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Suzi 1Suzi 1Jim – meSuzi – soon to be wifeKatie – friendSteve – Katie’s bfPlease note, this is a fictional story. All people, places, and events are just crazy thoughts I’ve had. No one really exists in this story. At 25 years old, I thought life was going well. I had just moved on from bartending to a professional job, finally making good money. About the only thing I didn’t really have was a steady girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, bartending afforded me plenty of opportunities for causal encounters, but I could never keep a girl for very long. By biggest problem was that I am a big guy. Tall, well built, but the issue is that I have a very large dick. It’s nine inches long, but it is also very thick. Most girls are not comfortable with it. The longest sexual relationship I’ve had has been a month and the 3 times we had sex, she stopped it before either of us could cum. Oh, girls like playing with it and seeing if they can suck me, one even tried to sit on me and give me anal, but after 10 minutes of trying, all I got in was the head and she was shaking from crying so hard. But aside from that, life is good. It was a Friday afternoon and I received a call from my friend Katie. She was inviting me to her boyfriend’s place, with a group of people for a cook out. He usually puts out a good spread and there are some interesting people that generally show up. Katie and I had a little history, a drunken hookup, a one-night thing. We never made a big deal about it and her boyfriend Steve was ok with what it was. It was after all a few years ago. Steve and I get along really well so there really isn’t much to that. Katie did invite me to spend the night there. This made it easier for me to ride my bike there and not have to worry about trying to drive through the city after a few drinks.I got home from work, showered and put on some comfortable clothes, packed an overnight bag and headed out. I was a 45-minute drive and it was already 8 pm, so I didn’t waste too much time and got on the bike and headed out. I don’t ride a crotch rocket, but a midsized road bike. Better in the city than the large road bikes. In good weather it gets me where I need to go. I pulled up to Katie and Steve’s place, parked the bike and headed in. By now it was 9 pm and people were already there drinking. Steve had the grill going. He has a killer out door kitchen and really enjoys cooking for crowds. I made a bee-line to Steve and the grill to say hello and to grab a beer. Steve greeted me with a bear hug and we talked for a few minutes between him taking care of the food on the grill.Katie then came out side. She is a beauty. She is about 5’8” with long legs and a large chest. She is not a skinny minny though. Not fat, not even chubby, but not small either. She has so much self-confidence and sexual confidence that she turns heads where ever she goes. Katie was really one of my better friends, and when we drink she laughs at our dalliance and teases Steve that she should date the both of us. Katie greeted me with a big hug, asked how my week was and she was about to go into something else and her phone rang. She excused herself and I wandered back into the groups of people. I spent a few minutes talking with the people there. I knew who they were, but really I was friends with Katie and Steve. I wandered back over to Steve and sat at the high counter where I could watch him cook and we could talk. We were in the middle of discussing the upcoming baseball season. Steve’s company had a suite and he was telling me that because his sales were so good last quarter, that he was going to be able to use the suite on a regular basis, up to four people. Perfect for Katie, Steve, me and a plus one. I had just grabbed another beer and Katie came rushing up to me. “I need to talk to you, before you drink that beer!” Odd, but I agreed and she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me inside the apartment.“Remember my friend Suzi?” she started. “The little cute girl with brunette hair?” I replied“YES! That’s her. Well that was her that called. She had called to ask for two things. The first is easy. Can you pick her up from work and bring her back here for the night?”“Good thing you got me before the second beer, of course. She knows I’m on a bike, right?”Katie replied “Yes and she is ok with riding there. She does not finish work until eleven though, can you wait until then?” “For you, of course I can” I smiled at Katie. Katie went on “The second part is a little harder to ask.” She looked at me with apprehension.“Go on. You know I’m usually good for anything and I would help you any way I could.” Looking back at this statement, I wondered if I would have answered that way if I knew what was coming. But Katie and Steve were most likely my best friends, and I would do just about anything for them.