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storie onez sexstory Saturday, February 2, 2013I never Tought camping was such fun SeXStoRY A Camping Experience I never thought camping could be so much fun……… The old saying, ‘you should see home before you travel’ didn’t cover what I saw on the third day of my vacation in Yellowstone. 26 years old and this was my first time here, my parents didn’t ‘do’ camping, admittedly I had been spent most of my time at school and college, but now, with my Master’s behind me, I just wanted some quiet time. I wasn’t getting back to nature, I wanted to find out where I wanted to go next. A time out. On the second day, I had wandered around, gone to the falls, walked some tracks, you know. Nowhere to go and all day to get there, thinking. My life so far had been fairly normal, up to a point. My parents had died in a plane crash when I was two years old and that was it. I had no other f****y either. I became a ward of the state, but, unlike some horror stories you hear about, the people I was placed with, my new Mom and Dad, were terrific. I became their ‘son’ in every way. As soon as they thought I was ready they told me everything they knew about my parents. My lawyer was also exceptional, an honest lawyer with a canny way with money. I wasn’t rich rich but I was well off for a young man. Because of my foster f****y, both professionals, I too had followed an academic life. I hadn’t missed all the thing’s c***dren have, I had my share of fun, but my schoolwork didn’t stop at the school gate and I did like to study. Girls had also come into my life but mainly as other people in my class, a few dates but that’s all……….., by the way, I’m straight, and up until this morning, I thought I was normal. Let me explain; I had come to Yellowstone early in the season, there was still some patches of snow about and found a quiet spot nearly at the end of the ‘street’, set up my brand new tent with the main opening facing a view of the lake. I had purchased a two person tent with the idea that the other ‘half’ would be my storage area. It had a smaller flap that I used for a covered cooking area. This also opened towards the next site but as there was no one else on the ‘street’, I was happy. Until. I had lifted the small flap and was boiling water for my coffee, a must have vice I had developed, when they arrived. I figured it was a Dad, Mom and daughter. I wasn’t being nosey, I was already there. I also figured if I can see them, they could see me. I was just about to wave when he pulled the big SUV hard around in their ‘spot’. He’s been here before I thought. It was what happened next that made me just about fall over. The girl opened her door, stepped out, lifted her short skirt, and pee’ed. Sure, I stand to take a leak, but girls, I thought they squatted, sat?. This one sure as hell didn’t, not only did she have an open legged stance……….., she was facing me. God damn, she smiled. I didn’t know if she was smiling at me or it was just the relief. Why didn’t she go when they booked in?, the toilets were next to the office and shop. Then I remembered, you find a spot, then you book in when you are an early bird. I had gone about it the other way, I stopped at the office and was told ‘just go find a place then come and tell me’. First in, best served. My brand new kettle whistled, shit, I hoped she didn’t think it had been me. I nearly burnt my fingers trying to look at two things at the same time. By the time I had turned the gas off she had finished, but she hadn’t finished fucking up my day. She smiled at me again, wiped between her legs with her fingers before dropping her skirt and kicking some dirt over the wet spot. She was all of ten maybe eleven years old. Cute. My hand was shaking while I tried to make a cup of coffee, something that was so natural I normally didn’t have to think about. This morning I had to think. I had planned for two weeks here and if this morning was the start of, well a continuing peep show, I would be a nervous wreck by then. The mother arrived around the back of the SUV, oh fuck. She did it as well. If the father turned up I was leaving. I lowered the flap and took my cooking gear to the other end. Some thing’s could put me off my breakfast, bacon, eggs and… SHIT, she was shaved, naked, no pussy hair. I thought about going back………….., no, bad move. I had already closed the flap. To open it again…………… Breakfast was an ordeal, my mind had recorded the view as well as my new camera, she was there, I blinked. No, she was still there, long legs, an inward pussy mound, was this what they called a camel toe, I could see she had toned legs, defined muscles. Up, come on, lift your minds eye, yes. She had blonde hair, the same as her daughter but, oh fuck……. tits. Nice big round tits, they had stretched her T shirt so well………….., no bra. I had thought to go see “Old Faithful” today, now I was torn between staying, maybe getting another ‘snapshot’, and leaving. Old Faithful would still be there tomorrow, wouldn’t it. Then again, they would still be here as well………….. Old Faithful won the day. When I came back I could figure out if I needed to change my layout or not………., why? We’re all campers here, this was something I had been taught, being a good neighbour, being friendly came naturally to me. I would wait and see what happened when I got back. I still hadn’t made up my mind on the next direction in my life. There was no hurry after all. I had another week or so. Old Faithful proved a win for the day. The benches set up for the visitors were nearly empty and I had a good view of what turned out to be one of the biggest and best shows for a year or so. I had the perfect seat and I put the camera through it’s paces. Just what I needed, a distraction. I had a big shit eating grin still plastered on my face when I returned that afternoon. Life was good. It would turn out to get even better later although I had no idea just how much. I parked my car in the usual spot. My new neighbour’s had set their site up as a mirror image to mine so now we had a car, tent, tent and car. I had to look again, their tent wasn’t much bigger than mine. It took another look for me to figure out ‘what’s wrong with this picture’. One tent, dad, mom and daughter………., must be a close f****y. Oh well, it’s their life and settled down to get some ‘work’ done. Mom and Dad are both teachers, Dad is a lecturer in law and Mom teaches History and Biology so when it came time for me to decide what courses to take in college, I had already decided my major would be in the science, leaning toward I.T., a minor in programming, there were some lively discussions and they both helped and supported me in what was a hobby that continued to my Masters. I build computer systems. My car was the latest. I had a solar panel to charge the battery with a inverter for mains power to run the computer and my satellite dish. I was fully set up to be mobile, a home away from home. Internet as well. I had written a small program that allowed me to ‘piggy back’ another signal. As long as I wasn’t greedy nobody was any the wiser. Once I had everything up and running I down loaded the pictures and composed an email to mom and dad, hit send and checked my incoming. I’m one of the strange beings using all the latest and greatest………….., for nothing. That’s what I looked for, nothing. I have a very private mailing list and don’t get the latest jokes, no junk mail. What was going to be coming was a possible job. I had a couple of feelers out and had two prospective, maybe job offers. I had been surprised at school when I was approached, not once but twice by scouts. Then, well, if it wasn’t a job offer, no news is good news. Dad and Mom were like me. Don’t waste time. I was checking AOL when my surprise’s started, “Hi, I’m Patty, how did you do that?” I was sitting on a little camp stool with my laptop on my knees when she spoke over my shoulder so that when I turned to face her I was looking at a crotch, from about six inches. She had moved closer to see the screen over my shoulder. It was a repeat of this morning………….., I couldn’t help but stare. I certainly couldn’t speak. I mean, she was in my face. The mind camera worked it’s magic again. She had a little wet spot, you know where. I dragged my eyes up. The ‘smile’ was there as well. It was one of those little girl smiles employed by the cute little Girl Scouts when they were trying to get you to part with your money for biscuits you didn’t even want. “It’s just the internet, don’t you have a computer?” “Yeah, but it’s wired at home. Dad said we can’t get a signal here, how come you can?” “That’s what the dish is for….”MOM, he got online…………….., can I see, please?” I had just turned the screen for her to see properly when, surprise number two. Mom. She was standing by my other shoulder, “Patty, don’t annoy the man”. I swivelled, shit. Same view. My good manners caused surprise number three. I of course stood and my shoulder meet her tits as she leaned over me……………….. Dad had shown me an old black and white video of a old film, Buster Keating being chased by cops, I don’t think I have ever laughed so much since. But this was not a laughing matter. As I stood and collected her breast I let go the laptop, Patty made a grab for it and got one leg as well. Mom had the wind knocked out of her and grabbed me. I was off balance because of Patty’s tackle and tried to find my feet, the trouble with that…….., I had knocked over my little camp stool, my feet found the stool. It was only a little stool but it caused a heap of problems. Patty had a hold of the laptop but couldn’t hold it with one