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Smoking SmokingIt was a warm summer’s night and Barbra was walkinghome through the park by herself. It was late enough that thepaths were almost empty. As she got close to the exit she saw agirl she knew sitting on the edge of a retaining wall next to theparking lot.The girl’s name was Carmen and she lived on the sameblock as Barbra. She was from a large Italian family and atabout sixteen-years of age she was known to be a little wild.She was sitting with a woman Barb did not know. Theywere talking and smoking cigarettes. She stopped walking andleaned up against a tree to watch them. They smoked theircigarettes until they were just stubs before flicking them away.Barb felt her heart stop when she saw the woman put herarm around Carmen and kiss her on the mouth. Then theylooked around as if to see if anyone had seen them.Barb stopped breathing thinking they had spotted her.Then they stood up and stepped over the wall and walkedacross the parking lot and the woman opened the doors to adark car parked in the lot. Carmen got in the passenger side andmoved close to the woman. Barbra watched them through thewindshield as the leaned over the center consol and kissed eachother even more intensely. The woman unbuttoned Carmen’sblouse and put her hand inside and stuffed her hand under thebra. Barb’s eyes were glued to the action and almost becamedizzy because she was holding her breath so much.She could not see everything that was going on but intime she saw Carmen break the kiss and lean back in the bucketseat where she seemed to go very stiff for a moment.When Carmen sat back down in her seat she put her handbehind the woman’s neck and pulled her head close and kissedher on the mouth again. Then she sat back against the windowof the car and dug into the pocket of her blouse for a pack ofsmokes and shook it before placing one of the cigarettes in hermouth. She put the pack back into her pocket and them usedthe same hand to light as cheep plastic lighter and take a deepdrag on the cigarette. The woman handed something to Carmenand they said a few words before Carmen got out of the car.She stood there adjusting her clothes as the car started andpulled away. She stood there smoking her cigarette for a whilebefore slowly walking away.Barb followed her home. She stayed far enough back toavoid Carmen seeing her. She had a hard time sleeping thatnight she was having fantasies about what had been going on inthat car that she could not see. In the morning she was up earlyand got dressed and gathered up her swimming suit, beachtowel and sun screen and stuffed them in her beach bag beforegoing to the kitchen. She told her mother that she was going tothe high school swimming pool with Pauline and Hazel.The three of them had known each other all of their lives.Pauline lived across the street and had been born just a weekafter her. Hazel lived just around the corner and was only amonth young than the two of them.Pauline was a dark redhead, almost auburn. She hadlarge freckles all over her face. The freckles on her shoulderswere so numerous that they almost looked like one largefreckle. About the only place she didn’t have freckles were herbreasts and butt. Her eyes were brown flecked with green.Hazel was a typical Midwestern country girl. She hadbeen born with platinum blond hair that has progressivelygotten darker. During the summers her hair would get lighterstreaks in it. She had gotten an early start on summer andalready had tan lines on her bottom and breasts. Like so manygirls in their early teens she had a look of being all legs.The three of them had just graduated from the sixth gradeand were looking forward to going to the junior high schoolnext year. They had all stared menstruating within weeks ofeach other. They felt like sisters in everything but name.Barb ran next door and entered the kitchen door as if itwas her home. Pauline was still eating but hugged Barb and thenoise level rose at least 100 decibels. They were talking abouteverything at one time. The subjects changed as fast as a carradio on scan. When Pauline finished eating they ran to herbedroom to gather up her stuff and blew out of the front doorlike a Kansas tornado. They were practically on the sidewalkbefore the screen door slammed shut.When they burst into Hazel’s home they were greeted byher mom with a warm hug and the offer to fix them somethingto eat. Hazel was already coming out of her bedroom with herbeach bag slung over her shoulder. The girls assured Hazel’smother