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OK, again disclaimers: Every character in these stories that has sex or is treated sexually is over eighteen years old.

If you are not over eighteen, go away. You should not be reading this stuff.

This is a work of fiction and as such has nothing to do with any real persons living or dead. This series of stories contains themes that may be offensive to some people, so be warned that it contains: graphic language and sexual content, incest, bisexuality, group sex, light domination and submission, and who knows what else by the time we’re finished. etc. etc. etc.

This is the second installment in what I hope will become a multipart incest-harem serial. I have always enjoyed reading Literotica stories, but didn’t know how much I would enjoy writing them until now.

This is the second chapter of my first attempt at writing fiction. The comments, encouragements, and criticisms I received for chapter one are overwhelming and much appreciated. Thank you, it is all very helpful.

So, any feedback is appreciated. Feel free to encourage, discourage, or offer editorial and future plot suggestions, or simply let me know if you do or don’t like it.

Once again I have chosen to not enlist an editor. This will change soon, but I’m still interested in how much I can improve on my own.

I think the writing in this chapter is much improved over the first, but I’ll let you be the judge.

I hope you enjoy yourself and thank you for reading.

Chapter 2

Jeannie is waiting for me to carry the cooler down to the beach. She has planned a day by the ocean for me, and her closest girlfriends Sarah, Shauna, and Taylor. Jeannie and her three confidants are all stunningly beautiful and sexy. I’ll be spending today watching oiled young bodies and hiding my erections from four hot women.

No, I mean hiding my erections from three hot women. All four are hot, but after last night I’m sure Jeannie wouldn’t mind another peek at my hard dick. She might be looking forward to it. And that’s what’s got me thinking.

I had sex with my sister Jeannie for the first time last night, and it was life changing. It was the best sex I’ve ever had, and I think she feels the same way about it. My little sister is a smart and lusty woman, who sucks and fuck like a hungry mink. I love her completely.

Unfortunately, some people take a pretty dim view of incest, and that’s a problem if our little secret is ever revealed. Incest offends the ‘decent’ people, and if we’re found out things will go sideways pretty fast. We’ll be labeled as sexual deviants by everyone we know. Our parents, although I don’t know their take on incest, may not accept our choices, or worse yet find them unforgivable. That would be hard for all of us, especially Jeannie.

She want’s our taboo affair to continue, and frankly so do I. But, is it worth the risk? Do we go after what we both want so much? Or, do we bury our feelings, and take the path of conformity and safety?

My thoughts swirl as I walk over to meet Jeannie at the big house. All of this is new and different for me, so I’m uncertain about what I should say and how I should act. I’m a little nervous about us being alone together. Do I mention last night? Do I not mention it? I feel like the lanky fifteen-year-old I was ten years ago; awkward and afraid to talk to girls. I need to pull it together, and figure this out.

In my mind I imagine Gramps’ voice. He’s still teaching me, “Face your problems head on. The time to act is now. Fear is the mind killer.” The catechisms of our childhood were part golden rule, part copy-book lines, and part old book quotes. Gramps always knew what to do and never hesitated. I’ve always wanted to be just like him; strong, self-assured, and in control.

I know what needs doing, but I’ve been pussy-footing around it all morning. I needed time to come to grips with my decision, but now it’s clear. I know that what I’m about to do is sure to piss Jeannie off, but it’s for the best.

Jeannie and I are going to have a serious talk.

“C’mon slow poke, move it. The girls are on their way and I want some alone time before they get here,” Jeannie calls from the patio. The cooler is packed and she’s ready to hit the beach.

Every time I see her my heart skips. Today she’s wearing another gauzy cover-up and I can’t wait to see what she’s wearing (or barely wearing) underneath. Her wide brimmed hat, designer shades, and strappy sandals make my little sister look sleek and sophisticated.

“I’m ready, let’s get down there,” I say, and grab the cooler. I offer my free hand to Jeannie and we start down the long path to our private beach.

We walk hand-in-hand through the dunes toward the ocean. I know that what I’m about to say will surely ruin her happy mood, but I’ve made my decision and now is the moment of truth. It’s time to say the most ominous words said in any relationship.

“Jeannie, we need to talk.”

She knows what I’m about and her smile disappears. She stops, steps in front of me, and turns. I can Tozkoparan Escort sense her hackles rising. Like a spring she uncoils on me.

“Stop right there,” she scolds, and moves in close to point her index finger just inches away from my stunned face.

