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This my Halloween offering for 2022

An ancient curse pushes a brother and sister together.

Mark Jennings leant against his car as he gazed at the building before him, Kerwell Lodge. Mark had been fascinated by the old house since as far back as he could remember, he remembered as a young child passing it in his father’s car. He recalled fondly how he announced on his nineteenth birthday that one day he would own the lodge, his parent’s said it was nice to have ambition but not to aim too high. His younger sister Nikki just plain out laughed at the suggestion, but the look on Mark’s face told her he was being serious. He loved the old house with its rickety looking windows and solid oak door, he walked across the gravel drive towards the house. The heavy front door creaked as it opened.

Inside the place was filthy as nobody had lived there for years. The previous owner bought it as a country retreat, and was then jailed for the murder of two men before he had a chance to set foot in the house. Mark loved the openness of the downstairs, an entrance hall with an ornate staircase that led to a balcony. Off the balcony were the doors to four large bedrooms, two with their own bathroom and two that shared a bathroom, downstairs a large lounge with a fireplace dominated the right side of the house. The other side had a kitchen and dining room, there was also a study and a door to a wine cellar. Mark knew the property had undergone some modifications internally, on the outside it still looked the same as it did the day it was built.

Mark looked around, almost unable to believe on his thirtieth birthday he finally owned the house, his joy was tinged with a little sadness as both his parents had succumbed to cancer and were not around to see him achieve his dream. A vehicle coming up the drive snapped him back to reality and he went outside, six people clambered out of a small minibus as a man approached Mark

“Mr Jennings? My name is Wheeler, Tom Wheeler. We are the cleaning team.”

“Excellent. Come inside.” Mark gestured.

The two men walked around as they discussed what furniture was to be disposed of and how badly the house needed cleaning. Wheeler nodded and made notes, Mark explained that nobody had lived here for years and everything was covered in thick dust. Wheeler assured Mark that the furniture would be removed and the house cleaned thoroughly over the next two days.

Mark explained that was exactly what he wanted as he would be away for two days and when he returned some new furniture was being delivered and he wanted to start living here straight away.

“Leave it to us sir, we will have the place spotless for when you get back.” Wheeler assured Mark.

True to his word when Mark returned two days later the inside of the house was immaculate with all the old furniture having been taken away, as he settled the bill with Tom Wheeler his phone beeped. This was a text message advising his new furniture would be there within the hour. Wheeler and his cleaning crew had been gone for about twenty minutes and a small lorry turned into the drive, after talking to Mark the three men unloaded the furniture and set it inside the house. Mark thanked them and tipped each man generously for the work they had done. Mark carried a few boxes from his car to the study, this was to be his office and his brand new computer was arriving later in the day.

Six Months Later

Mark placed the book on the coffee table and sat back into the leather armchair, he yawned and considered going to bed. Just then his mobile phone rang, it was his sister Nikki.

“I wonder what she wants at this late hour?” he thought as he answered the call.

When Mark answered his sister was hysterical and babbling at a million miles an hour, after trying to calm her down he told her to stay where she was he would be there in twenty minutes. Mark slipped on his shoes, grabbed his car keys and raced outside, stopping only to lock the large front door. The car pulled up sharply outside the apartment building where his sister lived, she had seen him arrive and buzzed the door open.

“Oh Mark, thank god you are here,” Nikki blubbered as she hugged her brother tightly.

“Nikki for god sake calm down and explain what the hell this is all about.”

Nikki explained to her brother that her boyfriend Pascal had left her saying he wanted space as he needed to find himself, what she had discovered just before she called Mark was that he had left her for someone else.

“He’s left me for another woman and they are going back to France,” she sobbed.

“Couples break up all the time, Nikki. Is it money? Do you need help paying the rent on this place?” Mark asked.

“No Mark it’s not that, I have to get out of here tonight as he told the landlord we didn’t need the apartment anymore. The lease is up and I have no boyfriend and nowhere to stay.” Nikki burst into tears as she explained the predicament to her brother.

Mark Magosa Escort exhaled as he ran his hand through his hair. “Okay here’s what we will do. Let’s get all your stuff into my car and you can stay at my place until you get sorted, how does that sound?”

