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Slut Wife DancingSlut Wife DancingWritten by Anna Larsson / Aug 1, 2005It was a Friday night, Portacali had been open a few months and after a good deal of procrastination we had decided the tales of a party atmosphere had to be experienced first hand. The evening started to heat up at about 5pm when my wife, Aimee, began parading around naked, picking her clothes for the evening. In the end, she went for her favorite short flimsy pleated black skirt and tight fitting blue top and a great pair of stiletto boots I?m sure I hadn?t seen before. I didn?t mind so much; seeing her nude is always a pleasure. At 34 Aimee is exceptionally gorgeous. She stands about 5?7 with a firm solid body from spending a fair amount of time at the gym. Her greenish eyes, wavy thick medium length light brunette hair, and smallish but quite adequate breast make her a real knockout when she is dresses like this. I especially like the look of her natural yet neatly trimmed pussy. Finally, she was satisfied with her choices and got dressed just as the taxi arrived at 6pm. Just over half an hour later, we were downtown. A short walk away from Portacali was a row of older bars and pubs. We had a few drinks from these cheap seats before heading to Portacali, as I didn?t get to our level of financial success by blowing money at $20 a drink. After a few drinks, we headed to see the new club?I was interested but only halfheartedly as I am not into dancing while Aimee loves to dance?so this visit was for her more that I.We walked up the entrance steps and joined the line to enter Portacali hand-in-hand, obviously together. The bouncers watched us and I knew it wasn?t me that was attracting the attention. Night had set in and the temperature had dropped. Fortunately, the wait was short and soon we entered the club. Once inside the main room of the club we surveyed the layout of the place ? restrooms, cloakroom, a large dance floor, and two bars. There were also what appeared to be two other dance areas with their own bars toward the back. In the very back were several private party rooms that based on some advertising near the entry cold be rented for parties, corporate event etc. All in all a classy, lively place. The music was pumping so loud it ruled out normal conversation, I think that?s why there called clubs, in reference to a prehistoric and simpler time ? ug! I told Aimee I would grab us some drinks if she wanted to dance.The bar was three deep so it took me a while to get the drinks. When I had jostled my way back through the crowds to the edge of the dance floor, drink in hand, Aimee was not in view. It didn?t take long to find her. She was boogieing in the middle of the crowded dance floor. I hate to dance so I stood on death row that gap around the edge of the dance floor- sipping my drink, watching as guys danced around my better half. The occasional would-be-gigolo danced up and got a quick and easy brush off. It brought a smile to my face watching these young would be studs flirt with my wife.Aimee noticed me watching from the sidelines and beckoned me over. I refused and held up her drink. She screwed her pretty face into a cross expression and shook her head in mock disgust. She walked over downed hers and told me to get a few more drinks as she was working up a thirst. When I got back, she was dancing in the centre of a crowd of guys. Occasionally one would schmooze up to her and she’d give her hips a quick wiggle before shooing him away. It was fair fun, she knew what she was doing, and they weren?t going to push it too far in a crowded place.Aimee saw me and walked over, stumbling occasionally over invisible obstacles. It was the first sign of her tipsy state I?d actually noticed. She grabbed two drinks and pleaded with me to join her. I insisted I was enjoying watching the show. She raised an eyebrow, smiled devilishly and returned to the floor.She danced more sexily than before taking only a few minutes to harvest a new crowd of men, all trying to win her charms. Once more she brushed aside the braver guys that tried to dance with her or grind against her backside. She looked over at me every few minutes. However, she gave up on asking me to join her on the dance floor; she just smiled and enjoyed the attention she was getting. I motioned that I?d get another round and she smiled with a ?yes? expression. I headed for the bar.After some time I returned and realized the guy she was with had been there a while as he had been flirting with her before I had left. He was a little over six foot with a muscular athletic build, and rugged good-looking black man. Aimee had one hand on his hip, was pressing her butt against his crotch area, arching her back, and jigging with his rhythm. As they danced, I watched trying to ignore what I was seeing; my wife, bending