hand therefore kept two hands clutching it, with my leg in between her arms. Mom’s weight combined with my lack of balance because of the stool meant we were going down. I had one moment of stability as the stool collapsed, I picked the mom up, turned with her in my arms and rolled. Patty was by now holding my other leg up and still clinging to the computer. She was coming with us. It was as they say, ‘it all happened in slow motion’, it didn’t seem slow when I hit the ground with an offfffff. Then Patty joined her mother’s weight on my stomach, and it was all my fault. I hadn’t let go, I had her in a bear hug. I felt a bit of the weight ease. This time I just about laughed, Patty still had the computer in her hands, she didn’t put it down though, she worked my foot from between her arms which brought my leg up against her mother’s thighs. A bit more weight moved, strangely. I expected the mother to at least roll off me, she didn’t, she was sliding down my body. For one terrifying moment I thought she had really hurt herself in our little tumble. I looked at her face, hoping not to see pain showing. Fuck, was I wrong or what. She was smiling. She was wriggling. She was pushing against my now hardening cock. When had he decided this was fun, sexy fun? And I only had a pair of shorts…………. the camera, rewind. OH NO, Yes, she had a short skirt on. Where was that now????????????? and a T shirt!!!!!!! She lifted herself using her hands on my shoulders, effectively pinning me to the ground, I swear she arched her back more than was needed, putting more weight on my cock. That’s when I saw the reasons, that’s right, reasons, two of them. The firmest, roundest breasts I have ever seen, and boy could I see them they were so close. Her T shirt had ridden up and over her nipples. Perfect. Huge. “This is a hell of a way to meet but I think I like it………., I think you like it as well, I’m Anna and this annoying bundle of mischief is Patty, Dan, my husband is down at the shop” “I’m Paul and please let me apologise for……….., your……., sorry, are you okay?, nothing broken?” “You can say breasts can’t you, my little puppies can take that and more and no, ‘That’ was broken a long time ago” Anna gave me another little wriggle that didn’t help. My cock was straining against my shorts. The wrong way, it was trapped and pointing towards my toes. That didn’t stop her rubbing her crotch against it. Come to think about it……………, it was kinda nice. So what was wrong………… Fuck, a husband, a daughter. No sooner had I thought that………. “He’s bigger than daddy……………” “PATTY……….., come on, let Paul finish what he was doing, I’m sure he doesn’t need you annoying him” This was really strange, Anna was still putting pressure on my cock, not really trying to get off and talking to her daughter. I couldn’t just push her off either. I didn’t even want to. I did want to rearrange myself, just a little bit but I didn’t think that too wise. Then it was taken out of my hands. Sort of. Anna sat back fully on my cock and pulled her T shirt down. Of course my eyes followed, then went lower. Jesus H Christ. Her dress was hiked up, it still covered the important bits but, had she put her panties on after this morning. My cock jumped at that thought. Anna smiled and lifted a knee. A flash of red, a thong. The only trouble with that, it didn’t cover her lips. It had been pulled tight, between them. My cock jumped again as Anna stood. The air was a lot colder than her warm flesh……………, the air? Fuck, my cockhead was pushing the bottom of my shorts out of the way. Anna was smiling again, Patty just stood there and stared. Watching Anna stand reminded me of a night out, a stag night. We had gone to the usual for a stag night, a strip club. I thought the strippers looked bored until………., there was one and she worked the pole. Very well. Anna looked like that dancer, the only difference, Anna’s standing was the opposite to the dancer going down the pole. Both were erotic. Now I had a problem, sit up and sort of cover the fact I was tucking my cock away or just do it lying where I was. No problem. Anna had sat up to cover her breasts which put them even closer. The devil made me do it. I reached down and put my cock away still looking at Anna. I saw her wink about the same time as I heard Patty’s ‘oh no’. I tried to remember the father. How big was he? Anna had already turned as Patty came up to me with my computer held out in front of her, that little girl smile was back, “I didn’t drop it” “I know and thank you but remember, a computer can be replaced but you can’t, I could have hurt you if I had fallen the wrong way” “No way, you would have protected me just like you did mommy, anyway, now we are just about even” I shook my head not knowing what she meant, “What do you mean, just about even?” “You got to see me pee, when I can watch you we’ll be even stevens!” I’ve got my Master, I must have a brain holding my ears apart, the fall. The only thing I could use to explain my next words, “How did you learn to pee standing up and why didn’t you have panties on then?” “Mom taught me, we come here every year and sometimes the snakes come out early. It’s safer and mom and I hardly wear panties, except when I’m at school. Even then, sometimes I take them off. Anyway, how come you don’t wear panties, I saw your cock” “Patty, men, at least most men don’t wear panties, we wear underpants. As for me, sometimes I’m like you. I just don’t bother to put them on” “Daddy wears panties, he likes it when mom tells him to put the frilly ones on. He wearing them now!” Just how much information is to much. Did I really need to know this about her fath…. daddy. My cock sure as hell did. Just what was going on here. One tent, not much bigger than mine. Patty’s comment, ‘He’s bigger than daddy’. Anna’s play on my cock………, a strange f****y maybe. Not my place to judge. Any fun is good fun as long as nobody gets hurt. Mom’s favourite saying and Patty didn’t seem to be hurting. Anna, she seemed to be flirting. I watched Patty’s rear end as she ran back to their tent. Her shorts looked like they were painted on. No panty line for sure. I shook my head again, ‘you’re 26, she’s maybe ten, get your head out of the gutter or go to jail, do not collect 200 dollars’. I put my computer and gear away and thought about supper. About ten minutes later daddy arrived. I couldn’t help it, I looked. Just as he stepped out of the SUV I saw the seat adjuster. He might have topped 5 foot, might. I suppressed an urge to laugh as another picture popped into my head, all 5 foot of him………… in frilly panties. Surprise number…….. what. I was sitting on my camp stool, I hadn’t broken it, it had collapsed just the way I would fold it up, and was cooking noodles. He pulled the flap up and back. Their tent was similar to mine, a double skin and the entrance was tied back. I could see straight in. A peeping tom’s wet dream but did I want that. It was to late now anyway. Tomorrow, I would think about it tomorrow. Another thing about mom and dad, tidy. Not spick and span, it was a home, not a ‘house’ just tidy. Dad had been in the navy and had learned that everything had to be nailed down or put away. Now, not later. So I was just putting the last of my gear away before walking down to the shower block when, “Knock knock”, it was Patty and seeing that I didn’t have anything to knock on had called out instead. She was standing at my closed entrance so I crawled out the other, towel in hand and smiled. This time she had a pretty frock on. “Daddy said I had to come over and pologise, said I shouldn’t have barged over. Your tent site is just like somebody’s home. I’m sorry” Shit, I thought she was going to cry. “Patty, just between you and me, well, your dad is right but, there’s only the two of us at the moment, it would be a little silly, wouldn’t it. I mean if the place was full you would have everybody coming and going but right now, I don’t mind if you come over, okay”. I really wasn’t going to get used to her, there was something different every time. This time she jumped into my arms. “Are you going to the shower block? Mom said it would be okay if I went with you. I’m not allowed to go on my own. Can I come with you? Please?” “Go and tell your parents, I’ll wait for you” She ducked her head into their tent, “Pauls going to walk me to the shower okay?, throw me a towel please daddy” Again I had a mental picture of daddy, still in his frilly panties but standing in the tent. I didn’t think he would cause a bump in the roof, in fact, now that I thought about it, they probably all stand up, I realised it was taller than mine now I was standing beside it. Patty backed her hiney out and turned, she held her hand out. I was really going to walk her to the showers, hand in hand. I hadn’t walked hand in hand since mom decided I was old enough to walk free beside her. We set of on our walk, Patty swinging our hands. It wasn’t that far and I wondered why Anna wouldn’t let her go alone. After I heard her one word answer I wished I hadn’t asked. “Bears” What fucking use would I be if there was a bear? I remembered the sheet I had been given, how many a****ls could you spot in Yellowstone?, wild a****ls. I walked a bit faster until Patty pulled me back. “I gotta go, you know, pee. Mom said I shouldn’t pee in the showers” I knew it was irrational but, a tourist had been mauled here, I looked at the shower block. We were about halfway there, “Okay but make it quick”. Quick wasn’t the word for it. Patty lifted her frock, spread her legs and let go. She really did need to go. Patty didn’t seem worried, at least about the bears, she was worried about