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My wife is devastatingly beautiful. Gina has a true hourglass figure, with mouthwatering curves. Her hair, long dark and glossy, looks like a supermodels. Her beautiful brown eyes are so kind and loving… And sexy! She has full pouty lips that are perfect for kissing, and other carnal pursuits. In short, she’s drop dead gorgeous. I lust for her as well as love her.

I went after her tooth and nail in a whirlwind courtship, and not just because of her looks. We got along famously. We finish each other’s sentences. I’d pick up the phone to call her, she was already on the line, calling me, the phone just had not wrung yet. I would knock on her door, she would be naked, waiting for me. We came out of the bedroom two days later. Smiling.

We got married six months later. It was a small civil ceremony, as it was not Gina’s first marriage. Her first marriage ended in divorce, as he was cheating on her.

Our nuptials were by necessity a quick wedding, as Gina was showing! My son Frank was born three months after that. Oops! Then Vanessa was born ten months later. I could not get enough of my fantastic wife. For her part, she made damn sure I was totally satisfied, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, and all parts of my life. We loved each other totally and utterly and completely. The babies she gave to me were just the greatest gift a man could ask for. I prayed we would always be together. I was very happy as her husband, and I thought she was as happy as I was.

Then of course the sister syndrome kicked in. I had not met her sister because she lived two thousand miles away, and there had been some bad blood between Gina and Lana. I was not sure what had happened to cause the rift. Gina would not discuss the fight with her sister, but the anger in her eyes was white hot! They had not spoken to each other for some time.

I met Gina’s kid sister Lana at a funeral. Lana’s estranged husband had passed away from cancer. He had been cheating on her and got the other girl pregnant. That didn’t sit too well with Lana, but she stayed with him till the end. On top of that, she had just had a miscarriage. She was in a very, very emotional state, and no wonder! So she was very conflicted, as she had more or less made peace with her husband, if he would have survived, she would have divorced him! Hence the mental conflict: she did not love him as she should have, but she certainly did not want to see him in pain, or dead. The poor woman. She couldn’t catch a break. Lana was a basket case. The black veil did not hide her real tears and sobbing. Lana had been crying for three months as it came down to the end. Her husband had been in a lot of severe pain in the last month, so in a way his death was a sort of relief; no more pain and anguish!

Whatever issues the two sisters had were forgotten as my wife held her grieving sister in her arms. I reached around and held them both. They both shivered in my arms, so I held them tighter still. They both made cooing noises. I think they enjoyed being held tight. I know that it felt great to me to hold two gorgeous women.

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I had finally met Lana. She was unbelievably beautiful, even more so than my practically perfect wife. Gina saw my reaction to her sister and laughed. “Going to drop me for her?” she asked in a mocking tone. I just kissed her sweetly.

“Never my darling!” I said and meant it. Lana was very beautiful, but she wasn’t my wife.

Lana was several inches shorter, but her boobs were even bigger than my big breasted wife’s. This was even more remarkable, as my wife was breastfeeding and her big tits had gotten huge! Lana’s large nipples pushed right through her bra and blouse, same as my milky titted wife’s. Lana’s ass was bigger than my darling wife’s, and she had all the same great facial attributes of my honey. They both had those full, plump, cocksucker lips. They looked a lot alike, both breathtakingly gorgeous.

Lana saw my reaction the same as my wife had seen it, and she just said, “Down boy, you are very married to my big sister, and don’t you forget it!” They both giggled. I was embarrassed at my behavior. I was like some horny teen-aged kid.

“I’m sorry, I’m just taken aback that my beautiful woman has such a very beautiful sister. You are both so incredibly gorgeous, I was just very shocked, is all.” Honesty being the best policy and all that. I hoped they didn’t notice my huge erection. I was hard as a rock.

“Wait ’till you meet our mother then! Mom puts us both to shame.” Their parents were in Spain on a long vacation and business trip, combined. My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law had both missed our wedding because of different issues, and it had been a very quick notice affair on account of her delicate condition at the time.

I don’t think my wife had wanted either of them there (at our wedding that is)as I didn’t understand all the issues between them. I still don’t get it, as they are family, first and foremost. Hard feelings seem to still exist, czech streets porno but why? These women are family. All the girls in this family seemed to harbor grudges.


