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THE HISTORY OF MONTSE FERNANDEZChapter II WAS BORN, BUT WOULD KNOW HOW TO SAY NO HOW, when or where, and therefore I allow the reader to accept this statement of mine and who creates it while you think. Another thing is also certain: the fact of my birth is not even an atom less true that the veracity of these reports, and if the intelligent student deepens these pages wondering how it happened that in the course of my journey through life -Or maybe I should have said I jumped for her endowed with intelligence, powers of observation and memory retentive powers that allowed me to keep the memory of the wonderful events and discoveries that I will relate only I can answer that there are intelligences unsuspected by the vulgar, and natural laws which existence has not been discovered yet by the most advanced scientists world. I heard somewhere that my destiny was to spend my life sucking blood. In no way am the least of the beings who belong to this fraternity universal, and if I have a precarious existence in the bodies of those with whom I come in contact, my own experience shows that I do in a remarkably quirky, and I do my business a warning that rarely offer other beings in other grades in my profession. But my belief is that pursue goals noble than mere support of me through contributions unwary. I’ve noticed that my original defect, and with a soul that is far above the vulgar beings instincts of my race, I’ve been climbing heights mental perception and scholarship that put me forever in the pinnacle of greatness in the world of insects. It is the fact of having achieved such enlightenment mind that I want to evoke the describe the scenes I witnessed, and in which even took part. I have to stop to explain by what means was endowed with human powers of observation and discernment. Let it be allowed simply to notice, to through my speculations, that I own, and proceed accordingly. In this way you will realize that I am not a flea vulgar. Indeed, when taking into account the companies I’m used to frequent, the So I led familiarity dealing with the highest personalities, and how that I became acquainted with most of them, the reader will no doubt agree with me that, indeed, I am the most wonderful and eminent insects. My first memories I rolled back to a time when I was in the inside a church. There was music, and you could hear a slow and monotonous chants I filled with surprise and admiration. But I have since learned to calibrate the real importance of such influences, and attitudes of devotees take them now external manifestations of internal emotional state, usually nonexistent. It was delivered to my professional work in white plump leg of a girl of about f******n, the taste of blood which I still remember, as well as the scent of her … but I digress.Page 22, page 107 Shortly after beginning as quiet and friendly to my small attentions, the young as well as the rest of the congregation rose and left. As naturally, I decided to accompany her. I have very keen senses of sight and hearing, and I could see how, in the when crossing the porch, a young man slid into the gloved hand girl a folded sheet of white paper. I had perceived as the name Bella, measured soft embroidery on silk that initially attracted me to me, and I could see that this name also appeared on the outside of the love letter. He was with his aunt, a tall and stately lady, with whom I was not interested to enter intimate relationships. Bella was gorgeous barely f******n, and perfect figure. Despite their youth, their sweet budding breasts were beginning to acquire proportions as those placental opposite sex. The accused face a candor charming, his breath was soft as the perfumes of Arabia, and his skin was velvet. Bella knew, of course, what their charms, and stood her head so proudly and coquettishly as she could do a queen. Not difficult to see that aroused admiration to observe the glances of longing and lust youth addressed to him, and sometimes men and more mature. Outside the temple there was a general silence, and all faces turned to look at the beautiful Bella, demonstrations spoke better than words that was most admired by all eyes, and the most desirable for the hearts male. However, without paying any attention to what was evidently an event of every day, the little lady walked briskly to his home, accompanied by his aunt, and upon reaching his abode neat and elegant hurried to his room. I will not say I followed, since he was with her, and I could see how the young gentle rose one of her exquisite legs to cross over the other in order to unfold the tiny stylish k** boots. I jumped on the carpet and I examine it. He followed the other boot, without aside a another his plump calves, Bella stared folded the letter I noticed that the young man had secretly placed in his hands. Watching it all up close, I could see the curves of her thighs that deployed up to the garters, secured, get lost then the darkness, where they met either at the point where they met with a lovely low belly to almost block the view of a thin slit peach, barely peeped his lips in the shadows. Bella suddenly dropped the note, and having stayed open, I took the liberty of also read. the unwary. I’ve noticed that my original defect, and with a soul which is well above the vulgar beings instincts of my race, I have been climbing heights of mental perception and scholarship that put me forever in the pinnacle of greatness in the world of insects. It is the fact of having achieved such enlightenment mind that I want to evoke the describe the scenes I witnessed, and in which even took part. I have to stop to explain by what means was endowed with human powers of observation and discernment. Let it be allowed simply to notice, to through my speculations, that I own, and proceed accordingly.Page 33, page 107 In this way you will realize that I am not a flea vulgar. Indeed, when taking into account the companies I’m used to frequent, the So I led familiarity dealing with the highest personalities, and how that I became acquainted with most of them, the reader will no doubt agree with me that, indeed, I am the most wonderful and eminent insects. My first memories I rolled back to a time when I was in the inside a church. There was music, and you could hear a slow and monotonous chants I filled with surprise and admiration. But I have since learned to calibrate the real importance of such influences, and attitudes of devotees take them now external manifestations of internal emotional state, usually nonexistent. It was delivered to my professional work in white plump leg of a girl of about f******n, the taste of blood which I still remember, as well as the scent of her … but I digress. Shortly after beginning as quiet and friendly to my small attentions, the young as well as the rest of the congregation rose and left. As naturally, I decided to accompany her. I have very keen senses of sight and hearing, and I could see how, in the when crossing the porch, a young man slid into the gloved hand girl a folded sheet of white paper. I had perceived as the name Bella, measured soft embroidery on silk that initially attracted me to me, and I could see that this name also appeared on the outside of the love letter. He was with his aunt, a tall and stately lady, with whom I was not interested to enter intimate relationships. Bella was gorgeous barely f******n, and perfect figure. Despite their youth, their sweet budding breasts were beginning to acquire proportions as those placental opposite sex. The accused face a candor charming, his breath was soft as the perfumes of Arabia, and his skin was velvet. Bella knew, of course, what their charms, and stood her head so proudly and coquettishly as she could do a queen. Not difficult to see that aroused admiration to observe the glances of longing and lust youth addressed to him, and sometimes men and more mature. Outside the temple there was a general silence, and all faces turned to look at the beautiful Bella, demonstrations spoke better than words that was most admired by all eyes, and the most desirable for the hearts male. However, without paying any attention to what was evidently an event of every day, the little lady walked briskly to his home, accompanied by his aunt, and upon reaching his abode neat and elegant hurried to his room. I will not say I followed, since he was with her, and I could see how the young gentle rose one of her exquisite legs to cross over the other in order to unfold the tiny stylish k** boots.Page 44 page 107 I jumped on the carpet and I examine it. He followed the other boot, without aside a another his plump calves, Bella stared folded the letter I noticed that the young man had secretly placed in his hands. Watching it all up close, I could see the curves of her thighs that deployed up to the garters, secured, get lost then the darkness, where they met either at the point where they met with a lovely low belly to almost block the view of a thin slit peach, barely peeped his lips in the shadows. Bella suddenly dropped the note, and having stayed open, I took the liberty of also read. “Tonight, eight o’clock, I’ll be in the old place.” They were the only words written on paper, but apparently had a particular interest to her. since remained at the same position for some time in thought. He had me curious, and eager to know more about the interesting young, which gave me the pleasant opportunity to continue in such a pleasant promiscuity, I rushed to remain quietly hidden in a secret place and comfortable, if somewhat damp, and went not out of it, in order to observe the development of events, until it approached the time of the appointment. Bella is dressed with meticulous care, and prepared to move to garden surrounding the cottage where he lived, went with her. At the end of a long avenue shaded girl sat on a rustic bench, and waited the arrival of the person I had to meet. They did not spend more than a few minutes before the submission of the young that the morning had gotten in touch with my delightful girlfriend. They struck up a conversation, yes I judge by the abstraction therein made of all that did not relate to themselves, had a special interest both. It was dusk, and we were between two lights. Little air was blowing warm and comfortable, and the young couple remained entwined in the bank, forgetting everything that was not his mutual happiness. You do not know how much I love you, Bella murmured the young man, gently sealing his declaration deposited with a kiss on the lips she offered. -Yes, I know, ‘she replied innocently. Do not you telling me constantly? I’ll get tired of hearing that song. Bella shook her pretty feet uneasily, and looked thoughtful. – When’ll explain and teach all those fun things that I’ve spoken? She finally asked, with a glance, then return to nail the at the floor.Page 5Page 5 of 107 ‘Now,’ said the young man. Now, dear Bella, that we are alone and free from interruptions. You know, Bella? We’re not just k**s. Bella nodded her head. ‘Well, there are things that c***dren do not know, and that lovers must not only know, but also practice. – Good God! She said, very serious. – Yes he continued his companion. There are among those who love secret things that make them happy, and that is because of the joy of loving and being loved. – God! Bella exclaimed. How sentimental you gone, Carlos! Yet remember when you said that sentimentality was just a hoax. -I thought so, until I fell for you, ‘said the young man. – Nonsense! ‘Said Bella. But let’s go ahead, tell me what I yi have promised. -I can not say whether I while I do not teach Carlos replied. The skills you learn watching only the practice. – Come on, then! Go ahead and show me! Cried the girl, whose bright eyes and burning cheeks credible discover she had perfect knowledge of the claiming class instruction. In his impatience had a something captivating. The young man gave in to this attractive and, covering his body with the beautiful young lady, put his lips to hers and kissed enthralled. Bella did not resist, on the contrary collaborated returning the caresses of her loved. Meanwhile the evening progressed, the trees disappeared after. darkness, and extended their high tops and to protect young people against the fading light. Carlos suddenly slid next to her and made ??a slight movement. Without opposition from Bella spent his hand under the girl’s petticoats. Not satisfied with the enjoyment that caused her to have her reach her ??silk stockings, tried to follow above, and their inquisitive fingers came in contact with the soft, trembling meats girl’s thighs. The rate of respiration of Bella rushed to the attack on their delicate little charms. He was, however, far from resisting; undoubtedly pleased him the exciting romp. -Touch it murmured. I’ll allow it.Page 6Page 6 of 107 Carlos did not need another invitation. Actually was about to move on, and capturing at once the scope of the permit, inserted his fingers deeper. The girl opened her thighs complacent when he did, and immediately his delicate hand reached her pretty pink lips crack. During the next ten minutes the couple stayed with glued lips, forgetting everything. Only his breathing betrayed the intensity of the sensations that embargaba in that intoxication of lust. Carlos felt a delicate object acquired stiffness under his nimble fingers, and sticking in a way that was unknown. At that time Bella closed her eyes, and dropping her head back is shivered slightly, while its lightweight devenía languid body, and his head seeking support on the arm of her beloved. – Oh, Kay! He murmured. What are you doing? What delicious sensations provide me! The boy did not remain idle, but having already explored all that allowed forced posture it was in, got up, and realizing the need to satisfy the passion that his acts had awakened his companion begged him allowed to drive his hand toward a beloved object, which it said was capable of make you much more pleasure than her fingers had given him. Nothing reluctant, Bella grabbed a delicious new object, and whatever it simulating experienced curiosity, or because it really felt transported by newborns desires could not refuse to carry the shadow to light the object of his erect friend. Those of my readers who have found themselves in a similar situation may quickly understand the heat set to wield the new acquisition, and the look of welcome with which hosted its first public appearance. It was the first time Bella watched a male in full manifestation of power, and even if it was so, I could see comfortably was of formidable size. What he incited to deepen their knowledge was the whiteness of his red trunk and head, which was pulling the soft skin as she pressure exerted. Carlos was also softened. His eyes sparkled and his hand was youth traveling the treasure which had taken possession. Meanwhile romps the little hand on the youth member who had contacted had produced effects commonly observed in circumstances at any agency healthy and vigorous, like the case that at hand. Enraptured by the gentle pressure of the hand grips and delicious sweets, and inexperience with the girl threw back the folds covering the lush fruit, to uncover her head turned red with desire, and her tiny hole in waiting for the opportunity to expel the slimy offering, the young man was crazedPage 77, page 107 lust, and Bella was new and rare prey sensations being dragged towards a passionate whirlwind of excitement that made ??her crave an outlet unknown. With her ??beautiful eyes closed, lips parted her moist, hot skin and angry because of the unknown impulse that had seized him, scapegoat was for anyone who had the opportunity this time. and would achieve their favors and their delicate pink snatch youth. Despite his youth. Carlos was not so blind as to let out as brilliant opportunity. Besides his passion, now at its highest, urged him to go ahead, against the advice of prudence that would otherwise have heard. Found very wet throbbing center stirring under his fingers; stared at the beautiful girl lying on an invitation to the game of love, observed his deep sighs, that made ??her breasts rise and fall, and the strong emotions sensual who gave life to the radiant forms of his young companion. The soft and perky girl’s legs were exposed to the passionate looks young. As he carefully lifted her underwear, Carlos discovered the secret charms of his lovely companion, until his eyes fell on the flames Member logs topped in white throbbing hips and belly. His fiery gaze fell then at the center of attraction in the pink cleavage hidden beneath a mound plump, just shaded by the most Soft hairs. The tingling that had been administered, and dispensed caresses the object coveted, had caused moisture flow usually happens to excitement, and Bella offered a slit antojábase a peach, well sprayed by the best