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TARA’S EVENING OUT”You want me to what?!!!” Tara screamed at the top of her lungs. “Please don’t beangry honey.” her husband Bruce begged, “I could lose my job if you don’t.” “Ican’t believe you’re asking me to do this! I’m you your goddamn wife!!! I can’tbelieve you’re asking me to fuck your boss!!!” “Please Tara!”Bruce begged, “I wassupposed to find him a call girl and I did but she backed out at the lastsecond!”Tara was dumbfounded. She and Bruce had been married for ten years, ever sincethey graduated from college. He was only the second man she had ever had sex withand had never once in all those years thought about cheating on him. Not that shewouldn’t have been able to, she was a very attractive young woman after all.Early thirties, trim atheletic body, dark black hair, she ran every day to keepin shape but cheating had never entered her mind. He had always filled all herneeds so there was never a reason. Bruce kept her well taken care of. He hadgotten a job in the planning department of a fledgling construction firm when hegraduated and he rose quickly to the top of the office eventually being put incharge of his division.Occasionally, when a new project was started, his superior, Jack Gonzolas, wouldcome into town to make sure things were going to run smoothly. Tara had nowlearned that when these visits occured her loving husband would set him up with awoman for the evening and apparently failure to do so could cost him his job.This wouldn’t be the official reason of course but it would be the reality.”Please!!!” he begged again with even more vigor than before. “He knows who I amBruce! You’ve introduced me to him several times in the past at companyfunctions. He’ll know I’m not a call girl.” “I know he does honey. But, I’vetried everyone I can think of and I’ve come up short.” Tears welled up in Bruce’seyes, “I don’t want to share you with anyone baby, but we don’t have much of achoice. We’ve got bills to pay and losing this job would be devastating. We couldend up on the street in a matter of monthes!”Tara began to cry as she entered her bedroom and slammed to door on her husband.How could he let something like this happen to them. She always had a deep fearof ending up on the streets. Her mother had gone through it when she was youngand told her the horror stories of trying to find a place to sleep at night wherethey wouldn’t freeze to death. She buried her head in the mattress on her bed.She hated her husband for what he was asking of her but she hated the idea ofliving on the streets even more. She could hear him begging her from the otherside of the door and she decided she would just have to sacrifice her dignity forher life. “Ok.” she answered as she opened the bedroom door, “I’ll do this.””Thank you honey.” he responded in relief as well as a touch of revulsion, not inher response but in the fact that he had to ask her to do this, “Let’s get youready and I’ll take you over.”Over the next several hours they chose the outfit she would wear as well as dollher up. The dress was a classy black satin number with a high slit up the leftthigh. It was very form fitting and Bruce decided it would be best if she didn’twear any underwear underneath. When they we finished Tara looked like a runwaymodel only with a touch more sexuality. “You look breathtaking baby.” Bruce saidwith a little excitement in his voice. “Are you getting turned on by this?” shequestioned. “By you hon, not by this.” Bruce had to hold back. He knew she wasn’thappy about this at all but for some reason the thought of another man pleasuringhis wife was growing on him and he could feel a throbbing in his crotch. “I justwish this was for me and not for him.” “Do you think he’ll be happy?” She saidhalf sacastically and half curious. “Are you k**ding baby! The second he sees youhis dick is gonna tear a hole in his pants!” Tara giggled,”That sexy, huh?” “Damnstraight! I’d have to pay a grand to get him a girl as hot as you! No joke!” Taragiggled again. Bruce’s words were turning her on a bit. She wanted to jump on himright there but she knew she couldn’t. This wasn’t for her husband it was for Mr.Gonzalas.They were both dead silent on the way to the hotel. Tara was terrified. What ifshe didn’t please this man. She