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Surreal ExperianceThese events took place in November 2011, alittle over a year ago…..My mind wandersfrequently; often in ways I do not intend, orwant. I do not know if I am unique or not, buton occasion, I find myself thinking about thingsthat society deems highly inappropriate. When Iallow myself to explore inappropriate fantasies, Iused do so with the strong belief that thesewere only fantasies; I would never actually actupon them. Further, I was comforted by thebelief that in the real world in which I live, Iknew I would not be tempted to act out any ofthese perverse desires that haunt mysubconscious because I believed I would neveractually be placed in a situation that would allowme to act inappropriately. As you will seemomentarily, I was wrong.Fate is unpredictableand, on occasion, cruel. So as you read mystory, I ask you to try to refrain from judgingme too harshly. It was an unexpected andunplanned set of events that lead to my mostheinous sin, and my demise. It was a moment ofan avalanche of emotions associated with myfather’s unexpected illness and death, the unwisedecision I made to drink with my son to alleviatemy sense of loss, and being thrust into theunusual situation where I was forced to share ahotel room with my son, that combined to driveme to cross a line that I never intended tocross.I never expected or intended to do thethings that I did. Before judging me, you shouldrealize that perhaps you too could make grievousmistakes if placed in the ‘wrong situation’, withthe proper emotional state of mind. I am notproud of what I did; but this is my storynonetheless.Chapter one – the intimacy starts*Iwas sitting at my desk when I received the callfrom my step-mother; my father had a stroke,was in very serious condition and was notexpected to live long. Lorraine told me, that if Iwanted to see him alive again, I should makehaste and get to Santa Fe, New Mexico.I wasnumb. Although, it had been over a year since Ihad seen Dad, I spoke with him at least once aweek, often more frequently. He and I wereclose.Of course, objectively speaking, I knewthat he was eventually going to die; we all do;but he had been healthy and vibrant the last timeI saw him. I did not expect a call like this formany, many years. I was in too great of a shockto really know how to respond.I arranged to pickup Gary, my only son, at his high school andthen headed home to pack for the trip. Gary wasa few weeks shy of his 17 th birthday, and was inhis junior year in high school. Gary and I hadbeen very close since his father and I divorcednearly a decade earlier. We had a bond and anemotional closeness that is difficult to express inwords.We packed quickly and left our homeshortly after lunch for a multi-day journey to seemy father before it was too late.It was after1:00 p.m. when Gary and I headed out ofChicago in my Honda Civic on I-55 on our trek.Dad and Lorraine (my step mother) had retiredto Santa Fe years ago and it was quite a tripfrom Chicago to see them. It would take usthree full days of driving. Gary and I would sharethe driving.As we drove, we talked about dad,our family, Gary’s and my closeness. I criedsome and laughed some. In my emotionallyneedy state, I felt even closer to Gary than usual.At the time, it did not feel wrong to lean onGary the way I did. In fact, our closenessseemed natural and appropriate.It was almost 9p.m. when we pulled off the road for the nightoutside St. Louis, looking for a place to spendthe night. Since the trip was completelyunplanned, we did not have reservations. Wewent to three different motels before findingone with vacancies; a Holiday Inn Express whichdid not have any rooms with two queen beds,only rooms with single king beds. I really couldnot afford separate rooms.As I was travelingwith my teenage son, this presented an awkwardsituation; however, we were both exhausted andwere far too tired to get back on the road andcontinue to look for a more suitable sleepingarrangement. Gary & I agreed we could share aking size bed tonight under these circumstances.I bought a bottle of cheap merlot wine from theconvenience store in the lobby, thinking that Icould use a little help getting to sleep tonight.We went to the room. I took a shower,dried my hair and came to bed wearing a t-shirtand my panties. I was not overly matronly, butneither was I wearing anything revealing oroverly provocative. I exited the bathroom to findGary lying on top of the bed in his boxerswithout a shirt; he watching TV. I wasimmediately impressed with the nice physique myson had now. He had nice muscle tone; his chestand arms were developing nicely. I also noticedhis ‘package’ in front of his boxers bulgedslightly, indicating that he was developing nicelythere too. I must admit, I took some degree ofpride in the fine looking young man my son hadbecome.Gary ’s father was a big man, about 6 ft4 inches tall and 225 pounds. One the otherhand, I was a small petite woman, 5 ft 4 inches(if I stretched), and about 115 pounds. Garyfavored his father, he was slender, but hadgrown to 6 ft 3 inches and was approaching 200pounds. He had broad shoulders, muscular arms,and a nicely developed chest. No question aboutit, Gary was going to be very popular with thegirls once he got over his shyness. In asomewhat perverse way, I envied the youngwomen that I knew Gary would sexually ravageand pleasure some day soon.I opened the bottleof wine and poured myself a sizeable glass ofthe burgundy colored nectar that I hoped wouldrelax me enough to get some sleep. I climbed onthe bed next to Gary and sipped my wine.“Mom,can I taste that?” Gary asked.I handed him theglass and watched with interest. He sipped themerlot, and nodded appreciatively. I then asked,“would you like a glass?” He nodded. I saw noharm, so I poured him a glass and refilled myown glass.We spent the next hour or so, talkingand together we consumed the bottle of wine.Gary got a little gabby and frisky with the twoglasses of wine he had. I could feel myselfbecoming slightly light headed from my thirdglass; usually my limit is two.It was after 10:30p.m., when I declared it was time for ‘lightsout’; we needed our sleep. We climbed under thecovers, each staying on our own side of the bedin the eerie silence of the darkness. Then theenormity of my father’s stroke, and hisimpending death hit me, and I began to cry.Although I tried to be silent in my tears, Garysensed that I was weeping.