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Stripping OffI’ve made the point, many times, in my stories, that women are exhibitionists. I’ve often cited, as evidence, the clothes we wear. Frilly knickers and push-up bras, to name just two. I started displaying my exhibitionist side when I was quite young, as readers of my story “Growing Up” will already know. I suggest you read that now, if you haven’t already done so.Hopefully, you’ve just taken time out to read it, so I’ll continue. I enacted that scenario loads of times as a teenager, each occasion finishing with a frenzied fingering session. I always made sure that my strip was done in such a manner that, hopefully, he never suspected I was getting off on doing it. I know, from my perspective, that, had he been aware it was a deliberate act, it would have taken the edge off for me.So, I’ve always enjoyed taking my clothes off. When I’m going to have sex with someone, I enjoy the act of stripping off in front of the person. I’ve always chosen my clothing, particularly my underwear, very carefully. Having said that, even in the case of an impromptu session, I’m usually clad in nice undies. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills well and have never failed to, shall I say, stimulate my audience. Yes, there’s always occasions when the person I’m about to fuck jumps in to assist, but, as, at that point, I’m usually in an excited state, I just let them get on with it. I suppose that’s why I do enjoy the occasional strip in front of a window for an unsuspecting stranger. On these occasions, there’s no chance they’ll try to assist undressing me.There have been quite a few instances. Let me tell you about one. I was away, on business, and booked into some posh country house hotel. I mention that, because, occasionally, I do like an el cheapo Premier Inn, or similar. Such thin walls………….If I’m lucky I get to listen to somebody getting their brains fucked out. Anyway, back to my tale. This was a small hotel, only 10 bedrooms, I think, but a locally renowned restaurant and a bar open to the general public. I’d got a ground floor room, with an amazing view of some Scottish mountain or other. French windows opened onto my own patio seating area. I wasn’t overlooked at all. That evening, after a few meetings, I arrived back at the hotel and, as per my usual, showered and, sitting on the bed, ‘phoned room service and ordered a large G&T. So, there I was, sat in my room, at my table, in my short, silky robe, drinking my G&T and making some ‘phone calls. It was about 6pm, and being July, the room was full of light. Then I saw him. There was a public footpath coming out of the copse, about 50 yards away. He walked along it with his dog on a lead. I was sitting side on to the open French windows. As is my style, I made sure he hadn’t noticed I’d seen him. He had a full view of my side, the silky robe only covering my leg down to mid-thigh level. He stopped, making it look like his dog had requested a pee break or something. God, this was such an unexpected event for both of us. Even though I was still on the ‘phone I was mentally making plans to get naked………..old habits die hard. I was desperate to end the call and, with the likelihood that may not happen soon, I stood up and, with my ‘phone still pressed to my ear, I leant over the table pretending to reach for some papers. Perfect, the robe slid further upwards, baring a couple of inches of bum. The caller finally said goodbye. I looked out of the corner of my eye. Shit. Somebody else was coming down the path and my target audience, so as not to get caught, left with his dog in tow. Christ, look at the time. I’d booked a table in the bar for 7. Woe is me, I’d been given an unexpected chance to strip bodrum escort in front of a stranger and suddenly that chance had been taken away. Wait a minute, where were man and dog heading. The hotel. Where else, there’s nothing else round here! This could be so much fun.Being a sly cow, I selected a dress, much lower cut than originally planned. After 20 minutes, I looked in the mirror. Perfect, I muttered to myself. And so I went downstairs to make my entrance.Sure enough, there he was. He recognised me and, as I stood at the bar, near to him, he gave a polite nod and said good evening. Now I’m not a dog fan, but I knelt down and patted it. Two-fold gesture really, made him think I liked dogs and, more importantly, give him a nice view of my cleavage.Anyway, the evening had started so well. When the waiter announced my table was ready, I bid my new friend a cheery, see you later and sat down to eat. I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye. I kept his attention quite easily. Shifting my body occasionally, I made sure my dress moved a little further up my thighs. Cheekily, I dropped my fork and gave him a right ‘ol view down my cleavage. After dining, I rejoined him at the bar. A couple more drinks and, feigning being a little tipsy, I said goodnight. He