knew what her husband enjoyed but since she hadnot been with very many men she thought maybe this could turn out to be a totalfailure. Being homeless entered her mind again and she steeled herself. She andher husband had watch many pornographic films over the years and from what shehad seen in them she figured that with most men it was just a matter of showingsome interest. The more excited you seemed as the woman, the more they appearedto enjoy it and although she was scared to death she had to admit she wasstarting to get excited. She always thought of Mr. Gonzalas as an attractive man,so at least she wouldn’t have to snuggle up to a troll. He kind of reminded her abit of Antonio Banderous, dark smoldering eyes and hair,and very well built. Hewas also very charming and up until this night she couldn’t really understand whyhis wife had left him a few years back. But even so she never really consideredhim as a sexual partner, not even in fantasies. She could feel herself getting abit flush but she chose to chalk it up to nerves. Bruce escorted her all the wayto the lobby of the hotel, “Honey, I love you so much. Thank you again for doingthis. I promise you, this will never ever happen again.””Its ok baby.” she responded, trying to hide her growing enthusiasm. She reallydidn’t want him knowing she was getting turned on by this, since he never once,inthe time they were together, expressed any interest in sharing her with anotherman. She didn’t want his ego bruised in the least. He handed her a paper, “Here’sthe room number. He should be waiting. You can call me whenever you’re finishedand I’ll come and get you.” “Ok.” she answered. “Even if it isn’t untiltomorrow.” “What?!!!” she exclaimed, “You mean this could take all night?!!!””Yeah honey.” he said in a calming voice,”He’s been known to spend a fulltwenty-four hours with the women we hire for him. Many of them come out asking meto keep them in mind if he ever needs their services again.” “Really?” sheresponded, “What the hell does he do to them up there?” “You’re just gonna haveto find that out for yourself.” Bruce answered as he gave her a quick peck on thecheek, “I know you don’t really want to do this, but please honey, don’t worryabout me and try and enjoy yourself. The time should pass easier that way.” “I’llbe ok.” she said as she headed for the elevators, “Have a good night.”Tara’s mind was racing. What could this man be doing to these women that couldtake an entire day and have them crawling back for more. She noticed one of themen in the elevator sneaking glances at her exposed leg. That and the thought ofbeing ravished but the man waiting for her upstairs started to get her wet. Shecould feel a small trickle of moisture caress her bare thigh. The doors to theelevator opened to her floor and as she exited she could feel the searing staresof all the men she left behind. She knew the satin of her dress was hugging everycurve of her ass and it was probably very apparent to them that she had nothingon underneath. Thoughts of each of them taking her in turn only served to fuelthe excitement that had been growing in her since she left her home.She found the room she was looking for. It was a suite on the northern end of thebuilding. She started to tingle as she knocked. This was it. If she was harboringany thoughts of backing out it was too late now. Mr. Gonzalas answered the door.He was as handsome as she remebered, wearing a fitted Armani suit sans jacket anddrinking a glass of scotch. A look of surprise crossed his face for a moment,followed by a broad welcoming smile. “Your Bruce’s wife aren’t you? Did I misssomething? Are we all going out to dinner?” he said as he set down his glass on anearby counter, “Because to be honest, I’ve already eaten.” “Actually, no Mr.Gonzalas.” Tara answered with a coy smile, “I’m your partner for the evening.””But you’re Bruce’s wife…” he stated again, “You do know what this entails,don’t you?” Tara entered the room closing the door behind her. She slinked overto him as sexy as she could.”Yes Mr. Gonzalas, I know exactly what this entails.Other arrangements were made but they fell through. So I’m yours.” “Yourhusband…?” “…Brought me over here. This was his idea and I’m ok with it.” Hishands rested on her shoulders and slid there way down her back. güvenilir