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Big Dicks

Allison pulled Buel to the side of the road and set the brake. “Okay girls, let’s do this!” They all piled out of the cart and began tying on their aprons. Everyone except Becky who began immediately disrobing.

“Oh my god, what the hell are you doing?” Jen laughed.

Becky finished removing her belt and pulled her dress over her head. “I’m writing a letter and sending it to Santa Jen… What does it look like? Let’s get naked!”

“What!? What if someone sees you?” Jen asked

“Who!? There’s no one here! There’s NEVER anyone here!”

“Come on Becky, put your clothes on… Aren’t you worried about getting stung?” Allison tried to reason with her.

“Nope!” Becky dropped her panties and piled them in the cart before running bare naked into the golden open field.

“Well what the hell…” Jen quipped and pulled her dress over her head laughing the entire time.

“HEY! You forgot your basket and apron!”

Becky skipped back to the cart her c-cups bouncing in rhythm. She grabbed a basket and an apron and then dashed back towards the field.

“Wait for me!” Jen gave chase, apron and basket in hand, her bare white ass shining in the sun.

Allison stood astonished at her younger sister’s bold disregard for common sense. It was times like this where Allison, (no less a virgin, no more an adult than her sisters,) had to choose the more mature path of her mother or fall in to the joy of youthful abandon.

“Ah what the hell…” Allison sighed unbuckling her belt and pulling her dress over her head. “Wait for me!” she screamed with glee as she chased after her sisters into the bushes.

The girls frolicked in an open field surrounded on all sides by blueberry and blackberry bushes. They played a game of tag in the waist high grass, laughing as each of them was caught and became “it.” To their west, a hill that sloped down to the deep blue ocean. To their east, the steep rise of the hills to the mountains that locked them into the narrow corridor of Big Sur.

After awhile their excitement of playing naked in the field subsided and they each pulled an apron over their heads and got to the chore of picking berries. A half-hour or so went by and Allison had nearly filled the deep pocket in her apron. She looked up to check on her sister’s progress when something caught her eye.

High on the mountain trail, a dot of white moved slowly down the slope. Allison stood up straight, covering her brow with her hand to block the sun, focusing her young eyes on the movement.

“Hey girls” she said quietly, still not sure of what she was seeing. As she watched, she could make out someone walking wearing a pure white robe. Behind them a dozen or so more people followed in a line wearing dark robes. They were still quite a way off, but the sight of anyone at all here was instantly alarming.

“Hey Becky….! Jen….!?” she yelled, a tiny bit of panic in her tone.

At first there was no answer. Allison bundled up her robe to prevent the berries from rolling out and then pulled it over her head, her D cup breasts reflecting the sun once again. She trotted back towards the open field scanning the shrubs for any sign of her sisters.

“Girls!” she shouted louder, “Time to go!” she picked up the pace to a slow jog. A blonde head Lefkoşa Escort popped up from behind a shrub and then a brunette just to her right.

“What’s wrong Ally?” Jen queried.

“Someone’s coming, we gotta go… NOW!” Allison changed track now that she had located her sisters and started up the hill towards Buel and the cart. Jen pulled her apron up, securing the berries and followed Allison’s lead.

“Come on Becky!” Jen barked.

“Oh…. You’re so paranoid Ally!” Becky fired back as she meandered from behind a blackberry bush.

Eventually they all made it back to the cart where they could now clearly see the figures descending down the mountain albeit several miles away. Allison secured the apron full of berries and seemingly dove into her dress, Jen followed suit. Becky just hopped into the back of the cart completely nude, seeming not to care at all that the strangers on the trail might be able to see her slim body shining in the mid-day sun.

“Who wears robes these days? Are they priests?” Becky questioned.

Allison grabbed the reigns and popped Buel into reluctant action. It seemed even he was in no hurry to disembark.

The twenty minute ride back to the cabin seemed to take forever to Allison. She had so many questions, but more over she was worried that they may have been able to make out their nudity and might report it to her father. She had Buel pull them directly into the barn and after securing the brake, she promptly slid shut the massive wooden doors.