and sweetest lubricant that nature can offer. Carlos caught his opportunity, and pushing gently hand she clutched the Member furiously launched on the recumbent figure of her. He seized his left arm with her ??small waist, hugged girl’s cheeks with his warm breath, his lips pressed against hers in a long, passionate and urgent kiss. After releasing his left hand, tried to gather as bodies possible in those parts that play an active role in the sensual pleasure, anxiously striving to complete the union. Bella felt for the first time in his life the magic touch male organ with the lips of her pink hole. As soon as I felt the hot thick head contact member Carlos shook perceptibly, and in anticipation of the pleasures of the acts venereal, gave a generous sample of his susceptible nature.Page 8Page 8 of 107 Carlos was enraptured, and endeavored to find the highest perfection in the consummation of the act. But nature, which had so influenced the development of the sexual passions Bella, had arranged, that something had to be done before it was cut as tempranero a cocoon so easily. She was very young, immature, even in the sense of these monthly visits signal the onset of puberty, and parts, even though they were full of perfections and freshness, were ill-prepared for the admission of members male, even as moderate as that, with his round head intruder, they fought at that time to seek accommodation in them. Carlos struggled in vain with his excited member pressing inward the delicate parts of the adorable little girl. The pink folds the narrow hole resisted all attempts at penetration in the mystic grotto. In vain also the beautiful Bella, at that time swollen by an excitement that bordered on anger, and semienloquecida by tingling effect and had suffered, seconded by all means the bold efforts of his young lover. The membrane was strong and fiercely resisted. Finally, in a desperate effort to achieve this objective, the young man stepped back for a moment, to launch later with all his forces forward, so it was able to break through drilling in the obstruction, and advance the head and part of his hardened member in sex girl lying under it. Bella let out a little scream as she felt forced the door that led to their secret charms, but how delicious the contact gave him strength to endure pain with hope of relief that seemed to be about to arrive. It has been said that ce n’est qui coute le premier coup, but also be argued that is perfectly possible that il quelquejois trops cautious, as the reader can infer me in this case. Nevertheless, and as strange as it may seem, none of our lovers had no idea about it, then handed over entirely to the delicious sensations had seized them, united their efforts to carry out movements burning they both felt that they would take them to an ecstasy. Bella’s whole body shook with impatience delusional, and her red lips telltale short exclamations escaped the supreme delight, was delivered in body and soul to the delight of coitus. His muscle contractions in the weapon that that time the had already skewered, strong hug that held the contorted boy’s body, the narrowness of the wet delicate sheath, set like a glove, all Charles senses excited to madness. He buried his instrument to the root in her body, until the two balloons Champion supplied reached masculinity contact the firm cheeks her buttocks. He could not go further, and gave himself to reap the harvest of their efforts.Page 9Page 9 of 107 But Bella, insatiable in his passion, as soon as he saw made ??complete union They wanted, surrendering to lust for pleasure that hot rigid member has provided, was too excited to care or worry about what could happen next. Possessed by crazy spasms of lust, is squeezed against object of his pleasure and, taking up the arms of his beloved, with muffled moans intense emotion ecstatic squeals of surprise and delight, I let out a heavy issue that, looking out, flooded Carlos testicles. As soon as the boy could see the pleasure he sought to beautiful Bella, and warned the flow so profusely had bestowed upon him, was dam also a fit of lustful rage. A raging torrent of desire seemed to flood him veins. His instrument was completely buried in the bowels of it. Leaning back extracted burning almost to the head member and sink again. She felt a tingling grating, maddening. Tightened the hug that kept him attached to his young lover, and in the same instant he snatched another cry of pleasure escaped from her heaving chest, felt his own panting on the breast of Bella, while shedding within its matrix grateful a torrent of youthful vigor. A muffled groan of lust satisfied escaped Bella’s lips parted, to feel inside seminal fluid spill. At the same time the lustful frenzy tore issuing Carlos a piercing scream and passionate as he lay with eyes, as the final act of the drama sexy. The cry was the signal for a break so sudden and unexpected. Between next shrub branches slipped the sinister figure of a man standing stood front of the young lovers. The horror froze the blood of both. Carlos, who had been sneaking of their lewd and warm shelter, and a stand effort, backed by the appearance, as though fleeing from a dreadful snake. Meanwhile the gentle Bella, as soon as he noticed the presence of the intruder covered his face with his hands, shrugging at the bank who had been mute witness to his enjoyment, and unable to make a sound because of fear, prepared to wait out the storm that was sure to break out, to face, to her with all the presence of mind to was capable of. It lasted much uncertainty. Fast forward to the guilty pair, the newcomer took the young by the arm, while a hard look authoritative ordering him to put order in his clothing. – Boy reckless! He muttered. What did you do? To what extreme passion you dragged your crazy and wild? How can you face the wrath of your offended father? How apaciguarás his just resentment when I, in the exercise of my moral duty, you do know the damage caused by the hand of his only son?Page 1010, page 107 When he finished speaking, keeping Carlos still attached by the wrist, the light Moon discovered the figure of a man of about forty-five, short, fat and rather stout. His face, frankly beautiful, was even more attractive as a result of a pair of bright eyes, black as jet, launched in around him looks grim passionate resentment. He wore clerical dress, whose gloomy appearance and cleanliness were further highlight its remarkable proportions muscle and its striking appearance, Carlos was completely confused, and felt selfish and infinitely relieved when the fierce intruder turned to his young libidinous joys companion. ‘As for you, poor girl, I can only express my utmost horror and me righteous indignation. Forgetting the precepts of our Holy Mother Church, without you have for the honor, has allowed this perverse and presumptuous boy test the forbidden fruit. What’s left now? Scorned by friends and dumped household your uncle, you have to associate with the b**sts of the field and. like Nebuchadnezzar, will be eluded yours to avoid contamination, and have to beg on the roads the Lord a miserable livelihood. Ah, c***d of sin, creature given to lust and Satan! I tell you … The stranger had gone so far in his warning to the unfortunate girl, who Bella, leaving her attitude shrunken and arose, tears and entreaties joined in demand pardon for herself and her young lover -Say no more, followed after. the fiery priest. Say no more. The confessions are not valid, and humiliation only add mud to your offense. My mind does not succeeds to realize what my obligations in this dirty business, but if he obeyed the dictates of my present inclinations I would route directly to your custodians natural to make them know immediately the infamies that I discovered by chance. -; By mercy! Pity me! Pleaded Bella, whose tears ran by doing little cheeks had shone with pleasure. – Forgive. father! Forgive us both! We will do everything in our hands as penance. They say six masses and many Fathers borne by we certainly will be undertaken the pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Engulfo, which I were talking the other day. I am willing to make any sacrifice if you forgive my dear Bella. The priest silenced with a gesture. Then he took the word, sometimes in a pious tone that contrasted with his manner and his natural drive resolved. – Enough! She said. I need time. I need to invoke the aid of the Blessed Virgin, unfamiliar e] sin but without experiencing the pleasure of carnal copulation mortals, gave birth to the baby Jesus in the stable at Bethlehem. Come and see me tomorrow sacristy, Bella. There, in the proper enclosure, I will reveal what the divine will about your sin. As for you, young impetuous, I reserve all judgment and all action until the next day, which I hope at the same time. Thousands of thanks came from the throats of the father both penitents when they warned that they should leave now.Page 1111, page 107 The night had long since fallen, and the dew rose. -Meanwhile, good night, and may peace be with you. Your secret is safe with me until we meet again, ‘said the father before disappearing.Page 1212, page 107 Chapter II CURIOUS TO KNOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A adventure that was truly interested, at the same time that the fate of the gentle and kind Bella, I felt obliged to stay with her, and so I was careful not bother you with my attentions, not to arouse their resistance and trigger a untimely attack at a time when for the success of my goals needed to be in their own field of operations of the young. Do not try to describe to the hard time spent my young charge in the range the time elapsed since the occurrence of the annoying discovery of father confessor and the time appointed by him to visit him in the sacristy, in order to decide on the fate of the unfortunate Bella. Unsteadily and stared at the floor, the frightened girl appeared before it’s door and knocked. The door opened and the father appeared in the doorway. In a sign of the priest Bella walked, standing in front of the imposing figure of the holy man. There was a awkward silence that lasted for several seconds. The father Ambrose finally broke it to say: -You did well to come so promptly, my daughter. The strict obedience penitent spirit is the first sign that leads to divine forgiveness. At these kind words Bella took a deep breath and seemed to download a weight that oppressed his heart. Father Ambrose continued talking while sitting on a long cushion covering a large oak chest. ‘I thought about you, and has prayed for you, my dear. During some time I found a way to let my conscience free from guilt, unless the Visiting your natural protector to reveal the awful secret that involuntarily I came into possession. He paused, and Bella, who knew very well the severe nature of his uncle, who also depended entirely, trembled to hear such words. Taking her hand and pulling her so she had to kneel before him, while his right hand pressed her shapely shoulder, continued Father: -But I think it hurt the dreadful results that would have followed to this revelation, and asked the Blessed Virgin assist me in this tribulation. She pointed a path at the same time serving the purpose of the sacred church avoidsPage 13Page 13 of 107 consequences should the fact that come to the attention of your uncle. Without But the first condition necessary for us to follow this path is the absolute obedience. Bella, relieved of their distress when he heard there was a way of salvation, promised in the act blindly obey the orders of his spiritual father. The girl was kneeling at his feet. Father Ambrose bowed his great head over the prostrate figure of her. A tint of her cheeks flushed and strange fire his eyes lit up. His hands trembled slightly when supported on shoulders of his penitent, but did not lose his composure. Undoubtedly his spirit was troubled by the conflict born of the need to move forward with the implementation strict duty, and tortuous steps that sought to avoid her cruel exposure. The Holy Father began after a long sermon on the virtue of obedience, and absolute submission to rules issued by the minister of the holy church. Bella reiterated the assurance that it would be very patient and to obey all that was ordered. Meanwhile it was clear to me that the priest was the victim of a spirit controlled but rebellious, sometimes sticking in his person and totally seized it, reflected in his eyes twinkling and his passionate and fiery lips. Ambrose’s father drew more and more of its beautiful penitent, until their cute arms rested on his knees and leaned his face down with pious resignation, almost sunk in his hands. -And now, my daughter, continued the holy man’s time of to reveal the means that I have been identified by the Blessed Virgin as the only that I am authorized to absolve the offense. There are spirits who have been entrusted with the relief of those passions and demands that most of the servants of the church have forbidden to openly confess, but that certainly need to meet. Found these few chosen from those who have gone the way of carnal relief. A confers them solemn and sacred duty to mitigate our earthly desires religious community, in strict secrecy. In a voice trembling with emotion, and while its extensive hands descended shoulder of the girl to her waist, the father whispered: -For you who’ve tried the supreme pleasure of copulation, is indicated recourse to this sacred office. In this way not only you will be erased and forgiven sin committed, but you can enjoy these delicious legitimately ecstasy of those insurmountable feelings of such entrancing that at all times find in the arms of his faithful servants. You will swim in a sea of ??sensual pleasures, without incurring the penalties resulting from illicit love. Follow Absolution each drop of your sweet body to give to the church through its ministers, and you will be rewarded and supported in your pious work by contemplation-or better said Bella, by participation in them-of the intense and fervent emotions that the delicious enjoy your beautiful person has to lead.Page 14Page 14 of 107 Bella heard the insidious proposition with mixed feelings of surprise and pleasure. The powerful and lascivious impulses of his ardent nature awoke in the act to the description given to his fertile imagination. How do you hesitate? The pious priest complacent body came to her and planted a long and warm kiss on her pink lips. -Holy Mother Bella murmured, feeling more and more excited your instincts sex. It’s too much for you to bear it! I would like to … I wonder … I do not know what to say! -Innocent and sweet creature. It’s my mission to instruct. In my person find the best and most suitable tutor to perform the exercises dc from now on have to perform. Ambrose’s father shifted. At that time Bella warned at a time first his burning gaze of sensuality and discover almost caused fear. It was also at that moment when he realized the huge bump towered in front of the pope’s cassock. The priest just excited because the job took to conceal their status and their intentions. Taking the beautiful girl in his arms, kissed her long and passionately. She pressed her soft body against his bulky person, and strongly attracted to contact increasingly intimate with her graceful figure. At the end, consumed by lust, lost his temper, and leaving Bella partially released, opened the front of his robe and left exposed to the astonished eyes of his young penitent without a blush, a member whose gigantic proportions, erection and stiffness was left completely confused. It is impossible to describe the feelings aroused in Bella by the sudden discovery that formidable instrument. His gaze was fixed on it instantly, while the father, warning his amazement, but discovering that he had not any mixture of alarm or fear, what quietly placed in his hands. The make contact with such a tremendous thing Bella took a terrible state of excitement. Because until then had seen only moderate member Carlos proportions, so remarkable phenomenon quickly woke her most of the lewd sensations, and seizing the immense object the best he could with his little hands were approached him repossessed by a truly ecstatic sensual delight. -Good God! This is almost heaven! Bella murmured. Oh, father, who had I thought it was going to be chosen for such bliss! This was too much for Father Ambrose. I was delighted with the lust of his cute penitent and the success of his infamous trick. (In fact, he had planned it all,Page 1515, page 107 facilitated the interview because of the young, and with it the opportunity to be ardent surrender their games, hidden from everyone but him, who crouched near the site of the event to watch with glittering eyes the bout love). Light up quickly lifted the body of the young Bella, and placing on the cushion on which he sat up just before his