that they had already eaten and rushed for the door.Barb was distracted because she wanted to tell them whatshe had seen Carmen doing the night before. The other twowere so absorbed with their own conversation they hardly evennoticed that Barb was not joining in.When the got to school they paid their entrance fee andheaded to the girl’s locker room and changed. They locked uptheir stuff in lockers and slung their beach towels over theirshoulders. They had to hang the towels up over an unusedshower head long enough to shower. As they exited the showerthey gathered up their towels and headed for the pool.They found a spot to lay their towels out in a corner ofthe deck where it would be shaded a little. They greeted a fewfriends and eventually got in the water to play around a little.They had not come there to do any serious swimming. Theyjust wanted to play and socialize with friends.Barb could not resist telling her friends about what shehad seen Carmen doing. That led to questions about what theythought the woman had been doing to Carmen. They nervouslyspeculated about if they could do the same thing or not. At firstthey denied that they would do such things but slowly theyadmitted that they might be willing to give it a try to find outwhat it was like.As the afternoon dragged on the three of them finallydecided to go home. Barb changed clothes and had somethingto eat. She was in heavy thought and grew quiet. That alertedher mother that something was amiss. Any query wasdismissed with a simple I’m fine.Later in the evening as the sun was setting she waskeeping an eye on the road. She saw Carmen walking past thehouse and heading toward the road. Barb figured she washeaded to the park again. She told her mother she was going tothe park and headed in that direction.When she got there she looked for Carmen but she wasnot where she had seen her the previous night. She wasdisappointed but she casually walked around the park with aneye out for Carmen. Then she spotted Carmen with anotherwoman. They were sitting in the gazebo smoking cigarettes.Barb pulled up short and moved off of the path because it wasunder overhead lights. She moved to an advantageous pointnear some plants where she could blend in and kept an eye onwhat Carman and the woman did.When casino şirketleri they finished smoking they got up and casuallywalked towards a secluded part of the park and slipped into thebrush. Barb was afraid they would get away and circled thearea looking for them and almost walked right in on them.When she found them she stepped back into the darknessafforded by a bush to watch the action.Carmen was leaning against a tree and the woman waskneeling in font of her. Carmen was holding up her skirt withone hand and resting the other hand on the top of the woman’shead. All Barb could see was the white thigh of one of her legsand the back of the woman’s head. She could not hear anythingbut the breeze in the trees or really see what the woman wasdoing bit she could tell the woman was kissing Carmen’s pussy.It thrilled her beyond measure. She could not resist rubbing herown pussy as she watched.At one point Carmen d****d her leg over the womanshould locking her head against her body while she fished outanother cigarette and cupped her hand to hide the light as shelight it. She blew the smoke upwards and continued strokingthe woman’s head. She flicked the cigarette away when shewas finished and rested that hand on the woman’s head too.Then she pulled her head tightly against her body and movedthe legs back to the ground and Barb could tell that Carmen wasexperiencing an orgasm.When the woman stood up Carmen let her skirt fall backinto place. The woman moved away after kissing her on themouth one last time. Carmen rested against the tree as thewoman vanished then Carmen finally moved away from thetree and walked in the opposite direction of the woman’s path.Barbra waited for a short while before heading home too.She was thinking about what she had seen as she headedalong the path. She was engrossed in her own thoughts anddidn’t hear the footsteps following her.It startled her when a voice said, “Did you enjoy theshow?”She spun around to see Carmen approaching from behindher. She blushed at the thought that Carmen had seen herwatching the woman sucking her pussy. She was about to denyhaving seen anything but couldn’t get the words out.Carmen came alongside her and placed her arm aroundher shoulders. Barb could smell the odor of her cigarettes onher clothes and on her breath. She did not find the