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Big Tits

19-year old Aubrie Colt had been in nervous and jittery state for the entirety of her engagement party. There were all of those people to thank with new people to meet and family members wishing her congratulations. Aubrie was not the flamboyant person her cousins Frankie or Brittney were. If she had been, things might have gone her way a lot sooner than that.

Aubrie was not shy in the way that some girls were. She was pretty, with curly auburn hair and a slim, almost model-perfect body. She liked clothes and wore them well, even if her daddy didn’t always approve. She was so thankful that she had an ally in her mom, who encouraged her little girl to be more open and take bites out of the apple of life. Aubrie adored her daddy, he was strong and confident. If only he wasn’t so rigid and set in his ways. If he had been more like his younger brother, her uncle Ryan, Aubrie might not have rebelled the way she had the past year. She supposed that she had her cousin Brittney to thank for that and her new, liberated way of living.

She and Brittney had been thick as thieves for a long time and were able to tell each other anything. They had a lot of time to spend together and worked for the same supermarket chain. The two cousins / best friends always managed to schedule their breaks together. Last year, Brittney’s confession had knocked Aubrie for a loop.

“I’ve started having sex,” Brittney explained to her cousin. “They’re right, you know – its’s every bit as good as everyone says it is.”

“I can’t believe it,” Aubrie said to her younger cousin. “You only turned 18, like, a few weeks ago.”

“I would have started even earlier, but there are strict rules about waiting until you’re 18,” Brittney explained.

“Rules? I don’t understand – how can there be rules? You should be free to do as you please. There’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?” Aubrie questioned her cousin.

Brittney sighed; the petite brunette and her cousin had been best friends for years. Their personalities and temperaments were much alike. She didn’t want to keep secrets from Aubrie although she knew the secret she was keeping was a big one. She thought of her daddy and of Frankie – how might they react to her spilling the beans? The young girl took a deep breath and decided that she had no other choice.

Brittney grabbed her cousin’s shoulders and held her tight. “I’m about to tell you something very serious, it’s a big secret. Can I trust you not to blab it to anyone?” She said to her younger cousin. “If this was to ever get out, it could cause a great deal of trouble for everyone,” she explained.

“If what was to ever get out?” A confused Aubrie asked. “Brit, you’re not making much sense! What did you DO?”

Brittney looked around the coffee shop and saw no one was close enough to overhear. Still, she lowered her voice. “I had sex with daddy. My father was my first lover. Oh Aubrie, it was perfect. Daddy’s cock was so nice in my pussy and he was so caring and gentle.”

Aubrie was reeling from her cousin’s confession of incest. Brittney had actually fucked Uncle Ryan? He was her favorite relative and such a great dude, masculine and strong. He never treated her the way her own stuffy daddy did, he was the “cool uncle” most teen girls wanted.

Aubrie had a million questions – okay, maybe not quite a million – but before she could ask a single one, her cousin dropped a second bomb on her.

“After daddy had his way with me, he passed me around – oh God, I felt like such a slut and I loved it – then I had sex with Frankie and my mom. Eddie came last and he loves watching others go before him, he’s so cute – it was the best birthday a girl could have wished for!” Brittney enthused.

“You fuh – you had sex with your entire family?” Aubrie gasped, although quietly enough so that no one would hear them. “Fuck Brittney, do you know what they call that?”

“I know and don’t really care,” Brittney laughed, crossing her legs. “All I know is how many times I came and how good it all was. My family is the bomb and I’m glad I’m old enough to appreciate that.”

“Damn!” was all that Aubrie could manage to say. Her cousin was grinning from ear to ear. “Hey – you had sex with Frankie and your mom?” Brittney nodded. “Didn’t that seem weird – having sex with another girl?”

“Nope, felt like the most natural thing in the world, like I’d been doing it all of my life,” Brittney confessed. “I’ve been into girls for years now, I just never acted on it. Now, I’m going to make up for lost time. You should have seen it, Aubrie – Frankie and I really went to town on mom and she just had to lie there and take it. When we finally let her loose, she went after my pussy like she was starved for it!”

“Now you’ve lost me – let her loose?”

“Oops,” Brittney giggled. “I guess I left some things out – my family is into bondage and control. Daddy is our master, he leads the household. After him, Frankie is our mistress. Mom and Eddie, çankaya escort they’re like, our slaves! They do as they’re told. We had mommy tied up and eating our pussies while Eddie and Daddy watched us perform. Eddie was tied up too, he gets off on watching. We made mommy give us 2 orgasms apiece before Daddy and Frankie decided we could untie her. Frankie says that I’m in the middle, I am still her slave, hers and Daddy’s, but I am ahead of mommy and Eddie.”