bahis He ran them downthe satin until they came to rest on her buttocks, where he proceeded to strokeand fondle them. “Your a very attractive woman and I must admit the thought ofdoing this with a married woman does excite me a great deal, but are you sure?””I’m here to give you anything you want Mr. Gonzalas.” “Ok then,” He said as heraised his hands to the straps of her dress, flicking them off her shoulders andallowing the dress to fall to the floor. She stood there totally exposed in frontof him as her heart raced and her body shivered, “…and call me Jack.” “Only ifyou call me Tara.””Let’s have some fun, Tara.” He reached around her, supporting her bottom withhis arm and lifting her off the floor. His hand came underneath and between herlegs and found its mark, her awaiting clitorous. He played with it furiously andTara found herself at a loss of breath from the sudden waves of pleasure thatentered her body. She found herself involuntarily wrapping her legs around hiships and humping his hand. Jack buried his face into hers giving her a long deepkiss. His tongue probed her mouth very skillfully. Bruce was very adept at thisas well, but when Tara first fell for him he had a tendency to drive it in sodeep she felt like she was swallowing it.Her humping continued and for a brief moment she brushed his crotch. She wasunsure because of how quickly it happened, but it seemed quite large. She hadn’teven thought of this until now, but how large was Jack. Tara had never had a manover six and a half inches, which was Bruce’s length. The only other penis shehad ever had was her boyfriend in highscool and he was only about five or so.Both were about average and were more than enough to fufill her needs but what ifJack was larger. Bruce was a tight fit and she had never even had fantasies abouta man any larger.Jack carried her through a nearby doorway and into the bedroom, kicking the doorclosed behind him. He set her down on the bed and dropped between her legs.Kissing was not the only thing his mouth was adept at doing. His tongue workedher over, making her squirm and writh on the bed. She kick off her shoes and ranher bare feet down his back. He dug in deeper, determined to drive her over theedge. She moaned, the tingling felt great but she had never cum this way and wassure it was not going to happen now. She knew how to manipulate herself to orgasmbut no one else had ever been able to do it to her without penetrating her. Jackbeared down on her hips. His tongue had worked its way inside the inner edge ofher pussy lips. Then it slthered up onto the underside of her clit and hit itsmark. Tara found herself overcome by wavs of pleasure. She let out a huge screamof shock and excitement. Her body shook and thrust down on Jacks head until itpassed over her.Jack stood up by the side of the bed and began removing his shirt. “That wasincredible!” Tara exclaimed as she let out a sigh of satisfaction. Here it hadonly been about ten minutes and this man had already been able to make her cumonce already. She wondered if it was all him or if the fact that she was with aman other than her husband had her halfway there already. Jack had removedeverything now with the exception of his pants. Tara inspected what she could seeof his body so far and found it quite attractive. He was surprisingly well builtfor a man in his late forties. His arms had a nice cut to them and he had astrong, broad chest. Her eyes dropped to his washboard abs and she thought for amoment about how much sexier his body was compared to her husband. This thoughtbrought on a bit of guilt which quickly passed as she noticed the lump in hispants. Her eyes widened a bit, it looked quite large and she was taken aback by abit of fear and excitement.”Take off my pants, Tara.” he commanded. The firm tone and the sly grin on hisface told her she was in for a shock. He obviously liked to surprise his loverswith his size and tonight would be no different. She sat up on the bed andreached for his pants. Undoing the belt, she came to realize just how large thelump was. When the buckle was undone the tension it create forced the pants todrop an inch or so. Tara was getting turned on again. “How big can this thingbe?” she thought as she unzipped his fly. His pants dropped to the floor and hisbriefs