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Daniel looked at the time 3pm. Sighing inwardly he pushed the book laden trolley towards the designated shelves, his brown hair obscuring his vision as it lazily swung back and forth across his vision. He had been working for about an hour but already his eyes began to weary him, the all too familiar crawl of an oncoming migraine lingering somewhere at the back of his head behind his eyes. He stopped what he was doing as he wiped the sweat which began to bead on his forehead with his arm. Looking around he noticed that there were little to no students in this part of the library. A rare occurrence, especially at this time of the year with exams looming; rearing its ugly head to bring growing states of paranoia amongst students. He sighed inwardly as he picked up the first book on his trolley.

“516.6201 AMB…” he muttered to himself as he pottered along the shelves until he found the appropriate place, sliding the book into place. He stood up, stretching his back as the vertebrae cracked and popped, easing the tension somewhat. It was at this point in time that he noticed her. There out the corner of his eye, she was subtly pretending to look for a book on the shelf, her eyes flickering to him every now and then with little bird like glances. Daniel smiled to himself as he went back to the book shelf, this was not the first time he had an admirer. At 21 years of age, Daniel was perhaps the youngest staff member at the university library, he had only gotten the job through a mutual contact, indeed nepotism was present, and in this job it was flourishing. He didn’t consider himself to be too bad looking either, which often made him wonder why less attractive people than him had partners. His smooth white complexion and large brown doe like eyes made him appealing to both male and females, whilst his easy going nature made him everybody’s friend. He had been working at the library for little over a year, working hard with his head down; it was only lately that he had noticed a few people take notice as he pushed his book laden trolley through the narrow aisles. Just subtle things; the flicker of a glance here, a smile there, the brushing against his body in narrow areas. It was only about a month ago that ‘the’ girl made her presence known.

Daniel had actually noticed her first, her long black hair and vivid blue eyes stood out from a distance. Her olive complexion suggested something exotic, and her long lithe legs only further concreted these thoughts. Quite a stunning woman, which seemed even stranger that she became obsessed with him. He had shook off this fact for a while, but the evidence was adding up. Still he enjoyed playing the game, playing the part of the ignorant hard to get guy. Innocent, pendik escort yet in complete control he thought to himself. More like your too scared to say anything he told himself forthrightly.

“E-excuse me?” a voice startled him suddenly from his train of thought as he dropped the book he was looking at. He looked up, it was his admirer. He momentarily lost himself in her eyes, such a strange shade of cerulean, and those lips, flawless in form; he imagined what kissing those lips would be like. Control yourself Daniel; he chided himself as he picked the book up off the floor, blushing slightly at his incompetence and his sex deprived thoughts.

“Y-yes?” He said. Why was he stuttering? He never stuttered.

The girl smiled, her pearly white teeth flashing in the harsh fluorescent light of the library. “Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me find this book? I think it’s on the top shelf, but I think I’m too short too reach it.”

Daniel looked at her long lithe legs and imagined himself nibbling his way up her leg, inhaling her fragrance as his tongue languished on her satin smooth skin. -“O-Ok” he managed to stutter.

He followed her around the corner to an even more isolated section of the library. In this section, the books were even dustier than any other book. Nobody came to this area of the library except the philosophers doing their PHD’s. Even then Daniel had only seen one person in that area in all the time he had worked in the library. This had to be a set up. Surely this undergraduate student would not be getting books from this section? Perhaps I should tell her that these books were only for post graduate students. Perhaps you should shut the fuck up he chided himself. Sheesh, sometimes he was his own worst enemy.

“I think it’s that book up there, the call number is 645.01243 GER” The girl said pointing to a book precariously balanced by three equally large and heavy books.

Daniel gulped, this could only end up bad. He stood himself up on the small stool as he stretched himself, his fingertips feebly grappled for the spine of the book as he tried to extricate the book without causing a domino effect from the other books. Just a few more inches, Daniel tugged on the book impatiently.


Daniel covered his head as a hail of books came tumbling down, losing balance off the stool as he fell tumbling onto the floor, followed by a mini avalanche of books. He hit the ground hard followed by four heavy books. BAM, BAM, BAM. Bang! Right in the face. Daniel covered his face, as the pain began to throb. The other books had hit him rather harmlessly, bouncing off flailing limbs and what not.

Daniel groaned loudly as the pain increased maltepe escort in its intensity. He heard some hurried footsteps come over.

“Oh my god! Are you ok?” A panic stricken voice said.