“First,” Katie started “you have to not repeat anything I’m about to tell you to anyone. Suzi is one of my best friends and she’s trusting me right now.” I nodded. Katie went on “So the second favor is a lot more complicated, but I have a feeling you will not object, at least too much.”I didn’t say anything, just looked at Katie waiting for the shoe to drop.Katie took a deep breath and went on. “Suzi works as an on line dancer. A cam model. It makes her good money and she wears a wig and heavy makeup. You would not know it was her. Well, she called me and apparently she received an offer for some really big money, but she cannot do it herself and needs a willing guy to help out.” I was a little surprised now. Katie had volunteered me to help Suzi?? “Go on, I’m listening”“Suzi told me that she received an offer from one of her customers to watch her have sex with a guy with a large cock.” Katie knew I had that, but even so, she still blushed when she told me.I looked right back at Katie “So you volunteered me for this?”Katie actually looked a little embarrassed now. “I had told Suzi about the one time we fooled around. I remember it was too big for me and I guess I told Suzi that one time. Suzi’s customer made her this offer for tonight only and she remembered hearing about you from me. I really hope this is not too awkward for you?” This was an interesting offer. I had met Suzi once or twice and she was a pretty little girl. On a good day she might have been 5 feet tall, and that was with heels! I looked at my watch and it was 925 in the evening. “So where does she work and will there be enough time to get there and talk to her before going through with this?”Katie’s face lit up in a bit smile! “I knew I could count on you to help her!” Katie nearly leaped into my arms with a hug and the proceeded to tell me the address of where I needed to go as well as her number gümüşhane escort so I could text her when I got there. I grabbed my helmet and made sure I had the spare one too and headed out. It was a solid 30-minute drive. Friday might traffic being what it usually is. People rarely keep an eye out for a bike and it’s even more so at night.I came to the address eventually and safely. It was a non-descript office type building. When I got off the bike, I texted the number Katie had given me for Suzi. I got a quick reply to take the elevator to the 3rd floor and go to the left, office number 32. Then I was to wait outside. I followed these simple instructions and found the door. Outside of the door were a few chairs, so I sat down in one, not knowing how long I would have to wait. Less than 5 minutes later, the door opened and there in the door frame was a pink haired pixie wearing a blue silk rode with oriental patterns on them. It hung all the way to the floor on her cause she was so short.“Hello Jim!” She exclaimed. “We’ve met before, I’m Suzi. Different hair and clothes of course. Thank you so much for coming tonight.”I had to stop and think, yes we had met, but the way she looked now, I had no frame of reference. She led me inside to another waiting area. There was a receptions desk with a middle aged woman sitting at the desk. She looked like everyone’s aunt. To the left I could see a hall way with many doors and on the other side, what looked like a locker room type area. Suzi saw me looking around. “I assume that this is your first experience at one of these places. There are different everywhere you go. This is a nice one. This is Mama, at least what all the girls call her here.” Suzi said introducing me to the lady at the desk. “She is the one who approves what goes on here and who is allowed to work and visit. If I’m not mistaken, you might only be the second or third guy invited here who does not work.”Mama just kind of nodded and went back to her desk. When I took a second look, she had monitors and was watching all the cam’s that were active. “It’s Mama’s place and she is the boss. So what she says goes. Generally, we all get along. Every once in a while, there is a girl who tries to step out of line and she is either put back in place or is escorted out. Come over here for a minute and we can talk about what’s going on.”Suzi lead me to some of the interior chairs and we sat down, turned towards each other. It was the first real glance I had at her. Suzi is tiny! In heels, she might be five feet tall. This is going to be interesting since I am a little over 6’4!! Suzi started right in, “Around here we are very upfront about sex and what we like and what we do. It is a safe place really. It can get interesting at times. For instance, while I am not a lesbian in general, that does not mean that I haven’t played with another girl here from time to time. It is a job and really all about money for us. Which brings us to why I called Katie. I guess a few years ago you two had a little fun one night and she told me you were very well endowed. Is this true?” Wow, she really did mean they were up front about things. So, instead of being nervous and uncomfortable, I took a deep breath and relaxed, figured I might as well enjoy it. So I replied to Suzi “Yes, I am. I don’t flaunt it much, but I am longer than average and a lot thicker. Of course that is based on other people’s reviews.”“Ok,” Suzi replied, “we’ll be seeing it soon enough after all. So what happened was I have a regular customer who has been hinting to be recently that he would like to watch me have sex with a guy. Earlier tonight, he proposed paying me $500 to watch. He wants a private show and that it lasts 30-45 minutes. Oral sex and then intercourse. What do you think? Interested in helping me make some money? I will take you out for dinner as payment.” She kind of chuckled after saying that.