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Tanya was smiling broadly when Lara stopped kissing me.

“There, see girls, good girls get their reward.”

Lara looked a little sheepish, and I looked daggers at Tanya.

“Is this what you meant by my ‘helping’ you?”

“Oh come on,” she protested, “it’s a bit of fun. Lara wanted to dress up like that – all I told her was to dress like she thought I’d like. What do you think? Oh, and by the way, I did text Lara an apology.”

“She did Miss.”

That, I supposed was one good thing.

“Lara, get us another drink, and we’ll talk.”

To watch the sophisticated Lara saunter over to the bar dressed like a chav was undeniably arousing, even triggering. Could Tanya really know that?”

“Good legs, don’t you think, Pixie? And that arse!”

Feeling rather as I imagine a mongoose does with a snake, I nodded, trying to keep some sort of self-control.

Lara came back and we settled down to the “talk” Tanya had wanted.

“Lara, first let me say as well as text, I was wrong last night. Pixie has explained to me why, and I want to learn. I do actually want to be with you Lara, and I want to learn what it is you like. I know you want to be my subby, and I am fine with it, but Pixie’s point hit home – I don’t know HOW to give you what you want, while getting what I want.”

I was impressed. Whatever I had been wrong about, it was not Tanya’s potential or emotional intelligence. I could see Lara beginning to look at her like a moonstruck calf.

“Thank you, Miss Tanya.” Lara looked at me, gratefully, “and I do want to be the best slut for you Miss.”

“What I’d like,” Tanya ploughed on, “would be for you both to come to stay with me this coming weekend. I want to learn, with Pixie’s help, what it is you need, oh, and don’t worry, Lara, I won’t be fucking Pixie.”

“That you won’t!” I said, rather more emphatically than I had meant to.

Tanya grinned.

“All I ask is that you, Pixie, turn up dressed in the sort of clothes Tanya and I will be wearing, and go along with things. That okay, or too much of a challenge?”

Damn her! She knew I would not back out in Lara’s presence.

“No, it is okay. Now look, I am going to let you two have your Saturday night, and leave you in peace.”

“Okay,” Tanya grinned, “Lara, kiss her goodbye.”

As I stood up, Lara pulled me to her and tongued me.

I remember that all the way back to my room. What the devil had I agreed to – and why had I done so?

The answer nagged at me during the final week of the School.

On the surface all went splendidly, and I received high scores from the students, indeed, Ms Powers reported that “even Tanya” had praised me to the skies.

“You have real talent here, Pixie. Do consider teaching as a career – and I’d love to book you to lead next year’s school.”

That was all music to my ears. The School paid well, and would be a help as I got on with my PhD; and it would do my career prospects no harm.

“I hope you will take a break, Pixie, you have worked so hard, and the term to come will be tough.”

“I am going away for a long weekend,” I told her, “that should help!”

So, there I was, suddenly, back in my flat – and facing what was to come.

I got a text from Lara.

“C u soon, Miss!”

It was early afternoon. I had said I would be at Tanya’s by six, so I needed to get a move on.

I had dug out the clothes I had bought during my time with Tay. So, taking a deep breath, I did what needed to be done, conscious of my own triggers and knowing I would be activating them.

First came removing my usual, professional clothing. Clothes are one of the obvious markers of status and class. My usual, sensible skirts, blouses and jumpers all marked me out as a “professional” woman of a certain class, and though few got to see my rather expensive underwear, I wore it for myself, to make me feel good. So, all that had to go.

I knew from my experience with Tay that it was only by ridding myself of every vestige of my usual identity that I could get to the place that Tanya wanted. Or was it the place I wanted? Was there a difference?

I pulled on the white cotton knickers, which I’d managed to get from the teen section of a chain store. Obviously, I didn’t need a bra, but I did not want to end up with pokies, so put on a rather cheap looking cotton under-vest with a small lace border round the neck and istanbul travesti arm holes. I added a short tight grey skirt that ended mid-thigh. A thin tee-shirt with a logo on the front completed my ensemble. I put on a pair of white ankle socks and dirty pink trainers, and tied my long dark auburn hair into two pigtails – a style I had not had since I was younger.

