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Elizabeth or Beth as she was called and Derrick had been together for the past 3 wonderful years. They had done a number of things together and always discussed their feelings openly. They had tried many sexual games including mild bondage and discipline.
However, Beth was increasing troubled by the feeling that she was missing something. She decided to discuss it with her friend Mary. Beth and Derrick had known Mary and Jeff for over 2 years. There were two reasons Beth decided to ask Mary for help. The first was the fact that all four of them got along so well with each other The second was that about 9 months ago, Mary and Jeff seemed to have found something in their lives that seemed to have brightened their whole lives. And it seemed to have been in a sexual area. Together with this and the fact that it was not uncommon for the two couples to be with each other at least once a week. Beth felt she could confide in Mary.
So at the next lunch Beth had with Mary, she asked if she could discuss something very personal with her. Mary was afraid that the discussion was about divorce or something like that so she was extremely relieved when it was not. Beth explained that she was having some strange feelings and wondered if Mary might not be able to help her understand them. She explained that lately when she and Derrick was playing sex games which included bondage and/or discipline, she was getting overly excited. Beth told Mary she had noticed that Mary wore a gold 1-inch bracelet on each wrist. Beth said she had noticed that the seemed to be no way to release the bracelet to get it off her wrists.
Mary laughed and explained to Beth that the bracelet was the sign she had given herself as a slave to Jeff. When Beth asked what that meant, Mary said she would do whatever Jeff told her to do, no matter what, no matter where. And if she didn’t do what she was told, she would be punished for it. Mary also told Beth that at least once a week she was punished anyway. She also explained that she was also bound at least twice a week. She did go on to explain that there was a special tool which Jeff had which he could remove the bracelets when he was tying her up. Otherwise she wore them all the time.
Beth explained she wanted to know more and could Mary help her. Mary told her there was going to be a party in two weeks and Jeff and Mary were going and could take another couple with them. Mary said this would be a good way to see what it was like since this was going to be a Bondage and Discipline Club party. But not to be afraid, the party was designed so that at any time, a person could leave and not cause a disturbance. Beth decided to talk with Derrick and see if they could go.
The two weeks passed very quickly. Beth was ready by 3:00 P.M. even though Mary and Jeff were due at 5:00 and the party wasn’t to start until 6:00. She looked in the mirror and straightened her skirt for the tenth time. Mary had told her of the dress code for the women. The black linen skirt fell between the 2 to 4 inch space about her kneecap. It was full enough so that one could turn it up to spank her ass if needed. The while silk blouse had the lapels pressed open down to the first button below the curve on the breasts. She had asked it 5 inch heels would do when Mary told she needed the 4 inch black patent stiletto pump, but Mary assured her the shoes could only be 4 inch heels. The hardest part so far had been getting used to the garter belt and the hose since panties and pantyhose were out. The gold 3-inch loop earrings were an expense but they did look good. Mary had decided that she would wear her hair in French Braids since she had the choice of that, French twist or a bun. So when Mary and Jeff arrived, Beth was ready!
The party was at a home on the lake. It had a beautiful view but was still secluded. They arrived and were greeted by a lovely young lady dressed the same as herself and Mary except she was wearing leather bracelets on her wrists and ankles and a leather choker. Of course she was not wearing any hose because of the bracelets on her ankles. As Beth entered the living room, she saw six more couples, all of the women being very pretty. And also she saw five more women dressed as the one at the door serving drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
At 6:00 sharp, a handsome man appeared. He introduced himself as Kevin and then proceeded to introduce the women who were serving explaining there were his slaves. They were Lisa, Ginger, Rachael, Diana, Cindy, and Marta. Dinner was announced and Kevin explained that the dinner was buffet so that everyone could visit, with everyone. Beth was a bit surprised that the slaves were allowed to eat right along with all the others.
After dinner, the slaves again served wine or drinks to all and everyone went into the home theater to watch the shows. The first was the classic “Story of O”. The second was an equally well-produced film dealing with more bondage and discipline. Beth did not realize just Şile Escort how erotic the files were or the effect they were having on her until at the end of the second film, she realized she had her hand in her pussy.
