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Big Cock

This is based on one of my favorite comics. Personally I’ve always felt that the comic left a little to be desired.

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“Harder Cooper, fuck me harder,” I screamed.

I knew he was getting close to cumming but I thought maybe I could squeak something out of it for myself. I laid my head down sideways on the pillow and propped myself on one elbow, maneuvering my now free hand, I pulled my dress out of the way and set my fingers to work.

“Come on Coop, fuck me, I want your fat cock deep in my pussy,” I hissed.

It was as much for me at this point as it was for me.

Cooper wasn’t the biggest guy I had ever dated, but he was no slouch. A solid six and a half, and he was thicker than most guys. I was even impressed with the fact that he knew how to use it. He hit all the right spots, he was attentive, and more than anything, I knew that after almost a year together, he really loved me. The problem, was that he was a minute man.

We tried all sorts of things. Condoms that numb his unit, excess lube, breathing exercises, but nothing seemed to work. The only thing that we had found that really worked, was for him to go down on me before we ever started. Today, to my dismay, we skipped that step.

I had initially been a bit upset with him. Just after finally getting dressed for the evening he started in. I normally would have resisted, but last night I didn’t finish either and I was unbelievably horny. Not to mention the fact that Cooper knows just how to press my buttons. I’m probably the only person in the world who is ticklish on their ass, and for some unknown reason, when someone tickles my ass it sends a jolt of pure enjoyment rushing through my body.

Right about now I was wishing he had never found that out.

“Here I come baby,” Cooper grunted.

He slipped his fat cock out of my pussy and tore the condom off like a wild man. I spun on the spot and took his cock into my mouth, just in time to feel a jet of warm cum spill out onto my tongue. His cock jerked one more time and a little more trickled out. I waited for the last few dribbles to find their way out, before I let his now limp cock fall free from my lips.

I ran to the bathroom and spat the thick spunk into the sink, washing it down with copious amounts of water. I seized my toothbrush, lathered it up with toothpaste and set to work. I really didn’t mind it when Cooper came in my mouth. It was actually really hot, I just absolutely hate, the taste of cum. More than anything I hate how it coats your mouth and seems to just linger. Not to mention the fact that there was no way I was going to meet his family for the first time with blow job breath.

“Man I needed that,” Cooper cooed, “I could barely sleep last night I’ve been so nervous.”

“You’re nervous,” I said with the toothbrush still in my mouth, “Are you that embarrassed of me?” I knew what he meant, but for me a day without cynicism was a day without air. The only problem right now, was the fact that I had put a little too much fire behind my words. I don’t remember ever being quite so sexually frustrated in my entire life. Granted I hadn’t been sexually active for all that long, but still it was grinding on me. Cooper had clearly heard my frustration though.

“You, you finished didn’t you,” he asked, “I kept going as long as I possibly could, I thought I felt you finishing.”

I grimaced internally, but when I turned to face him with my mouth covered in foaming toothpaste, I just smiled. Cooper was devastated but the second he saw my smile he lit up.

“Well you finish getting ready and we’ll leave in what, 10 minutes,” he asked.

“Sounds good,” I called back after spitting the second batch of toothpaste into the sink. I wondered to myself whether or not I could finish in that amount of time, but decided against it. I checked my breath, gave myself a once over in the mirror to make sure I hadn’t missed any, and slipped on a clean pair of panties, then we were out the door.

— — — —

I had wondered for a while what the reasoning behind not introducing me to his parents had been, but I decided not to question it. He met my parents within a month of when we started dating. In fact we ate with my parents at least once a month. Now we were on the way to meet his entire family all at once, his parents and his 4 brothers and 1 sister who were all under 10 years old.

My first impression was disbelief. As we pulled up to his house I was taken aback, it was less a house and more a mansion. I knew that he had money but I guess I didn’t know just how much. Cooper parked us in their circle drive and looked at me with a pained smile. He was clearly nervous, as was I.

Cooper was an attractive young man, tall with a full head of hair, bright blue eyes and the metabolism of a god. He ate like no man I had ever met and was still a twig. I had to workout nearly every day to keep my body. I was interested in 2 things right now though. I was interested in what they would think of the 5 foot nothing, black haired, kağıthane escort pale skinned little girl, with horned rim glasses, and only a B cup who was dating their son. I was also interested in seeing the parents who had spawned an absolute 10.