said he was going too. The barman said, a bit early for you, isn’t it? He muttered, needs must, and got down from his stool. I thought then, bet I know where you’re going…………….And so it came to pass. I unlocked my room and, stepping inside, turned the lights on and threw the keys on the bed. I grabbed my make-up mirror and, after checking my face, placed the mirror on the table, angled to give me a view towards the path. Sure enough, there he was. I couldn’t see him clearly, just the white patches of his dog. Slow down, girl, I said to myself. I moved about the room, picking things up and moving things around, a little. I walked towards the table for a quick mirror check. Yes, he was there. Now this is where the experienced undresser scores heavily. It’s all about keeping it real and ever so natural, not putting “The Stripper” record on and dancing away. I reached towards my ear and started to fiddle with the clasp of an earring. I stopped, looked towards the window and stopped. I leant across the table and flicked on a table lamp. I did the same with a stand lamp near the door.I then walked purposefully towards the room door and flicked off the main light. Walking back to the centre of the room, I returned to the earring. Still stood in the centre of the room, I started work on the other one. I moved to a position where I could check the mirror. Yes, of course he was still there. Right, move around a bit. Let him start to wonder if he’s going to see something, or not. Put that mixture of hope and doubt in his mind. Move around a bit more. There you go, that’s long enough. I reached behind me and grabbed the zipper of my dress. My heart was pounding so loud I wouldn’t have been surprised if he could hear it. With my back to the windows, I pulled the zip down. I glanced at the table and, moving towards it, I picked up some papers, letting the dress fall off my shoulders. I stood up, looking at the papers, my dress around my waist. Lovely black, low-cut lacey bra on view. Keep it slow, I reminded myself. With the papers in one hand, I kicked off my shoes and let the dress fall to the floor. Very sexy matching black knickers. Fitted me perfectly. Almost up to my waist, nice embroidery on the front and ever so sheer at the back. With my back to the windows, I leant over the desk to reach for the ‘phone. There you go, look at that arse, dogman. Bet you’d like to doggy me, escort bodrum wouldn’t you ? I picked up the ‘phone and rang my friend Diane. Securing the ‘phone between my chin and my shoulders, I made some small talk with her. Still talking, I replaced the papers on the table, and holding the ‘phone in my right hand, my left hand stroking my stomach, gradually working my way down, letting my fingers disappear down the waistband of my knickers. Giggling, I continued the small talk as I gently brushed my fingers against my pubes. I was talking softly, but loud enough for dogman to hear. He was now off the path and by some bushes at the edge of my seating area, only about 20 feet from my open windows. “Hold on a minute”, I said, as I put the ‘phone on the table and unhooked my bra. With the shoulder straps still in place, I picked the ‘phone up again. “God, I could do with some sex”, I giggled. Now, this was not unusual for us to have a flirty conversation, when one or the other was away. “”You’re going to have to sort yourself out, aren’t you”, was her unhelpful reply. “I came prepared”, I replied in a slightly raised voice, and reached in my case, taking out a couple of toys and, waving them in the air said, “I’ve got my friends with me. I’ll have to go now, I’m horny as hell”, and, leaning forward, let my bra fall, now only secured by one shoulder strap anchored around my forearm. Switching hands to hold the ‘phone, I let the bra fall to the floor. “Call you later”, I finished the call and, placing the ‘phone back in its cradle, I walked to the full length mirror, and, smiling broadly, stood there, playing with my nipples. Placing each hand inside the waistband of my knickers, I pushed them down my legs. Picking them up, I smelt my scent and tossed them to the floor.Another glance in my make-up mirror and, yes, there he was. He was now peering from behind a bush at the edge of my outside table area. Oh my, oh my. He had his cock in his hand. I remember thinking, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, dogman.I was dripping wet. I lay on my back, on the bed, one hand squeezing a tit, the other between my legs. One finger, then two. Christ, I was already going to cum. A minor squirt, then another. I reached to the bedside table and picked up both vibrators. Leaving one on the bed, by my side, I switched the other one on. That gentle humming started, getting louder as I turned the dial. Knees apart and up in the air, I held its length against my pussy. Pressing it against me, its tone changing as I applied more pressure, then released it. I was, by now, literally trembling. I would have been anyway, but