“Really Mark? I can stay with you for a short while? Nikki replied quite shocked by her brother’s offer.

“Yes you can. You are my sister and I am not going to see you homeless because of that idiot, let’s start getting your stuff together. What doesn’t fit in my car can go in yours.

The siblings loaded both cars with all of Nikki’s clothes and personal possessions, as she locked the door for the last time she placed the keys in an envelope ready to post through the letting agent’s door. She didn’t leave a forwarding address as Pascal had rented the apartment so she figured the landlord could find him if any monies were owing, Mark set off for home with his sister following close behind.

They unloaded the cars and got her belongings into the bedroom she would be using, luckily it was large enough that Nikki only needed to sort her clothes out tonight, the rest could wait until the morning.

“You can use this room sis, the bathroom is through that door and there are towels in there. My room is at the other end of the landing just, call out if you need anything.”

“Thank you Mark, thank you.” Nikki hugged her brother and kissed his cheek.

“Right sleep,” he said as he playfully slapped her backside. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Sleep didn’t come easy for Nikki as she lay there sobbing trying to work out why Pascal had left her like that, they had a good life together and she did everything to make him happy. Eventually she did sleep but not peacefully.

Mark on the other hand climbed into bed and was asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow. The following morning Nikki went downstairs looking for her brother, she found him in the kitchen making breakfast.

“Morning. Help yourself to coffee, the scrambled eggs and toast will be ready soon.” he smiled at her.

Nikki smiled back and poured herself a coffee as she looked around, it struck her that she hadn’t seen the place since Mark had moved in. Over breakfast they discussed her immediate plans and Nikki said she had called into work and was taking two weeks off, Mark nodded in agreement and assured her she could stay as long as she needed. She thanked him and smiled at her brother.

“Let’s get dressed and I will give you a tour of the old place,” Mark suggested.

Nikki was impressed as Mark showed her around the house, she couldn’t believe how nice it looked. He said to treat it as her house as long as she was there, after he had shown her around the house and the spacious gardens they went back inside.

Mark explained he had some work to do so Nikki said she would sort out the rest of her stuff they bought over last night, Nikki unpacked the boxes and sorted through the contents. She decided to leave CD’s and books packed up, all other items like make-up, her hairdryer and stuff would remain out so she could use them. Any personal paperwork she left in a filing box.

As she moved about her room Nikki thought she heard someone by the door but when she checked there was nobody there, shrugging her shoulders she returned to her belongings and soon had everything laid out.

Mark was still in his study when she went downstairs so she offered to make a coffee and took one into him, sitting in the lounge Nikki admired the books and chose a novel to read. A short time later Mark emerged and sat alongside her in the lounge.

“I meant to ask you earlier, where does that door in the corner of the kitchen lead to?” she asked.

“Oh that goes down to a wine cellar, there are a lot of bottles down there but as I know nothing about wine I never go in there. If you want to have a look then feel free,” he offered.

Nikki nodded saying she would look at the wine sometime and see what was there, standing she offered to make lunch for them both and Mark readily agreed and offered to help.

“Does it not bother you living here alone in this old house?” Nikki asked as they ate lunch.

“Not really. It’s old, but apart from that it’s okay. It’s not like it’s haunted or anything so it doesn’t worry me.”

“I think it would bother me if I was here on my own,” Nikki replied.

“You get used to it, there are a few creaky floorboards but apart from that it’s a solid old house.”

After lunch they went for a stroll around the gardens as Mark explained what he planned to do with them, some of the shrubs are well established and would be left while other plants would be removed or replaced.

Nikki commented that it would be a nice place to settle down and raise a family, Mark laughed and said that wasn’t even on his radar. Nikki gasped as he looked at the house and stopped dead in her tracks.

“What’s up?” Mark asked.

“There was someone up at Kıbrıs Escort the window, I’m sure of it.” Nikki replied, visibly shaken by what she had seen.

“I told you it’s an old house but it doesn’t have a resident ghost. You’re probably tired and seeing things. Come on, let’s go inside and have a drink before we sort out dinner,” Mark said as he walked her back to the house.