something. I was getting a second look at her having a pee. “You owe me and I know how we are going to be even stevens” I didn’t even know what ‘even stevens’ was, hadn’t even heard of the term before but at least we were moving. I had yet to learn what ‘even stevens’ was going to cost me. sarıyer escort It didn’t take long. We got to the showers. “I’m coming in with you”. In my ignorance I said okay. I realised just how sheltered my life had been when I went to close the door. These were unisex showers, when a door was open anyone could step in, I didn’t know Patty had decided to step into my shower stall, with me in it. Naked. When did she lose the frock? “Mom said you’re okay…………..” as if that explained everything. Me, I was sucking air like a fish out of water. I mean, this was a young girl, no, a YOUNG GIRL. Get a fucking grip. “OUT………” “Paul, mom said you’re okay, if I can play with daddy’s cock, why can’t I play with your’s?” I was stumped. Had what Patty had said meant this was okay with her mother, her father?. What about me?. Just what sort of f****y life did they lead. A maybe ten year old playing with her father’s cock, with her mother’s blessing. I couldn’t go down that path. Could I. My cock said yes. Patty was gripping it like there was no tomorrow. What did I know about this f****y?. What did they know about me?. Nothing. “What do you want to do?” I had given up. Patty, even Anna had made me a slave to their wanton desires. I was going to hell, and I was going to enjoy the side trip. “Mommy lets me suck daddy’s cock, can I suck your’s. It’s bigger than daddy’s, I really want to try. Mommy tells daddy when he can cum, will you tell me when you’re gonna cum, I want to swallow your cum”. I tried, one last time, “Patty, you don’t have to do anything, we can just have a shower, together, you can be ‘even stevens’ then go home, back to your parents……….” Now I got the puppy dog look, the lost, given up puppy dog look. I was well and truly fucked. It broke my heart. Patty was so looking forward to playing with my cock, getting ‘even stevens’ as she called it, “Go ahead, suck my cock” I was damned, what the hell. Could I go deeper into the pit. Worry about that tomorrow. I just didn’t realise today was tomorrow. Patty wanted more. Bears, who the fuck worried about bears, I was nine foot tall and invincible as Patty’s mouth closed over my cockhead. We hadn’t even turned on the water for our ‘shower’. I hadn’t told Patty that I was a virgin. This was my first blowjob. Damn it, I hadn’t even been naked with a girl yet. Patty, even as a ten year old had more experience than me. I let her go. Fuck, was I glad, happy, aesthetic. Patty used her mouth and tongue like…, I didn’t have anything to compare, it was beautiful. I knew I needed to repay her. I knew I was going to suck and kiss her pussy like never before. I thought I might even fuck her, if she agreed. I had never felt a guilt trip like this before. I was going to bend over backwards for this little angel. And Patty was an angel in my eyes, her mother had taught her well, she brought me to the edge………………, left me hanging…………., then started again. Fuck, a hand job would never be the same again. This time there would be no stopping, up, up, “I’m cumming, Patty, oh Patty, yesssssssssssssssssssssss” I shot my load, right down her throat. I had never experienced anything like this before,I was in heaven. So it seemed was Patty, “Oh Paul, that was the best, yummy, better than daddy. Can we do it again? Please?” “After, now come here……………” I had promised Patty, even if it was in my head. I felt the need to fill that promise. Patty was like butter in my hands, she sat on the seat of the shower as I knelt between her legs. Her smell inflamed my senses, here was a woman ready for sex. So help me god, her age didn’t come into my mind. She was ready. I had read the books, I had seen it on the internet, I thought I was ready. I let myself go. There is nothing to compare. When your tongue touches a wet pussy for the first time. Time stands still. Patty didn’t sit still. I knew she had been here before, her mother’s tongue, her father’s cock. It didn’t matter. This time I was going to make it better. I thought this time……. stop thinking, just do it. I licked…………………… At first Patty just sat there, then, she started to go wild. It took all my power just to hold her still, then I went wild. Fuck, there was no holding me back. I licked, I sucked, I was like a demented man. A drowning man, clutching at a lifeboy. Patty’s pussy was my lifeboat. It was also my lifebl**d, my salvation. We held each other like it was the end of the earth. My tongue delved deeper, searching for the pot of honey I was sure lay hidden, deep within those lips. Patty opened herself further, begging me to search out those secret places, dive deeper. It was now that Patty opened, like a flower in a summer rain. Her legs stretched, she pushed her open pussy harder against my tongue, “Oh Paul, deeper, lick me, tongue my cunt, lick my clit, harder……….., yes, oh suck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. There was a little pride, just a little. I had brought a woman to her climax. It didn’t matter to me that it was a girl I had done it for. My first time and it was good. Patty must have liked it as well, she was leaning back, her legs spread, her head resting against the wall. A smile on her face. Suddenly I felt very close to this little girl……………….. What the FUCK had I done…………… You asshole, how could you. A c***d, she trusted you………………., her mother and father trusted you. The protector…………….. , looking after a c***d………………. going to her shower. I felt the a different guilt trip, I was older, I should have known better. I should have controlled my emotions. Fuck it, I was a Paedophile……………. “OH Patty, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I shouldn’t have done that…………….” “What, Paul that was great, better than daddy, I mean ever………………. mom said you were good person, I don’t think she knows just how good, ohhhhhhhhhhh please don’t tell her, I want you again. Don’t love her more than meeeeeeeeeeeee, pleassssssssssssssse” The puppy dog eyes were back but I had a major problem, I really wanted to fuck Patty. How twisted was that. By the sounds of it, Anna wanted me as well. What to do? “Lets have a fun shower, I’m with you so you don’t have to worry about anything else” Patty went from lost puppy dog to smiling Girl Scout in a flash as I turned on the water. “I get to hold your cock when you pee, but not in the shower” The devil was still riding my shoulder, “Only if I can pee on you” “OHHHH yes, please, mommy likes it when she pee’s on daddy’s cock” The Devil wasn’t just on my shoulder, he was whispering into my ear, “Do you like your daddy’s cock?” I needed to know where this was heading as I washed her body. Patty’s face lit up, “Of course, mommy tells daddy when he can fuck mommy or when he can play with me, he likes to dress up as well. Mommy brought him ‘special’ clothes, his panties have a hole in the middle, he looks kinda funny with his cock poking out” I had just started soaping her breasts when I got that piece of information, without thinking I squeezed. Patty’s reaction told me she was like Anna, then……….. Man I’m out to lunch. Patty’s breasts were just that………., breasts, not over size nipples. When does a girl grow…, develope breasts?. Just how old was she? Ten, going on twenty? She certainly had more experience than me, in fact…….., most teenagers probably had more. It hadn’t worried me then, it still didn’t. I just hadn’t found the right girl…………. I really was out to lunch. Patty had lifted one leg and I was carefully washing, stroking her pussy. What was I thinking, why was I thinking……, I should be concentrating on what I was going. I got busy. I got on my knees and really looked at my little angel, finished the front and told her to turn. She was perfect, well built, I mean well proportioned, no blemish to spoil her beauty, and she glowed. It might have been the light but I wanted to think it was because of the pleasure I had given her. Then she was a little girl again, she giggled as my soapy fingers touched her hiney. I pushed the button to start the water again and rinsed her off. As soon as the water stopped Patty grabbed the soap and started on me, my cock. I don’t think she was worried about the rest of my body being clean, she had her game plan and was sticking to it so I washed the upper half. It was fun, I watched as she carefully pulled my foreskin back and cleaned there, when she thought the front was good to go she scooted around the back. I knew my Mother had bathed me as a baby and then my second mom had carried on, but this was a first for me as an adult. Sharing a shower had gotten my cock to 9 o’clock and was heading toward 11 when Patty finished my back. She squealed as she came back to the front and saw it, grabbed it and kissed the head. Doe eyes, that’s what she had. Big black Doe eyes as she looked up and asked, “Can we do it again? Daddy’s cock takes forever to get hard a second time. Can weeeeeeeeeee, please? Turning her down was possibly the hardest thing I had done in a long time, “Patty, we, I need to rinse off and we need to get back before it gets too dark. Tomorrow, okay, now come on, your parents will get worried!”