“If I remember right, I am supposed to take you back to Katie and Steve’s after and they will have dinner for us then.” I laughed a bit. “But yes, it sounds like it might be fun. The only thing I worry about is showing my face. You are wearing a lot of makeup and have a wig on to hide yourself.”Suzi lit up in a big smile and pointed to a wall behind Mama “Of course you do not have to show your face! That is what the masks are for. Pick one out and we can get started soon. I would love to get out of here by 11ish so it’s not too late for dinner and a few drinks!” With that, I got up and was given a mask and a robe and directed to one of the changing rooms on the side. I stripped down and put the robe on and then put the mask on. It covered my eyes, but left the nose and mouth free. I stepped out and Suzi was no longer waiting for me. I looked at Mama and she said I was to go to room 4, knock twice and wait to be let in. So I walked over to the door, raised my hand and knocked twice. My life was never the same after the following hour. In the best possible way.Suzi opened the door and let me in. I was stunned looking at her. What a perfect woman! I was right about her being under 5 feet, but she was portioned amazingly. She has perky B cup breasts, with sexy nipples that looked to be perfect for sucking on. Not tiny and not giant. Her flat stomach went down to a hairless crotch, which I was about to see a lot more of shortly. She has a nice ass, not overly big, but it was there, for sure. She grabbed my hand and pulled me on to the side of the bed and we were both facing the camera. Right below was a screen where there was a man sitting in an easy chair. He was wearing a scarlet colored rode and had a drink next to him. Suzi looked into the camera and said “Well, John, does this work for you?”John looked at me, I could feel him giving me the once over and nodded his approval. He leaned over and I could hear a chiming sound. Suzi looked at her screen and then up to John again.“Thank you so much. You will not regret this at all”. Suzi’s eyes lit up and she smiled. She pulled me to my feet and stepped right in to me. She looked up and me and smiled. “Don’t really say much, I’ll be talking to the camera. I hope you have fun too. Oh, and if you need to stop, the safe word is ‘Orange’. I’ve never heard anyone saying that before during sex.”With that, she untied my robe and pushed it back over my shoulders. I was now standing exposed, by cock not quite semi hard yet, but well on its way there. Suzi reached down and gave a little whistle of approval. Still holding my cock, she turned to the camera and held out her hand and asked John “I hope this meets your approval.” I could see John’s eyes had gotten larger at the site of my cock in Suzi’s hand. escort gümüşhane With that, Suzi gently pushed me back on the bed, sitting on the edge at first and then she pushed me back to a laying position. I was fully exposed to John now, which I assume was the intention. Suzi crawled beside me and turned so she could play with me. I just leaned my head back and waiting for the fun to start.Suzi had taken my cock in her hand and start to stroke it. It was a slow and deliberate act, designed to provide pleasure and to prolong stimulation. She traced my cock head with her finger nail, running it up and down, building up the excitement. Slowly, the blood was pumping and my cock was swelling. She leaned in and kissed my cock. Starting with the head and licking her way down to the base and then back on the other side. AS she was teasing me, she was talking too.“ohh look at this beautiful cock. Do you want me to lick you… How does that feel? Do you like when I stroke you slowly…” and on like that. As I finally because fully hard, she started to really lick my cock head. I heard John’s voice over the camera then “Suck him”. Suzi then opened her mouth and took me in! At first it was only the tip, she was working on getting it wet, but she was starting to take more of me in too. Amazingly, she was taking me deeper and deeper and in no time had the first third of my cock in her mouth. It felt great! I was really enjoying it. I wanted to be able to touch and caress her at the same time, but I was not told I could or should do that.But then I heard John again. A little more gruffly “Let him lick you while you suck him.”Suzi took my cock out of her mouth and looked at John “You want me to 69 him?”Yes came the reply from the monitor. And with that, Suzi shifted herself and then straddled me, swinging a leg around over me, exposing a beautiful, clean shaved pussy! While I was not expecting to have to perform oral sex, it is one of my favorite things to do when having sex! I had to get good at it to get girls ready for my cock and if they couldn’t take the cock, I had to give them some pleasure! Because there was a height difference, I had to grab her hip and pull her back into me, so that the pussy was right in front. I reach out my tongue and started licking her inner thighs. I could feel the little shudder coming from Suzi when I started this.