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The Bet“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?”“Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to win big tonight. I’ll see you at the after game party to collect.”“Far out! Yeah, unless we win. Then I am going to be the one collecting! I’m going to go get the team fired up right now so we can beat these damn Lions, and then I’ll be back to collect my winnings afterwards!” Todd exclaimed as he hurried out the door.Angie and Todd and basically grown up together. They had gone to the same school since kindergarten and had become close friends. Even to the point of experimenting with sex. Angie had sucked Todd’s cock several times in the past. In fact, Angie had even allowed Todd to fuck her once. She was no stranger to making bets such as these and really didn’t think much about it. After all, even if she lost the bet, how hard would it be to suck Todd’s cock again? But, then again, if she won, she would have extra money for beer and gas for her Camaro. Angie was a fun loving girl who loved to party and even at her young age was well versed in the sexual world. She had been sexually active since she was f******n years old. She had been with several of boys from her school most around her age. But she spent most of her party time cruising the country side in her Camaro drinking beer, smoking and having sex with older guys from neighboring towns. She found this to be much more exciting. They guys there did not expect her to go steady with them just because they had sex or had gotten a blow job from her. Her idea of a good time was to get drunk and have sex as much and as often as possible. Besides, the Bluejays were a losing team anyway, with their record of 0 and 6, there was no way that the Jays would ever win against the Lions. She would never have to pay up on this bet. After Todd left she called her girlfriends and finalized plans to go to the big game tonight and the party afterwards. Everything was in order for the big game. Her 1970 Camaro was gassed up, she had already gotten beer from one of the guys that she knew who was old enough to buy alcohol and packed it deeply on ice in the ice chest. Plans were made to pick up Susan, Tiffany and Amy at six. She showered and brushed her strawberry blonde hair in front of the mirror with nothing on. She admired herself while looking in the mirror. She watched herself and giggled quietly watching her firm breast bounce slightly up and down as she stroked her hair. She kept her pubic hair, the color of which was a shade darker then the hair on her head, cut short. Her fingers found their way into her moist slit and lightly touched her clit. She shuddered as she looked back at herself from the mirror, standing there, touching herself. “I am ready for some partying tonight. I hope I can get laid tonight as well.” She thought to herself. She turned to her bed and laid back on the cover. She continued to massage and play with herself while laying back. “I should get out my dildo and really get myself ready.” She thought. But decided not to use one. “My fingers will do the trick just fine for now. I’ll wait till later to get something stuck in there.” Angie continued to play with herself until she could no longer take it. Soft moans came out of her throat as she quickly made herself cum with her touch. After she had finished she got up and dressed, putting on a pair of tight fitting jeans and a tank top which accentuated her breasts and her hardened nipples. Now there was nothing to do but wait for game time.At six pm she pulled her car into Susan’s drive and gave the horn a short beep. Susan came running out of the house wearing her favorite pair of tight fitting jeans and a light jacket. The two girls then headed to pick up Tiffany and Amy. As luck would have it both the girls were on the porch waiting to be picked up by Angie and Susan. All four girls had dressed in similar fashion. It was like they had planned together what to wear for the big game. Tiffany and Amy promptly climbed into the back seat of the Camaro laughing and talking a mile a minute as they squeezed into the cramped quarters of the back seat of the Camaro with the ice chest between them.“Pass me up one of those beers and let’s get this party started!” Angie said as she put the car into drive and sped off down the road.Amy quickly reached inside the cooler and got out four beers passing each of them a can.The game would not start for another hour and a half yet so there was plenty of time to go cruising in the country and drink a couple of beers each to get things ready for the big game. Nothing like going to a basketball game with a nice beer buzz going. The four comrades drove through the country side, taking mostly back roads so as not to get caught, sipping beer and killing time until it was nearing game time. Angie pulled the Camaro into a secluded parking spot away from the school doors and turned off the ignition.