plump legs and apart as he could his complacent thighs, stared for a moment delicious pink slit appeared white under belly. Then, without a word, moved his face to her, and by her impudent tongue so deep as could in the wet pod sucking so deliciously Diose, Bella, in a large passionate ecstasy, and rocked her young body by spasmodic contractions of pleasure, ejaculated abundantly, broadcast engulfed the Holy Father as if it were a pudding. There followed a moment of calm. Bella lay on his back, arms extended on both sides and head thrown back in an attitude of delicious exhaustion after violent emotions provoke by lecherous reverend proceed. His chest heaved still under the v******e of their transport, and their beautiful eyes remained narrowed in languid repose. Ambrose’s father was of the few men able to control their instincts passion in circumstances such as these. Continuous standby patience habits proposed to achieve the objects, the use of the toughness in all his actions, and the conventional caution own order to which he belonged, had not deleted by however complete his fiery temper, and although naturally incompatible with the priestly vocation, and desire so violent that fell out of the ordinary, there learned to control his passions to mortification. It is time that the veil descorramos the true character of this men. I do it respectfully, but the truth must be told. Ambrose’s father was the living embodiment of lust. His mind was actually delivered to satisfy, and strong a****l instincts, his ardent and vigorous constitution, like its untamed nature, identified him with body image and mental satyr of antiquity. But Bella only knew him as the Holy Father not only forgave him his serious crime, but also speaks opened the way by which he could go without sin, to enjoy the pleasures that had so firmly fixed in his youthful imagination. The priest dared extremely pleased with the success of a scheme that had lustful placed in his hands a victim and also the extraordinary sensuality the nature of the young, and the obvious delight with which he indulged in the satisfaction of their desires, was available at the time to reap the fruits of his fraud, and unspeakable enjoyed the idea that I would have all the delicate charms Bella could offer to mitigate their frightening lust. At last it was his, and while withdrawing from her trembling body, preserving still on his lips the sample had had involvement in pleasurePage 1616, page 107 experienced by her, his cock still swollen and stiff, had a head glowing because of the blood pressure and hardening of the muscles. As soon as the young Bella had recovered from the attack just describe, inferred by his confessor in the most sensitive parts of his person, and raised head tilted position when resting, her eyes returned to stumble upon the great the parent trunk kept shamelessly exposed. Bella could see the mast long thick white, matte black and curly hairs which emerged, ranging rigidly upward, and the egg-shaped head that excelled in the end, red and bare, and seemed to invite the touch of his hand. He contemplated that thick and stiff muscle mass and meat, and unable to resist the temptation took her back in her hands. He squeezed, squeezed, and slid back the folds of skin that covered for observe the large nut that crowned. Amazed, he watched the hole that appeared in its end, and taking it with both hands held him, throbbing with his face. – Oh. father! What a wonderful thing! He exclaimed. How great! Please Father Ambrose, tell me how I should proceed to relieve our holy ministers Religious of those feelings that you claim both uneasy, and even pain are cause! Ambrose’s father was too excited to answer, but taking the her hand with his innocent taught the girl how he had to move his fingers back and forth in his great object. His pleasure was intense, and Bella did not seem to be lower. He kept rubbing his cock between the soft palms of her hands, while innocently gazed his face. After quietly asked if it would gave great pleasure, and if so what further action was as he did. Meanwhile, the great Ambrose father’s penis grew fatter and even more by effect of tickling exciting that subjected him the girl. -Wait a minute. If you keep rubbing it so I said I’ll come by softly. Better still a bit slow it. – Do come, daddy? Bella asked eagerly. What does that mean? – Ah, my sweet girl, so adorable for your beauty as for your innocence! How divinely carry out your lofty mission! Ambrose exclaimed, delighted to abuse the apparent inexperience of his young penitent, and might well envilecería. Cum means completing the act by which you can enjoy in full of venereal and involves the release of a large amount of thick white fluid inside the thing you hold in your hands, and being expelled provides equal pleasure to that reveals that the person who, in the way it is, the recipient. Bella reminded Carlos and his ecstasy, and immediately understood what the father meant. – And this spill would provide relief, father?Page 1717, page 107 ‘Of course, my daughter, and therefore I wish to offer an opportunity for me proportions that relief benefactor, as blessed sacrifice of one of the humblest servants of the church. – What a delight! Bella murmured. On my run this rich work stream, and is only me who the holy man that ending book enjoyable. What happiness I provided so that we can cause such bliss! After passionately express these thoughts, bowed his head. The object of their worship exhaled a perfume difficult to define. She put her wet lips on its upper end with his adorable mouth covered the small hole, and then kissed ardently glistening member. – What do you call that fluid? Bella asked, raising once again his cute face. — It has several names, ‘replied the holy man. It depends on the social class that of the person that you mention. But between us, my daughter, will call milk. – Milk? Bella innocently repeated, releasing the erotic word for between her sweet lips, with an anointing that in those circumstances it was natural. ‘Yes, my c***d, the word is milk. Or so you would like to call him. And soon will flood you with this essence so precious. – What I have to receive it? Bella asked, thinking of Carlos, and the tremendous relative difference between your instrument and the giant penis in those moments before it. -There are several ways to do this, all of which you have to learn. But now there are well accommodated for the main acts of the venereal rite, copulation allowable already discussed. Therefore must be replaced by another means simpler, so instead you download this essence called milk inside your body, taking into account that the sum of a narrow slit would lead to flow with extreme wealth, start with friction through your fingers obedient, until the approximate time when the spasms that accompany issuance. Arrived the moment, at my sign will take between your lips as fit in them to the head of this object. until, expelled the last straw, I retired satisfied, at least temporarily. Bella, whose lustful instinct had been allowed to enjoy the description by confessor, and he was as eager as himself to fully implement the bold program, quickly expressed their willingness to please. Ambrosio once again placed his huge penis in the hands of Bella. Excited both by sight and by contact remarkable object, having grasped between both hands with real pleasure, she gave tickle, rub and squeeze the Member huge and stiff, so the licentious priest gave the greatest enjoyments. Not content with friccionarlo with her delicate fingers, Bella, letting out words of devotion and satisfaction, took the foamy head to her pink lips, andPage 18Page 18 of 107 introduced as far as he could, hoping to provoke with his touches and the soft caresses of his tongue the delicious ejaculation should occur. This was more than I had hoped the holy man, and never guessed it would well find a willing disciple for irregular proposed attack. Awakened the most of the delicious tingling sensation that was receiving, preparing to flood the mouth and throat of the girl with the flow of its powerful download. Ambrose began to feel that it would soon come crashing, which would end his pleasure. It was one of those exceptional beings whose abundant seminal ejaculation is much greater than that of normal individuals. Not only was endowed with the unique gift of being able repeat the venereal act with short intervals, but the amount he finished his pleasure was so tremendous as unusual. The glut seemed to be related to the proportion who had been awakened their a****l passions, and when his libidinous desires had been long and intense, as semen emissions were equally. It was in these circumstances that the sweet Bella had undertaken the task of making torrents contents escape man’s lust. It was to be her sweet mouth receiving the thick and viscous torrents that so far there had experienced, and ignorant of the results was how anxious relief was administered, the beautiful maiden wanted the consummation of his work, and the milk spill that had spoken the good father. The lush thickened and inflamed member increasingly, as the Bella’s lips exciting anchurosa preyed his head and his tongue toyed around the small hole. His white hands ductile deprived him of his skin, or tickled alternatively its lower end. Twice Ambrosio retired head of his cock in the pink lips girl, no longer able to withstand the wishes of coming to the delicious contact of the thereof. Bella Finally, impatient at the delay, and having apparently peaked of perfection in technique, pressed more strongly than before the stiff dart. Instantly there was a stiffness in the limbs of the good father. Her legs opened wide on both sides of his penitent. His hands convulsively grasped the cushion. Your body is projected forward and straightened. – God! I’m going to come! Exclaimed while his lips parted and glassy eyes cast a last look at his innocent victim. After shuddered deeply, and with wailing and hysterical screams interspersed his penis, due to the provocation of the girl, began to expel thick torrents viscous fluid.Page 1919, page 107 Bella, realizing for the jets one after another flooded his mouth and sliding down his throat and by the cries of his companion, that he enjoyed the maximize the impact of what she had caused, continued sucking and squeezing until that filled viscous downloads and semiasfixiada for its abundance, was forced to syringe that human release continued ejaculating his jizz on her face. – Holy Mother! Cried Bella, whose lips and face were flooded with milk the father. What a pleasure it has brought me! And you, my father, do not you have provided the precious relief needed? Ambrose’s father, too busy to answer, attracted to the gentle girl into his arms, and compressing his lips dripping with the covered wet kisses of gratitude and pleasure. A quarter of an hour at rest quiet, no sign of trouble came outside to interrupt. The gate was under lock, and the father had chosen his moment well. Meanwhile Bella, terribly excited by the scene we have tried to describe, had conceived the extravagant wish that the rigid member Ambrosio carried out with the operation itself had suffered moderate gun Carlos proportions. Moving his arms around the neck of her confessor robust, tender whispered invitation words, observing, by doing so the effect causing the instrument that acquired and stiffness between his legs. -You told me that the narrowness of the slit-and Bella placed the broad hand of him about it, pressing it gently then you would download an abundant amount of milk that you possess. Why can I not, father, feel spill inside my body by the end of this red thing? It was obvious how much the beauty of the young Bella, and the innocence and naivete of his character, naturally inflamed the already sensual priest. Known winner, have her absolutely powerless in her hands, delicacy and refinement of the girl, all conspired to awaken their full licentious instincts and unbridled desires. She was his, his to enjoy it at will to suit his any whim of his terrible lust, and was ready to surrender to the most unbridled sensuality. – By God, this is too much! Exclaimed Ambrose, whose lust, again on, again assail violently to such a request. Sweet girl, not know what you ask. The disproportion is terrible, and suffer too to try. -I will endure all Bella replied as long to feel this terrible thing within me, and like the jets of milk. – Holy mother of God! It’s too much for you, Bella. You have no idea of ??the measures of this machine, once inflated, adorable creature, would swim in an ocean of milk hot.Page 2020, page 107 – Oh daddy! What heavenly bliss! -Undress, Bella. Take off anything that might hinder our movements, which I promise to be extremely violent. Fulfilling the order, Bella quickly stripped his clothes and looking please his confessor with the full display of their charms, so that his cock to lengthen in proportion to what they show in their nakedness, stripped off to slightest undergarment to be as he came into the world. Father Ambrose was stunned at the sight of the charms that offered to his view. The breadth of her hips, the buds of her breasts, the snowy whiteness of their skin, soft as satin, the roundness of her buttocks and thighs resounding, the flat white belly with his lovely mountain, and, above all, the lovely cleavage pink underneath it stood, peering timidly between the logs thighs, caused him to be launched on the girl with a roar of lust. Ambrosio caught his victim in his arms. She pressed her soft body dazzling against his. He covered her lustful kisses, and giving vent to his licentious language promised the girl all the joys of paradise by introduction of its major appliance inside your vulva. Bella greeted these words with a cry of ecstasy, and when your excited r****t laid her on her back and felt swollen anchurosa and gigantic penis head pressing the hot, wet lips of her almost virginal hole. The holy man, finding pleasure in the feel of his penis with hot lips Bella the vulva, began to push in with all his might, until the large tip nut filled moisture sensitive secreted by the sheath. Enfervorizaba Passion Bella. The efforts of Father Ambrose for hosting the head of his cock between the wet lips of her slit rather than deter the spurred into madness, and finally, uttering a faint cry, leaned viscous forward and blew the tribute of their lascivious temperament. This was exactly what I expected the shameless cure. When the sweet and hot issue developed greatly flooded his penis, pushed resolutely, and a introduced single blow half his voluminous appendix inside the beautiful girl. As soon as Bella felt impaled by member dreadful entry in the inside her tender body, lost what little control he retained, and forgetting the pain suffering wrapped her legs around the back of him, and encouraged her not huge invader keep considerations. -My tender and sweet girl murmured the lascivious priest. My arms will around, my gun is sunken halfway into your belly. Soon they will be for you the joys of paradise. -I know, I’m sorry. Do not get your back, give me the delicious object far can.Page 21Page 21 of 107 ‘Here, then. Push, squeeze, but I am too well endowed to easily penetrate you. You might burst. but now it is too late. I have to possess … or die. Parts of Bella relaxed a little, and Ambrose was able to penetrate a few centimeters more. His throbbing member, wet and naked, had traveled halfway to inside the girl. His pleasure was intense, and the head of his instrument was deliciously sheath compressed by Bella. Go ahead, Father. I’m waiting for the milk that you have promised. The confessor did not need this encouragement to induce him to put into action all copulatory tremendous powers. Frantically pushed forward, and with each new effort plunged his hot penis in, until finally, with a powerful blow it buried to the testicles inside Bella’s vulva. This furious brutal introduction by the priest was more than his fragile victim, animated by their own desires, could bear. With a faint cry of physical distress, Bella announced that his r****t had overcome all resistance to his youth had opposed the entry of his cock, and the torture of the forced introduction of the mass erased the feeling of pleasure that had initially supported the attack. Ambrosio gave a cry of joy when contemplating the beautiful prey your snake had bitten. He enjoyed the victim was impaled by his huge ram. He felt the contact with inexpressible pleasure maddening. He saw the girl shudder anguish of her ****. His impetuous nature had awakened entirely. What Pasare passeth, enjoy to the fullest. So in his arms the body of the beautiful girl, and entertained to the full extent of his huge member. -Beautiful mine, you’re really inviting. You also have to enjoy. I’ll give you I was talking about milk. But first I have to wake my nature with this