. I got the lost puppy look, but she smiled. Probably thinking about tomorrow. By the time I had finished drying both of us I knew she was about to get her second wish. I needed to pee. I didn’t tell her when we got dressed or even when we left the shower. It was only when she turned right to leave and I turned left toward the toilets, “I thought you wanted to see…………….” With another squeal she barrelled into me. “I get to hold it, you promised………….., can I?” “Okay, yes you can hold it but we have to hurry, you’re a bit to old to be going into the mens toilet”. This time it was the Girl Scouts smile. Patty sure had the expressions down pat. I hadn’t heard anyone but had I quick look around anyway and ducked in towing Patty behind me. Patty didn’t waste any time, she just lifted the edge of my shorts and grabbed. I didn’t have time to waste and started to spray the wall as Patty laughed and tried to aim the golden stream into the bowl. Just like the shower, this was another first. For me. The way Patty was playing, squeezing and rubbing my cock told me she had done this before. The devil was back whispering in my ear……………. “You do this for daddy……….?” “Yes, mom makes him hold his pee when we are home, then he has to sit on the toilet and one of us holds it, mom likes to stand over daddy and pee on his cock. She can aim better than me. You sure got a lot………., it’s more fun when you are standing, can we do it again? By the tree behind the car, that’s where mom and I usually go” Why not. I still hadn’t meet daddy yet but if Patty learnt all this from her f****y…….., well, if they were an ‘open’ f****y, I had an ‘open’ mind. Shit, thinking back………., WHY am I calling about him a “daddy”, I should be calling him a father…………. No, a man wearing frilly panties was definitely a “daddy”. There were other words to possibly call him but I would wait until we meet. “Come on, lets get you home”. I had completely forgotten about Bears and as we approached the tents I saw Anna emerge from behind the SUV. Sure enough, there was a tree right there. I smiled to myself, ‘I know what you have been doing’ but soon forgot about that as Patty pulled on my arm. “Can I have a good night kiss, pleaseeeeeeeeee?” In front of her mother………….., I looked a question at Anna, she must have heard………. and I got a nod and a smile. I bent down to give Patty a kiss on her forehead. Patty was having none of that, wrapped her arm around my neck and kissed me. A very adult kiss, tongue included. I waited, I wanted Patty to be the one to finish the kiss. I wasn’t ready for the hand that slipped up inside the leg of my shorts. From behind……………….. Anna? “Come on honey, stop annoying Paul, he’ll be here tomorrow. You will be won’t you?” The last was whispered into my ear followed closely by a wet tongue……………. and a squeeze of my cock. It hadn’t really gone down from before. Now, it was going straight toward 11 o’clock. Patty finally released me and I got the Doe eyes again. “You will be won’t you? There’s so much we can do………………..”, she saw where her mothers arm had disappeared, “Mommy, stop annoying Paul, he’ll still be here tomorrow…………” I cracked up, so did Anna. “Okay Miss Smartass, bed and I mean your bed……… and no sl**pwalking……….”. With a final wink and squeeze Anna’s hand departed and they walked hand in hand to their tent. I, on the other hand, walked toward the bushes beside my car. I had some unfinished business to take care off………………… The next morning reminded me of why I had journeyed so far from home. The birds were singing and as I unzipped the flap…….., the view. You could hardly tell the difference in colour between the lake and the sky, both were a rich deep blue. Peace, the peace our forefathers must have know when they first stepped foot in his area. I just lay there soaking it up. The need to releave the pressure was the only motivating factor that could f***e me to leave the tent. I had to go and after the first morning here I had found that just at the edge of my ‘space’ was a dip. Just right for a early morning piss. I don’t know why I completely forgot about my neighbours, I wanted to keep the view, I needed to piss……………., I crawled out of the tent and walked toward my dip………….bare ass naked thinking a silly thought; this is what you call getting back to nature. I didn’t even hold my cock as nature took over. I took a deep breath of that wonderful fresh spring air and turned……………….., and stopped………………. Anna was standing at the opening of their tent…………….., staring. At me?, at the view behind me?…………… I realised I was naked about the same time that I noticed her state of ‘undress’. She had a pair of ‘boy shorts’, small boy shorts, which were heading south. Anna was getting naked as well. It was as if somebody had anchored my feet, I couldn’t move. Anna could, and did…….. straight toward me. My eyes weren’t anchored. I watched her hips sway, I watched her breasts rise and fall in time with her breathing, deep breathing. It may have been twenty feet, give or take, but it seemed forever until she was standing beside me, “Morning, lovely view isn’t it. This is why we come back year after year. Mind if I join you” I remembered a drinking session, about the only heavy drinking I had done and the effect the next morning. Apart from feeling like shit, my tongue felt thick and furry. I couldn’t speak then………, I couldn’t speak now. I just nodded and turned back toward the lake. It was hard. Anna was steel and somebody had fixed magnets to my head. I wanted to look, wanted it so bad………… How could she do it I wondered. Just standing there like two everyday tourists looking at the lake………, naked. I was so confused I missed the first part of her question. Now I felt like Homer Simpson, DUH. “Sorry, I was miles away. What did you say?” “I asked if you would like my help in watering your trees?” DUH big time. It must have shown on my face. I was just about to open my stupid mouth when she pointed down. The wet spot was clearly visable. I tried to think of a witty reply but couldn’t. I did manage to get something out. “Be my guest, it’s pretty dry down there” All she did was move one leg, I thought it was to give her a wider stance. Then I heard it. That same somebody slapped another magnet against my head. Anna didn’t help, not one little bit. “You can look………., if you want to…………….” That last magnet snapped my willpower. I looked. I was amazed. Anna’s hands were on her hips, pushing them out a little bit, her feet were just a bit wider than her hips and the stream of golden urine had a gentle arc. The most amazing part, she was just short of where mine had landed. That same somebody was really fucking with me. It was like I hadn’t just relived my bladder I started again, matched Anna’s stream, “Fun, isn’t it……….., it’s even more fun if they meet in the middle……………..” My minds eye camera clicked another picture as I realized what she really meant. The only way the two streams could ‘meet’ in the middle was if we were both pissing on each other. Now my mind had cleared out the fluff. I was thinking therefore I could speak. I tried, “We should try that sometime, it does sound like fun” Leave it open, don’t push. Wait and see what happens next……………, what happened next blew my mind. Anna and I finished at the same time. Normally I would shake the last drops then zip up. I didn’t have a zip, I didn’t even have my trusty shorts and Anna had dropped her’s by their tent. I don’t know what I was waiting for, I just stood there. Anna on the other hand, she was busy. With one hand she wiped her pussy, with the other………., she wiped the end of my cock. I watched silently as she brought both fingers to her mouth. Slowly, she licked her fingers. Smiling. “Same time tomorrow?, tastes sooooo good first thing in the morning…………..” Just like a store dummy, I stood there watching as she walked back to her tent. I was thinking, change that to a ‘Wooden Indian’, we were in ‘Indian’ country after all, until….. Anna bent at the waist and gathered up her boy short. Talk about getting ‘mooned’. She still wasn’t finished…………. Anna getting dressed in those little shorts was more erotic than the strippers getting undressed. She wriggled her butt one more time, turned and blew me a kiss pointing at my cock before disappearing into the tent. I looked down……………, I was hard………….., again. I was thinking about the bushes, again when I heard Patty’s squeal. The bushes could wait…………, I had to get dressed, and I was hungry. Food hungry. All this fresh air………….. Did Anna just tell Patty what had happened? I had the sausages ready, all I needed was a few minutes for the eggs when I heard the SUV start up. Strange sort of holiday with the father gone all day, oh well…………, OH Shit. Was he going and leaving them or taking them………. I had planned a do nothing day, get my washing sorted. I looked over just as he stepped outside. He waved, I waved, he got in and backed up, he drove away. Where were Anna and Patty, better still…………, what were they planning? There was silence for a moment…………. then the bird’s started, and my stomach growled. Time for the eggs……….. I was still sitting there at the cooking end of my tent but facing the lake, enjoying my second cup of java when I heard a smothered giggle, at least Patty was up. Another giggle and then Patty’s trademark squeal. There is something in the human makeup that just about f***es us to ‘look’, rubbernecking at an accident site, watching reruns of the World Trade disaster, hearing that squeal…………….. and knowing what caused it last night………, I turned…………….., just as Patty pulled the flap. And saw Anna, it wasn’t the best of poses I thought, but then again. She just looked so damn SEXY getting dressed. At least I thought she was. On her back and trying to pull on her panties. Panties that even from here looked to small. She lifted her butt and wriggled but they seemed stuck. Fuck it, I was a paedophile……………….., and a peeping tom……………, you know what. I fucking loved it I had seen mom a