“Never know, we may get thirsty during the game and want to come out here and not be bothered by anyone.” Angie stated.From the back seat Tiffany exclaimed. “Hey! I almost forgot! Look what I brought with me just for a pre-game warm up!” Reaching inside her purse she pulled out a small neatly rolled joint and quickly lit it up. The four girls sat in the car smoking the marijuana cigarette inhaling deeply into their lungs. Susan, who didn’t smoke much partook of the joint as well and started giggling uncontrollably. “Better knock that shit off or they’ll know something is up when we go in Susan.” Amy said as she took another toke on the joint and passed it up to Angie.Finally, it was game time. Hey left the car and headed up toward the school. They were laughing giggling and talking to each other all the way into the already packed gymnasium, just having a grand old time in their own little world. The game began and progressed as usual with the Bluejays down by 10 at the half. All was well in Angie’s mind. Soon she will have money for more gas for the Camaro and even some extra for more beer. She smiled softly to herself as she thought about collecting the money from the bet she had made earlier. Poor Todd would just have to do without his blowjob one more time. As the half time show started Angie excused herself telling her friends that she had to go pee. Susan said that she would go with her. As they left the bathroom the girls slipped out to the car to get another beer. On the way there they ran into a couple of guys who were smoking just outside the doors. Angie knew John and Tim well and had partied with them several times in the past. “You guys need a beer until the game starts?” She asked.They agreed and the four of them walked to Angie’s car. She gave each one a beer from her cooler as John and Tim thanked her for the offer. John reached in his cigarette pack and produced a fat joint handing it to Angie. She lit it and coughed quietly as she inhaled deeply and passed it to Tim.“That’s good shit!” Angie stated as she took another drag from the joint.“Thanks.” John replied.”“Do you think I could score a little of this from you for my friends later on?” She asked.“I don’t know, I really only have a couple left…” John began to say.“Please! I’ll be glad to pay anything for at least one more joint of this good shit”“Well, perhaps we could make some kind of arrangement if you are willing and really want some of this.” John stated as he began moving in closer to Angie reaching for the zipper in his pants. Angie smiled as she saw what he was wanting and leaned back on the fender of her car. “If you really want a joint I’ll give you one. But you have to do something for me first.” He added as he was stroking the length of his already hardening cock. “I’ll give you one if you suck on this. But you had better do a good job or you won’t get it.”“Oh, you can count on it, it will be good.” Angie said as she watched his cock get hard with his stokes. She squatted down leaning on her car for support and reached for his cock. “It will be good.”She leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock moving her tongue around the tip just before taking the entire length of his cock deep into her wanting mouth. She tasted the muskiness of his member as she sucked it deeper into her mouth. Her lips pressed against his pubic hair as she swallowed his entire cock into her mouth. As she held it deep in her mouth she felt it begin to swell even more. She sucked his cock like an expert. Susan watched in awe as Angie immediately got down to sucking this man’s cock so quickly without even a moment’s hesitation. Her own mouth began to form an ‘O’ as if she was also sucking some imaginary cock at the same time. She could feel her own wetness start to form as the sight before her turned her on. Susan glanced over at Time and saw that he was also standing there watching the scene intently and was already rubbing the bulge in his pants.“Should I offer to do him?” Susan thought to herself. Angie knew what she was doing. She reached inside his pants and squeezed at his balls gently. A warm feeling gushed inside her mouth as his cock exploded deep in her throat. She swallowed quickly as her lips continued to move up and down his shaft. She felt his cock growing soft as she continued to suck it until there was nothing left, sucking and licking the last drop which had now appeared canlı bahis at the opening of his cock. She leaned back on her car and asked.“Was that good enough?”“Damn right it was! Here’s a joint for you just as I promised.”“I gotta get me some of that too.” He said smiling. After all, John was his partner and they were all in this together. He began to step forward unzipping his pants at the same time.