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The air was crisp and cool. The pack, all but the most sensitive omegas, gathered in their amphitheater. Aside from the occasional low mutter and child who was quickly shushed by their parents, it was silent. Megan and Orion waited opposite each other, both as wolves. The sky was streaked with the first light of dawn, but Charmaine hadn’t given the go ahead yet, so they waited in the morning silence.

Elvin was amongst the crowd. Megan had seen him earlier. His face had been inscrutable as he sat, elbows on his knees, hands clasped in front of his month.

Charmaine kept her face tilted up to the morning sky, as she had for the last few minutes. The omega took a deep breath of air and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened them and looked at Megan. This was it. Charmaine looked at Orion next and the Alpha got to his feet. The silence seemed to gain a weight, a heaviness that came from the increased attention of the wolves surrounding, watching them.

Charmaine raised a hand, sent one final glance to both of them. When her hand fell, Megan sprang into action. She moved quickly, darting to the side so she could go for Orion’s throat. He dodged effortlessly, as Megan had thought he would, soundlessly darting around. Megan landed and, instinctually knowing Orion was going to try and go for her back legs, immediately set off again. She heard the click of his teeth where her hind had been.

She landed but didn’t have time to gather herself before Orion was on her, trying to pin her down. She wriggled out just before he got his weight on her properly. He snarled at her and she snarled back before pouncing again, feinting to the left before going the opposite direction. Orion saw her play for what it was and snapped at her. Megan realized right at the last moment and dodged away, but not before she caught his teeth across her snout.

She could scent her own blood in the air, while Orion hadn’t shed a drop. Not a good start. Her wolf began to get ferocious at the scent of her own blood and attacked before Megan could do much about it, a wild dart forward.

Luckily, Orion hadn’t seemed to have expected the crazed attack from her, it surprised him so much he didn’t take advantage of her distraction. Megan reigned in her wolf in time to avoid Orion’s counter. Now wasn’t the time to be acting just on instinct. That wouldn’t get her anywhere.

Orion came on hard next, and all she could do was avoid his snapping jaws and attempts to pin her. She got an opening as he overshot one attempt and she moved in. He moved away too quickly for it to be effective, but she’d managed to get her teeth around his neck. Even if she hadn’t managed to keep them there.

Megan steadied herself, Orion looked like he was doing the same. In a flash, Megan remembered seeing Orion when she was a young teenager, steadying himself after a hunt, blood across her maw. Her wolf had said to her then, “I want to beat him.” She’d looked at Orion, wondering just how her wolf thought they could do that.

He’d caught her eye and flashed her a wolf grin.

Megan dodged as Orion made an Burdur Escort attack, a quick, messy one. He must have been inspired by her, attacking different to his normal moves to throw her off. But Megan had just fought a group of wild wolves who’d fought like this. She struck back, getting her first drop of blood from him.

Another flash of memory came to her. She was an older teenager, training under Elvin with the rest of the teenage pups. Learning how to fight, testing themselves against Orion. “Go for the throat,” Elvin had said into her mind, quietly. She had tried but Orion had been too quick. He’d laughed in her head as he’d upended her. “Next time,” Elvin had said. She’d been able to hear the quiet smile in his voice.

Megan darted for Orion’s throat. He batted her away with a snarl. She rolled, got to her feet and followed her wolf’s instincts to move quickly. Orion’s weight came down just on her back half, threw her off but not enough to pin her. She darted but he was coming on fast now, pressing his advantage.

Another memory. The three of them, Elvin, Orion and her, running through the woods a year or two ago. Chasing down some wild wolves together, the beauty of the run only slightly marred by the ugliness of their goal. Her wolf had basked in the strength of them together. The way she had when they’d lain together.

Another memory. Last night. She had been wired, waiting for the morning light. It was too early to just wait for the sun to rise but too late to do any more training. She had lain awake, trying not to think about the next day, knowing that there was nothing more that she could do besides from fight the fight that would come the next day.

Free from the fetters she’d put on it while training, her mind had strayed back to the night she’d spent with Elvin and Orion. That first night, when she’d meant to just talk to Orion and had ended up bedding him. Then had allowed Elvin to slip his fingers inside her, feel how wet she was with her Alpha’s seed. The night she’d spent with Elvin, and his questing fingers had found her other erogenous areas. The night she’d spent with both of them.

She had parted her thighs, swept her fingers down slowly. The juncture between her thighs had been soaked. Wetness like she’d never felt it from being by herself had coated her fingers. Justifying it to herself that she needed the edge taken off just for the night, she had slipped her fingers inside herself.

She had been soaked. Thinking about them, the two alphas, had gotten her wetter than she’d ever gotten alone. A string of moisture had followed her finger outside herself as she slid it out, then after a moment’s hesitation, had slid it against her hard nub.

It had been like lightning through her body. She had drawn languid circles on herself until she couldn’t take it, then had given in and risen from her bed entirely.

When young female werewolves became young women, at around thirty, their friends would throw them a party. Sometimes they would get joke gifts that weren’t entirely jokes. Megan’s friend had given her a smooth wooden shaft Burdur Escort Bayan that she’d told her how to use in hushed giggles. Megan had used it once or twice but normally just found a willing partner when she wanted to indulge. But tonight was the exception.

