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THE CREATURE WITHIN 13: RECRUIT TRAININGCHAPTER 13: RECRUIT TRAINING“Tell me, again, why we are going to this meeting?” Sylvia didn’t like it that she seemed to be the only one who didn’t know what our destination was or the reason for this drive to the edge of the city.“Oh, just give us a little patience, woman!” I tried to sound exasperated, but it only elicited a chuckle from Adrian. I smiled at him, recognizing my failure in accomplishing the tone I was trying for. After my demonstration to the ladies, a kennel was found to locate the dogs preferred by the ladies. To my surprise, but delight, Sylvia also put in a request for a dog. The order was for a Black Lab for Sylvia and a Golden Retriever and Dalmatian for the other two ladies. Yesterday, the man had called and I was lucky enough to take the call enabling me to setup this surprise for Sylvia. He was able to locate the Lab, but the others were proving to be a little more difficult, though he believed he had solid leads on both. Finding the types wasn’t as difficult as finding adult, intact males of those types.As Adrian pulled the SUV off the road into a driveway with a sign outside identifying the kennel, Sylvia was guessing what was happening. I just ignored her chattering. Adrian beeped the horn as we approached the yard and I spotted a man leading a Black Lab out of one of the side buildings. I looked to Sylvia and her face was nearly against the side window, peering out at the dog the man was leading.Needless to say, Sylvia was delighted. The dog was up-to-date with vaccinations, medical examinations, and basic trainings. As we approached, the dog started wagging his tail excitedly. The man explained that he had been owned by a family with c***dren, but the family was moving out of the country. It turned out that the family had other a****ls, as well, which gave us reason to believe that socialization with Wolf and Preta would be easier.It took Sylvia little time to be sure this was the dog for her. The man confirmed that he now had good leads on the other two dogs and they should be available within the next week or two.The drive back to the house was a little different. Sylvia didn’t want the dog in back; she was so excited, she wanted him close. I sat in front with Adrian while she and the dog shared the backseat. Adrian and I shared a knowing smile. It was going to be more interesting around the house now with two dogs, not to mention the large cat. Although she enjoyed the uniqueness of mating with Preta, she preferred dogs. I wasn’t surprised, I have long felt that the feline cock was sort of an acquired taste, so to speak. Perhaps that made me a connoisseur. Sylvia was impatient. She loved the dog and they became quick friend. The dog was by her side constantly unless he was romping in the back with my two who took to each other like they had known each other since being young. Sylvia wanted desperately to try mating Bo, which was the name he came with. Sylvia was happy to accept the name to avoid confusing him in his transition to the new household. I convinced Sylvia, though, that a time of familiarization was important before moving the dog into a sexual relationship, not knowing how the a****l might react.Over the following week, Sylvia and Bo developed a strong and comfortable relationship. The a****l allowed and welcomed Sylvia’s touches and stroking over any part of his body, even when she accidently grazed his sheath. That made both Sylvia and me more comfortable and considered the next steps.We were on the back lawn just off the patio by the pool. Both Sylvia and I were naked, while Adrian sat on a patio chair at the edge. Bo sat next to Sylvia who was on her knees near me. I put Wolf on his side and began licking and sucking on his growing erection. When he was well out of the sheath, I pulled back so his hard cock was visible to the others. During all of this, Sylvia continued petting and stroking Bo. I then lay on the ground, my legs spread and showing my pussy to the others. Wolf, of course, came to me immediately as I patted the inside of my thigh. He sniffed and licked at my pussy until I was dripping in anticipation and arousal. Bo remained very attentive.I moved onto my hands and knees, again patting myself on the ass, which was Wolf’s signal to mount me. When Wolf jumped onto my back, Bo reacted, standing from his sitting position and looking to Sylvia as if concerned. Sylvia softly spoke to him, reassuring him and continuing her petting. That was a good sign that he was prone to protect me, which indicated he would for Sylvia, as well.In usual fashion, I slipped my hand down to give Wolf the slight assist I found so helpful and he was inside me. I gasped out at the penetration. I glanced to the side and found Sylvia with a loving smile on her face. I don’t think that woman every tired of seeing me with my two a****ls.I nodded to her as the signal we had agreed on before we started. She nuzzled Bo’s head and whisper to him. It didn’t really matter what she whispered and I had no idea what she did, what mattered was that he felt encouraged and that she was comfortable with him. She patted the ground, encouraging him to take the same position Wolf had been in just minutes earlier. She slid her hand along his stomach and worked her fingers closer to his sheath and the cock peeking out. She smiled at him, after the sight of the red tip showing.She gave a tentative lick of