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Sold Into BondageFleeting embers and ash rained down upon the barren fields of the Northern Provence. A chill, bitter wind engulfed the beliegured forces of the Emperor’s Company also known as Stallion Legion. Cries of battle echoed in the valley asmen and equine spilled blood upon the cold unforgiving earth. The clashing of bone and sinew rang in the ears of the many and comfort was known to no one. A bay colored Stallion stood gazing into the onslaught with clenched teeth asthe cries of his soldiers fell upon him. His gaze strayed from hillock to mound searching for any sign of the desperate aid he had called for nearly three weeks earlier. Only none would come. Hope had faded. And now the bitter end hadcome to those he loved.The Stallion raised his sword and cut down the now encrouching enemies around him and even that of the Guard. Dirt and blood smeared the Stallion even as the shrieks and cries of humans welled up from the Earth like demons from thereaches of the underworld. Yet they were being overrun. Valmir gazed at his battered and beloved brothers. The scent in the air was worry. Fear had set in for every one of them. Fear for each other. And the risk of enslavement. Valmirflicked his tail soemnly and sighed for he knew of only one option beside certain death to him and his Soldiers.Valmir’s guard nickered and gazed at him with sorrow and mingled grief. They all knew what would soon happen. “They will not give any of you quarter so long as I remain here.” Said Valmir. “It pains me but I must make an effort toparlay even with these damned savages at our door. Curse you Agustus! That fat govenor must have taken a bribe from one of the local lords. Has he no respect for the Emperor!? Have any of these damned politicians? The cries of Romespeople fall upon deaf ears of the fat and sullied yet we WE! Remain here. b**sts of burden even unto death. So be it. Stallion Legion! Hearken to me!” A sudden hush came across the field and even the sounds of the dying seemed to quietfor the Commander. His gaze fell upon noble proud equines. Their faces stained with blood yet their eyes gleamed as a fire remained kindled in what spirit they had. Each looked up to the Stallion now speaking and even as they watchedhim, the horse strolled forward to the front where the enemy awaited.”You have fought well today Legion! WE have fought well! Be comforted for it is not by your valour that this field is not ours but of the will of the greedy and the shamed! Not but a month ago we came here and spilled blood! We havefought for this and I now fight for you! Do not grive for me. I will not have my boys face the knife any longer for those whom could care less about you! So I ask peace as my final command!” Mingled murmors could be heard as Valmirstrolled forward. Sweat fell from his brow. The air choked his lungs as the smell of burned flesh and death hung in the air as he came to the battlefield. Carnage lay before him as cold lifeless eyes stared into the heavens. Many herecognized and he quickly turned his gaze forward to avoid letting tears fall from his welling eyes. They were bretheren even unto death.”Barbarians! I am Valmir! Commander of the Emperor’s Army! General of the Stallion Legion! And I here now am before you to offer terms and to parlay! Will you hear me? I offer myself to you in exchange to let my soldiers go free! Thatthey may make it to the South in good faith! It is I you want! Will you not have me?” The equine nickered solemly as shadows crept from the treeline. Shapes of rough, reeking men uttered forth by the hundreds. Crude weapons hung attheir backs and they uttered cries of malice in a harsh and foreign tongue. One emerged before them. A huge man as big as a Stallion and a crude bronze cirlet sat upon his brow. He stopped a few paces in front of the equine and smirked”SO! This is the great leader we have suffered from is it? YOU! Horse are willing to give yourself for the lives of your pitiful little herd of field plowers hmm? What a tempting offer. What say you Gaul!? Will you have this b**st asour prize?”Cries and harsh curses were heard from the Barbarians as the scremas turned to cheers. One Stallion strolled forward only to be met with the Commander’s stern gaze. The equine whined and soon all of them hung their heads in grief, Withone final look at his forces Valmir turned around only to be met with the leader of the forces of Gaul. A large crude club hung from his powerful arm as he smiled with wicked glee at the fallen General. “Deal b**st.” Before Valmir couldreact his vision turned black and he slumped to the ground as he was carried away from the field only knowing engulfing darkness.Fire flickered as shadows lept along the walls as Valmir’s head burned. The equine groaned feeling his head swim as harsh cries of laughter fell all around him. Slowly his vision focusd and his eyes went wide as a crowd appeared beforehim. Humans in various rags and pelts were seated, some standing as the equine struggled to move. He whinnied alarmed as his legs were bound and spread and his arms burned and ached as rope held them above his head. A hearth appearedbefore him as hot irons sat in it and the smell of mead and foul breads and stink filled the Stallions nostrils. He tried to say something but the halter that held his bit in his mouth was far too tight and he suddenly realized he wasnaked upon a wooden table. Splinters dug into his soft fur making him wince and he