couple of times, half dressed in bra and panties, esenyurt escort once even naked and never thought anything of it. It just didn’t cross my mind even thought she is still attactive. I hadn’t even thought much about older women and had placed Anna in that bracket when they arrived. A mother. So much had proved me wrong so far……………, just how old was she. If she had given birth at eighteen and Patty was around ten…………. Shit, Anna would be just two years older than me……………… I hadn’t thought about it much, actually not at all but the father, Dan, looked a little older. Not by much. Hard to tell from a distance. Flash. Another picture, a naked Patty came into view and helped her mother…………., to undress. Well, take off the panties that were stuck. Anna stood, perfectly framed in the opening, another pair of panties appeared from the left. Was Patty helping to get Anna dressed? I didn’t think so. These were to small as well. Down they went and another pair floated into view. I knew they knew I was watching, I did a hundred and eighty on my stool. They were putting on a show and I was going to watch and be comfortable. I even had some coffee left in the mug beside me. Another pair arrived and this time Anna succeessed in getting them over her butt. I didn’t think they would cover much…………. Anna bent and touched her toes. The panties disappeared between her cheeks. Down they came. I wondered what sort of fashion statement she was trying for when I saw a flash of red. The thong was back. I had sort of seen them at collage, the girls that wore low cut jeans, when they bent over you could just see them. At the time I thought it was a bit silly, low cut jeans with high riding thong but it was what they wanted. A bit of a flash for the boys but still safe. I did think they would be uncomfortable, riding between their cheeks. Anna didn’t seem to mind, up it came, a wriggle, God I getting to love that wriggle, the back string disappeared, side strings riding high on her hip and………… Fuck…………., I fell…………… or the stool collapsed. Anna had done a deep knee squat. I lifted my head just as she turned, smiled that wicked smile and bowed. She may have got the bottom ……….. just how she wanted but there was nothing up top. Nothing except those big beautiful breasts topped off with hard nipples………………. I saw as she stood once again. I thought the show was over, wrong. It was Patty’s turn. And now, I was no longer just the judge, looking on. Patty had two of the panties that mom had failed to get into. “Which one?” she called over, “come over and see which one you like” Then Anna walked over, “You can come over, we consider you are part of the f****y now and you do look a little silly like that, or………., you could be my pet doggy. Would you like to see how good a mommy I can be?” I did look silly, on my hands and knees. I was wondering where the doggy thing came from, did I look like a dog? I suppose I did. I was just about to rise when Anna patted me on my head. What she did next really made me think about acting like a dog. She did another full squat, right in front of me, then, gave me a round house blow. A left, then a right. First one tit then the other, right in my face. “If you rolled over mommy could rub your tummy, would you like that?, I might even ‘slip’. You never know what would happen then. Come on boy, such a good doggy, momma’s goin to love you lots. Patty’s already told me you like licking honey” I honestly thought about going over on all fours but when Anna stood she offered a hand, “You’ll have to bring your stool if you want a front row seat………….., a good height for a good view, and your cup. I was just about to make some coffee!” That was an offer I couldn’t turn down but I couldn’t arrive empty handed. I still had half the stash of chocolate cookies mom had made me just four days ago and they were still fresh, “Hang on a minute, just got to grab something”, and ducked into the tent. The cookies were in an airtight container right at the top of my little pantry, right next to my stack of clean clothes. I thought about a clean T shirt………..naw, Anna didn’t have hers on, and backed out. Straight into Anna’s upper thighs. Down she went. I looked back when I heard her yelp……….., straight up her wide spread legs as her butt hit the ground. Her top half was still going down as her legs went up. How could I be so clumsy……….., twice. I didn’t even think of going through the tent in my panic to help her and kept backing out…………….. this was were funny turned hilarious…………. Anna was flat on her back and I had crawled over her prone body. I was just about to turn and stand when…………, she grabbed me. “Ohhhhhhhh, such a f***eful man. So you like a 69 do you. I certainly do but I didn’t think it would happen so fast. Well, what are you waiting for. EAT ME!” This time I didn’t think and I realised Anna was serious when her legs opened further. I went looking for honey. Lots of honey and if it worked for Patty………, I did the same for Anna. I had some private study, vidoes are great teachers, I did know the parts I was supposed to work on and with a bald pussy, the thong had sliped to the side, well, it made it easer when I could see what I was aiming for. Anna’s large clit actually made it easer……….., to leave it alone, for the moment. The movement of her hips however told me just where Anna wanted me – tongue deep in her vigina. Anna’s squeal wasn’t as high pitched as Patty’s but now I knew where she got it from, I also knew where she got her sweet pussy from. Where Patty had been like a sweet fresh wine, lite on the palate, Anna was a full bodied, mature wine. I loved them both and also kept digging for the honey pot. Anna had gone quiet but I knew why. You can’t speak with your mouth full. I’m a bit over average, I’ve never measured my cock but in the gym showers, I guess everybody checks the other guys, so I knew when I felt her nose hit my balls she had a mouth full. I was a little surprised when she came up for air and said one word before filling her mouth again. Well, if Anna said suck, suck I would and did. I nearly choked, she should have told me to swallow. Anna was cumming like a man but I had found the pot of honey, and it was so sweet. And when that stopped, I headed for her clit. As soon as I had it in my mouth and sucked it I knew I was in for a rough ride. At first she shook, then bucked, then twisted. I sort of knew she didn’t want me to stop so I hung on. If she could keep sucking me while moving like that, so could I, and I was stronger. I wrapped my arms under her hips and lifted her closer, I also opened my mouth wider to gather some of her lips as well. In a brief quiet period I took a deep breath. I sucked like never before. HOLY SHIT, this had to be an orgasm. Like most stupid males that thought they were stronger than females I got a shock as Anna locked my head between her thighs. I couldn’t move my head…………, but I could still move my tongue and I did. Anna opened her legs….. then slammed them closed against my ears. I swear I heard bells ring. Another lick of my tongue and the party was over. Anna lifted her hips, lifted me along, quivered………, then collapsed like a ragdoll. I was stumped, fucked over. What an asshole………., somewhere along the ride I had cum. I hadn’t waited………., from all my study, that was the most important part. Give your partner her pleasure first. I wanted to find a hole and crawl in, never to be seen by these lovely ladies again. I felt so bad I didn’t even want to face Anna so I kept kissing and licking her pussy. I was thinking about moving, as far away as possible when Anna’s scream brought me back. I cringed, then the words made sense. Sort off. “No more, oh please God no more…….., you’re killing me. Fuck, get OFF…………” I was stunned. I rolled over. “OH fuck Paul, OH GOD, Shit…………, deep breath. Jesus and all the angels………, fuck, I’ve never cum like that before. What the fuck did you do to me………………..” I was still wondering why I wasn’t being shunned, being laughed at. I had committed the worst possible sin. Cumming early…………… I heard Patty before I saw her. I was just lucky I had rolled to my right. She was right there, front row seat for my shame.”OH WOW” I just didn’t get it. I collapsed on my back and turned my head away and closed my eyes. I was dead meat. Literally, I didn’t think I could stand. I would just crawl back to my tent, hide…………., to die. I rolled away again, getting to my knees. I did want to stand, a little bit of male pride was left. I was going to walk…………… “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING MAN b**st?” The very f***e of Anna’s words made me want to run until……………, what did she say……….. I turned………., she was sitting in a most unlady like way……………. “If you can give me an orgasm straight from heaven with your tongue do you think I’m gonna let your cock go. Get the FUCK back here…………….., NOW” I was her doggy, no, her puppy, a puppy that had made a mess. I took a step….. another…….. I knelt beside Anna, “I’m sorry I came early….., I should have had more control…………….” “WHAT the fuck are you talking about, who put this bullshit in your head. I bet it was a fucked up girl friend…………., ice queen” Now the truth would come out. I was ready, I thought I was ready………….. “Which bitch told you that?, which fucking cow wanted her goodies first? I’ll set her straight. God in heaven sent you to us, fuck that was good and you have already taught Patty. What was wrong with the stupid bitch. Was she a les” The silence dragged…………., “I……, there was nobody………….., I’m a virgin, I …. out of a book” “FUCK, fuck fuck fuck, oh Paul….. I’m so sorry, Double fuck. When Patty told me about