“Oh God, this is the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard,” Aubrie breathed. Brittney noticed that her cousin hadn’t said “stop”, so she continued.

“I really want to peg Eddie, Daddy thinks he’d let me,” Brittney giggled. “I spoke up and said who the fuck said he had a choice. Frankie really loved that and she promised me I could, and soon. Aubrie, I’ve never been happier – I really love my fucking family!”

“Literally,” Aubrie managed to laugh. She squirmed a bit in her seat. “I’m not going to judge you, but I’m a bit jealous. I wish I had someone fucking me. My boyfriend doesn’t want to fuck a virgin, my father watches me like a hawk and I’m not into girls, like you.”

“Yeah, being almost 18 and constantly horny is a drag, I know that,” Brittney answered. “Don’t be so sure you aren’t into girls – sometimes, all it takes is a bit of encouragement, a willingness to go out of your comfort zone.”

“It wouldn’t matter,” Aubrie said. “I don’t know if any of the girls I know are lesbian or bi, I’d be too terrified to find out – even if I was interested, which I’m not sure about.”

“You do know one bi girl.”



“Wow – I would never have – you really have become a slut, haven’t you?”

Brittney nodded. “Proud of it, too. If you ever want to try a girl … oh wow, I just had an idea, you’re going to freak out when I tell you!”

“I didn’t freak out when you told me all about the family, so I doubt it.”

“Okay then, just remember – I warned you.”

“Yeah, yeah – just get on with it!”

“Okay – because I’m a slut, I think outside the box, so here goes. If you really want to get fucked at last, you should let my daddy do the honors,” Brittney suggested.

“WHAT?” Aubrie screeched, attracting attention for the first time.

“You said you weren’t going to freak!” Brittney tried to calm her cousin.

“You’re right, and I’m sorry, but DAMN Brit, you didn’t exactly give me a clue as to what you were about to say,” Aubrie gasped, gulping half her coffee. “I think you’ve gone totally around the bend.”

“Really? Don’t tell me that you haven’t noticed how gorgeous my daddy is.”

“Uncle Ryan? Sure, he’s an Adonis, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“You’re almost 18, cute and sexy and believe me, the family notices things like that,” Brittney confessed, her breathing almost shallow. Clearly, she was a bit turned on. “If I asked Daddy to be your first – like, for your birthday – he’d do it, I know he would.” The tiny brunette snapped her fingers. “I know how to put the icing on the cake – I’ll ask Frankie for permission to be your first girl!”

Brittney expected her younger cousin to freak out. That didn’t happen this time. She just sat there with her expressive blue eyes taking it all in. “Okay,” she finally spoke. “I think I can handle that.”

Aubrie had now surprised her cousin. “ALL of it?”

Hoping she wouldn’t be noticed, Aubrie leaned forward and gave Brittney a quick peck on the lips. “ALL of it – like, you only live once, right?”

“Right, exactly!” Brittney was almost beside herself with joy. “Wow, I can’t believe you made up your mind so fast. I seriously thought I’d have to talk you into it.”

“No, the more I think about your daddy’s cock, fucking me, the hornier I get,” the girl said.

“And me?”

“I’m not as sure of that – we’ve known each other all our lives, I’m a tiny bit worried that if I don’t like it …”

Brittney was wearing a huge smile. “Believe me, you’ll like it. Frankie says I’m better than a lot of her girlfriends. Face it baby, you got the family slut gene,” she laughed. “Your first time having sex is going to blow your mind and it only gets better!”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Sure! Why do you think I’ve been late to so many of my morning classes? I’ve either had daddy buried deep inside me or I’ve been tribbing with Frankie or having mom eat daddy’s cum out of my pussy. I’m thrilled to have turned into such a slut and there’s no end in sight! You’re going to have the time of your life!” Brittney insisted.

“Okay, but it’s okay that I’m still, like, a little nervous?”

“Of course Aubrie, of course!” Brittney assured her. “It’s a huge step in a new direction.”

“There is one little thing,” Aubrie confessed.

Brittney picked up on it. “We’re back to the lesbian sex issue, right?”

“Right – well, not exactly,” Aubrie spoke up. “It’s more of the `you and me’ thing. I never even thought escort çankaya of having sex with someone in my family – let alone my cousin and my best friend. I wonder – oh fuck, this sounds stupid – but y’all are so gorgeous, I wonder if I’m sexy enough for you!”

