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Anal Dildo

The Abbot’s Study.They had met while they were at St. Anselm’s Priory College and now were living together,both working and both happy with the direction their life together had taken them. One evening while Paul and Linda were in each other’s arms in front of the TV,a documentary on the history of education came on the TV, it was inevitable that corporal punishment was mentioned and this topic was a sore point for both Linda and Paul.”Wonder is the old Abbot watching this;fuck he use enjoy spanking those sent to his study,” Paul said.”How do you know he enjoyed it,he wore this long habit,it was impossible to see if his cock got hard,” Linda said,laughingly .”Yeah,right,he always would spend time rubbing before and after the spanking,take it from me,he got excited. I hated being sent to him and I hated when you were sent to him,he was a pervert !” Paul said,his mind thinking back to the day when he and Linda were caught kissing behind one of the buildings that made up St.Anselm’s Priory College.”Remember that day we were caught by that Nun and sent to the Abbot…FUCK! it really hurt,I couldn’t sit properly for almost a month !” Linda recalled.”Yeah,I remember, he used the belt on me after first taking me over his knee,” Paul said.”He took me over his knee and then I got the belt too,I had to count each stroke out loud”,Linda said,remembering her very sore bottom after the Abbot had his way.”Still,there was something kinky about showing each other our bare bottoms afterwards and comparing bruises,”Paul said,they both laughed and drew closer.She lowered her hand and touched his erect penis over his shorts,their lips pressed together and he began to unbutton her blouse. Before long they were undressing each other and she astride of him.”FUCK ME! wonder what the Abbot would say now,!” she said.”You wicked,naughty miscreants,bend over the desk,” Paul said imitating they slow tone of the Abbot. “Then he would pull us apart and spank us, he wouldn’t know what to do if it came down to fucking you,” Paul said,laughing out loud.”Only you know what to do,the Abbot can spank me all he likes,it’s you I want inside of me,” Linda said.They kissed and he eased his stiff cock inside of her,they both gasped.Then they were back on that cold,January morning,almost five years ago and in each other’s arms in the empty classroom.They didn’t hear the footsteps of Nun coming down the corridor until it was too late. They didn’t even hear the door opening until it was too late.Before they güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri knew what was happening they were being pulled apart amid shouts of ” FORNICATOR’S,WICKED FORNICATOR’S!” Paul had his trousers down and tripped as the Nun pulled them apart,they sudden motion of Paul leaving her had made Linda gasp loudly,with pleasure,before fear overtook her as she say the Nun begin to whip Paul with her strap. Then Linda saw the Nun’s hand coming towards her and felt her ear being squeezed and the strap striking her bottom and thighs. Linda and Paul were both thankful,at least,that the Nun allowed them to dress before marching them off down the down corridor towards a dreaded meeting with Abbot.Paul and Linda knew they were in big trouble.They were made to sit outside the Abbot’s study and wait while the Nun went inside to speak with the Abbot.”We are in real trouble,aren’t we?” Linda asked no one in particular,she was shaking.Paul had put his arms around her and said, “It will okay,you’ll see,” knowingly,he was doubtful.They had waited for what seemed to have been an age when suddenly the Nun came out of the Abbot’s study and pointed at them saying, “Inside,now,you wicked fornicator’s!”Linda and Paul had walked tentatively inside the Abbot’s study,the Nun had closed the door behind them and it took their eyes a few moments to adjust to candle lit room. They made out the Abbot’s table,filled with books and among those books the thick leather belt that he used on those who came before him.They exchanged very concerned glances. Then they saw him,he was standing by a bookshelf in his long habit,the hood of which he always wore up,he was glaring at them.”Do you know what you have done,do you know that you have fornicated in a most wicked,vile way,a way that has brought to the fore the type of naughty,wicked people you both are? Do you have anything to say? ,the Abbot said slowly,measuring each word so what he said made them in no doubt what they had done was indeed vile.”Sorry,Abbot,please,it was all my fault,Linda just went along,I pressed her to do it,” Paul said,trying,in vain,to save Linda from a spanking.”So,this little harlot is completely innocent,is that what you want me to believe,boy,that because she has an innocent look to her face I am expected to believe you?,the Abbot said walking closer to them and staring them both in the eyes.It felt as if he could see inside their very souls.”No,my boy,she has a wicked glint to her eyes,she güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri knew full well what she was doing,” the Abbot said