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Big Tits

Chapter Thirteen

Friday afternoon on my way home, finding Stan and Tammy’s letter in the mailbox startled me. I read their letter before leaving the post office, but waited until reaching the car to study the exotic pictures.

On arriving home, I couldn’t resist another peek at the photograph of Tammy sandwiched between two men. She had one guy holding her hips from behind, and another with his balls on her chin.

Celia checked what had me so occupied. One glance and she asked, “Are you sharing.”

Drawn from my fantasy, I handed Celia the stack of pictures. She studied the ecstasy on Tammy’s face at being sandwiched between two men, and said, “What a shame.”

“What is.”

“Us not having a camera handy the night with Dave. As fascinated as you are with Tammy’s threesome, I can only imagine your response to pictures of ours.”

One last glance and Celia said, “These ease my concern of ours being a bit too graphic.”

I said, “You worry too much. Any couple posting ads in swinger’s magazines are open to graphic pictures.” Putting the letter back in the envelope, I said, “Call them to see what they thought about ours.”

A snide smile spread, and Celia said, “I’m not doing your job for you.”

In the process of studying every minute detail of her threesome, Tammy answers the phone. I said, “Hey sexy, we received your letter, has ours arrived.”

Tammy gave a sexy giggle, saying, “Your call interrupted me mid-fantasy. I can’t wait to see the real thing, thanks for sharing.”

“Don’t mention it, we enjoyed yours as well.”

Tammy asked, “You had mentioned enjoying a threesome. I hope you enjoyed mine.”

“We did. You two are so photogenic you had us discussing pictures of the four of us.”

“I hope so. We love capturing the moment on film.”

“Great! Have you decided where you would like to meet tomorrow.”

“Are you familiar with the Branding Iron.”

“Great choice. We’ve eaten there and loved it.” Beside me Celia mouthed the word, where. Putting my hand over the mouthpiece, I said, “The Branding Iron.”

Celia nodded excitedly, and Tammy asked, “Wonderful, what time are we meeting.”

“We’re open to whatever works for you. But if we’re going dancing afterward, an early dinner might be in order.”

“Would six be too early.”

“Six is perfect. We’ll be at the Branding Iron tomorrow at six.”

“Fantastic, we can’t wait.”

“Before letting you go, is Celia home. I need a word if she’s available.”

I listened long enough to hear Celia ask, “What are you wearing tomorrow.” Before going for a beer.


Saturday afternoon Celia’s going out of her mind. Her preparation started with an hour-long bubble bath. To find the right dress required changing six times. Only after applying every shade of lipstick she owns is a shade found suitable for tonight. After three hours, Celia waltzes into the den on five-inch heels in a red cocktail dress. She pauses with her hand on her hip, takes an exasperated breath, and asks, “Are you ready. We’re running late.” I thought better of reminding her I’d been waiting on her for over an hour.

On my first step toward the door, Celia asks, “Wait a minute. How do I look.”

Without a chance in hell of me falling for that. I said, “You look fantastic. Let’s go.”

She turns toward the bedroom saying, “I’ll be right back, I like the black one better.”

“The red one’s perfect. Stan won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”

“Then I’m changing because I’m not ready for that.”

“Are we going or calling this off.”

“I want to meet these people. But I’m not jumping in bed with a stranger.”

“Nobody mentioned jumping in bed. This evening we’ll only have a nice dinner, delightful conversation, and maybe a little dancing.”

Celia’s head tilted, and her mouth opened, but whatever she was about to say, she thought better of it and snatched up her purse. As she walked out the front door, she said, “Let’s go. And do yourself a favor by remembering what I said.”


The distinguished couple beside the entrance stood out as they scrutinized arriving cars. Stan was taller than I imagined. And his salt and pepper hair showed he might also be a little older than expected. As for Tammy, this blond-haired beauty is the girl starring in every red-blooded high school boy’s wet dream at her twenty-year class reunion.

Recognition was instantaneous. We answered their wave with our own, and Stan said, “Right on time.” His arms then encircled Celia with a friendly hug, “your pictures don’t do you justice.”

Tammy brushes past my hand, wrapping her arms around me. She then takes a step back, allowing me to experience the magnetic allure of exposed cleavage in the plunging neckline. With a giggle, Tammy asks, “Do they meet with your approval.”

“I thought the drooling would be a dead giveaway.”

Stan’s hand lingered on Celia’s lower back as he turned to me. “Did you guys have any trouble finding the place.”

“No, we’ve eaten here Escort a few times.”

