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Subject: The Covid Contract Another one off story. Another longer form one starting soon… Please do donate to Nifty if you can to help keep this amazing site going through these difficult times. Covid 19 changed my life. I know that’s a really trite thing to say. I suppose it pretty much changed EVERYBODY in the world’s life! Either way though I’m not lying, it really really did change my life. Amongst the existential fear of me or my Mum catching it and dying there was a whole lot of other shit going on that took up most of my headspace and changed my life in ways I never expected. Pre Covid I had a pretty amazing life living with my Mum in Phuket. Mum is a recovering alcoholic who runs wellness courses and addiction support for people like her. I’m proud of how she pulled her life around. It was just me and her in our tiny little family bubble. Dad was never on the scene, I think he probably drank himself to death years ago but we’re better off without him anyway. We lived together in a basic but nice two bedroom condo fairly near the beach in a quiet part of Phuket. It was a decent sized building with a pool, security guard and a few kids my sort of age. Mostly Thai but that was fine with me. I spoke pretty much fluent Thai after living here and going to school. Pre Covid, I’d swim, visit the beach, play football with my friends, hang out at their houses after school. All in all I had a great life. Of course unbeknownst to me things were about to really get fucked up. It all seemed to happen so quickly. The world seemed normal, then rumours started coming out of a new virus in China. This sort of shit had happened before though and I was busy being a teenager so didn’t pay attention. My days were full of fun, wanking, school work, more wanking, hanging out with friends, more wanking. Just your usual teenage boy stuff! Then I turned fourteen in mid March and by the end of the month borders had closed all around the world. At first I thought nothing of it, it wouldn’t affect us that much. After all we lived in Phuket, we never went anywhere else! We had no family anywhere apart from my grandparents back in the UK but they only came out to see us once a year anyway so I assumed it would all be over in time for their annual visit at Christmas. Things got bad much quicker than expected. Mum’s business was pretty much tourist income driven. Once borders closed overnight that income stream got turned off. There was some online support she gave to clients that just about paid for food but though she tried to hide it I could tell she was stressed. Luckily we had no money for her to buy booze although she’d been clean for so many years I had faith she wouldn’t relapse. Everybody I knew hoped it would be over in a couple of weeks and life would go back to normal. How wrong we all were! By April we were into lockdown. My school got closed and life became pretty boring. I couldn’t visit friends in other buildings and we were pretty much stuck in the Condo all the time. I could go out for a walk sometimes but even that was being frowned upon. I knew money was tight but thought we were doing fine before Mum then threw a truth bomb about our financial situation. “I’m not going to lie to you Matt, our situation is bad. You’re fourteen, you’re old enough to hear hard truths and learn about the consequences of poverty. I know what it’s like to have no money and I never wanted that for you. However I haven’t been able to pay the rent last month and I won’t be able to this month.” “Um right, so what? We have to move out to somewhere cheaper?” “We don’t have any money for a deposit so we couldn’t move. Everyone is struggling with tourism being shut down. Friends of mine who might be able to accommodate us both might be losing their property too. Our contract is up in a couple of weeks, unless we can sign a new one and pay for it then we’ll be homeless. We don’t have money for flights back to the UK and the borders are closed.” “So what can we do?!” I asked slightly panicked at how bad things were. Surely we wouldn’t just be kicked out onto the street? Surely she could get some emergency funds from my grandparents? “Worst case scenario we use the tent and camp on the beach until things improve.” This was an insane suggestion. Our tent virtually had holes in it and was rubbish. Mum wouldn’t be able to run her online courses from there or have meetings either. No, that was a non-starter and I told her that. I also then pointed out we needed to stay so that she could continue to develop her online business and courses. “I know Matt, which is why my first port of call is to try something. I’m going to have to make a difficult decision and offer Khun Charong payment in kind for us to be allowed to stay.” Khun Charong was our landlord. He owned the Condo building and had recently moved in himself with his family. I’d seen him around. He was a slightly overweight Thai man with two kids who if I had to guess were my age and one younger. They seemed nice enough to but with Covid nobody was taking any risks mixing. Covid had hit his tourism business badly and apparently they were struggling like everyone else. He still owned this building though so he must have had a fair bit of rent coming in. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to eat or would have to camp on the beach like we might have to! “What do you mean by payment in kind?” I asked suspiciously. Mum sighed, “I’m not going to sugarcoat this sweetheart. In my addict days I would do anything to get alcohol and unfortunately I have done things I’m not proud of. I thought those days were far behind me but I am going to offer Khun Charong a deal where he lets us have reduced rent or free rent in the new contract and as a result…..I’ll offer him my body.” “WHAT?! You’d whore yourself out to him!?” “Don’t be so naive Matthew,” She said firmly. If she was using my full name. “I’m simply using the resources we have at our disposal. I’m hoping that just by offering he’ll realise how bad a situation we’re in and will just allow us not to pay rent until things are better. But I also have to be prepared for the worst.” The idea of that man with my Mum repulsed me and my blood was boiling. “No Mum. I won’t let you do that!” “What’s the alternative Matt? I can’t exactly offer my fourteen year old son’s body to him can I?” “No! But if I had to I would if it meant you weren’t!” “That’s very sweet of you but you have no idea of the realities of that. Thai men of a certain age aren’t exactly innocent, Erzurum Escort that’s why there is such a thriving prostitution trade here. I’m sure Khun Charong is happily married but also has paid women for sex. It’s the reality of life. Now maybe I shouldn’t have told you all of this but I wanted to be honest with you. Being brutal about it, you’re growing up, you’ll be an adult one day and with that comes responsibilities and doing things you might not want to. Now I’ll go and see Khun Charong this week and we’ll take it from there.” “But what about money from Grandpa and Grandma?” I asked, desperately wanting to find another solution. “Things are very tight for them at the moment as well for a number of reasons. I won’t be asking them for money. For now Khun Charong is our best option.” I wanted to talk more about it with Mum but she shut me down. That night in bed I couldn’t sleep as I fretted about our current situation. Then I just tried to think about something else. My dick was hard and so I closed my eyes and remembered that fleeting encounter with a Thai boy in the sea a few months ago. It was brief but we both groped each other under the water until his Dad called him in. I hadn’t told Mum but I knew I wasn’t straight. I just hadn’t worked out if I was gay or bi. Not that it mattered at the moment, I was pretty much trapped in a covid prison 24 hours a day. A couple of days later Mum came back from seeing Khun Charong. She had been there for a couple of hours and looked a bit ashen faced as she came into my room to talk. “So, good news we have a new contract for a year with much reduced rent. Bad news, he did want something in return.” “You? Mum, tell him no, we have other options.” “We don’t sweetheart, anyway he doesn’t want me. Says I’m too old and he hinted he has other options. No, he is worried about his boys Sud and Jum. They’re fifteen and thirteen and he says being cooped up all day has turned Sud in particularly into a hormonal nightmare. So he wants them to spend some time here twice a week and for them to get some release.” “Fucking hell Mum, he’s turning you into a paedophile!” I said shocked at what she was suggesting. What I thought she was suggesting anyway. “Well that wasn’t his intention although that is unfortunately the outcome I want. He actually wants you to help the boys. “Boys will be boys” he says and thinks that having sex with you twice a week for them will help them. Of course I won’t let that happen, when they turn up I’ll do it instead of you.” “What?! Did you sign the contract?” “Yes, here it is,” she said, handing it over. I scanned it and even though it was in thai I understood the clause, “sexual relations with the boys twice a week.” “So you’ve signed a contract where I have to have sex with them?! Let them fuck me!? How could you!?!” I said my voice reached new heights of outrage. “Of course not Matt! Don’t be ridiculous. As I said I will do it and I’ve agreed oral only, what a conversation that was I can tell you. The boys will be happy whoever sucks them off.” “Jesus fucking christ Mum! I can’t believe we’re having this conversation! What happens if they refuse and want the contract honoured. It clearly mentions me in this, not you.” “Don’t worry they won’t dearl it’ll be fine!” She left the room signifying the conversation was over but to say I was sceptical was an understatement. As well as that there was a slight thud of my heart and a bit of blood flowing to my dick at the thought of sucking two Thai boys. I believed Mum when she said I wouldn’t have to do it but I also knew what the contract said. I guess we’d see if the deeds backed her words. “No. We want him not you. That’s disgusting, you’re an adult!” Sud made his thoughts very clear as we all stood in our lounge as Mum tried to persuade him that she was going to carry out the terms of this contract. “No! He isn’t involved in this, it’s me who will be doing it, not him!” my Mum protested. “Not what