last night…………, you were so good to her I thought…………, SHIT, THIS IS SO FUCKED UP………………, a virgin? I sucked a virgin cock…………….Shit, sorry Paul, it’s just so…….. fucked up. Do you know how many women want, lust for what I just had, what you gave me makes this a red letter day. Come on, the coffee will probably be burnt by now. Fuck that was good. Don’t you ever apologize for fucking a woman to death again. We all want it, now help me up. You fucked me so good, my legs are like jelly” Patty was very quiet but tagged along after Anna was standing and followed us into their tent. I remembered her plea, don’t love mommy more than me. I stopped and picked her up. “Don’t worry, you were still my first……………., and my best. Are we even steven’s still” Her answer had me stumped, again. “NO, you have to fuck me first. I want your cock in my pussy. We are both virgins and daddy’s cock is to small. I want your cock to deflower me. Mommy will help, pleaseeeee” Patty, behave yourself or no cock, and I do mean no cock, not your daddy’s or even Paul’s. There is very little privacy in a tent and for the first time I looked inside somebody’s tent. Anna said they come here every year and I could see a good setup. I filed it for myself. It looked like a four person tent with the fourth section full of shelves. Food, clothing and cooking things stacked neatly. I could do mine better with the same shelves. Get organised better. I was going to ask how they slept, no. Private, at the moment, until Anna handed me a cup of joe, “All in one bed”, and pointed. What I had thought was a wall was a mattress. So simple. Pump it up once then just stand it up during the day ready to drop at night. I had another question and this one needed to be asked. “Patty said you had told her I was ‘okay’, how did you know, I mean before anything happened?” Anna smiled her witches smile, “You told me”, she must have seen the question on my face. “A nice car, a new, expensive tent, well laid out, you had cleaned up around the site, yes?, the fire pit was ready for the ranger’s to check, it added up to a good person. That, and the fact you were early. The idiots don’t get here for another month. You were a ‘camper’ not an idiot. You were ‘okay’, okay. Now, you want to fuck me?” My jaw must have been hanging around my navel because Anna laughed, “Takes some getting used to being a stud, having two women wanting your cock in their pussy” Anna leaned even closer, “I have two holes” she whispered in my ear. Two could play that game, “Patty wants my cock first. Is Dan’s cock really that small? By the way, she wants you to help. Wouldn’t you like to see that and know you’re next” all of this whispered in her ear as I pinched her nipple, “then I’m going to suck your pussy again. Expect no mercy when I chew on your big fat juicy clit, I might even stick my tongue in your ass” I realised what we were doing, getting excited using words, playing with each others minds. I moved it up, another level, still working her nipples, caressing her breasts, stroking her lips. “You liked sucking my cock, just think about when it comes out of Patty’s pussy and you suck it. A virgin cock in a virgin pussy, oh, it would taste so sweeeeeet, just like an early morning Piss. You do want to taste my piss don’t you” I did know what I was doing. I was fucking her mind……………. Anna soaked it up. “Fuck you. I’m going to piss on your face for this, then I’m going to fuck your brains clean outta your head. Then this momma’s going to suck you dry. You won’t walk for a week……….., Oh shit….., fuck……………. , your finger, fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, deeper, pull my nipples…….., DAMN YOU PAUL fuck me……………………., harder……………. YESSSSSSSSSSS A small detached part of my brain told me this was only a climax, I could do better. “You are on your back beside your tree and your daughter is pissing in your mouth when I walk up, you beg me to join her, but no, I spread your legs, my pisshard is aimed at your pussy, you really want to taste my piss, my early morning piss, the best piss but I’m going to piss right in your pussy. Patty wants me to, she wants to drink my piss from your cunt, your honey sweet pussy is winking at me as I push my cock in and piss. Can you feel it, the heat, hot piss filling your cunny, you like it so much…………………. Anna’s eyes rolled and I thought I had gone a little overboard. Wrong. “FUCK ME, fuck me, piss in me so my daughter can drink your piss from my cunt, oh Paul, use your finger in my puss, pull my nipples. OH GOD, suck me again, fuck. DAMN YOU, I’m cumming, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK This time Anna had gone past a ragdoll, this time she was a wet dish cloth. If I hadn’t been holding her close she would be sprawled on the floor. Anna was out for the count, I looked around. There she was, sweet Patty, ready to help. I nodded toward the blow up bed but Patty shook her head and pointed outside. I picked Anna up and followed Patty out. I had no idea what she was thinking, I couldn’t even remember if she had been in the tent while we were talking. I did remember most had been sexy whispers. Patty sat down beside my tent and mimed for me to lay her mother beside her. I carefully lay Anna beside her daughter, her head in Patty’s lap. It was such a tender moment as Patty smoothed the hair from her mothers face and kissed her. At Patty’s request I knelt beside them. Anna was sl**ping. The big Doe eyes were back. “Mommy sometimes pee’s after…….. Would you really do that for me, all the thing’s you said to mommy?, she seemed to like it. I’ve never heard her scream like that with daddy. Could you teach me, pleaseeeeeee” I was just about to tell her……….., “Be careful what you wish for honey, you might get it”. Anna smiled up at her daughter her hand moved Patty’s hand to her breast and looked at me.”Come on, don’t be shy………” then looked back to Patty. I carefully put my hand on her other breast. “Honey, how to start…….., we have only just meet Paul and already I have played with his cock, he has sucked and fingered me, I have cum four times and I still haven’t got his cock in me. I think I have aged a year. Remember last night, you came back so excited then just fell asl**p? Good sex can do that to you…………, but not all at once. You’ll die early………, you will die happy though. Lets slow down a little……., and I mean me as well, we could wear Paul out, I’m sure he didn’t come here to get fucked to death” Patty smiled and I felt like that somebody had kicked me in the belly when. Patty turned to me, Doe eyes and all………, “Okay………., as long as you promise to take care of our problems” I didn’t know what she was talking about, my head was still spinning from Anna’s assault with her breasts. I don’t think Anna knew either. It was her that asked and she cracked up at the answer. I was having trouble breathing. It was one thing to fantasise…………., a whole different ball game when you put it into action. “We are both virgins therefore we need to do it together…………, and You have to help! Promise!” I was still having trouble breathing but Anna took it her stride. “Sorry honey, of course I promise. If it’s okay with Paul………., we need to talk about some things first but, of course I will help. Shit, wild horses couldn’t drag me away”, Anna sat up, “Why don’t you go sit on Paul’s lap…, and be a good girl……………., Shit, fuckfuckfuck, why didn’t you cum this time…….., you’re not still thinking that stupid shit are you?” I looked down, my cock looked up……….. “God damn Paul, it was your cum that gave me my orgasm, you didn’t cum early, fuck, do you know the odd’s.. Against two people cumming together? For the first time, double them, with a virgin.., I don’t think anybody could work them out…………, double fuck. We left you out to dry yesterday…………, jesus, and you thought you were terrible cumming first. That’s nothing compared to a cock tease……, I’m so sorry. Patty, kiss Paul’s poor balls, lets make up for yesterday, and be gentle, they’re all swollen with man seed” Patty smiled up at me, the Girl Scout smile, “Do they hurt? Can I kiss them better?”. There was a little detour……., she licked the drop of precum off the end of my cock before gently cupping my balls and kissing them. She was so gentle it tickled. I was lost in a world of pleasure when Anna tapped my shoulder, offering me a fresh cup of coffee. “Have to keep your fluids up…………”. She had also brought my stool. She placed it just so…….., so when she sat…………, her pussy was back in my face. That red thong could have been dental floss……….. “So here’s the deal………, we don’t know you, you don’t know us. We have………., fun, the whole f****y, out in the open and Nobody is f***ed. I know it’s frowned upon by some people, but it works for us. I suppose you could label me as a female dom, not true. Dan…, well he has a high power job and every now and then likes me to order him around. He tells me it stops him being a bastard at work. It must work, his people love him. If he tells me he has some nasty business coming up, I tell him which panties to wear. Me, I do love him, I also ‘love’ my daddy and have done so for a long time. I don’t share other’s hang ups about sex. I just love it, all of it and yes, I want you to piss on me…………..” Coffee break, damn, it was good coffee. Patty had stopped kissing but still had my balls cupped in her hand. Watching us, she knew how important this ‘talk’ was. To her. “Patty, she’s coming on to twelve and yes, you heard right, she’s still a virgin. We’re avrupa yakası escort not complete assholes, we also talked about her losing her virginity this year. I don’t know how you feel about u******e girls but Patty’s ready, I think you found that out last night. We don’t ‘swap’ and we don’t ‘swing’. We have one other and an occasional other…, fuck, I’ve gone this far………….., my father sometimes joins us………….., and his s****r. Dan likes sucking cock as much as our pussy” I could see there was a question mark there. More coffee………. My turn. “I’m a 26 year old orphan, a virgin and have just finished my masters in I.T., that’s it, short and sweet. I’m taking a ‘time out’ before getting a job” “Shit…………………, sorry, I’m being nosey, the car, the tent…….. 