the knowledge that somebody was watching this, heightened the pleasure even more. And then, I couldn’t wait any longer, I slid it in. Just a couple of inches, at first. My heels tight against my bum, I started to raise, then lower, by bum. Slowly, at first, then a bit quicker, as I pushed my rubbery friend further in, then out. After a minute or two, I was absolutely drenched, pushing the vibrator fully in, then fully out. Bear in mind, this thing is about 10” long, so you can guess how wet I was to get the full length inside me. A moment or two later, I took it out, and switched the dial to MAX. Pushing the entire length back inside me, I let go of it, and gripped my thighs and knees together, anchoring the divine piece of engineering in place. Pressing my feet into the bed, I raised, the lowered my body rhythmically, clenching and unclenching my bum while I did it. My hands worked my tits, alternating from pulling my nipples to flicking them hard, then holding my tits and squeezing them, then grabbing them and pulling them so hard towards the bodrum escort bayan ceiling, until they hurt. And still I rocked away, the vibrations sending my cunt into overdrive.Rolling onto my stomach, I lay on top of the bed. I had no need to touch the vibrator. I’d never had this thing on Max before. And, my God, it was quite capable of doing the job on its own. It’s circular motions driving it inwards while my cunt muscles worked hard to push it out. With my face buried in the duvet, I reached behind, squeezing my buttocks, one of my fingers finding my bum hole. God, I had to raise my head to breathe. I was gasping. Clenching and unclenching my buttocks, the heat rising in my cunt. I put one hand underneath me, pressing my groin inwards towards this 10” piece of techno magic, while I pushed the middle finger of my other hand deep into my bum. Constantly writhing about, I finished with my head hanging over the foot end of the bed. As the battery powered pleasure machine drove my insides wild, and, with my head now touching the floor, I gripped the edge of the duvet with both hands, as I writhed about on that king-sized sex stage. Still gripping the edge of the duvet, knuckles as white as if I was on a roller-coaster, I flung my head backwards, letting out grunts and gasps, as I squirted for England. It was about this point, I reminded myself that I had an audience. I knelt up and reached for the end of my 10” of throbbing man-made pleasure. Leaving the tip inside, I started to push it in and out. Oh fuck, this was glorious. With one hand pushing it faster and faster, I arched my back, my face looking towards the ceiling, my mouth wide open, desperate for more oxygen. Then that moment of sheer ecstacy when every nerve end exploded and I fell forward, one hand now supporting my body as the other continued to ram my pussy with the vibrator. Grunting like a wild a****l, I sprayed juice all over the duvet, eventually collapsing in a heap, still moaning as the monster pleasure maker, now untouched by human hand, continued to buzz inside me, its vibrations sending sweet sensations coursing through my body.. I rolled onto my back and pulled it out, licking and kissing my new best friend before laying it on the bed. I just lay there, my mouth emitting faint gasps, as the tingling, inside me, faded.I stood up, slightly unsteadily and walked towards the full-length mirror. My word, what a sight. My hair a dishevelled mess. I swept the hair off my face so I could get an unimpeded view of my body. I smiled as I looked at my body, top to bottom. My tits bathed in sweat, nipples still hard. My stomach, equally damp with sweat. I touched my expertly manicured runway, feeling the moisture in that hairy paradise. My pussy still dribbling slightly, adding more wetness to my thighs, already glistening with the juices I’d sprayed down them. I put all four fingers inside my now gaping cunt and, jiggling them about, I formed a cup with the palm of my hand, collecting some juice as it splashed into that readymade cup. Raising it up to my mouth, I drank it, before licking the remnants off my palm, letting out a slightly muted aaah sound as I absorbed the taste of that sweetest of nectars. Walking to the windows, I looked up to the sky, just giving myself a quick peek at him through the corner of my eye. Knowing that I was in a lit room, he clearly felt safebeing in the dark, still partially hidden behind the bush. He’d still got his cock out and I was in two minds whether to invite him in. Bit slutty I thought, besides I’d probably had enough pleasure for one night. I’ll fuck you tomorrow, I thought, as I raised my arms and, with one movement, closed the curtains. Show’s over. Strangely, I looked at the clock on the wall. I couldn’t believe it was only 20 minutes since I’d stepped out of my knickers. Well, I’ve gone on a bit, haven’t I. I’ll tell you about the next night, shall I ? Maybe later……………………

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