odorpleasant but at the same time she felt like Carmen exudedsexiness.Carmen pushed her into a darken space between twohouses and pressed her up against the wall of the house andkissed her on the mouth. The kiss took her breathe away.Carmen took hold of her hand and guided it towards herown pussy at the same time she lifted her skirt. Barb tried toresist at first but Carmen was too strong for her. When herhand touched Carmen’s vulva she was surprised to find thatCarmen didn’t have any panties on. Her fingers slippedbetween her labia and felt the moist slippery confines of herpussy.Barb was over come with the feeling of doing somethingso wickedly forbidden. Carmen took the opportunity to liftBarb’s dress and stuff her hand into the panties and feel thegirl’s pussy. She ran her fingers through the newly sproutedpubic hair. Carmen sought out and found her little clitoris andstimulated it with her fingertip. She rubbed and teased the clituntil Barb had a climax that left her breathless and kneesshaking.When Carmen pulled her hand out of Barb’s panties shesmelled her fingers. She took hold of Barb’s wrist and pulledher hand away from her own cunt and held Barb’s fingers underher nose.”Do you like what you smell?” Carmen asked.Barb inhaled the odor and felt her own clit tingle. Shefound the odor of the older girl so exciting that she wanted totaste the girl’s cunt like the woman in the park.”Yes!” is all that Barbara could manage to say.Carmen smiled with a wicked crooked grin. “Why don’tyou come over to my house tomorrow?”Barb said, “OK!”With that Carmen kissed her on the mouth one more timeand let her skirt fall back in place and walked away with asaucy swing in her hips.Barbra spent a restless night. She was up early andshowered and picked out her outfit with care. She waited untilshe figured that most of Carmen’s family would be gone beforegoing to her house.When she knocked it was Carmen who answered thedoor. She gave her a hug and led Barb through the house. Barbwas struck by the smell of stale cigarette smoke that hung in theair. It was overwhelming. All of the ashtrays were full. Sheheard the sound of young c***dren playing or arguing as thepasted through the house. It was obviously a three bedroomhouse. Toys were everywhere.As they approached the back of the house they passedCarmen’s mother sorting clothes to be washed. With a familyof nine she must have to wash clothes almost every day. Therewere a couple of young c***dren playing around Mrs. Ferro’sfeet. They hardly noticed as the two girls went out the backdoor.Carmen let Barb across the brick patio. Against the fencewas a wood structure that had a shed roof and at some time hadbeen stalls for horses of possibly chicken coops. As theyapproached Barb could see that structure had been modifiedinto little apartments. There were windows at each end andthere were three doors facing the yard each of which containeda window.As they passed the first door Carmen pointed out thatwas the bedroom of two of her younger brothers. The next doorshe said was the bathroom. She opened the door and Barblooked in. There was a linoleum floor with a sink, toilet andold iron tub.They moved on to the last door and Carmen opened it.The room was not very deep but rather long. There were twobeds in one corner with windows over both beds. Adjacent tothe bathroom was wall to wall closet. The wall facing the yardcontained a dresser and windows on either side of the door.Carmen stated that this was her and her sister’s (Angela)bedroom. She added that Angela was at her girlfriend’s houseplaying. “We have the room to ourselves all day. We can dowhatever we want.”Barb wondered about the presence of her mother andyounger siblings. Before she could voice her concerns Carmenadded that no one would bother them. “The k**s may come outback to play on the swings but will not bother us.” She evenlocked the door.Having done that she turned on a radio and the room wasfilled with the soft sound of dance music. She picked up a packof cigarettes from her night stand. She offered Barbara one,which she took, and put one in her own mouth and lit both ofthem.Barb had never smoked before and she was holding itwith her thumb and forefinger. She was only puffing on it. Shewas not inhaling the smoke. Carmen smiled with amusement asshe filled her lungs and blew the smoke towards the ceiling.”Honey you need to inhale the smoke.” Carmen said.”Here let me show you.”With casino firmalari that Carmen filled her lungs. Then she placed herhand on the back of Barbara’s head as they