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Sorry this chapter took so long, hopefully it would be worth the wait. Thank you all for your votes, comments and support. This is it, the end.

This story contains elements of BDSM, blackmail, public humiliation and degradation. If that is not what you like please don’t read any further. As always vote and leave comments. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy.


“You love me?!” I said half shocked, half confused. “Why?” I said. She can’t possibly love someone like me, someone who cheats on her girlfriend, someone who gets off on being sexually humiliated and degraded by other women. Someone as perverted as me can’t possibly be loved by someone like her. I mean calling Jo gorgeous would be an understatement. She is the kind of woman most people fantasize about while masturbating. Her model looks, big breasts and tight ass make her the perfect woman. Her attitude sucks, but her body more than makes for it. Why would she love ME?

“What do you mean, why?” she said slightly irritated as if what I had just said was the dumbest response possible. “I just do, I always have. At least for as long as I can remember. I still remember the first time I saw you. You were talking to one of your students dressed in that cute white sundress you have, god you looked so adorable in that. You had those short messy curls that made your face look so sweet and innocent. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you smile. You are amazing Eva, and you deserve so much better that what is happening to you.” She said staring right into my eyes.

“No, I don’t buy it. You don’t love me, it’s just another one of Carries tricks to humiliate me.” I said not believing her for a second. “You can’t expect me to believe that someone as wonderful as you could love some like me? I am not that stupid.”

“What!? No…no…no…no…” she said, there was a look of hurt in her eyes. It almost made my heart melt, almost. But I was not going to be fooled by her or Carrie ever again. “Why would you think something like that? I really love you Eva, deeply and profoundly. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that I love you?”

“It’s because you are way out of my league Jo. The last time that happened, I ended up in this situation. I can’t – I won’t believe you no matter what.” I said as I started to sob silently. “I don’t know what happened between you and Carrie, but I do know that I love you. And why do you think that I am out of your league? Look at yourself in the mirror Eva, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

Her words made me blush, suddenly conscious about the way I was dressed I started pulling my top to cover more of my exposed midriff, but it was of no use. The more I pulled it down the more cleavage I exposed. I gave up, “You want to prove that you love me, then kiss me.” I was pretty confident that I had caught her bluff. She was never going to kiss me.

She stared at me for the longest time, before she leaned towards me grabbing my head firmly and pulled me in for one of the most passionate kisses I have ever had. It started timidly like most first kisses but soon I felt her mouth part slightly as her tongue darted into my mouth. I kissed her back with all the anger, frustration and arousal I could muster. Soon the kiss transformed into a full blown make out session. I felt her hand move from the back of my head to my neck, and then down towards my breast caressing me along the way. She started fondling my breasts through my shirt as I moved my own hands under her skirt. As my hand made first contact with her pussy, she moaned loudly into my mouth. She was dripping wet, as I fondled her pussy with my hands. She broke the kiss momentarily as she looked right into my eyes, with a fire I had never seen before. She grabbed me by my waist, picked me up and moved me on to her lap with relative ease. She resumed kissing me, as she grabbed the hem of my top and pulled it over exposing my breasts. This had gone too far, I pushed my hands between us and stopped our make out session before it went any further.

Both of us were breathing heavily, as I put my top back on to cover my breasts. I returned back to the passenger seat before Jo finally broke the silence. “Wow.” She said as she started giggling. “That felt a hundred times better than I had ever dreamt.”

“Yeah! Wow. That was very…um” I said but I was out of words. I didn’t know how to describe it. There was this passion and sexual tension between us that just intensified everything. “So hot?” Jo completed my thought.

“Yes.” I said. “So you really do love me.” She nodded, too out of breath to say anything. “Were you ever going to tell me if all this had not happened?”

“I don’t know. Probably not. I always thought that it would put me in a very vulnerable position to tell you. I was scared you would turn me down. But seeing you like this, it just… I just had to tell you.” She said. I smiled at her and we sat in silence as both of us regained our composure. Eyüpsultan Escort

“So, what does this mean for us?” Jo asked hopefully. I didn’t know what to say. What was I doing, my love life was complicated as it is with Kirstin and Carrie, and I couldn’t afford to be involved with a third woman. Before I could say anything, we were interrupted by the echoing sound of horn. It was Carrie.