“Mom, are you OK?”he asked with genuine concern.“Oh, I will be. Iam just upset about your grandfather.” I said,my voice cracking as I spoke. I turned on myside, my back to my son, and continue tocry.Gary rolled over next to me, and placed hisarm around me, comforting me. I welcomed thecontact as he slid behind me, spooning me. Iwas not dating anyone at the time and it hadbeen many months since I had enjoyed thecomfort and intimacy of a man’s touch. I missedit, a lot.My thoughts were completely innocentup to this point. Gary’s strong arm d****daround my shoulders, and gently massaged myupper arm and I snuggled back into my son’schest and abdomen.Gary ’s strong, but gentlecontact seemed to trigger an emotional releasewithin me. I started crying harder, weeping, asmuch chest heaved slightly in uncontrollablesobs.Gary held me tighter, trying to calm me. Ineeded his comfort and contact at that moment.We cuddled and I accepted this innocent andemotional comfort and physical contact forseveral minutes; enjoying the closeness that myson and I shared.Suddenly, I felt his penis throbto life against my backside. The first pulse wasso slight, I was not sure what it was. Butseconds later, another, firmer pulse pressedagainst me, and I was certain; Gary’s penis wasgrowing erect as he held me.I froze. I did notwant to embarrass or scold him. After all, 17year old boys are infamous for gettingunwanted, almost perpetual erections at themost inopportune times. I did not know what todo. I did not want to encourage his growingexcitement, but above all, I did not want thecontact to stop. So I pretended not to noticethe throbbing penis pressing against my ass.Ilaid there motionless and silent as I experiencedmy son’s erection growing firmer, and largeragainst me. Neither Gary nor I spoke for severalminutes as he held me, but I was aware that hewas growing fully erect as he cuddled with hismother. But his erection was now unmistakable.Iwondered, could my 17 year old son be so naïvethat he could possibly think I am not aware ofhis throbbing hard-on pulsing firmly against mybuttocks? I felt my heart pounding in my chestfrom the combination of fear and excitement asmy son grew harder and larger with eachprogressive pulse of his penis.Gary pulled awayever so briefly, and he reached down with hishand, placed it in his boxers, and he subtlyadjusted himself, allowing his erection to pointupward towards his naval, releasing someobvious discomfort his ‘boner’ was causing him.With this adjustment, he slowly returned his armaround me, pulled me close to him, pressing hishard cock into the crack of my butt. I wasshocked to realized that his erection was outsidethe opening in the front of his boxers now,separated only by the thin cotton material of mybikini panties. Gary had placed his ‘boner’through the slit in front of his boxers when hehad ‘adjusted’ himself.I was suddenly aware thatmy vagina was responding to this unnatural andimproper contact with my son. I was aware thatI was beginning to lubricate, and I could feel myclitoris growing erect. I could feel my pulse verydistinctly in my engorged clit as Gary pressedhimself into me.I laid there, motionless, enjoyingthe closeness and intimacy of this sinfulmoment. God, it was difficult to resist grindingback into him. But with my vagina getting wet,my clit throbbing with each beat of my pulse,and my heart and mind racing; I successfullyremained mostly motionless with Gary’s youthfulerection pressed firmly against the thin cottonmaterial of my pale green panties which wascovering my ass. I was so excited and soconfused.Although I knew it was wrong, Ienjoyed this sinful contact with my teenage son.I convinced myself that if I did not acknowledgeit, I could pretend it was not actuallyhappening.Finally, with the wine’s assistance, Idrifted off to sleep in the arms of my son, hiserect penis pressed firmly into my buttocks. Itwas a wonderfully intimate moment that veryfew mothers will ever enjoy with their sons. AndI was convinced then, as I am now, up to thatpoint, I had not done anything too terriblywrong; I had committed no sin.From a deepsleep, I was awakened. Gary and I were stillcuddled together, spooning with my buttpressing into his groin.*Somewhere from thedepths of slumber, Gary tentatively startedrocking his hips, grinding his cock against myass. I could not determine if he was awake, orasleep.At first, he started out pressing againstme slowly, tentatively, in order to subtly togauge my reaction. When I continued to ignorehis actions, his humping became morepronounced and forceful. But I was not sure hewas awake.I knew then, as I know now, I shouldhave broken off our embrace, and rolled awayfrom my son. I know that I should stop thisbefore it went any further. But somehow, Iseemed powerless to move away; I did not feel Icould break away from his embrace. I seemedfrozen. The combination of the three glasses ofwine, and my emotional neediness at themoment coupled with my arousal from thissurreal situation, somehow prevented me fromdoing what I knew I should.My mind went wildtrying to decide what I should do. I continued toignore the humping, feigning sleep. I continuedto lie there silently and motionless, pretendingto be in a deep, deep slumber. However, Gary’smovements were becoming too forceful for anynon-comatose person to sleep though. Therewas no credible scenario that would allow Garyor me to actually believe that I was sleeping andnot aware of him grinding his cock against me.But was he asleep? Was I suddenly andinnocently part of a teenager’s wet dream? Ireally did not know.I was becoming more andmore aroused at this situation. I knew that Garyneeded a release; a release he was driving closerand closer to achieving. I pressed my thighstogether stimulating my own clitoris as hehumped against my backside. His breathing wasgetting labored. I knew he was close to orgasm.I reached up took his hand that was d****daround me and placed it on my breast. This wasmy first overt sin. Up until then, my crime hadbeen a crime of omission, not moving away.Now I was becoming slightly complicit in anunnatural and sinful act between a mother andher son, encouraging my son to feel me up.Hefound my erect nipple between his fingers andgently tugged at it. I pushed myself back againsthim and said ever so softly, barely at a whisper,“It is OK baby. Go ahead let yourself go. It isOK, I understand what you need. You can canlı bahis letyourself climax against me.” I do not know if hewas awake or not, or if he even heard me. I wasspeaking to myself as much as I was to my son. Iwanted to share his orgasm with him. I neededto let my baby cum.Then with a grunt andgroan, Gary’s entire body stiffened, and hepressed his erection hard against me. I could feelthe distinct pulsing and throbbing of my son’serection as he released his seed against me.Suddenly, I felt wetness on my panties and lowerback as his penis pulsed against me.Believe it ornot, as Gary shot his semen I pressed my thighstogether tightly, squeezing my clitoris, and I hada small, but wonderful orgasm myself. I couldfeel my vagina spasm as my juices leaked intothe now very wet gusset of my panties.