lustful tingling. Kiss me, Bella, and then you will. And when I let my hot milk to youth go into your bowels, you will experience the exquisite pleasure that I am I felt. Squeeze. Bella! Let me also pushing, my girl! Now enters Again, Oh …! Oh …! Ambrose stood for a moment and saw the huge piston because of which Bella the cute slit was at that time extremely relaxed. Firmly embedded in that pod lustful and deeply savoring sum narrowness of the warm folds of flesh in which was embedded, pushed without worry about the pain that caused his member, and only anxious to obtain the maximum delight possible. There was a man who was to dwell on such cases to false concepts of piety, at the time pushed inward as much as possible, while sprinkled feverishly kissing the trembling lips open and poor Bella. For a few minutes there was no sound Another thing that panting and shaking the lecherous priest was given to be satisfied, and the glu-glu of his immense penis when alternately in and out of the sex of the beautiful penitent.Page 22Page 22 of 107 Presumably not a man as Ambrose ignore the tremendous power of enjoyment might raise his cock in a person of the opposite sex, or that its size and discharge capacity were capable of causing the most exciting emotions in young upon which was driving. But nature was asserting his rights also in the person of the young Bella. Dilation pain was soon tempered by the intense feeling of pleasure caused by the strong weapon of holy man, and soon the moans and groans of the cute little girl in the middle sounds mingle with muffled in the depths of his be, expressing his delight. – Father! Little Father, my dear and generous daddy! Pushing force, push: I can stand it. I desire. I’m in heaven. The blessed instrument has a head as hot! Oh, my heart! Oh … oh! Blessed Mother, what do I feel? Ambrose saw the effect it caused. His own pleasure came in a hurry. It furiously wagging back and forth, entertaining Bella to each new ramming the whole length of his cock, sinking to the curly hairs covered his testicles. After, Bella could not resist, and gave the r****t snatched a warm emission around his rigid flooded. It is impossible to describe the frenzy of lust which at that time was seized the lovely young Bella. He clung desperately to stocky body priest, who entertained her voluptuous angelic body with all the strength and power of his manly thrusts, and lodged him in his narrow, slippery sheath to the testicles. But even in his ecstasy Bella lost sight of the perfection of enjoyment. The saint men had to expel his semen inside her, just as he had done Carlos, and Just the idea of ??it added fuel to the fire of his lust. When, therefore, the Father Ambrose wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and sank to his penis hairs on the vulva stallion Bella, to announce sighing at last came the milk, the excited girl spread her legs all he could, and amid cries of pleasure received the jets of issue in their bodies vital. So he remained for two whole minutes, during which they were discharges happening, each of which was received by Bella with deep manifestations of pleasure, screams and contortions translated.Page 2323, page 107 Chapter III DO NOT BELIEVE THAT AT ANY OCCASION had to blush with more so than in this opportunity. And is that even a flea had to feel embarrassed at the perverse vision of what I just left up. A girl as young, so innocent-looking, and yet, as lascivious inclinations and desires. A person of freshness and infinite beauty, a converted mind flaming sensuality by the accidental course of events an active volcano of lust. Very well could exclaim with the poet of antiquity: ‘Oh, Moses! “Or as the most practical descendant of the patriarch: “By the beard of the prophet!” No need to talk of the change that occurred in Bella after experiences reported. It was quite evident in his demeanor and behavior. What happened to her young lover, lamas I have bothered to find out, but I tend to believe that Father Ambrose stood outside those tastes so widely irregular have been attributed to their order, and also the boy was gradually induced, like his young friend give satisfaction the foolish desires of the priest. But back to my own observations regarding the pretty Bella. While a flea can not blush, they can see, and I set myself the obligation to entrust the pen and ink the description of all the passages amatory considered might be of interest to seekers of truth. We can writing, at least you can do this flea, because otherwise these pages would be under the eyes of the reader, and that is enough. It was several days before Bella found the opportunity to re- visit her clerical admirer, but he finally had the chance, and it goes without saying that she took it immediately. He had found a way to let you know that he intended to visit Ambrosio, and consequently the astute individual may have advance things for his cute guest as before. As soon as Bella found herself alone with her seductive threw herself into his arms, and seizing his great humanity against his frail body lavished the most tender caresses. Ambrosio was not begging to return all the warmth of his embrace, and so it happened that The couple met immediately delivered to exchange warm kisses, and reclining, face to face, on the chest padding to which we alluded above. But Bella was not going to settle for kisses only; wanted something more solid, by experience knew that the father could provide it. Ambrose was no less excited. His blood flowed quickly, his black eyes blazed the effect of uncontrollable lust, and the bulge that could be observed his habit clearly denounced the state of his senses.Page 2424, page 107 Bella warned the situation nor his anxious looks, nor his obvious erection, the father did not care to hide, could slip away. But he thought stoke mostly his desire, rather than appease. However, soon proved Ambrosio did not require higher incentives, and deliberately displayed his weapon, savagely dilated so that its single view Bella woke frantic desires. At any other time Ambrose had been much wiser to indulge, but this time their rowdy ways had exceeded its ability to control the desire to gloat as soon as possible in the boyish charms that were offered. He was already on his body. His great humanity completely covered her body. His erect member dug into the belly of Bella, whose clothes were collected waist. With a trembling hand came Ambrosio slit center object of his desire, eagerly took the hot tip into the open and crimson lips moist. Pushed, fought to enter .., and succeeded. The vast machine came slowly but firm. The head and the member were already inside. A few thrusts firm and resolute completed the conjunction, and Bella received in full length and excited immense Ambrosio member. The r****t lay panting on her, in full possession of his most intimate charms. Bella, within whose belly had settled that vigorous mass felt to maximize the impact of the intruder, warm and throbbing. Ambrosio meantime begun to move backward and forward. Beauty white arms twined around his neck, and curled her beautiful legs in silk on his back, seized most lust. – What a delight! Bella murmured, kissing his full lips overwhelmingly. More .. pushing force even more. Oh, how you force me to open up, and how long it is! How warm. when .., oh … oh! He released a stream of their store, in response to the onslaught of man, at the same while his head fell back and his mouth opened in a spasm of intercourse. The priest was contained and paused briefly. The beating of his huge member sufficiently the state announced that it was, and wanted to extend their pleasure to the maximum. Bella pressed the terrible dart introduced to the most intimate of his person, and felt grow and harden even more, while his red head pressed his Youth matrix. Almost immediately after his heavy lover, unable to control for more time, succumbed to the intensity of feelings, and let out the torrent of your viscous liquid.Page 2525, page 107 – Oh, it comes from you! Cried the excited girl. I’m sorry to jets. Oh, Give me ……. more! Derramadlo inside me .., push again, pity I did not. . .! Oh, another blast! Push! -Desgarradme if you want, but give me all your milk! I spoke earlier of the amount of semen that Father Ambrose was able to shed, but this time is exceeded himself. Had been stored for about an week, and Bella was receiving at the time a current so tremendous, that this download seemed rather emitted by a syringe, that premature organ genitals of a man. Ambrose finally dismounted from his horse, and when Bella stood felt himself slipping back a stream of sticky liquid coming down for their plump thighs. Just had separated when the father Ambrosio opened the door leading to church, and appeared in two other priests portal. The pretense was impossible. -Ambrose said the older of the two, a man who would walk among the thirty and forty years. This is against the rules and privileges of our order, we have all kinds of games that are to be practiced in common. -Take it then the aforementioned grumbled. It’s not too late. I was going to communicate what he had achieved when … -. . . when the delicious temptation of this rose was too strong for you, friend our interrupted the other, seizing the astonished Bella as she spoke, and introducing his huge hand under her clothing to tempt the soft thighs her. ‘I’ve seen all the through the keyhole gross whispered in her ear. You have nothing to fear, only want to do the same to you. Bella remembered that conditions had been offered solace in the church, and assumed that this was part of his new duties. Therefore remained in the newcomer’s arms without resistance. Meanwhile his partner had spent his strong arm around the waist Bella, and covered with kisses the cheek of it. Ambrose looked all shocked and confused. That was how the girl was between two fires, to say nothing of the overflowing passion in the original possessor. In vain he looked at one and then another in demand for respite, or some means of escape from the predicament in which he found himself. Although it was completely resigned to the role that had reduced astute Father Ambrose, he was at that time invaded by a powerful feeling of weakness and fear of the new assailants.Page 2626, page 107 Bella did not read in the look of the new intruders rather than rabid desire, while impassivity of Ambrose made her lose any hope that the same were to offer the least resistance. Between the two men were walled and while who spoke first slid his hand up her pink pussy, the other lost no time in possession of the rounded cheeks of her buttocks. Between them, it was impossible to resist Bella. ‘Wait a minute, after Ambrose said. Yes hasten to possess at least Strip her without spoiling their clothes, as apparently pretendéis do. -Undress, Bella-she went on. Apparently, we all have to share you, so prepare to be voluntary instrument of our desires common. In our convent other brothers are no less demanding than I, and Your task will not be in any way a sinecure, so you’d better remember all privileges when you are destined to meet, and accessories are to relieve these holy men of the pressing desires now you know how to soften. This raised the issue, there was no alternative. Bella was standing naked before the three vigorous priests, and raised a general murmur of admiration when in that state came towards them. As soon as he had taken the lead of the newcomers-the which obviously seemed to be the superior of the three-warned the beautiful nudity stood before his burning eyes, without hesitation he opened his cassock to put on long and wide freedom member, took her in his arms to the girl, put her in large chest back on the cushion, jumped on it, stood between her pretty thighs, and pointing his head quickly toward the rabid champion her soft hole, pushed forward to sink all the way to the testicles. Bella let out a small cry of ecstasy to feel impaled by this new and powerful weapon. For the man the entire possession of the beautiful girl supposed a moment ecstatic, and the feeling that his erect penis was fully buried in the body of She produced an indescribable emotion. Believed not to penetrate so quickly in their young parts, it did not take into account the lubrication produced by the flow of semen that had already received. The Superior, however, gave no opportunity to reflect, as Diose to attack with so much energy that his powerful thrusts from long produced their full effect in warm temperament, and almost immediately caused the emission sweet. This was too much for the bahis firmaları profligate priest. I firmly embedded in the close slit was so tight you like a glove, as soon as he felt the warm issuance let out a loud grunt and furiously downloaded.Page 2727, page 107 Bella enjoyed the rush of man’s lust, and spreading her legs as he received him in the depths of his heart, allowing him to satiate his lust discharges throwing his impetuous nature. The lustful feelings Bella stronger rekindled with the second and strong attack on his person, and her excitable nature received with exquisite pleasure the abundance of liquid that had spilled stalwart champion within. But, salacious as it was, the girl was exhausted by this constant current, and therefore received with dismay the second of the intruders he was about to occupy the newly abandoned by the superior. But Bella was astounded by the proportions of the phallus that the priest offered to her. He had not finished strip, and it emerged from the front one erect member to the size to the Father Ambrose had to give way. Among the emerging hair curls red meat the white column, topped by a bright red head, the hole seemed constrained to avoid a premature expulsion of juices. Two big hairy balls hanging from its base, and completed a painting in sight which began to boil again Bella’s blood, whose youthful spirit was ready to disproportionate wage a new battle. – Oh, Father How can I ever hold so great thing in my little person? Asked grieving. How stand I will be once you are inside me? I fear that I will hurt terribly. -I’ll be careful, my c***d. I’ll slowly. Now you are well prepared for the juice of the holy men who had the good fortune to precede me. Bella tempted the giant penis. The priest was sinfully ugly, short and obese, but their backs looked like those of a Hercules. The girl was possessed by a sort of erotic madness. The ugliness of that man only served to accentuate your sensual desire. His hands were not enough to cover the entire thickness of the member. However, do not let go, I pressed and dispensed u*********sly touch that increased its rigidity. It seemed a steel bar between her soft hands. A moment later the third assailant stood above it, and the girl, almost as excited like father, impaling struggled with this terrible weapon. For some minutes the feat seemed impossible, despite the good lubrication she had received previous flooding from its sheath. After all, with a furious onslaught, introduced the enormous head and Bella launched a cry of pain. Another swoop and another, the unhappy brute, blind to everything that was not given satisfaction, was penetrating.Page 2828, page 107 Bella screamed in anguish, and made superhuman efforts to get rid of the wild attacker. Another attack, another cry of the victim, and the priest penetrated deep inside. Bella had fainted. The two spectators of this monstrous act of corruption appeared in principle be ready to intervene, but at the same time gave the impression of experience a cruel pleasure to witness this spectacle. And indeed it was, as it showed after his lewd movements and interest they put in observing the most minute of details. I’ll take a veil over lust scenes that followed, on the shudders as the savage, sure to be in possession of the person of the beautiful young girl, slowly extended his enjoyed until his huge and fervent download this ecstasy ended and gave way to a range to restore life to the poor girl. The burly father had downloaded twice inside before removing your member long, flowing, and expelled semen volume was such that noise fell rhythmically to form a puddle on the wood floor. When Bella finally recovered enough to move around, could be the wash the many spills in their delicate parts were entirely necessary.Page 2929, page 107 Chapter IV IT TOOK SOME BOTTLES OF WINE, a rare harvest and stale, and Bella under her powerful influence was gradually regaining his strength. After an hour, the three priests felt that enough time had to recover, and again began to show signs of wishing to return to enjoy himself. Excited by the effects of wine as by sight and contact with their lewd companions, the girl began to draw from under cassocks members three cures. which were obviously amused by the scene, since no gave any sign of modesty. In less than a minute Bella had before the three large and upright objects. The