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SLUT SAMANTHA 7deletedCHAPTER 7: CHOOSING LIFE“Albert, this is Samantha.”“Yes, my dear, that is what my phone screen also says.” He laughed.“Oh, yeah …”“Sorry, I think I interrupted you. Is something wrong?”“No, no, nothing is wrong …”“So, you are still coming Saturday as planned.”“That is what I wanted to talk to you about.”“So, there is something wrong, after all. Something has come up?”“No … let me start this over.” I paused for effect. “Hi, Albert! I hope your day and week have gone well so far. I was wondering if you could do something for me.” He laughed. This was nice, the easy, comfortable, teasing banter back and forth.He responded without question, “Of course, what can I do?”“I will give you the address to my apartment and I would like you to bring your big pickup on Saturday morning. My living room is half full of boxes.”Now there was a pause. “Boxes? Why are there boxes in your living room? What are we doing with them?”“Bringing them to your place, of course. I put in my 2-week notice on Monday. Albert, there was never a question in my mind how I was going to respond to your proposal.”“Samantha, I want this for you and me, but I want you to be absolutely sure. This shouldn’t be a decision made lightly and regretted, later.”“Dear Albert, your concern is part of why I am so sure. I have concluded, there can come benefits from loss. Simply because this loss meant a stripping away of the inessential within me. I don’t know that I was ever intended to have the perfect, storybook love that I thought I was getting. Even Nick showed me that I was something very different from that. So, I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and you help me begin to re-direct my energy into finishing the work that I had begun with Nick. And, that is why I am so sure.”* * * * *With the knock at the door, Harley and I crossed the apartment and I check through the peephole to find the distorted features of Albert’s weathered face. I opened the door, grabbed his hand as he entered and pulled him into the apartment and the living room.“We have decisions to make.” He was a wise man and allowed himself to be pulled and moved from room to room as we compared my stuff with the stuff he already had in his house. Ultimately, he confessed that all my stuff, furniture, dishes, kitchen stuff, and even the bed, were newer and better than what he had inherited from the previous owners 10 years ago when he bought the ranch.I was standing in front of him, my hands on my hips looking at everything that would need to be moved from the apartment. I was wearing shorts, tank top, and barefoot. “We’re going to need a bigger truck or a lot more trips.”Suddenly, I was wrapped up in his arms around my waist. His cheek against mine, “Neither. I’m calling a mover.”I pushed back against him, took his hand and moved them to my breasts. Instantly, he knew that I was braless. I leaned my head back alongside his, “I am going to make love to you tonight.”“Samantha, I … it’s been a long time.”I turned around in his arms and kissed him on the lips for the first time. I looked into his eyes, “It is okay, my Albert. The second time will be better.” He groaned.We piled boxes of clothes and personal belongs into the back of his pickup and my car. It took a while to reorganize the closets in the bedroom and spare room for our clothes. There were a lot of clothes I had that would not be necessary for everyday life on the ranch. Those I put in the spare room: the multitude of negligees, frilly summer dresses, stockings, and a variety of shoes. The practical things went into the bedroom.Immediately, I shooed him from the kitchen. That was now my domain. I loved to cook, anyway, and I wanted to do it as part of my contribution to the life here. That night, I joined him on his routine of closing things up for the night. I wanted to know and understand everything I could about the life on this ranch according to the way he wanted it. But, when we were done, I led him to the bedroom. He appeared a little nervous.“Do not be afraid. If I bite, it will be gentle.” That güvenilir bahis may not have settled his mind.He stepped up to me, his hands on my waist, “Do you know what I find very mysterious, even a little erotic, about you?”I smiled coyly at him, “There is just one thing?” I was teasing him, of course.He was nervous, again, but caught my tease, reached behind me and spanked my butt. “The way you don’t use contractions. There are times it is very noticeable and it becomes curious.”I smiled, “It was Nick’s idea. He thought it would make me more unique. I guess it works.” All he responded with was a nod and took me into his arms and kissed me. Ever since I told him I was going to make love to him, he has touched me more, tentatively perhaps, but he has. I was his now, a transfer of sorts in my mind from Nick to Albert. I intended to have him help me expand my experience with his a****ls, but I also desired his experience at the same time. As much as I like the feel of a****ls on and in me, I love the feel of a man in me.I moved him to the edge of the bed, continuing the kiss that he had started. I took hold of his shirt and pulled it over his head. I kissed his face, lips, and down to his chest and stomach, a much softer stomach than Nick’s. I was now on my knees in front of him. Put my cheek to his crotch and looked up at his face that was watching me. I smiled up at him as I turned my head to focus on undoing his