“That’s itbaby, let go!” I whispered as I felt his warmsemen soaking my backside. I pressed myselfback against him, relishing the warm semensoaking my lower back and buttocks.Suddenly,Gary seemed to stir to consciousness, and pulledaway from me. “Oh god, I am sorry mom….Imust have been sleeping…I am so sorry….”“It isOK baby. I was asleep too. I guess the emotionsof grandpa just got the better of us. It is fine,normal reaction for a young man your age. Justgo to sleep now.” I tried to reassure him. “It isOK, you did not do anything wrong, baby. I’mnot mad. Just go to sleep now.”I rolled awayslightly, trying to process what had justhappened between my son and me. My backsidewas wet with his semen. My pussy was still wetwith my arousal. The small but pleasurable climaxGary had triggered in me filled me with someguilt, but I also felt fulfilled, loved, and atpeace.I was torn and conflicted. I wanted tosavor the moment, but I also wanted to pretendnothing had happened between Gary and me. Iwas aroused and guilty. I never intended foranything like this to happen, ever.However, itwas not too late. I could ignore this event andpretend it never happened. If I had the willpower, it could be a special memory that Icherish, but something that goes no further thanit has.I reached behind me, and I touched thelarge mess of semen on my ass with my fingers.And then I slowly brought my fingers to mynose; I could smell the aroma of his fresh sperm.I drifted off to sleep savoring my son’s mostintimate scent as I held my semen drenchedfingers slightly away from my nose……The next morning….*Gary woke with an erection,which he tried to hide from me as he went tothe bathroom….I needed a quick shower to washthe dried semen from my backside….We cleanedourselves, did not speak of the events of theprevious evening…got packed, ate breakfast, andhit the road.We drove all the way to OklahomaCity, and the ride was quieter and less jocularthan the first day. Gary and I were trying tocome to grips with our ‘incident’ the previousnight.We arrived in Oklahoma City after dark, Ifound a room with two queen beds at theHampton Inn. We would not have to share a bedtonight.We brought a pizza and two bottle ofwine to the room. After my first glass of wine, Iwent to the shower. Soon there was a knock onthe door….”Mom, can I come in, I need topee…”“Sure honey…we are family…,” I reassuredhim. But I was unsure of what was occurringbetween my son and me at this moment. Athome, he would not ask if he could urinate infront of me. This was a boundary that I was notsure we should be crossing. But I tried not tooverreact; after all, we did only have the onebathroom that we were sharing.Gary came in,and stood in front of the commode for anextended period of time. I had to look. I pulledback the shower curtain and saw him standingthere…his back towards me. “What is wronghoney?”“Nothing mom, I just can’t seem to gonow….I don’t know why.” I could see Gary was‘a little stiff down there’, suffering with a partialerection as he tried to urinate. I smiled,somewhat amused that my mere presence wasarousing my son now. I wanted to reassure him,without reacting to his situation.“A lot of mencannot pee with an audience…let me get out ofhere and leave you alone with your business….” Isaid, rinsing off before turning off the waterand grabbing a towel.I stepped from the showeras I was wrapping the towel around myself…Iknew I was exposing myself to my son…it waswrong, but I could not help doing it. I wrappedthe towel around my waist and left my breastsexposed. Gary stared at my naked breasts as Iwalked past him. I took a moment to look at hispenis and could see it was growing more erect. Iknew I was the cause of his erection. I shouldnot have teased him this way, but I could nothelp myself. The sexual tension between us wastremendous.I excused myself from the bathroomto allow my son to urinate in peace. I quicklydonned a t-shirt, but I did not put on anypanties. I would like to say it was a simpleoversight, or that I do not know why I did notput on my panties; but that would be a lie. I wasaroused by the events of the previous evening,and by seeing Gary’s partially erect penismoments before, and I wanted to have theopportunity to innocently expose myself to himif the situation seemed to warrant it.At thatmoment, I was not contemplating any furtherphysical contact between my son and me;however, I imagined that I would masturbate inthe bed next to him, and I hoped he would dothe same. I reasoned that after last night, amutual but separate session of masturbation wasa reasonable and relatively innocent compromiseto relieve the sexual tension and the frustrationwe were both wrestling with.I poured twoglasses of wine, one for Gary and one for me, asI waited for Gary to exit the bathroom. I lookedat my image in the mirror. You could not tellthat I was not wearing any panties, but my erectnipples left no doubt that I was sans a bra. Myperky, 34B breasts poked proudly through thewhite cotton material of my t-shirt.After four orfive minutes, I began to suspect that he wasmasturbating alone in the bathroom. Thatthought, both disappointed me and relieved me.I was disappointed I was not allowed to witnesshim, but on another level, I was relieved thatperhaps any temptation for a repeat of theprevious night’s ‘contact’ could now beavoided.I sat on the bed, sipping my wine,wondering exactly what Gary was up to. Afteranother few minutes, I got up, poured myself asecond glass and walked to the closed bathroomdoor. “Gary, is everything OK in there?”“Yeah,mom. My body is just not cooperating rightnow. I can’t seem to pee.”