“Is that it?” Brittney laughed. “Like, are you fucking kidding me, bitch? Do you know how difficult it’s been for me not to make a move on you? You’re 5’9″ of sexy perfection, I can’t wait to let loose on you. Oh wait, we have got to get you some slinky lingerie and heels, Daddy loves it when a girl is dolled up – me too, actually,” Brittney enthused.

“Oh God, I’m so horny, I can’t stand it,” Aubrie trilled.

“Sorry kiddo, nothing until you’re 18,” Brittney said, then she decided on one small little gesture. She returned her cousin’s earlier kiss, with a bare hint of tongue. “Consider that a promissory note,” she grinned wickedly.

“Oh God, I’m practically creaming my thong,” Aubrie breathed.

“See?” Brittney grinned again. “I told you – definite slut.”

Despite it being only a few short weeks, Aubrie remembered the day felt as if it would never arrive. To her surprise, a few minutes after 9 AM, her cousin arrived with Frankie and Brooke in tow. “Happy 18th, baby cousin!” Frankie piped up. “It’s your big day, are you nervous?”

“God, yes!” Aubrie breathed. “I’m just glad my folks went to work early, I don’t know what they’d make of all this.”

Frankie smiled and pulled her cousin close. “What would they make of this, do you mean?” She gave her cousin her first fully adult, lesbian-themed kiss. Brooke followed suit, wildly tonguing her niece. Brittney was fuming when they were done.

“No FAIR!” She pouted. “You both know the deal – I get to go first!”

Frankie shot her little sister a stern look. “Chill out, baby sister. You know I always get the first taste of new pussy. But I made you a promise and you know I keep my word. I just wanted a sample, you get the main course. Let’s get our little novice all dolled up before daddy come home from work.”

Her sexy female relatives took Aubrie on a wild shopping spree combined with a makeover at a local spa and a luxurious lunch. Had they not all been so flirtatious, Aubrie would not have thought that anything was out of the ordinary. They were all flirtatious, stroking her cheek, running their hands along her legs, making cute little quips laced with double-entendres. Aubrie just soaked in all the attention she rarely got from her own parents. The thrill of her impending incestuous explorations coupled with the warm glow she got from the company of her favorite relatives had already made this the best day, like, EVER!

After she got to Brittney’s home, Aubrie was nervous. “No need,” Brittney cautioned her. She led her upstairs to her bedroom and posed Aubrie in front of the mirror. “Wouldn’t YOU want to fuck that girl?”

“Oh, my GOD!” Aubrie gasped.


“I’m gorgeous – why didn’t any of you tell me?” Aubrie half laughed / half cried.

“You needed to find out for yourself,” Brittney giggled. “But you’re right – with your hair styled like that and in that skimpy top, skirt and heels, you’re not just gorgeous – you’re fucking hot!”

“How can I ever thank you for this?” Aubrie squealed in delight.

Her cousin pulled Aubrie’s face to her own and kissed her sensually. “Like that, and later, by giving me lots of sexy cums,” Brittney told her. “Right now, we’ll all have a few drinks and some laughs and have a nice buzz for when daddy gets home. One look and you and he’ll get a huge stiffie!” Brittney giggled. She took her cousin’s hand and led her downstairs where champagne was waiting. The three women started to celebrate, although Aubrie noticed her aunt holding back a little. Evidently, Brittney had told the truth about their new family dynamic and Brooke really had ceded control to her eldest daughter. Aubrie still thought her aunt looked hot, wearing a mini that would have looked ridiculous on most women her age. Brooke still had the body to attract any man or woman she wanted – with Frankie’s permission, of course.

When she heard a car pull up in the driveway, Aubrie fought the brief impulse to flee. She really wanted this, yet knew everything was going to change. Then a warm flow came through her body. She was going to get fucked tonight, fucked as often as she could stand. Once she had conquered her few fears, she too, would be able to attract the men – or women – of her dreams. The thought of a big, thick cock in her pussy, in her mouth, just made her melt. When Uncle Ryan entered the room, all thoughts of leaving, all her inhibitions, just flew out the window. Oh yeahhh,, she wanted this.

“So, where’s the birthday girl?” Ryan asked. Brittney gave her cousin a gentle shove in Ryan’s direction and awaited his opinion.

“Did we do good, daddy?” Brittney asked. She knew that there would be no problem if something was çankaya escort bayan amiss, as Frankie was the one in charge. When she saw her father’s warm smile, she knew it was all good.