Just then, an older version of my wife, even more beautiful (if that was even possible!) than my wife came over and introduced herself to me. She was so sophisticated and she reminded me of Sophia Loren, except with huge tits and ass! I was thinking how wonderful…My wife would look like this vision of loveliness in twenty years! My mother-in-law was drop dead gorgeous!

She extended her right hand and I kissed it and said, “It’s my pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Gonzales. I see where your daughters get their amazing good looks.” Heartfelt compliments are the best ’cause I wasn’t lying! Did she just glance at my crotch? I hope she didn’t see the wood I was sporting. I was very erect.

“Thank you Thomas. You may call me Victoria. Wow you are big. How tall are you?” She DID look at my dick! That dirty girl! When she said tall, she looked right at my cock. I think she wants to know how tall I am laying down!

“I’m not that tall. Just six-four. I used to be a Marine, but now I’m in law enforcement as a federal agent.” I explained.


“No ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. I chase moonshiners, and stolen weapons, and so forth. It’s always interesting work.”

“My husband is an import export business man.” She said with a little disdain.

“Where is he? I want to meet him.” I asked. I looked around.

“Unfortunately he’s in New York on urgent business. It always is urgent business.” She seemed very sad when she said that.

“I’m sorry he couldn’t make it, but then it is a funeral after all. Not exactly a pleasant occasion. Will you please excuse me, I want to find Gina.” As I moved past her, her hand accidentally brushed against my pants and my hard cock felt her fingers through the fabric. I wonder if she could feel my hard on? I looked around for Gina.

I found Gina and Lana side by side talking to the preacher about to start the service. I stood behind my wife and touched her ass. I was behind her a little to her left. My right hand was on her left ass cheek. Lana was directly to her left and in front of me. I felt a hand on my crotch, stroking me through my pants. Then Gina turned to me and touched my face with her left hand! Well it did not take a rocket scientist to figure out who’s hand was on my dick. Lana turned to me with a sly grin. She looked me right in the eye.

“You know, we as sisters always share everything Thomas!” Then my darling wife turned to give me the same sly look.

“You’re dick is hard at a funeral for God’s sake! Tom, you are so bad. You are going to have to be punished for sure.” She whispered in my ear. Then to my horror, I realized that my mother-in- law was right next to me and I am pretty sure that she saw all of the goings on, like Lana’s hand on my cock. Oops! Talk about awkward.

Victoria leaned up to my ear and whispered, “My, my, Thomas, aren’t you the stud. Do you enjoy having your sister-in- law touching your private parts like that? At her husband’s funeral no less! Very, very naughty.” She whispered in my left ear. My mother in law had her hand on my cock too! Right next to Lana’s dirty dexterous little mitt. If I was any harder I would explode. Two gorgeous women playing patty fingers on my hard bone, and my wife knew what was going on too! WTF? I must be dreaming.

“Mrs. Gonezales, stop that PLEASE. Between you and Lana you’re gonna make me…” My dick was ready to explode in my pants.

“Please, do call me Victoria. I want to make you come. So does Lana, my dirty slut daughter.” They both giggled slightly. Lana turned to me like she needed solace and whispered in my ear, so only her mother and I could hear.

“I learned from you Mom!” Lana leaned back and kissed my cheek. “Come for us Tom. Please. I want to feel you shoot.” I was on the brink. My wife turned around and whispered in my other ear.

“Go on, come for us, stud. Would you like to fuck all of us together tonight Tom? These two need your big fat dick. Now shoot that sperm for me.” I came hard in her sister’s and mother’s hands.

My wife whispered, “I’ll clean you up shortly.” She kissed me. As I came, I almost fell down, but all three women kinda just grabbed me, and held me up, as the minister droned on and on. I don’t know how I managed to stay standing up. Men aren’t designed to do that!

It was pouring down rain, and it was cold. My sister in law was shivering in her black dress, more like a cocktail dress. I took off my trench coat and put it over her shoulders. She stopped shivering. Then my poor mother in law, in her own black lace dress, was as cold. I took off my dress jacket and put that on her shoulders. I was in a white dress shirt and tie. My wife was cold.

“Don’t you dare take off that shirt!” She looked at me shivering. I wrapped my arms around her. She stopped czech taxi porno shivering. “I got the best warmer!” She beamed, and whispered to her mom and sister.

“- Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we commend his soul to God, as we return his body to the earth. May he rest in peace as we all pray for his eternal life with the almighty. Amen and Amen.”