over a little more than necessary for a regular dance. After a few more minutes I couldn?t deny it, the reality was too blatant. Aimee was getting turned on by rubbing against this strange black man?s cock. I remained calm, not at all angry, I had deep fantasies of her acting like this but never would have dreamed she act like this for real. Don?t get me wrong she is no prude just a little more conservative sexually. I had never seen Aimee act like this before I was a tad jealous but turned on by it as well.Aimee stood tall, turned to face him, and wrapped her arms around his back. She whispered into his ear. I don?t know what she said but he was laughing and shaking his head no. She persisted in getting her point across to him and then Aimee moved away slightly and stood nodding slowly. The man shrugged his shoulders and resumed the sexual dance. Aimee again gyrated her hips and pushed her ass against his crotch. Next, I noted as his black hands grasped her waist and moved up along her sides straying briefly under her breasts before returning to her waist. Aimee nervously looked around the club?likely searching for me. Satisfied that I wasn?t in sight she smiled at her black lover, put her hand under the back of her dress, and had a good feel of her dance partner. Her dress lifted slightly as she moved a hand to her knee, without doubt giving the guy a good flash of her pink cheeks. The man shook his head casually fawning a no, paused briefly then shrugged one last time. Aimee smiled lustily and blushed slightly. Her black dance partner then put one hand between Aimee?s butt and the front of his trousers. Then, for a few panicked moments, people got in the way. I struggled to see what was happening. When I finally found a good vantage point to watch from, I could see the guy was still moving his hand between his fly and Aimee?s skirt. It was difficult to see what was transpiring as his black hands were concealed by her black skirt. I was shocked at how far she was letting this go. It crossed my mind he could have a few fingers in her, but I didn?t consider it likely. He was probably just rubbing against her panties. I craned my neck for a better view. They were still dancing, grinding against each other, but the floor seemed too crowded for them to really get down to anything.Aimee lent forward and jiggled her body in time with the music. At this point, he new friend bent his knees slightly and pulled back; Aimee blushed as he raised her skirt a little and let it slip back down over her ass but didn?t fall as I expected, instead stopping just higher than the top of her bottom. He flicked the back of her skirt up again and pushed against her. She started grinding onto him. There was no doubt he was pushing in, changing the dance completely. My wife, the drunken slut was definitely moving more backwards and forwards now, not just rubbing against this dirty-dancing stranger. She frantically searched the dance floor for me, again thinking she was in the clear she sighed deeply. I moved even closer now. Every now and then, he would flick her dress up all the while keeping time with the music. They were now banging harder against each other; her dress would slowly slip down between them before he flicked it up again. The guy looked down on Aimee, his hands; large powerful looking hands gripped her waist, pulling her onto him. After a little careful positioning, I had them in a perfect profile. He again flicked at her skirt and for the first time my fears were confirmed as I saw his strong thick black shaft, hard and straight, being rammed into her. He was fucking her right there on the dance floor. The grinding and dancing türkçe bahis was diminishing, being replaced by the unashamed backward and forward motions of sex. Aimee sighed, I am sure had the music been quieter anyone would hear her moaning, wanting him to go that bit faster and shoot his hot sticky load into her. At this point, he pulled her upright never losing beat of missing a stroke as he fucked my wife. With a hand across her belly and the other pulling her back toward him, he turned slightly and Aimee did the same, turning her face to meet his lips. As they kissed, he massaged her breast briefly before letting his hands fall back to her waist. Aimee bent back down thrust wildly back on him. The she suddenly grabbed his hips and stopped the dance briefly.Aimee slipped her hand beneath the back of her dress and took hold of his cock. In a flash, trying to hide the massive black weapon, she turned around and climbed onto him. Had they been observant I?m sure people would have seen the solid 10 inch black cock on display but Aimee?s black skirt hung down low enough to just hide the show. Her black suitor lifted her higher while she wrapped her long legs around his middle. Hidden by my wife?s skirt, the black cock stood tall, its tip no