belt, pants snap, and zipper. I leaned forward, kissing the new skin now exposed and, while I was doing that, I hooked my fingers into the waist of his pants and boxers, slowly pulling them down over his hips, his thighs, and pooling at his feet. His cock wasn’t limp. I felt it hardening inside his pants when I put my cheek against it. Without touching it, just gazing at his cock for the first time, he grew in firmness, stiffening and moving on its own before me.Now, I looked up at him, still not having touched his cock. He was still watching every move I made and I smiled at him. I opened my mouth, my tongue coming out to lick my lips, my cheek moving in fractions of my inch closer to his now hard cock until I felt it on my cheek. I smiled bigger, then turned my head and raised up higher and engulfed his cock into my mouth. Not a kiss, not a lick, not the head into my mouth in preparation or teasing, but engulfing the cock into my mouth, pushing my mouth down over it and down its length until I felt it in the back of my mouth.His sounds were a mixing of moans, groans, sighs, and gasps. “OH GOD! Oh … Sam … antha … oh god … I … never … oh god …”I smiled around his cock, but I also felt his cock pulse in my mouth. He wasn’t k**ding about it being a long time and I didn’t want him to cum quite yet. I did want him to cum, but not this fast. I wanted him to cum so that when I made love to him it could last and be prolonged. But not this fast.I pushed him back onto the edge of the bed. He body fell all the way with his back on the bed. I pulled up one foot, releasing his shoe, sock, and pant leg. Then the other so that he was naked. I went to the head of the bed and pulled the cover and top sheet down to where he lay. He turned and moved to the head of the bed as I stripped it the rest of the way, folding the top sheet at the bottom where we could find it easily later when we were through.He was now lying with his head resting on a pillow. I moved to the end of the bed. There was no music playing anywhere but in my head but that was all I needed. It didn’t matter if he saw how my body moved to the rhythm of the music, only that he saw my body moving.I never thought of myself as a great dancer, but Nick enjoyed these shows and I figured Albert would, too. I twirled in the area between the bed and dresser that contained a large mirror at the back. As I moved, I saw myself and him behind me and I knew that as he watched me, he was also able to see the other side of me as I moved. I bent my head back allowing my long, blonde hair to hang behind me, then twirling, my hair flying out behind until I stopped, my hair moving over my türkçe bahis face and held my body in a pose that had me looking through my hair. I started rotating my hips and turned slowly before him. When I was turned back to him, the snap and zipper of my shorts were undone and I danced allowing him to see the tops of my bikini panties. I hooked my thumbs into my shorts and pushed them down, letting them fall to my feet. I stepped out them, kicking them to the side. I continued to rotate my hips and body, taking my shirt in my hands and pulled it up toward my breasts, higher and higher, then turning my back to him as I pulled it up to my chin, exposing my bra back to him. I looked over my shoulder, winked at him, blew a kiss, then pulled it over my head, tossing it somewhere. While my back was to him, I reached behind, unclipping my bra, letting it fall open. I looked over my right shoulder as I held the bra cups to my breast, pushing the right strap off my shoulder and removing my arm. I blew another kiss to him before turning to look over my left shoulder and repeating the actions there. I turned back to him, my hands hold the cups to my breast and I continued to me. I turned around and flung the bra to the side before turning around, my hands back on my breasts, lifting them as if an offering just to him, which it was.I glanced down at his cock. The break in my mouth’s attention to it was doing nothing to lessen his hardness and I smiled at him. He saw me looking directly at his hard cock and I saw him seeing me and we both knew what each other was thinking.I hooked my thumbs into my panties and lowered them halfway down my hips, one side an inch and then the other side, back and forth. He eyes were riveted to my action and not to either side as they alternatively lowered, but halfway between. Of course, he knew what my pussy looked like, he had seen me naked many times before, maybe more times than he has seen me dressed. But, I turned my back to him, again. I pushed my panties the rest of the way down, but keeping my knees straight, bent down to pick them off my feet. I looked around my hips at him, then stepped each foot to the side, parting my feet and legs and bent over completely, looking between my legs at him. As I looked, and he gazed unabashedly back, I slipped a hand between my legs and covered my pussy and asshole. When I pulled my hand away to fully expose myself to him, I used my index finger to stop at each hole, sliding my finger along the length of my pussy.Only then did I turn around and crawl onto the bed, one slow stride after the other, my breast hanging from my chest as I approached him. When I got to his thighs, I started kissing, one thigh, then the other, working my way up until I kissed first one of his balls, then the other. I looked up at him watching me as I put my tongue out and ran it up the length of his cock. When I reached the crowned head