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This story follows on from my three part series “Anonymous Lover”, although it is not necessary to read those stories to understand the context.

David and Beth are brother and sister, and after a struggle to resolve their feelings for each other are now lovers. This story is an interlude: a snapshot of a few moments in the life of David.

As always, characters are fictitious and bear no intended resemblance to people living or dead. All characters are over the age of 18.

The story is written from Beth’s perspective.


David and I sat in bed, talking together. It had been a month or so since the event that finally brought us together and most of that time I had spent in his flat, sleeping in his bed. Actually, not much of that time was spent sleeping…we could not seem to get enough of each other, and this morning had been no exception. I could feel the slow trickle of his seminal fluid leaking from my vagina, and my mound was tender from the battering he had given it. Our love-making had filled me with a feeling of well-being, and I was looking forward to a lazy Sunday hanging out with him, the possibility of more activity in his big bed tonight.

The subject of previous lovers had come up.

“You first,” I said to him.

“But I asked first!”

“I don’t care. You are older and more experienced. You probably have a lot more to say.”

“What makes you think I’ve had more lovers than you?” He pretended to be indignant.

“Well, excuse me. Didn’t I – ah – first become aware of you at a costume party, when you were out to fuck anything wearing a skirt? That’s pretty predatory behaviour, isn’t it? I bet you did that most weekends.” I ran my hands over the rail of the bedstead above my head. “I’m surprised that I can’t feel any notches – but then again, if you’d done that the bed would have collapsed years ago.”

He smiled at me, white teeth in a tanned face, a comma of dark hair falling over his forehead and his grey eyes crinkling in humour. My heart did a little backflip. How could I love him so much?

He held his hands up, palms outward in mock surrender. “OK, OK. I’ll tell you about the first time I got laid.”

I snuggled down, putting my arms around him. “The first? It’s probably a very short story, then.”

“Actually it isn’t. I was fortunate to lose my cherry to an older and more experienced woman, who spent a while coaching me.”

“Who was she?”

He hesitated. Promise you won’t EVER tell a soul?”


“Cross your heart and hope to die?”


“Mrs. Morrison.” He looked down at me to see my reaction.

I didn’t disappoint him. “Holy crap! Not Vera Morrison, your teacher!”

“The same. She used to run coaching classes for those who weren’t up to scratch in class. Mine was supposed to be science.” He paused for a moment. “Anyway, she talked Mum into paying for the extra tuition and it was agreed that I’d go round to her place on Thursday evenings. I expected to find a group of us there, or at least two or three, but no one else arrived.”

“The sly dog! So how did she get into your pants?”

“Not so fast – we are not talking about a one night stand here. I guess her first concern was to make sure that she could get what she wanted without me telling anyone – you know what boys are like, boasting to anyone who will listen about where they have put their dicks…”

I remembered my own experience. “Hmmm. Girls too. Worse, if anything.”

“Yeah, well. The first lesson was pretty quiet, as far as the action went. More like an audition, I guess. She was wearing a dress that was pretty revealing – lots of cleavage, as I remember, and quite short, so that she was showing a lot of leg. She had great legs, too – long and tanned, and slim ankles….”

I held up one of my legs. “Like mine?”

“Yep. Well, not as nice,” he added quickly.

“Good answer. Go on.”

“She had her hair down. I’d never seen that before. In class she always had it up in a bun at the back of her head, and it made her look severe. Anyway, she’d let it down over her shoulders and it looked pretty neat – sort of softened her features. The glasses were gone, too – I guess she had on contacts, and she had a little make up on. I thought she looked hot.”

He was quiet for a moment, remembering.

“She met me at the door and took me through to the study. There was a desk there with a computer on it, a couple of comfy chairs and a sofa and bookcases – usual stuff, I guess. The chairs had books piled on them, so we had to sit on the sofa. There was a tray on the table with tea on it. Anyway, we sat down and she started telling me how a lot of the problems in class were caused by distraction, and in particular, girls. She asked me if I had any particular girl friend.”

“Wow, she didn’t waste any time! What did you say?”

“I told her that I thought Renee Potter was pretty hot, but I wasn’t going with her. She asked if I was seeing anyone else and I said no.”

“Did you figure out what she was up to?”

