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Jeanine dropped her purse on the entry table as her apartment door closed behind her. Home again, another long week in the books. She loved her apartment, small as it was. It was her first place living on her own, and she’d set it up just as she liked. She always felt good coming home from work, especially on Fridays, with the weekend’s adventures ahead.

She thought about Mark as she stepped into the kitchen and drew a glass of water from the fridge. They’d been together almost 2 months, long term for her, she thought with a sly smile. Thinking of him still gave her a little flutter in her stomach, which was good. Him bailing out tonight though, not so good. He’d been asked to sub in for a basketball league with friends. Sure, playing basketball probably contributed to that body of his that she enjoyed so much, but a basketball game over seeing her? WTF?

But be honest, she thought, as she unstrapped her heels and slipped out of them, then tread barefoot to her bedroom. Mark could be a bit boring to talk to, and she wouldn’t be that disappointed in the cancellation tonight if it weren’t for missing out on the inevitable physical ending. She considered whether this made her shallow as she slipped out of her dress, but her mind drifted to how much Mark seemed to enjoy going down on her, and decided she didn’t care if it was shallow.

Looking at herself in the mirror above her dresser, she considered her body and wondered, with a smile, how basketball with the boys was more appealing.

Jeanine wasn’t arrogant, but she took care of herself and cared how she looked.

Regular running, occasional yoga, and even less occasional workouts with weights kept her weight steady and her muscles toned. Her appreciation of whiskey and wine, plus an afinity for cake when it was on the menu, contributed to her not too generous curves and, she supposed her B bordering on C cup breasts. WIth shoulder length straight blonde hair and grey/blue eyes, she never wanted for attention from guys she met.

Unhooking her bra, she slid it off her shoulders and let it drop, then allowed her hand to glide slowly over her stomach, her finger tips slipping inside the elastic of her panties. She drew a sharp breath as her middle finger pressed between her folds of soft skin and found her clit. Steadying herself with her free hand on her dresser, she watched in the mirror as her hand began to move slightly beneath her panties.

A muffled bang startled her out of her trance. What the hell? It sounded like it came from the hall outside her apartment. She pulled a pair of loose fitting gym shorts and a tank top from a drawer, tugged them on, and went to see where the noise had come from. A quick scan of the living room and kitchen confirmed she was still alone. Moving to the door, she checked the peep hole and saw a man rummaging through a bag on the floor across the hall. Odd, she thought, since her neighbor Will was away for an extended work stay in London and wasn’t due home for another couple of months. Jeanine had been watering his plants and taking in mail since he left.

Pulling open her door, she asked “Excuse me, can I help you?”

Her breath caught as Will turned and stood, a smile spreading across his face.

“Hey Jeanie. I didn’t want to bother you, but now that you mention it…can I get my key? Mine seems to be buried somewhere down there.” he said, nodding toward his bag.

“Will, oh my god! Of course, let me…” she said as she started to turn back toward her apartment, then stopped.

“Oh my god, you’re home early!” she exclaimed, then stepped toward him and hugged him tightly.

He returned the hug, laughing over her shoulder. Jeanine became aware she might be holding the hug a little too long, and stepped back.

“Sorry, it’s just…you surprised me! I’ll get your key.”

Will stepped in behind her, looked around, then snuck a glance at Jeanie’s bare legs and sexy ass as she grabbed the key from a kitchen drawer. He looked away a second too late.

Jeanine turned, caught him checking her out, and felt herself blush as he looked quickly away and stepped back toward the hall. She followed him out, and spontaneously gave him a light slap on his back.

“You don’t call, you don’t write, then you show up early and unannounced…what the fuck Will?!” she said playfully.

Will held up his hands. “Guilty as charged, guilty as charged. It’s just, with work being so busy and all…”

Jeanine cut him off. “I’m playing Will. You don’t owe me any explanation. But why are you back early, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Will took the key, turned, and opened his door before responding.

“It’s my mom.” He replied with a frown.

The smile dropped from Jeanine’s face. “Oh no, Will…”

He picked up his bag and stepped into his apartment, Jeanine following behind him.

“No, no, it’s OK, really. False alarm, it turns out. Mikey called late yesterday, said she wasn’t feeling right and wanted to go to the hospital. I got out as early as I could, and apparently while I was somewhere over the Atlantic they figured out it was maybe mardin escort some angina, more likely indigestion.” He laughed lightly. “Honestly, I think it was her way of getting me home to see her.”