shamefully tried to cover canlı bahis his nudity with his tail, only to feel a weight tied on the end preventing him from doing so. He was truly helpless andexposed.”SO! Our new prize has awoken! And none too pleased from what I can see. What say you men! How do you like your new prize!?” Cheers and laughter erupted from the room as Valmir’s eyes tracked the very man whom knocked him out and wasclearly the leader of the Barbarians. “Good Good! You see Horse my men have dreamed of the day we would spill your blood and I would use that filthy hide of yours as a garment for my manhood. Yet there are others here more prudentthan I whom think a life of degredation and humility fitting for the Bane Of Gaul. Believe me I would like nothing more than to snap every brittle bone in your body and hear you whinny in agony. But soon. Now is but the sweet treatbefore the main course my friend. How ironic. You lead thousands into battle. Sought glory and honor for your damned Emperor and now you will be reduced to the lowliest of slaves. Even those whom lick the sweat from my unwashednethers shall have better fortune than you Slave. And I cannot wait to see you squirm.”Valmir grunted and struggled, kicking his legs even as the ropes held firm. He bit hard on the bit, snorting and crying into the metal bar as the large human smirked with devilish delight. Valmir’s gaze followed the mans hands as theysoftly cupped his large testicles. The equine snorted and whinnied as the grip twisted and wrung them making the Stallion writhe in pain. He cried aloud and screamed into the bit as the Barbarian took a hot iron from the hearth andrested it inches away from the horses low hanging orbs “I see this troubles you slave. Do you fear to lose these? Hmm? Lose what truly makes you male? How pathetic would it be for your starving, hungry broken soldier’s to know you werereduced to nothing but a gelded bitch. In due time. For now I love hearing you cry out in terror. And now I will hear you squeal in agony b**st.”Valmir’s eyes went wide as the hot iron neared his face. Tears streamed down his face as he whinnied and struggled. The equine kicked and squealed as his torturer twisted his balls before presing the red hot iron to the equines face.Searing hot flame singed the skin under the horses right eye making him cry and whinny in agony as the flesh seared and bubbled as the man looked down with demented glee “Yes…yes…. The mark of a Slave. Scream “general” for no onewill save you. All have abandoned you. isn’t that right Agustus?” Valmir hearing the name grunted and sat up even as the hot iron was removed from his face. Tears still streamed down his face as the skin under his eye smoldered.Valmir panted and sweat fell from his exausted body as he couldn’t help but whimper, his body truly spent. “Yes no one will save you “commander.” Valmir looked up to see the white robed govenor he had pleaded with weeks earlier staringdown at him with malice and contempt. “The men here of Gaul gave me quite a nice reward for your capture. You have always been a thorn in my side you pathetic b**st. You and your pitiful little band couldn’t juat die. I will admit youStallions are tenacious but even I knew with time your defeat was certain. How fitting it end for you like this. The mark of a slave. I shall enjoy watching your proud self humbled to the rank of a whore.”Laughter filled the room as the humans gloated and cheered seeing the Stallion’s body go limp with exaustion. Vamir’s face burned in pain as he panted and blinked away the salty wetness that stained his cheek. The equine closed his eyesand tried to keep some sort of hope. His mind flooded back to his friends. Stallions with proud faces and hearty laughter. Their strong bodies as one united in spirit and heart. Yet the memory was soon snuffed out as the BarbarianLeader inched his face close to the spent Stallion “There is no comradery left horse. I am all that is left of your miserable existence. And I want to know if the rumors are true. We have heard tales of you Stallions enjoying oneanother of a sexual nature. That you frolic and mingled with each other even with your own sex. How pitiful and weak. We shall see if you respond in the same fashion you filthy faggot. I shall enjoy watching this.”Valmir grunted and snorted as the Barbarian dug his rough fingers into the Stallions ass. Rough hands groped at the equines large asscheeks, pulling them apart making the equine whine and snort. The Barbarian smirked wickedly as thestuds tight, pink pucker was exposed. The equine flattened his ears in humility as he tried desperatly to flick his tail up to hide his shame. But to no avail the weight held his tail down. Valmr’s eyes went wide as he felt warm spittleon his tight tailstar like a sickening slime, it oozed and ran down his ass pooling at the base of the wooden table. Valmir bit down onto the bit and squirmed as the Barbarian threw his head back in sickening laughter as two huge fingersdug into the equines insides violating him inch by slow agonizing inch.The crowd yelled out jeers and catcalls as ale was passed around to rile the audience up. “This ought to be a good show!” Cried one. “Show that faggot how to take some real punishment!” ” I want that General’s ass next!” Cried others. Itsoon became perfectly clear to the struggling spent Stallion why he was restrained and why his legs were spread apart with his plump ass in the air. The bahis siteleri leader dug his fingers in knuckle deep before inserting a third