“Not Yalı Escort at that point – I thought she was just trying to break the ice. Anyway, she said that that was probably the cause of the problem with my studies – you know, healthy young male, no girl, build up of frustration, lack of concentration. She did it pretty well, I must say. It didn’t sound like a lecture, and she knew how to move herself whilst she was talking, and she liked to touch – putting her hand on my arm, brushing against my leg. Mind you, I probably only heard one word in three. I was rapidly becoming more interested in her tits than what she was saying.”

I laughed. “You’re not serious!! She told you that girls were the cause of your bad studies?! How could you fall for that line of crap?”

“With tits like that she could have told me the moon was made of green cheese and I would have agreed with her. Anyway, what was I supposed to do – tell her she was a crock?”

“I guess. Go on then.”

“She asked if I wanted a cup of tea, and then, before I could answer, she said something like ‘Oh, how silly of me, I’m sure that you would prefer a beer.’ I remember looking at her thinking WTF – a teacher offering me alcohol? She must have seen the expression on my face, ‘cos she said that she knew that students drank and that was OK by her in their own homes. I remember she leaned quite close to me and said ‘It’s important that we get to know each other if I’m to help you, David. We might do a couple of things that are – um – a little unconventional. Does that bother you?'”

“So what happened?”

“I sort of stammered no, that anything she did was OK by me. She went out and came back with a tray with a couple of glasses on it. A beer for me and something for her – Gin and Tonic, I think. It was one of those foreign beers with a high alcohol content, as it turned out, although I didn’t know at the time. Anyway, it sure helped to break the ice. We spent the rest of that session chatting, and then she looked at her watch and told me it was time. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and she said something along the lines of ‘thanks, David. I’m sure we are going to get along fine. Don’t tell anyone about my methods, will you? I feel that I know you a little better, but we have a while to go yet’.”

“So that was it?”

“Well, apart from the second kiss. She was holding my face with her right hand as she kissed me the first time, and then she gently pulled me round so that my mouth was lined up with hers and she put her lips on mine. Her lips were pretty soft, and she slipped her tongue into my mouth.”

“Wow! What did you do?”

“I was stunned. You can imagine my confusion: I had gone in there expecting to pore over dusty science text books and had instead been chatted up by an attractive woman, got a free beer and was on a promise. I guess I was also as nervous as hell – I had no idea if there was a Mr. Morrison around, or for that matter whether she was into some kind of entrapment. For all I knew she was a psycho or an axe murderer, or was on a mission to check on the will power of her students. Anyway, we kissed for a while and she said that she was really looking forward to seeing more of me next week.”

“Neat innuendo. When did you figure out what she wanted?”

“I probably knew then, but I thought about the event a lot in the next few days, playing the tape over in my mind and dissecting it for tricks or traps. My big head was telling me the whole thing spelled trouble, but my little head was all for the adventure, and I guess he won. Anyway, I figured I’d play the game and see where it took me.”

“Go on.”

“Well, I turned up at her place on the next Thursday and rang the bell. She came to the door wearing the most stunning little red dress that barely covered her snatch and was cut so low that most of her tits were on display. She sure knew how to display her goodies. I must have stood there with my mouth open. I couldn’t move – probably because all the blood I needed to walk and talk suddenly rushed to my dick.” He smiled at the memory. “Talk about struck dumb! Up to that moment I had figured I was pretty good at holding a conversation with anyone, but there I was stood on the doorway with my mouth open like a landed fish. Anyway, she took me by the arm and led me though to the lounge, saying that we would be more comfortable there than in the study. The lights were off and she had lit candles, so the whole room was softly illuminated. She sat me down and without asking poured me a drink, and as she handed it to me I caught her sneaking a peek at the tent in my drawers. She smiled a bit, and then she sat next to me and asked I had given any thought to what we spoke about last time.”

David paused, and looked at me. “Is this boring?”

“Hell no! I want to hear how you fucked her.”

“Yes, well, I asked her what she meant and she said ‘you know, David, about girls being a distraction. What do you think?’ By now my brain had found a bit of spare blood that hadn’t rushed further south and it started Escort Yalı working again. I said that I wasn’t sure about girls in general being a distraction, but I was certainly distracted by her.”

