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Author’s note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Especially don’t fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style of story. For those looking to take some enjoyment out this tale enjoy yourselves responsibly.

Chapter One

The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves.

Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that’s the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn’t been perfect but to have this happen was inconceivable

The two of them had been raised by their father since the death of their mother shortly after their birth. She knew that he had dated some when they were younger. However due to the challenges of raising two daughters by himself didn’t have the opportunity for a full time relationship until they were in their teens.

Though once he had the chance they saw he made few attempts to meet someone special. They always wondered if it was because of them or some other reason. Both of them had tried talking to him but he’d told them not to worry about it. They suspected that he still hadn’t gotten over their mother’s death. Still they hoped that someday he would find a nice woman.

So after all those years alone they didn’t think anything was wrong when he met Shannon. Even with the age difference between the two of them. After all their dad was almost forty and Shannon was twenty three when they met. Then not even a year later they happily watched as Shannon married their father. The happiness they saw from their father after the honeymoon brought joy to their hearts.

Thinking back the one of the warning signs came not long after the honeymoon when they had to move away from everyone they knew. Megan was certain that she had overlooked this due to the fact there was a valid reason for them moving. The economy had tanked in their home town and both Shannon and their dad got good jobs elsewhere. Hell these jobs even came with a new home once they moved.

Still there had to have been others. For example Megan could of sworn she had seen Shannon checking out Molly on several occasions and was certain she’d been been examined the same way more than once. However this was overlooked by the fact that the two of them were anything but ugly and being identical twins were constantly the subject of such attention. All it would take was a quick look in a mirror to tell them this.

From the long platinum blonde hair stretching down to their asses. To their well toned bodies. Finally there was their faces. More then one friend and teacher had told them they could be a models or movie stars and had always garnered a lot of attention due to their looks that made them both overlook Shannon’s.

But the biggest warning sign had to have been the accident that took their father’s life a week before they were set to move. Another car had crossed over the center medium and stuck their father’s car then fled the scene leaving their father bleeding to death from his injuries. Though they thought Shannon was just as broken up by this as them something just didn’t seam right.

Granted neither of the twins were thinking clearly during this tragedy. But there was something amiss as Shannon quickly took care of the funeral arrangements and two days after the burial moved the three of them away from everyone they knew. Blinded by their own grief they didn’t even take to much notice to the fact that their father had changed his will making Shannon the sole beneficiary. Granted they had no idea that the day before the move Shannon had cashed out all of their father’s investments and other savings into another account under another name.

All they did know something was wrong with how their new stepmother was acting. Yet either through their youth or naivety they failed to notice anything wrong until it was to late. Though when they finally did notice the odd taste of the ice tea Shannon gave them on the drive to their new home it was definitely to late.

When they came to they were naked with steal collars around their necks, matching shackles on their wrists and ankles, ball gags in their mouths, and were locked in cages. As the panic began to set in Megan noticed both her and Molly were not the only ones locked in cages. There were three other girls their age and several older women in cages in identical bondage. Like the sisters the other’s arms were secured behind their backs by the shackles on their wrists and their ankles were shackled together then chained to the shackles on their wrists.

She had no idea where they were or how long they they’d been there. Looking at the looks on the tear streaked faces of the other girls and women in the cages Megan was certain they had the same questions and fears. This was when a new questions began to pop up when Megan realized that Shannon wasn’t there with them. This brought a new realisation to her. If Shannon wasn’t in one of the cages then she had to be responsible for them being here.

Struggling with her bonds Megan attempted to get a better look at the room they were being held. However due to the low lighting and positioning of the cages she couldn’t see much more then then the cages her fellow captives were in. About the only thing she could see was there were several empty cages and a possible door on the one wall she could make out.

Megan’s attention would keep returning to this door as the other captives sobbing began to effect her and her own tears began to flow. Megan had no idea how long she lay crying in the cage before the door finally opened and she saw three figures silhouetted against the light shining in from the hallway outside. As the figures moved closer Megan realized each one had an unconscious person draped over a shoulder.

Once they reached the cages they set the people down and Megan saw that they were two more girls around her age and a woman. Looking closer at the girls Megan could easily tell they were another set of identical twins like Molly and her. Then to her horror she realised that the woman had to be their mother by how much she resembled the other twins.

A chill went through Megan as the men carrying the new captives began speaking. As they quickly went about securing the the newer prisoners they spoke about what they were looking forward to doing to them. This conversation however didn’t stop the men from taking every opportunity to grope the captives before shoving them into cages.