causing the Studs ass tospasm, making the horse groan in shameful pleasure. The Stud bit down hard on his bit trying in desperation to fight his primal urges. He closed his eyes unable to stand his own shame as his thick equine sheath swelled and puffed.Folds of soft velvet like black flesh parted like a budding flower as his musky unwashed tip began to drop out slowly like someone unrolling a mound of carpet made of horse flesh.The Barbarian smirked seeing the horses tormented anguish,a mix between shame and his own body giving into such punishment. The human gripped at the Stallions heavy cum filled sac further torturing him as a fourth finger crammed into thewrithing horse. Vlamir choked back a sob as his ass spasmed some more releasing pent up air in a slow soft release as his insides were stretched and forced open. No matter how hard the Stallion squirmed or struggled he couldn’t break free,and despite him cursing into his breath the proud stud was laid bare for all to see in an open display of his deep seated lust and shame. For now as the Stallion’s fleshy member began to stiffen slowly as each fold of flesh tucked backand his cock became harder, it signaled to his enemies just secretly how desperate and submissive he truly truly was.Tears welled in the Stallions eyes as suddenly the Barbarian leader tore his fingers from the Stallions ass with a loud sloppy sound making Valmir shiver and twitch from the unwanted wave of pleasure. “Ahh yes…. I believe it is true then.No wonder your Soldiers admired you being their slut. From the way your body writhes my friend I can feel every spasm, see every bit of anguish on your face. It is one thing to be ****d by your enemies. It is a whole other matter to derivepleasure. I bet your ass was open for all and any willing Horse in your company you filthy degenrate. it is no wonder your kind were defeated! You are all soft! Your homosexuality lead to your downfall and you are a leader of broken fools!”Valmir bit down on his bit in heated anger and contempt even as the barbarian pressed a flared dildo in the shape of his own kind against his soft gaped ass. The Stallion struggled and writhed as the crowd cheered and shouted seeing theplight of the bound Stallion. He bit down as hard as he could, eyes blazing his gaze meeting that of his enemy. The Barbarian chuckled slightly as the flared tip of the large toy pressed tight against the Stallions tight asshole. Withan uncaring move the human thrust the flare into the Stallion in one stroke making Valmir arch his back and howl in pain as his insides opened forcefully to the width of the large equine dildo. The Stud nickered and whined as his insideswere stuffed with inch by agonizing inch.The Leader smirked and leaned over the horse as he undid one of the straps of the horses halter. To the Stallions surprise the bit slid out of his mouth and rested lazily on his chest. He looked up with contempt as the barbarian gazed down athim “SO Equine. Are you going to beg for mercy? You can still save yourself humiiliation and being a gelding.” The Barbarian quickly took a blade from it’s sheath on his side and pressed the end against the equine’s low hanging sac. With oneflick the blade rested right on the horses Stallionhood making him snort and grit his teeth “That’s it b**st. Tell me the locations of your other Armies. Give me your leaders names and these remain intact. Or better yet you get one sentence.Beg for mercy Valmir. It can all be over now.”The Stallion looked at the contorted faces of his enemies and shivered in a cold sweat even as the blade was pressed against his testicles. The flared toy buried hot inside him made him squirm and with a look as cold as ice he gazed at the enemyand only uttered one slow sentence in which he spoke thickly. “Fuck You. I am Valmir Commander of the Stallion Legion, loyal servant to the Emperor and gleded or not you will not get the satisfaction you seek Barbarian.” Such a look of anguish cameover the Barbarian that he tossed the knife aside and pressed his hand to the wound on the equines face, digging into it with his thumb. “Fuck me? How dare you HORSE! You b**st of burden! I will show you who is going to BE fucked! Squeal and cry outyou worthless faggot!”valmir grit his teeth and groaned aloud as pain seared through his fresh wound. He tried to nip at the human squirming and biting even as the halter was forced back and the bit put in place. The human howled in rage as he crammed the toy to the hiltmaking Valmir swoon and sweat as his insides were flooded with over a foot and a half of the devilish device. Thrust after hard thrust crammed into the equine as the barbarian screamed, pinning the horses neck with his grip as he force fucked theStallion into submission “Fuck me!? How is THIS? Hmm? You will pay dearly for crossing me b**st. So enjoy this last orgasm. For soon I will have these testicles as ornaments for my own amusement!” Valmir cried aloud into his bit and quivered as thrustafter thrust pounded against the equines Prostate.His ass spasmed and gaped as his Stallion meat became rock hard. Thrust after merciless thrust entered into the unwilling Stud as his tip mushroomed and leaked globs of precum onto his stomach and thighs. The thick clear equine juices dribbled down histhighs even as the horse began to sweat and canlı bahis bit back a high pitched whinny. His cock throbbed as the Barbarian twisted the toy inside him making the Stud squeal and pant. Valmir moaned and stopped fighting his urges