the tip, gümüşhane escort raised her head and looked back to him. He was watching, but he seemed content to trust her. She repeated the action several more times, eventually taking his cock into her mouth and sucking the pre-cum out. When he still seemed content, she became more aggressive with her action, being rewarded by more of his cock protruding.I was periodically checking on them, knowing that Adrian had moved a little closer to watch over his lover this first time. I saw her move from his cock and was expecting her to assume a lying position on the ground to encourage him to taste her, as well. Instead, she elected to bypass that step and moved onto her hands and knees, patting her ass in a duplication of me. The dog went to her ass, sniffed and even looked over to Wolf and me. His tongue came out licking the source of the scent, walked around her, but returned to her ass with Sylvia repeatedly patting herself. After a few more licks, he positioned himself and jumped onto her back, now duplicating the efforts of Wolf. I saw her hand move underneath and then her mouth open as she gasped out. I knew she had been penetrated for the first time by her new canine lover. Bo’s fucking was no different than any other dog I had known. Instantly, he was a pile-driver, driving his cock into her pussy. I saw her brace herself, a smile spreading over her face, moans and groans escaping at the same time.I glanced further back to Adrian. He had a bottle of beer in his hand and held it up in a form of a salute, a big smile on his face, too.* * * * *I was in a meeting with the Marketing Director of Puma Venezuela at their corporate offices. They had contacted me through Sylvia. It turned out that the President and Sylvia’s husband had been close associates in the business community. I was meeting with Puma, an international sporting goods and apparel company headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany. The Venezuelan company covered Venezuela and several other neighboring countries. Some of their marketing was allowed to target specifically the attitudes of the local consumer. In this case, they had seen the press conference I gave after finding the k**s in the mountains. The President and Marketing Director were impressed by the way I took on the local media and gave my story to a blogger, instead. Between my public appearances, the attention our foundation was now receiving in the Petare slum district of Caracas, and the video that went viral once released by the local media referencing the blog, Rosa’s World. “Senor, I am confused how I can be of any assistant to your company. I work with a foundation to help the poor and c***dren, how does that tie into Puma? I am sure Puma, as a corporation, is wonderful in its own ways, but …”He held up his hand. “My apologies, Senorita. I somehow understood there had been some communication through Senora Contreras. I was assured that she approved this discussion.”“No apologies are necessary. I am certain there is just some lapse in communication. I am happy to hear your proposal; I am just not sure how we fit together.”“Let me explain … my understanding is that you are not a Venezuelan citizen.”“Si.”“We would like to investigate you possibly doing some modelling for us, mostly our athletic apparel. And, since you are not a citizen, therefore not able to work for a salary, we would instead contribute those sums to the foundation or any other separate account of your choosing. In addition, if we were to do this, Puma Venezuela would also become a generous sponsor of the foundation.”I looked at him. Of all the things that had been suggested to me, modelling seemed to be the most outrageous. Considering that I had been approached to be a ranch bitch, a b********y specialist at a resort, and travel the Brazilian jungle in search of a****ls for women to mate with. Modelling seem very out of context for me. Maybe especially now that I was feeling, and at times acting, quite b**stly.“That’s … that’s an intriguing suggestion, Senor.” Just then, my cell phone buzzed. I was not expecting a call and few people had my number. I looked at the screen and looked up at my host. He indicated that I should take it. The screen indicated that it was Adrian. He said I was to end my meeting and promise to discuss whatever it was again, but there is an emergency without explanation. He said Sam called and wanted me at the Agency, if at all possible. The plane was due to arrive in 15 minutes. Adrian assured me that Sylvia packed what I would need and he would be on the street in the SUV by the time I got downstairs. We would talk more in the car.I looked at the Marketing Director and I was sure I had a flustered appearance about me. “I am sorry, Senor. There appears to be an emergency, nothing too serious, but it still requires my immediate attention. Thank you for the proposal. Such a thing had never occurred to me. But, as you are aware, the Foundation is looking to expand corporate donation support to increase our effectiveness. I promise to discuss this very positively with Senora Contreras and we will be back in touch with you for more discussion.” He seemed pleased. And I left, bewildered by the need for me rushing off to Agency.