“Well come out, try torelax and you can try again in a few minutes. Youjust need to let yourself relax a bit.” Inwardly, Iwas smiling at Gary’s dilemma. I thought it wasabsolutely adorable that his erection waspreventing him from emptying his bladder rightnow. And yes, I was pleased that I was the causeof his erection.“Have a glass of wine with meand see if that relaxes you.” I shouted throughthe closed door.Slowly the door opened, andGary exited the small hotel bathroom wearingonly his boxers and sporting an enormouserection. “Oh my. I think I see what the problemis.” I said. I was taken aback by the size andmaturity of my son’s massive and very erectpenis. The large purple head stood nearly twoinches above the waist band of his boxers. Therewas no hiding that massive erect tool rightnow.Gary was blushing deeply and tried to coverhis erection behind his hands which he held infront of his bulging groin.“I’m so sorry mom. Idon’t know what is wrong.” He said with obviousembarrassment.“Oh baby, nothing is wrongother than the fact that you are a normal andvery healthy young man who is having a normalreaction to a very unusual situation that you andI have been thrust into. It is quite normal for ayoung man of your age to get erections, even atthe most inopportune times. It only shows youare normal and healthy.” I smiled at him as Itried to reassure him.“Mom, I don’t think it isnormal to get a boner in front of your mother.”He admitted quite candidly.I thought for amoment, trying to think how to respond.“Well,you have a point; but literature is full of storiesabout young men recognizing that theirmother’s are in fact ‘female’, and responding toit a bit. In fact, they even have a name for it:‘Oedipus complex’. It is not that uncommon.And it is a little bit flattering to me.” I wasspeaking without fully thinking about themeaning or ramifications of my words. I wasreally only trying to relieve any awkwardness andanxiety my son was experiencing at themoment.“It is just so weird that I am reacting toyou this way. I’m sorry mom. I try not to thinkof you and make this go away, but it isn’tworking.” Gary said, looking at the floor, unableto look at me. His penis continued to throb, thelarge purple tinged head pulsing above his waistband. God he was a sexy young man.“Gary, whydon’t you take care of that ‘manually’? I can gotake a nice long bath and leave you here torelieve your ‘stress’, OK?”Gary blushed deeplyand then looked at me with a cute, shyinnocence that I will always cherish, “Mom, canyou stay while I do this? I would like to sharethis with you, if it is OK?”His words shocked andexcited me. I knew I should not participate inthis, or even witness it, but I wanted toexperience this with my son. I felt my pulsequicken and as the very thought of watching myson masturbate aroused me.“Are you sure? I cangive you some privacy if you want?” my voicedquaked with excitement at the very thought ofwatching my son.Gary looked at me, and slowlyremoved his boxers, freeing his erection, andsimply said, “Please lie here next to me.” as helaid down on the bed.I watched as he large hardcock waved proud as he walked to the bed. Hispenis looked to be about 7 inches long andabout 2 inches thick. He was a fine lookingyoung man. When he lied on his back, his penisreached nearly to his navel.I stood therewatching this beautiful and erotic scene unfoldand then slowly moved to the bed, lying next tohim. This was a very dangerous game we werepreparing to play. I thought for a moment that‘I wish I had kept my panties on as some minorbarrier to prevent us from going further than weplanned.’Gary took his erection in his fist andbegan stroking it, up and down, in the mosterotic and sexy visual scene I have everwitnessed. I was sitting up on the bed next tohim, in a hypnotic trance, absolutely mesmerizedby the scene unfolding before me. I must admit,I had never before watched a man masturbate toorgasm.Gary ’s erection was long, thick andrigid. The head stood out distinctly, itsmushroom shaped head perfectly defined atopthe long thickly veined shaft. He was ever bit aslarge as his father, but the cooler was paler, andmore of a white-pink color than the pinkish-purple hue of his father’s erect penis.I feltmyself begin to leak my own secretions from myvagina as it slowly began to open and dilatefrom the erotic visual stimulation in front of me.Gary and I did not speak. His breathing becamemore labored as he began to arch his hipsupward against the thrusts of his fist.I could feelmy own breathing and heart rate increase as Iwatched. Gary surprised me by placing his freehand on my thigh as he continued to pump hiscock. “Gary?” I questioned.“Mom, I just want totouch you while I do this. I just need somecontact.” He replied, not stopping his pumpingfist.I decided to allow his hand to remain on mythigh rather than remove it. I enjoyed thecontact as well. I was becoming very aroused; Icould feel my wetness beginning to run out ofme, making my upper thighs very wet. Iwondered if Gary was aware of the subtle scentof my arousal.I wanted to touch myself, to joinin the masturbation, but I fought to resist thisurge. Gary’s hand was massaging my upperthigh as he brought himself closer and closer tohis climax. Involuntarily, I began rocking my hipsslightly, squeezing my thighs together to exertpressure on my swollen clitoris. I was losingcontrol of my actions as Gary’s excitement andthe beautiful scene of my son masturbating infront of me took over my emotions and anyrational thoughts I had. I felt myself slippingslowly into a lustful and emotionally seductiveabyss.Slowly his fingers traced up my innerthigh. I closed my thighs together tighter toprevent him reaching his intended goal; but ohhow I wanted his touch. His fingers remainedtrapped between my thighs, just inches fromtheir desired target: my pussy. I was so temptedto allow my son access to my vagina; God Iwanted him to touch me…I wanted to touchhim…But I managed to temporarily resist theseemingly uncontrollable urge to go further thanI had already.“This is so weird, mom. I can’tbelieve I am doing this in front of you.”