sat on the bed andpulled her face close to hers. She positioned her mouth overBarb’s and pressed her cheek against Barb’s nose and stuck hertongue into Barb’s mouth then blew the smoke from she hadinhaled into Barb’s mouth forcing it into her lungs.Barb started having a fit of coughing. Carmen pulled herhead back and watched as Barb coughed and smoke came out inspurts with each cough. Carmen assured her that she would getuse to it with time. When she settled down Carmen filled herlungs again and repeated kissing her and filling her lungs withsmoke. The coughing fit started again. Carmen continued tohold the back of Barbra’s head and she would alternate kissingher with filling her lungs with cigarette smoke and fillingBarb’s lungs. By the time the cigarettes were finished andCarmen had snuffed them out in her ashtray Barbara wasfeeling more than a little dizzy.As Barbra sat on the bed recovering Carman stood upand started doing a striptease to the beat of the music on theradio. She pulled her T-shirt over her head and dropped it onthe floor. Then she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them downand stepped out of them as she used her toes to remove hertennis shoes. She turned to face Barb as she reached behind herback to remove her bra.Barb adored the sight of her evenly tanned skin and thelarge chocolate color areolas with their nipples in the middle ofthem. They swayed freely in front of Barb’s face. She couldnot resist reaching out to touch them.Carmen stepped closer between Barb’s legs and placedher hands under her breasts and rubbed the underside of them asshe offered them for Barbara to play with them. Barbara couldnot resist placing her lips on one of the nipples and found thather mouth barley covered the areola. She sucked on the nippleas if she could get milk from the tit. Carmen only stopped herwhen the sucking became painful.She stepped back and turned her back to the girl. Shebegan to pull down her pink underpants. As the tan cheekscame into view Barb could not take her eyes of them. Carmenhad to bend over to pull them down and step out of them. Theresult was to give Barb a great view of her dark asshole and thebulge of Carmen’s pubis. There was black pubic hair coveringthe exposed portion of her vulva.Barb reached out and touched the crack of her ass. It wasmoist and slippery. She watched as Carman’s sphincterpuckered when her fingertip touched it. Her finger sought outand probed the depth of Carman’s canal. She even fingerfucked her a little. When her ringer went into the canal theknuckle on her middle finger was pressed against Carman’s clit.Carmen accommodated her efforts by continuing to stay bentover as if she needed to do so to unroll her discarded undies.Carmen finally squatted a little and stepped forward to pull hercunt off of Barbara’s finger and she stood up and turned to faceher young friend. Barb was fascinated with her pussy. Therewere no tan lines and her skin was an even coffee and creamcolor. The inverted triangle of black hairs was relativelystraight and only slightly tangled. The labia that protrudedbeyond the crack were as dark as her puckered anus.Carmen used her hands to part her labia for Barbara.Barb saw the red meat of her vagina and when the hood of thelabia was pulled back to expose her clit it looked like the red ofthe inside of her mouth. Now was her chance. She leanedforward and opened her mouth.The smell of Carmen’s cunt filled her nose before herlips touched the cunt. The first taste was bitter but that passedand she enjoyed the taste. It felt slimy on her tongue as thewalls of her vagina started leaking lubricant. It gave Barb afunny feeling to feel the slimy nectar slide down her throat.Carmen humped her face just like she had done to thatwoman in the park. When she climaxed Barb thought shewould drown in the juice that was coming out of her newfriend’s cunt. Eventually Carmen stepped back from Barbara.Barb’s hands slide away from her hips and rested in her lap.Carmen sat down on the bed next to Barbara. She let outa long sigh and then kissed her on the mouth. “That was awonderful orgasm darling. I loved it.” Barb could feel the juicedrying on her face and even smell the lingering odor. Shewondered if Carmen minded kissing her face all covered in herown juice. By the way she kissed her it was obvious thatCarmen didn’t mind at all. She was rubbing her face all overhers. Carmen broke the kiss and pulled Barbara to her feet.Barbara stood there between her naked legs as Carmen began toundress her.Carmen enjoyed the