“Not right now anyway, big guy. We’ve got a game to get back to. Maybe later on.” Angie said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and took the joint from John. She stashed the joint in her cigarette pack for safe keeping.Tim, broken hearted and looking much like a c***d who didn’t get his mom to buy him candy or a new toy at the store, backed away wishing it had been he that had the joint to begin with. Then it could have been him getting the pleasure of this talented mouth during half time instead of just watching it and getting hornier. He reluctantly gave in, zipped his pants back up and started heading back to the game. He walked with his head hung low and his cock still throbbing inside of his jeans, wanting to be let out. He really had wanted to get some head tonight, especially after watching his buddy get some. But she said maybe later, so there was still hope. The four of them walked back to watch the rest of the game but split into their own group as they entered the gym. The second half of the game had already started by the time Angie and Susan got back to their seats by Amy and Tiffany.“Where have you all been?” Tiffany asked. “We were just getting ready to come find you all. Thought maybe you started partying without us.”“We went out and scored us more weed for after the game.” Angie replied smiling to herself. “Cool! Can’t wait!” Tiffany chimed in. Susan, also smiling, knowing how Angie had scored the dope sat on the bleacher with her own pussy beginning to soak through to her jeans. She couldn’t believe how turned on she had gotten watching her friend suck this stranger’s cock. She shifted her sitting position in an attempt to ease some of her own excitation she felt. It was hard for her to keep her mind on the game thinking of the long cock disappearing and then reappearing in her friend’s mouth. “”God I had wished I could have done what she did!” She thought to herself. “Could I have actually done it like that?” She had to focus all of her attention on the game to get her thoughts out of her mind. She finally joined Amy and Tiffany who were already cheering for their team. It appeared that the Jay’s had come to the second half to play basketball. Even though they were still behind, the gap between the score was closing. The Jays had begun to come from behind bringing the score within seven, then four and soon tying it up. Angie wasn’t sure what got into the boys at half time but they were playing their hearts out now. And playing well. They seemed to be dominating the court. She even thought to herself. “I may have to give that asshole a blow job after all! But it sure would be nice if these guys could win for a change.”The game continued. Each made shot was answered by another by the other team. Back and forth, score after score. This really turned into a good close game. As it happened, the final shot of the game was a 3 point shot from several feet above the key made by Tyrell of the Lions just as the buzzer sounded. The Lions win! They had beat the Bluejays 81-79. A very good close game even if the home team did lose.Angie said out loud. “Yay! I get fifty bucks! We lost!”“What?” Exclaimed her friends as they turned and looked at her.“Oh, just a bet I made with Todd earlier today. $50 that the Jays would loose. And since they lost, I win!” Angie explained. “Let’s get out of here and let’s do some partying!”“Sweet!” Came the reply from all of her friends. Susan thought to herself. “Wow! This girl has already sucked one cock and is still ready to go party again!”They left the gym and the congratulations to the winning team with all the mixed confusion of a multitude of people as they made their way to exit the building and headed for Angie’s car. Amy was already popping the top of a beer before Angie could even get in behind the wheel.“Good God, I’m thirsty!” Amy said.Angie smiled as she heard Amy. She was thinking of the warm drink she had a half time and the joint tucked away in her cigarettes. She started up her car and put it into drive.