as primal instinct took over. The toywarmed inside him as it massaged his walnut sized button over and over making disgusting sloppy noises as the large toy snaked in and out of him harder and faster making him bite down and snort. His full low hangers bounced and bobbed as the stud felt hisjuices bubble and froth even as his own pre squirted out of him making him gasp and inhale gulps of air like a drowing man in a sea of lust.Thrust after thrust pummled the Stallion until finally he tensed and bit down gritting his teeth. The bound Stallion Threw his head back with a loud gutteral whinny and his whole body tensed as his musky hard horsecock flared and shot rope after rope of creamyStallion spunk all over his chest and face. Globs and globs of the horses fresh juices splattered him in the face and coated his body, dripping off the rippled Studs muscled stomach even as his cock kept twitching sending more white globs trickling down his cockand buttocks coating himself in sticky Stallion spunk. The Horse groaned into the bit as his body twitched and sweat rolled off his body as he rode out his orgasm, thrusting in primal instinct as his cock twitched and quivered as his ass clamped down on the flaredtoy. He panted and nickered, body going limp. But before he could rest the babrarian yanked out the large toy with one long tug until the flare popped out making the cocktail of spit and sweaty musky juices dribble out as the Stud groaned and turned crimson ashis ass sputtered and winked.The Stallion panted and his body lay still as sparks went through the Stallions mind. The audience was taken aback by the Horse’s orgasm seeing the powerful pinacle of Stallion essence he had achieved. The Barbarian spat on the ground wiping some of the horsesown spunk from his arms before picking up the knife he had tossed earlier. The blade gleamed in the light of the hearth and the human stuck it into the fire letting it heat up as he gripped the spent Stallions drained plump orbs twisting them and tugging them makingthe horse whinny and squeal in pain “Hmmph. Hope you enjoyed that you faggot mindless b**st because you will never be able to do that again. Yes feel those? Feel how I twist them? Even this pain you shall miss “Commander.” I will dispatch messengers shortly to tellyour entire precious Legion you are nothing but a gelded weakling and that your nuts will soon hang from my neck as a prize while I work you in the most grim of tasks my little slave bitch.”Valmir gritted his teeth and whimpered only slightly as the heat from the blade was pressed against his swollen sac. Even as he tried to squirm the heat from the blade came ever so closer making the Stallion’s eyes well up. “Say goodbye to these “Stallion.” The Barbariansaid mockingly. Yet even as he pressed the blade to cut between them a clamour broke outside the room. Shouts and cries were heard outside and soon mingled cries of pain as the Leader looked up with disdain. Valmir struggled to look even as the ringing of arms broke out.Cries in the harsh toungue were given and the barbarian looked only once to the equine then sprang away even as the doors were kicked open and the sound of battle whinnies went up. Valmir’s nostrils flared at the familiar stench of his bretheren and shrieks were heard in the roomas Stallion’s cut down the drunken enemy one by one. Suddenly a Horse nickered and pointed to their captive Commander and soon two powerful Draft Studs unshackled and hoisted up the spent Stallion, his body limp.Valmir smiled warmly to his brothers nuzzling one before standing up. Even with a sweat and cum stained body he glistened in the hearths light. Quickly an equine nickered and cried aloud “Sir! Your Blade!” And tossed the equines sword to him. For a normal man it looked like a longswordof marvellous craft. it’s hilt was burnished in silver and in the blade were set many runes of enhcantment for good fortune and prowess in battle. With a look at his followers He only smirked, quickly rubbing his aching testicles before running out of the clay building. It was more of asophisticated hut of crude make and the smell of blood and flesh hung in the air as black plumes of smoke rose in the night sky. Stallions formed around their Commander and soon Agustus and the Barbarian leader were brought before the General on their knees. Both looked uo with shock and agony at howfortune had tricked the Barbarians and were now looking up into only moments later had been their prize.”Agustus you treasonous swine. You have no clemency for you caused many a death of my bretheren among other humiliations and grievences against the Empire. May Hell embrace you with warm kindness.” The robed man shrieked with raised arms as the Stallion swung his blade splitting the mansskull in two. Crimson and bits of fleshy matter spurt from the mans wound and the body soon collapsed to the ground. The Barbarian Leader looked up as tears welled in his eyes. He whimpered and cowered before the powerful Stallions as soon the remaining Company gathered around him in a circle.The Horses all smirked at one another as their battle lust could not be contained and soon each b**st was flaccid and the stink of their lust hung in the air. With a keen gleam in his eye Valmir stood above the Barbarian with his member hardening with pre dribbling once more from hismeaty Stallionhood. With a lick of his lips he held his gaze with the man and uttered only one word “Parlay?”

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