doubt hovering in front of Aimee?s opening. He toyed with her for a few seconds then let her drop a few inches, plunging in the head and some of his dark shaft into my wife?s pussy, the depth controlled by his strong arms. Aimee eagerly pulled herself down, hungry for more, letting his full-length slip in. They danced freely around in a darker corner of the dance floor. Aimee, her legs tight around his waist, helped him move her light frame up and down, sliding his cock in an out of her wet pussy. Their bodies still portrayed a fiction of dancing as he moved, swayed, and kept their fucking in time with the music. After again taking a quick look around for me (I love how alcohol will keep you focused on the obvious as she looked where she thought I was and didn?t notice I was quite close and well hidden by the darkness and crowd of people. Convinced I was not in sight Aimee began kissing his neck and eventually moved up to his lips. She would throw her head back and then begin again. At times, their kiss would linger and on occasion, they would kiss deeply allowing their tongues to intertwine for a few moments adding a certain new level of sluttiness to her behavior. I must say I was turned on by the sight of this. Sighing and whispering in his ear, she was no doubt asking him to take her harder and faster as his thrusting increased after her words. Their dancing began to fall out of rhythm with the music; it now floated around in a time of its own. Aimee bounced vigorously up and down and began to breathe more deeply and sigh inwardly. Suddenly, she buried her head into the crook of his neck, pressing her lips hard against is collarbone. Her body convulsed slightly as she came on top of her black stud?s cock. After a moment she recovered pulled her head back and looked deep into his face as she began to thrust herself more forcefully up and down on his shaft, fucking him with abandon. The effect of this was quick as this phase of the dance ended with a few powerful shudders of the unknown black man?s hips as he deposited his seed deep into my wife?s belly. Aimee?s legs tightened around him as she again orgasmed. She flicked her hair back and looked at him with a slutty smile. They resumed their dance at a slower, more relaxed pace for a few minutes. Then Aimee kissed him passionately on the lips while as a mated couple they turned, slow dancing round, Aimee?s glowing face spinning into view with each turn. She whispered into the man?s ear and I watched as he put his hand down the front of his trousers.Not two minutes after I sat down, Aimee appeared and asked ?Where have you been honey, I?ve looked all over for you.? Obvious lies, though I played along with her deception. I replied, I couldn?t find you so I found a table so you could enjoy the dancing?sorry I drank your drink though I just bought you another one. She smiled and sat down beside me taking her drink. We chatted a bit and she asked what I thought of the place, I smiled and said, ?It?s a nice club?though very loud? at which she smiled and said ?You should dance with me? I shook my head no ?You know its not my thing?. She smiled again, finished her drink, and then excused herself to the bathroom. I noted as she stood that a small trickle of sperm was winding down her inner thigh. She headed to the bathroom while I quickly got us another round. She returned a short time later looking refreshed?the genetic evidence of her earlier escapade now removed from her leg. She said, I just ran into Wendy from work. An obvious fixation as I saw Aimee go to and return from the ladies room. Now I was curious as to what her devious mind was up to. My conservative previously scrupulously honest wife was dropping a number of lies.After finishing our drinks, Aimee said she wanted to look around the club. I shook my head okay?I?ll get you another drink while your checking the place out. She shook her head no and said she was fine. I watched as she walked away. She disappeared from my view a short while later near one of the back bars and smaller dance venues. I rose and followed finding I had a great view from just outside the area.Sure enough, she was in near the bar with her newfound black friend. They were engaged in a conversation that appeared to be him giving her some sort of instructions or directions as he would talk and she would listen intently and shake her head yes on occasion. He turned to the bartender and the bartender brought them two shots of tequila. The rose their shot glasses (somewhat large) toasted and downed the drinks slamming the glasses on the bar once finished. Aimee sat back on one of the barstools at the bar and he leaning on the bar placed one hand on her leg as they engages in what appeared to be small talk. After a couple minutes, Aimee stood kissed him on the cheek and turned to walk back to the main area of the club. I