disrobing of her young friend. Sheremoved the blouse first and enjoyed the look of the young B-sized breasts. They were a creamy white with small areolas andhardly any nipples. She knew that when she flicked them withher fingertips that it was sending chills of excitement throughthe girl’s body.When she unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floorshe could not help noticing that Barbara had put on almost newpanties. She lifted Barb’s feet one at a time to remove her flats.Then she sat back to admire what the young girl looked likewearing only her lavender panties.Barbara was an average sized girl her age. She was juststarting to develop the figure of a woman. Her breasts were notfully developed yet. Her chest was almost the same size as herwaist but her hips were spreading. If she were to ever buy athong she would be able to hang them on her hips. Her legswere still long in proportion to the rest of her body. The thighswere still slender and with her knees touching there was plentyof light showing between her legs. Her vulva was starting togrown the pubic hair that would someday be the symbol of herwomanhood. At this time she did not need to shave any hairbecause even the smallest bikini would hide her light brownpatch of pubic hair.Barb had brown hair and blue-gray eyes. The hair had anatural wave and rested on her shoulders. Any lipstick she hadput on this morning had been rubbed off with all of the kissingand pussy sucking she had done. Traces of it were smearedacross her face.Carmen reached out and placed her fingers in thewaistband of the lavender panties and pulled them down. Whenthe panties were down to her knees, Barb stepped out of themone leg at a time. The view was thrilling to Carmen. Sheturned her palm up and wiped the vulva almost as if she werewiping it after peeing. She hooked her index finger into Barb’scunt and pulled her close. She covered one of her whole titswith her mouth and flicked the nipple with her tongue. Shetoyed with the other nipple at the same time.While she was sucking on her nipple Carmen pulled güvenilir casino Barbback down onto the bed. She placed the girl on the mattressand knelt by the side. Then she parted Barb’s legs so she couldkiss her pussy. She used her tongue to find the clit and drovedBarb wild as she lapped and flicked that little button.Barb had never had a climax with another person before.As much as she wanted it she could not reach that magicmoment. Carmen could tell the girl was resisting. She reachedbetween her legs and dragged her fingernail against thepudenda. Then she pressed the finger against her littlesphincter and, as her own saliva and Barb’s fluids lubricated herfinger she forced it into the girl’s butt. The pain took Barbra’smind off of her cunt and by the time the pain subsided she felther body shaking like a leaf in the wind.Carmen lay down beside her and hugged her. Theyrested there and smelled the sex that filled the room.Barbara slowly became aware of the sound of squeakingmetal. She bolded out of bed and looked out of the blinds onthe window and saw the two younger sisters playing on theswing.Carmen reached for her cigarettes and lit one. She blewthe smoke to the ceiling and said, “Don’t worry they will notdisturb us. Come on back here to bed.”Barb reluctantly did as she was told. When she wasstanding in front of the bed Carman sat up and pulled Barbdown and placed her face down across the bed. Barb wassurprised when Carmen got behind her and parted her butt sheplaced her mouth over the girl’s vagina and blew smoke intoher cunt. When Carmen pulled her head back to take anotherdrag on her cigarette she watched as smoke lazily swirled up asit leaked out of the girl’s cunt.Carmen filled her lungs again and then placed her mouthover the girl’s asshole and stuck her tongue into the hole beforeblowing smoke up her rectum. It thrilled Barb and she grippedthe bedspread and clinched her teeth to keep from making anoise.Carmen repeated blowing smoke into the girl’s cunt andasshole until there was not enough left of the cigarette to hangonto. She snuffed out the remains and sat on the bed.Barbara lay there while she recovered. Then she smelledthe bedspread where their butt had been and she could smell theodor of Carmen’s butt. She slipped to the linoleum floor with ahook rug in front of the bed. She looked up at Carmen’s facewith all of the admiration of a young lover. She was willing todo anything Carmen asked.”What can I do for you Carmen?” Barb asked.Carmen flopped backwards on the bed and placed