“You better put that dress on before Dad or Tom catch you” Allison warned Becky as she jumped out of the cart, her tits and ass bouncing on impact.

“Oh Allison, the only thing Tom would do would be to jerk off in his bedroom for 2 hours” she giggled at the thought as she said it.

Jen cackled at this as well. She too knew how trigger happy their brother had become over the last few years and had caught him peeking at her several times.

“Laugh now, Tom’s not the only one cooped up and horny” Allison said in obvious frustration.

“Whoa!! there we go! Now we know why you’re so uptight sis!” Becky bellowed as she reluctantly pulled the dress over her head.

Jen couldn’t resist the urge to laugh out loud.

“What are either of you laughing at? I hear you at night, fingers a flutter. Becky you’re the loudest of all of us” Allison retorted.

This was only met with more nervous laughter from the twins.

“Okay fair” Becky giggled, an evil smile creeping over her face. “What if… ” Allison shot Becky a sideways glare, seemingly knowing what her mischievous sister was thinking. “What if we could trick Tom into popping our cherries?”

Jen gasped out loud.

“BECKY!!” Allison barked. “He’s our BROTHER for GOD’s SAKE!”

Becky was obviously enjoying the shock factor.

“Becky, you’re so full of shit. You wouldn’t dare, even if he wanted you” Jen retorted.

“AHH! The hell I wouldn’t!?” Becky recoiled, wounded by the sudden treason of her twin. “I’m SURE he wants to try it just as bad as any of us, especially with me!”

“Try what?” Tom rounded the corner from the back of the barn where he had been feeding the horses.

All of their faces instantly flushed red.

“Ummm, try Girne Escort these blueberries we got!” Becky’s mind was nimble and quick.

Tom had a shit-eating grin on his face. “I thought you said cherries, not berries… My mistake.”

“Oh shit…” Allison covered her face in embarrassment for her sister.

Becky looked at Jen, her mind working overtime on a way to get her back for her treachery. “Actually, Jen was wondering what it would be like to have sex with you seeing as you like to spy on us all the time.”

Jen and Allison’s mouths both dropped open in shock. “BECKY!” Allison shouted.

“I DID NOT SAY THAT!” Jen fired back.

“Girls!” Tom shouted and then immediately dropped his tone to a whisper “Do you want Mom to hear what you’re saying? Keep it down!” Tom was feeling very assertive and relaxed after having finished helping his Mom “clean the kitchen.”

“Tom’s right!” Allison whispered loudly “shhhhsssh your mouth Becky!”

“Fine!” Becky barked quietly. “It was me then… I’m the one wondering what it would be like to have sex with you brother.”

Allison could feel her nipples getting hard as the conversation turned further and further south. Jen was mortified to even hear such words, much less in front of Tom.

“Holy Shit! Really?” Tom’s tone was earnest. What a day this was turning out to be, first his Mom and now his sister Becky?

“Yeah, really Tom… We’re so lonely, we just lay in our bunks and frig ourselves every night. I’m just ready to know what it feels like and… well you’re a good looking guy… Why not?” Becky made her case, her sisters incapable of any kind of interference beyond a squeal of nervousness.

“Oh my God” Allison muttered under her breath. “Tom, I’m so sorry for Beck….”

“I’ve wondered about it too” Tom interrupted looking directly at Allison. “Especially you Ally… I hope I don’t scare you, but I think about it with you all the time” Tom confessed.

Becky hadn’t seen that coming, but she didn’t waste any time. “Allison! Here we go! This is the solution to your problem right here!” Becky grabbed Ally by the shoulders leading her to the back of the cart, pushing her backwards until she sat down on the back ledge of the cart with a thud.

Allison’s mind was on fire and so was her crotch. She could feel the wetness pooling up between her legs. “Uh…. ” was all that she could manage as Becky hiked her skirt up and shoved it under her arms. “Wha..!? What are you doing!?” Allison gasped as Becky revealed her uncovered pussy to her brother.