Not only that, she had her other hand stroking Derrick’s cock. She also found that he was fondling her breast. It might have embarrassed her except she saw that all the other couples were engaged in like displays of sexual heat.
Kevin then announced that the next stage of the evening was to begin. This session would be a moderate bondage stage and anyone who did not wish to participate could leave. Beth looked at Derrick and squeezed his cock to his unspoken question. Of course, they would stay! In fact, no one left. Before going on, the other earrings were passed out. Since she was new, she received the yellow studs which meant that although she could be bound and disciplined, she could not be taken sexually.
Everyone retired to the recreation room. Beth noticed many areas when one could be bound in many different fashions. It was announced that for this stage all the women would be nude. Beth did as she was instructed and after removing her clothes, hung them up in the closet. As she reentered the room, she was a bit shy about returning to the room since this was her first time to be nude in the midst of others. When all the women had returned, Kevin announced that to keep things interesting, all the men would bind a woman who was not their lover. Beth’s man was named Jim. He introduced himself, verified the safe word as was the custom and then led Beth to edge of the recreation room near a large window. Jim tied ropes that hung from rings in the ceiling to her wrists and then ropes from the floor to her ankles. He also tied a rope around her waist so that both ends hung to the floor.
Then with Kevin’s help the rope pulled her arms and body up so that she was standing on her toes. The ropes around her waist were tied to rings in the floor in the front and back of her. The ropes on her ankles were then tightened so that her legs were spread apart and with that, she was not able to touch then floor.
She pulled a bit this way and then that and found she could not get any more relief. She then looked and saw that the other women were bound as tightly, only is several other different situations. Mary was also spread eagle however, she was bound to rings on the wall and from what Beth could see, her feet were not touching the ground at all. Another woman was on a mat on the floor, with her arms tied behind her and around her body. Ropes were tied around her ankles and at her knees and her legs had been dawn up to her wait and tied there. Another woman was tied across a padded bench, her legs spread and tied to the floor and her arms spread and tied to the floor on the other side of the bench.
After the women had been left in their positions for a while, they were released and served hot tea. They were then given to a different man and he bound her in the way he wanted. This cycle went on until all the men had had time with each of the women. Beth realized somewhere in the cycle that this must be way to get the woman accustomed to taken instructions of men other than their lovers and not to be embarrassed about being naked in front of them.
The bonding session over, wine and cheese were served. The women remain nude, of course, Kevin then announced that the next session was the punishment segment. At this point two of the couple decided to leave. Kevin excused himself and saw them to the door. When he return, he told the women that for this evening, he had decided that each woman was to receive 10 strokes from each man and 15 strokes from him. Each man could choose how the woman was to be bound and where to strike the woman. Only, the men could only strike the women on the back, the legs, the feet, or the ass. No man was to strike a woman hard enough to draw blood. Kevin would monitor the men who he knew to be new to this so that they would not harm a woman but would give them pleasure.
After each set of strokes, the women had salve rubbed into the welts and were given some hot tea to refresh themselves. After all the other men had finished, it was now Kevin’s turn at the women. Kevin warned the women that his whipping would be more intense that the other and anyone could leave if they wished. This time only one couple decided to retire, leaving five. Kevin had his slaves bring out what he referred to as his whipping rack. He announced that his slaves were to be whipped first and they would get 20 strokes each since they had not been involved in any of the other activities.
The rack resembled an “X” but padded. The woman would stand on two steps and her legs would be bound to the lower legs of the rack. Her arms would be bound to the upper arms of the rack. She would also be bound around her back to the center section so they her could not move. Kevin explained that if a slave Escort Şile had been very bad, she would be put on the rack on her back so that her breast and cunt would be exposed to the whip.