Nikki agreed that she was tired after all that happened, not getting a decent night’s sleep last night wasn’t helping. It was probably her seeing things, she knew if it was haunted her brother would have told her, knowing she gets creeped out by stuff like that.

They sat watching a movie after dinner and Nikki cuddled with her brother, he didn’t think anything of this as she did this a lot when they were younger and living with their parents. When the movie finished Mark yawned and said he was going to bed, Nikki said she would turn in for the night as well.

As she lay in bed Nikki was just drifting off to sleep when she heard a noise.

“Thump! Thump! Thump!” What the hell is that? She wondered.

The rhythmic beat stayed but quietened down, suddenly she heard a voice.

“Oh God Yes! Fuck me my love, fuck me!” the voice screamed.

Thinking maybe her brother had a late night visitor she got out of bed and walked to the landing, suddenly the noise stopped. Nikki walked along the landing towards Mark’s room. His door was open and he was alone and sleeping, she turned and went back to her room.

A few minutes later the noise returned again and she heard a woman calling out in ecstasy as if she was making love, Nikki pulled a pillow over her head and tried to sleep.

When Nikki woke again she could hear her brother talking to someone downstairs, she looked over and saw Mark talking to a man. She listened and worked out from the conversation that he was the gardener, silently scolding herself for being nosey. She went back to her room where she showered and dressed.

“Morning,” Nikki greeted Mark in the kitchen.

“Morning sis, sleep well?”

“Yeah not too bad, better than the night before that’s for sure.” Nikki replied with a smile.

“Told you, all you needed was a decent night’s sleep and you would be fine.” Mark replied as he put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.

“I’ll have to find a local gym if you are going to keep feeding me like this,” Nikki giggled.

“If you are still here in a few weeks you can use the one I’m having installed in the garage, the builder is due to start tomorrow.”

“In that case I might stick around,” Nikki said, looking at her brother for a reaction.

“What?” Mark asked, almost as if he had said something wrong.

“I thought you might have something to say when I said I would stick around,” Nikki replied.

“Nope. I told you to stay as long as you like. I’m not bothered.”

“Okay then I might just do that, as it happens I am enjoying being here with you.”

“Well that’s it then, you can stay for as long as you need and I will even let you use the gym.” Mark laughed.

“There is one thing I was going to ask you, Mark but I’m not sure how.”

“Well try just asking me and if I can answer it or if I want to answer I will.”

“It’s a bit awkward but did you hear anything at all last night?”

“No, why? Were you singing or something?”

“Mark, I am being serious!”

“No sis I didn’t hear anything, what did you hear then?”

Nikki somewhat embarrassed explained to Mark that she heard a noise like someone having sex, she said she even got out of bed to see if it was him. Mark laughed as he revealed he didn’t have a girlfriend and wasn’t in the habit of having women around late at night just for sex.

“You must have been dreaming,” He suggested.

“It wasn’t a dream I know that much.”

“Well as we are the only two here and it wasn’t me that only leaves you sis, did you sneak someone in?” Mark asked, teasing his sister.

“I knew you would make fun of me.”

“Honestly I didn’t hear anything last night, in fact I haven’t heard a thing in all the time I have been living here.”

“I suppose it must have been a dream then. Strange though as it sounded so real.”

“You are just out of a relationship sis, you are bound to miss the sex and think about it a fair bit.”

“Yes, maybe that’s it.” Nikki mumbled

They spent a while chatting and the subject got around to previous partners. Mark recalled the time his mother asked him if he knew whether his sister had a boyfriend. He laughed when he said he didn’t know, why did his mother think he would know that anyway. Nikki was stunned that their mother had asked him at all.

They laughed and joked about things from their childhood and Nikki recalled the time they stayed at their grandmother’s and had to share a bed. It was an old bed and every time one of them moved they both rolled towards the middle. Mark asked if she remembered them jumping on Lefkoşa Escort the bed to flatten the lumps out of the mattress, he revealed that years later his dad thought they were up to something from the noise downstairs.

“He didn’t?” Nikki said, shocked at the revelation.

“Yeah he did, then I reminded him we were about seven and ten years old.”

“I can’t believe he said that.”

“I think it was the noise at first, then as he rushed upstairs he realised it was us two jumping around.”