As the doors to the cages were closed the men began to taunt the rest of the prisoners including Megan. As these men began making lurid comments about what they wanted to do to them. Bound and gagged all of the captives knew they were helpless to prevent these abuses from being inflicted upon them and could only whimper and cry. But these threats soon paled in comparison to what Megan and her fellow prisoners were about to witness.

The men opened the cages of the the women and dragged them out by their hair. Though the screams of these women Megan saw that two of the girls began shaking their heads and mumbling incoherently. Looking at the girls Megan soon was horrified to realise that the girls were the daughters of the women the men had a hold of and like the daughters Megan realized what the men were going to do to them.

Sneering one the men called out to all of the captives and said ” You bitches pay close attention.”

With that the men unhooked the ankle shackles of the women and threw them to the ground. Horrified Megan could look away as the men pounced on the helpless women. Megan watched as one woman was pulled onto her knees in front of the cage holding her daughter. Another was on her back in front of her daughter’s cage as one of the men crawled between her spread legs. The third woman was pulled onto her knees and as her ball gag was removed the man gestured to the cage holding her daughter and said ” If she didn’t do a good job they would take turns raping her daughter in front of her.”

The woman began to plead for the men not to rape her daughter as the man opened his fly and pulled his penis out of his pants. Megan’s attention was forced back to the other women when they began to scream. Megan watched as one of the men began to thrust his hips on top of the woman on her back.

Though her screams were drowned out by the one woman on her knees. Looking at her Megan saw that the man had her bent over at the waist while thrusting into her from behind like she was some animal. But it was the look of agony on the woman’s face that scared Megan the most.

Her eyes were wide open and with each forward thrust of the man’s hips she would let out another scream. karabağlar escort While with the reverse thrust she would close her eyes and began to whimper as hard as she could. Only to have her eyes shoot wide open and begin to scream again with each forward thrust of the man’s hips.

Looking back to the third man and woman Megan saw that the woman had the man’s penis in her mouth and was bobbing her head back and fourth taking it deeper with each movement of her head. Not satisfied with the woman’s efforts though the man grabbed a hold of each side of the woman’s head and thrust his hips forward as hard as he could. As the woman began to panic the man pulled himself out slightly only to thrust himself fully into her again with a grunt.

As her attention shifted back and forth between the rape of the three women Megan felt a since of arousal began to form as she felt strange vibrations coming from her vagina. She quickly remembered seeing the men insert something into the vaginas of the other set of twins before they put them in the cages. Quickly looking at the others in the cages Megan saw that they were being given similar sensations to her even the daughters of the women being raped.

Looking at those girls a new realisation struck Megan. They were inflicted with a more intense stimulation then the rest of them. For they were openly moaning as they watched their mothers being raped. Granted most of the others were also moaning including Molly and the other set of twins who had awoken sometime during the horrid spectacle.

Unable to resist herself Megan’s moans soon joined the others as yet another realisation struck her. They were going to make all of the captives have orgasms while they watched these pour women being raped. Even the women’s own daughters wouldn’t be spared this torment. For what Megan could see the sensations they were being subjected to had been intensified somehow.

Megan’s ability to think clearly was soon gone as she felt the vibrations coming from her vagina intensify driving her closer to her own orgasm. Soon Megan heard one of the others scream as her climax struck. This set off a chain reaction with the rest of them as one by one they all were subjected to intense orgasms. Megan struggled to remain conscious as she was hit by the most intense orgasm she’d had up until that point of her life.

Granted she had tried masturbation and given herself more than one orgasm. However to her humiliation none of them could compare to what she was feeling at that moment as waves of pleasure flowed throughout her body. The vibrating sensations giving her this pleasure soon reached new heights as she saw the men having their own orgasms with their unwilling partners. Between the intensified sensations and the sight of the men filling the women with their seed soon drove Megan to a second climax leaving her oblivious to her surroundings.

Megan didn’t know how long she was like that but when she came to the men were up to something else. The two of women the men had raped were now gone and the one that had the man’s penis in her mouth was bent over pleading for the man in the process of raping her to take his penis out of her ass hole. Next her the woman she believed to be the mother of the other set of twins was straddling the lap of one of the men. With his penis in her vagina while the third man could clearly be seen behind her sodomizing her.