looked as though they were going to tear from the tension underneath them.She looked up at him in a bit of surprise. “Take them down Tara.” he smiled. Taragiggled a little as she took hold of his waistband. She was breathing in shortquick breaths and when she jerked them down she shuddered and let out a deepsigh.Jacks penis appeared to be about eleven inches in length and about as thick assoda can. She found herself in shock, his fully erect member throbbed and bouncedlanguidly in front of her. She was mesmerized. She had never in her life seen adick this large and was almost afraid of it. “Was this going to hurt?” shethought “Or was this going to feel incredible?” “Lift it sweetie.” Jack ordered.Tara placed her hand on its underside and found herself once again amazed, thistime by its weight and the fact that her fingers couldn’t get all the way aroundit. She pumped it a bit and Jack let out a little moan. This excited her and shepumped a little faster. All she could think of was how great this giant dick feltas it passed through her palm. “Suck it.” Jack moaned.Tara paused for a moment. Bruce was surprisingly not a big fan of blowjobs so shehad not had a lot of practice at them and this monster was so large that therewas no way it could go directly in her mouth but she desperately wanted tosatisfy him now and she found herself working her mouth up and down its shaft.She could swear it grew even more during this and she continued. She slid hertongue up and down its base while at the same time pumping it slowly with herhand. She wanted it deep in her mouth but found that she could only fit the head.Jack seemed quite satisfied with this and moaned even more in response.Then suddenly, to Tara’s disappointment he pulled away. He lifted her from thebed, spun her around and dropped her back down on her belly. He raised her at thehips arching them up while her chest lay firmly against the sheet. Tara spreadher legs and he dropped in behind her. She could feel the base of his cockhead asit slithered around across her opening and slowly her lips parted as he entered.Tara’s worries about pain quickly passed, but it was very, very tight as heinched his way in. Deeper and deeper he continued to enter her and hearing noobjections he continued even deeper. She couldn’t believed what she was feeling,it felt like someone was mounting her on a flagpole and she half expected to feelhis dick coming up through her throat. Then she felt his balls making slightcontact with he clit. He had bottomed out in her. This huge cock had filled herright to the max.Then without warning he pulled out almost to the head. She braced herself knowingwhat was coming next. The thrust was firm as he reentered her. She squealed indelight, it felt incredible as he once again pulled out and gave her another deepthrust. Her toes curled as he picked up the pace. “OH…MY…GOD!!!” shescreamed. The feeling of tightness slowly dissapated as she became more wet andhe stretched he out with each deep pleasurable stroke. He continued this forseveral minutes at a furious pace and she found herself making more noise thanshe had ever made in her life, but she couldn’t help herself, he was driving hermad with lust. She was begining to see why all those call girls wanted to bebrought back. How many times does a person get a chance to make that much moneyany enjoy themselves like this. Tara found herself thinking that if everyone whorequired the services of a call girl was this adept at fucking she’d do it forfree. Fuck her husband! Once again a wave of guilt crossed over her. She reallydid love Bruce but Jack’s dick was driving her thoughts in very unexpecteddirections.Jack pulled out once again and flipped her over, reentering her from themissionary position. As he stroked deep into her once again, Tara approachedorgasm. He could read it on her face she was looking at him as though she hadbeen blind and was suddenly thrill to discover she could now see. She was alsowearing a huge shit-eating grin as she repeatedly threw her head back inpleasure.”You’ve never had a cock this big before, have you baby?” Jack asked as theirforeheads touched and they looked deep into each türkçe bahis other’s eyes. “Oh Fuck!” shewailed as he thrusted once again,”No Jack….UH..Uh..Never!” “You like it, don’tyou?” “Oh