“Just letyourself go baby.” I encouraged. I was taken bywhat a fine body he had, and how veryhandsome he was. Objectively speaking, he wasa fine looking young man. “You are a veryattractive man; and you have a beautiful penis. Ilove how rigid and firm it is. Are you going tocum bahis siteleri for me, while I watch? Cum for me baby,cum for mommy….”My words seemed to triggerhis orgasm. The pace of his fist quickened, andhe let out a low guttural moan as his body shookand stiffened. With his hand firmly at the basedof his shaft, Gary held his erection straight up,pointing towards the ceiling and a long, largeviscous rope of semen erupted from his penis,shooting two to three inches in the air beforespilling on to his abdomen. Almost instantly thewonderful aroma of my son’s ejaculate filled mynostrils. And then a second, slightly smallerstring of semen shot out, trickling down thehead of his erection and down the shaft,covering his fist.Transfixed, I reached over andtook a small sample of the sticky whitegelatinous mess covering Gary’s abdomen on myfinger tips. Scooping it up, I brought it to mynose and inhaled the wondrous fragrance of myson’s most intimate nectar as Gary’s watched mewith confused interest.:”Your semen smells verygood to me.” I explained. “Don’t move, let meget you a warm cloth to clean up.”As I got upand walked to the sink, I was very aware of thewetness leaking from my vagina, coating myinner thighs. I was still very excited, but I hadnot succumbed to the temptation. Gary had hisorgasm, and I had not strayed too far over theline.I returned with a warm wash cloth. I shouldhave handed the rag to Gary to allow him toclean himself; but I did not. I reached down andwiped the large mess of sperm from Gary’sstomach. I then took his erection, which was stillvery hard and wiped the semen from the headand shaft. It pulsed in my hand. My contactcaused it to grow a bit thicker and longer undermy touch. I was playing with fire. I knew Ineeded to stop, to separate myself from myson’s gorgeous penis that was throbbing undermy touch.“Gary, we better get some sleep. Wehave a full day of driving tomorrow. Santa Fe isstill a long way off.” I tried to sound normal andcasual, pretending nothing had changed betweenus as I released his rigid cock. I climbed into theother bed and turned off the lights. Garyremained on top of his covers, lying theresilently for the moment.I needed to touchmyself…I needed to cum…. I needed a release…Gary and I were in a hotel room and he wasmasturbating as I watched.I lay on my back, silently; my fingers found myclitoris. In the dark silence of the room, I beganslowly rubbing small circles on my erect andsensitive nubbin. I needed a release. If I couldkeep from moaning, I felt that I could achievemy orgasm without Gary detecting what I wasdoing.After just a minute or two, I heard Garystir. He got up and approached my bed. I froze,not sure what he was doing, not sure how toreact.Gary started to climb into bed with me. Icould see his silhouette against the glow of theparking lot lights through the curtains coveringthe window. He was still naked. His semi-erectpenis swayed boldly in front of him as heapproached me. “Baby, what are you doing?” Iasked with a slight panic in my voice.“I want tobe close to you, mom. I want to hold you andcuddle with you before we go to sleep,” hereplied as he climbed under the covers.“Oh baby,that is not a good idea. We have already donethings we probably should not have done. Weare asking for trouble if we sleep in the samebed.” My voice did not seem convincing to evenme. I was trying to be good; but I knew this wasa very dangerous moment. My heart pounded inmy chest with fear and excitement.“I just want tohold you for a moment, mom. I will go back tomy own bed before we fall asleep.” It soundedinnocent, but we both knew it was not. Myfingers were still touching my clitoris, but mymovements had stopped as I processed what washappening. I said nothing.I was still wearing myt-shirt, but nothing else.Gary’s naked form slidunder the covers next to me. Not sure what todo, or how to react, I slowly turned on my side,placing my back towards my son. Gary moved into spoon me, dr****g his arm around me. Hepulled me close; I could feel his penis begin tothrob to life against my bare backside. I feltparalyzed, unable to move. Gary moved his handdown my shoulders and arm, massaging andrubbing my arm and shoulder, slowlyencroaching on the side of my breasts.I feltdizzy, confused, unsure of what to do; actuallynot even sure what I could do. “Gary, you mustnot do this. Please, this is not right.” My voicecracked as I spoke. But I did not try to removehis hand. And I did not lower my arm to blockhis access to my breast. I just laid theremotionless, allowing my son to stroke the sideof my breast.“Mom, it is okay. I just want to menear you, to touch you. I love you so much.”And I knew he did. I could feel the love in hisvoice and his touch. And I was deeply in lovewith my son too.*I did not respond, silentlytrying to determine what I should do. Gary’shand slowly, tentatively slid down the side of mybreast on top of my cotton t-shirt, and foundmy very erect nipple. He began to fondle mynipple through the cotton material as I tried tostifle my moan.”Oh baby, please, don’t…” I saidin a weak protest. I brought my hand up andtook hold of his fingers which were teasing mynipple. I intended to remove his hand from mybreast, but I didn’t. I simply held his hand inplace against my breast. I could not seem tomuster the strength to actually pull his handfrom my breast; the contact was simply toopleasurable. I could not bring myself to makehim stop. God forgive me, I needed my son’stouch at that moment.Gary slowly started tomove his hand away from my breast, down myflat, tight stomach. I grabbed his hand and heldit, preventing him from reaching his target. Garythen simply said, “I love you mom. Please let metouch you. Please.”“Oh Gary, I can’t. It is notright. We can’t do this,” I said, almost crying,my voice shaking.“Please, mom. Please.”Iremained silent for fifteen seconds or so. In astrange way, I felt like I was not even in controlof my own body; I felt like I was outsidewatching this surreal situation unfold. I felt thatI was more of an observer than a participant.Islowly released his hand despite knowing weshould not do this. And as I released Gary’shand, I knew that I was going to permit my sonto touch me, to touch me in the most intimatemanner, in a manner that sons should nevertouch their mothers.Gary found the hem of myt-shirt and slowly slid his hand underneath toexplore the area between my thighs. My sonquickly discovered that I was not wearing anypanties and that my vagina was wet andunprotected.He found the wet opening of myvulva and from there, his fingers move upslightly where he discovered my stiff and erectclitoris. I could not help but moan as he gentlyrubbed my clit. I parted my legs slightly to allowhim better access. His penis pulsed harder intomy backside.