Stan nods, and said, “Speaking of eating, they should have our table ready if you’d like to go inside.”

The young lady at the reception podium acknowledges us with a smile while grabbing a stack of menus. My head tilts in curiosity as the manager darts past her, snatching the menus from her hands. He rushes up to Stan, saying, “Right this way, sir, your table’s ready.” He gives a quick wave to gain the cocktail server’s attention and leads us to a secluded table in the back.

They filled our water glasses, and the cocktail server asked, “What can I bring you folks from the bar.”

I said, “We’ll have two Autumn Leaves, please.”

The cocktail server nods, and Stan said, “Excellent choice, make it four Autumn Leaves.”

A smile formed as Stan cocked his head and said, “Arthur, it’s refreshing to find young folks who can order something besides screwdrivers.”

“My mother calls me Arthur; my friends all call me Art. As for my drink choice, I’ve found nothing prepares the pallet for a tasty meal like an Autumn Leaves.”

Stan nods as he opened his menu and said, “I think you two will enjoy this place. Tammy and I eat here often.”

“I’m sure we will,” Celia said.

Our initial conversation hit on topics such as families, occupations, backgrounds, and hobbies. Not until remnants of our dinner clutter our table and the wine bottle is empty did our conversation lag into an awkward silence. Tammy Broke the silence when she said, “One of our favorite haunts is a crazy little place called The Lonesome Cowboy. They have a band on the weekends for dancing. Would you guys care to check it out.”

Celia’s bouncing. She said, “Gawd, yes, we haven’t been out dancing in forever.”

Stan stood, extending his hand to Celia. “Shall we go.”

Celia nodded, sliding out of the booth. A moment later, Stan’s ushering her to the door with his arm around her waist.

As they walk away, Tammy said, “Your wife made quite the impression on my husband. Are you good with that.”

I nodded, “My biggest thrill in life comes from seeing Celia enjoying herself.”

“Yet you’re hesitant. Could it be you don’t find the same interest in me as my husband finds with your wife.”

I stopped to face Tammy. Shaking my head, I said, “My problem is my fickle wife.”

“Didn’t you two have a threesome a few weeks ago.”

“We did. One in which Celia instigated without consulting me beforehand.”

“Arthur, I’m confused. If you both enjoyed what happened, what’s the problem.”

“Celia’s the problem. I confessed my thrill with her enthusiastic participation, and she went off on me, accusing me of calling her a whore.”

“Confusion is a common reaction to finding a fascination in an activity believed as being immoral.”

“Confusing is an understatement. I’m getting more mixed signals from Celia than I can deal with lately. So, I’ve resigned myself to wait in the bullpen until called into the game.”

“Maybe she’d be open to a little girl talk. Would you mind if I had a private chat with Celia.”

“I’m for anything ending this confusion.”


We arrive at the Lonesome Cowboy as the sun is sinking into a beautiful California sunset. Even at such an early arrival, the Saturday night crowd was gathering.

At the door, a wall of music from the four-piece band greets us. Through wisps of cigarette smoke and the smell of stale whiskey, we search for a seat.

We found an elevated circular booth. Stan slid in, and Tammy said, “Celia, before we get comfortable, let’s take a jaunt to the little girl’s room.”

Tammy lock’s the restroom door before turning to Celia. “Before anybody gets carried away, let’s ensure we’re on the same page.”

“Thank you. I’m a bit conflicted. We’re having fun, but like a thrill ride, it scares the hell out of me.”

“Perfect description. Swinging is all about enjoying yourself by pressing your limits.”

“The trouble with being new is I’m uncertain about my limits.”

“Concerning you and Stan, I want to assure you I’m good with you being as bold as you’re comfortable. But something else is bothering you.”

“You’re right. I’m going against everything taught about proper behavior. My biggest fear is displaying my desires only to drive Arthur away.”

“For this to work takes an open line of communication with your spouse. I think you’re safe with Arthur. He appears to be open to you having fun. But if you prefer, taking baby steps is acceptable to us.”

“He says he is, but men always change their tone over morning coffee.”

Tammy laughed and said, “Would you mind a suggestion.”

“I wish you would.”

“For me, nothing puts me in a better mood than letting my enter slut run free.”

“I’ve experienced the same thing.”

“With us, you can put that good girl away and turn that slut loose.”

“I could if I didn’t have to worry about Arthur.”

“Nothing builds passion in a man faster than Escort Bayan other men lusting after his wife. And nothing catches a man’s attention more than hard nipples. How about we lose the bra.”