“Just as well we weren’t doing anything.” Nikki laughed.

Nikki asked Mark who his first sex partner was, when he replied with a name she screwed up her nose and pretended to vomit. Mark roared out and asked her the same question. He laughed louder when she divulged the boy’s name.

“You have no grounds for laughing after telling me Karen Samuels was your first, my god every boy slept with her!”

“I know but she offered, and i wasn’t about to say no to a gift horse so to speak,” Mark replied. “Anyway you and Paul Jefferies must have had a fun night?” he added.

“Not really. It was all over in minutes and I thought if this is what sex is all about then screw it, I did find out later it could be better.” Nikki laughed.

The talking and confessing carried on for some time with Nikki learning that their mother even asked Mark if she was a virgin, again this shocked her somewhat as she always spoke to her mother about that sort of thing.

Mark said he told his mother that she was sleeping with several people just to get a reaction, the look on their mother’s face was priceless. Nikki thanked him for letting their Mum think she was a complete slut as she playfully slapped her brother’s arm.

Mark assured her that he told their mother he honestly didn’t know and she would have to ask Nikki herself as they didn’t discuss that sort of thing.

Just then the doorbell rang and Mark left to deal with the gardener, the conversation was brief and he returned shortly. Nikki suggested they take a look in the wine cellar.

“Eww it smells down here,” she noted as they entered the cellar.

“Doesn’t surprise me, I doubt anyone has been down here for years.”

Nikki removed a few bottles and looked at the labels, she wasn’t an expert but knew that some of them were old and probably valuable.

Mark said they were more than likely rotten and would need throwing out, Nikki reminded him that wine, like women, got better with age.

Spotting a crate in the corner Nikki opened it and inside were six fancy looking bottles with plain labels, the writing had faded so Mark suggested trying a bottle with dinner.

Nikki put the plates on the table as Mark opened the strange bottle of wine.

“Smells okay. I think,” Mark said as he waved the bottle under his nose.

“Here let me see,” Nikki asked as she sniffed the open bottle. “Smells okay to me, let’s try a small glass each and see what happens.”

“Oh I can see the headlines right now, brother and sister found dead in double suicide!” Mark scoffed.

Nikki slapped his arm and told him to behave himself.

Nikki sipped the wine and smiled. “Tastes fine to me, a bit sweet but apart from that it’s okay.”

Mark took a cautious sip and shook his head. “Too sweet, I’ll have this and that will be it for me.”

This didn’t surprise Nikki as she knew her brother wasn’t a big drinker, he got drunk on his eighteenth birthday and was sick for days afterwards. He swore then he would never get drunk again, as far as she knew he never had.

Nikki felt a warm glow inside as they sat and watched a movie after dinner, she cuddled into Mark and felt really relaxed. By the time the movie finished she was feeling strange, more like horny than strange, she didn’t know why.

That night in bed Nikki masturbated furiously, her fingers weren’t enough and she grabbed her hairbrush. Her fingers flicked across her clit as she plunged the handle of the hairbrush into her pussy.

“Oh! Oh! Yessssssss” she hissed as she came harder than she could ever recall.

“That’s it, go to him now,” she heard a voice say.

“Who’s there?” Nikki said as she sat up in bed.

Turning the bedside lamp on she looked around the room, she was alone with the door closed.

“Must have been that wine,” she thought to herself, as she placed the hairbrush on the dresser and lay down. She fell asleep almost immediately.

Nikki woke suddenly from a dream, she remembered it vividly as she was bent over a table and being fucked really hard and deep. What shocked her and probably woke her up was when she looked over her shoulder the person fucking her was none other than her brother Mark.

“For god sake get a grip woman!” she scolded herself.

Tired and sweaty she lay back down and drifted off to sleep. In the shower the following morning Nikki thought about her dream, she decided against telling Mark. Nikki was worried that he would think she was mad and more than likely ask her to leave.

Unknown to Nikki her brother hadn’t slept well, he kept waking almost as if someone was in the bed with him. After thinking it over he concluded it must have been the wine. Mark was sitting in the kitchen drinking a coffee and reading a message on his phone when Nikki entered.

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