herheels on the side of the edge and spread her legs. “Suck mypussy and asshole until I tell you to stop.” Carmencommanded.Barb dove in and drove her tongue into Carmen’s cuntwhere she raked it across her own teeth until she cut theunderside of it. She could taste her own blood being mingledwith the juice of Carmen’s cunt.Barb didn’t now if she could actually stick her tongueinto Carmen’s asshole but she could not refuse her when shedemanded that she lick it. She moved father down between herlover’s butt and licked her asshole and found it to be sweat andnot at all offensive. She stuck her tongue into the hole and feltthe sphincter grip her. She wiggled her tongue in the hole untilCarmen relaxed her sphincter. She returned to suck on theolder girl’s clit until she felt her body shudder.Time had passed so quickly that it was getting close todinner time. The girls got dressed and stopped off in thebathroom long enough to wash their faces and hands. Theyeven used mouthwash before going in the house.Carmen’s mother offered to fix Barbara dinner. Barbthanked her and told her that she better get home because shewas sure dinner would be ready there.When she got home all she could think about wasCarmen’s body and the things they had done. She spent thenext couple of days visiting Carmen. She learned to smoke andeven how to blow smoke up Carmen’s ass.Pauline came over early one morning and said, “I havenot seen much of you the past week. Where have you been?”Barb told her everything. She noticed that Paulineshowed signs of be jealous. She asked her if she would like tovisit Carmen too.Pauline was intrigued to find out what sex with themwould be like so she agreed to go with her. Barb said she bettercall first to be sure there would be no trouble. She calledCarmen’s home and asked to speak to her. When Carmen cameto the phone Barb asked if Pauline could come over to visit too.Carmen agreed and hung up.Barb and Pauline rushed across the street from Barb’sand were greeted warmly by Carmen. Carmen’s motherannounced that she had to go visit their granny. The youngersiblings were thrilled at the idea of going with their mom.That gave the three girls all day to play. Barb asked ifshe should call Hazel. The other two agreed that she should ifshe was interested in what they were doing. It only took Hazela few minutes to rush over to Carmen’s home. The four ofthem headed for Carmen’s room and they locked the doorbehind themselves.Carmen and Barbara did a little striptease for the othertwo. When they were naked they undressed them. Carmenundressed Pauline and Barb undressed Hazel. Carmen madelove to Pauline on her bed and Barb made love to Hazel on theother bed.Carmen was captivated by Pauline’s the red pubic hair.She delighted it sucked her pussy and even laced her legsbetween Pauline’s and ground her cunt against her new friendsvulva. It was a very erotic sight for both Hazel and Barb.Then it was Barb’s turn to introduce Hazel to oral sex.She drove her crazy by toying with her nipples until theypractically were raw. Then she gave her crotch a tongue baththat cleaned her from the small of Hazel’s back to the dustybrown hair above her cunt. When the two girl’s had climaxedthey all lit up cigarettes and sat there talking about what theyhad done. Pauline and hazel coughed frequently as neither ofthem was a seasoned smoker.That was the cue for Carmen and Barb to blow smokeinto the girl’s cunts. Barb watched Carmen blowing smoke intothe freckled body of Pauline. She was masturbating Hazelwhile they watched. Then Barb parted Hazel’s legs and lookedat her blond pubic hair before going down on her. She blewsmoke into her cunt as Hazel experienced another climax.Before long they were changing partners and doing it all overagain.They rested and Carmen put on a robe long enough torush into the house and get them all cold drinks. They lay thereand talked about it some more. The girl’s wanted to knowabout the women Carmen picked up in the park.Carmen told them that she knew a number of women thatwould call her up or whom she would call. They could arrangea date. Sometimes these women would pick her up and takethem to their homes if their husbands were not home.All of the girls were fascinated at the idea that they weregoing to have dates with older women. It was only a matter oftime before Carmen could set up dates for all three girls. As anadded thrill for dates with young girls they were going to betreated to smoke being blown into more than one orifice.

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