kissed and played with them, sucking the rare fragrance emanating from each, and fingering those inflamed darts with all the eagerness of a consummate Cyprus. -Let us fuck piously exclaimed Superior, whose penis was in those times when Bella’s lips. Ambrose sang ‘Amen. The third church was silent, but his huge artifact threatened the sky. Bella was invited to choose their first assailant in the second round. Elected Ambrosio, but the Superior interfered. Meanwhile, secured the doors, the three priests stripped, thus offering Bella’s eyes three vigorous champions in the prime of life, each armed membrudo them a dart that again emerged upright from the front, and ranged threatening. -Ugh! , Go monsters! Cried the girl, whose shame not kept him from going tempting, alternatively, each of those devices formidable. Then sat on the edge of the table, and one after another sucked their noble parts, circling with their warm tongues around the wet red slit. in which shortly before had appeased his lust. Bella was abandoned pleased with this game, and spread her legs he could to thank. -I suggest we suck one after another-proposed Superior. -Well said Father Clement confirmed the erection fearsome redhead. But until the end. I want to possess her once again. ‘No way,’ said the Superior Clemente. Already did twice, now have to pass through your throat, or settle for anything. Bella did not want in any way be subjected to another attack by Clement, so cut your losses conversation grabbing his massive member, and introducing the best he could of it between her pretty lips.Page 3030, page 107 The girl sucked gently up and down the blue nut, pausing occasionally to contain as much as possible within its wet lips. His pretty hands closed around the long and bulky dart, and gripped in a trembling embrace, while she watched the monstrous cock hardened increasingly intense effect sensations transmitted through his touches. Clemente did not take even five minutes to start throwing more howls resembled the cries of a wild b**st to the exclamations arising from human lungs, to stop expelling sperm in large quantities through the girl’s throat. Bella dart skin removed to facilitate the issuance of the jet just the last straw. Clemente fluid was so thick and warm and generous. and jet after jet poured all the liquid in her mouth. Bella swallowed it all. -Here’s a new experience on which I have to instruct you, my dear, ‘said the Superior when then applied Bella her sweet lips to her ardent member. -You will find in it greater source of pain than pleasure, but the ways of Venus are difficult, and they must be learned and enjoyed gradually. -I will submit to all tests, Father, ‘said the girl. Now I have a clearer idea of ??my duties, and I know I’m one of the chosen to relieve good wishes of the parents. -Yes, my c***d, and receive in advance the quote godsend obey our smallest desires, to be bound by all our indications for seem strange and irregular. That said, took the girl in his strong arms and carried her once again padded chest, placing it ahead of him, so he left her naked and exposed beautiful buttocks to the three holy men. Then, standing between the thighs of the victim, said the head of his stiff member was the small hole between Bella rotund buttocks, and pushing her well lubricated weapon slowly began to penetrate his hole, of novel and unnatural way. – Oh, God! Bella cried. That is not the way. The-……. Please …! Oh, by Please …! Ah …! Have pity! Ob, have pity on me! . . . Holy Mother! . . . I die! This last exclamation was torn by a sudden and vigorous onslaught of Superior, which resulted in the introduction of his cock to the root stud. Beauty felt he had gotten inside his body to the testicles.Page 3131, page 107 Turning his strong arm around her hips, pressed against his back, and began to rub against her buttocks as the member inserted into the rectum of her as he could penetrate. The pleasure palpitations were felt throughout the Member swollen, Bella, biting his lips, awaited the movements of male that he knew were going to start to take your pleasure to the maximum. The other two priests saw that with envious lust, while beginning a slow masturbation. The Superior, pleasure-crazed by the narrowness of this new and delicious sheath, flipped around Bella’s buttocks until, with a final thrust, he filled his bowels with warm download. Then, while her body drew its member, still erect and steaming, declared that had opened a new route for the pleasure, and recommended that Father Ambrose exploited. Ambrose, whose feelings at that time should be better imagined that described, burning with desire. The show of pleasure they had experienced his brothers had caused gradually a state of erotic arousal peremptorily demanded satisfaction. ‘Okay,’ I cried. I introduce the temple of Sodom, while you be filled with your sturdy sentinel Venus. -Say rather that legitimate pleasure, ‘said the Superior with a sarcastic grin . Be as you say. I am happy to again enjoy this narrow slit Bella lay still on her belly, up makeshift bed, his subsequent curves totally exposed, more dead than alive as a result of brutal attack that had just suffered. Not a drop of semen so abundantly had been poured into his dark niche was out of it, but underneath her slit distilling the mixture still emissions both priests. Ambrose held her. Placed by Superior thighs, Bella found with the call of the still vigorous red cock against her vulva. Slowly I led inward, sinking about it. Finally got fully, just the root. But now the Superior vigorous wrapped his arms around her waist, draw it on themselves and leave their extensive and delicious buttocks against the anxious member Ambrose, who was headed straight for the already well moistened opening between the two hills. Had to overcome the many difficulties that arose, but after the lewd Ambrosio felt buried within the bowels of his victim. Slowly he began to move backward and forward from the well lubricated channel. Retardé as possible their relief. and was able to enjoy the vigorous onslaught that the Superior Bella lunged ahead.Page 32Page 32 of 107 Suddenly, heaving a deep sigh, the Superior came to the end, and Bella felt her sex quickly invaded by milk. He could not resist and came abundantly, mingling his stroke with those of his assailants. Ambrose, however, had not wasted all their resources, and still keeping strongly the cute girl impaled. Clemente could not resist the opportunity offered by the fact that the Superior had retired to wash, and launched on Bella’s lap to get almost immediately penetrate inside, now liberally bathed in viscous residue. With everything and it was huge red monster, Bella found a way to receive it and for a few of the minutes that followed not heard anything other than voluptuous sighs and groans of the combatants. At one point his movements became more agitated. Bella felt like that every moment was his last moment. The huge member Ambrosio was inserted into the rear duct to the testicles, whereas trunk giant Clemente foamed back inside her vagina. She was held by the two men, with your feet off the ground, and supported by the pressure, now the front, now behind, as a result of the attacks with that the priests entered their members excited by their respective holes. When Bella was about to lose consciousness, warned by the panting and Gross tremendous stiffness before him, that he was about to download, and a moments later he felt the warm flow injection sent the giant penis in viscous jets. – Ah …! I come! Clemente cried, saying that Bella flooded inside, with great delight from it. – I also arrives! Cried Ambrosio, staying more in his powerful member, while throwing a jet of milk within the bowels of Bella. So both vomiting followed the prolific content of their bodies inside the Bella, which provided this double sense a real deluge of enjoyments. Anyone can understand that a flea average intelligence had to be shows disgust and unpleasant as I witnessed and I thought it was my duty to disclose. But certain feelings of friendship and sympathy for the young Bella urged to remain still in their company. The events came to me right and, as we shall see later, determined my movements in the future. They had not gone more than three days when young, at their request, met with the three priests in the same place.Page 33Page 33 of 107 This time Bella had paid much attention to his “toilette” and as result appeared more attractive than ever, wearing precious silks, adjusted k** boots, and gloves that were gorgeous tiny match the rest of clothing. The three men were enraptured at the sight of him, and received as warmly, soon his young blood flowed to her] face, inflaming desire. He locked the door immediately, and then fell to the ground cloths under Ion priests, and Bella found herself surrounded by the trio and subjected to the most diverse caresses, the members while staring shamelessly naked and threatening. The Superior was the first to come forward with the intention of enjoying Bella. Standing boldly before her took her in his arms, and covered with warm kissing her lips and face. Bella was so excited as he. Accessing your desire, the girl took off his underwear, preserving jobs exquisite dress, her silk stockings and cute booties k**. So he offered to the admiration and lewd fondling of parents. It was not long before the Superior, sinking deliciously on its recumbent figure, completely surrender their boyish charms, and was given to sink the narrow slit, with obviously unsatisfactory results. Pushing, pressing, rubbing against her, the Superior began delicious movements, which resulted in both their susceptibility awakening as his companion. He revealed his penis harder and harder and larger. – Push! Oh, pushes deep! Bella murmured. Meanwhile Ambrose and Clement, whose desire brooked no waiting, tried to possession of any part of the girl. Clemente put his huge member in her sweet hand, and Ambrose, without flinching, climbed on the hood and took the tip of his penis to her delicate bulky lips. After a moment assume Superior lewd stopped position. Bella looked over the edge of the box. Before her were the three men, each one with his erection, presenting arms. The head of the enormous apparatus Clemente was almost turned against his crass belly. Bella’s dress was pulled up to her waist, exposing her legs and thighs, and between the pink and lewd crack in those moments reddened excited by the rapid movements in and out of the superior limb. – Wait! -Ordered it. We will bring order to our enjoyment. This beautiful girl has to give satisfaction to the three: it is therefore necessary that allowing us regulate our pleasures that can withstand attacksPage 34Page 34 of 107 desencadenemos. I for one do not mind being the first or the second, but as Ambrosio has been like an ass, and full of smoke penetrates all regions, I intend to go ahead. Since then, Clemente would take third place, and with his enormous member can halve the girl, and we shall waste our game. -The last time I cried was the third Clemente. I see no reason to I always make it last. Claim second place. -All right, so be-Superior said. You, Ambrose will share a nest slippery. ‘I’m not under the strong ecclesiastical replied ……. If you go ahead, and Clemente has to be the second, passing in front of me, I’ll attack the rear, and and pour my offering by other means. – Doing as you please! Bella cried. I will endure everything, but, padrecitos, hurry to start. Higher Again introduced his gun, insert that Bella received yet liking. I embraced him, hugged him and received his ejaculation jets with ecstatic passion on your part. Clemente presented below. His monstrous instrument was already between the legs plump young Bella. The disproportion was evident, but the cure was so strong and lusty as huge in size, and after several attempts violent and unsuccessful, he managed enter-is. and began to delve into the parts of member her with his mule. It is not possible to give an idea of ??how the terrible proportions penis raunchy man excited the imagination of Bella, as vain would also try describe the frenzied passion awoke he skewered and relaxed feeling for the Father huge genitals Clemente. After a struggle that took a full ten minutes, Bella eventually receive this huge mass to the testicles, which were compressed against her anus. Bella spread her legs as much as possible, and allowed the gross enjoyed at will of her charms. Clement was anxious to end his delight, and took a room time to end their enjoyment by two violent discharges. Bella the samples received with deep delight, and mixed a copious emission him with the thick spills of lusty father. Just had withdrawn his monstrous member Clemente inside Bella, when it fell into the arms of Ambrose also powerful, According to what was stated above, Ambrose directed his attack to the buttocks, and barbaric v******e introduced throbbing head of his instrument between tender folds the rear hole.Page 35Page 35 of 107 Struggled in vain to host it. The broad head of his weapon was dismissed at each new assault, despite the brutal lust that was introduced, and the representing drawback that were standing. But Ambrose was not easy to defeat. He tried again and again, until one of accommodate their attacks got the tip of the penis into the delicious hole. Vigorous shaking got it to penetrate a few more inches, and a single thrust buried the lascivious priest got to the testicles. The beautiful buttocks of Bella exercised a special attraction on the lewd priest. Once penetration was achieved thanks to its brutal efforts, felt excited in the extreme, pushed the long, thick shaft inward true ecstasy, no matter the pain caused by dilation, provided to experience the delight that caused contractions of the delicate and youth her private parts. Cried Bella frightening to feel impaled by stiff brutal member r****t, and began a desperate struggle to escape, but retained Ambrose, passing his burly arms around her small waist, and managed to stay inside the Bella feverish body, unshaken in his effort invader. Step by step, committed to this struggle, the girl crossed the entire stay, without Ambrose left to have her impaled from behind. Naturally. this lewd show had come into effect on viewers. A burst of laughter came from the throats of those who began to applaud the vigor of his companion, whose face, red and contracted, testified extensively their leisure emotions. But the show aroused. addition to the hilarity, the wishes of the two witnesses. whose members began to show signs of that in any way considered satisfied. On your walk, Bella had come near Superior, which took her in his arms, circumstances Ambrosio took to begin moving his cock inside bowels of her intense heat which gave him the greatest of pleasure. The position in which they were put Bella’s natural charms to match Upper lips, which instantly hit those, turning to suck in the wet slit. But the excitement caused in this way required a more solid enjoyment, so that, pulling the girl to kneel while he took his seat in his chair, he released his burning member, and quickly introduced into the her soft belly.Page 36Page 36 of 107 So, Bella found herself again in the crossfire, and the fierce attacks of the father The rear Ambrosio were complemented by the efforts of Fr torrid Superior in another direction. Both swam in a sea of ??sensual delights: both were given in full delicious sensations experienced while his victim, punched ahead and behind by their thickened member had to withstand in the best way possible their movements excited. But still beautiful awaited another litmus test, as soon as the vigorous Clemente could witness the close conjunction of his companions, he was inflamed by passion, got into the chair behind Superior, and taking the head of poor Bella deposited his hot weapon in her pink lips. After advancing its tip, whose narrow opening apercibían premature and drops her into the beautiful mouth of the girl, as he qóce with her soft hand rub her hard and long trunk. Meanwhile Ambrose felt his limb effects introduced by front of the Superior, while the latter also excited by the rear action the father, was approaching the spasms that accompany ejaculation. However, Clemente was the first to download, and threw a large shower in the little Bella’s throat. Followed Ambrose, who, leaning on his back, threw a flood of milk his bowels, at the same time as the Superior flooded her womb. So surrounded, Bella received the attached download three priests vigorous.Page 37Page 37 of 107 Chapter V T THREE DAYS AFTER THE EVENTS reported on pages preceding Bella appeared as rosy and charming as always in the room reception of his uncle. In the meantime, my movements were erratic, and that in no way was low my appetite, and any new face always has some appeal to me, that not for too long makes me residence in a