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TommyFucking doorbell! I was going to rip it out of the door and shove it up the arse of the person on the other side, then march them to the end of…“Hi, Bev, how nice to see you again,” I said with a smile, as I opened the door.Her eyes flitted a little, looking behind me, “Oh shit! I saw your new furniture being delivered and it only just occurred there was a bed too and…”“And you should see it!” Laura said from behind me. “Tommy, stop being so rude and invite her in.”I just shrugged and stood to one side. Bev looked at me with a grin and came in.“Tea, coffee?” I asked as Laura took Bev by the hand and pulled her toward the stairs.“Coffee please, white and none.”“You’ll have to excuse the mess, with the moving and the delivery…” was the last I heard of Laura jabbering to Bev.I had to smile as I was making the coffee. Laura was a totally different person to the one I had walked down the beach with, even the one before dickless-in-law reared his ugly head again. After her reaction to Tina on our first day, it was great to see her treating Bev like an old friend.I heard them come into the kitchen and as I handed Bev her coffee, she shook her head at me. I nervously looked at Laura, who was grinning.“Not a good idea, Tommy. I mean it’s all well and good you both use the bed.” I swallowed hard. “It’s okay, Tommy, your secret is safe with me.”“I, but, I thought…” I looked at Laura for help, which was not forthcoming.Bev rubbed my arm, “Shh, relax, I won’t tell anyone.”“Laura?”“She told me all about it. How you did it to her; she had no idea what was happening, then bam!” Bev slapped her hands together, while I nearly had a heart attack.Bev continued, “These two guys arrive with your new bed. You may be the one paying for it, but to pick it without even consulting your wife? Bad form, Tommy. I think you dodged a bullet. You made an excellent choice and Laura seems to approve. Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”“Erm, fine, just a little stressed with everything that’s going on at the moment.”“Tina mentioned Laura was like that on your first day. For two young pups, you seem a little highly strung. Maybe it takes the wisdom of age to understand that so long as no one gets hurt, there’s no point stressing over anything. And to that point, I’d like to offer you a little stress relief.”Yes, I did nearly choke on my coffee and Laura was no better. Bev just looked at the pair of us and chuckled.“If Laura doesn’t mind that is,” Bev was playing us like a pair of fiddles.”I’m holding a little do at mine tonight; just the neighbours and a few select friends. I’d love you both to be there as you are the excuse. A little welcome to the road party.”I looked to Laura, who nodded, and said we would love to be there.“Excellent, eight o’clock, no special dress and you are not to bring anything. You are the guests of honour.” She put her cup on the side, gave us both a kiss on the cheek and headed to the door. We followed and said goodbye and then closed the door.“She’s like a bloody whirlwind,” I said to Laura.“And then some. I couldn’t keep up with her questions,” Laura laughed. “But it might not be a bad thing. She kept saying not to worry after asking a barrage of questions and that she knew she was a nosey cow. Really, I only told her you surprised me with the bed and that was it.”We carried on sorting the house out after that, stopping for lunch after a short while. That afternoon we were in the basement, taking measurements and drawing plans. We intended on converting it to include a small studio for Laura, an office that we could both use and some work out equipment.Once we were happy, we settled down in the new armchair. I made a mistake and brought a couch again, şişli escort bayan in fact, two this time as the living room was much larger. Laura could almost sit alongside me in the armchair, it was that big. I raised the footrest and we checked through our email. I then started to channel hop until I caught the end of one of the internationals on the TV.I was not going to be watching it. A dig in the ribs from the girl bouncing on my lap got my attention.“What?”“Do you have any holiday owing?” she asked.“A few weeks, I’ll need some for Christmas, but otherwise I’m good.”“Do you think your boss would let you take a fortnight at the start of December?”I thought a little and was not aware of anything impending. There were a few projects, but one was due to finish in the middle of November and we were right on target for that. The other two had just started, so I wasn’t involved in them yet.“It should be okay, so long as no one else has booked it. Want to tell me why?”“I’ve been offered an overseas shoot. It’s my first since, well.”“Dates?” When Laura told me, I completed my holiday request and sent it to my boss. “He’s always nagging me to use all my leave. This might be the first year I’ve come close. Where are we going?”“It’s a swimwear shoot in The Canaries.”“Ooh, that sounds fun, which island?”