noticed his gaze lingered devilishly on Aimee as she walked away.I returned to our table with two drinks in hand arriving just as she did. I asked her ?How is it? she paused briefly puzzled ?Oh the club is quite nice?I ran into Wendy again.? I smiled back and said, ?You ready to leave after this round?it is awfully loud in here? she frowned and said ?I really wanted to dance some more? I said ?I can?t take this noise much more? (it was very loud). Then Aimee said, ?Would you mind if I stayed with Wendy and her husband for a while.? I replied are you sure they won?t mind?? She replied, ?You won?t be upset if I stay?? I came back with ?Hon, I know you love dancing so feel free?I don?t mind as long as they can get you home.? Aimee rose and said I?ll check and see. She walked back toward the back bar and turned back before entering (seemingly just checking to make sure her black lover was still there). She bounded back to me and said, Wendy and her boyfriend said they don?t mind at all.? Now my curiosity was aroused, Wendy who just minutes ago was married now had a boyfriend (my what drink can do to your logic). I played along ?You sure you don?t mind if I leave? Aimee replied somewhat unconvincingly ?Well I wish you would stay, but I don?t mind since the noise is a bit loud!? I smiled and said, ?I?ll catch a cab.? Aimee kissed me and said she wasn?t sure how late Wendy and her boyfriend planned to be out.? I said, that?s find we?ve got nothing going on tomorrow anyhow, just make sure to ride back with them and not in a cab alone so late. I could feel Aimee watching me as I left.As I exited, I told the bouncers I was just getting some air (as I didn?t intend to wait in line to get back in. They nodded in approval. I walked a short distance before backtracking and reentered the club. I saw Aimee just as she disappeared into the back bar and dance area again. I lingered in the main area to allow even more time to pass ensuring Aimee was convinced I had left. I then walked back to my vantage point and discovered my wife again sitting at the bar with her black suitor. This time he was leaning on the bar his foot on Aimee?s barstool with his face close to hers. They were talking, smiling, and engaged in some sort of banter. Gone was any hint of Aimee?s nervousness?she no longer looked about the room to ensure that I was not youwin giriş in view. After a short period of time and another shot of some sort he stood took Aimee?s hand and led her out into the main area of the club and back to the dance floor. They quickly got into the rhythm of the music and before long Aimee was bumping and grinding with him to the music. Not as lustily as earlier but still well beyond what you?d expect of a married woman with a man she?d just met. After few songs the man motioned to a blonde bar maid. After exchanging some words while Aimee danced in front of him oblivious to this event he handed her what seemed a fairly large fold of money. After about 10 minutes, the blonde retuned carrying a tray with two bottles of Cristal. The man took Aimee?s hands and led her behind the blonde barmaid.The blonde led them to the back hallway and to one of the private party rooms. She disappeared into the room and left the tray. After Aimee and her black stud entered, the barmaid left ensuring the door was locked behind her. I was desperate to find out what was going on. The door was locked so I found the barmaid out in main area and after some legal threats (being a lawyer has its benefits) and a $200 tip, she led me up to the second floor where a door led to a darkened balcony in the private party room where she had left Aimee and her black lover. The noise was much reduced yet enough residual noise from the club allowed be to move quietly without being noticed. The room below was large with a nice three sided bar in the center. Nice tables and chairs s**ttered about around the bar and several seating areas with large couches and love seats along the sides of the room. There were plasma screens positioned throughout the room currently blank or showing scenes from the club?s dance floor. The black man Aimee was with was at the bar pouring Cristal in into the two champagne flutes the barmaid had left on the tray with the champagne. Aimee was standing near one of the large couches off to the right. In perfect view for me.He brought the drinks back smiled and rose his glass in a toast ?To our dance earlier tonight? Aimee blushed slightly as they toasted sipped her champagne. He then said ?Baby I can?t believe we actually did that, thought we could use some time away from the noise out there?so I had them open this room for us? ?Did I catch your name right?Amy?? Aimee smiled ?yes.? ?So your man headed home already? Aimee shook her head yes as he topped of her glass with more Cristal. They sat back close together on the couch. Aimee offered