He announced that to show the women what that would be like, they would pick one of his slaves to be whipped that way, but she would be last. They were given 2 minutes to make up their minds. When they announced that they had chosen Lisa, they were informed that they had taken 2 minutes and 10 seconds to decide. Therefore each woman was to
receive 10 extra strokes and Lisa was to receive 20 extras. Every woman heard Lisa when she filled her lungs with that news.
As the first slave, Ginny approached Beth noticed for the first time the protrusion in the middle of the padded area. It could only mean one thing. It was meant for the cunt. After the four other slaves were whipped, Kevin began with the other women. It seemed to Beth that the first women he chose already knew about the rack. Mary was the second woman instructed to the rack. When Kevin had finished with her, Beth noticed that she was flushed in the face with a sexual glow.
Beth’s turn came next to last. When she was called, she jumped in fright, but Derrick touched her arm and rubbed her ass. This reassurance was enough. Beth stepped up to the rack, stepped onto the steps and waited. Kevin bound her ankles to the rack. He then instructed Beth to inset the dildo into her cunt. With her ankles bound, it was a difficult job to manage, but she made it. When she was comfortable with it, her legs were bound to the rack. She was then bent over and her wrists were bound. Next came her elbows and the bonds over her back. There was a padded area for her head to lie on, however her breasts were hanging free. The steps were then removed from under her feet and the weight of her body push the dildo further into her cunt. The only relief could manage was pulling up with her arms, but since her legs and ankles were also tied, she couldn’t manage much.
After being bound, Beth did not have to wait long for the first stroke to hit her. Kevin’s stroke was harder than any of the other men’s had been. But she knew that it would still not break the skin or damage her in any way. She made it thorough the first three strokes but on the fourth and with each remaining stroke, she cried out in pain. The pain came not only from the strokes, but also from the dildo being shoved into her cunt as her body reacted to the strokes. When she had had her 25 strokes, she was completely in tears, but inwardly she felt happy. Derrick was up to her and assisted in getting her off the rack as fast as he could. He did not notice that the dildo was covered in come from where Beth had come. Derrick asked if she wished to leave and she told him “NO’, and went only to explain how happy she really felt at that moment. Mary was right beside her and her smile told Beth that she completely understood. Beth also knew that the next session as Mary had told her, was the slave session and there was no way Beth would be leaving. Mary also seems to understand this as well even though no words were spoken.
Lisa was then called to the rack. Beth could see that even though she must have been on the rack before, she was still frightened on it. She stepped up to the rack and waited until her ankles were bound to the rack. With out waiting for instructions, she began the task of inserting the dildo into her ass. Beth saw that this was a much harder task that she had had due to the angles. Lisa finally managed and Kevin bound her legs. Lisa leaned back and spread her arms. Kevin bound her wrist, then her elbows and then her body to the rack. Lisa really looked beautiful there, thought Beth. But just then she realized that Lisa’s pubic hair had been shaved. She also realized that ail the other slaves’ pubic was shaved. She glanced around and saw that out of the five remaining women only she and another woman named Carol had hair. She somehow knew that in the next session her hair would surely go.
Lisa’s punishment did take a bit longer than the others did, partially because she received the 35 strokes. Kevin was very careful to put the strokes of all parts of here body. He hit her breasts, her stomach, her legs, her thighs, and of course, her cunt. Lisa was in a great deal of pain when Kevin finished. Beth, Mary and the other women rushed to help Lisa off the rack after the punishment. But to Beth’s surprise, she could also see the joy behind the tears, just as it was in her case.
After salve was rubbed into all and each woman had their tea, a rest period was announced by Kevin. Everyone retired to the TV room. There were couches and love seats scattered about. Kevin’s slave except Lisa served drives and more hors d’oeuvres. The women were required to sit on the carpet beside their lovers. Small talk was had by all.