single point. That was how I overheard a conversation that surprised me something, and I do not hesitate to reveal it is directly related to the events mean. Through her I learned the background and character of the wily subtlety Father Ambrose. I will not reproduce here his speech, as I heard from my vantage. Suffice to mention the main points of his presentation, and to report on their goals. It was said that Ambrose was unhappy and bewildered by the sudden participation of their brethren in the last of its acquisitions, and devised a bold and diabolical plan to thwart their interference, while for submission to him as completely alien to the maneuver. In short, and to that end, Ambrose went directly to Bella’s uncle, and told him how he surprised his niece and her young lover in the embrace of Cupid, in the form that left no doubt that he had received the last witness to the passion of boy, and responded to it. By taking this step the evil priest presequía further purposes. Knew too well the character of the man I was, and also knew that a part important in their own real life was not entirely unknown uncle. Indeed, the couple understood perfectly. Ambrose was a man of strong passions, highly erotic, and the same happens with Bella’s uncle. The latter had confessed thoroughly with Ambrose, and in the course of their confessions had revealed a wish so irregular, that the priest had no doubt accomplish any of that make him share the plan he had imagined. Mr. Verbouc eyes had long coveted secret to his niece. He had confessed. Now Ambrose provide evidence that opened his eyes to the fact that she had begun to entertain feelings of the same nature to the opposite sex.Page 38Page 38 of 107 Ambrosio’s condition came to mind. It was his spiritual confessor, and asked advice . The holy man gave him to understand that his chance had come, and that it would ahead for both share the prize. This statement struck a chord in the character of Verbouc, which Ambrosio not ignorant. If anything could provide a real sensual pleasure, or put more charm to it, was to witness the act of carnal copulation, and then complete their satisfaction with a second hand penetration to ejaculation in the body’s own patient. The pact was sealed well. We sought the opportunity to guarantee the necessary Secret (Bella’s aunt was a handicapped who did not leave his room>, and Ambrose Bella prepared for the event that was to unfold. After a preliminary speech, in which he warned that one should not say word about their privacy before and after to inform him that his uncle had known, who know why duct, what happened with her boyfriend, was gradually revealing projects that had been developed. He even spoke of the passion that had awakened in his uncle, to tell then, quite simply, the best way to avoid deep resentment would show obedience to its requirements, whatever it may be. Mr. Verbouc was a healthy and robust constitution, which was about fifty years. As uncle who was always inspired him deep respect Bella, sentiment in which was mingled something of fear for his authoritative presence. It had taken care of her since the death of his brother, and always treated, if not with affection, not with detachment, albeit with reservations that were natural given his character. Obviously Bella had no reason to expect mercy from his part in a such occasion, even your relative find an excuse for it. I will not dwell on the first fifteen minutes, tears Bella’s pregnancy with who received hugs too tender of his uncle, and the well deserved censure. The interesting comedy followed by numbered steps, until Mr. Verbouc placed his beautiful niece on her legs to reveal that purpose boldly had made to possess. You must not offer silly resistance, Bella, his uncle said. I will not hesitate nor aparentaré modesty. Simply this good father has sanctified the operation, so that possess your body just as you enjoyed your reckless buddy and your consent. Bella was deeply confused. Although sexy, as we have seen, and to an extent that is unusual in such a young age like yours, had been educated in within the strict conveniences created by the severe and repellent character of its relative. Everything horrible crime that he proposed appeared before his eyes. Not even the presence and the Father Ambrose alleged agreement could lessen the suspicion with which contemplated the terrible proposition that made him openly.Page 39Page 39 of 107 Bella shook in surprise and terror at the nature of the proposed offense. This offended her new attitude. The change occurred between the reserved and stern uncle, whose anger had always lamented and feared, and whose precepts was used to receive with reverence, and that ardent admirer, thirsting for the favors she had granted to another, the affected deeply, and disgustándola aturdiéndola Meanwhile Mr. Verbouc, which evidently was not willing to grant time to reflect. and whose excitement was visible in many ways, took his young niece in his arms, and despite his reluctance, he covered his face and throat passionate kisses and prohibited. Ambrose, to which the girl had gone to this requirement, not provided relief, but on the contrary, with a grim smile caused by emotion others, encouraging one with secret looks to move forward with the satisfaction of their pleasure and lust. In such adverse circumstances sc all resistance was difficult. Bella was young and infinitely impotent by comparison. under the firm embrace of relative. Born into a frenzy by contact and obscene caresses allowed, Verbone set out with renewed zeal to take possession of the person of her niece. Their preyed nervous fingers will the beautiful satin of her thighs. Another firm push, not Although Bella drought closing them firmly in defense of their sex, lewd hand reached the same rosy lips, and trembling fingers closed and separated the wet slit fortification defending his modesty. Until then Ambrose had not been more than a silent observer exciting conflict. But this point also came forward, and passing his powerful left arm around the girl’s slender waist, locked himself in his right the two her small hands, which, like subject, easily left her at the mercy of lewd caresses of his kin. Out of charity, beg her, gasping for his efforts. Let go! It too horrible! It is monstrous! How can you be so cruel? I’m lost! -In no way are you lost pretty niece, ‘replied the uncle. Only wakes the Venus pleasures reserved for his devotees, and whose love saved for those who have the courage Enjoy them while they are unable to do so. -I have been horribly deceived cried Bella, unconvinced by this ingenious explanation. I see it all clearly. What a shame! I can not permitíroslo. I can not! Oh, not at all! Holy Mother! Soltadne, man! Oh! Oh! -Estate Serene, You have to submit. Yes I may not otherwise I’ll take it by force. So open those nice legs, let me feel the exquisite warmth of these soft and lascivious thighs, let me put my hand on thisPage 40Page 40 of 107 divine womb … Be still, crazy! At last you are mine. Oh, how I’ve waited for this, Bella! However, Bella still offered some resistance, which only served to excite abnormal appetite even further from his assailant, while still holding Ambrose firmly. – Oh, what a beautiful ass! Verbouc exclaimed, as he slid his intrusive velvety hands over poor Bella thighs and round cheeks caressed their backsides. Ah, what a glorious pussy! Now is everything to me, and duly celebrated at the appropriate time. – Let go! Bella shouted. , Oh. oh! These last gasps arose from the throat of the tormented girl while between the two men forced her to put her back on a sofa next. When it fell on him was forced to lie down, through the work of Ambrosio strongman, while Mr. Verbouc, who had raised her dresses to put the bare their legs in silk stockings and exquisite forms of its niece, it was back for a moment to enjoy the indecent exhibition Bella was forced to do. -Dude are you crazy? Bella cried again, while with his trembling limbs struggled in vain to hide the lustful displayed in all its nakedness crudeness. Please Let go! -Yes, Bella, I’m crazy, crazy passion for you, crazy with lust to possess you, for enjoy you, for my fill with your body. Resistance is futile. It is my will, and I will enjoy these cute charms; within this narrow and small case. While saying this, Mr. Verbouc was about the final act of i****tuous drama. He undid his lower garments, and without any consideration of modesty exhibited wantonly in the eyes of his niece’s voluminous proportions and ruddy his excited member, erect and radiant, looked at her menacingly. A moment later he threw himself on his prey, firmly held on their backs by the priest, and applying his rampant weapon against the tender hole, tried to make the inserting one member conjunction long and wide proportions in the body of the niece. But ongoing body contortions cute Bella, disgust and horror that had seized it, and the inadequate size of their immature parts, impediments to effective were the guy who waited reach victory readily available, Never more ardently wished that in those moments contribute to disarm a champion, and tenderly by the cries of the gentle Bella, with the body of a flea, but with the soul of a wasp, I jumped in one leap to the rescue. Sinking my lancet on the cover sensitive scrotum was Mr. Verbouc question of a second, and had the desired effect. An acute sense of pain and itching willPage 41Page 41 of 107 were stopped. The interval was fatal, because a few moments later and thighs Beautiful young belly were covered by the liquid which attested the vigor of his i****tuous relation. Curses, not loud such, but from the bottom, followed this unexpected setback. The would-be r****t had to withdraw from his vantage position and, unable to continue the battle, withdrew the weapon useless. No sooner had Mr. Verbouc delivered his niece of the annoying situation in which was when Father Ambrose began to manifest v******e of their own excitement caused by the passive contemplation of the erotic scene. As she satisfaction meaning of the act, keeping fast hold of his powerful embrace Bella, his habit did not ask the front cover of your state of rigidity member had acquired. Their fearsome weapon, apparently disregarding the limitations imposed by clothing, pushed through them to appear lumpy, with its round bare head and throbbing by the desire of enjoyment. – Ah! cried the other, casting a glance at the relaxed lewd member confessor. Here is a champion who does not know defeat, I guarantee-and taking deliberately in his hands, he made himself with obvious delight handling. -; What a monster! How strong and how stiff is maintained! Ambrose’s father got up, denouncing the intensity of his desire for the CIE1 on face, and placing the frightened Bella in better position, took his red bump on the wet opening, and proceeded to enter into with desperate effort. Pain, excitement and intense eagerness roamed the entire nervous system of the victim of their lust for each new thrust. Although this was not the first time the father had touched Ambrosio entries as it, covered with moss, the fact that his uncle was present, it unseemly of all the scene, the deep conviction-that for the first time he did this, the speaking deceit victim by the father and his selfishness, were elements that combined to stifle within those extreme feelings of pleasure had demonstrated so powerfully once. But Ambrose’s performance gave him no time for Bella to think, because when feel the gentle pressure, like a glove, its delicate sheath, hurried to complete throwing conjunction with a few vigorous and skillful thrusts to bury his member on her body to the testicles. There was a barbarian refocilamíento range of fast connections and pressures, steady and continuous until a murmur in the throat of Bella announced that the nature claimed its rights therein, and that the fight had reached loving exquisite crises in which spasm of indescribable pleasure fast walking voluptuously nervous system, with the head thrown back, chapped lips and fingers clenched, his body became inherent rigidity these effects absorbents, in the course of which the nymph sheds his youthful essence to mix with the jets evacuated by her lover.Page 42Page 42 of 107 Bella’s body contorted, his eyes glassy and his hands trembling, clearly revealed to his state, without betraying it also whisper laboriously ecstasy escaped her lips trembling. The entire mass of that powerful weapon now well lubricated, worked deliciously in their youth sides. The excitement was growing by Ambrosio moments, and his cock, hard as iron, each thrust threatening to download its viscous nature. – Oh, I can not take it anymore! I feel that milk comes, Verbouc! Have you fuck that. It’s delicious. The sheath fits me like a glove. Oh! Oh! Oh! More frequent vigorous and powerful assaults-jump-a real robust submergence within the weak man figurine of her, a tight embrace, and Beautiful, with inexpressible pleasure, felt the warm shed her r****t injection in jets thick and viscous deep inside her tender insides. Ambrose withdrew his penis with evident reluctance steaming, exposing the shiny parts of the girl, of which flowed a thick mass of secretions. ‘Well,’ said Verbouc, on whom the scene had produced effects extremely exciting. Now it was my turn, good Father Ambrose. Have you enjoyed my niece under my eyes as he wished, and my faith has been well ****d. She pleasures shared with you, my predictions have been confirmed, can receive and can enjoy, and one can be fed into your body. Right. I’ll start. At the end got my chance and now can not escape me. I will satisfy a desire long cherished. Appease this insatiable lust aroused in me the daughter of my brother. Member Observe, now raises his red head. Express my desire for you, Bella. Feel, my dear niece, how have hardened your uncle’s testicles. Being filled for you. It is you who has made this thing has been enlarged and straightened both: are you that intended to provide relief. Discover your head, Bella! Easy, my girl; let me take your hand. Oh, cut the crap! No flushing or modesty. Without resistance. Can you notice its length? You have to get it all in that hot slit the father Ambrose just filled so well. Can you see the big balloons hanging by below, Bella? They are full of semen that I will download to enjoy yours and mine. Yes, Bella, in the womb of the daughter of my brother. The idea of ??the terrible i****t proposed ana-day consummate fuel to the fire of arousal, and caused a sensation superabundant lewd impatience, revealed both its red appearance, such as dart erection which threatened the wet parts of Bella. Mr. Verbouc took security measures. There was, in fact, and as I had said, escape for Bella. She climbed on her body and spread her legs, while Ambrose kept securely fastened. The r****t arrival saw the opportunity. The way was open, thighs well separated whites, reds and wet lips pussy of pretty girl in front of him. I could not wait. Opening Lips sex of her niece, and the red head pointing his gun at the vulva prominent, isPage 43Page 43 of 107 moved forward, and pushed and screamed in plunged in sensual pleasure full length on Bella’s stomach. – Oh, God! I’m finally in it! Verbouc shrieked. Oh! Ah! What pleasure! How beautiful it is! How tight! Oh! The Good Father Ambrose Bella grabbed more firmly. This made a violent effort, and let out a cry of pain and terror when felt the turgid member into his uncle who, firmly embedded in the warm person of his victim, began a rapid and spirited race for selfish pleasure. It was the lamb into the jaws of the wolf, the dove in the eagle’s talons. No pity or care even by her feelings, above all attacked until, too soon for own lustful desire, with a cry of pleasurable trance, unloaded inside her niece a rich stream of her i****tuous fluid. Again and again the two enjoyed their unhappy victim. His fiery lust, stimulated by the contemplation of the pleasure experienced by the other, dragged the insanity. He soon tried to attack Bella Ambrosio her buttocks, but Verbouc, without certainly had his reasons for prohibírselos, opposed it. The priest, however. without self-conscious, he lowered his head to enter his huge tool from behind in sex it. Verbouc knelt in front to watch the event, which-with the conclusion Diose true delight-sucking lips well filled pussy of her niece. That night I went with Bella to bed, because despite my nerves had impacted by a dreadful crash, why is not my appetite had decreased and was a fortune that my young protege possessed not so irritable skin to chafe too much for my labors to satisfy my appetite naturally. The rest went to dinner with you I said my energies, and found a secure retirement and deliciously tender warm moss i covered the mound of the cute Bella, had it not been because, at midnight, a violent rampage came to disturb my decent rest. The