God! Yesss!” she squealed in response,”This is the best damn fuck I’veever had in my life!” He pulled her close to his bronze skin and lifted her fromthe bed. Tara wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he effortlessly raised andlowered her entire body on his awaiting shaft. “Tell me how much you love it,Tara.” he said as a leer crossed his face. “OHHHH YESSS!!! OH GODD YESSS!!!” Tarascreamed as she came,”I LOVE YOUR COCK JACK! FUCK ME WITH YOUR HUGE COCK!” “Youlike big cocks, don’t you Tara?” He smiled. “I LOVE BIG COCKS!!!” “Good baby,wait until later.” he laughed, “If you think this is good, You’ll love the rest.”Tara heard him but it didn’t register. Her orgasm was blocking out all rationalthoughts. All she could think about was wanting this to never end. He turnedaround and dropped onto the bed. Now she was on top of him. Realizing this, sheleaned forward and began bucking her hips up and down at a frantic pace. She wasraising her ass higher and higher into the air with each hump allowing for longfast strokes. The sweat covered their bodies now and they looked like two oiledup wrestlers slipping and sliding on one another, their skin slapping togethercontinuously.”DON’T EVER STOP FUCKING ME JACK!!!!” she wailed, “I WANT TO FEEL YOU INSIDE OFME FOREVER!!!”Jack would have been more than happy to oblige but he knew he wouldn’t last muchlonger at this pace. Tara was fucking him like a wild a****l and he was close tohis own orgasm. He thought to himself about how lucky a man Bruce was to havesomeone this enthusiastic. He grabbed her once again and threw her down on thebed. She was laying on her side as he reentered her. He ran his hands across herbody as he drove himself deep within her slippery little hole. He fondled herbreasts, which were beautiful little handfuls. The perfect size he thought. Againhe fondled and kneaded he buttocks, the small of her back, her inner thighs. Heloved the feel of a woman’s skin when it was covered in perspiration and thefondling appeared to be driving her over the edge once again.”YES!! YES!! YESSS!!!” Tara howled. She couldn’t believe how incredible thisfelt. She pondered how she could possible go back to only Bruce from here on out,especially since there were lovers like Jack Gonzalas out there in the world. Shecouldn’t help herself, she now wanted to fuck them all. “Oh God!” Jack grunted,”I’m gonna cum! Where do you want it baby?” Tara didn’t respond, she threw himoff and flipped him down gripping his massive cock in her hand, pumping itfuriously. She loved the feeling of power in having his manhood under hercontrol. Jack let out a loud gunt as his hips bucked up and down under her. “Cumfor me baby!” she ordered.Jack couldn’t hold it any longer. Sperm jetted upward from his prick nearly fivefeet as Tara continued to pump. She giggled as his hips continued to fuck herhand until the sensations subsided. Jack was spent, They had been going at thisfor nearly two hours now and Tara looked like she couldn’t wait to start again.”Oh baby, fuck me some more.” she whispered. “Sorry honey. You wore me out. Youhave got to be the best fuck I’ve ever had on one of these trips.” Jack said witha smile. “That’s all?” Tara looked up at him in disappointment, “But Bruce toldme you spend up to twenty four hours with the other girls.” “Bruce didn’t tellyou?” Jack asked in a very confused manner. “Tell me what?” “I always bring myson and friend along on these trips. We share the girls.” he flashed he a slygrin.”WHAT?!!!” Tara was in shock. Her dirtball of a husband obviously knew there wasno way she would do this with more than one guy, so he didn’t tell her everythinghoping she wouldn’t back out when she found out,”Your son and his friend?!!!Jack, I can’t do this!””You have to Tara. All the girls do and when you came in you told me you’d doanything I want.” He leaned in closer to her, “And I want this, Tara. My boy getseverything I want him to have and I want him to have you.” Tara was pissed. Whileshe was fucking Jack she was having fantasies about fucking even more men, butnow she wasn’t so sure she really wanted this. She didn’t know what to do. If shebacked out now she knew he’d be angry and her worst fears would probably happen.”Rueben!! Leo!!” Jack called out to the adjacent rooms in the suite. The