“Let’s get ready to Party!” Tiffany yelled as she began passing beer to those in the front seat of the already speeding Camaro.Win or lose, there were always parties to go to after the games. With plenty of beer, alcohol and smoke to go around. Always a good time. A time to party and if one was lucky to hook up with someone for a little romp in the hay. Sex and beer always seemed to go hand in hand at parties such as these.As it happened, tonight it was Bill’s turn to host. His parents were out of town for the weekend which always made a perfect time and place for an after game party with no adults running around messing things up. Everyone would be going to this party tonight. With the two teams being rivals and so close to each other there would be people from both schools at this party. Which always made for an interesting night of partying. And of course as usual, the partying would be jamming late into the night. Angie lit the joint she had gotten from John. The flash of the Bic lighter and the soft glow of the burning joint dimly lit the front seat of the car. All the girls watched as Angie took a long drag off the joint and then passed it on to Susan who sat in the passenger seat. Susan watching Angie light the joint thought of what she saw earlier. She thought of watching Angie while she devoured John’s big cock deep into her mouth and how she didn’t even flinch as he shot a load of cum straight into her mouth. Susan knew that she herself was not one to swallow a guy’s cum. Oh, she had tried to in the past but usually wound up spitting it out anyway. Most normally she would take it from her mouth as the guy began to get off and finish him with just stroking his cock until he quit cumming. She looked at her friend and thought to herself, “I wonder if she can still taste it?”Angie drove her car out to the back roads just outside of town and found a secluded place to park which would give them ample time to finish the joint and their beer before heading on to the party. “This is really good pot, Angie.” Tiffany said as she sucked and inhaled deeply on the joint. “How much did you have to pay for it? Is this the only one that you got?”Angie laughed and replied, “It’s the only one that I could get, and I didn’t even have to pay for it.”“What?” Said Amy from the back seat. “You didn’t have to pay for it?”“Nope, didn’t cost me one red cent.” Angie replied. “I just had to give a blowjob to get it.”“What?” Said Amy.“You’re k**ding aren’t you?” Tiffany exclaimed.“No, she’s not.” Susan said as she took another drag off the joint and passed it on. “I was there and saw the whole thing”The four friends sat there and listened to Angie and Sue tell of the half time adventure which had scored them this fine high. All were laughing and giggling as they talked while they smoked and drank their beer. Finally it was time to move on to the party. It was well after 11:30 by the time they arrived at the party which was appeared to be already in full swing. There were people everywhere. Inside and outside, front yard and back yard by the pool people were gathered together in little groups discussing the game or their future. Each one holding a plastic cup of beer or their favorite beverage. Music was playing loudly from the speakers strategically placed throughout the house. The girls fixed their hair and refreshed their perfume as they prepared themselves for the party making sure that they looked their best. “Here, this should help get things going for you all.” The host said as he handed a glass of beer to each of the girls from the keg sitting on ice by the front door. This was a common practice at parties such as these. One keg was always placed on ice at the front door so guests could get their first glass before mingling with other party goers. Angie, Tiffany, Susan and Amy just giggled knowing that for them this party had already begun hours ago. “Oh, it’s already going quite nicely.” Tiffany flirtingly added as she began dancing away through the crowd and into the heart of a group of people who were already dancing together in the living room.“I’m going to go find Todd and get my money.” Angie told Susan and Amy as she turned and disappeared into the party crowd. “I’ll catch up with you in a little bit.”The other two turned and soon also disappeared into the sea of party goers. Each going their separate ways into their own little party groups.Angie found Todd, beer in hand, bragging to several other guys about the plays that he had made and how the Jays should have won the game. Angie, coming up on him from behind, tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.“Ok big guy. Let’s have my money. You lost the bet.””I, uh, well, umm, I’ll have to go get it from my car. I left my billfold in the glove box. I can hardly hear myself think with all this noise and music. Tell you what. I’ll meet you in 10 minutes in, uh, in Bill’s room. That way no one will see me give you money and start asking questions. And it will be quiet. That OK with you?” Todd replied sheepishly. “Oh by the way, I really thought we could win tonight.”