Jeanine laughed with him, relieved. “Oh god, well, I’m glad she’s OK.”

“Yep, we all are. Anyway, she’s home resting now, I’m headed over to spend the day tomorrow, then flying back Sunday. I still have a few months to go over there.”

“Got it. So I’m not being dismissed from guard duty.” replied Jeanine.

“Ha. Not at all. So…looks like you’re in for the night. I have to make a few calls, but do you want to hang out later?” Will hoped he didn’t sound too eager.

Jeanine balked. Stood up by Mark and now a surprise return from Will? It was almost too good to be true. But was it right? Her mind raced. She’d been trying to be “better”, whatever that meant.

Will cocked his head, waiting for a reply.

“Sorry, it’s just that, well, I’ve been seeing someone…” she offered lamely and not at all convincingly.

Will nodded, a smile on his lips. “Hey, hey…that’s cool…all good. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even asked. I just thought, well…” he trailed off.

Jeanine smiled. “Believe me, it’s a good thought. But I really shouldn’t.”

“Understood, Jeanie. And really, thank you for everything you’ve been doing. The place looks great, you can hardly tell I’ve been gone. And, I should have called.”

“Don’t even think about it Will, really. I’m gonna go eat. It’s so good to see you! You look great!” Jeanine exclaimed, wrapping him up in another hug. This time she made sure to hold it too long, letting her fingers take in his muscular arms and shoulders, intentionally pressing her hips against him until she felt him stir against her. She pulled away.

“Tell your mom and brother hi from me! And seriously, you’d better not leave without saying goodbye.” she admonished him.

“Promise.” Will responded, and she turned and left, pulling the door behind her.

Back in her apartment, Jeanine collapsed on her comfy couch. She thought about Will, and could still smell his cologne lingering from that last hug she’d laid on him. Thoughts of picking up where she’d left off when she’d heard the noise from outside were interrupted by a rumble from her stomach, however. She thought about her mostly empty fridge, having planned on some take-out with Mark tonight, and gave a frustrated sigh. Moving to the kitchen, she took a rocks glass from the cabinet, unscrewed the cap from her bottle of Jack Daniel’s on the counter, added a few ice cubes, and poured out a generous two fingers worth. She took a sip, let it glide over her tongue slowly before swallowing. Ahhh. Jack was her drink of choice, much to her girlfriends’ annoyance at times. She enjoyed a glass of wine, but felt something a little stronger might be needed to shake off tonight’s frustrations.

Opening the fridge, she found half a chicken caesar salad from earlier in the week, added a container of yogurt and a diet coke, then settled at the bistro table by the window. Her mind wanted to drift back to Will, and she let it run as she munched on her impromptu dinner.

After she moved in, they’d passed in the hall, lobby, or elevator numerous times, inevitable considering they lived across from each other. Eventually he struck up a conversation while riding in the elevator together. They were both single, dating off and on. She hadn’t really been interested, nor had she thought he was, beyond neighborly pleasantries. Yes, she’d felt his eyes on her at times from behind, and she’d certainly taken in his good looks when seeing him around. But she’d never considered or been interested in black guys, and assumed they weren’t interested in her beyond the occasional glance. She had nothing against them, or anyone really. It just hadn’t occurred to her, likely a product of her upbringing and the circles she ran in throughout her school years.

As was the case in many of her not-too-proud moments, that first time she was with Will had involved alcohol. Her old friend Jack, in fact. A late night with girlfriends, single, a little lonely, and a lot drunk, she’d staggered to the elevator with the help of Jen and then convinced her she could make it up and into her apartment from there. She hadn’t considered the key however. While she fumbled with her lock, dumping her purse in the hall to boot, she heard the elevator ding again, and there was Will. Embarrassed, she tried to hurry, but that only made things worse. He offered to help, ignored her when she said no thanks, and had her door open a few seconds later. He kneeled to gather her purse as she stumbled inside, then handed it to her from the hall. She awkwardly hugged him on the threshold, slurring a thank you into his shoulder, then felt his stiffness against her hip as her weight fell against him.

“Oh, what’s this?” she asked, probably slurring that as well.