She dug it out from a drawer, where it was at the very bottom. She had worried, for a moment, that she’d thrown it out and almost cried in frustration. But then she’d touched the smooth wood of it. She had taken it back to bed and had teased her opening, coating the fake shaft with her wetness. Hesitantly, she’d slid it in.

The smooth wood was far less thick than Elvin or Orion’s shaft and slid right inside, helped by her. Megan’s breath had caught at that. The presence of something inside her sent heatwaves through her body, and she had begun thrusting it in and out of her, rocking against it. Before she knew, she was making quiet mewling noises. Like she had when this had been alpha flesh instead of wood.

Megan had been able to feel her peak coming soon, but she’d known the thing that would make it sweeter. The thing that had come with bedding Elvin.

She slid her still-damp finger into her tight back channel, and had peaked straight away, inner muscles clenching around the smooth wooden rod and her questing finger. After, she had lain in dazed acceptance, and had gone to sleep wondering if this was the closest she’d ever get to experiencing them again.

A sudden silence made her ears prick up. In a flash, she knew what was happening. Orion had seen that she was distracted, he was choosing his moment. But he’d chosen wrong.

She stopped, ducked, and felt the whoosh of air as Orion just missed her. She burst up into his belly, raking it with her claws. He landed hard and didn’t have time to get up before she was on him, quick as a whip, closing her teeth around his throat.

They froze there. There were no more flashes of memory. Megan couldn’t say if the crowd watching was dead silent or cheering. All her attention was on the feel of his jugular in her mouth. She was one with her wolf, rarely had they been so aligned. So one.

Orion took one slow breath. The movement caused her canines to dig into his throat.

“Megan.” Elvin’s voice. Not in her head, out loud. His hand smoothed down her back. Her wolf was strangely unconcerned about the touch. “Megan, you’ve won.”

Sound returned. The pack was clapping. There wasn’t any intense cheering, that would have been inappropriate and disrespectful to Orion. A respectful applause, appreciative mutters. She sent a wave of questioning to Charmaine.

“As I’ve been saying for the last minute,” Charmaine’s dry voice said. “Yes, you won. Gods, you Alphas get into all of this, don’t you?”

Megan released Orion slowly, pulling back. Orion turned onto his side and the two of them locked eyes. There was something in his she couldn’t read. There was no shame, nor any anger. No resignation, even. Before she could try and figure out what it was, he had stood up. He inclined his head to her, deeper than Escort Burdur he ever had. She nodded a little as well, shallower than she had before. It was appropriate, now she was the alpha.

She was the Alpha.

Megan had done it.

She and her wolf tilted their head back and howled in victory.


That night, they had a bonfire that went all the way up into the sky. Megan’s first decision as Alpha had been whether or not to go ahead with the traditional celebration. They’d had a lot of rogues in the area, and wild wolves would see the fire from miles away.

But Megan had given the go-ahead. Let them come.

So they drank the ale they brewed themselves and the sweet wine that came from the human’s border and ate haunches of wild meat and roasted vegetables they grew themselves. Megan had been toasted quite a few times for a good fight, and for challenges well won. Orion was somewhere close, she’d overheard him getting toasted as well, for a good fight and for a good run as Alpha. She’d only seen Elvin twice, once when he’d quietly congratulated her and again, later, when she saw him and Orion having a low, intent conversation. But that wasn’t her business. Neither of them were any more. She had to think of the pack, and detangling her relationship with the both of them couldn’t be helpful.

Megan drank, sang, swayed her way through the night. She stopped drinking a few hours before she began to get tired, and had sobered up a decent amount by the time the bonfire had burned itself down to a few small flames. Most wolves had gone to bed, apart from a few that were known for partying to the early hours of the morning. Charmaine clapped her on the shoulder. “Tomorrow, we’ll need to start working on the new pack structure,” the omega said, rubbing her eyes.

“We will. Tomorrow. Go to sleep, you’ve done enough.”

Charmaine gave her a tired smile. “I didn’t fight an old friend today.”

Megan shrugged, looking away.

“Have you had any more thoughts about the two of them?”

“Charmaine, I’ve just won the Alpha position. The next few weeks are going to be an adjustment for the whole pack. I can’t complicate that with whatever we have between us.”

“Have you spoken to them about this?”

“They’ve both been avoiding me, which is an answer in and of itself,” Megan said with a clear tone. She could feel a tightness to her throat, but she ignored it. She had what she wanted. Even if her wolf had that restless feeling of not being quite finished.

“Mmm. Well, I’m off to bed. You’re right, the next few weeks are going to be an adjustment.” Charmaine gave her a smile and left. Megan went her own way, back to her hut.

She stretched as she walked over. She could feel the change in the pack bonds, they’d begun slowly over the night. It felt like a new jacket that fit her perfectly. It felt like fate. She stepped into her hut, wondering how she was going to sleep. Perhaps she should join the late partiers. Her wolf was restless, her mind kept working away at problems, and her heart kept bringing up the two alphas she had grown attached to.

Before she could, she caught the scent of someone in her hut and said, “What are you doing here?”

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