the contract says!” Sud said triumphantly, waving it in his hand. “We’re teenage boys, we want our dicks sucked by another teenage boy. Boys do this sort of thing all the time. As Dad says, boys will be boys. We will not agree to an old lady doing it. it would be like our Mum doing it!” Mum protested all she could but I was resigned to it. I had to look at it this way. We needed me to do it. I could experiment with a couple of boys safe that my sexuality was kept secret. It was not what I really wanted to do but what choice did I have? So five minutes later I was sitting on my bed with Sud and Jum standing there. Sud was the older boy, Jum the younger one. He was cuter as well as he smiled shyly at me. He was the one I really wanted to suck. Sud said he was going first, “Stay there, I want you to see a real man’s cock being sucked,” he said to Jum who looked like he’d rather be anywhere but there at that moment. Sud pulled his shorts and pants down to show a soft dick which was actually no bigger than one despite him being older. “real man”? Nah just a normal teenage one, it was three inches if it was even that. He quickly hardened though to more like five inches and told me to get on my knees. I had no choice so did as I was told. I had fantasised about sucking a boy before but the reality wasn’t like my wank fantasy. That I’d approach that dripping hard dick, lick the precum off before taking it in my mouth and gently sucking it. The reality with Sud was very different. He told me to open wide and then he roughly shoved his dick in my mouth. “Suck my cock you farang bitch” he said which wasn’t very nice and he was pretty rough throughout. I would learn in the coming days that this was to be his thing. He was never nice about it. It was all over fairly quickly and after having me lick him clean Sud left the room leaving me with Jum. “Come on then get it out,” I said just wanting it to be over. He shook his head “I don’t want to do anything, it’s not fair on you. I can’t believe Sud manipulated Dad into accepting this.” “But it’s in the contract, I have to do it, why don’t you want to?” “Because you’ve been forced into this. Sud persuaded my dad to do this. Said he was worried his dick would get him into trouble and he’d get some girl pregnant. Even though there are barely any girls in the Condo and none that would go for him! Dad fell for it hook line and sinker. ” I told him I had to do it but he refused and just said he wanted to talk and hang out with me. So that’s what we did that Erzurum Escort Bayan first session. I assumed he was just being a bit shy and would come around so I did what he wanted. We gave it ten minutes before deciding he better go home with his brother. Mum knocked on the door when Jum left. “Just checking how you are? I’m so so sorry Matt.” “I don’t want to talk about it Mum. Ever. I have to do it for us and I will do it. But don’t bring it up again.” She understood and we never mentioned it again. The boys would come over together twice a week. Sud would insist Jum watch as I sucked him which I knew he hated. It didn’t help that Sud was rough and enjoyed humiliating me. In fact one time a few weeks after we started he had me lie on the bed with my head over the edge and he got on top of me and face fucked me. That wasn’t fun. Despite me offering to suck Jum each week he always refused. I was a bit disappointed. Jum was the sweetest cutest boy you could meet. A pure heart unlike his brother who was basically a spoiled entitled arsehole. How could two boys be so different? I did wonder what Jum was hiding in his pants and whether he’d ever let me suck it but it was clear he wasn’t interested. I guess if you aren’t gay then you either be rough about it like Sud was to try and convince everyone you’re just doing it for release or like Jum you just refuse the offer. After six weeks of this things changed. I had just finished being roughly face fucked by Sud. As he pulled his pants up he sat down on the floor rather than leaving the room. “Aren’t you going home?”Jum asked, looking awkward. Sud smiled a nasty smile, “No, I’ve decided to watch him suck your tiny dick.” “I don’t want you to watch.” “Tough!” Sud replied. “I won’t do it if you watch!” Jum said standing up to his brother. Sud just smirked and started to pull his shorts down again.”Fine, then he does me again!” “That’s not the deal!” Jum and I protested at the same time. Sud shrugged, “Yes it is. “twice between them”, doesn’t say we both need to do it. So if you don’t want the second one then I’ll have it!” I didn’t want to suck Sud again. My jaw was sore from him being rough and in any case I wanted to suck Jum so I just told him it was fine. “I’ll do it and yes Sud you can stay but turn your back. Don’t be an arsehole to your brother.” “I will watch as you swallow every drop of his cum..actually he probably doesn’t even shoot yet. If I can’t watch then you suck me instead.” “Fine, and I’ll bite your dick off!” I said angrily. Loss of face is a big thing in Thailand and a situation where all three of us couldn’t back down was a problem. In the end Jum backed down. “Fine, watch if you want to. Just shows you’re a weird pervert who wants to watch a boy get his dick sucked by another