“Yeah, but you didn’t. You lost and you lost your bet. You had better show up with my money mother fucker, or else. A bet is a bet and you had better not try to weasel your way out of bahis siteleri paying me my money.” She warned.Angie moved through the crowded house making her way to Bill’s room so she could collect her bet from Todd. Stopping only as she paused to say hi to people and groups that she knew. Moving up the stairs she finally found Bill’s room. She entered the room quietly and turned on the light. As she looked around the room she noticed a guy’s room. The room was filled with vast treasures of guy stuff placed neatly upon book shelves around the room. Artifacts from the movie Star Wars and Star Trek were everywhere. Penates from various professional sports teams lined the walls next to posters of fast cars and scantily clad women. She stood in Bill’s room for what seemed like an eternity thinking that Todd was going to stiff her and not give her the money. The door opened slowly.“Angie? Are you in here? Todd asked.“You got the money you owe me, Todd?”“Sure do.” He replied showing her the crisp fifty dollar bill in his hand. Holding it above his head just out of her reach. She tried to grab it but he kept pulling it back from her. “Well, let’s have it then. I won it! A bet’s a bet and you lost. Now pay up mother fucker. You owe me that fifty dollars!”“Not so fast young lady! I’ll give you your money in good time. But first there is something that you need to take care of before you can get it.” Todd fired back.“What? What are you talking about? The Jay’s lost. I win the bet. You owe me that money!”“Oh I’m going to give you this money. But first you have to take care of your end of the bargain.”“But you lost and…”“Not so fast Angie. You said you would suck the cocks of all who helped win the game. Not just my cock. Well, if you want this $50 then you will have to earn it. I’ve brought a couple of friends of mine who are very interested in the bet we made to visit with you before you can get your money.” Todd opened the door behind him and there stood four young men, Mike, Tyrell, Jake and Tony, three white and one black. Angie easily recognized them from the game. They were members of the Lions team. The black k**, Tyrell, had been the one who made the winning shot for the Lions. They all were standing in the room, a glass of beer in hand and big shit eating grins on their faces. “Only four? Wonder where the fifth one is.” Angie thought to herself. “They have come to collect on your bet.”“But that’s not what the bet was Todd and you know it! Angie protested. “Oh no, remember, a bet is a bet. Anyone’s cock who help win the game. Well, these friends of mine won the game. Therefore, they helped “win” the game. And of course, as you so put it, a bet is a bet. So you have to pay up. And I think that if I have to give you my fifty dollars I should at least get something out of it.”“But, uh, I…” Angie whimpered.“Hey, guess we can call it even on the money then. I don’t owe you this fifty cause you wouldn’t pay up accordingly.” Todd spoke as he dangled out the bill shaking it teasingly.What Todd didn’t let on was that he had set this up during the time he had Angie wait on him in Bill’s room. He had collected twenty five dollars from each of the guys promising them a blow job from a girl that he knew. Joey, the fifth starter of the Lion’s team who was also at the party, had not brought any money with him so he was told that he would not be included in this deal. He tried to protest and borrow money from the others so he too could reap the benefits of this promised blow job but to no avail. Either there was not enough money to help Joey or no one wanted to loan him any. So Joey reluctantly remained with the party crowd talking and drinking with his other friends while the other four followed Todd up the stairs. Angie began looking at the guys standing in front of her. She looked the up and down over and over. Deep in thought, thinking, “Should I do this?” She looked at their faces, their chests, and finally down to the growing bulges in their jeans. Her thoughts immediately went to the thought of having four cocks to suck off and imagining how each one was going to taste. “Why not? Could be fun anyway, and who knows what else I can come across tonight for some action.” She thought to herself. She even wondered to herself if she had ever given four blow jobs back to back as she was about to do. “OK. Who’s first?” The four quickly stepped forward and began to drop their pants. Each one standing next to each other in line. Angie didn’t see their pants hit the floor but rather heard them hit with a thud. Her eyes were focused on one thing and one thing only. The hard penises trying to grow out of their underwear prisons. They stood there in their underwear just smiling. No one moved, no one said anything, they all just stood there grinning in their underwear with pants around their ankles“Alright boys. Take down the undies too. I’ll have to be able to get to them cocks if you want me to blow you.” All four immediately pushed down their underwear simultaneously. Four acting as one or so it seemed. Angie watched with anticipation as their cocks, now freed from the tight shorts sprang to attention. She marveled to herself at the difference in size, shape and color of the four cocks now standing upright in front of her. Four nice cocks that she was about to devour.