“Oh wow!” Tom exclaimed as he gazed upon Allison’s muff.

“Here, put your feet up on the cart like this!” Becky said pulling Ally’s legs up and open. Tom gazed in disbelief as his beautiful sister’s flower opened up before him, a pale pink pussy that was actually dripping a thin line of clear liquid down her butt cheeks. Tom looked up and met Allison’s stunned gaze.

Allison considered fighting Becky off of her, but when their eyes met, she froze.

Becky stepped between her sister’s spread legs, grabbed the shoulders of her sun dress and pulled them down over her arms, revealing Allison’s massive mams. Allison felt the cool air of the barn on her nipples and they went from hard to Magosa Escort pointing due north. Allison gasped in a mix of confusion and arousal.

Jen just stood to the side, wide-eyed and frozen.

When Tom saw Ally’s nipples, he knew that she wanted him, just like his Mom had only an hour or so before. Before he could respond, Becky was behind him pushing him towards Allison’s partly nude outstretched body.

“Whoa!” he said, feigning resistance. Suddenly he found himself towering over his beautiful sister’s exposed flesh. Becky continued her frenzied assault, unbuckling Tom’s belt and loosing his pants. As she yanked his trousers down, a familiar smell wafted from his crotch directly into Becky’s face. Becky paused trying to place the smell before realizing that she was smelling pussy, but also sweat and something else she couldn’t yet place.

“Whoa bro! What’s that smell?” Becky belted out loud as she grabbed the monstrous cock from Tom’s pants. Jen gasped as her eyes landed on Tom’s semi-firm member.

“Ummm, must be from Mo…” he almost finished the sentence, his cock hardening by the second in anticipation of burying itself in Allison.

“What the SAM HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!” the male voice bellowed from behind them.

“Dad!” Jen squealed in shock, peeing herself just a little.

They all froze including Becky who was kneeling down eye-to-eye with her brother’s member, her mouth dropped open in surprise.

“Ummm nothing Dad!” Tom started.

“Doesn’t look like nothing to me!” Richard bellowed. “Get those clothes on and get into the house on the double!”

Becky had never seen her dad that angry. She even began to feel bad for instigating the scene he had walked up on.

They all leaped into action, Ally pulled her dress over her tits while she lurched off of the cart. Tom quickly scrambled to pull up his trousers as he scurried out of the barn.

Melanie had just finished up the dishes after mopping the kitchen floor when the entire brigade of her family barreled through the back kitchen door as if they were being chased by a swarm of bees. Allison had tears streaming down her cheeks, Jen looked like she had seen a ghost, and even Becky looked like the fear of God had gotten into her.

“HEY! My floors! What’s going on!?” Melanie yelled as they trampled dust and dirt in on their way to their rooms..

“Sorry Mom!” Tom yelled, Dad’s home!

Melanie was left in shock. As quickly as they had burst in, they had vanished. She spun back around to see Richard’s silhouette in the door.

“What is going on Richard?” she gasped.

“Did you teach him?” he asked dryly.

Melanie was actually scared too now, Richard’s voice was edgy and demanding.

“Ummm… yes dear, just like we talked about… Only an hour ago or so… Why?” Melanie nearly whimpered.

“He was wasting no time then. He had Allison spread out and ready to fuck in the barn while the rest of them watched.” Melanie gasped in shock.

“Certainly not Tom… he was so shy…. He wouldn’t…” she started to say. “Becky…” she said flatly meeting Richard’s gaze as he stepped in and closed the door.

“Well the rest of it must take place now, the time table has been moved up” Richard said quietly.

“Oh… NOW? Now?” Melanie exclaimed.

“I’m afraid so, they’re on their way and will be here soon. I saw the delegation on the mountain as I rode in.”

“Oh dear… they’re not ready Richard! We’ve barely prepared them.

“How can we prepare them for something we don’t even understand?” Richard questioned flatly.

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