door tothe bedroom opened and two naked young men entered. Tara grabbed the sheets andquickly covered herself. Jack climbed up from the bed and walked over to them,his big dick bounce lewdly as he stepped. “This is my son, Rueben.” Jack said ashe gestured to a young, handsome, hispanic male. He was slightly shorter than hisfather, but Tara noticed that he had a dick very similiar to his dad’s, maybeeven a bit larger. She felt a twinge of excitement once again enter her body butthere was no way she was going to do this.”And this is his best friend, Leo.” Jack was now gesturing to a young black male,very atheletic in build and very dark. He grinned, flashing a set of the whitestteeth she had ever seen. Tara looked down at his crotch and her eyes nearlybugged out of there sockets. This young man was sporting a penis that put theother two to shame. It was fully erect and stood, at least it seemed to her, tobe about f******n inches in length and nearly as thick as Jack’s. It looked asthough someone had merged this boy with a horse. “No!” she said, “I’m sorry Jack.I can’t do this!””Boys.” Jack grinned, “It appears you’re going to have to loosen the lady up abit.” And with that Jack exited the room, closing the door behind him. The Youngmen approached the bed from two sides to cut of any chance of escape for Tara.She knew she was in trouble and curled up in a ball against the headboard as theyyanked away her sheet. “Please! Please don’t do this!” she begged, but to noavail. They grabbed her by the arms and legs, pinning her to the bed. Ruebendropped between her thighs and looked up at her with a big smile. “Come on honey,we’re not gonna hurt you.” He said as he slid his hands under her hips amd up herwaist, “We want you to enjoy this as much as we’re going to. With a body likeyours, you deserve every bit of pleasure it can be given.” Tara quivered as histongue worked over her clit. She couldn’t believe this was happening. What hadshe gotten herself into. All she could do now was pray Rueben would keep his wordthat this wouldn’t hurt. The tinlge she was beginning to feel between her legsproved he knew how to pleasure a woman with his mouth and the way he was workinghis hands up and down her body was quickly doing a number on her senses.She started to squirm once again, this young man knew an awful lot about oralstimulation, he was already driving her crazy. She was quickly losing interest intrying to escape and then suddenly, without warning, the most intense orgasm shehad ever felt washed over her. She found her body thrust up towards his mouthdriving him in deeper and making her scream. When it past he didn’t stop. Histongue darted over her again and again until once again she climaxed. Again hedidn’t stop, he just kept driving her over, again and again until her eyes glazedover in a fog of sheer lust. She felt as though everything was moving in slowmotion and she didn’t even move when Rueben and Leo traded positions. Leo hadapparently learned his technique from the same source as her too continuallydrove Tara to orgasm after wet slippery orgasm. They worked her over for whatseemed like hours but in reality had been about forty five minutes and when theyhad finished Tara just lay there stretched out like a satisfied kitten. She hadnever felt anything so incredible and all her mind could think about was thepleasure.”That was some tasty pussy.” Leo exclaimed. “MMMM MMMMM, I could eat her out allnight.” Rueben responded and deep in the back of Tara’s mind she wished he would.”Tara.” Leo said as he leaned in on her sweaty body, “Tell us want youwant,baby.” Tara smiled as she purred and streched herself out, “Fuck me.” shewhispered. “Louder baby, I didn’t quite here you.” She spread her legs wide andran her bare feet back and forth across the sheets, “Fuck me, I want you to fuckme now.” Leo climbed between her legs, she had no intentions of fighting anymore.They could bring in everyman in the hotel now and she would give herself upfreely to every one of them. “Your wish is my command my lady.” he said as hisgiant black cock slipped güvenilir bahis siteleri up and down across the soft skin of her snatch. It madebrief contact with her clit and once again she felt another twinge of pleasure.”God Rueben, she is so wet!”He applied some pressure and slowly