Lana placed a dozen red roses on the casket, bent over and kissed the casket. The casket was lowered in place. We all tossed a hand full of dirt on the coffin. My wife and her mom tossed flowers on to the casket.

As we did so, everyone was leaving. I gave the preacher his check and my thanks. I wrote a very large check to the undertaker. It costs a lot of money to die these days.

We spent the rest of the day at Lana’s house. There was lots of food, as almost everyone had brought something to eat or drink. It was as nice as folks could make it, considering it was a wake. Lana would cry, then we (her sister mostly) would discuss old times and she would smile at the memories. As for most of us, good times and bad times were inextricably linked. This was the purpose of a wake, to recall the good and the bad times.

My wife and I had a little chat. “Don’t judge my sister or my mother too harshly. I was bragging about you and your big meat and I found out my poor sister has not been touched by her hubby for two years now. The cancer drugs they gave him… Well he was not up to the job. And unlike you, he doesn’t like to chow down at the ‘Y’. On top of that, he was um… Not quite the man you are. She’s had several years to come to grips with her situation and she was long over grieving her husband’s passing when she found out that the fucker was cheating on her! They almost divorced three months ago. He got caught blowing a friend of his. They were both naked in the spare bedroom, so she thinks she interrupted their shenanigans before the main event.” my wife’s face showed disgust.

“So she is not exactly the super grieving widow, and she is feeling a bit guilty about that. That and she wanted him dead, and he died! The fact that he developed cancer was obviously not of her doing. She was very conflicted about her feelings. Then she dropped the bombshell on me.” My wife looked at me.

“Tom…She has had feelings for you since you came to pick me up the first time. She has wanted you… in her dreams… And that wracked her with guilt. I love you Tom, and I love her too; so you are going to just have to do something about it.”

My look must have been crystal clear: what did she want me to do?

“Well that kind of explains a lot. But your mom…?”

“My mother is a trophy wife. She is trotted out when he has guests that need to be impressed by his adroit skills with women and when he’s finished… Well my mom’s used to being ignored by him. He is with a different woman every single night. She is bound by a simple prenup. He can get away with pretty much anything, and because of the prenup, she can’t do anything about it. She hasn’t gotten any sex in years! We are going to fix that too!” She said with a vengeance. I wondered what she had in mind. We went back to the wake.

Lana told my wife she was tired, who told me to take care of things, so I did. Nobody wanted to leave. Everyone wanted to help in some way, which was nice, but it was late and time to go home. At seven I made the final ‘thank you’ announcement to the rest of the friends and family and got the majority of the well-wishers to leave.

“Thank you all for coming. Lana is very tired, and not feeling well, so we are going to wrap it up now. Lana wants everyone to know how grateful she is for the comfort you have given her, in her time of need. On a personal note, please remember to keep Lana, and the girls, in your prayers. Thank you all very much. Please drive safe, and thank you all again. Goodnight everyone.” I held open the door and they finally got the idea. It was like herding cats! It took a long time to get all the well-wishers out, and close up the house. I did a last security check, and made sure my weapons were close at hand, but not visible. I set the house alarm and that was it. Done. Finished. Finally!

The girls and my kids were staying all at my folks house for the next week. God bless my parents. I helped Lana to her bedroom. She didn’t want me to leave. I told her that I would be back in a minute to check on her.

“Lana, I promise I will return to tuck you in.” She smiled when I said that.

“Tom, I want you to fuck me. I … really need you to… fuck me good and hard. Please hurry back.” Lana gave me the moon eyes. Wow, she made no bones about it, to just come right out and say that. She needed me on the day of her dead husband’s funeral! It was all so very surreal to me. I was looking for my wife and mother-in-law, Victoria. I looked all over for them. I need not have bothered.

I knocked on Lana’s door softly to check on her.

“Come,” a voice said.

There they were, all digitalplayground porno three of them, in similar black lace negligees. Lana was in the middle and her legs were spread wide, like a cheerleader’s, waiting for me. My wife was on the right, and Victoria was on the left. I could smell her arousal. Or maybe all three women were aroused! I know that I was. There is something about the sweet and acrid wonderful scent of an aroused woman that just drives me crazy. It is the best perfume in the world. “Red Hot Pussy” would out sell every other fragrance out there, if it could be bottled!

“She needs your dick. Give it to her Tom. Fuck her silly. I told them what you are like. Go ahead. Make me proud!” My wife was in her proud-of-me mood. My cock was like a rock. The planets had all aligned apparently.