girl had been held by a rugged and powerful embrace, and a heavy tamping humanity strongly her delicate body. A gasp went to the frightened her lips, and in the midst of their vain efforts to escape, and its not luckiest measures to prevent the consummation of the purposes of his assailant, I recognized the voice and the person of Mr. Verbouc. The surprise was complete, and after he had to be useless the weak resistance she could offer. His uncle, with feverish haste and terrible excitement caused by the contact with their velvety limbs, took possession of their most secret charms and prey to his lust hateful delved his rampant penis in her young niece. There followed a furious struggle, in which each played a different.Page 44Page 44 of 107 The r****t, also fired by the difficulties of his conquest, and by the exquisite sensations he was experiencing, he buried his stiff member in lewd cover, and tried through rush eager to facilitate copious discharge, while Bella, whose temperament was not wise enough to resist proof that violent and lascivious assault, tried in vain to contain the violent imperatives of nature awakened by the exciting friction, which threatened to betray him, until at last, with great trembling in his limbs and breath, he gave up and downloaded the overflow onto the dart filled as deliciously throbbing inside. Mr. Verbone was fully aware of the advantage of their situation, and changing tactics as prudent general, took good care not to expel all its reserves, and caused a further advance from your gracious opponent. Verbouc had no great difficulty in achieving its purpose, although the struggle seemed excite to frenzy. The bed rocked and swayed: the whole room vibrated with the trembling energy of his lewd attack, both bodies reared and rolled, becoming a single mass. An insult, fiery and impatient, took them to the limit on both sides. The did lunges, pushing, lunged, retreated to reveal the broad head flushed of his swollen cock with red lips in the warm parts of Bella, to sink then to the black hairs that were born in the womb, and tangled with the smooth damp moss covering the mound of her niece, until a sigh choppy betrayed the pain and pleasure of it. Again the victory had accrued to him, and while his vigorous member is sheathed until smooth roots in her body, a tender, painful scream off and spoke of his ecstasy when, once again, the spasm of pleasure ran through her system nervous. Finally, with a brutal grunt of triumph, unleashed a torrid stream viscous liquid in the back of the die of it. Owned by the frenzy of a newly born desire and still not satisfied with the possession of this beautiful flower, the brutal Verbouc turned the body of his semidesmayada niece, to expose their attractive buttocks. Its purpose was obvious, and it was more when, spreading her anus filled with milk sex, pushed his index as inside he could. His passion had come back to a fever pitch. Walked toward his penis rotund buttocks, and lying on his body encimándose, placed his shiny head on the small hole, then striving for venture into it. After he got his purpose, and Bella took her into his rectum in its entirety, the staff of his uncle. The narrowness your anus provided the same the greatest pleasure, and continued to work slowly back it forward for a quarter of an hour at least, after which time their acquired speech device rigidity of iron, and discharged into the bowels of his niece streams of milk. It was morning when Mr. Verbouc released his lustful embrace niece he had satisfied his passion, which slid achieved exhausted to seek shelter inPage 45Page 45 of 107 his trio bed. Bella, meanwhile, satiated and exhausted, he fell into a heavy sleep, from which there woke up late in the day. When he came back to his room. Bella had experienced a change that does not mattered not struggled at all to analyze. The passion had taken possession it to form part of his character had awakened within him strong sexual emotions, and given them satisfaction. The refinement of the delivery to the themselves had generated lust, and lust had paved the way for the satisfaction of the senses without restraint, even unnatural inland. -Bella-almost an innocent girl until very recently-basin had become of Suddenly a woman of violent passions. slow and unstoppable lust.Page 46Page 46 of 107 Chapter VI READER NOT BOTHER WITH THE story of how it happened that one day I found myself comfortably hidden in the person of good Father Clement, nor I will stop to explain how it was that I was present when the same ecclesiastical confession received a stylish little lady of about twenty years of age. I soon discovered, by the course of their conversation, which although closely related with persons of rank, the lady did not have titles, but was married to one of the most wealthy landowners of the population. The names do not matter here. So this pretty suppress the penitent. After the confessor had given his blessing to end after the ceremony through which he had come into possession of the elite of the secrets of the young is-flora, nothing reluctant, he led the church aisle to the same small sacristy where he received his first lesson Bella coupling sanctified. He spent the lock on the door and no time was lost. The lady took off his clothes, and the burly confessor opened his robe to reveal his enormous weapon, which red head towered menacingly. No sooner realized this appearance, the lady took hold of the member, as one who takes possession by any means an object of delight that it is not by any means unknown. Her delicate hand gently squeezed the upright pillar that was one stiff muscle, while his eyes devoured in its entirety and its swollen proportions. -You have to stick it behind the lady, ‘I said. In leorette. But you be very careful, so awfully big! The father’s eyes sparkled in his redheaded Clemente stubborn, and its huge weapon was a jerky beat could lift a chair. A second later the little lady was kneeling on the chair, and the father Clemente, approaching her, lifted her fine white undergarments to leave disclosed a squat, rounded bottom, under which, half hidden among some plump thighs, were the red lips a delicious vulva, heavily shaded by clumps of brown hair that curled around it. Clemente did not wait more incentives. Spitting on the tip of his cock, placed his head in the wet warm lips and then, after many assaults and efforts, managed to make it go to the testicles. Delved more … and more .. and more, until he gave the impression that the beautiful recipient could not support more without risk of damage to your vital organs, Entre both her face reflected the extraordinary pleasure he caused the gigantic member. Father Clement suddenly stopped. I was in until the testicles. His hairs frayed red and plump cheeks harassed the lady’s buttocks. This wasPage 47Page 47 of 107 received inside your body, in all its length, the sheath of the priest. Then encounter began shaking the bench and all the furniture of the room. Clinging with both arms around her frail body, the sexy priest flushed thoroughly in every stroke, without removing more than half of its length Member to penetrate better in each attack, until the lady began to shudder effect of the exquisite sensations that gave him such an assault Nature. Soon, his eyes closed and his head fall forward, poured on invading the warm essence of his nature, Clemente parent meanwhile kept inside triggering the sheath hot and every time your weapon more hardened, reaching resemble a steel bar solid. But everything has an end, and so had the pleasure of good priest, because after having pushed, fought, tight and shake with rage, his staff could not resist, and felt to reach the point of discharge of its sap, reaching in this way to ecstasy. I come at last. Letting out a cry sank to the root inside their member of the lady, and poured into her womb a rich stream of milk. It was all over, had spent the last spasm. Had been shed the last drop, and lay Clemente as dead. The reader will imagine that the good Father Clement would be satisfied with just this single coup that had just strike with such excellent effects, nor the lady, whose licentious appetites had been appeased so powerfully did not want and new skirmishes. On the contrary, this intercourse had only to wake up the both sensual faculties dormant, and again felt flame wake desire. The lady was lying on his back, his burly r****t pounced on her, and sinking your ram until hairs gathered both came again, filling his matrix a slimy stream. Still unsatisfied, the raunchy couple continued to their exciting hobby. This time Clement lay on his back, and the young lady, after fiddling lasciviously with enormous genitals, took the red head of his cock between her pink lips, the while stimulating him with pat maddening to achieve maximum tension, all with an avidity that ended up causing an abundant discharge of fluid thick and warm, this time filled his pretty mouth and ran down his throat. Then the lady, whose lust was at least equal to that of her confessor, was placed on the burly figure of it, and after having secured another huge erection, impaled in the beating dart to not expose anything more than big balls hanging hardened under the gun. Thus sucked until a fourth Clemente downloads. Heaving a strong smell of semen under the abundant ejaculations of the priest, and fatigued by the exceptional length of entertainment, Diose then comfortably contemplate the monstrous proportions and capacity were common than its giant confessor.Page 48Page 48 of 107 Chapter VII BELLA HAD A FRIEND, A DAMITA ONLY a few months older than she, the daughter of a wealthy gentleman, who lived near Mr. Verbouc. Julia, however. was less ardent and voluptuous temperament, and Bella soon realized that not speaks matured enough to understand the feelings of passion, understand the strong instincts aroused pleasure. Julia was slightly taller than her young friend, somewhat less plump, but with forms capable of delighting the eye and captivate the heart of an artist so its perfect cut and exquisite detail. It is assumed that a flea can not describe the beauty of the people. not even the those that feed. All I can say, therefore, is that Julia Delmont was in my view a great gift, and one day it would be for someone of sex opposite, as it was made to arouse the desire of most insensible of men, and to enchant with their graceful manners and pleasant always contained the most demanding worshiper of Venus. Julia’s father had, as we have said, extensive resources, his mother was a who looked rather goofy little daughter, or something else other than their duties religious, in the exercise of which employed most of his time as well as in devotees visit the old neighborhood that stimulated their predilections. Mr. Delmont was relatively young. Robust constitution, was full of life, and inasmuch as his pious spouse was too busy to allow the matrimonial pleasures which the poor man had a right, it’s looking for Other sides. Mr. Delmont had a friend, a cute young girl, as I concluded, not was satisfied merely to his wealthy protector. Mr. Delmont in any way confined his attentions to her friend, her habits were erratic, and frankly erotic inclinations. In such circumstances, it is not surprising that his eyes were set in the beautiful body cocoon flower that was the niece of his friend, Bella. She had had chance to push his gloved hand, to kiss-of course-his paternal air white cheek, and even place his hand trembling clear that accidentally-on her plump thighs. Actually, Bella, much more experienced than most girls her tender age, he realized that Mr. Delmont only waiting for an opportunity to take things to its ultimate conclusion. And this was precisely what had pleased to Bella, but was watched too closely, and the new and unfortunate situation that had just come monopolized all his thoughts .Page 49Page 49 of 107 Ambrose’s father, however, was aware well of the need to stay on notice, and did not let any opportunity pass, when the girl came to his confessional, for direct and pertinent questions about their behavior towards others, and conduct that others watched with his penitent. That’s how Bella came to confess his feelings spiritual guide engendered in her by the lecherous Mr. Delmont proceed. Ambrose’s father gave him good advice, and immediately began the task Bella to suck the penis. After this delicious episode, and deleted that were the footsteps of pleasure, the worthy priest was assigned with his usual cunning, to take advantage of the facts of they had just learned. His sensual and vicious brain soon devise a plan whose boldness and restlessness I, a humble insect, do not know that it was never equaled. Of course, in the act Julia decided that she had to be yours someday. This was second nature. But to achieve this goal, and have fun at the same time with the Bella unquestionably passion had awakened in Mr. Delmont, conceived a double consummation, which was carried out by the most indecent and repulsive plan I ever heard of the reader. The first thing to do was to awaken the imagination of Julia, and stoke it the latent fires of lust. This noble task entrusted the good priest to Bella, which, properly instructed, readily agreed to do it. Since we had already broken the ice in his own case, Bella, in fact, not wanted nothing but to get Julia out as guilty as her. So he gave the task of corrupting his young friend. How did he, we shall see in due time. It was only a few days after the initiation of the young beautiful girl in the delights of crime in its i****tuous we have already reported, and in which there had been more Mr. Verbouc experience because he had to leave the row. In the long run, without But he had to present the new opportunity, and Bella found a second time, single and serene, in the company of his uncle and father Ambrosio. The afternoon was cold, but reigned stay pleasant heat-quote the effect of a stove installed in the luxury department. The soft, plush sofas and ottomans provided that the room furnished it to it an air of indolence and abandonment. In the bright light of a lamp exquisitely scented the two men seemed elegant devotees of Bacchus and Venus as they sat, scantily clad, after a sumptuous snack.Page 50Page 50 of 107 As for Bella, as it was exceeded in beauty. Wearing a charming ‘negligie’, half and half hid discovered those blooming charms that proud as could be shown. His arms, shapely admirably, her soft silk covered legs, the heaving bosom, which protruded two white apples, exquisitely rounded and finished in as many strawberries, shapely hips, and tiny feet imprisoned in tight shoes, were charms, in addition to many others, were a delicate and delicious with whom she had been intoxicated the deities themselves, and in which they would indulge the two lewd mortals. It took, however, a small incentive to increase the excitement of the abnormal infamous and desires of those two men who at that time, with eyes injected by lust, looked at will the treasures deployment was reach. Convinced that they were to be interrupted, they prepared both to make lewd attouchernents that would meet the desire bask in what they had to view. Unable to contain his anxiety, sexy man extended his hand, and drawing to yes to his niece, he slid his fingers between her legs only at random. For his part, priest took possession of her sweet breasts, to plunge your face in them. Neither stopped modesty considerations to interfere with his pleasure, so that members of the two strong men were then displayed throughout its extension, and remained excited and erect, heads burning as a result of blood pressure and muscle tension. – Oh, how touching me! Bella murmured, opening voluntarily thighs trembling hands of his uncle, Ambrose almost drowned while the lavish delicious kisses with his thick lips, At one point the complacent captured Bella’s hand inside his warm palm the priest vigorous rigid member. – What, sweetie, is not great? Did not burning to expel the juice within you? Oh, how to turn me on, my daughter! Your hand. .. your sweet hand. .. Oh! I’m dying insert it into your soft belly! Kiss me, Bella! Verbouc, see how-ons in their niece! – Holy Mother, what the fuck! Go, Bella, what his head! How it shines! What trunk so long and so white! And see how it bends as if it were a snake in Stalking his victim! It looks a drop on the tip! Look, Bella! – Oh, how hard it is! How vibrates! How rush! I can barely comprehend it! I you kill these kisses, I sorbéis life! Mr. Verbouc made a move forward, and at the same time put exposed his own weapon, erect and red hot, naked and wet head. Bella’s eyes lit up at the prospect.Page 51Page 51 of 107 -We need to establish an order for our pleasures, Bella, ‘said his uncle. We must extend as much as possible, our ecstasy. Ambrosio is rampant. What a****l is splendid! You have to see which member! , Is equipped