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Life is not over at fifty. I know, because my wife is fifty-one, while I am a bit behind her at forty-nine. Want to know more about us? Read on.From what I hear and see we are not the average couple. We are still madly in love as we were when we had met over twenty years ago. Now it’s only twice a week. The demands of our two businesses intervene, and I think my age is slowing me down a bit. Eva however, wouldn’t mind three sessions a day.When she looks at you, you will feel it at once. Here is a lady who is young at heart, her libido undiminished. There is something in her twinkling eyes that makes men flock to her, while most women seem to feel intimidated, or envious. The way she moves says ‘sex’, whether she strolls along the store windows in the mall, leisurely looking at the displays; or even when she sensuously lifts a chicken drumstick to her mouth and bites into it. She usually wears her shiny coal black hair in a pony tail. Her tits are only a B cup, which had bothered her when she was younger. Now she is glad, they are still firm enough that she needs no bra, Bras are nothing but a nuisance anyway, she will tell you. And I agree wholeheartedly. Sometimes, though, she is a bit self-conscious when people stare at her, because her nipples usually tent the fabric of her dress.She surely demands attention. Her face looks young still, her lips have not faded, and her slim figure makes her appear more petite than she is. She tries hard to please me and often wears my favorite, a black off-shoulder dress that flows down almost to the floor. When she walks her gold sandals peek playfully out from under the hem. She wears little jewelry. Maybe a pearl necklace with a black dress; but often just a single red or white flower in her black hair just above her ear.For our anniversary I had rented a small cabin in Virginia, way out in the country. We wanted to be with each other, without neighbors, without radio or TV, just my wife Eva and me. I had to attend an important meeting in Dallas and so I had asked Eva to be in charge of logistics.The meeting did not finish as scheduled. It dragged on into the next day. When I finally joined Eva at the cabin late on Friday night I found a different Eva. She had seen me coming and quickly had unlocked the cabin door. Her cheerful, smiling voice greeted me when I knocked.”Don’t stand there, come inside.” I threw open the door and I was stunned. In the center of the cabin stood a young lady in a red miniskirt, topped by a most revealing white blouse. A large set of armbands adorned her wrist. The burning logs in the fireplace bathed the cabin with a warm, eerie, unreal glow.The gold tiara on her black hair sparkled in the orange light of a single kerosene lamp, accentuating the young girl in the center.She had thrown out her hip and placed one hand on it. ‘I am here for you,’ the posture said,’ come and get me.’ Her dark pupils were unnaturally dilated with desire. Anadolu Yakası Escort She must have had arousing thoughts waiting for me.”Close the door, and your mouth also. It’s cold outside,” she laughed, still holding her pose. I kicked the door shut, then dropped my overnight bag and my briefcase. I greeted her with a feigned so-what-attitude. But that attitude lasted less than ten seconds and I rushed to her. I hugged her, I kissed her sweet, lush lips, then her throat, her neck, and wherever I found exposed skin. I was young again.When we finally let go of each other, we were out of breath, we were so happy that we laughed tears. She smiled at me with that impish smile of hers that I love so much; a smile that held a promise, a smile that spoke of many things, but mostly spoke of love.”I am sure you must be hungry, unless you ate the peanuts they serve as dinner on the plane nowadays,” she chuckled. “I have something better, the same dinner that we had on our day.””Give me a few minutes to wash and freshen up a bit, Love,” I told her, giving her a quick kiss.The kerosene lamp had been replaced by a single candle in the center of the table, when I returned. The white plates with the gold rim contrasted beautifully with the flaming red linen place mats. She had even brought a table cloth almost like the one that had been on the table then, twenty-two years ago.She had found an empty pork and beans can and cleaned and scrubbed it bright. It held a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a nearby meadow, a bouquet that now graced the center of the table.Her choice of wine glasses told me that there was a bottle of white wine waiting for us, probably a Moselle. The single flower next to each plate completed the setting. This was how the dinner table had looked then.The memories flared up in me and I crushed my darling to me, I held her tight for a long time, my head on her shoulder. Some passionate kisses later I released her and stepped back to look at her, her sparkling eyes, her lush lips, her dainty neck that I so much love to nuzzle.It was a simple meal tonight as it had been; fried chicken with mashed potatoes and Cole slaw. But something was different and it took me some time before I finally figured it out.It had been love on first sight when we had met. Back then the room was flooded with the urgency of youth; tonight it was the deep, mature love that wanted to reaffirm itself.The knock on the old wooden door came just as we were ready to sit down for dinner. I opened the door and was greeted by the sight of a thirtyish lady in a black sheath. She was shivering in the cool night air of an early fall.”By all means, come in out of the cold,” I invited her. She did not enter at once. Her eyes were taking in the room, wondering if it was safe. When she spotted a female sitting at the dinner table, she stepped forward and I could close the door.  “I am so sorry Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan to trouble you at dinner time, but I am afraid I ran out of gas about a quarter mile down the road and I wonder if I could use your phone. My cell phone seems to be out of range.” she explained. “Did you walk all the way here on that gravel road in those heels?” I interrupted. “Your feet must be killing you,” my wife chimed in. “Why don’t you step out of those heels and suit down with me.”It was obvious that she appreciated the invitation because she did not lose any time to join Eva and remove her heels when she sat down.”My name is Penny,” she introduced herself,” after which we did likewise.”I am sorry to have to disappoint you,” I informed her. “But there is no phone and my cell phone is out of range also. But you are welcome to spend the night with us. There is plenty food and even two bottles of wine,” I added.Eva got up and moved the food bowls in front of the fireplace to keep them warm and then smiled at Penny and asked the obvious question, which Penny answered at once.”I am a journalist, a staff writer for a Denver newspaper and was supposed to interview someone in Williamsburg tomorrow evening. Since I had never been here I decided to look around a bit, and before I knew it I was lost. An old farmer I asked, told me that there was a shorter way to get to Williamsburg from where I was. I have been cruising these empty, crooked mountain roads, not getting anyplace, except more lost. So, here I am. My real gripe is that I paid for a hotel room that I will not be using.””That settles it then,” Eva told her. “There is another mattress here and plenty of blankets, not to mention two bottles of wine.””I happily accept your gracious invitation. I would have only one favor to ask o you,” she answered as she turned to me with a warm smile.” I have my overnight bag in the trunk of my car and I wonder if the white knight could be talked into retrieving it?”Penny’s idea of a quarter mile turned out to be somewhat exaggerated and I was back at the cabin in just a few minutes. While walking I reflected. True, we wanted to be from everywhere and everyone, but she seemed to be pleasant company, so why not enjoy what fate presented.When I returned the food was set up on the table, a third plate was sitting in front of Penny, and a flickering candle added to the glow of the burning logs in the fireplace.”This table is almost exactly as the table Eva had set on the date that we celebrate every year, down to the choice of food,” I explained to Penny. “We want to remember that day and what better way than to repeat some of the trappings of that day.”Eva and I were sitting facing each other, as we had been seated then, not next to each other as we are always seated now. Eva turned off the kerosene lamp and the room took on a fairyland glow. There was magic in the air it seemed. Escort Anadolu Yakası Our shadows danced to the tune of the lone candle.Eva started the evening. She looked me in the eye with a strange intenseness as she picked up a drumstick. She slowly moved it to her open lips and held it there, just looking at me. She leaned slightly forward towards me and then she lovingly and ever so slowly let her tongue glide over the skin the full length of the drumstick.The flickering light of the flames in the fireplace accentuated her sensuous movement. Her tongue licked back to the tip and swirled it there before slowly taking the meat in her mouth. She pulled it out again and nibbled a bit on its side. If sex had been a liquid, it would have dribbled all over the tablecloth.Eva lowered the drumstick and placed it on her plate. Her eyes never left mine, but now the smallest hint of a smile appeared as she picked up a fork with mashed potatoes. It also was slowly lifted to her lips where she slowly and noiselessly sucked it in her mouth.She picked up her drumstick again, still holding me prisoner with her eyes, and again lifted it slowly and sensuously to her lips where she first sucked the end of it in her mouth and then leisurely twirled it between her teeth, Penny had stopped her fork in midair, sitting still with her mouth slightly open, watching the unreal scene. She was utterly fascinated by Eva’s exhibition of sexuality.Later, after dinner, Penny told us that there was an old movie called Tom Jones that had a similar scene in it and she wondered if we had seen it. “Never heard of it,” I told Penny, “but we definitely have to rent it, if it is still available. Who knows, Eva could maybe pick up some additional ideas.” The two girls had a short whispered conversation like two conspirators, and then g conspiratorial giggled and laughed for almost a minute.A short time later Penny yawned, turned to Eva and mumbled what sounded like “I am sure getting sleepy.” Eva chimed in right away and asked me to just put the two mattresses on the floor next to each other. The girls then disappeared to do what girls do to get ready for the night.Pretty soon I heard some whispered conversation and some suppressed laughter and some giggles coming from behind the curtain. A few minutes passed and Eva managed a few words for me, wedged in between the sounds of two girls having fun.”We are coming out. Close your eyes, and no peeking. Then march right in for your turn behind the curtain.” There was little warm water left in the bucket, but I made the best of it and was done in just a few minutes.By this time the little noises, little squeals, small moans had ceased. And I had to assume that they were under the covers.I froze as I stepped from behind the curtain. Eva and Penny were intertwined in a lover’s embrace, Penny kissing Eva full on her lips and Eva responding with equal passion. Their tongues met each other and the taller girl started exploring the inside of her lover’s mouth. Penny’s hand on Eva’s ass was trying to push the girl even closer. I watched, fascinated by the erotic scene before me. They were so aroused that they were mot at all aware of my presence.Penny’s hand slowly moved up Eva’s back and lightly scratched my wife’s skin.

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