“Much better now.” She said as she moved towards them reaching for their cock with one hand and balls with the other. She walked down the line. Feeling, stroking each hard cock. Lifting each of their balls. Fondling them. Checking each and every one, feeling their cocks grow even harder under her touch. Seeing that everything was going well, Todd quietly slipped out of the room smiling, patting the wad of money now stashed in his front pocket. I’ll get out of here and let you all alone now.” He waved goodbye quietly closing the door behind him, leaving Angie with the four guys standing in front of her. By the time Angie had gotten to the end of the line she had felt, fondled and stroked each and every one of the cocks in front of her. She got down on her knees and put her lips over the head of Tony’s cock. Tony was of some kind of Italian descent. He was slender, with dark black wavy hair, well built from what Angie remembered from the game. Tony kind of reminded Angie of Ralph Macchio from the Karate k** movies. He gasped and jumped a little at the sudden touch of her lips. His cock was nice sized, a little bigger than average, probably close to seven inches long with a large head. She could smell the fresh smell from someone who had recently showered. Fact is she could smell that on all the guys in the room. “At least they have showered and are not sweaty.” She thought to herself as she took his cock into her mouth. Tony was already trying to push his cock into her deeper. Eager to feel more than just the head of his prick getting sucked he attempted to thrust his cock into her mouth. Angie didn’t allow time for him to move. She went ahead, opened her mouth and took most of his cock deep into her mouth. Her lips closed around the base of his cock and sucked at it slowly she began to pull back. Her tongue running circles around the shaft of his cock. Repeating this several times, each time taking more and more cock deep into her throat. Her head moving side to side as she sucked his fat cock. She reached over and found the next cock with her hand without stopping sucking on Tony’s cock. The cock belonged to Mike. Mike the “all American type”. He was not short by any means but not tall either. He was the loud, boisterous type, always having something to say. The “Leader of the Jay’s team”. The Captain. Thinking about it he reminded Angie of Zac Efron in some of his movies. Sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, nice athletic body, being great at whatever sport he chose to play and always, always had to be the first and the best. This guy could have any cheerleader or girl in school that he desired at any given time. He pretty much ran the school as he pleased with the rest of the team and his cronies following his lead. The others on the team molded the way they acted, talked and dressed on how Mike did. They would do and act just as he told them or allowed them to. Now this confident captain of the team found himself having to walk like a penguin with his pants d****d around his ankles as Angie positioned him closer to her. He waddled to the place that she pulled him to, nearly losing his balance in the process. Before he even had a chance to speak or do anything Angie took his entire six inch cock all the way to the base in her mouth. She sucked him hard and slow. Sliding him in and out of her hot wet mouth. As she pulled back on his cock and moved her tongue along the shaft. She felt something warm splash against her cheek. “UGGGH! Oh God! I’m cumming!” He cried out. “Cumming…Now….” She quickly moved her mouth over the head of his cock to catch this spurting cum in her mouth. She swallowed as his cock head shot out its sticky goo across her tongue and finally reaching the back of her throat. “Wow! That didn’t take long.” She thought to herself as she sucked at the last shooting drops from the now deflating cock. Mike stepped back, pulled his cock from her still sucking lips, bent over and pulled up his pants, turned and left the room.“I’ll see the rest of you guys out in the party. I’m going to have me some fun.” He said as he closed the door behind him.“Wow! That’s nice. Not even a thank you for servicing him, huh? Really? What an asshole.” Angie thought to herself as she turned her attention back to Tony, who was stroking his cock as he watched Mike shoot his load into her mouth. His cock disappeared into the depths of Angie’s güvenilir bahis mouth sucking fast and hard. Her head bobbing back and forth over his cock. Deep in her throat she could feel the head of his cock on her gag reflex. He grabbed the back of her head and tried to force more in. He began to fuck her face hard and deep quickening the pace with each thrust. She swallowed quickly, allowing her throat to become accustomed to the cock pounding on the back of her throat.