“He’s licking my thighs! It feels so good…” Suzi said out loud for John. “His tongue is really good. He knows what he’s doing too! Ohh, I can feel… he’s about to…UNGH!”It was the first lick on her clit and she moaned, loudly! I felt her body tense then. After her moan, she stroked my cock and started sucking me again. I could not believe that she had taken as much as she did. It really felt great. He little hands we pumping me and I could feel her mouth drooling a little from being to stuffed. It was spilling out of her mouth, down the shaft and over her hand, making my cock wetter and slicker. Meanwhile, I was really enjoying her pussy. I was licking her clit and pussy, teasing her with sticking my tongue deeper into her. I had also taken a hold of her ass then and was holding both cheeks. I spread them apart, only to see that sweet little asshole. Now, I’m not afraid of licking ass, but not knowing her very well, I was tentative at first. “Oh!! He’s moved on and is licking my ass now! ohhh that’s good! John, he’s licking my tender ass! I can feel his tongue circling me. His finger is now touching my ass too! Do you want him to finger me too? Yes?” Suzi’s voice trailed off as I stuck my finger in her ass up to the first knuckle. I was not forceful at all and there was not much resistance, after all I had been loosening her up. “John! He’s fingering my ass! Wait… ooooo… He’s licking my cunny… oh my goodness! He’s gonna make me cum!! Please John, can I cum on his face of you???”While Suzi was talking to John, I was doing all the things she was saying. But I was also feeling like this was not just an act. I could feel her body reacting. Her breathing was rapid, and her pussy was really wet. As I stuck my tongue into her pussy one last time, I felt her whole body tense and then explode in release! “I’m cumming!” Suzi cried out, and boy did she! She did not squirt per say, but she flooded my mouth and face with her cum. I was warm and sweet and delicious. She was stroking my cock at the same time. She could not suck me and cum together. After a minute of holding her on to me, I could feel the orgasm passing. Her breathing returned to normalish, and she finally swung her leg back over and collapsed next to my body. It took her another minute for her to finally look up at the screen. I had raised my head too and John was there stoking his cock with a look of utmost pleasure. John waited a minute and then said “That was an unexpected bonus! Fantastic. Now it is time for the main dance, I hope!”Suzi collected herself and sat up, looking at John and gave him a coy wink, “But of course it is time. But you have to give a girl a minute to enjoy herself too!”I could see John nod in agreement and slow down on stroking for a time. Suzi then climbed on top of me and was kneeling hands and knees above me, face to face. Her face was flushed and glowing. “Wow, that was unreal. Thank you.” She leaned down and gave me a kiss. It was not a peck either, but a good firm on the mouth kiss. I wanted to stay like that for a long time and I felt like she did too, but then Suzi sat up and turned around, facing the screen and John. She was sitting on my stomach, my cock standing in front of her at full attention. Suzi grabbed a bottle and started pouring it over my cock and rubbing it in. It was lube, she was getting ready.“John, are you ready? Can you see how thick this cock is? It’s a thing of beauty! Ready for me to sit on it?” and with that, she lifted herself up and took my cock in her hand and pointed it straight for her wet pussy. She rubbed the head a few times along her pussy and then positioned herself and sat down a little bit. She let out a large gasp as my cock head slipped inside her. She had seen and felt how large it was, but seeing and doing were two different things. Suzi let out a moan an dher body quivered as she sank further down my shaft. I had a great view of her ass and I placed my hands on her hips, helping her to guide her way down. Before she got half way, she pushed back up again, slowly, until she was off of me again. She sighed and sat on my stomach again, leaned back and spread her legs. I had to remember that this was for this John guy, and Suzi played that up now.“Look at the size of my pussy and his cock! Just that little bit stretched me. I have never been that gümüşhane escort bayan full! I don’t know if I can take it all.” She said this in a very convincing little girl voice. “but I will try for you John…” and she winked at the screen. I looked around Suzi and could see John was ready to pop. He was sitting up stoking himself quickly and hard. Suzi rose back up and dropped back down on my cock. She moaned again as it filled her up. To help her a little, I pushed down on her hips a bit and I slid in a little bit more. This took her breath away for a moment and then she got used to how I felt in her. I was only half way in and she started to push herself up and down. The more she did this, the wetter she got and the slicker my cock got and the further in I drive in to her. Suzi settled into a rhythm. She was taking is slowly, making she John saw my gliding in and out of her. We could all hear how wet she was then. After a few minutes, she began to move faster. Another glance around and I could see that John was trying his best to hold back.Suzi could see it too and start to encourage him. “Stoke it John! Does it excite you to see me fucking this giant cock? Do you know how much it is stretching me? If feels sooooo good inside me…” And with that, John was done. He let out a groan and proceeded to cum all over himself. It was impressive I will admit. He must have been holding it for a while. You could see the relief on his face and any tension fading away. I think he got his money’s worth!When he finally sat up John spoke to Suzi again. “You are the best. I’m very jealous of your friend right now. One last