After a bit, Kevin announced it was time for the next session. He turned to Beth and Carol, Şile Escort Bayan the other woman who Beth had noticed was not shaved and asked them if they wished to become slaves. He told them that the other three women were already slaves to their lovers and did not have to be asked. He told then that he would conduct the first part of the next session alone. errick asked why and Kevin told him that that was the way it had to be. Kevin reminded Derrick and the other men that a woman can only became a slave if she wishes to. This would be the time where she makes her final decision. And it has to be hers alone. If the man were there, there could be outside influences playing on her. Derrick then understood.
Beth thought for a moment, smiled at Carol, stood up, kissed Derrick, walked over to Kevin, kneeled down in front of him and said “Yes, Master”. Carol came over and did likewise a couple of minutes later. Kevin said that he had not expected two women to respond, but that he was very happy they did. He said this would be a first for him to initiate two at one time. Lisa was then instructed to escort Beth and Carol into the bedroom upstairs that was prepared for them.
Once in the bedroom, Lisa instructed the two women to go take a bath and relax, for a while, Beth thought they may have to share a tub, but they were directed to two different baths. It surprised Beth when Mary arrived and informed her she was going to assist her get ready for Kevin. Mary helped Beth with letting down her hair and the giving her a shampoo. After Mary combed out Beth shoulder length light brown hair, took a pair of scissors and trimmed the end of Mary’s hair straight across. She then combed and cut the front of Beth’s hair into bangs. They dried her hair and the put it up in a French twist. She then led Beth into the bedroom. When Beth asked where Carol was, Mary told her Susan, Carol’s friend was doing the same for her except in another room. Mary then instructed Beth to fold her arms behind her back. Mary then had Beth fold her arms behind her and told her this was the way it was for her the first time also. Beth asked what was going to happen, but Mary told her she could not tell. However, she did say that all that was going to happen had already happened to her.
Mary then bound Beth’s arms together, making sure that her right wrist was at her left elbow and visa versa. She then bound her wrist to the elbow. She then tied ropes from the middle of each upper arm to the other in a figure 8 pattern and then ran ropes around the body both above and below Beth’s breasts. Mary then helped Beth to lay face up on the bed and then bound her legs spread apart to the bedpost. Mary then bound the upper part of Beth’s body to the upper bedpost. Mary leaned over and kissed Beth on the cheek and then left.
Beth and Carol’s initiation by Kevin was the same as Mary had gone through. They were asked again if they wished to truly become slaves and after reaffirming that, they both had the gold nipple ring permanently attached to their right nipple. They then had their ass and their cunt shaved. They were taken anally. Then they were allowed to sleep. The next day, they were taken in their cunt, orally and in their ass again while still being bound.
The next morning, they were awaken and released from the bed. After getting ready for the morning, they were brought by to a single bedroom for inspection. After inspection, Beth and Carol were seated in a couple of chairs and bound. Mary and Susan were then order to lean over the backs of the other two chairs. Kevin then went to each in turn, turned up the skirt (Beth now knew why the style was defined as such) and took each in the ass. He then ordered them to release their friends from the chairs and bind them back on their respective beds, face down.
As Beth expected, after being bound on the bed, Kevin returned and again took her ass.
However, as he finished, he announced that two others would also be partaking of her ass. She expected the same was happening to Carol in the other room. Later three different men return and took her cunt. Later still, different three men came and took her mouth. She though that this would be the end for the day, but as Mary had already experienced; three men were back later and took her ass again. Mary then came and released her and allowed her to sleep.
The next morning, Mary woke her and instructed her to relieve herself. She then helped Beth take a bath, shave herself, have an enema, wash and dry her hair and put it up again in a French Twist. She then took her into the bedroom and put on the leather bracelets on her wrists and ankles. As she did, Beth noticed that Mary had the same on her wrists and ankle as well as a choker. Beth also had a choker put on her. They then went to breakfast.
As was the custom, when they got there, the men were already seated and the women were standing behind their chairs. Mary and Beth’s chairs were side by side and they took their place behind them. At 8:00, Kevin arrived and proceeded to inspect the women including his slaves. They were ail seated and had breakfast.
Derrick and Beth went home the Sunday to begin their new lives.

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