one!” That was a good blow and Sud did look a bit uncomfortable. Although he came out fighting, “is that it?!” he said with a scoff when Jum pulled his shorts down. His dick was 2 inches long which given he was 2 years younger than his border was pretty good size wise. Still I guess comparison is basically like to like. So Sud could feel smug he was bigger than his brother even though I had a suspicion Jum might be bigger than Sud when he was fifteen! Jum looked very nervous as I used my hand to take his soft dick in my mouth. A couple of tentative sucks though and it was fully hard. Even if he was reluctant about it his body clearly decided otherwise. If Sud hadn’t been there I’d have lavished attention on it but I wanted to keep the illusion that I didn’t want to do this. Jum made gentle moans as I sucked his dick, he ran his fingers through my hair and was a joy to have in my mouth. Unlike Sud he treated me with respect and care, even warning me when he was about to shoot his sweet tasting cum. When it was over Sud smirked at us both, “Look like you gay boys enjoyed yourselves!” he said before Jum threw back at him, “Well you grunt like a water buffalo when you cum so you can’t talk!” which had me and Jum giggling uncontrollably. Sud looked pissed off, “Hurry up, we have to go,” he said to Jum and virtually dragged him out of there. A couple of days later things were looking up slightly with a few Covid restrictions relaxed. We were allowed to use the swimming pool at the condo again and I had a nice long swim. Halfway through it Jum came down in his pretty revealing trunks and did some lengths as well. As I got out of the pool he did too and joined me as I toweled myself dry. “I’m sorry about Thursday,” he said referring to the day I finally got to suck his dick. “You don’t need to be, that was the deal.” “I know, I don’t want you to have to do it to me but I don’t want my brother to have it done twice as he’s so horrible to you!” It was like Jum couldn’t quite say the word about what I was doing for both the boys. He then said Sud was always busy Thursday afternoons with an after school class so he came down to the pool to escape him. I looked at the sweet boy in front of me and decided to go all in. “Follow me,” I said standing up. Jum looked surprised but followed me as I went to the small changing room just inside the door to the pool from inside. No one ever used it really as it was never far to go back to the room so as usual it was empty. I could see Jum looked confused as I locked the door behind him. I sat on the bench, “Come and stand in front of me,” I said. He did as I asked. I then pulled his trunks down to release his dick which like mine was shrunken from all the cold water swimming. I pulled mine down too and I could see his eyes widen as he looked at it. “I’ll show you how much I enjoy sucking you Jum,” I said and took him in my mouth before he could say anything. This time I gave his dick the works. All the things I’d seen online, all the little tricks to make a blowjob even better I used. He made a right old racket but was gentle as always and stroked my hair as I sucked him. When he shot in my mouth I swallowed it all down, then pulled off and pointed at my hard dick. “Jum, I really like you. I really like sucking you, see how hard my dick is from doing it and I rarely get hard when Sud uses me! The contract is shit because I have to suck Sud but good because I suck the boy I really really like. The one I fancy and would love to be my boyfriend if he wasn’t straight!” Jum looked at me with shock written across his face, “You fancy me? Me?” “Yes you’re cute, you’re kind, you’re sensitive, you’re funny and you have Escort Erzurum the sweetest tasting cum!” Jum blushed at that before then giving me a shy smile, “Hmm, that thing you said about you would love to be my boyfriend if I wasn’t straight?” “Yes?” I replied. “Who says I’m straight?!” he said and moved in to surprise me by pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around him as we kissed and kissed for what felt like hours but was only a minute or two. Then to my surprise he bobbed his head down and took my hard dick in his mouth. I assume it was his first time and he did a pretty decent job. He didn’t catch with his teeth or anything which was the main thing! It felt amazing and I ran my fingers through his hair like he had done to me. “I’m …almost…ooh… there, pull off if… you want!” I said between moans. If anything that made him suck me with more gusto and I blasted cum into his mouth. “How was it?” he asked shyly once he’d released my now soft dick “Amazing! You’re amazing! This is like a dream come true!” I said my enthusiasm levels off the chart. “For me too! I liked you as soon as I saw you at the pool before I’d even met you! Then when Dad said what was going to be happening I couldn’t believe it. That the boy I fancied had to suck my fuckhead of a brother!” “Nice insult!” I replied and we giggled. So began my clandestine relationship with Jum. I still had to suck Sud twice a week and he insisted on watching while I did Jum. We played it as cool as we could but he would often make jibes about us being gay. Which of course we were! Thursday afternoons we would meet in