I glanced at Jo one last time smiling, before I left her car. As I started walking towards Carries car, I heard Jo coming out of her own and she started walking beside me. For the first time since this nightmare began I felt confident, I was no longer alone. Carrie got out of car, and held her hand up indicating me to stop.

“Show them to me, slut.” I winced as I heard the word slut echo through the parking lot. I grabbed my top and pulled it over in one quick motion hoping to get my humiliation over as soon as possible. Jo took my top and put it in a handbag. My boobs were completely exposed to anyone who was present in the parking lot. Luckily for me there was no one to witness my humiliation, but standing in the school parking lot with my top half exposed was still scary. I was shivering, as Carrie walked towards me. She grabbed both the nipple rings and pulled them lightly. It didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would but was still enough to make me yelp.

“They make you look so slutty, E. “Carrie said fascinated with them. Still flicking the rings alternatively she turned her attention to Jo. “I hope you had fun with her.”

“I did, she is every bit the eager little whore you said she was. Today was amazing, you got to lend her to me again soon.” I was shocked, what was Jo saying. I thought she loved me and was going to defend me but instead she is actively taking part in humiliating me with Carrie. I looked at her, shooting daggers with my eyes. With a sudden surge of anger I blurted out, “Fuck You Jo.” I could never in a million years guessed her response.


She slapped me hard in the face shocking both me as well as Carrie. “Don’t you talking to me like that you little slut. You are nothing but a worthless piece of ass to me, that I enjoy humiliating for my pleasure.” Her response made me cry, as I stood there not understanding what was going on. One minute she said she loved me and made me feel so special and the very next minute she makes me feel like the most worthless person in the world.

“Shut Up, E. You deserved what you got, and don’t you dare talk to me or Jo in this way ever again.” I continued to sob as I felt more dejected than ever. “Do you understand me, you mindless bimbo?” Carrie said staring at me with anger. I stopped sobbing, “Yes, mistress” and slipped back into my role as the sub.

“As a punishment, you are going to ride with me naked the rest of the day. Hand me your skirt.” In an attempt to avoid any more humiliation from either of these women I quickly removed my skirt and handed it to Jo who put it in the handbag. “Go sit in the car, I have something to discuss with Jo.” She said slapping me in the butt urging me to quickly get in the car.

Once there, I could no longer hear Carrie and Jo, but figured they were insulting me a little more from there expressions. They were both giggling like best friends and looked at me a couple of times during the conversation. Finally Jo handed Carrie the handbag with my clothes in it along with the shopping bags and left.

“Meet you later, Mindless Bimbo.” Jo yelled as she walked out of the parking lot. I hate that name. I am not mindless, I am a teacher for fuck sakes. You know what, fuck her and fuck Carrie. At least my minds my own. I sat in my own humiliation as Carrie put the bags on the back seat before sitting beside me on the driver side. I held my head down, feeling too dejected to argue.

“She genuinely hates you, Eva. But I don’t, remember that. I love you, and I know it might not seem like it sometimes by the way I behave but it’s true. I know what you truly desire better that you yourself. So trust me and just revel in your humiliation slut. It’s going to be a lot easier that ways.” She said.

I stayed quite but nodded to get her off my back. I have to get out of this somehow, I can’t let this crazy bitch control me like this. Content with herself Carrie put the key in the ignition and turned it. She drove out of the parking lot, with me sitting naked beside her. The car glass was slightly tinted so I was sure no one could see me, not unless they were looking carefully.

We drove silently as I hatched a plan to get myself out of this situation. I was doing this mainly because Carrie was blackmailing me with the photos and videos she had. If somehow I could get to those photos and delete them I would be free from her control. Carrie has three computing devices that she could keep them in, and she wouldn’t trust anyone else with the photos. I know her and I am sure that she has three copies of Escort Eyüpsultan the pics- one in her phone, the other in her work computer and one in her laptop. Any backup she has will be physical and not online, she is too much of a control freak for that.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldn’t possibly do this alone. Her mobile would be easy for me to get into but her laptop or work computer was going to be difficult. Before I could find a solution to this problem we had arrived at our destination. A hair salon?! What the fuck was she planning now? I looked at her in a shocked expression, expecting the worst with her.