I applied some blusher, crimson lipstick, and some blue eyeshadow, and looked at myself in the mirror. In my usual outfits I looked every inch the sophisticated academic woman. What looked back at me was Tay’s Pixie.

I packed a cheap hold-all, and shoulder bag, and set off, remembering to take my ID card, sure that I would need it at some point.

Catching the train was an interesting experience.

Usually I attracted zero attention. Yes, I was petite, and got the occasional double take, but dressed like I was, I could see furtive looks from men. I put my “ears” in and listened to music on my phone.

I hated the Tube, and usually caught taxis when I was in London, but there was no choice – the Tube it was. Again, I was conscious of men looking at me. Maybe this was not such a good idea? I should have put leggings on, but was sure that would not have been what Tanya wanted. And there it was again. I wanted to please Tanya.

From King’s Cross, I walked to the address Tanya had given me. It was not a part of town I knew, and the houses were divided into flats and the whole area had a run-down feel to it. I was glad it was still broad daylight.

I texted when I got to the station, so by the time I knocked on the door, Tanya was ready for me.

“Fuck! Is that you Miss? Really?”

I blushed.

“Well, give us a twirl?”

I did.

“Nice, I like. I knew you’d be a good sport. Lara isn’t here yet, but come in, have a drink.”

“You look pretty good yourself,” I told her. The dark denim baby phat mini skirt looked good on her, and the crop top showed off her deep cleavage.

“If you got it, flaunt it!”

“Well you’re certainly doing that.”

“But seriously, Pixie, thanks, I appreciate it – what you’re doing. I’m not as fucking stupid as I like to appear sometimes. I screwed up over Lara, and had it not been for you, I’d have lost her – and for fuck’s sake don’t tell her, but I’d have hated that. Do you really think I have talent?”

“Yes,” I said, seriously. “No one has ever had confidence in you. You have always rebelled because you hate the way the system treats you. You can escape.”

“So, why are you here, dressed like that?”

“Why do some women like to be spanked? Why do some like to submit? Why do some like to be pony girls? Why do you like domming posh girls?”

“Fair point! You mean we all have our kinks?”

“Yes, we do. The question for someone with your temperament is how to satisfy your kinks and those of your lovers.”

“Well,” Tanya said, reacting to the knock on the door, “looks like Lara’s here!”

Pixie, having already seen the slutty version of Lara, was not surprised by her tight crop top and short skirt, but Lara did a double take:

“Pixie! Is that you? Really?”

“Yes,” I grinned.

“Well, girls, you’ll both fit in, that’s for sure. Now then, let’s get off to the youth club shall we, there’ll be more fun later!”

Tanya had been right about us both fitting in; no one looked twice – at least not in surprise.

We got to the Club, where Tanya talked to a man at the desk. I had told her I had an ID card if needed, but I saw him smile at her, look at me, and shake his head.

“Sorry, Pix, he won’t accept that you’re eighteen, so you are going to have to go to the kids’ bit, Lara and I will see you later!”

And that was that.

While she and Lara went off to the dancing and the music, I was ushered into a hall where there were a variety of “activities.” As I did not play table tennis, or indeed any other sport, and as I was not interested in video games, I could see I was in for a boring evening.

“You okay, love?” I turned and saw a tall woman looking at me with concern. With a shock I realised she was probably about my age.

“Yes, thanks for asking.” I said, slipping into my role.

“You’re new here. Not sporty?”

“No, I’m Tanya’s cousin, just visiting. She’s with the big girls.”

“She would be,” the woman coloured slightly. “I’m Linda, what are istanbul travestileri you called?”

“I’m Pixie,” I said.

“How lovely! Well if you want to be helpful, would you like to come to the kitchen and help get the snacks and drinks ready? One of our helpers has not turned up.”