I stop cold and she begins her tirade.

“I’ve been expecting you to have second thoughts. I’ve been waiting for this. Your petty misgivings. Your, your, ‘I’m the big brother, and what we’re doing is so…so wrong’ crap,” she says, holding in angry tears. “I’m ready for all of it. So you listen to me, and you listen good, big brother.

“Last night I made promises to you. Promises that I’ve thought about for a very long time, and that I intend to keep. You made promises to me too. Then you fucked me. You put your cock inside of me and filled my cunt with your cum.

“That sealed the deal.

“Now, we’re bound together in a new way. A perfect way. You are the only man for me, and I am yours in every way that you can imagine.”

I’m a little blown away by this and stand there speechless.

With a deep breath she goes on, “I get it. This is all totally new for you. You need time to take it all in, to think about it, to absorb it. Well, I’ve been thinking, absorbing, and fantasizing about this for a long time. I’m used to the idea, I’ve thought it through, and I know what we need to do.

“I have a plan that will help you get accustomed to our new relationship while I teach you about what will make me happy, and why,” Her voice calms as she continues. “I need time to make this happen, Jackie. Only you can do this for me. Give me a chance, and I’ll make you happier than you can ever imagine.”

She moves in and rests her forehead on my collarbone, and my worries start to fade away.

She speaks more softly, “I love you, and I know that you love me. So, lighten up big brother, and let me show you how wonderful our lives can be. Please Jackie, please give me this one chance. I’m begging you, baby.”

Her face melts into a cute little girl’s pout as she looks up and I know that she’s right. I pull her closer. We might be seen from the house, so I kiss her forehead instead of her lips and softly say, “you’re right squirt, I’m sorry. We’ll figure this out together. Follow your plan, and show me how I can make you happy.”

Jeannie’s smile returns. Anger and upset forgotten, she steals a quick peck on my cheek, turns, and starts skipping down the path toward the beach. She looks back over her shoulder and with a laugh in her voice she sings out, “If you can catch me, you can have me!”

Jeannie grabs her hat and break into a full run. Her lithe body surges down the path like some pre-colombian maiden fleeing a lustful native prince. I hoist the cooler onto my shoulder and give chase.

I’m a fast runner, but so is Jeannie. The adrenaline rush has me feeling feel like a lion chasing a delicious young faun. I’m exhilarated, but I know that this time the prey is too fast and its head-start is too great. This mighty lion is also running in floppy sandals with a heavy cooler full of food and drinks bouncing on his shoulder. This time his hunger will go unanswered, but not for long.

The path opens to the beach and I see Jeannie at the water’s edge doing a victory dance. She’s still to far away for me to hear, but I can tell that she’s laughing as she waves her arms and launches into a perfect cartwheel.

The beach has changed in the two days since I was here. Close to the water, about where the girls were sunbathing, there’s now a clutch of big colorful beach umbrellas, and some comfortable looking lounge chairs.

Nearer to the top of the beach I see two men setting up an open canvas pavilion over a fancy picnic table and barbecue gear. Not to be overlooked, there are two four-wheeler style motor bikes lined up nearby. They look anxious for the fun to start, like horses spoiling for a race.

It looks like Jeannie has everything planned out for a very special day.

I drop the cooler near the umbrellas and jog over to Jeannie who is splashing and prancing in the shallow surf.

“You escaped from me this time, so I’ll just take my prize by force,” I growl, and then I pounce.

I grab Jeannie by the waist and drag us down onto the wet sand. She squeals and we laugh as I mercilessly tickle her just like when we were kids.

“Oh Jackie…Oh Jackie please,” she begs between laughs.

We roll around in the surf. Jeannie pants and pleads between giggles as I redouble my vicious tickle attack.

“Oh…Oh…Stop…Jackie. Oh…I’m gonna pee!” She squeals.

I stop tickling, but I refuse to release her. Jeanie’s hair is twisted and matted by wet sand and sea water. Her face and body are mottled with big wet splotches, and her gauzy wrap-around is ruined. She looks absolutely beautiful.

Our panting slows as we catch our breaths and I gently wipe wet sand from Jeannie’s cheek. Our eyes meet and we become quiet. I feel a wellspring of strong emotion, and all at once Escort Tozkoparan I know what the poets and singers are talking about. I’m in love. And thanks to Jeannie, it’s a feeling I will never be without.