I took off my clothes, and I put my face into Lana’s labia. I was lifting her legs onto my shoulders, and I pushed my tongue into her sopping wet cunt. She came instantly as I licked and tongue fucked her delicious snatch. I then turned full attention on her clitoris, and she screamed as I sucked her love button for all I was worth. I pushed two fingers in and found her ‘G’ spot, which I vigorously stimulated! After the second cry, she grabbed my hair. She moaned as she held my head. She was coming, very, very hard.

“Thomas, I need your big dick in my pussy RIGHT NOW. Fuck me good.” She seemed very persistent. She was quite happy to spread wider than a naked cheerleader on Saturday night.

I looked at my wife. She knew the question. She smiled.

“Do it Honey. I’m telling you to fuck my beautiful sister, right now. Don’t make me spank you!” She grinned. Gina aimed my meat pole at my sister in-law’s wet gash and I pushed in. Lana was wet as could be, and I slid into her tight little cunt as she moaned and wailed. Lana really liked my cock.

My mother-in-law was on one side sucking on Lana’s left tit, while my darling wife sucked on Lana’s right nipple. Both women were enjoying what was going on.

“Ohmygod! I’m coming again! I have wanted this big dick for so long. I have dreamed about your big fat dick! Ugh! ugh, ugh, oh fuck yeah, OH that’s it. Fuck your slut. I’m… Ugh, ugh! coming again! YES! OHHH!” Lana’s wet snatch grasped me like a vice as she orgasmed. “I love you Tom!” She shook like a leaf in the wind while she climaxed. She trembled uncontrollably in ecstasy.

Lana was shuddering almost continuously as she hard climaxed with me, and then she froze… and just clenched my cock in her very tight cunt. I came inside her delicious snatch. I quietly whispered in Lana’s ear, “Lana, I love you!” Lana held me tight, like she was afraid I might leave her. She cried like a baby. But they were happy tears! Lana lay down and with a happy sigh, went to sleep. I reached out to my wife. Gina batted my hands away. I wanted to fuck her. I needed her. Gina pointed at Victoria.

“No, no, no. My Mom is next. She wants to reward you for all your good deeds today. But don’t hurt her! She hasn’t had a big thick dick like yours-…” She stopped. Vicky was staring at my cock in fascination.

“-Ever!” Finished Victoria. “Over here big boy. Mama needs you very badly. What a beautiful cock! Come on Tom, fuck your new slut!” Victoria spoke quietly.

I reached out to grab Victoria and she kissed me full on the lips first. I was mauling her huge tits in my hands. I sunk to my knees to taste the fragrant cunt of my shockingly super sexy mother-in- law. I shoved my face into her scented gash, and I grabbed her ass cheeks to pull her in closer to my face and tongue. Victoria objected.

“No, no need for that Thomas. I’m dripping, I’m so hot for you! Just fuck me hard. Give me your fuckin cock! PLEASE TAKE ME!” She was quite ready to fuck. She was wiggling to fuck me.

I continued to eat her and she was already shaking as she neared her first big climax. Victoria was breathing like she was running the four-forty! She had her hands on my head in a death grip! My lips wrapped around her clit and her climax was certain.

“Did it ever occur to you that I love sucking on your delicious wet pussy? That I want to do this very much? Victoria, I do swear you and your gorgeous daughters just love to bitch and complain. So be quiet and enjoy it. I will pound you as you like when I am good and ready. Maybe I’ll spank this gorgeous ass of yours.” I squeezed her ass cheeks. I sucked and nibbled all around her clit. She was quite crazy with lust as she shuddered and screamed in hard climax.

My cock was back in diamond hard condition. My wife Gina was sucking her mom’s tits and twisting her other nipple. Victoria seemed to relish the treatment. Her orgasm was very intense.

“Ohmygod TOM! I’m… coming again! I need your big dick in me RIGHT NOW! UGH, Ohhhhhyes. FUCK ME. Fuck me good! TOM! UGH.” Victoria grunted as she shivered, and her body convulsed and she came on my face hard. Victoria was squirting in my face, and I lapped her juices up.

I flipped her around and penetrated her very deeply from behind. Inside her in one long hard thrust. In no time flat she was going to come hard again. I stuck my thumb in her tight little rosebud and she screamed like she was dying. She loved it. She was having the best sex of her entire life.

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