I accepted with relief, and spent the evening waitressing. That gave me a defined role, which meant people said hi to me, but asked no questions.

As we got towards ten, Linda asked me to help clear up, which I was happy to do.

I was washing the cups when I felt a hand on my bottom. I turned. It was Linda.

“You’re old enough to have been next door – I saw your student ID card, so you are Tanya’s little friend are you?”

She leant in and kissed me, turning me to her, one hand up my skirt and squeezing my bum.

She looked at me.

“Little tarts like you like to tempt respectable women like me. Come here!”

I let her kiss me, opening my lips and sucking on her tongue, all the while hoping to find a way out. Then she pushed me to my knees and raised her skirt. Her hi-cut bikini briefs were wet with her arousal.

“Eat me out, little slut!”

The tension was palpable, and it was though someone had flicked a switch. With pellucid certainty this, I realised, was the Rubicon. It takes time to tell what went through my head, but it happened in the flash of a synapse.

I pulled on her waistband, snapping the elastic. She gasped.

“Little bitch! Eat me out!”

I snapped it again and looking at her with the sobriety that had come from that moment of epiphany, said, in my usual accent rather than the one I had assumed:

“That is not going to happen. You know I am over eighteen, but that is not all you need to know.”

She looked at me in shock as I stood up.

“What the…!”

“We have had reports from kids here about inappropriate touching – among other things. Is it you?”

Linda began to tremble.

“Fuck, you’re the police, aren’t you?”

Goodness knows where what I had just said had come from, but I was not going to disabuse her of the idea.

“This can go a number of ways. The best way is that you go, you resign, and you never come back here, because I can tell you now, that one more report, and you will be going to jail.”

“But, but you don’t… I don’t, I just, well!”

“I can let you have a number to phone to get help – but Linda, make no mistake, if you do anything like this again, you are going to jail.”

She stammered her apologies – and went.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. If she had called my bluff? If I had yielded to what part of me wanted? But not all the “ifs” amounted to going where I knew I ought not to have gone. Should I have gone to the police? That would hardly have been possible, given the situation. How to explain why I was there, and what I was doing in the under eighteens. Which stimulated a thought. Tanya had surely shown my ID to the man on the door, so why had I not been allowed in with the others?

I pondered that while tidying things away.

I knew that the whole thing closed at eleven, so I did not have long to wait before a rather drunk Tanya and Lara wandered in. It was clear they had been kissing – and that they were the worse for alcohol.

“Where’s that fuckin’ Linda?” Tanya asked. “Was sure you’d be eating her out? Did you do it, little slut?”

Lara giggled.

“How was it being relegated to the kids’ section, Pixie, when you’re the oldest of us?”

Tanya leant in and sniffed my face.

“Fuck, you didn’t eat her out. Where is the cow?”

“She left,” I said, “she got a sudden reminder and went.”

Tanya looked at me, but said nothing.

“Okay Pix, you coming back with the big girls now. Going to help me get it right with this slut.”

That, I thought, was not going to be easy.

Back at Tanya’s, she seemed a little more sober. She looked at Lara and said:

“Strip, slut!”

Lara, who was clearly still drunk, struggled out of her clothes.

“Whaddya think, Pix, isn’t she fucking gorgeous?”

It was impossible to argue. Looking at her tall, statuesque body, those beautiful breasts with those hard nipples…. Get a grip, I thought, before inwardly giggling – knowing what I wanted to grip.

“Kneel, my pet. You do want to be my pet, don’t you?”

Tanya was looking at travesti istanbul me. Was that for confirmation? Or was it…? After my moment of epiphany earlier, I was on the alert. The fact that I was sober, also helped. I nodded to her and mouthed the words: “good, get consent!”

Lara knelt, looking adoringly at Tanya.

“I do, Miss, I so do!”

“Pixie, bring me the lead and the collar on the back of the door!”

Subconsciously I noted the tone; I filed that away. I also brought the collar and lead.