“La Gomera, in a place called Playa de la Calera, the shoot is nine days but because of transfers and flights it means we have to be on the island for two weeks.”“May have been more sensible to go somewhere more accessible and with better links.”“I’ve worked for this director before, his signature is using places and models that are either unused or rarely used. Mind, I was never allowed to do a distance shoot; I always had to be home at the end of the day. He’ll be over the moon that I can do an overseas one at last.”“He obviously likes your work, it would have to be someone very good for me to keep asking, in the hope the restrictions change.”“I think he’s always had a bit of soft spot for me.”“Oh well, I think, for my sweet sister, I can suffer two weeks of Canaries sun, and watching models parading about in swimwear.”Laura sighed and shook her head, “It’s men’s swimwear, but feel free to stare all you like. So, we’ll have to pay for your flights and transfers, but I’ll call them on Monday to confirm and say they can deduct it from my fee.”I started to object, but Laura put her finger on my lips and then kissed me around it, “Think of it as a long-overdue birthday present. Now, look at the time, we need to get ready.”“But Bev said we didn’t have to dress up,” I flinched as I said it.“Pig, no husband of mine is going out without showering and changing into clean clothes.”I quickly stood up, dumping her on the floor and did my best impersonation of a salute, “Yes, Mrs Shelby, right away.” I stepped over her and ran up to my room. LauraAs I sat on the floor nursing another sore bum, I wondered if Tommy had ever grown up. I smiled as I got up and followed him upstairs at a more mature pace, plotting how I would get my own back on him in the most childish way possible. We hadn’t been exerting ourselves as much today as the previous couple, but I felt a bit whiffy. I stripped and walked into the bathroom.“Tommy?”“Gaura?” he sort of gurgled it, as he had a face and head full of foam.“You just starting or finishing?”“Artig,” this made me smile“I hope that was starting not farting,” I said as I got into the shower.I ran my fingers through his hair, which got his attention and with my hands full of foam, I started to wash his back. I massaged his shoulders and worked my way down, using both hands on each of his sides. Tommy arched his back and put a hand out to support şişli escort bayan himself against the wall.“Gel,” I said as I reached the bottom of his back.He quickly wiped his eyes, gelled up a flannel and passed to me. I put one hand between his legs, holding his thigh at the front as I scrubbed the back and sides and did the same when I did his calf.“Gel,” I repeated and rather than stand I just held the flannel out to him.I repeated the action on his other leg, then stood and after getting more gel, washed his arms. When I was done, I told him to turn around. As he did, he looked as if he was about to speak again. I wiped his mouth off and kissed him.“Shh, I owe you.”I washed the front of his shoulders and his chest, massaging the gel in again. Pouring more on and washing his belly, giving it a little tweak at the sides and watching him shiver. Looking down and then back at him, I grinned and squatted down again, licking my lips as I watched his reaction.“Who’s that for?” I asked, with his cock bobbing within inches of my face.“Erm.”I giggled at his inability to form coherent thoughts. “Not enough blood to make a decision? That’s a pity.”I washed the front of his legs in much the same way as I had the backs, the only thing this time his balls just kept getting in the way and brushing against my hands. When I had finished, I stood and squeezed around him. Taking the head off the wall, I turned the water back on and started to spray him down.“Don’t look at me like that, you can clean the rest. Do me a favour first, hold my plait out of the way.”When I had finished rinsing him, I started to wash myself, with him holding my plait. I had no idea where my shower cap was, honest. I also got Tommy to wash my back and I swear as he did, I had a small orgasm. My knees went a little weak and a shudder ran through me, as the wall went out of focus for a fraction of a second. I only let him do my back as we needed to go out. There was no way I would have let him out of the house if he went below my waist or around to my front.After he rinsed me, we dried ourselves and cleaned our teeth before going into our separate rooms. ‘No need to dress up’ were the instructions from Bev, jeans and t-shirt it was. Tommy had thought similar, a navy t-shirt instead of my turquoise one. He would do.“Ready?” he asked.“I feel uncomfortable not taking anything, but yes.”“I know, but that’s what she said. I get the impression it’s the only time we’ll be allowed off the hook.”He held the door open for me and I waited while he locked it. Holding hands, we crossed over and walked to number eleven. Just as we were about to walk up the drive, a car pulled up with someone calling us.