* * * * *As the cargo ramp of the plane lowered, I saw the now familiar sights of the ‘garage’ with Sam and Jenna approaching from the door leading into the main building escort gümüşhane areas. I stood with Preta and Wolf while a crewman brought my two bags. Adrian had told me they had packed casual and training clothing in the roller bag and my training weapons in a duffle. Although Adrian had started training me on rifles and handguns, when he said my weapons, he still meant the bow and arrows, and the batons used in martial arts.After hugging both of them and Jenna giving both of the a****ls considerable amounts of petting, she took them to the ‘patio’ where she assured me they would be happier than my quarters and quite safe. Sam and I headed in a different direction.My meeting with the Marketing Director of Puma Venezuela had again required me to dress in the kinds of clothing that Sylvia preferred. She was turning me into something of a lady when we weren’t in private or when I wasn’t training or running through the golf course early in the morning or up in the preserve mountains. And, I was still dressed in the same outfit. Adrian had picked me up outside the Puma building and delivered me directly to the commercial airport closest to downtown. My high heels clicked clearly with each step in the quiet of the facility. Besides my heels, I was dressed in a full-skirt summer dress with spaghetti straps that allowed the panther tattoo to peek out from underneath the straps and the top of the plunging bodice. I wasn’t dressed for what was to follow.As the elevator doors closed, I turned to Sam, “What’s happening that is such an emergency that I cut a meeting short and didn’t have time to change and pack myself?”He laughed, “Sorry about that, Annie. It wasn’t intentional. Well, not completely. There are a couple of important things coming together here right now and I thought it could be important for your participation and contribution. I didn’t, however, intend for it takeover your life and take precedence over your life.”I smiled at him, “Another in a string of miscommunications lately, it seems. Well, I am here, so what is happening?”“For one thing, we have eight agent recruits here for training. Each of the facilities has recruits, but as part of the training, we bring them together near the end for evaluation against each other. It’s on the order of bringing high school jocks together initially for the start of their college experience. How do they handle themselves and others when they find themselves thrown together with other shining stars? Some get defensive, withdrawn when they are no longer treated as THE star. Others see the opportunity to learn and being a cohesive element to bring personalities and skills together. Leaders aren’t generally the most skilled in a particular aspect but in wide ranging aspects.”“And …”He laughed, “Yes, and …” We exited the elevator at the floor of the training level. Inside the training room were eight men and women paired against each other in hand-to-hand combat training. Beyond the large, open training room was a large lecture room and computer skills lab. “There they are. Recruits with 6 to 10 months training. All of them from some form of elite military unit from American or European militaries. All of them eager and confident to get into the field. All of them with high egos and supercharged adrenaline we are trying teach them to control.” As we stood outside the window, he turned from them to me. “I want to throw you into that mix.”I turned my gaze to them. Without looking at him, but evaluating those inside with the instructors standing loosely around them, “To test me?”“Maybe a little, but more to challenge them. You have been trained by an elite who doesn’t believe in convention. Adrian was one of the finest warriors I have fought alongside. And, if I know you, you’ve absorbed what he could throw at you and improvised some along the way.”“Okay. You said, ‘first thing’, which would mean there is another thing.”“We are going to have a mission strategy, logistics, ‘hypothetical’ situation training. I want to get your take on the situation.” I nodded. I was already here, what else would I be doing? It wasn’t as if Jenna needed to study me any longer …As I reached for the door to enter the area, he touched my arm. “I’m not pushing you to do anything. It would help me if you just go in whatever flow you are comfortable.” I nodded, again. He hand remained on my arm. “Remember, these people are by nature high in aggression and ego.” He smiled, “That’s both a warning and a clue.”Sam walked into the training room and I followed, my high heels again ringing out with each of my steps, decidedly incongruous to the setting we had just entered. The center of the large room was covered with rubber, cushioned mats, the recruits paired up and combating in a fighting style I recognized from the times Sam and other Agency people trained with me. Adrian’s style was much more interesting and as we walked around the outside, I could see why Adrian preferred his mix of many forms. Some of these people seemed in a potentially endless series of parries and attacks. Everyone having the same style limited the sparring to strength, speed and agility, or advanced skill.I nodded to a couple of the trainers I recognized, but I was focused on getting through the training room. I was very self-conscious of my appearance compared to theirs. Then, as we were about three-quarters the way to the other side to reach the lecture room, the room gümüşhane escort bayan went quiet except for the heavy breathing of eight people. Then, I heard the challenge I was expecting because of the caution from Sam.