“Here we are,” Cooper said as he knocked on the front door.

The man who answered the door could not have been further from my vision. Standing in front of the now open door was a tall overweight, balding man man with wireframe glasses. There might have been a time when he was attractive, but that time was long past. A brief vision shot into my head of Cooper and I, years from now. The tiny nerd with the big fat slob sharing a tiny apartment. I shook my head to clear the vision and extended my hand.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Julie, I’m Robert, Cooper’s father,” he said as he took my hand in his and kissed it softly. “Come in, come in,” he said waving us both in. Just inside the door he took Cooper into a hug.

I didn’t realize it but I guess this was the first time Cooper was seeing his family in some time. After being introduced to the entire family, we sat down to dinner in the largest dining room I had ever seen in my life. The table was big enough for at least 20 people, but we fit comfortably enough at one end I suppose.

Dinner was amazing. Shelly, Cooper’s mom had prepared a 5 coarse meal. The conversation started with what Cooper had been doing since the last time they had all talked. Then slowly switched gears to the 2 of us. Apparently he didn’t make a habit of bringing girls home, which I guess was a good thing.

The first time I notched it, was during the main coarse. Robert was staring directly at me. Or rather not at me but through me. At first I thought he was staring at my chest. My dress was a little low cut, just enough to make it look like I had cleavage. As he continued to stare though I realized he was just watching me. Watching my every move, my every motion… my every thought.

The conversation continued at a regular pace but I had no idea what everyone was saying. All of my attention was on Robert. He didn’t miss a beat. He could carry on the conversation like nothing was happening. It wasn’t until Shelly asked me a question that I realized how lost in thought I was.

“What,” I asked between bites.

“So what are you planning on doing with your degree?” she asked again.

I smiled at her and told her my elaborate plans for after college. She was apparently satisfied because she moved on to talking about what Cooper could do. When I was certain she wasn’t going to ask me another question, I glanced back to Robert. He was still staring at me, only this time it was different. He licked his lips and I felt a shoeless foot touch my ankle.

My brain was screaming for me to pull my leg away, but something deep inside of me made me keep it still. With a sudden jolt of fear I realized what it was that was keeping my leg there, my pussy was sopping wet. Please move leg, please move, move leg, move, move, move, I was yelling in my own head, but nothing happened. Slowly his foot moved up my leg, caressing my calf, until it found my thigh. This was dangerous territory for all kinds of reasons, but none more so than the fact that I didn’t know how I was going to keep it together. Just when I was reaching my breaking point, his foot disappeared. I was ready to explode and now I was left wanting more.

When dinner ended I suggested to Cooper that we take off a little early. I lied and told him I wasn’t feeling great and he agreed. We said all our goodbyes and were out the door. Relief flooded over me. I was out of Robert’s power.

We were 2 steps out the door though when I heard his voice.

“Where are you 2 going so fast,” Robert asked.

I froze in mortified terror.

“Julie doesn’t feel good, I was gonna take her home,” Cooper explained.

“What’s wrong,” Robert asked, “I am a doctor I’m sure I can help.”

Cooper looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I wanted so badly to tell him what a terrible idea this was, but what could I tell him. “Cooper we need to leave you dad was hitting on me at dinner, oh and by the way I kinda enjoyed it.” I just kept my mouth shut and gave him a weak smile.

“I think I just need rest to be honest,” I said trying to think of any excuse I could.

“Nonsense, let me check you out, we don’t want to send you home if there’s something terrible wrong with you, what kind of people would we be,” Robert said sounding genuinely worried, “besides I need to take care of the girl who might be my future daughter in law.”

Oh god he’s laying it on thick isn’t he. With a gentleness I had not expected, he took my hand and lead me back inside.

“Cooper go help your mom clean up, I’ll check on Julie in my office,” Robert said with a smile.

Cooper looked at me as if to ask if it was okay, but then just walked off towards the kitchen. Where was he going, come back Cooper, save me already! As Robert guided me upstairs istanbul escort it became clear that I wasn’t going to be saved, not tonight.

