outfit.” Moments later, she reappeared. Involuntarily Igasped–she was beautiful. Her dress was a classic eveninggown–halter-collared, barebacked, clinging in all the rightplaces, with a slit up the side to reveal her gorgeous legs–butmade entirely of red k** leather. Her stockings were also red,and her shoes were of matching leather in a six- inch heeledpump. Jennifer clipped a gold chain leash to my collar andtugged lightly. “Let’s go, Dani–your public awaits.” The partywas held at Mistress Susan’s home. Mistress Susan was the sisterof Teasing Tammy (nee Tommy), and was the instigator of histransformation into that alluring teenager whose purpose was togain new “recruits” to the growing legion of feminizedsubmissives. Among the guests at this birthday party for my ownimposed female persona were Tammy, Little Miss Mandy and “her”mother Carla, and Busty Barbie and “her” wife- mistress, Maria.Each of the three had, I was told, prepared an entertainment forthe celebration. When everyone had arrived, the festivitiesbegan. First into the spotlight was Tammy. Susan had outfittedher little “sister” in a dressy version of her usual teen-agesexpot attire. The buxom little redhead wore a pink sequinedmini-dress with a diagonal-cut hem: It started at knee- length onher left side and rose to stocking-tops (revealing a hint ofgarter) on the left. Along the outside of the left leg herspecially made pink stockings had an inscription, running fromthe thigh to the ankle: “Cockteaser.” She also wore six-inchpink pumps. Like me, Tammy was only a part-time submissive.Susan brought her out for special occasions like these or formissions to lure in prospective feminization victims. Also likeme, Tammy’s other self, Tommy, was acutely aware of everything hewas forced to undergo when in the thrall of the Teasing Tammypersona–so I understood the humiliation he would feel after theparty when Susan released him from her control. Tammy’s actconsisted of her playing up sexually to one of the un- feminizedmale submissives at the party, while singing–in a Betty Boop-ishvoice–“I Want to Be Loved By You.” Her instructions were to turnthe man on as much as possible–both for her own humiliation ashis, since he escort kaş would be forbidden to relieve his frustration byhis own mistress. The act was a rousing success. The party-goersloved it–and the poor submissive ended up with a raging erectionbut tied to a chair as he was, he could only long forrelease–in more ways than one. Completing her number, Tammycurtsied and retreated to Susan’s side, where she was immediatelyreturned to her own bondage–silver handcuffs behind the back andleg restraints–and then Susan played a little trick of her own:Snapping her fingers, she returned Tammy to Tommy. As therealization of what he had just done hit him, Tommy turned brightred and would have run from the room had Susan not restrainedhim. Next on the makeshift stage was Little Miss Mandy. Unlikemost of the other feminized slaves in our circle, Mandy had notbeen transformed through hypnosis but through rigorous trainingby his mother Carla instead. She had turned down the mesmerizingroute, thinking it would be more fun (and more embarrassing tothe former Martin) if the 14-year-old boy were constantly awareof his increasing feminized appearance and personality.Normally, Carla kept Mandy dressed in sissy-boy attire (velvet orsatin shorts, satin skirts, big bows, etc.) rather than fullfemale regalia, but tonight she had gone all out. Mandy gave theappearance of an oversized eight-year-old girl in a pale blueparty dress with lace and ruffles all over it, little puffedsleeves, opaque white stockings, and white patent- leather MaryJanes with three-inch heels. The effect was emphasized by alittle organdy apron tied over his skirt, with a big bow showingat the rear. Still there remained a touch of the androgynous tohis appearance, since Carla had chosen to forego a wig for thecross-dressed boy, simply curling his short black hair tightlyand affixing a large pale blue ribbon to the left side. His facewas lightly touched with cosmetics, just enough to soften hisfeatures. Many of the other “little-girl” submissives at theparty were clearly jealous of his femininity. For herperformance, Mandy sang the classic “I’m a Little Teapot,”replete with the appropriate gestures. When completed, shecurtsied, then (as ordered) stuck her thumb in her mouth inlittle-girl fashion. The audience ate it up. Last up was BustyBarbie. Once known as Bob, he was the only adult in our group offem-slaves who lived full-time as a woman. How could he dootherwise? His wife, Maria, perturbed by his obsession withbig-breasted women, had used a combination of hypnosis, speciald**gs and breast implants to turn him into a heart-stoppingversion of what he