We both can feel my hard cock trapped between our intertwined bodies. I push my pelvis forward, pressing my hungry cock against her hard hip, and Jeannie makes a low growling sound deep in her throat.

I want to kiss her wet mouth and take her right here in the slow pulsating surf. But, we know that I can’t. Not here. Not now. The men are working not fifty yards away, and we need to keep our incest hidden. Keep our secret safe.

Our embrace softens.

“I’m in love with you sister,” I quietly say, my lips inches from hers.

Jeannie’s silent reply is a coy smile and a warm look that says, “I’m in love with you too brother.”

We reluctantly untangle and stand up from the sand. Jeannie’s wrap is ruined so she strips it off and tosses it onto the beach. Today’s bathing suit is revealed, and it was well worth the wait.

This bikini is more modest than the others. It has more cloth than the last two bikinis combined, yet it is somehow more sexy (if that’s possible) than both. It has a high-waist and low cut at the legs that highlight her slender midsection and the womanly flair of her hips. From the back her ass looks round, taut, and made for touching. The traditional bikini top pushes her breasts together to form cleavage that a string bikini just can’t deliver. The material is off white with tiny mocha colored polka dots. Sophisticated and sexy.

She looks like an old-school Hollywood starlet playing on a glamorous tropical beach. Maybe she’s in Cuba, or Tahiti, or Rio de Janeiro. I don’t know, but maybe someday I will take her to all of those places, and more.

We need to rinse the drying sand from our bodies, so hand-in-hand we wade out into the ocean.

Jeannie decides to help me clean up all of those ‘hard to reach’ places, and gives my crotch some special attention. I return the favor, slip my hand into her bikini and cup it over her smooth pussy. I hope the deep water hides what our hands are doing.

Jeannie turns her back to me and says, “OK stud, there’s plenty of time for that later. Help me rinse the sand from my hair.”

Sand washed from Jeannie’s hair, we make our way out of the water and head for the umbrellas. They provide shade, and screen us from view. I take the beer she offers and I lay back on a lounge chair.

“I have never been so relaxed and happy in my life,” I sigh.

“Baby, this is only just the beginning,” she replies as she brushes out her long blonde hair.

Jeannie sets her hairbrush down, and says, “The girls will be here soon, and Jackie baby, we need to talk.”

“What?” I sputter, nearly spitting out a mouthful of beer. “You were just all over me for saying those exact same words.”

“I know,” she says. “But, the talk you wanted to have was a bad talk, and I’m glad we won’t be having it. Ever. The talk I want to have is a good talk, and it’s the first step in the plan. You told me to go ahead and teach you about what makes me happy. So, that’s what I have to do.”

Jeannie spreads a beach towel on the ground next to my lounger. She kneels down and runs her hand up my hairy thigh, slips it into the leg of my shorts, cups my nuts in her palm, and begins a soft caress. I am in heaven.

“I won’t be able to talk much with you massaging my balls like that.”

“Good, you don’t need to talk,” she replies and gently rolls my testicles around in her hand. “Just relax and listen. If my touch distracts you, then you’ll just have to concentrate a little bit harder.”

Jeannie continues while I lay there delightfully relaxed. I feel like I’m floating, and I’m ready to listen to anything she wants to say.

“The first and last thing we must always do is be discreet. Mom and dad can never find out. If they do it could wreck our family and hurt the people we love the most. This means that we have to hide it from the staff too, which will be more difficult. We need to be extra careful around Andorra. She’s clever, and very close with mom. She’s more than just an employee, they’re good girlfriends and with dad always traveling they spend a lot of time together.

“Dad is never around, and when he comes home he keeps so busy that he may not even notice anything unusual. When we were kids they saw me constantly following you around, and touching you, and cuddling with you, so I think we can keep that up without making them too suspicious.

“We’ll be able to get plenty of privacy in your pool house, here at the beach, and out on the boats. Leave the spy-craft to me. I know how this giant enterprise that we call a household works, and I’ve really thought this through.

“Oh, and don’t forget that I expect my lover to pamper me, and take me on dates where we can be alone together like a normal couple.”

I laughed, “Lover, I like the sound of that when you say it.”

“Shush, Tozkoparan Escort Bayan lover,” she purrs with a smile while expanding her massage to include the shaft of my thickening cock. “It’s time for the first lesson.”

“Lesson one,” she does her best school mistress impression. “Tell me to do something for you.”