*It had been months, many months,since I had been with a man, or been touchedlike this. I was responding like a woman who hadbeen starved sexually.I knew I shouldn’t beallowing any of this, but God help me, I feltpowerless to resist. I wanted, no, actually, Ineeded his touch. His fingers moved from myclitoris to my vaginal opening, and he*insertedtwo fingers inside of me. From this angle,reaching around in front of me from behind me,he was only able to enter me a couple of inchesbut he was stimulating the opening of myvagina.*My vagina was opening, dilating widerand wider. His fingers and my vulva were makinga distinct sloshing sound, making my lubricationleak out of me.I could smell the faint aroma ofmy arousal as my lubrication coated my vulvaand upper thighs. Could Gary also pick up on myscent?I was clutching my pillow while rocking myhips, and moaning. Gary removed his fingersbriefly and rolled me on my back. He thenclimbed between my legs and opened my vulvaagain with his fingers. He had a completelyunobstructed view of my vaginal opening. Fromthis position and this angle, his fingers were ableto penetrate me much more deeply.Gary soonhad two fingers inside me, massaging my womb.His fingers were curled forward, rubbing thefront wall of my uterus, touching my g-spot,driving me closer and closer to my orgasm. I washugging the pillow to my chest, moaning loudlyas I humped against his probing fingers buriesdeep inside me. I knew I was going to cum, and Ineeded my release.After several minutes oftaking me to the brink, Gary suddenly withdrewhis fingers from my pussy, and stood up. I hadbeen on the verge*of a massive climax, justmoments away from cumming violently withGary’s fingers inside me. I cried out in frustrateddesperation as he removed his fingers.*I wantedto cum; I needed to cum. I wanted him to finishthe job he had started. I cried out in frustration,“Oh baby, don’t stop. Please, touch me….I am soclose….please finish me off….” my voice shakingin frustrated excitement.*I was begging my sonto finger me again. Gary knew how close he hadme. I could feel my face, neck and chest burn asthe reddened with my shame.I lay there panting,my breasts heaving; frustrated by being soclose, but denied my release by my son. Despitethe fact that Gary was no longer touching me, Icontinued rocking my hips involuntarily, humpingagainst the air in frustrated arousal as I couldfeel my juices leaking out of me. I needed arelease. I wanted him to resume touching me; tofinish me!I glanced down to see that Gary hadunobstructed view of my gaping pussy as kneltbetween my legs. My wetness was visible as itleaked out of me. I could smell the faint scent ofmy arousal, as could Gary. I was in heat. He hadaroused me more than I could ever remember. Iwas*his.Kneeling between my legs, Gary studiedmy wet opening with interest; and his erectionwaved proudly in front of him, rigidly pointingup. I could not deny the attraction I felt at thatmoment for this incredibly attractive youngman….who also happened to also be my son. Ithink I would have done anything for him at thatmoment; he owned me!Gary climbed forward,and took the pillow from my clutches, tossing itaside. He leaned towards me, and he kissed medeeply and passionately, exploring my mouthwith his tongue. It was our first kiss as lovers. Itwas tender, beautiful and passionate kiss. Heparted my lips with his tongue, I opened mymouth to accept his probing tongue as I felt hiserection pressing firmly against my vulva. I willnever forget that kiss, and the intimacysurrounding it. It is the most passionate,memorable kiss of my life. I will cherish thatmoment, when Gary and I explored each othersmouths with our tongues for the first time, withhis penis pressing firmly against my clitoris,forever.Our tongues played tag, like love struckteenagers for several minutes as I humped myvulva against his erection. I was in love…asperverse as it sounds, I was in love with my son.(and I still am.)He broke our passionate kiss foran instant to say, “I love you so much, mom,”and then resumed kissing me, exploring mymouth with his tongue.It had been so very longsince I had been kissed passionately like that.Despite the fact I knew all of this was terriblywrong, I kissed him back with all the passion Ihad. I do not ever remember being so aroused,or so in need of a release.*Slowly, he started toposition his hips so that his head of his erectpenis was searching for my opening. I felt thehead of his rigid cock bumping against me,searching anxiously for its home. I felt his peniswas pulsing against the outer folds of myvagina, searching for a home.I was beyond anyreason at that moment, totally consumed byfrustration and lust. I wanted him to take me, toimpale me with his large boner, to fuck medeeply and totally. I was about to allow my sonto enter me; to couple with me. I was preparedto let my son fuck me.*Then suddenly Iremembered that I was not on any birth control,just as Gary was about to enter me! Oh, myGod, I could not let this happen! As much as Iwanted my son to take me, this was a risk wecould not take.Momentarily shocked back toreality from the pressure of his cockhead*moving to*the inner folds of my vulva, Ilifted my hips and recoiled. I was struck by thepanic of knowing my boy was going to try tofuck me “bareback”. And, I had almost let himdo so.*“No! Gary. Baby, no! We definitelycannot do that.” I was emphatic. I found*anassertive tone I had previously not been able tosummon.“Relax, mom. It will be fine. I promise,”he said arching his pelvis up in another attemptto enter me. Despite my trying pull away fromhim, his large boner was finding its way into thefirst folds of my outer lips.*I pulled away againfrom Gary’s searching viper as it sought to enterme. “No, baby. I am not even on the pill. Youcannot fuck me. You just can’t.”Gary tried tocalm and reassure me. “Mom, I won’t cum inyou. I promise. I just want to be inside you for amoment.” And he began to press forward again.I could feel the head of his penis searchingagain, bahis şirketleri only this time he found my opening. Mywetness was making entry far too easy.I try toresist again, but pinned on my back as I was, Iwas only able to move slightly. The head of hispenis was inside my vulva, barely inside me; butinside nonetheless.