Tanya stood over her kneeling lover.

“Now Lara, pet, do you take my collar?”

“I do, Miss.”

As Lara’s hair was still in a ponytail, it was an easy enough matter for Tanya to fasten the collar. She checked it for comfort. Lara whimpered.

“Oh, does my little bitch like?”

“Yes, Miss, oh yes!”

There could be no doubting that this was what Lara wanted. The doubt that remained was whether Lara was the only intended recipient of Tanya’s intentions.

Tanya tugged on the lead, forcing Lara onto all fours.

“Walkies!” Tanya grinned at me, as she tugged on the lead, forcing Lara to crawl after her.

“You approve? Did I get it right, Pixie?”

“That would be yes and yes,” I grinned.

“Told you I learned quick.”

She did, indeed, I reflected.

“Please Miss,” Lara whined.

“What it is it, bitch?”

“I need to pee, Miss.”

A grin lit up Tanya’s face.

“Where do bitch’s pee?”

Suddenly Lara appeared to sober up.

“Fuck, no, Tanya, you can’t, not in your back garden!”

Tanya looked over at me and smiled.

“Oh but, my pet, that is what bitches do. You do want to be my bitch, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“So, walkies to pee then!”

“Yes Miss!”

Tanya smirked as though to say “see, I know the difference, and she really does want this.”

It was dark, and the chances of anyone seeing Lara were slim, but there was still the thrill of the taboo in the air.

“Squat and pee, bitch!” Tanya ordered.

Lara squatted and pissed. In the light from the kitchen window, Pixie could see Lara’s humiliation.

Tanya patted her head.

“Good girl, what a good bitch.”

“Thank you, Miss.,”

“Pixie, could you take a tissue and wipe her?”

I had been wondering when she would try to involve me.

“Of course,” I said, and obliged.

Lara moaned as my hand wiped her.

“Now inside!”

Tanya pulled her lead.

Watching Lara’s gorgeous bum wiggle as she crawled was making me wet, as no doubt Tanya intended.

“Pixie, will you go to that drawer there, and bring me the contents.” Tanya said, pointing.

Opening the drawer, I found a harness and a strap-on. As I turned, I noticed Tanya had removed her short skirt and knickers.

“Help me into it, Pixie. Bitch Lara, assume the position, I am going to mate you!”

Tanya wiggled provocatively as I helped her with the strap-on and its harness. I was tempted….

I looked, and there, her head down on the floor and her arse up, was Lara.

“Beg for it, bitch!”

“Oh, Miss Tanya, fuck me, fuck your bitch, please fuck me!”

From the wetness glistening in front of us, there was no doubt that Lara was deeply aroused, and from what happened next, I knew she was entering subspace. She began to bark like a bitch.

“Good bitch! That’s a good girl, bark for your Miss! Spread those legs, bitch!”

Lara pushed her ass up, and Tanya moved closer, holding the strappy with her left hand, guiding it to the wet pussy, which was being thrust back, and slowly and firmly, she pressed deeper and harder. As Lara’s pussy stretched to take it, she whimpered, barking and moaning.

Tanya began to push her hips, in and out, harder, and faster, fucking Lara in a frenzy of pent-up lust.

“I fucking own you, bitch, you snotty upper-class bitch, you are fucking MINE!”

This was at the centre of Tanya’s lust, I realised, it was about power, especially over those born with privileges she did not have.

She grabbed Lara’s ponytail, levering her back so that her girl-cock could penetrate as deep as possible.

From my vantage point I could see Tanya’s big tits shaking, and her face showed that she was close to some sort of orgasm.

“You are mine, you cunt, mine, I own you!”

The more she repeated the manta, the greater her excitement grew; the same was clearly true for Lara, who, pushing back and barking, began to cum. That set Tanya off, and she collapsed onto her back.

“Fucking hell!”

For the first time since she had begun to take Lara, Tanya seemed to remember I was there.

“If you assume the position, I’ll do you next!”

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