I groaned. “Jesus, that’s corny. How come she didn’t throw you out with a line like that?”

“She was horny, I guess. You can put up with a lot if your bits are taking charge. Anyway, it did the trick. She leaned over me so that my whole horizon was filled by her tits, and she asked if I’d like to be distracted even more. Next thing I know she’s got her tongue in my mouth again.”

“And let me guess – you fought her off to preserve your virginity.”

“Fuck no! My dick was harder than the Washington Monument, and felt about the same size. I wanted nothing more than to put it inside her.” He was silent for a moment, recalling the details. “She was on the sofa next to me, leaning across my body so that she could kiss me. She brought her right hand up and put it on my cock, stroking the tip through my jeans. I had enough wit to reach behind her and unzip her dress, and her breasts fell out of the front, which was great.”

“How so?”

“At that age I was into tits and I found it very arousing to have a pair of them fall out onto my chest. They were lovely – largish, but not droopy, and amazing nipples – like a couple of big pencil erasers. I could see they were almost as stiff as my cock. I took one in my hand and massaged it, rubbing my thumb over the nipple and she almost went wild. She scooted her butt along the sofa and sort of crawled over me, lifting her breasts to my face to give me unrestricted access to them, holding my head and guiding my mouth from one to the other: and all the time she was talking, telling me how good it felt to have her nipples sucked and how hot and hard they were. I reckon that she could have come off just doing that, but I had to move.”

In my mind I could see the image of my David, lying across the sofa with this older woman on top of him, her breasts wet with his salvia, gleaming like ripe peaches in the candlelight; I could envisage the feeling of power she experienced as she started to lead him through his first sexual experience. I imagined her eager anticipation, the shortness of breath, the swelling of her labia and the moistness of her vulva. My own body reacted in response: my loins suffused with warmth, and I could feel my vagina start to twitch and pulse.

My voice was husky. “Why did you have to move? Tell me why. I want every detail.”

“I wanted to get to more fundamental action,” he said “apart from which my cock had now reached the proportions of the Eiffel Tower and she was lying across it, squishing it. Anyway, I put my hands under her butt and stood up with her in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist and whispered for me to take her to the bedroom. I practically ran there, with her mound pushing and bumping against my cock with each step that I took. She must have been pretty sure of herself as the bed was folded back and there was a soft light on next to it. She shucked out of her dress and I ripped off my clothes, and we sort of looked at each other for a few moments – she in just a pair of brief red panties and me in my jocks. Then I fell onto her, across the bed, and I was all over her like a rash. I just wanted to fuck her. That’s all I could think of – to push my cock into her and fuck her until her eyes popped out.”

I adjusted the picture in my mind. There were no details of the room, for I had never been there, but the image of the two figures on a bed was vivid: the older woman with her eyes closed and her back arched as David ran his hands over her, down across her belly, trying to pull off her knickers, trying to shed his jocks, his thick shaft distended and ready….

David continued. “She took charge then. Pushed me off so that I was on my back next to her and she straddled me, holding my arms down with a surprisingly strong grip. She said something like ‘No, no, not like that, let me show you. Make it last.’ She leaned over me and kissed me again, and I could feel her nipples rubbing against my chest. I was thrusting up with my hips, trying to impale her, but my cock just rubbed up over her without penetrating. She lifted herself off and knelt next to me, taking my shaft in her hand and talking to it like it had a life of its own. ‘Naughty boy’, she said. ‘Naughty boy. You’re too eager. Let’s calm you down a little and then we can play…..’ well, something like that. I wasn’t paying too much attention, I can tell you.”

I lifted the sheet to see whether David was being turned on as well, and was greeted by his cock, thick and angry. The foreskin had rolled back and there was a strand of pre-cum oozing out of the eye, dribbling across the taut purple skin and pooling on his belly. I knelt up next to him and took it in my hand, raising it up. “Did she do it like this?”

“Yeah – uh – she gripped it a bit harder, and then she bent over and put her mouth over it, slowly. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. She sort of tightened Yalı Escort Bayan her mouth so her lips were soft, but her mouth was tight as I entered it.”

I bent over and placed the head of his cock against my lips, then moved my head down, feeling the pressure as I kept them tight for a moment before allowing them to relax a little, enough for the head of his cock to pop through and into my mouth.