I wait for her to continue, but she stays silent. I say, “Tell you to do something? That’s lesson one? I don’t get it.”

“Don’t over think this, just do it.” She repeats herself, “Tell me to do something for you.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Like anything,” she says as she widens her massage to include my entire cock and balls. “Tell me to hop on one foot, scratch your back, make a sandwich, go jump in the lake, anything you want me to do. Silly or serious, I’ll do it. Anything.”

“Anything,” I say. “OK, I’ll play along. Jeannie, please get me another beer.”

“No, that’s not exactly right,” she says with a faint frown. “I don’t need you to ask me, I need you to tell me.

“Don’t say please. Don’t say thank you. Both are fine, but only when were around other people. They expect you to be polite, I don’t.

“Always remember that, alone or not, if you ask me for anything I will consider it a command. It doesn’t matter if you say mother may I, Simon says, thank you, please, or nothing at all. Your request is my command, and I will do what you command every time.”

She pauses and adds with a giggle, “So, don’t ever ask me to ‘please’ go jump in a lake, unless you want me to ruin my shoes. And I love all of my shoes, baby.”

“Got it?” She asks. “So let’s give it another try. Tell me to do something for you.”

I look at her thoughtfully. If this is what she needs to be happy, then I’m all in.

I clear my throat and in the firm command voice that I learned in the Navy, I calmly say, “Jeannie, get me a beer.”

Jeannie pulls her hand out of my shorts and stands up, grabs a beer from the cooler, opens it, and asks, “Would you like a glass?”

I shake my head no, so she takes my empty bottle, and puts the fresh beer in my hand. Then she kneels and resumes massaging my hard cock and heavy balls.

“Thank you for that baby,” she says as I sit there a little dumbfounded.

She says, “That’s a good start, but I don’t think ‘get me a beer’ is what we want for our first command, don’t you agree? This is a moment for us to cherish, to remember in our old age, like a first kiss, or the first time we made love.

“I think you deserve a do over. Now, tell me to do something for you. Something that we’ll remember for the rest of our life together.”

I look into her eyes, take a shaky breath, and I say, “Jeannie, suck my cock.”

Her smile dazzles. “Thank you baby, I’ve been dying for a mouthful of your cum since you came home,” she says and pulls my swim shorts down around my knees.

She slowly runs her tongue across her upper lip and studies my very erect penis. Her hand job has turned it a dusky purple color and the thick shaft is gnarled with engorged veins. She’s started it seeping, so she licks the precum from the tip. Then slurps up more from where it’s pooled on my belly. She makes certain to get it all.

Jeannie holds my dick in her hand, looks me in the eyes, and says, “Let’s be quick, the girls will be here soon, and I don’t want to stop before we can finish.

“When you cum in my mouth, is it OK for me to swallow it, baby?”

All I can do is nod.

With a deep breath, Jeannie begins.

Just like last night, her mouth feels like no other. She sucks fast and ferociously. She takes me deep and makes rhythmic wet glugging sounds as she jams the fat head of my cock against her larynx. Her left hand strokes my shaft and her right is between my legs massaging my swollen balls. Between her slow erotic hand job and this magnificent blowjob she’ll get a mouthful of her brother’s cum very quickly. Just what she wants.

My little sister is an erotic, exciting, sensual, and dirty lover who loves giving pleasure. Without stopping Jeannie looks up and smiles still holding my cock head between her lips. Then she winks, and blows my mind.

I feel her right hand slide down from my balls and she starts quickly rubbing my asshole with two of her fingers. She slams her mouth down as far as she can take my cock, and it’s all over for me. I’m coming.

The lion finally gets to roar. My eyes squeeze shut and I groan. My cock is bursting into my sister’s hot mouth. The first blast is at the entrance of her throat, and makes her cough. She backs off so that just the head rests between her soft lips, and gently tongues the tip of my pulsing cock as my semen fills her mouth. She makes soft mewling sounds deep in her throat as my spasms subside. She savors the moment and begins to swallow.

All that I have to offer is down her throat and in her belly. Satisfied, she sits back up smiling. Without a word I draw her into my arms and kiss her cum moistened lips. I feel her heart beat thumping in her chest as we catch our breaths and nuzzle each other.

After a quiet moment she pulls away and whispers, “Thank you, Jackie.”

Before I can respond she turns to pull my shorts back up, and says, “The girls will be here any minute, and I have a lot more fun planned for my wonderful big brother and hot new lover before we’re done.”

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