“Whoa! Slow down there Tony. There is plenty of time for that.” She attempted to say still sucking his cock deeply. Tony slowed a bit, allowing Angie to suck, but still tried to push forward with his hips trying to get his cock in deeper and quicker than she was taking it. She found herself becoming encircled by the remainder of the three penguins left in the room. Each waddling around her with their pants at their ankles wanting their turn at getting their cock sucked. The three of them stood in a circle with Angie on her knees in the center. She could now see and reach all three cocks with ease. She reached over taking Jake’s eight inch cock in her hand and pulled it toward her open mouth. She immediately took in as much of his cock as she could take into her mouth. Jake was the taller burly type of character out of the four. Slightly overweight. Probably better at baseball then he was at basketball, although he did make the starting team this year. A real nice guy. Too nice to be a bully as his size would suggest. Unless of course Mike wanted him to act the part of a bully. Then there was no holds barred. She sucked at his cock making him grow even harder. Her mouth glided up and down his shaft, her tongue licking at the sides as the large cock withdrew.Moving back and forth between Tony and Jake she sucked each one several times in turn. She tasted each of these cocks like a chef would taste a new dessert creation. Savoring each and every suck and lick. Realizing that there was one that she had been neglecting, she reached over and took Tyrell’s black cock in her hand. His cock felt so heavy and large in her hand that she actually had to take a look out of the corner of her eyes while she sucked on Jake’s cock. She had to see for herself the sheer length and girth of this boy’s cock. She actually thought she was stroking a grown man at first and not this young man’s. She stroked his hard cock all along the length feeling it jerk and spasm becoming even harder under her touch. Tony on the other hand was by then holding her by the back of her head feeding her his hard cock. She sucked hard as he plunged his cock into her open throat. She could still taste Mike’s cum mixing with the taste of Tony’s in the back of her throat. She pulled free and again took Jakes cock in. She sucked him like a wild chick. Driving him deeper and deeper with each push. All the while she continued to stroke on Tyrell’s cock with one hand and Tony’s with the other. By now all were watching intensely as this girl sucked on their friends cock. Waiting patiently for a turn in this experienced cock sucker’s mouth. Jake was the first to let go. Angie sucked him deep and hard, squeezing at his balls as her talented mouth slid across his shaft. He gave out a yell and grabbed the back of her head and pushed his cock even deeper into her throat. She felt his cock expand in her mouth and was soon followed by a wave of his hot cum. “Oh man! What did this guy have to eat I wonder?” She thought as she eagerly gobbled up the shooting sperm. His cum tasted salty with a little bitterness to it which caught her off guard at first. She had to swallow fast as Jake seemed to have a rather large load. Cum dribbled from her sucking lips and stayed on the base of his cock. She gobbled these drops up quickly and continued sucking and stroking his cock until he finally went soft and dropped out of her mouth with a “plop” sound. All the while her hands remained on Tony and Tyrell’s cock stroking them in time with her sucking moves. Tyrell just stood back enjoying her touch watching with fascination as his friends shot their loads into Angie’s mouth. But, Tony was ready for her. Watching her suck off first Mike and then Jake had just about sent him over the edge. He quickly released his grasp on his cock and guided Angie’s head to his cock putting it deep into her mouth. Angie began sucking him fast and hard. Coaxing every bit of cum from deep within his balls. Every time her face went deep onto this cock and pulled back his cock swelled even more. She could already begin to taste his sweet cum. It wasn’t long after that he also filled her mouth with his thick hot cum. She greedily swallowed every drop of his cum and continued to suck until he also withdrew. She then turned her attention to Tyrell. Tyrell with the enormous black cock. She thought to herself that it would look so dark sliding in between her reddened lips. She pulled him even closer to her.