His head snapped back. “Ah!! Fuck, yes!. Ah, yes, yes. Just like that. She was just like that. I watched her as I fucked her face. Watched my cock sink into her mouth, down until the head was jammed up against the back of her mouth.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw David lift his head, and I reenacted the scene for him, allowing his length to slide into my mouth, as far as I could take him, feeling the pressure of him against the back of my throat. I heard his voice, as if from a distance.

“She did that for a while, and then she slipped her thigh over me and pushed her butt back towards me, taking my cock out of her mouth just long enough to tell me to eat her.”

I did the same, raising my thigh up, over his body, then scooting back along him so that he could reach my pussy with his mouth. Unlike her I didn’t have any panties on and his semen from our earlier lovemaking was still inside me, oozing out in thin stream, but he didn’t seem to mind. I felt his lips settle over my sex, and his story was punctuated by long moments of silence as he serviced me, and by his own gasps of pleasure as I deep throated him.

“Ah – God yes! It was just like this….ah…..I pulled aside her pants and lapped at her….ah God, Beth, that’s good! Ugh!…she was wriggling against me, rubbing her pussy and ass against my face….Jesus, that’s deep, don’t stop! She…held open the cheeks of her ass with one hand so I could get into her deeper, right from her cunt to her ass hole…”

David’s voice trailed off as we mimicked the action. I held myself open with one hand, feeling my pussy flutter and my rosebud crimp as his tongue rasped against them. I tried to focus on his cock, tried to keep steady, deep strokes into and out of my mouth, but it was difficult to concentrate. The only sound for a while was our moans as we devoured each other, brother and sister, his cock buried into my face and his tongue lapping at me, across my labia and my greedy, grasping little anus.

After a while he broke away from me, and his voice was gusty. “…I could feel myself spiraling up, and I knew that I would come. I told her, and she gripped the base and lifted herself off, pulling me up to my knees, and she shuffled around so that her mouth was open in front of me. She said ‘play with yourself, David, play until you are on the brink, and then take your hand off and watch’.”

I scooted up off him and he knelt up, so that his cock was level with my face. “Show me, David.” I said. “Don’t speak – just show me what you did to her.”

He seized his rod and began to pump it. I opened my mouth and pursed my lips so that with each forward stroke the tip of his cock bumped against my lips. I could feel its heat, radiating like a furnace, and taste the salty wetness of his lubrication. His strokes grew faster and as I watched as his thighs tensed and his breathing grew ragged. His cock thickened and the head bulged as even more blood flowed into it. He began to speak again, his voice disjointed.

“She…talked…. told me….to…ah… take my hand away as I came. It was hard…I just wanted to spurt…but I did what she……Jesus! Here it comes….”

He took his hand off his cock and it bobbed free. I pushed my mouth under it as his sperm flowed out, not spurting, but in a stream, thick and viscous, gathering on my tongue in a little silver puddle. His eyes were closed, his features set in an expression almost of pain as he savoured the sensation of his juice flowing down his shaft and into my mouth; after a few moments he lifted his cock free of my tongue, shaking it to release the last few drops before sitting back on his haunches to watch what I did with it. I drew his sperm into my mouth, tasting its tart flavour and feeling it coat the inside of my cheeks, and I watched his eyes on me as I did so.

He regarded me for a moment as he caught his breath. “It was just like that. I managed to take my hand off my cock and the jism poured out of me into her mouth like a little river, just like then, with you. I could see it pooling inside her mouth, and she just looked at me. I didn’t come – there was no climax, but it gave me some release. After a moment she pulled back and with her eyes on my face she swallowed it, just like you did Beth. God! I don’t think I’d ever seen anything so erotic in my life. And then she looked up at me and said ‘that will take a bit of the pressure off. Now we can have some fun’.”

“What did she do?”

“She stripped off her knickers. I remember that there was a dark stain in the gusset where she had soaked it with her juices. She was sopping wet, silver streams of it on the inside of each thigh that glistened in the light; and then she straddled me, running her hands over me, murmuring how beautiful I was. She had a good body, too, her breasts firm and a flat stomach. After a moment she lifted herself up and positioned my cock with her hand, holding it at the entrance to her cunt.”

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