“No baby. Not like this.Please, not like this.” I was almost crying now.The panic and fear were evident in my everyword. I did not know if he could stop himself atthis point.“Gary, please. At least use a condom.Please son, it will only take a second. Then youcan have me, I promise.”*Tears were starting tostream down my cheeks as I feared my son wastoo aroused to think rationally at this moment; Ifeared he would take me unprotected. I waspraying he would come to his senses as I felt histhrobbing erection pulsing just barely insideme.With the head of his penis at the veryopening of my vagina, actually just inside me abit, Gary paused for a few seconds that seemedan eternity. I felt his erection pulsing an inchinside me, as I waited to see if he could resistimpaling me fully.*Gary then asked, “You havesome condoms?” I could distinctly feel theconstant pulsing of the head of his cock barelyinside me. I wondered if my baby was leakingany trace seminal fluid into me while we weredebating this issue.”There is a Walgreens directlyacross the street from the hotel….It will onlytake me a minute to run over and get some…” Ipleaded with panic in my voice as I waited forhim to decide.*Would he impale me on hismassive tool unprotected, pumping his seed intomy fertile womb? Or would he allow me toprotect him and myself from a potentialpregnancy that neither he nor I wanted, neededor could explain.After four or five seconds ofsilence with his penis throbbing just inside thevery opening of my core, he lifted off me. “Iguess I do not need to get my mom pregnant.” Ifelt my vagina spasm slightly as he removedhimself from my opening.*…..Thank God he had the good sense to allow usthis protection.I realized that by agreeing to get my son acondom, there was no turning back now. I wasgoing to allow my baby boy to fuck his mommy.I was now fully complicit; a completely willingparticipant in this new sin. But fucking Garyvoluntarily without risk of pregnancy seemed afar better choice than being taken by himbareback, against my will, with the risk ofpregnancy.Gary rolled off me, and I grabbed my jeans,preparing to make a quick trip to the Walgreensd**gstore across the street, when Gary stoppedme, “Mom, I have a rubber in my wallet.”“You do? Are you sexually active?” I asked withobvious surprise that my son was prepared forthis moment.“No, you can get them for free from the schoolnurse. All the guys have them. I guess I wantedto make my buddies think I was ‘getting some’,even if I wasn’t. You will be my first; my firstever. But I have a rubber,” Gary explained as hewalked over and retrieved the tin foil packagefrom his wallet. His erection remained rigid infront of his as he struggled with the wrapper.I watched intently as Gary removed the latexsheath and slowly rolled it over his large purplehead, and down his thickly veined shaft. The tinyreservoir tip and the translucent white colormade his penis seem distinct, almost separatefrom my son’s rippled abdomen and muscularthighs. My son was a gorgeously sexy specimenof youthful masculinity.In a weird way, as I watched Gary place theprophylactic on his large boner, I felt like amother watching her son get dressed for hisprom or some other big life time event. Only thisevent was the loss of his virginity. Yes, this wasa very special, albeit inappropriate, occasionindeed.He filled the large condom up completely,stretching it, in fact. The little empty reservoirformed a cute little bubble at the tip of hisurethra ready to catch all his sperm and protecthis mommy’s fertile womb!I stood up, removed my t-shirt, baring mybreast for my son. I was naked now. I sawGary’s penis arch up as he looked at my nakedform. I liked that way his penis responded tome. I felt very beautiful and desirable.I walked over to my son. “Well, Gary, I guess weare really going to do this now? Are you sureyou want to do this with your mother? I keepthinking that this is wrong, and you will regretit.”Gary grabbed me, placed his fingers under mychin, raised my chin to his face and kissed medeeply again. His latex encased penis pressingand throbbing against my abdomen just belowmy breasts. Our tongues danced together,chasing each other from my mouth to his, andback again.As wrong as it may sound to the reader, I wastruly in love with my son at that moment.We broke off our kiss for a moment, and Iglanced at our image in the mirror over he sinkand vanity. I was taken by what a very sexylooking woman I was. Naked, my only vestige ofmodesty being the thin, very blond, almosttransparent wisps of fine blonde pubic haircovering my pussy, I did look good. Yes, even inmy mid-thirties, I had to admit I was a sexysight indeed.And we made a very sexy and attractive lookingcouple. We did not look like a mother and son,we looked like a sexy 38 year old woman withher young, teenage lover. Yes, we made a verysexy image.“Gary, seriously, maybe we should stop. We cantouch each other, but intercourse is a big, bigstep. You may look back and really regret thissomeday…..”“Mom, I want this more than anything I have everwanted in my life. I love you. You are the mostbeautiful woman I have ever seen. I will neverregret this, never. I want you to be my first. Iwant you to teach me to make love….”I just nodded, accepting the fact that I wasgoing to take my son as my lover. I was going toallow my son to enter me, to cum in me. Myemotions were in total turmoil.I then lay back on my bed as Gary approachedme, resigned to accepting him without furtherprotestations. He approached me, pushing mylegs back so my heels were touching my ass, andhe slowly spread my knees and climbed betweenmy legs, his latex encased penis bobbingimpatiently in anticipation of finding its home.I remember distinctly remembering looking atthe thick, long, rigid penis standing so proudand so erect in front of my son and I knew thatin just a moment he was going to enter hismother and lose his virginity to me. My son wasgoing to have his first sexual encounter with me,his mother. And for the rest of his life, whenGary remembered his first experience, he wouldremember it was with me, his mother.The head of his penis had no trouble finds myopening this time, all of the petting andtouching had my vagina open and ready, and myown juices, and the lubrication from the condomitself, allowed him to slide right in. His girth wasmore than I was used to, but in my highlyaroused state, I could accommodate thethickness. But his length took a little bit ofwork.