“I don’t know, but I may have saved the best for last. Sorry about making you wait Tyrell but I wanted to make sure I give you the attention that you deserve. After all, it was you that made that winning shot tonight.” She said as she looked up at him. Tyrell was probably about 6 foot 5, very tall for a guy his age and was the star center for the Lions team. He was well built with a broad chest and six pack abs. His cock appeared enormous as she lifted it to her lips. She guessed it must be at least nine inches long and several inches around. It felt heavy in her hand as she stroked his cock while fondling his balls with the other. “So, what they say is true”. She thought to herself as she leaned forward to kiss the tip of his cock. She then slid her tongue down the shaft and sucked at his balls. Taking each one, one by one, into her sucking mouth. She let his ball from her mouth and began licking the underside of his sack and all the way up the underside of his cock. She opened her mouth wide and slid her lips over his cock. Taking in over half of his throbbing cock as she could. She sucked slowly taking in as much as she could into her mouth and pulling back while licking and sucking at the same time. She marveled at how her saliva glistened on the dark colored shaft as she withdrew nearly all but the purple colored head. Only to return to taking as much in as she could once again. She continued to suck on his cock savoring the taste of his pre-cum as it oozed from the tip. She knew from the way he was tensing that he was getting close. She didn’t want this to be over. She felt that she was going to be disappointed when it was all over and this wonderful cock finally pulled away from her mouth. She actually found herself enjoying sucking this cock. This cock which just allowed her the chance to suck without trying to force its way in. She liked this dark chocolate colored cock sliding in and out of her mouth and wondered how wonderful it would feel buried in her pussy. She sucked him deeply, very slowly, making sure she covered as much of this cock as she could. His cock swelled and pulsated as she felt him tense up even more. His hands found the way to the back of her head as if to hold her in place. He didn’t press her head down as the others had done but rather just held her head lightly as he let out a grunt. She quickened her sucking pace relaxing the back of her throat and took more of this cock into her mouth. She sucked even harder as she felt the hot fluid hit fill the back of her throat. She swallowed and swallowed as fast as she could only to find that she was having trouble keeping up with his spurts. Cum literally squirted out of the corners of her lips as his cum overfilled her mouth. She continued to suck and stroke his wonderful cock savoring every drop of his semen. Finally realizing she could no longer coax any more cum out of it she allowed it to fall slowly from her mouth. A stream of cum and saliva mix stretched gently from her lips to the tip of Tyrell’s softening cock. She quickly lapped at the stream and licked her lips as Tyrell stepped back and pulled up his pants. “Thank you. That was great.” He said as he left the room still fastening his pants.Angie fell back on the bed in the room and laid there looking at the ceiling thinking about how she just sucked four cocks. She didn’t even take the time to wipe the spilt cum off of her lips and cheeks. Her belly felt warm and full from all the hot cum that she ate. She felt herself relaxing, nearly dozing a bit, or just so much in ecstasy from her round of cock sucking and began to wonder how Tiffany, Susan, and Amy were doing at the party. She sat up, wiped the cum from her lips, once again tasting the mix of the four young men’s cum that she just ingested and straightened herself up. She took a drink from her beer glass that had been sitting on the night stand the entire time that she had been taking care of business. She brushed her hair with her hands and fluffed it out on the sides checking herself in Bill’s mirror. Yes, she felt that she appeared presentable again. She knew that she had to go find her friends mixed in the party and wondered where would be the best place to look for them. After all they did ride to the party with her. She wondered if people at the party would know what she had been up to. Could they tell that she had just entirely sucked off four cocks without stopping? Didn’t matter though. Not in Angie’s mind. She enjoyed giving blowjobs. She enjoyed sucking cock and eating cum nearly as much as she loved to fuck. Well, maybe not as much. But it was something that she liked doing and in her mind was very good at. She got up to step out the door to rejoin her friend at the party when a sudden thought crossed her mind.“That son-of-a-bitch Todd, He didn’t leave me my fifty dollars.” She said out loud to herself. A big smile grew across her face like a happy girl. “Maybe it was worth it after all.”

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