turning,and walking over to his chair. Paul and Linda watched as the Abbot sat down,making himself comfortable,and then came the words they both dreaded.”I want the both of you to undress,leave nothing on,your naked bodies must suffer the embarrassment and pain of corporal punishment;your bodies must suffer so that your souls will be saved ;undress!” the Abbot said,both Paul and Linda could make out a slight smirk on the lips of the old Abbot.”Please,Abbot,please,we are very sorry,” Linda pleaded,but those pleads went unheeded.”Come now,it seems the both of you were not so discerning awhile ago when it came to taking off your clothing. If you do not do as I order,I will thrash you both with the senior cane until you do,have I made myself clear?”Paul and Linda looked helplessly at each other,they knew that their fate was sealed,they would not be leaving the Abbot’s study until they had both been severely thrashed. They bean to undress.The Abbot watched with ever growing excitement under his habit as Paul and Linda began to undress,very soon there was two neat piles of clothing. Paul was semi erect, something he found hard to control when Linda was standing so close to him.He out his hands in front of his penis;Linda started to cry as she was called over by the Abbot first.Paul watched in horror as the old Abbot placed his hand on Linda’s bare bottom. Paul could see the Abbot had become completely fixated by the bare bottom over his knee and began to gently rub it as he murmured something in Latin. Then Paul saw the Abbot raise up his hand and bring it down with great vigor on the right rump of Linda’s buttocks. He heard her scream,he heard her cry out very loudly,he saw her struggle,he heard her beg; he felt useless,there was noting he could do,if he had done anything they would suffer a worse fate,a whipping or a severe caning with the senior cane. Linda’s pleas feel on deaf ears as Paul could see that the old Abbot was enjoying himself,he was smiling and on occasion licked his lips. Linda continued to struggle and kick her legs wildly,but the Abbot’s hand came down not just her her bare bottom but her bare thighs,correcting her and warning her to stop struggling. Eventually Linda’s torment stopped,at least for now and Paul had to prostrate himself over the Abbot’s knee,soon he was yelling güvenilir bahis şirketleri and begging the old Abbot to stop. Linda watched,sobbing, as the Abbot chastised Paul with multiple hard slaps to his bare bottom.She was vigorously rubbing her own very sore bottom but had to eventually cover her ears to help block out the sound. She could see the Abbot staring at Paul’s bare bottom as he brought his hand down again and again,she had to unblock her ears to tend to her stinging bottom again.The room was filled with the sound of the Abbot’s hand striking Paul’s bare bottom,by his yelling and Linda’s uncontrollable sobbing. Finally Paul was allowed to stand up and bot Linda and Paul,after a few moments of scolding from the Abbot,were ordered to bend over the table. Once over the table the Abbot brought the belt down on both red,sore bottoms, insuring his dominance over these two fornicating miscreants.After their punishment,Linda and Paul had spent the rest of the day kneeling outside the Abbot’s study in quiet contemplation of their sinful ways.**********************************************************************************************************Paul had tossed and turned in bed ,he couldn’t settle,the thoughts of the day he and Linda were punished by the Abbot kept going through his mind,even after five years he could still relive the time in the Abbot’s study and hear those words, “WICKED FORNICATOR!” Then he seemed to have come awake,Linda was standing at the end of the bed saying, ” He can spank me all he likes,it’s you I want inside of me.” Paul smiled and then he noticed a shadow behind Linda,suddenly his whole body was filled with horror as Linda was bent over the end of the bed and the hooded,shadowy figure began to hitch up his long habit and say, “Now my boy,Linda deserves this !” Paul tried to cry out as he watched the Abbot take Linda from behind,the look her eyes as the long,thick penis went inside her,she licked her lips and gasped. It was the Abbot taking Linda;Paul tried to move ,but he seemed to be pinned to the bed by an unseen force.He could say anything,or if he could his shouts were drowned out by Linda’s panting and screams of pleasure.He watched the Abbot spank Linda as he fucked her. Suddenly Linda stared at Paul and hissed, “If I have to take this extra punishment then so should he !” Paul found himself bending over the end of the bed,next to Linda and looking back to see the Abbot holding his large,thick cock and smiling.”Now my boy,Linda has taken it,now it is your turn!” the Abbot said.”FUCK,NOOOOO!!!! Paul yelled and felt the Abbot brush off his naked bottom.Then he was awake.”Are you okay,what happened Paul,” Linda was asking concern in her voice.”Fuck,what a nightmare,fuck ! ” Paul exclaimed. They held each other and soon feel asleep.

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