Robert lead me up to a third floor, and down a long hallway. We were far enough here that no one downstairs would hear anything that I was certain of. His office was everything you would imagine from someone with a 3 story mansion. The picture of opulence. He walked me over to a large couch and sat me down before walking to a bookcase against the far wall.

He returned a few seconds latter with a large photo album. We spent the next 10 minutes looking at pictures of Cooper growing up. Then he checked my pulse, felt my forehead for my temperature, and checked my throat for spots that would have indicated a sore throat. This wasn’t what I was expecting at all. He really was just checking on me. With that I finally let my guard down, apparently this was his plan the whole time.

“So how are things going with you and Cooper,” Robert asked.

“Great, I really feel comfortable with him ya know,” I told him.

“That’s not what I meant,” he said.

“Excuse me,” I asked.

“My son is nice, a little too nice for his own good if you ask me,” Robert explained.

“That’s one of the things I love about him,” I said defensively.

“It’s a great trait to have no doubt, except that it makes you boring in bed,” Robert stated.

“Excuse me!” I practically shouted.

“Come now,” he said placing his hand on my thigh, “There’s no need to lie here.”

HIs hand on my thigh sent an electric shock through me.

“I know girls like you all too well,” he said, “any girl who gets wet from her boyfriends father rubbing his foot along her leg, wants more than what my son can give her.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” I lied as convincingly as I could.

Robert laughed out loud. His hand squeezed my thigh lightly. That was the first time I realized his hand was under my dress. Not only had he slid his hand under my dress, he had it mere inches from my wetness. When had he done this? How in the world did I not notice?

“If you want, I’ll show you what it really means to get fucked,” Robert stated.

He framed it as a question but it was far from it. It was a statement that he was going to fuck her and she needed to accept it. His hand slid the rest of the way up her thigh and started rubbing his fingers along my pussy through my panties.

“Or maybe I should tell my son how wet his girlfriend is just from playing footsie with his dear of dad,” he growled.

I moaned in response.

“Oh my, you’re dirtier than I thought,” he whispered into my ear.

His lips found mine and we were locked in the most passionate kiss of my life. My tongue locked with his as his fingers moved beneath my panties and slowly but deftly slid inside of me. First 1 finger, then 2, he was flicking them back like nothing I had ever felt before, hitting my spot with every move of his fingers. I broke the kiss to let out a low quiet moan that I directed into his ear. He suddenly stopped. I looked at him my eyes as wide as saucers pouting my lips to ask him why. He hooked his fingers under the front of my panties and in one swift motion, tore them off. Without even touching me my pussy throbbed even more. His fingers slipped back in and he redoubled his efforts. I threw my head back and moaned myself into pure ecstasy.

“You better be quiet,” Robert said and nodded towards the door.

I was mortified, the door was wide open. Sure we were 2 stories up and down a long hallway, but I wasn’t so sure they couldn’t hear me, and if they had heard nothing would stop them from coming to check on us.

“Go close it,” I pleaded.

“But then it wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining,” he said as he kept flicking his fingers back and forth in my pussy. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. I was on the verge of finally ending my frustration and I wanted more. I was thrusting my hips against Robert’s fingers, forcing his fingers deeper inside of me.

“Are you a squirter,” Robert whispered in my ear, “Or maybe you don’t even know, maybe no one’s brought you to that point before.”

With that I was spent, my entire body broke into convolutions as my pussy exploded in the most mind blowing orgasm of my life. Robert didn’t stop his work though. His fingers continued to move against my walls egging my orgasm on longer and longer. My vision started to go as my eyes rolled back in my head and suddenly I was out.

When I came back to, I don’t know how long it had been, but Robert was still violently fingering me and my pussy was still on fire… I wanted more. I reached down and pulled his hand free. I slid off the couch and kneeled in front of Robert. I undid his belt, found the button on his jeans, and unzipped them in record speed. His pants were down around his ankles and my mouth was starting to water with anticipation. I hooked my hands under the elastic of his boxers and slid them free.

My jaw dropped taksim escort in amazement. Robert wasn’t even hard yet and he was a good 9 inches and as thick around as my wrist. I took it in my hand and looked up at him, my face a mask of shock and awe. Robert just smiled and nodded as if to say you can do it. I looked back down at his cock and started stroking it. I wanted nothing more than to suck on his massive member, but I wasn’t sure I could even fit it in my mouth. I was continuing to work it with both hands marveling as it continued to grow. Robert had apparently had enough though, he reached on massive hand behind my head and guided me in.