of his circumcised cock, it jerked, rising up and falling back down onto his abdomen. My lips around the head, I felt it pulse and throb, his mouth releasing groans and gasps, partially in the pleasure of the impending release from his loins, partially in frustration of the impending release from his loins. He called my name over and over between moans and groans. I engulfed his cock head until his cock was at the back of my mouth just in time for him to spurt his semen in my sucking mouth. Perhaps it was his long period of abstinence, he filled my mouth and continued to spurt repeatedly. I gulped around his cock, swallowing loads of his semen, noisily and greedily gulping every bit he gave me.When I returned to the bedroom carrying the bottle of Jameson’s Irish Whiskey and 2 glasses (his drink of choice), he was sprawled on the bed in the exact same position as when I left him. He turned his head to look my way as I re-entered the room. He struggled to his elbows.“Stop … right there.” I did as he said, wondering if I had misunderstood the drink he wanted. “You are a beautiful creature, Samantha.”I laughed. “I bet you say that to all the girls who have your cum in güvenilir bahis siteleri their mouths.” He laughed with me.We talked. We talked about moving the rest of my stuff down the following weekend with the mover. We talked about getting rid of the duplicates. We talked about the a****ls and me, which I found intriguingly helpful in getting his cock to begin stirring, again. We talked about if there should be rules about my being dressed or not and how, if so. We made no decisions, only talked.After I finished my drink and poured him another couple fingers of the Irish Whiskey (my new favorite now, too), my fingers teased his chest, stomach, cock and balls. I kissed his shoulder, chest, neck and mouth. Soon, I was holding in my hand a growing cock and I shifted my position so my mouth was again at his cock head.He groaned, “You’re really going to do this?”I released his cock from my mouth, turned up to him and smiled. “Poor, Albert. This and so much more. I think you did not understand what it was to have a slut in your life?” He groaned, again, but his face was all smile, his hand stroking my hair as my head bobbed up and down on his cock.He was hard, again. He was ready for the next stage in my plan for this first night of our new relationship. I had taken his seed into my mouth and swallowed joyfully, while he only laid back and enjoyed my efforts, in my mind establishing our position with each other. Now, I would take him, again. This time vaginally. Another time, I will be taken anally so that I will be fully known to him for his pleasure. I thought, in his mind, this relationship was his giving to me for my benefit and transition from the loss of Nick in my heart and life. And, while I accepted that and needed that for me to move on with my life, this relationship was also me giving to him for his benefit and transition, finally after all these long years, from the loss of his wife in his heart and life. We both had so much to move on from, much that needed to be bridged to become healthy and vibrant, again. And, he was correct, it was not to replace the individuals and loves of before, but to insert something new for a new life and experience.As my mouth slid off his hard cock, I kissed the end of it, then crawled back to kiss his chest, eyes, and mouth. I straddled his midsection and ground my wet pussy slit over the length of his cock which strained against me as my pelvis moved from the base to the head. I pushed my arms straight, gazing down at him as my pelvis continued to slide along his cock, my slit transferring my wetness to coat him. I shifted my pelvis, tilting it to catch the head between my lips, but not at my hole. I looked down at him with desire and found the same reflected in his gaze up at me.“I am going to take you inside me now, my Albert.” He looked from my face to the space created by my pussy pressing against the head of his cock and pushing it to an angle. As he watched, I rotated my pelvis again and pressed back, sliding the head down my pussy slit between the lips until the head found my hole and sank barely inside. I got his eyes back on mine, “I am yours now, Albert; I am yours to have and to use and to determine how I am to be used; I am yours to challenge and create experiences for; and, I am yours whenever and wherever and however you desire me.” He looked up at me, his eyes searching mine. It occurred to me at that moment that I had never expressed those feelings and commitments to Nick, but I was now to Albert. This was a different relationship and that difference was what I needed and wanted.I searched his eyes for understanding and acceptance. I smiled down at him, lowered my head and kissed his lips while holding pressure on his cock just inside me. I raised back up, his hands rising to my face, then trailing down onto my shoulders and breasts, his eyes following them. He looked back at me, his expression serious.“Samantha … have I mentioned to you how beautiful you are?” I smiled and nodded. He smiled back, “I understand and accept the commitment we give to each other.” I pressed back on him and sat up straight, sinking his hard cock deep into my pussy. “Oh … God …” He smiled up at me, “If you don’t kill me, first.”“I won’t kill you, but I intend to thrill you.”* * CHAPTER 8: HIS FIRST IDEA will follow * * Thanks for reading.

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