the changing room and suck each off. We also started to hang out together at his place and mine. Mostly platonic stuff if his parents were around and that was mostly his Mum anyway. She seemed to take a shine to me and we got on well. A couple of months after we got together things were easing again and there was talk of the odd tourist coming back but the restrictions were pretty tight still. Mum was getting on okay with her online stuff but a contract is a contract, I still had to do my sucking of Sud and Jum. We were in the changing room and I had just finished sucking Jum when he took me in his mouth. Although he pulled off after a few sucks. I looked at him in confusion and he smiled at me, “I want you to fuck me with your willy, Willy!” he said using his pet name for me which he always found hilarious. He bent over the bench as he said that showing me his hole. It looked beautiful and I so wanted to do it….but I couldn’t. “I want to and I want you to do it to me too! But in our bedrooms, taking our time when we might not get interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I know it’s a bit sappy to say this but I want our first times to be more special than a quick fuck in a slightly unclean changing room” He looked disappointed and went back to sucking me. Afterwards he told me I was right. “I was just so horny, I AM so horny all the time! I WANT you to fuck me, I want to fuck and be fucked. But you’re right, not like this. This has given me the motivation I need. I will fix this, all of this!” He wouldn’t tell me his plan but on Saturday, our usual sucking session, only Jum turned up, this time with a bag that looked fairly full.. “No Sud?” I asked in surprise. Jum gave me the broadest smile I’d ever seen, “Well he might have manipulated Dad into this but I have outwitted him! Mum didn’t know about this arrangement and I worked out she’d be really fucked off if she knew. She loves you! She thinks me and you are really good together as friends. And now boyfriends! I told her about us and while she was shocked she also said she couldn’t think of a better boy for me. So….I went and told Dad that I wanted to be the only boy on the contract. That it was “twice between us” so it could just be me twice. That I was in love with you. That Sud treated you like shit…and the clincher that I would tell Mum about the contract if he didn’t tell Sud no more! I’m not sure if he has some other dodgy deals going on in the building and I’m sure he doesn’t want Mum sniffing around those! So Sud is out the deal and I’m in! Oh and I can stay over tonight!” I grinned and kissed him passionately before telling him, “I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I already do!” He smiled at me, “Well your Mum is out, there is just us, you have no excuses this time!” He said pulling his shorts and pants down and turning round to brace himself against the wall. “I think we can do better than that, come to bed!” I’d been researching anal sex online ever since he’d mentioned it and I had a much better position to use! So a couple of minutes later my lubed up dick was buried inside my boyfriend with his legs thrown up against my shoulders and us both grinning at each other. “Doesn;t it hurt?” I asked in concern as my dick was a decent size hard. “Not really, I’ve been practicing putting things inside me!” He replied, “Now shut up and fuck me!” “Ooh dominant Jum, i like it!” Then I did as I was told and gave him his first fucking. We took our time, savouring every moment. Then when I came inside him for the first time but definitely not the last we swapped positions so it was my legs around his shoulders. As he pushed inside me I felt a stab of pain as I hadn’t been practicing but I loved every minute once he started fucking me. Our relationship had gone to another level. As he shot inside me I knew this was the boy I wanted to be with. It was like we’d let the genie out we couldn’t put it back in and we started having sex as often as we could. There was no point hiding my sexuality so I came out to Mum who seemed pretty nonplussed. She and Jum’s parents no doubt knew about our sex lives but didn’t make a big deal of it. I guess they thought we’d suffered enough with the covid situation. Our lives had been upended after all, like no generations had for a long long time. The original covid contract might have been signed by my Mum and Jum’s dad but we had a new non paper one. Our covid contract was based on love, and we signed it with cum as often as we could! So yes Covid changed my life. I learnt that some boys are arseholes like Sud and some have the most beautiful souls like Jum does. I learned how to suck a dick and how good it feels to have yours sucked. I learned that I like being fucked and fucking my boyfriend! I guess most importantly at all I learned about love. Love for the sweetest cutest boy in all the world. All thanks to Covid and the stupid contract Mum signed to help us through the pandemic. A pandemic and a contract that changed my life so much more than I could ever expect. I don’t know when it’s going to finally end but I know one thing, me and Jum will still be together whenever it does! The End

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