his cockhead was enveloped of the folds ofher womanhood. He slid smoothly into her deep well lubricated body. He wasdefinately bigger than Jack but she was stretched out enough now that she tookhim in easily. Leo kept a steady smooth rythm as he pumped her. All Tara could dowas smile, this was exactly what she picture heaven would be like, nothing butendless pleasure. Leo’s easy pace had sensations washing over her like the surfon a beach. With a quick jerk he rolled her over on top of him, she just laidmotionless across his strong body as he stroked long steady strokes into her fromunderneath. She had been moaning now for several minutes and was so into it takewhen Rueben started priming her asshole she didn’t even object. It was clear toher what was going to happen next and although she would never allow her husbandaccess to this part of her body she was now more than willing to allow this youngman to have his way with it. All she wanted was sex and she no longer care whatshape it took. “Oh God is she tight!” Rueben stated as he slowly entered her asswith his massive prick.Tara could feel the pain and tightness but the sensations she felt from belowwere more than enough to counter it. Rueben pushed deeper and deeper into her invery slow strokes, he really did not want to hurt her and since she was givinghim no indication of discomfort he worked in deeper and deeper until he buriedhimself up to its hilt. Slowly he worked it out again and when he reached thehalfway point he plunged back in. He continued this over and over, speeding up abit with each thrust. Tara found that the pain was now subsiding and giving wayto even more pleasure. The friction against the soft tissues seperating the twomen was starting to drive her crazy once again.”OH YEAH, OH YEAH, OH YEAH.” she chanted as they picked up the pace. She hadnever felt so full in all of her life. This little screw up of her husband’s wasturning out to be one hell of a blessing for her. They pumped her even harder nowand she started to feel the waves of an orgasm fast approaching. “Does yourhusband fuck you this good baby?” Leo asked as he nibbled on her ear.”N..N..NO..NEVER!” she managed to work through her lips. “What would he do if heknew how much you were enjoying this?” Rueben chuckled. “don’t…..know.” Tarasmiled as he kissed the back of her neck. “Let’s find out.” Rueben laughed andTara could now here the sound of a cellular phone being dialed. “WHAT?!!!” shesquealed, “NOOO….OOOOH….GOOOD!” Her objection was quickly drowned out by theorgasm that had suddenly rocked her body. She squealed over and over again as thepleasure refused to subside. “Hello?” Bruce answered the phone on the second ringfiguring Tara may be finished and needed him to come and pick her up.”Hi there. Is this Bruce? Tara’s Husband?” The voice on the other end asked.Bruce could here the sounds of sex on the other end and found himself curiouslyexcited. “Yeah.” He responded. “Hi. I’m Rueben Gonzalas. Jack’s son. We met lastyear when you brought that woman over for us. Remember?” Bruce could swear he washearing his wife in the background making the loudest sex noises he ever heardher make. “Yeah, I remember you, Rueben. What’s up?” “Well, I just wanted tothank you for the one you set us up with this year. My Dad’s all through with herand my friend Leo and I are doing her right now.” “Right now?” Bruce asked,surprized by what he was hearing but incredibly turned on as well. “Yeah, Rightthis very minute. She’s Taking us both. Leo’s in her pussy and I’m ridin’ theHershey Highway. She’s loving it! Let me tell you man, you are one lucky guy tohave a wife this fuckin’ hot.” “You mean you’re in her ass?!!” Bruce was floored.Tara would never let him in her ass but this guy had her going crazy over it.”Yeah man,it’s great!”Bruce sat down in the recliner in the living room. His dick dick shot to fullattention in hearing this and he quickly worked it out of his pants. “Do you wantto talk to her?”Rueben asked. Bruce began jerking himself off, “Yeah, yeah, puther on.” Rueben leaned over Tara, holding the phone in front of her face, “Yourhusband would like to talk to you.” “OH GOD!” she squealed as she was stillcoming down off her last orgasm. She steeled herself and grabbed the phone fromhis hand.”Hello…Bruce?” “Yeah baby, it’s