“Oh baby, you are a very big man,” I cautioned.“You are stretching me. Please be gentle, goslowly. You don’t want to hurt me.”Realizing that I had agreed to allow my son toenter me, I gave up all thought of resisting.After his first few thrusts, I wrapped my legsaround him, my heals propped against his firmass, allowing him full access to my vagina. I usedmy heels to guide him deeper as I stretched andstrained to accommodate this very large penis inmy rather petite frame.He slowed down a bit and took a dozen or moreslow strokes, going a bit deeper each time until Ihad all of him inside me. I was very, very full;filled more deeply and stretched wider than I hadever been before, and I was very aroused. While Iknew this was wrong in many ways, I could notdeny the incredible response I was having to myson’s rigid penis thrusting in and out of me.I started to moan with each plunge or Gary’scock. Since Gary had masturbated within thehour, he had great stamina. He was pounding mywet, dilated vagina with punishing thrusts.Gary then raised my legs over his shoulders. Inthis position he had me totally exposed andtotally vulnerable. He looked down, watching hislatex sheathed penis enter and withdraw fromme with obvious admiration and pride. The headof his penis was striking my g-spot with eachdeep thrust, driving me closer and closer toorgasm.My moans got louder and my breathingquickened. “Baby, you are going to make yourmommy cum ……baby fuck me….harder….faster…oh baby, fuck your mommy’spussy.” I urged him on with passionate abandon.With my feet high over his shoulders, Gary gaveme everything he had, which was all I could take.With every pounding thrust, Gary moved mecloser to the climax I craved, the climax Ineeded.Each pounding thrust raised my ass off the bedfurther. I spread myself as wide as I could,taking all of him.Then my orgasm crashed over me. “Oh my God,Gary. I am cumming. Oh shit. Oh God. Baby,fuck me.” I was literally screaming. I came, and Icame. Waves of erotic pleasure rocked my core.I have never cum harder. And no orgasm hasbeen more fulfilling.My orgasm, coupled with my upward movementsto meet each of his thrusts, and my incoherentmoans pushed Gary over the edge as well. Withone final and violent thrust, he buried himselfdeep in my womb and my baby released his seedinside the safety of his sheath.I lay there panting, relishing the after flow of myorgasm, as I felt Gary’s large penis pulsing deepin me as he spurted, time and time again.Gary’s constant pushing as deep as he could andthe definite throbbing of his cock inside me leftme no doubt that he was pumping out ropesand ropes of his cum. As I lay there, my feet andmy ass high in the air, I was wishing that myson’s warm seed could actually be pumpedinside me, unimpeded. I wished he could take mewithout a condom.Then the enormity of the act, and the power ofmy climax, caused my emotions and guilt tocrash upon me; I started to cry silently, tearsstreaming down my cheeks as my son’s erectionpulsed inside me. I was so confused by what Ihad done and what I was feeling.In a moment of clarity, I realized that I neededto get on the pill quickly, so we did not need todepend on these pesky condoms to protect us ifwe were going to continue this torrid loverelationship between mother and son. I alsorealized it was unlikely Gary would ever acceptthis was a single, ‘one time’ event. No, I knewGary was going to expect to continue this sinfulrelationship. I knew I could never refuse him.We remained coupled with Gary deep inside ofme. I felt his cock actually throb and thicken aswe lay there together. This was one of the mosterotic experienced in my life. It is hard toexplain, I am not sure I fully understand itmyself, but staying coupled together, my legsover his shoulders, my ass high in the air whilemy son’s large firm penis continuing to pulsedeep inside of me, continuing to drain the lastdrops of his seed, is an intimacy, closeness,tenderness between my son and me that I willalways cherish. I have never been more content,more fulfilled or happier than I was lying there,tears still running down my cheeks, as I remainedcoupled with my son after giving me one of thegreatest orgasms of my life!After several minutes of lying coupled together,Gary leaned forward and kissed me, more gentleand loving than passionate; and then he slowlywithdrew from me. I could feel my vagina spasmas he did, trying to adjust to the absence of hispenis that was stretching it so fully onlymoments before. My pussy seemed strangelyempty, and started a series of contractions thatfelt to me that it was looking for something tograsp. My pussy missed Gary’s penis already.Gary rolled on his back next to me, and thenpulled me close, and we cuddled silently forseveral minutes, my head resting on his chest,for the moment. I looked at his still erect penisstill encased in latex. I marveled at the amountof semen the condom had captured.I then curled up in Gary’s arms, with my head onhis chest. I gently caressed his nipples and chest,listening to his heart racing. I reached down andcaressed his penis. “I can’t believe you are still sohard.” He penis felt thick and heavy. The wet,slippery latex seemed ready to burst it was sofull of his semen.Gary pulled me on top of him, positioning meastride him. He held his rigid erection up andrubbed the latex covered head between my wetvagina lips. He was preparing to enter me yetagain. He slid right in, with no resistance.This time, there was less passion in our lovemaking. It was slower and more gentle. AlthoughI did not climax this second time, this gentle lovemaking was just as enjoyable as our firstcoupling. And soon, Gary came inside me asecond time in less than an hour, once again withthe protection of a condom. I had moved pastthe horror of what I was doing temporarily,blocking the guilt for this brief moment,savoring the experience as I allowed my son tofuck me again.As I slowly dismounted, I felt a flood of fluiddrain from me. I looked down and with horror, Isaw the only thing left of the condom was alatex ring around the base. Oh my God ! Thecondom had broken, spilling my son’s largeropes of semen inside my womb!Shit! Fuck! Shit! What had I done….how could Ibe this stupid? …my son’s semen was nowswimming inside my womb.

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