Moments afterward, Celia’s strapless bra is in her purse, and she’s topless. Before she can raise her dress, Tammy said, “We’re one step from perfection. I hope you don’t mind. But it’s a necessity.”

Celia stiffens in shock when Tammy licks and sucks each nipple into hard little erasers. “There you go, those hard little devils will ensure you’re the center of attention.”

Celia rearranges her dress. Confused, she asks, “Aren’t you going braless.”

Tammy opens her blouse, allowing her breasts to spring free. “I never wear a bra, but you’re not noticing means my nipples also need a little attention, do you mind.”

Celia’s wide-eyed expression draws a laugh from Tammy. “I’m kidding, relax.”

Stan and I stand when the girl’s return as Celia scoots into the middle of the booth. Tammy jumped ahead of me, sliding in behind Celia, prodding her closer to Stan.

Our conversation flowed, and by the time the server returned with our drinks, we were interacting like old friends.

Stan asked, “Does the atmosphere here suit you guys, or would you prefer going somewhere else.”

With her shoulders swaying to the music, Celia said, “This place is perfect, and the band has a great beat.”

Extending his hand, Stan said, “Celia, let’s dance.”

Stan’s hand rested on the small of her back, escorting Celia to the dance floor.

Tammy leaned closer and asked, “Do you dance.”

“Born with two left feet, finding my groove requires two drinks at a minimum.”

Tammy’s breasts mash into my bicep as she said, “Maybe we should order another round.”

“Great idea.”

The driving beat soon fades into the soft twang of a slow song. Stan holds out his arms, and Celia walks into them. In moments her arms wrap around his neck, and she straddles his thigh, grinding to the rhythm of the music.

Tammy scoots next to me with a mischievous glint in her eye. Her palm pressed against my cock and asks, “What are you thinking about.”

“Whatever it was, I’m thinking about something else now.”

Tammy’s hand tightens as my arm slides around her shoulders, savoring her taut body. Unable to resist, my left hand descends to her breast. Tammy allowed me a moment of enjoyment before shooing my hand away. She said, “Keep your hands below the table. I don’t want management kicking us out before dancing with you.”

I removed my arm from around her shoulder. But her hand didn’t leave my shaft. Instead, her fingers tightened as she strokes me. She arches her eyebrows as her leg bumps against mine.

Under her skirt, my fingers draw a moan, outlining her labia in the wet fabric of her panties.

In the background, the music grinds to a stop. The dance floor thins, leaving Stan and Celia in the middle, still groping and grinding. Before releasing one another, he whispers in her ear before meeting her upturned lips with a kiss.

One last squeeze before removing her hand, and Tammy whispers, “My God, you’re thick. I can’t wait to discover how well you can use this monster.”

Celia slides in beside me, gulping her drink. She took my hand and said, “Let’s dance!”

Celia glided into my arms, burying her face in my chest. Her voice is vibrating when she said, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry about what.”

“For getting a little slutty while dancing with Stan.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset. From what I saw, you were just having fun.”

Celia giggled as she squeezed me. “Still, I’m sorry. I lost control during the slow song when he ground that big-beautiful cock against me.”

Celia jerks her head back with a gasp. “You saw us.”

I reply with a nod.

Her cheeks had a red glow when Celia asked, “Did Tammy notice.”

Celia gasps when I nod, and she asks, “Oh my god, how upset is she.”

“Tammy expects you to enjoy yourself. She wouldn’t have minded you fucking him if you could have done it without getting kicked out.”

“I can’t believe she’s not upset with me. Are you sure she said nothing.”

“The only comment she made was regarding how much fun you two were having.”

“So you guys just watched us.”

“Yeah, while we were doing a little exploring of our own.”

Celia rested her head on my shoulder, and I said, “But I am curious about something.”


“What trick did Stan use to lite your fire.”

The song ended with Celia still contemplating my question. But before releasing me, she said, “It’s complicated.”

“Complicated covers anything to do with women. I’m asking for specifics.”

“Thinking you’ve attracted a man’s sexual interest is one thing. To have him rubbing his erection against you on a dance floor is altogether different. The way I had him throbbing,” Celia gave an enticing smile, “had me dripping.”

Two hours of enjoying each other’s company lead to a moment of truth. We Bayan Escort were just waiting for somebody to state the obvious. Tammy said, “I’m going to the little girls’ room. Celia, would you care to join me.”

Tammy turns to Celia in the restroom and asks, “You appear comfortable with everything. Are you enjoying yourself.”

“Was I that obvious.”