She remembered him looking away awkwardly, and then kissing him, missing his mouth until he turned back into the kiss. She pulled him into her space, the mardin escort bayan door closing loudly behind as she stumbled backward to the couch, pulling him along. She was wearing a short skirt, heels, a tight tank top with a looser fitting tank over top, and panties. All of it stayed on that first time. He tugged her panties aside, managed his hard cock out through his zipper, and was inside her before she setted back on to a pillow. It was reckless, uninhibited sex, probably not a great idea, but also not her first time doing it. The fact was she loved it like this, and while it didn’t happen often, she never shied away from the opportunity.

He filled her nicely, and she was surprised at how wet she was for him. She tugged at his shirt, so he balanced himself on one knee, pulled it over his head, and began thrusting again. He pressed his palm on to her lower stomach, found her clit with his thumb, and found a rhythm with his thrusts. She was aware of his cock pressing against her g-spot as her eyes locked on the contrast of his black skin disappearing into her creamy white skin. Her fingers pressed against his chest, feeling his muscular build, and it was suddenly too much at once. Her orgasm burst over her like thunder, she cried out and gripped his upper arm, nails undoubtedly biting into his flesh. He pulled out suddenly, and she saw her hot juices splash out of her, over his cock and on to his jeans. He gripped his throbbing shaft as it erupted, spraying his thick hot cum on to her. It splashed on to her top, just reaching her bare neck, then left a trail down to her panties as his spasms subsided.

Spent, he braced himself on his arms over her. She pulled him awkwardly down toward her, kissing him deeply. They made out like this for a while, and then, well, then she didn’t remember anymore. She apparently fell asleep, hard. She woke later, alone, the soft gray light of morning coming from the windows. She was still on the couch, still dressed, heels and all. He must have turned out the living room lights on his way out.

“Oh God.” she’d thought, embarrassed with herself. She rose unsteadily, managed to kick off her heels, and padded to the bathroom to pee. In the bright light she noticed his now dried cum splashed across her top and panties, adding to her embarrassment, but also giving her a small tingle inside. She’d probably have to avoid him now, after that display. But damn, it was hot. And, she’d squirted on him! It wasn’t the first time she’d done it, not by a long shot, but definitely the first time from just being fucked. Most often she did it with one of her toys, and occasionally a guy was good enough with his fingers. But last night, wow.

Making her way back to the living room to grab her phone, then the kitchen for some water, she noticed the time. 7:30! Jeezus, she’d been out cold. Tempted as she was to crash into bed, she decided to jump in the shower, hoping to clear her head and make something useful out of the day. She set up and started the coffee maker, then headed back to the bathroom. Stripping in front of the mirror, she said a silent thank you that she’d wound up in her own apartment, avoiding a walk of shame in her current state. Hair a mess, makeup smudged, skirt skewed to the side, and that obvious trail from her neck to her torso. She looked quite literally like she’d just been fucked.

She stood under the hot water for a long time after washing her hair and soaping up, letting the steam soothe her head while the water pressure worked its magic on her neck and shoulders. As she reluctantly turned the handles off, she thought she heard a knock on the door. Stepping out and wrapping a towel around herself, she opened the bathroom door to listen just as another tentative knock sounded down the hall.

“Hello?” she ventured. “Is someone there?”

After a pause, Will responded. “Hey, it’s Will. From across the hall?”

His voice alarmed her, and almost made her laugh out loud. “From across the hall?” How drunk did he think she was last night?!

“Hey! Ummm, give me a quick second, OK?” she called back.

Not bothering to wait for a response, she rushed to her room, toweled herself dry as quickly as she could, then switched the towel to her hair while frantically grabbing running shorts and a tank top from a drawer. Thinking better of it, she traded the tank for a too-big t-shirt, then headed for the door.

“Hey…” she said tentatively after opening the door.

Will was dressed for a workout, shorts and a tight-fitting t-shirt. He looked a little embarrassed.

“Hey.” he said. “I, ummm, I just wanted to check in and make sure you’re OK.”

Jeanine smiled. “Aw that’s sweet. I’m OK, a little bit of a headache that I’m hoping some coffee will help with.”

Will breathed in, smelling the brewing coffee. “Yea, that smells good. Well, uh, I was just headed out for a run and wanted to check in.”

Jeanine smiled again. “You want some coffee?” She opened the door a little wider.

“That sounds good, thanks.” he replied, stepping inside and turning toward the kitchen.

She escort mardin closed the door and followed. He took a seat at the small table, and she pretended to busy herself with getting cups, avoiding eye contact.

Finally she turned, and they both started talking at once. They laughed, and simultaneously said “Go ahead.”, then laughed again.