“Hey, Princess … we heard there might be someone new coming to the group. I think you’re in the wrong place, though. Looks to me like you belong at a debutant’s ball.” There was laughter, but it didn’t sound like it was coming from all eight people.Then, I heard a female voice, “Hey, Princess. Yeah, that’s right for her … Princess. Pretty, little Princess.”I looked up at Sam before turning around to identify who was taunting me. He shrugged, then mumbled, “Like I said. Whatever you are comfortable with. Remember that it is full contact and you are not dressed for it … if it gets to that point, I mean.” He smiled. He knew it would probably escalate to that point unless I backed down. And, my backing down wasn’t something he anticipated, nor I.I turned and identified the male and female taunters. They had taken several steps and were side-by-side. I stepped on the mat and stopped ten feet from her.“The new girl … so, what did you hear about the new girl?” I wasn’t backing down and instead was directly challenging her. She seemed to lose some confidence and looked at the man she had mimicked. “Don’t look at him. Does he tell you what you should do? I asked you a question, what did you hear?”“Uh … nothing really, just that there would be someone new coming for training.”“Then why are you taunting me? I could be an agent in disguise for all you know.”She looked at Sam, then back to me. “Are you?” I shook my head, but smiled after my own taunt.I looked her up and down shaking my head. “No, I am not. This is my first time at recruit training. But, that doesn’t negate the fact that your assumptions were ill advised.”But, she just smiled and gave me a challenging push on the upper chest. I took a couple steps back to regain balance and appraised her. She was about my height and weight, maybe slightly heavier. She was in workout leggings and sports bra. Her exposed midriff and the flesh on her arms showed more body fat. She carried herself, though, with confidence and an attitude that was undoubtedly necessary to survive the highly competitive and physical environment of elite military units. It seemed to me that she was trying too hard, however, but it might simply be that I couldn’t imagine subjecting myself to such treatment to fit in.I glanced at Sam, again. He was impassive. He had already established the expectations and now the group had to be treated on equal basis. So, I tried to negotiate a way out for both she and me.“You seem to be intent on proving something to me, to the others, or to yourself. I don’t know which it is. Maybe I should change into more appropriate clothes and we can see what you have to prove.”She looked around the group of recruits as if she just thought of a very clever alternative. “No … just like that. The instructors are always stressing that we have to be prepared regardless of the situation or condition we find ourselves in. You might as well learn that lesson right away.”I shrugged. It seemed grossly unfair for her to be in workout clothes while I was in high heels and a dress. That would increase the embarrassment for her if she lost, but I was pretty sure that possibility was no longer being considered in her mind, anyway.I regained my position in front of her and took away any indication that I might retreat from her challenge. She squared herself and I waited, my hands still at my sides. I noticed an image at the window and saw it was Jenna, returned from taking the boys to the beach area. At the last moment, I saw the woman act with a right, left hand combination and shifting her weight to bring her right leg into action next. A classic move and she was executing the moves in textbook fashion. I smiled, though. Maybe, it was a smile within myself or showing outside, I wasn’t sure. Without a thought or consideration, Adrian’s incessant teachings were automatic. Classic and textbook techniques was often easiest offset by unorthodox responses. That was the reason for his use of multiple martial arts and street fighting techniques. I brushed off the hands with my own and stepped into the leg move so her leg hit me with her upper shin instead of her foot, the result being an ineffective blow. Additionally, I was too close now for her to respond with either hands or legs while maintaining her committed technique. Having her close, though, allowed me to change to a Thai technique using knees and elbows. I drove my right knee into her side, then the left knee into the other side. Her arms fell to protect her already injured sides. I stepped into her with my left foot and my right elbow drove up into her chin. I followed that momentum with my right foot driving into her stomach as the elbow blow staggered her backwards.I stood over her and smoothed my skirt over my legs. I looked down at her as she held her stomach. I pointed down at her, “Someone might want to have her checked out. I tried using the toe of my shoe, but I think the heel made good contact, too. That’s going to hurt.”I walked off the mat to Sam, slipped my arm inside his, and looked up at him demurely.“That was interesting.” And I smiled.He chuckled, “I see you’ve taken your training with Adrian seriously.”From behind me, I heard one of the instructors, “Okay, enough for now. Take her to the infirmary for attention. Clean up and eat dinner. Be back at 8:00 PM for a debriefing on what was just learned here.”I smiled, again, this time for myself.* * * CHAPTER 14: JENNA’S FULFILLMENT will follow * * * Thanks for reading

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