no resistance as he slipped his arm around her and drew his mouth to hers. My wife?s lips parted and opened as they began to kiss deeply. Unlike earlier on the dance floor these kisses lasted far longer. Aimee?s silky white hands pulled her black lovers close shaved head toward her kissing even more passionately. She moaned and sighed as they kissed. The heavy kissing went on for several minutes as the writhed together on the couch.Then suddenly at one point Aimee abruptly pushed him away from her. For a brief moment, I thought she had come to her senses and was ending this encounter. I was shocked and at the same time turned on to watch instead as she lifted her tight blue top above her breasts and unsnapped the front of her bra giving her fuck friend unfettered access to her breasts. He wasted no time bringing his right hand to her left breast while he lowered his mouth to her right breasts taking her nipple firmly into his mouth. Aimee sighed loudly and through her head back into the corner of the couch as he worked her breasts with his hands and mouth. She looked so sluttish, half dressed as his black head moved about her chest. He got into a rhythm of moving from breast to breast with occasional forays up her chest and neck to her mouth. They?d kiss passionately and then he mould kiss behind her ear and work his way down to her tits again.This went on for some time when I noticed that he now had a hand working along her leg. He moved his had to the inside of her knee. Aimee responded by opening up her legs allowing him to slide up her skirt revealing her lacy blue panties which matched the bra now hanging off of her as he worked her tits. Aimee worked her way out of her top and allowed the bra to finally slip all the way off as he removed her panties. Aimee now wore only the short black skirt now bunched above her waist looking like no more than a thick belt and her stiletto boots. The hair in the immediate vicinity of her vagina was matted down in her wetness. He now kissed down her stomach and back to her breasts with an occasionally journey down her side to her thighs. At a few points I thought I was going to see him taste my wife?s cunt, but he was sly, only teasing her, well aware that remnants of his earlier deposit were still taking up residence within her.He worked Aimee into a frenzy with his breastwork and handwork. Soon her hand slithered their way under his shirt working it off him, in the process revealing his muscular and sculpted body. Her hands then grasped at his crotch after some massaging she worked on removing his belt and unzipping his pants as the kissed with a renewed zeal. Soon she removed his black manhood from the prison of his pants. She grasped the 10 inch black monster with her hands and slowly began to kiss her way down his chest. His hands massaged her tits as her kiss went ever lower savoring the taste of his black flesh. Within a few minutes, her mouth approached his cock. She smoothly readjusted her position on the couch as her hands guided his cock to her lips. Her lips parted and she lowered her mouth over the head of the enormous black shaft. He sighed leaned back into the couch and smiled deviously as he enjoyed the work of my white wife?s mouth, lips, and tongue. The contrast of their skin heightened my arousal at the sight before me. Aimee was never much into oral sex, sure on occasion she?d give some head as part of our foreplay, but this was a no k**ding blowjob on a cock that had not long before emptied its load into her womanhood. Soon her head was bobbing on his cock head and several inches of his shaft. This continues for several minutes, their bodies intertwined on the couch.What I saw next added to the sluttiness of her antics. He pulled her off stood before her at her up on the couch. Then as she leaned forward, he guided her mouth back onto his black rod. Before there had been semblance of passion (so to speak) in what she was doing this now was pure lust an unadulterated blowjob complete with slurping sounds and the attendant strands of spittle mixed with precum whenever she removed her mouth for a moment before taking it in again. He now had her doing things she never dreamed of doing. He reached over to the table next to the couch picked up the bottle of Cristal and proceeded to pour a small stream of champagne down the top of his shaft into her mouth. Aimee drank it down opening her mouth wider to allow it to run into her mouth. Closing her lips tightly about his cock swallowing and opening for the next sip. Finally, he said, ?Damn, baby, I need to sit down.” I watched mesmerized as he turned sat down on the couch while at the same time Aimee slid off the couch to her knees and turned to face him, I am convinced to this day that his cock never left her mouth as the executed this maneuver. Her left hand kept the black python aligned