With my mouth open as wide as I possibly could, I let the head of his cock in. I wrapped my tongue around it swirling it every witch way. I had a good 4 inches in my mouth before it felt like too much. I started bobbing my head up and down. It took nothing for me to gag on his cock and he apparently loved the sound, because he took my hair in his hand and stared forcing me down deeper. I was nowhere near even halfway.

“I thought you were a real slut, is this really the best you can do,” Robert asked, “use your hands bitch.”

If anyone in my life had ever called me a slut and a bitch in the same situation, I probably would have used my teeth, but for some reason it just spurred me on. I did exactly as he asked. I grabbed ahold of his cock with both hands as I continued to take him into my mouth. God I wanted more. I wanted him down my throat, I wanted his entire massive dick in my mouth. I was measuring how deep I could get with my hands, and every time I took him in my mouth I was managing to get a little deeper.

Slurp, suck, slurp, suck, gag

“God you can suck a cock when you want to,” Robert moaned.

Slurp, suck, slurp

Without warning, Robert grabbed me by the chin and pulled my mouth away from his cock.

“I think it’s time you learned what it is to get good and truly fucked,” he said.

He picked me up by my hips and put me back down in front of him on my hands and knees. My pussy was dripping wet. I had never in my life been more ready to get fucked, but I had no earthly idea how he was going to fit. I felt his fingers dip into my pussy before wiggling out and using his now drenched fingers to lube his massive unit. I licked my lips in anticipation.

“I love my family, you know,” Robert said as he pressed the head of his cock against my pussy lips, “But I lead a stressful life and I need a way to relieve that stress.” He leaned forward and the head of his cock started ever so slowly ripping its was way into me.

“Fuck,” I yelled not carrying if anyone could hear.

“You naughty girl you, are you trying to alert Cooper,” he asked.

“No,” I panted, but on some level I think I might have been.

“Can you keep it down, because here I go,” he growled.

I braced myself for the onslaught as he grabbed his cock with both hands and started pushing into me. Inch by inch his cock seemed to split me in half. It hurt like nothing I’ve ever experienced before or since. I felt his massive cock pushing against my walls. The head of his cock was against my cervix. I looked back a pained expression on my face.

He slowly pulled his cock out until with a pop the entire thing came free. The pain was gone and replaced by a yearning. I didn’t have to wait long. The tip of his cock found its way back into my pussy followed by another 6 inches.

“Fuck me,” I said to myself as he started ramming that 6 inches worth of massive pipe in and out.

After a few minutes, the pain was replaced by pure unadulterated pleasure. My body started matching his thrusts, rocking back, taking in more and more of his amazing cock with every second that passed.

“God damn that’s amazing,” I moaned.

Robert slowed to a stop with his cock still inside me. I looked back and bit my lip. He slapped my ass hard. My hips flinched, involuntarily taking his cock deeper. He slapped me again, and again my hips bucked.

“Fuck my cock bitch,” he demanded.

I nodded and started grinding my hips into him.

“Oh yeah, just like that,” he moaned, “ride me you slut, ride my cock like there’s no tomorrow.”

I was thrusting and bucking my hips so hard that I was moving skinning my knees on the rug. The thought crossed my mind that Cooper would see my knees and wonder what happened, but I couldn’t stop myself, not now.

Robert grabbed me by the hips and slid me off of his cock. There was a vast emptiness between my legs. I wanted him back inside me, no I needed him back inside me. He laid me on my back on the couch and lined himself up.

“Do you want it,” he asked.

I nodded.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded.

“I want your cock in me,” I said.

“You can do better than that,” he said as he let his cock flop on top of my pussy.

“I want you to fuck me,” I said.

“Who do you want to fuck you,” he asked.

“You, Robert, Fuck me Robert, fuck me with your cock,” I said loudly.

With that he lined his cock up with my slit and slid it in. God it was amazing. It was even better in this position. He was hammering into me like there was no tomorrow. My vision was blurring as I took more and more of his pole into my pussy.

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