“Please Carrie don’t make me shave my head.” I said pleading. I love my long straight hair, I couldn’t imagine myself without them. She chuckled at my reaction, and said, “NO. God no. Why would you think I’d shave your head? No, I just want to see you in that messy curly look you had a few years back. You looked very beautiful in them. I remember that old yearbook photo of yours with those short curls. I think that would make you look so young and innocent just like a school girl.” She said.

I was slightly relieved that she was not forcing me to shave my head, but at the same time a little concerned. That short curl look I had was good when I was in college but as a teacher that would not at all be appropriate. And what was up with everyone and my messy curl hairdo anyways?

I simply nodded my head and grabbed my clothes as she handed them to me. I got dressed and followed her into the hair salon. Once inside I waited by the counter as Carrie took her time explaining the hair dresser how to cut my hair. I was very conscious of the way I was dressed and could feel people, mostly women staring right at me with disapproving looks. I was embarrassed particularly by one of the woman sitting in the waiting area pretending to read a magazine while she was actually checking me out. I could feel her perverted gaze as her eyes followed each and every crevice and curve of my exposed body.

I could feel myself getting wet under her gaze. She was average looking but had very sexy mouth. I swear I saw her wet her lips with her tongue seductively. I was focused entirely on her mouth when I felt a tap on the shoulder. It was Carrie.

“They are ready for you.” That’s all she said.

Absent mindedly I followed her into one of the back rooms. I was still thinking about the woman in the waiting area. It’s weird how different everything seems once you openly sexualize yourself. That woman was obviously interested in me, she was turned on from the way I was dressed. Under normal circumstances, if I were dressed conservatively she would not have paid me this much attention. Was Carrie right? Do I secretly desire all of this? Should I just give in to all of this, revel in my desire to be humiliated and degraded?

NO. How can you even consider this you dumb bitch? She is forcing you to do all of this. Of course I am going to be turned on by this, where there is a stimuli there is a response. Its scientific, it’s simple. I am not turned on by humiliation, I am turned on by the persistent sexual stimulus that I have to endure. I tried to make sense of my arousal as we walked to the back room. Once I sat on the chair, the stylist an old woman pushed my head back as she covered my eyes with a sleeping mask. “Relax dear, I will take care of everything.” She was very gentle and before I knew it I fell asleep. I didn’t realize how tired I was before now.

I was woken up by the sweet sound of Carries voice, “Wake up, slut. It’s all done.” I slowly opened my eyes as I felt her pulling the mask away. At first I didn’t recognize the face that stared at me when I looked in the mirror. She was a much younger woman, with a sweet innocent face and short blonde hair that complimented her look.

“You bleached my hair.” I said puzzled.

“I like it.” I really did. They looked amazing, Carries face had a beaming smile. She seemed happy with herself and maybe with me. I don’t know, it’s difficult to tell with her.

“I know, they do look wonderful on you. I just thought you didn’t completely look the part of the mindless bimbo without the blond hair. Well now you do.” She said.

The smile from my face disappeared once I realized the true reason for bleaching my hair. She wanted me to look the part of dumb mindless whore she is turning me into. I turned my head down as Carrie continued.

“I am sure Jo has told you about the party. Its tomorrow night and five of my friends, your colleagues are going to be there. And you my little slut are the entertainment.” She finally revealed as she held up my chin like a small child. I was scared, five of my colleagues will be there at the party tomorrow to witness my degradation. This was getting out of hand. But the party also gave me an opportunity to execute my plan and get to those photos.

Carrie must have read my mind, Eyüpsultan Escort Bayan she smirked before revealing her plan further, “Of course they will not know who you are. That would ruin the fun. I would like this to be our dirty little secret, just you, I and Jo would know your true identity.” This calmed me down a little, but it was going to be difficult explaining Kirstin where I was going tomorrow. Fuck that, it would be difficult explaining Kirstin any of this. The nipple rings, the hair, the color of my hair-all of it would be impossible for me to explain.