with her mouth as she sucked his cock fervently while her right hand moved down her pussy and she began to finger herself. The stud grinned as he lifted her hair up behind her head so he could have a better view of the white slut (my wife) sucking his cock.Finally, Aimee had enough and pulled off him, laid back on the couch and shook her head ?yes? when he gave her a look that must have said, ?You want me inside you?? He stood up grasped her ankles and held her legs apart as with one hand Aimee guided his cock to her sopping wet hairy hole while the other spread her labia apart. With one fluid movement, he buried the full length of his cock into her. Aimee moaned loudly as she pushed her head and upper torso deeply into the couch. He pulled almost out and then thrust back into her. Her body responded in kind meeting him thrust for thrust. Before long Aimee was lost in ecstasy. Moaning and coming loudly. I can?t put it all into words. It?s a blur of her saying :Oh god, sooo good, mmmm, fuck me (she isn?t one youwin güvenilir mi to swear)? fuck me?Oh god that?s it fuck me.. .don?t stop?it?s so deep?I?m coming?ahhh?ughhh?give it to me. He replied by fucking the daylights out of my wife. He leaned over and kissed her sloppily as he fucked her. Then he turned her over while she bent over the couch and took him doggy style. She came hard again. Then he laid behind her on the couch and spooned her. She would turn her head back so they could make out as they fucked. Aimee took charge for a bit and rode him while he worked her tits with his mouth as she thrust up and down on his black shaft.He turned her back over and resumed fucking her from a standing position as she laid on the couch. She came hard again rolling her head from side to side. He began to tense and grunted ?I?m gonna come all over your face baby? my thought was yeah right?as she has never done that. But she was lost in the fog of drink and sex and not only offered no objection but as he mad a few last powerful thrusts into she brought her hands down to his cock and as he pulled out she guided his cock toward her mouth as she slid he body down the couch to the floor. The first spurt landed in a string across her lips nose and forehead and into her hair, as the second stream emerged from his cock she had it aimed right across her now outstretched tongue and right into her mouth. She then closed her lips around the bulb of his cock while he emptied his balls into her mouth. I could see her swallowing motions before she resumed gently sucking his cock for a few seconds. She let it flop out of her mouth. She had taken her first ever sperm load into her mouth and on top of that swallowed the load?all but the string still stretched across her face and hair. She collapsed back onto the couch and he sat down next to her. He got up brought over a towel, which she used to wipe the sperm off her face. She was still laying their naked when He said, ?I suppose need to be getting you home before your husband get worried? Aimee said, ?Yeah I guess I should be going.? ?He mentioned he had driven?as I had a cab to catch I took that as a cue to leave to ensure I was at the house before she arrived home.I quickly hailed a cab and got home about 20 minutes later I heard a car pull up our drive with the lights off. We live in a rural area on a large plot of land so when Aimee didn?t come in I ventured out along the edge of the property and slowly approached the car. It was a nice convertible with the top back. The first words I could make out were Aimee?s saying that the house was still a ways off up the driveway. He said he wanted to see her again and she said she would like to as well. Thinking the night was ending I started to head back to the house when he said ?Babe you are so hot, I don?t think I wanna wait, I want you right here and now!? Aimee hesitantly replied ?here in the car in my driveway?? As I turned back, I saw him shaking his head yes, as they embraced starting round three of the night. I can?t go into detail as it was like watching a silhouette and they managed (deliberately, I?m sure) to keep the noise down. They began with some kissing and fondling. I saw him lower his head to work Aimee?s breasts and yep before long Aimee leaned over from the passenger side and her head disappeared below the dash into his lap the back of her head briefly showing from time to timer as she savored the taste of his now twice fucked cock (no doubt tasting a mix of his black manhood, his sperm mixed with her juices?what a slut she?d become tonight. She sucked his cock for about 10 minutes and the repositioned her to face him as she straddled him in the drivers seat. She came and then he opened his door laid her on the hood of his car and proceeded to fuck my wife in our driveway. This was more of a quickie and soon he grunted thrust deep into her and released