Tammy nods. “The question is, do we end the evening here or take it to the next level.”

Celia takes a deep breath, and said, “He hasn’t mentioned it, but Arthur’s attracted to you.”

“Let’s not overthink this. Stan wants to fuck you. Arthur wants to bang me as much as I want him to. Our only question hinges on what you want.”

“I’m not eager to put up with Arthur’s pouting for the next month. So, I guess we should progress to the next level.”

“This isn’t about anybody else. Put your big-girl pants on and speak for yourself.”

“I’ve fantasized about Stan all evening. I love Arthur, but I’d love having wild monkey sex with Stan.”

“Celia, why don’t we ride to the house with each other’s spouse. If we do it right, we’ll have these boys primed and ready to party by the time we arrive home.”

Celia nodded her agreement, then stared in confusion as Tammy removed her panties. As Tammy straightened her dress, she said, “You can leave yours on if you like. But you’ll never wear them again once Stan goes after your pussy.”

Celia said, “Honey, Tammy invited us to their place for a nightcap. Would you mind if we joined them for a drink.”

I shrugged, and said, “Fine with me, I’m in no hurry to get home.”

Celia and Tammy exchange a knowing glance before snatching up their purses.

In the parking lot, Tammy stopped and said, “Celia, with the weekend traffic, maybe you should ride with Stan while I ride with Arthur. That way, if we’re separated, we can still find our way home.”

Celia glanced at me and asked, “Do you mind.”

I shrugged and said, “I’d hate to get lost.”

Tammy’s beside me before we turn onto Blackstone Avenue. Her hand strokes my cock. She said, “You two are too cute.”

“How’s that.”

“Neither of you could admit wanting some alone time with us.”

I asked, “Are you saying you two cooked this up.”

“She’s nervous but as eager to fuck Stan as I am about fucking you.”

Tammy squeezes my erection before bunching her skirt up around her waist. Her leg’s part, giving me access, and the first two knuckles of my middle finger disappears inside her pussy before the realization dawns on me.

“Young lady, the last I checked, you were wearing panties.”

With a wink, Tammy said, “I was. But during my chat with your wife, we decided driving home without them is more fun.”

“You both decided.”

“Yep, like me, your wife’s panties are in her purse.”

Our drive took us from the city lights to a dark, deserted county road in open farmland. Tammy has my pants open in a flash and said, “Up!”

“Excuse me.”

“Lift your butt.”

Tammy has my cock in her hand when she again faces forward. She said, “There she goes.”

Following her gaze, I catch Celia sliding next to Stan. Several minutes pass with my attention focused on Stan’s car. Tammy asks, “How many fingers.”

“Excuse me.”

“How many of my husband’s fingers are inside your wife’s pussy, silly.”

“One!” I said, not caring about the right answer.

I continue probing Tammy while trying to glimpse her pussy. She interrupts me by asking, “Is she teasing him, or is she deep throating him.”

Celia chose the instant my attention diverted to vanish from sight. When she doesn’t reappear, I ask, “Is she sucking his dick.”

“Just a sec, I’ll get a closer look.” Tammy tilts her head up and said, “I bet Stan’s loving her deep throating him.”

“You could have just said it was a stupid question.”

Tammy has me in her mouth again. No sooner is her head bobbing on my cock than I’m cupping Tammy’s right breast.

Tammy raises her mouth from my cock and admonishes, “Don’t cum! I’ve got bigger things in mind for you.”

Tammy playfully sucked and licked for another few minutes before raising and asking, “Is Celia still sucking Stan’s dick.”

“I guess. She hasn’t reappeared yet.”

Tammy giggled, “I assure you she’ll pop up any second.”

The instant I look forward, Stan’s brake lights illuminate. To the sound of screeching tires leaving black lines on the pavement, Stan negotiates the turn. I hit the brakes as he fights for control, following them around the turn onto a narrow gravel road bordered by vineyards. Celia’s head pops up as she kneels in the seat facing Stan.

Tammy returns to the passenger seat, and after rearranging her dress, said, “Stan misses that turn every time he focuses on getting his dick sucked.”

Moments later, Stan leads us off the gravel road and stops in the circular driveway of a massive country estate.

My headlight spotlight Celia standing in the driveway with her skirt hiked up over her ass. Suddenly, Celia gives a shimmy to rearrange the dress. With everything in place, she gives an embarrassed glance in our direction.

I said, “Who says my wife isn’t the classiest broad in town.”

“Says a man with his pants around his knees,” Tammy said with a laugh.

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