Before the horror of this new spectacle could set in Megan felt the vibrations return. As yet another orgasm began to build within her Megan’s thoughts drifted to images of her in the women’s places. She wondered what it would be like to be sodomized by her captures. Would they pull her long hair like the one raping the woman now was? Would they call her the names both women were being subjected to?

Numerous other questions and thoughts went through her head as Megan fantasized about being raped herself. All of which ended with Megan having intense orgasm after orgasm as her rapists filled her with their sperm. With these fantasies of orgasming while being raped going through her head Megan found herself on the edge of another massive climax. The sight of the men grunting as they shot their sperm into their victims sent thoughts of them doing that to Megan and caused her have one last orgasm as she lost consciousness.

Megan didn’t how long she had passed out for when she regained consciousness but a quick look around showed that the men and the women they’d raped were gone and many of the girls in the other cages were now asleep. One of the exceptions was Molly who was watching Megan with a look of concern on her face. However the look of concern soon turn to one of relief once she saw Megan was alright.

Megan however soon began to shake and cry uncontrollably as she remembered how she just fantasized about being raped and had a orgasm while doing it. The shame Megan felt as she thought about how she took pleasure from the violation of those women was indescribable. The only thing that was of any comfort to her was the fact that all the other girls were forced to orgasm the same as her. This included all of the daughters of the women that were raped before them.

Megan even distinctively remembered the other twins both orgasming during their mother’s rape. In fact she could have sworn she saw one or two of the rape victims having their own orgasms before she passed out. Still these realizations did little to calm Megan down as she lay sobbing in the cramped confines of the cage. Physically and emotionally drained Megan soon fell asleep with her last thought being what would happen to them next.

Megan’s dreams were unusual to say the least. She was on top of one man with his penis in her vagina while another had his penis in her butt hole. A third man had his penis in her mouth while she had orgasm after orgasm as she was used sexually by the three men. Looking beside her she saw her sister Molly orgasming as she also had sex with three men. Thoughts of one of the men squeezing her breasts however soon brought her out of her erotic dream as she realised that someone was actually touching her breasts.

Waking up she found she was being pulled out of her cage. Remembering what happened before she fell asleep Megan quickly looked around the room and saw two naked girls over her. Another glance beside her Megan saw Molly laying face down on the floor beside her. Looking again at the girls over her Megan saw like her they both had collars around their necks and shackles on both wrists and ankles.

They also had silver rings in each nipple on their breasts as well as one at the top of the opening of their vaginas. Then the thing that made Megan wonder about the most. They had a numbers tattooed above their bald pubic mounds. Then centered below the numbers was the word Pleasure. They were both very beautiful with long black hair pulled back in ponytails. Though unlike any of the girls in the cages these girls had on black high heeled shoes. However it was the sad looks on their faces that concerned Megan as she felt them release her ankles and lower her legs from the awkward position they’d been in since her ordeal had began.

Trying to move her legs made one of the girls to push down on Megan’s back while she shook her head side to side gesturing her not to move. However the girl soon had to physically hold Megan down as she began to thrash around as a wave of cramps shot through Megan’s legs. Megan was soon aware of the second girl rubbing down her legs to relieve the cramps. While the girl holding Megan down tried to silently comfort her.

As the pain she felt slowly subsided Megan looked at Molly again and saw a knowing look on her sister’s face. Calming some Megan relaxed as the girl holding her down released her and joined her companion in massaging Megan’s sore limbs. As the pain she felt began to subside Megan was able to relax some. Though as the girls saw Megan finally relaxing stopped their massage after they put a pair of high heels like they had on her Megan watched the girls move back in front of the sisters.

This was when Megan noticed that there were two leashes on the floor in front of them. Wondering what the leashes were for Megan watched as each girl picked one up and moved next to one of the sister’s heads. The leashes were then attached to both Megan’s and Molly’s collars and the girls were help the sisters stand on shaky legs. Before either Megan or Molly could wonder what was happening next each of the girls grabbed a leash and lead the sisters out of the room.

The sisters struggled to keep up as they were lead into a hallway. As they passed doorways they heard sounds that deeply concerned them. The first doorway they passed they heard the sounds of flesh slapping flesh and moaning and grunting. They also heard men calling people the same name the women that they watched being raped were called. They quickly identified these as the sounds of people having sex.

The next room they passed worried them more however. Women could be heard screaming as they were whipped. Through the screams and pleading coming from this room the sisters heard two words that concerned them the most.

Sex Slave?

Chapter Two coming soon.

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