“She’s perfect,” Ryan smiled, engaging the attention of the 4 women. “You look lovely Aubrie, are you ready for what’s about to happen?”

“Yes, sir,” Aubrie intoned, remembering Brittney’s instructions. “I can’t wait to be fucked by you. I’m thrilled for the opportunity to be one of your little sluts,” she almost purred.

“VERY good ladies, I’m pleased,” Ryan nodded as Frankie brought her daddy-lover a glass of bubbly. She stood proudly beside him as if reminding everyone she was not to be ignored.

“You’re going to love being a slut, just like the rest of us,” Frankie spoke. “Daddy’s sluts get all the attention a girl needs, he’s a fucking machine. He’s not selfish either, we’re allowed to live our own lives – within reason. I can’t wait to see you deep-throat Daddy or be impaled on his cock. When he cums inside of you, we’re all going to clean you up. That’s okay, isn’t it, daddy?”

“Of course princess, it sounds amazing,” Ryan spoke to his daughter. “Ladies, you all look wonderful. Aubrie, please come over here,” he instructed his trembling niece. Aubrie walked towards her uncle, at first on trembling legs. Then she remembered the girl she had seen in the mirror and her confidence grew. Yes, she was going to have sex with a commanding, attractive stud – but he too, was going to have sex with a teenaged sex goddess in sexy lingerie and heels. It went both ways, Aubrie rationalized.

“You girls have outdone yourselves, I’m very pleased,” Ryan said as he gave Aubrie appraising glances. “Aubrie baby, you’re a very pleasant sight indeed. Are you ready for what is about to happen?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, yes,” Aubrie nodded.

“You understand what is going to happen?”


“Please, tell me, so I can be sure there are no misunderstandings,” Ryan cautioned her.

“Okay. You and I are going to have sex – you’re going to fuck me and remove my virginity. After that, I’m going to have sex with Brittney, my first time with another girl. When that’s over, it’s anyone’s game – a free-for-all. I am free to fuck and suck anyone I wish and become one of this family’s loving sluts, is that about it?” The teen giggled.

“Close enough, although I’m changing the plan a bit,” Ryan said as he hugged Frankie’s arm. “Frankie, you will be allowed to go first.” Frankie was stunned and she looked to her sister’s face for a reaction. Finding none, she started to move before Ryan said “No – that was a test, which Brittney passed. As ALL know here Aubrie, my word is LAW. Brittney, for understanding that, YOU will go first. You and your cousin may have sex, both of you, be sure to give us a good show,” he stated as he sat down on the spacious sofa. Frankie and Brooke knew what their assigned roles would be without even being told. They would be expected to suck Ryan’s cock and prepare him for his upcoming fuck with Aubrie. Frankie knew that if her daddy came – and she wanted his first load – it was her job, hers and Brooke’s, to make sure he was ready again when it came time to fuck her cousin. Her master must always be the first in line.

“I’m glad you’re finally old enough to join us,” Brittney breathed as she caressed her cousin’s lovely face. “You’ve been a temptation to me for a long while.” She lowered her cousin to the spacious floor while letting everyone get a good glimpse of her body, clad in a slinky black negligee and bedroom slippers. She knew her daddy liked visual stimulation as much as anything. She could see why because she was practically salivating to get her mouth on Aubrie. She remembered all that she had been taught by daddy, Frankie and even slutty mommy – the best sex happens when the partners take their time. Now that she’d had time to practice, it was time for her to show just what she had learned so far.

Aubrie was a bit more uncertain of her experience with her cousin, although she had enjoyed their earlier kissing. For a few minutes, she let Brittney do all of the work, the touching and kissing. Her responses were nothing but instinctive and then, something clicked on. She began to respond with kisses of her own and added some light touching to the mix. She liked what she was feeling, the softness under her fingertips was thrilling to her. Now the two girls began to twist and turn into each other, while still retaining all of their clothes. Aubrie heard strange murmurs and sounds she had never heard before. She looked up to see her aunt and cousin sucking Uncle Ryan’s dick – which was fucking huge! She didn’t have a clue how she would ever fit it inside of her, but that was something to worry about a bit later.

Aubrie was almost smitten with her cousin, she never would have imagined being close to Brittney would be so amazing. Their sexy young bodies moved as if they were reading each other’s thoughts. Their lingerie came off slowly, little by little. Their high heels did not as Frankie and Brittney had both reminded her that their daddy loved high heels. Aubrie being tall and slender was well suited to them and she hoped that she was providing her hot uncle a sexy view of her legs.

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