request for tonight, I want him to cum in you! I want to watch him fill you up. Turn around and ride him until you both finish.”Suzi really didn’t waste much time and she spun herself around to face me and proceeded to start to fuck me. It was not tender and loving, but lust and pleasure driven. The more the rode me, the deeper I got until finally I grabbed her hips and when she was on a down swing, I helped push her further down and I whole cock was not filler her up. Suzi came then. The orgasm that took her was unreal. She was shaking, her eyes had rolled into the back of her head and she was moaning uncontrollably. I took over and started to thrust up into her. She came back around for a minute and told me that it was ok to cum in her. She was on protection. It didn’t take many more thrusts for me to feel that all embracing feeling of being about to orgasm. I was pushing up into Suzi, the feeling was out of this world. I could feel her stretching out, the head of my cock pressing into the back of her and when she finally pushed herself down, do I was inside her totally, I lost it then too. My cock started to spasm as the first good cum shot for the past few weeks charged out and burst into Suzi’s body! She is not a big girl and I can cum a lot at times. This was one of them as the second spurt hit her again and I could feel both my cum and her girl cum flowing out on the sides of my cock from her full pussy. My cock twitched more and more and every time let loose more cum. Suzi was not really there now. A third and even more powerful orgasm just took her as soon as she felt my cum filling her up. As soon as I finished, She collapsed onto my chest. A tear rolled out from her eye and she laid there, letting my cock shrink down a little bit, enjoying her powerful orgasm. She could hardly move for the next few minutes. When she finally stirred she leaned up and grabbed my face and pulled me close and kissed me deeply. When she let me go she got back up and pulled herself off me. My cock was still semi hard and covered in both of our pleasures. Suzi looked over at John. Apparently he had cum again himself and he was trying to clean his mess now. “John, thank you for today. I had a great time.”John for his part looked back at Suzi and started to applaud. “That was the best I have ever seen. Thank you and thank you friend too. It was amazing to watch. After I calm down, I will have to think about doing this again. Good bye for now and good night.”“Goodnight John. Take care, thanks again.” Suzi replied. She reached over and turned her cam off of private and then shut it down completely. Suzi climbed back into the bed on top of me. She took of my mask and pulled her wig off. She had pretty black hair in a kind of bob (hard to tell right now). Without saying anything, she starting kissing me. It was hard and intense at first, but then became passionate and tender.“I’ve never felt like this before. That might have been the best sex ever. I can’t tell now, because I can’t think straight!” Suzi said with a laugh. “Come on, lets clean up and get off to Katie’s.”Her “office” had a surprisingly nice shower area. We both showered at the same time (different stalls though) and she signed out with Mama. Mama looked at her and smiled. “That was one of the best shows I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching!” Then Mama handed a flash drive to Suzi and said “If you want to enjoy that again, here you are.” And with that, we left.Suzi jumped on the back of the bike and I started it up. Suzi texted Katie to let them know we were on the way and she replied that Steve was getting out dinner ready. It was 1115 pm and I was now feeling great. Suzi wrapped her arms around me. It felt a little closer than just a normal rider. Like it was a hug. We got back and the last of the other people were just leaving. Enough time that we could say good night. Katie and Steve ushered us to the table outside to sit down. Katie brought over a glass of cold white wine for Suzi and a cold beer for me. Steve brought over s couple of burgers and chips with some grilled poppers for a side. As soon as I saw the food I realized how hungry I was and I scarfed the first burger and beer down so fast that made everyone laugh. After I got another beer and burger, we were able to relax more. Katie pulled Suzi inside and they were gone for about 10 minutes. I assume Suzi was telling Katie how things went. Steve asked really briefly and I told him it went well. He grinned and nodded and grabbed more beer for us.We cleaned up outside and then went inside to watch a movie. Suzi sat right next to me and cuddled up in my arms. I don’t even remember the movie I fell asleep so quickly. I do remember being woken up and moved to the bedroom. When I woke in the morning, Suzi was still right next to me. It was a great feeling her being there. I hugged her and she snuggled into me more and we lay there for a while longer until we heard movement outside the door.Katie knocked on the door and came in. She smiled when she say us and said, lets go lazy bones, time to get up and have breakfast. As we rolled out of the bed Suzi looked at me and she said “I think you and I need to have a good long conversation later today.”I just nodded in agreement and the four of us left and walked to the corner diner for breakfastTo be continued…

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