“So tomorrow night, I am having a small get together at my house for my birthday. I hope you remember it’s my birthday tomorrow. It’s going to be just some close friends from work and college. After the formal party is over though, I will have an after party at the Meow Mix, I know it’s your favorite club. I have booked a private room there for the after party where you are going to be the entertainment. I am going to make you do things that you couldn’t have dreamt about to people you see every day, only they will not know what a truly perverted whore you are.” She continued as she started caressing my pussy through the skirt. The stylist had left us alone by now and there was no one else in the room beside us. So I just let go, enjoying the feeling of her hand on my mound.

“You would love that wouldn’t you, you mindless bimbo.”

“Yes…” I had accepted this. I decided to revel in my humiliation for the rest of my time with Carrie. Because after tomorrow night I’ll be free. No matter what. I will no longer succumb to her blackmail.

“Tell me what do you want, to happen to you tomorrow night?”

Completely under the influence of her caress, I was hornier than ever before. I could feel my skirt soaking from my wet pussy. I couldn’t think straight even if I wanted to. Overcome with lust I said, “I want you to make me strip in front of all of them, before you force me to service each of them.”

“You would love that wouldn’t you? I would love to make you strip tease for them, dance for them and give them all a lap dance. After that I will make you lick their dirty assholes as they degrade you verbally. That would make you so horny.” She continued to paint a picture of tomorrow night. I was looking forward to tomorrow night as much as I was fearing it. Her caresses got wilder, as she leaned in to kiss me. God, I was so close.

“Please mistress, make your dumb blonde bimbo cum. Make me thrash around like the dirty little whore I am.” I don’t know what took over me, but I didn’t care. All I wanted to do more than anything else was cum. But, she had other plans.

She slapped my pussy hard a couple of times to subside my arousal. That did the trick as I was now far from cumming. I was frustrated beyond belief. I couldn’t understand why she would not let me cum. Maybe I was a dumb bimbo after all.

“I want you to remain this aroused, for the party tomorrow. So no orgasms for you slut till I allow you to.” She said as she walked towards the door. “You need to get a wax, Mary Ann here will take care of it.” That’s when Carrie left the room leaving me in the back room all alone. Mary Ann took a couple of minutes before she came in carrying all the supplies needed for waxing. She was a short redhead, with ample breasts and a flat stomach. I could tell from just watching her that, she worked out a lot to stay in shape. Her strong, sharp shoulders and muscular arms along with her big bust made her seem like a very authoritative woman. She had a kind face which combined with her curled red hair made her look like a total knock out.

“Hey, now this is going to hurt a little so I would ask you to lie down and just relax.” She said with a hint of Texas accent in her voice. I simply did what I was told as I leaned back and relaxed. I felt Mary Ann pull my skirt down.

I heard her gasp, when she realized that I was not wearing any underwear and that I was soaking wet. It must have been a mess down there as she used wipes to dry me. The entire ordeal was very humiliating. She asked me to put my feet on the stirrups and then spread my legs a good three feet apart.

I could feel the cool air gushing between my legs as it touched my delicate lips. Involuntarily my pussy began dripping again. I couldn’t help it. Mary Ann stared at my pussy for the longest time, wondering what kind of slut I was, I am sure. After a while she heated the wax before applying it over my pussy.

That first contact of hot wax with my pussy made me shudder, “This is going to hurt a little but just relax. I’ll be as gentle as possible.” She said consoling me. She put a strip on my groin blew air on it and then pulled it in one quick motion.

Fuck that hurt so much. I screamed at the top of my voice. This caused Marry Ann to move her hand over my mouth. She shushed me but the pain was too much and I started kicking in my place. This caused Carrie to come in, one angry look from her and I calmed down scared she was going to belittle me in front of Mary Ann.

“Tie her up and gag her. I don’t have a lot of time, I want this waxing over as soon as possible.” Carrie said to Mary Ann who looked at me expectedly like I was going to protest. But no words left my mouth as I continued to stare down.

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