“Laura? Tommy? Is that you?” said the lady.As we turned, we saw a statuesque redhead get out of the car. I found out that barefoot, she was only an inch taller than me. There was just something about the way she carried herself, and her four-inch heels only added to the overall impression. Tommy recognised her first.“Mrs Egil! I wasn’t expecting to see you.”“Diane, please and this is my husband, James,” she introduced the man joining her.I was surprised he was about the same height as Diane and seemed slight compared with Tommy. From my limited dealings with Diane, I would have expected her to be with someone like Tommy or Luke. After shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries, I had to clarify something with her.“I’m sorry, Diane, I didn’t recognise you out of your office suit and with your hair down. Please, is this what you meant by speak to you later?”“Yep, sorry, I was sworn to secrecy, everyone is until Bev has invited the guests of honour. It’s just her thing; she loves to organise.” Diane then leant mecidiyeköy escort in closer and spoke conspiratorially, “I’m sort of glad you didn’t recognise me. The work me is a very different person.”Diane took hold of our hands as we headed to the front door and guided us to the side of the house.“Let’s sneak you in, get one over on Bev,” Diane tittered, and James tutted.“Arrgghh! Baby girl!” she cried out as she walked into the kitchen.’So much for sneaking’, I thought. Tina turned and the pair of them embraced, but what caught me off guard was their kiss. It was on the lips and it appeared to be full of passion and not just a peck. Luke and James shook hands before exchanging kisses with each other’s wives, much more sedately than the women’s kiss.Luke strode over and gave me a peck on the cheek and shook Tommy’s hand. Even though he was shorter by several inches, Luke seemed to overshadow Tommy. I noticed through the rest of the evening, he wasn’t brash, arrogant or rude, he just seemed to be a presence that everyone welcomed, and his wife seemed the perfect partner for him, a yin to his yang.There was not one person we met that night that was disagreeable. Like any group of people, there were some I felt more affinity to than others. Tina and Luke were two. Bev was lovely too. John, like James, seemed a bit quieter, almost in the shadow of their wives, but when they got animated, they were fascinating to listen to. It turned out that John’s war wound, as Luke had put it when we moved in, was in fact, a war wound. He had been injured on his second tour of Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment.It was about eleven o’clock and Tommy and I had been separated, which in some ways I was nervous about, but also thankful for. It was a confidence boost for me. Being in a social situation, effectively on my own, was something I imagined struggling with as we had stuck very close since last year. If it had been at the start of the night, I would not have managed. Now, I had met a few people and they all seemed nice. I smiled when I looked over and saw Tommy looking at me, he just mouthed ‘Okay?’ to me and I smiled and nodded back.Well, I was okay and then Tina walked up to me. She put her arm through mine and walked me out into the garden.“How’s it going, sweetie?”“Oh, fine, everyone’s been so friendly.”“And no attacks of jealousy?”“Pardon?”“Sorry, on Thursday, the look you gave me, I thought you were going to attack me,” she said it with a smile, then continued. “I know the feeling, not certain how you feel, you need space and time to work out your feelings, and then some interloper is sniffing about?”I just looked at her open-mouthed. “But why would you need to worry like that if you were married? You would know your feelings, good or bad, you wouldn’t need time and space, would you?” She carried on smiling.“Sweetie, don’t worry. I’m not prying, even though some will tell you I have a bit of reputation for being nosy. I’m not trying to be nasty to you either, just explaining how I see things. How I see you and your brother interacting.”“But…”“Shhh, let me tell you a story,” Tina told me about her first Christmas with Luke and his relationship with his sister. “So, I can understand the depths that love can go. If it’s right for you and you are sure your relationship can cope, don’t let society hold you back. However, be cautious about what you say and how you react to people. Bev and John won’t care, they have an unconventional relationship. Diane and James are less than vanilla too,” she scrunched up her eyes, “but then, Diane has done work for you too, so she would already know. Bitch! Her and her bloody confidentiality!”Tina suddenly stood up and stormed inside. Less than a minute later she was back out, dragging Diane with her. I almost laughed, it was like watching a forty-pound Bulldog dragging a hundred and thirty-pound Doberman. Tina looked like she was fuming, while Diane was laughing.

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