another torrent of black seed into my wife?s pussy. They lay still for a moment or two before Aimee dressed and gave him a peck goodnight. He drove off as Aimee walked up the drive I beat her back and just managed to undress and get into bed before she got in. She showered and then crawled into bed next to me. I feigned sleep as she climbed into bed. I turned and said, ?How was your night? she lied a last time saying how nice it was to hang out with Wendy. She drifted off to sleep. It was four in the morning it was only 10 hours earlier that my conservative wife had transformed herself into a complete slut for black cock.She carried on an illicit affair with him for about 6 months?not knowing that I was watching her every move. I had a surveillance system installed in the house and in her car and kept a recorder on the phone line which allowed me to get into place anytime they rendezvoused outside of the house?which as luck would have it was rare?she seemed to prefer having him at our place.Their escapades were wanton, pure unadulterated sex. One of my favorite episodes was one morning after I had left for work. He came over and Aimee took him to our bedroom. After some intense making out (I love watching them kiss as part of foreplay and even more so during sex) Aimee undressed him dropped to her knees and then with sluttish abandon proceeded to suck his cock in a manner I think would rival a top porn scene. She was so into it she was slobbering all over him. Sucking his dick and shaft licking his balls, shaft, and head. It was especially whorish seeing her suck his balls into her mouth. Her spittle completely covered his cock, all around her mouth and dripping in globs down her chest onto her legs and the floor. She forced herself down on his shaft until she gagged at which point she pull back up before thrusting her mouth down for even more. He talked dirty to her, telling her how slutty she was acting and what would I think if I came home and saw my wife like this (as it was I was seeing). She paid no heed to his taunts and focused on sucking his dick. She paused briefly, pulled off him, looked up at him and said ?Cum in my mouth? and shoved her mouth back down on his head. The black stud took her to task. Using his hands to assist her cocksucking. He grunted pulled his cock back so just the head was in her mouth and let loose a torrential flow of cum. He held her head on?though there was no need and she was greedily sucking as he came. Aimee made some slurping sounds, pulled off him looked up, opened her mouth, worked the sperm around for him to see before closing her lips and swallowing the load whole. He responded, ?You fucking slutty whore?you can?t get enough of black cock can you?? Aimee looked up at him, just gave a slight giggle, and bobbed her head on his rod a few more times. They rested a few minutes, showered together in the master bath before he led her naked to our bed where he fucked her silly in every conceivable position before popping a load into her twat.The affair ended when he had to move to a new town?but they said goodbye in style with her first and only gangbang?he came over with 6 black friends all hung like he was and for an entire night fucked the shit out of my wife (I was ?on a business trip?, in reality monitoring their activity). When I say fucked the shit out of her I mean just that?two of them gave her an intense ass-fucking. She even took one of their cocks fresh from her ass into her mouth as he came. They each in the end came no less than 4 times each. At one point, she was airtight taking on three black dicks at one time, ass, mouth, and pussy. She was a complete whore and a complete mess taking no rest (they did). By the time it was over, she was caked in sweat and sperm. Her face was glazed, her hair matted in an insane matter with sperm, while her pussy was matted down as well in the mixture of her and their juices, with theirs oozing out of her swollen well-fucked cunt. They left her on our bed as she collapsed and fell asleep. That was the end of that affair.Am I jealous in a way sure, but not really she is back to me now and I am enjoying the benefits of her newfound sexuality. She played it slow gradually working up to what she did for him that first night. But now I enjoy some steamy sexual escapades with her and some great head too. Overall, I am glad he brought out my wife?s inner slut. Moreover, frankly if in the future she wants to indulge in some black cock on the side?that?s fine by me. I am not at all small but no doubt somewhere within her is a yearning for a little bit more on occasion. So for all you black brother out there keep an eye out you never know maybe you?ll run into my wife. If you do, hold nothing back, you have my blessing to treat her like a slut and enjoy the bennies!

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