Daniel sat up and opened his eyes, wincing as the pain lanced through his face. His admirer was there, crouched in front of him looking at his face in concern. He tried to sit up but she put a hand on his chest reassuringly as she looked at the growing lump on his forehead.

“This wasn’t meant to happen, I’m so sorry.” She said, cradling his head as she sat down on the floor next to him, her long lithe legs stretched out parallel to his body as his gaze dreamily followed the curve of her legs until it disappeared underneath her skirt.

“Oh and what was meant to happen?” Daniel replied angrily, a hint of sarcasm evident in his voice.

-“I’m sorry. I should be going now.” The girl said blushing heavily as she hastily got up.

“No, wait.” Daniel said grabbing onto her hand. She looked down at his hand, then sat back down slowly.

Their eyes locked as he lost himself in those aquamarine depths. Her pupil dilated slightly as her mouth parted. His hand softly pulled her towards him and she followed, her eyes fluttering shut as their lips met. She tasted like cotton candy, Daniel thought to himself as their lips danced amongst themselves. His tongue gently probing inwards as their tongues touched. The tip of his tongue to hers as she eagerly sucked on his tongue, her tongue sliding along his as she gently caressed his tongue. His hand slipped off her shoulder to cup her breast, his thumb gently circling the hardening nipple beneath the layer of her clothes. The girl’s eyes flickered in pleasure as she exhaled sharply. Her hands already moving to unbutton his shirt. Her long slender fingers making deft work on his buttons as her hand slid into his shirt. Her fingers running across his hairless chest, exploring his physique with child like curiosity. Daniel broke their embrace to take off the girls top, her black lacy bra sleek in the overhead light of the library as her small pink nipples stood out, like little pink pebbles.

Daniels hand ran up the girls long lithe thigh as his other hand unbuckled the bra with ease, her breasts spilling forth, free from their constraints at last. He nuzzled into her neck, inhaling her delicate aroma as his tongue delicately nibbled on the sensitive flesh present there. The girl inhaled sharply as her fingernails raked across his chest. She let out a soft moan as he continued to savor her neck. His small love bites sending tremulous wisps of pleasure throughout her body. His hand gently teased the small erect buds of her nipple as his other kartal escort hand enjoyed the sensation of her lustrous skin, leisurely stroking up and down as he slowly got higher up her thigh.

The girls nails continued to graze across his chest as her other hand unbuckled his belt, loosening his pants and pulling it down to leave him in his superman boxers. She looked at the tent in his pants and smiled.

“Superman huh? How cute.” She whispered in his ear as she nibbled on it, her hand pulling off his boxers, freeing his tented friend.

-“Yeah I’m a regular Clark Kent, nerd by day, superhero by night.”

The girl giggled as they leant in towards each other, their lips meeting each other leisurely as she sucked on his lower lip, biting it gently. His eyes closed, heavy lidded with lust as her hand snaked down to gently fondle his erect cock. His hand found its way up her skirt to find that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. He smiled to himself as his fingers tenderly slid along her wet folds, experiencing the exquisite velvet softness of her lips as he manipulated his fingers further inwards. “MMmmm” the girl moaned softly in his ear as she tugged more insistently at his throbbing rod. Daniel increased the rhythm of his fingers to orchestrate at a faster pace as he moaned softly to the pleasure she was giving to his hardened cock.

He could feel her getting wetter as his fingers slid in and out with increased pace. He knew that she must be close to orgasm as her breathing became more ragged as her hips bucked against his hand. The moist noises of his fingers traveling in and out filling the air. He stopped, lifting the sodden digits to his mouth as he sucked on it greedily like a child would to a lolly pop. The taste of her sex was strong, it turned him on even more, if that were possible.

The girl smiled as he straddled himself on top of her, spreading her legs to accommodate his girth, she wrapped her legs around to lock at the small of his back, pulling him towards her as their lips met in sync with each other at the same time as he entered her in one fluid movement. They both groaned between entwined lips as engorged veins pressed against velvet moist skin. She was tight as they both languished in the moment of being this close to one another. Daniel threw his head back in pleasure, his eyes shut as he began to slowly pump in and out of her, a guttural moan escaping his lips as her moans of euphoria enmeshed with his own as they made their own song of pleasure.

“Oh my god that feels so good, dont stop, keep going” the girl urged.

Daniel began to increase in tempo as he felt the beginnings of an orgasm build up within him the coarse throbbing beginning to build in crescendo as the girl was brought over the edge, her orgasm tightening around his shaft to trigger his own as they both came in unison. Her nails leaving red marks on his back as they both lay atop the piles of books, breathless within each others arms.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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