26 and you don’t have a job?, a virgin who can make me cum like that…………., fuck” “My parents died when I was two, I was made a ward of the state but got lucky with my foster parents, great folk, the tent, well, 24 years of good investments by good people. Let’s just say I’ve been lucky” I looked down at Patty, yes, I would definitely say she’s ready. I may hate myself tomorrow but I would love her tonight. “Patty, I would be honoured to be your first…………., if your father agrees………..” “Aunty Jan said I was ready and after I could share John” I looked a question at Anna. “Aunty Jan is dad’s youngest s****r, she’s also Dan’s PA. Jan never married……….., well she ‘married’ John. He get’s all the pleasure a ‘husband’ should and only has to look after her, John’s a German Sheppard. Jan really likes sucking cock and John really likes getting sucked…….. I know. She also likes sucking dad and Dan………., Dan at least once a day” “Okay, if your father agrees………. I hadn’t even finished before she embraced me and I got another of her special kisses then felt something very special. Anna wrapped us both in a hug…………….. the thing that made it very special, both Patty and I had a breast pressed against our face. It didn’t take long before we were swapping kissing each other and Anna’s nipples. Anna must have liked it as well, moaning deep in her chest. Anna had trapped one of my arms with her hug, I didn’t mind, it was in just the right position. I twisted my wrist and ‘bingo’, my finger slipped past her thong and entered her opening. The moan grew louder. I hadn’t finished. A bit more of a twist, my thumb touched her clit. The moan changed again. One more to go. I opened my hand and stretched out with my little finger. Bases loaded. A clit, a pussy and an asshole. Anna had whispered that she had two holes. “Fuck you Paul, yesssss, nooooooo, it hurtsssss so good……….., Ohhh yes Patty, bite me, bite mommy’s nipple” I had also gone from kissing Patty to sucking a nipple………….., now I bit it. It was like an action replay…………., down we went. My stool must have collapsed, again. The only difference was our body placement. This time Anna was on the bottom. Neither Patty nor myself had far to fall. We didn’t let go. And now I could really work my hand. It was either my thumb moving or my finger, never both at the same time. For a novice I thought I was doing pretty good, it got better. My little finger had been pressing the other hole against pressure………, suddenly the pressure was gone…………., it slipped in. I was multi tasking, my thumb and little finger trying to touch or my middle finger curling. Patty was busy as well. I had wondered why Anna wasn’t swinging about like last time. Now I knew. Patty had turned herself around and was sitting on her mothers face. Not only that surprised me, she had folded in half, her face was alternating between breasts, kissing and sucking. I watched as she bared her teeth and bit a nipple. I felt the reaction on my little finger. Anna squeezed her hiney. I watched as Patty started rocking on her mothers face faster, close, I felt the pressure on my finger, closer, curl my finger…………, then I pressed hard on Anna’s clit…………. That did it. Anna lifted her hips into my hand, I was sort of ready. What I wasn’t ready for was Patty. She sat straight up and let rip with one of her squeals. A loud one. It was a pure unthinking reaction. I clenched my hand…………..Shit……………… Anna tried to sit up with Patty still riding her face. She lifted Patty clear off the ground. I relaxed but heard a muffled NOOOOO, I clenched again, Anna hadn’t finished. I had a free hand……….. there was a nipple. I pinched it. This time Anna’s whole body arched, from her heels to her head, her body was in the air. I froze…………… For a long time, it seemed a long time, nobody moved, then Anna slowly relaxed. I think Patty relaxed a bit to much, she began to topple sideways, luckily toward me. I caught her with my free hand. The other was still locked between Anna’s thighs. I lifted Patty and Anna helped move her leg over, she smiled at me and sort of collapsed. She slid down my body and ended up with her head on Anna’s stomach. I think she was already asl**p. Anna lifted her head, smiled and asked me to wake her next week…………… As for me, I was hard, not throbbing hard and need relief, a new hard. Pleasant hard, happy. Two beautiful women lying beside me………, very happy, and the view………..THE VIEW. About twenty feet away a ranger stood watching…………., FUCK, I was busted……….. my happy hard cock shrivelled as I waited for the handcuffs. It was only then that I realised two things, the ranger had a finger against her lips…………., it was a her. She smiled and took of her cap, shaking her long blonde hair. I recognised her, Trudy, Trudy with the smile as she explained how things worked. Trudy that had said she would check the site later. I watched as Trudy waved, turned and walked away. I let out the breath I had been holding. Saved but we would have to be more careful next time, I knew there would be a ‘next’ time. I also knew I owed Trudy, I wondered if they sold flowers at the store, maybe candy. Patty was starting to move and I knew we either had to get some clothes on or get inside. I gently poked Anna. I had to smile, “Where’s my coffee?……….” Anna’s coffee was better than mine so I lifted Patty, she was asl**p and followed Anna. She stopped me at the door then went inside. I heard a whosh, the floor had become a bed. By the time I had figured out how to duck and not drop Patty, Anna was lying to one side with a throw rug. “In the middle, would you mind lying with us for a bit, I’m exhausted, no, fucked………… I’ll make the coffee in a minute. I lay Patty down and Anna threw the rug over her. I lay between them and Anna d****d her body over me. It was so pleasant I closed my eyes………………… I was a happy married man, a beautiful wife and daughter, so loving, a successful business, what more could I ask for…………, that’s what, my wife sucking my cock, or was it my daug……..Shit. I sat up. I’m not even working, I don’t have a ………, a dream. Yes and no, I did see two heads bobbing over my cock, I could feel that warm wetness that meant somebody had my cock in her mouth, which………. “Hi sl**py head, thirsty?” I was still sl**py and just nodded. A mumble, then a squeal………….., what…….. One blonde head moved, Patty, a still naked Patty headed my way on all fours. “Mommy said I had to ask but you want to……., don’t you, it’ll be so neat in the tent, Please” It was another DUH moment so I just nodded. Suddenly I knew what I had said yes to. Patty straddled my head. From sound asl**p and dreaming to having my nose in a pussy in under a minute, some sort of record. One I liked. I liked the work as well. I had just got into the rhythm when it struck me. Thirsty? Suddenly I had to change from licking to drinking. Patty’s squeal confirmed it. She was cumming. I was trying for ‘expert’ with just two day’s experience, a climax. I sucked her clit, hard, then ran my tongue back, all the way to her rosebud. I felt Patty’s legs quiver…………….., again. Yesssss. “Mommyyyyyyyyyyyy, Paul’s licking myyyyyyyyyy, more, more ohhhhhhhh” Silence……………, nobody moved………….., my cock was still in Anna’s mouth…………… Then, like a falling tree Patty slumped sideways. Out like a light. Anna’s fingers tightened on my balls………….. I came………….. Boy did I cum and Anna kept on sucking……. and sucking. She had threatened to suck me dry and now she was trying……………, even after there was nothing left. I was a bit worried she was going to keep it up until the next time I was ready but with a final plop she released me and crawled up my body. Neither of us were worried about Patty, we could hear her breathing. She was just asl**p. Again. Anna tucked her head under my chin, wriggled until her whole body lay over mine and sighed. “Could I adopt you, take you home.., I could tell Dan you were my new Doggy…………. There has only been Dan and Dad before you that could take me so high, don’t say anything to Dan, I do love him and he’s a good father, but, oh fuck…….., I could love you, I could live with you forever if you fucked me like that every day. What sort of Devil are you, did He give you that cock, that tongue and your cream, to die for. The first time your cock was in my throat, I didn’t get to taste it. Patty said it was better than Dan’s, that was an understatement. Mmmm, so tasty” I was lying there, in a stranger’s tent, with a beautiful, naked, sexy stranger on top of me, stroking her hair with one hand and her body with the other while she asked to adopt me. When had I died and gone to heaven………………, and how the fuck was I going to cope with the real world when I had to leave. Shit……., and I was going to lose my virginity to a twelve year old, with a twelve year old. Serious shit. I thought I should lighten the mood. “First, it’s me that should be asking if you would be my new mommy, such a good loving mommy, you’ve given me so much love already and you can’t adopt me, I’m to old. As for me being your doggy, that wouldn’t work either. You wouldn’t want me, I pee everywhere, I might even pee on you. No, the only good would be me humping you doggy style, even then…….., I might get the wrong hole” “You asshole, you’re getting me worked up again. If it wasn’t for my promise to Patty……., I’d take you outside and make you do everything you just suggested………., in fact, get up. I need to pee…………., on you” “Haven’t you got that around the wrong way………….., you’re on top” “No, if I get up and see you lying there with That cock, I’ll forget my promise and just stuff it up my pussy. It’s dripping just thinking about it. Throw me off and get up before I change my mind and break my daughter’s heart” It wasn’t easy but by the time Anna finished rolling she was up against the far wall and I was standing. Just to rub a bit more salt in…………., I waved my cock left and right and told her to come and get it. Then I backed out, fast. Anna was fast on her feet. I headed for the Tree. A smack on my ass told me Anna was right behind me. I turned and caught her in arms and kissed her. At first she hesitated then pulled me close. It was a long kiss and when we broke lip contact, we both said the same words, at the same time, “Thank you”, and laughed. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to…………” “Again, you’ve got it back to front, you have to if I want to, now, how do you do it?’ “Normally Dan leans his shoulders against the tree and I stand over him but you’re to tall. What if you squat?” I backed up to the tree and did a squat then let my body lean against the tree. Anna was there in a flash, she was all ready leaking. She opened her legs and the leak became a stream. And she could aim. It hit my cock dead on. What an incredible turn on, seeing and feeling her piss. As her stream started to die she started to lower herself. It was then that the need hit me. And as she stopped I started. Bugger, I had to aim, I was pissing uphill. Anna had stopped at about a half squat, a couple of inches above my cock so it wasn’t hard to hit the right spot. I knew it was the right spot. She squealed and closed her eyes as my pee kept flowing. I was still going strong when she lowered again. I thought I knew what she wanted and rose to meet her. I couldn’t see where I was hitting her so I waved my cock around. I………….., jesus h christ…….., her clit was in my pisshole, pee was going everywhere but I was slowing. Then it was over. Anna was smiling, her hands resting on my shoulders, her clit resting on my cock. I was still holding it. Just for fun I moved it……….. “Don’t you fucking dare…………., you have no fucking idea how hard I’m struggling not to sink that beautiful cock right up my pussy till I can taste it. OH SHIT Paul, why do you have to be so good at all my games. Fuck, after Patty I’m going to **** you so bad” I put my hands on her hips and lifted her before I couldn’t control myself and broke Patty’s heart. But I hadn’t finished fucking up Anna’s mind. “No, after I’m finished making love to your daughter I will allow you to suck my virgin cum from her virgin pussy…………………, then you can **** a stud” I stood and took her in my arms again and we kissed. The sight and feel of Anna pissing on me had brought another picture to mind, Anna licking her finger after wiping my cock this morning. I pulled from the kiss but held her tight and whispered in her ear……….. “Then I want to drink your piss……………”. That got me a fist in the chest. “You’re evil…….., bad doggy, how do you know just which buttons to push Paul, if you’re a virgin how come you know so much, Oh fuck, I want to jump your bones so fucking much. Get in the tent and fuck my daughter or……., GO HOME……….” “Play nice Anna or …………., I’ll let Dan suck my cock first, then you’ll have to wait………….” The last was said as I was running to my car………… Anna was looking around for something to throw and I didn’t think the tent was safe, I had got to the spot where I had seen the ranger and stopped…….. when went………… down. Anna had tackled me. We laughed and rolled and I remembered my maths from earlier. We were about the same age. Not to old to have fun then a blue streak and Anna disappeared under her daughter………….., in clothes?!!!!!!!! and more squeals Patty was tickling her mother. What the fuck………., I joined them only I was tickling Patty. More squeals, more laughter. We rolled around and just had FUN until………. Anna found out I wasn’t ticklish, that’s when she went for my cock. That’s when I rolled away and called time out. “One minute and the clock’s ticking, anyway, why did you stop?, you would have made it to the car before me?” “I had to tell you something. Before, when we made love out here, I saw a ranger. She was watching us………., I had to tell you…………” “Trudy, Trudy was here already, oh fuck, what did you do to scare her off……….” “What the fuck, what could I do. You had my hand trapped in your pussy and Patty was lying on my legs, what do you mean I scared her. She scacred the shit out of me, I thought I was going to get arrested” “Sorry Paul, she’s a…, I don’t think there a label for Trudy, I’ll tell you what I know and you can make up your own mind but to me she’s a dream. She works her hiney off to help camper’s, anyway, she signed one of those silly ‘no sex before marriage’ oath’s but, fuck she’s a sexy bitch. Her thing is watching, I mean up close in your face watching. Close enough to smell my sex” “Trudy likes me to sit in her lap when I suck daddy, she’s fun……….., why didn’t she come over Paul?” “Patty, I sorry but I don’t know, I was scared. She put her finger over her lips and waved’ “Shit, did she take her cap off, shake her hair?” “Yes, she…………” “Trudy’s coming back!”, Patty gave a trademark squeal. I must have had a stupid look on my face, Anna smiled. “It’s her signal, it means she has us on her list for a visit, it’s all above board. She told me once she has to check all site’s, you have to have your ticket on display, you have to have a clean site before you can light your fire pit, it’s all part of her job but she decides when she come’s and if you are a ‘regular’, she lets you know. If she knows there may be extra’s she waves then comes back later when she’s off duty. Everybody wins” “Ummm Anna, we’re naked in a National Park, she couldn’t overlook that could she?” “If I tied your hands behind your back you could ask if she had panties on, she is a fun girl. I like her………., a lot, Shit, she would move heaven and hell to be here to watch Two virgins. Patty BEHAVE, I’m going down to see If I can find her” I watched Anna’s rear end as she disappeared into their tent, I blinked, she was back, dressed. Okay a pair of shorts and a T shirt. How did she do that, shit. “Patty, tell your mom to wait, I’ll drive” and dived into my tent, grabbed my shorts and a T and out the other end. I couldn’t get dressed inside that didn’t involve a lot of rolling around, it was easer out side. By the time I was dressed Anna and Patty were back. Fuck, back through the tent, keys. After this morning I was never going to back out again. Fuck, my car was a Nissan 350 z, a two seater, mom and daughter on one was going to be interesting. Anna’s eyes opened as I took the time to open her door and flip the ‘t’ top. No sore heads. By the time I slid into the driver’s seat Anna and Patty had sorted themselves out. I didn’t think the State Trooper would agree but it did look good to me. Patty was sitting side ways on her mothers lap. One leg straight down, the other bent and resting on the tunnel, pussy to go. I started the engine. “Where to” “Around the loop then down to the next street…………….” It took three street’s to find Trudy, actually it was Patty that spotted her, she was standing with her top resting on the T bar. “Just drive past, Patty will wave, what’s our signal for ‘okay’ and then I think we need a shower. My new doggy needs more training, he made a mess!” Patty had waved and dropped down onto Anna’s lap and I got another squeal. “Me to, pleaseeeee, I know how to wash Paul’s cock, I know he likes it. It got so big……..” Anna laughed and tickled Patty’s breasts, “I don’t think we need to do anything to make it get big. Can I trust you through?” “I’ll be good mommy, I promise………, pleaseeeee” “Okay but, I get to check his cock, before and after. I need to know if he’s been naughty” “But if I suck his cock clean…………” “I’ll still know, he gets a silly grin after he cums. Don’t you Paul?” “Who me?, what did I do wrong, Why you pickin on Me?” “Don’t go ‘little boy’ on me, I know what nasty dirty old men are like. Sex on their mind all the time, and a sexy young girl licking your big hard cock. I know!!!!!!!!!” “Up until yesterday I didn’t have any sex on my mind, apart from masturbating. I never had a sexy young girl licking my cock and I can’t be a dirty old man, I’m only 26 and I’m going to the shower right now. So there. By the way, my turn to be nosey. Yesterday you said Dan was at the shop, does he work here as well?” “No, ‘shop’ is just what we call it. It’s a department store in town, a branch of the main. Bobby, the manager broke his leg sking. Dan’s just helping. Bobby should be back on Monday. This is why I, we all love him, always ready to step and help. He even drove a truck for a week while the driver’s wife had a baby. Now, turn right and go around the loop, I want to see if anybody’s here, they share our showers” There was nobody there and no one had filled a space in our loop. Off to the showers. I thought that Anna was going to make that shower. All together in one. I even knew which one. The big one at the end, it had wheelchair access. Did we shower together?, did I make love to Patty with Trudy watching, helping?, did I let D

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