Finally, Will said, “Ladies first.”

This again almost made her laugh. “Who’s he calling a lady?” she thought to herself.

Out loud, she said, “I’m a little embarrassed about last night. But thank you for helping me out. And, if I was too forward or anything, then, well, I’m sorry for that.”

Will smiled, looked like he was about to say one thing, then paused, and started again.

“So, this is awful, but I need to get it out of the way. It’s Jeanie, right?”

Jeanine froze, processing what he’d said, and then she actually laughed out loud. “Oh god, you don’t even know my name! Oh my god, oh god!” she managed between laughs.

Will looked horrified and embarrassed. He started to get up. “I’m really sorry, maybe I should just go.”

Jeanine recovered enough to put her hands up. “No, no, please stay. I’m sorry, it’s OK really. And, for the record, it’s Will, right?”

This made them both laugh, and he sat back down.

Jeanine started again. “So, it’s actually Jeanine. But you were close. I’ll give you an A for effort and a D for memory and listening skills.” She smiled.

“Fair enough. But, so you know, I like Jeanie better.” he said.

“Jeanie works for me. I’ve probably been called worse.” she responded, turning to pour some coffee out. “Milk or sugar?”

“Black is fine with me, thanks,” he replied.

“So.” he continued. “Please don’t be embarrassed. I felt like I took advantage of you, honestly, and that’s really why I came by. I mean, it’s not like we can avoid seeing each other, so, you know…”

She sat down across from him. “Yea.” she reflected. “I’m glad you came by. I’d have hated to have to run and hide every time I saw you. And, I’m pretty sure I started things last night, so don’t think you took advantage. No regrets here.”

He sipped his coffee and looked pleased. “Good, thanks.” he said, nodding toward the cup, then continued, “What a relief. I felt awful just leaving, but you sort of passed out. I knew you were still breathing, and I couldn’t think of a way to do anything else that wouldn’t seem creepy later, so I just turned out the lights and left. I mean, carrying you to bed, undressing you, nothing seemed like a good option, and the couch seemed comfy enough.” He laughed at this when he finished.

“It’s a good couch.” she said with a sly smile. Sitting here this close to him, she couldn’t help take in his muscular build beneath the workout clothes, and felt a familiar stir inside.

She sipped her coffee, steeling her nerves, then ventured, “How much of a hurry are you in to go running?”

He didn’t catch on.

“I like to workout early, so I have the rest of the day ahead of me,” he replied.

“So, I shouldn’t try to make you late, I guess?” she asked with a little smile.

“Oh, wow, uhh…:” he stammered, finally catching on.

Jeanine took this as a green light, set her coffee down, loosened the towel from her hair, then dropped to her knees. She coaxed Will’s leg away from the table as her hand slid slowly up his thigh and inside his shorts. She could already feel his cock growing when she reached it. She looked up at him, smiling.

“You are something else,” he said.

“I just know what I want.” she said back plainly.

She considered working his cock out through the bottom of his shorts, but thought better of it and instead moved both hands to the waist band. He took his cue, lifting from the chair so she could slide them off. She pulled his shoes off along the way, delighted as his cock popped free and stood almost fully erect.

“Mmm” she murmured as she wrapped a hand around the shaft, then shifted forward to put her lips over the head. She realized now what had made her squirt so readily last night. The last quarter or so of his cock curved up at the tip, so that the head pointed upward. That, combined with him pressing his hand on her pelvis, had meant a constant assault on her g-spot as he thrust inside her. The realization made her want him inside her again right away, but she did her best to slow down and enjoy this time a bit more.

Jeanine kept her eyes open as she ran her tongue down his shaft. The contrast of her pale white hand on his dark skin excited her all the more as she remembered watching him push inside her last night. Reaching the tip with her tongue again, she rose slowly on her knees, set her lips across his now throbbing head, and plunged as much as she could take of him all at once into her mouth. The loud groan from above let her know she’d hit her mark. She paused, testing her gag reflex with the tip of his cock at her throat, letting her spit flow over him until she felt it slicken her hand at the base, then slowly pulled back up, following with her hand, her grip tight as she used her spit to lubricate him thoroughly. Her eyes found his at the top of her stroke, his head was shaking back and forth, his lips moving but no audible words coming out. Holding his gaze, she lowered her mouth again, then broke eye contact and began sucking him in earnest.

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