me.” “Why didn’t you tell me I wouldhave to have sex…Uh.. Oh God yesss…with Mr. Gonzalas’s son and hisson’s….HU…HU…HU…best friend.” “I’m sorry about that baby.” Bruce said ashe continued to pump his own penis,”Last year was the first time it happened andI didn’t know it would happen again this year. I should have told you. Are youok?” “YE..YEE…YEEESSS, I’m.. OH GOD! I’m fine baby.” “They really are fuckingyou right now, aren’t they?” “Uh…Uh…YESSSS…Yes they are, OH GOD!” shestammered, “I’m sorry baby…Uh…hhh…hhhh… they called without MY…MY..permission.” “It’s ok baby,” Bruce answered,”Are you having fun?” Tara didn’tanswer. She didn’t want to hurt him by telling him how much she was enjoyingthis. “Honey,It’s ok. You can answer. This is actually kinda turning me on.” hestated. “R…R…Really?” “Yes, really baby. As a matter of fact, guess what I’mdoing right this second.” “Really?” “Yeah baby. Tell me what they’re doing to youright this econd.” “Oh G..God Baby…They’re in me. They’re both in me! Oh God itfeels so good!” “You like it, don’t you Tara?” Bruce said as he jacked off evenfaster. “YEESSSS! OHHHH GOD BAAABEEEE! I LOVE IT!” “Are they big, baby?” “OH GODYESS!” “How big?” “Twice as big as you baby and three times as thick!”Rueben and Leo picked up the pace determined to make her cum again while she wastalking to her husband. “OOOOHHH YEEAH!!!! BABEEE!!! THEY”RE FUCKING MEFASTER!!!!” “Oh God, honey you’re getting me so fucking hot! Fuck those monstercocks… FUCK ‘EM HARD!” Tara did as she was told and started meet the two men’sthrusts. She could feel another orgasm building inside and she could hardlyspeak. “Tell me baby. Is this the best fuck you’ve ever had?” Bruce didn’t carewhat the response would be, he was so turned on by this. “OHHHH GOD BABEEE!!!YEESSSSS!!!! YESSSSS!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! IT’S THE BEST FUCK I’VE EVER HAD!!!! ITFEELS SO FUCKING GOOOD!!!!!” This sent Bruce over the edge, knowing his wife wasjust across town being fucked better than she had ever been fucked in her lifecaused his cock to spasm and erupt. “Oh GOD!!! TARA, I’M CUMMING!!!” The sound ofthis sent Tara reeling. Her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks, “FUUUUUCKKKBABBBBEEEE!!!! I’M CUMMING TOOOOO!!!!! YESSSS!!!!! YESSSSS!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!YESSSSSS!!!!!”Bruce was flustered, he couldn’t believe how hot this was and he now hoped oneday he could watch her fuck another man, But for now he decided to let her haveher fun. “Tara Baby. I’m gonna let you have your fun, ok. Call me when you’redone and I’ll pick you up.” “Ok baby, thank you.” Tara shut off the phone, ” FUCKME YOU a****lS!!!” She screamed, “MAKE ME CUM AGAIN!!!”Bruce came for his wife the next afternoon. He was amused by the look ofsatifaction that was now plastered across her face and even let out a bit of achuckle when he noticed she was walking a littl funny. “So baby,” He smiled, “Howwas your evening?” She couldn’t find the strength to hide the smile on her face,”I oughta kill you, you little bastard!” She giggled, “But if I did, my pussywould never speak to me again.” “So she liked it, did she?” “She an happy littlepussy.” Tara grinned, “A bit sore now, but she is definately happy.”Tara spent the next several hours telling Bruce about her wild night. After thephone call, Rueben and Leo continued their rigorous fuckfest until about dawnwhen they ordered in some room service. It was then that they invited the guythat brought their food to have his way with her. He agreed to a quickie andspent the next twenty minutes working her over. When he left Mr. Gonzalas cameback and he and the boys spent several more hours gangbanging her. She hadn’t hadso much fun in her entire life. Bruce was enthralled. “I’m glad to her thathoney.” he said as he lay there next to her on their bed, “’cause after yourlittle snatch has had enough time to recover I was thinking, one of my friends atwork had told me recently about this all male dance club on the other side oftown that, for the right amount of money will gangbang anyone who’s interested.Of course this time, I want to watch!” Tara looked at him in total shock for amoment and then slowly a mischievous grinned grew across her face.

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