loved most. Barbie was now a lust-inducingbuxom brunette, her boobs expanded to a 38D. The hypnoticcommands that created the Barbie personality had severalinteresting twists: the more often she saw herself with bigbreasts, the bigger she wanted her boobs to get (although Mariahad recently “turned off” that command–she didn’t want Barbie toget gross)Bob, when released from the Barbie persona, was compelled to gazeupon the vision of Barbie he had become–and come in his pantiesfinally, Bob had constant awareness of allthat happened to Barbie–and Maria frequently ordered him toreport on his reactions to it. He had told me it was a greatlyhumiliating experience. And that was to be his “act” thisevening. Barbie wiggled and jiggled her way into the performancearea. She wore a see-through red black blouse, through which herlarge tits, carefully powdered and rouged, showed provocatively.Her skirt was a tight black leather mini, considerably hamperingher ability to walk freely, especially kaş escort bayan in the six-inch heeledpumps she also wore. Her dark hair hung below her shoulders in aFarah-like wave, framing a skillfully made-up face with bee-stungred lips. “I have been–requested,” she began, “to describe myactivities and my feelings as I prepared for this evening’sgathering. “As usual when appearing in public, I began with along bubble-bath. As I stripped naked, I found my hands againstraying to my breasts, tweaking the nipples, heaving the heavyglobes together. My mind struggled to prevent my body fromteasing myself so, but without effect. My Mistress’ hypnoticcommands are too strong. After successfully causing my cock toharden, I stepped into the bath. “An hour later,” she continued,”powdered and dried from the bath, I began dressing for theparty. I started with my black satin panties, garter belt andblack sheer stockings. The I stepped–struggled, really–into theexquisite tightness of my leather skirt. My body thrilled at thefeel of it across my hips and thighsmy mind tried to push thosefeelings away, again without success. Finally I slipped on mysix-inch pumps. “Then I sat at my vanity to begin my makeup. Iaccented my eyes with long false eyelashes, and deep greenshadow, and carefully touched up my plucked and arched came a rose blush, followed by a coat of glistening redlipstick. I freshened my nail polish with the same red color.”Now, came the part my body loved and my mind most detested. Icould feel my arms and hands shake as my conscious struggled withmy u*********s. But, as always, the u*********s won–my handspicked up the powder and lipstick again, accenting the white ofgiant boobs and the red of the nipples. Looking at my luscioustits in the mirror, I felt my cock begin to stir again. “Nowcame the finishing touch–the blouse that would both hide andreveal my breasts to the world. Once it was in place, MistressMaria entered my room and snapped her fingers. Barbie wasgone–Bob in her place within my mind. I stared at the reflectionin the mirror and–as it had every day for the past severalmonths–my cock shot its load into my panties at the sight of mytransformed self.” The entertainment complete, Mistress Jenniferannounced it was time for my surprise. Suddenly, from behind, Ifelt a pair of hands thrust a ball- gag into my mouth, tying ittightly. Next I felt the zipper on my dress being pulled down.Shortly, the dress fell in a bundle to my feet. Now, MistressJennifer reached behind me and undid the hooks on my bra. It,too, fell to the floor. I stood there, half-naked in my sheerwhite hose and high white sandals, unable to move because of theway my arms were bound by the satin gloves, unable to protestbecause of the way my mouth was gagged. Jennifer smiled– thesmile I knew meant additional humiliation for me. “You lookso Pretty, Sissy Dani.” Instantly. I no longer caredhow I looked. I actually longed for the humiliation I wasreceiving. Such was the effect of the Sissy Dani persona upon me.Now, Jennifer produced a syringe from her bag. “This, Sissy Dani,is the same d**g which produced such wonderful results in BustyBarbie.” She stuck the needle under each of my breasts, as myeyes gaped. “Oh no, Dani,” she responded to my unasked question,”we’re not going to make you as buxom as Barbie. Just enough togive yocute little boobs for the rest of your life. “Afterall,” Jennifer continued, “you’re going to need them. From thispoint forward, the sound of snapping fingers will no longerreturn Daniel to control of your mind.’ She demonstrated. Indeed,the switch in personas I expected did not occur. But did thatmean– “Yes, Dani, this is the end of your double life,” she wenton, as I felt and watched my tits begin to grow. “From now on,you’re Pretty Sissy Dani forever!”THE END

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