as a stallion! Ah, my niece, my creature, with that will dilate your crack. The sink to your body, and after a good run downloaded a torrent of milk for pleasure yours! – What a pleasure! Bella murmured. Longing receive up to my waist. Yes, yes. Not hasten the delicious final all work for it. I would have said more, but at that time the red tip of the rigid member Mr. Verbouc entered his mouth. With Bella received increased avidity hard and throbbing between her lips object coral, and admitted as much as it could. He began to lick around his tongue, and even tried to introduce it into the red tip opening. Was excited to frenzy. Her cheeks were burning, his breath came and went with spasmodic anxiety. He clung indeed the member of lewd priest and his young tight cunt throbbed with pleasure anticipated. He wanted to continue tickling, rubbing and exciting the swollen trunk lewd Ambrosio, but the burly priest motioned him to stop. ‘Wait a moment, she sighed Bella, you’re going to make me come. Bella dropped the huge white dart leaned back so that his uncle could drive slowly into and out of his mouth, without the look of it stop for a moment to pay attention to the extraordinary eagerly Ambrosio member dimensions. I never liked Bella with much delight of a penis, as was now enjoying respected member of his uncle. For this reason he applied his lips to it with the greatest pleasure, sipping morbidly secretion that occasionally exuded tip. Mr. Verbouc was enraptured with their attentive services. Then the priest knelt, head shaved and passing between the legs of Verbouc, who was standing at his niece, plump thighs opened it to set aside then with his fingers the red lips of her vulva, and sticking his tongue inward, to while her thick lips covered his youthful and energized parts. Bella shuddered with pleasure. His uncle became even more rigid, and pushed strongly within the beautiful mouth of the girl, who took his balls between your hands to squeeze them gently. He pulled back his skin was burning log, and resumed her sucking with obvious delight. – Come here! Bella said, abandoning for a moment the head viscous order to be able to speak and take breath. Come on, man! I like both taste! -You can do it, dearie, but not yet. We should not go so fast. – Oh, how my mama! How I lick your tongue! I’m on fire! It kills me! – Ah, Bella! Now I feel more than pleasure: I have reconciled with the joys of our contacts i****tuous.Page 52Page 52 of 107 -I really do, uncle. Put me back in your fucking mouth. Not yet, Bella, my love. Do not make me wait too. I’re crazy. Father! Father! Oh, is coming towards me, ready to fuck! God, what the hell! Mercy! I leave in two! Ambrosio Meanwhile, emboldened by the delicious romp to which it was entertaining, became too excited to remain as it was, and taking the opportunity Verbouc a momentary withdrawal, stood up and lay down on his back, into the soft couch, a beautiful girl. Verbouc took in his hand the formidable penis holy father, gave him a pair of Preliminary shock, skin removal around his egg-shaped head, and anchurosa tip routing and ardent towards pink slit, pushed vigorously into her belly. Moisture noble lubricated parts of the creature facilitated entry head and the front, and the weapon of the priest soon became mired. Continued strong lunges, and brutal lust reflected in the face, and little pity for the youth of his victim, Ambrose skewered. Bella excitation exceeded pain, so that opened leg as far as he can to enable gloat as they wish in the possession of her beauty. A strangled cry escaped Bella’s lips parted as she felt that great weapon, hard as iron, pressing her womb, and stretching it to its large size. Mr. Verbouc not missing a detail of lusty spectacle offered to his view, and the effect was maintained near the excited partner. At one point he put his little less vigorous in hand convulsed member of her niece. Ambrose, as soon as he was firmly lodged in the body cute beneath him, restrained his anxiety. Calling on his extraordinary power assistance self-control with which he was endowed, passed his trembling hands on hips girl, and discovered his clothes away his hairy belly, with which each Shake rubbing her fluffy bush. Suddenly the priest accelerated his work. With powerful and rhythmic thrusts buried in the tender body that lay beneath him. Strongly pressed forward, and White Bella wrapped her arms around his muscular neck. His balls hit the chubby buttocks of her, his instrument had penetrated to the hairs, black and curly, completely covering her sex. -Now you have it. Look, Verbouc, your niece. See how she enjoys the rites ecclesiastics. Ah, what a pleasure! How I nibble with her tight pussy! – Oh, dear, dear …! Oh, good father, jodedme! I’m coming. Push! Push! Kill me with him, if you please, but do not fail to move you! So! Oh! Heavens! Ah! Ah! How great it is! How goes into me!Page 53Page 53 of 107 The couch creaked because of their quick jolts. – Oh. God! Bella cried. It’s killing me .., really is too … Me die … I’m coming! And letting out a scream lawyer, the girl came, flooding the thick shaft that was fucking so delightfully. The long penis engruesó and further inflamed. I also finished off the ball swelled, and all the tremendous apparatus seemed about to explode with lust. The young beautiful girl incoherent whisper, of which only understood the word fuck. Ambrosio also completely enraged, feeling his huge yerga trapped meats in juvenile girl could not hold back and grabbing the buttocks of Bella with both hands, pushed inwards tremendous entire length of his cock and fired, throwing the thick jets of his fluid, one after another, just inside your playmate. A roar like wild b**st escaped from his chest as they threw their warm milk. – Oh, it’s coming! I is flooding! I feel! Ah, what a treat! Meanwhile fuck the priest, sunk deep in the body of Bella, still issuing its swollen head pearly semen that filled her parent’s youth. – Ah, how much you are giving me! ‘Said Bella, as she swayed on his feet and was running in all directions, legs down, the warm fluid. How viscous white! This was exactly the situation most anxiously awaited the uncle, and therefore quietly proceeded to take it. He looked at her beautiful silk stockings soaked, put his fingers between her pussy lips red, oozing semen smeared over his hairless sex. Then, placing his niece properly before him, Verbouc exhibited once again its stiff and hairy champion, and excited by the exceptional scenes that both had delighted him, watched with eager zeal the tender parts of the young Bella, completely covered as they were by the discharges of the priest, and still exuding thick and heavy prolific drops of fluid. Bella, in obedience to his wishes, she opened her legs as much as possible. His uncle placed forward to his naked person between her thighs logs. -Be still, my dear niece. Fuck me is not as fat nor as long as the Father Ambrose, but I know how to fuck, and you can check it the milk your uncle not as thick and pungent as any cleric. See how I stiffly. .. – And how you make me wait! Bella said. I see your dear yerga waiting turn. How is red! Push me, dear uncle! I’m ready again, and the good father Ambrosio thee well oiled road. The hard cock touched her head flushed the open lips, still quite slippery, and its tip firmly entrenched. Then he began to penetrate the member itself, and after a few thrusts firm that relative copyPage 54Page 54 of 107 had ventured to the testicles in the womb of her niece, basking lustfully between evidencing its previous tuff and impious forth with the father. -Dear uncle cried the girl. Remember who you’re fucking. Not is an odd, is the daughter of your brother, your own niece. Fuck me good, then, man. Give me the full power of your vigorous fuck. Fuck me! Fuck me until your i****tuous milk spilling inside me! Ah! Oh! Oh! And uncontrollably before the spell of their own lustful thoughts, Bella gave the most unbridled sensuality, to the great delight of his uncle. The vigorous man, enjoying the satisfaction of his favorite lust, began perabet güvenilir mi to perform a series of fast and powerful thrusts. Notwithstanding that flooded was, her pretty vulva opponent was itself small, and narrow enough to pinch deliciously into the opening, and thus lead to increased pleasure quickly. Verbouc to throw rose angrily into her body, and beautiful young was seized with the urgency of a lust sated yet. Your yerga thickened and hardened further. The tingling soon became almost unbearable. Bella turned himself entirely to pleasure the i****tuous act, until Mr. Verbouc, sighing, came inside his niece, array again flooding her with his warm fluid. Bella came also to ecstasy, and at the same time receiving the injection powerful, pleasantly host no less ardent shed a proof of his enjoyment. Having thus completed the act, was given time for Bella to make their ablutions, and then, after an invigorating rush of wine glass filled to the brim, it sat the three to enter into a diabolical plan for the **** and enjoyment of the beautiful Julia Delmont. Bella confessed that Mr. Delmont he wanted, and that was evidently waiting the opportunity to move things to the satisfaction of his whims. For his part, Father Ambrose confessed that his member is straightened at the sole mention of the name of the girl. He had confessed and admitted jokingly that during the ceremony he could not control his hands, as his mere breath aroused in him crave sensual uncontrollable. Mr. Verbouc said he was equally anxious solace provided their sweet charms, whose very description as mad. But the problem was how implement the plan. -If the **** without preparation, shatter exclaimed Father Ambrose, showing once again its ruddy machine, still oozing its tests Finally enjoyment which had not wiped. -I can not enjoy it first. I need the excitement of previous copulation – Verbouc objected.Page 55Page 55 of 107 -I would rather see the girl ****d Bella said. Observe the operation with delight, and when Father Ambrose had introduced his big thing Inside of it, you could do the same with me to compensate the gift that I would do the pretty Julia. -Yes, that combination could be delicious. – What will it do? Bella asked. Holy Mother, how stiff is back yerga your dear Father Ambrose! -I have an idea just thinking about it gives me a violent erection. Implementation would be the height of lust, and therefore pleasure. -Let’s see what it is cried the other two as One. ‘Wait a bit,’ said the holy man, as Bella stripped the red head your instrument to tickle cn wet hole with the tip of his tongue. -Listen carefully, Ambrosio said. Mr. Delmont is in love with Bella. We’re on his daughter, and this creature that I now face is sucking her jo like to see Julia skewered tender it to the depths of your vital organs, with the only and provided lustful desire for an extra dose of pleasure. So far all We disagree. Now lend me your attention, and you, Bella, let alone my instrument. I Here is my plan: I know that the little Julia is not insensitive to their a****l instincts. In Indeed, the devil feels itchy and meat. A little bit of persuasion and guile Other can do the rest. Julia will access to alleviate these anxieties is carnal appetite. Bella should encourage this purpose. Meanwhile induce the same Mr. Delmont Bella to be more daring. It will let you declare, if you want it. In reality, this is essential to the plan may be. That is the time I should intervene. I will suggest to Mr. Verbouc Delmont is a man above vulgar prejudices, and that a certain sum of money will be as to give his beautiful and virginal niece to sate their appetites. -I fail to understand it well, ‘said Bella. I do not see the object-Verbouc intervened. This does more to bring us closer consummation of our plan. ‘Wait a moment,’ continued the good father. Until now all have agreed. Now Bella will be sold to Delmont. It will let you secretly meets your wishes in the beautiful charms of her. But the victim is not shall see him, nor he her, a.-to save face. You will be placed in a nice bedroom, you can see the fully nude body of a lovely woman, you will know that it is the victim, and you can enjoy it. – Me? Bella interrupted. Why all the mystery? Ambrose’s father smirked. ‘I know, Bella, have patience. What we want is to enjoy Julia Delmont, and what Mr. Delmont want to enjoy yourself. We can only achieve our goal while preventing any possibility of scandal. It is necessary that thePage 56Page 56 of 107 Mr. Delmont is muted, otherwise they could be harmed by the **** of his daughter. My purpose is that the lecherous Mr. Delmont **** his own daughter, in instead of Bella, and that once this lucky we have opened the way, we we give ourselves to satisfying our lust. If Delmont falls into the trap, can reveal the committed i****t, and recompensárselo with true possession of Bella, in exchange for the person of his daughter, or act according to the circumstances. – Oh, I almost am coming now! Shouted Mr. Verbouc. My gun is that fire! What up! What a wonderful show! Both men got up, and Bella was involved in their hugs. Two hard and long darts were embedded against his body kind as the moved to the couch. Ambrosio lay on their backs, Bella rode him over and took his penis stallion in his hands to take to the vulva. Mr. Verbouc looked on. Bella dropped enough that the huge weapon will delve completely; then settled above the fiery priest and began a delightful series of wave motions. Mr. Verbouc watched her nice buttocks up and down, opening and closing each successive thrust. Ambrosio had ventured down to the root, this was evident. His large testicles were stuck under it, and the thick lips of Bella came to them whenever Girl was dropped. The show will sit well with Verbouc. The virtuous man climbed onto the couch, directed her long swollen penis to Bella’s ass, without great difficulty got completely buried up her womb. The butt of his niece was wide and soft as a glove, and the skin of the buttocks white as alabaster. Verbouc, however, paid no attention to these details. His cock was inside, and felt the tight little muscle compression inlet as something exquisite. The two fuck rubbing each other, only separated by a thin membrane. Bella felt the maddening effects of this double delight. After dreadful transport arrived late excitation leading to relief, and squirts milk flooded the graceful Bella. After downloaded Ambrosio twice in Bella’s mouth, which also then poured her i****tuous uncle fluid, and thus ended the session. The way Bella performed their duties was such that sincere commendations earned of his two companions. Sitting on the edge of a chair, was placed in front of both of stiff so that members of both were level with her coral lips, Then taking from his lips the velvety glans, applied both hands to rub, tickle and excite the phallus and its appendices.Page 57Page 57 of 107 Thus put into action throughout the nervous power of the members of their playmates, with their distended to its full members, could enjoy the lascivious tingle until the choccie Bella became irresistible, and between sighs of ecstasy her mouth and throat were flooded with jets of semen. The little glutton’s completely drunk. And the same would be done with a dozen, if she had opportunity.Page 58Page 58 of 107 Chapter VIII Bella was giving me THE MOST delicious food. His youth members never missed its crimson indentations caused by my pickets, who, to my great regret, I was forced to take to get my support. I determined, therefore, to continue with it, even though, in truth, his behavior of late had become moot and slightly irregular. One thing certain was that there was clearly lost all sense of delicacy and proper modesty of a maiden, and lived only to satisfy their pleasures sex. Soon he could see that the girl had not wasted any instructions given on the part he had to play in the conspiracy hatched. Now I propose to tell in what form played a role. It was not long found Bella in the mansion-flower is Delmont, and perhaps for random, or perhaps rather because he had prepared well respected citizen, alone with him. Mr. Delmont warned his chance and intelligent which were generally available to assault. He found that his pretty companion, or was in limbo as to their intentions, or was well prepared to alentarías. Mr. Delmont had already placed his arms around Bella’s waist and as by accident the right of this gentle hand under his nerve compressed and palm the male member of it. What Bella showed palpable v******e of his emotion. A spasm crossed the reference subject hard throughout, and Bella did not stop a similar experience sensual pleasure. The lover gently pulled Mr. Delmont foolish yes, and hugged his body complacent. Quickly pressed a warm kiss on her cheek and whispered words promising to divert their attention from their maneuvers. Tried something else: hand rubbed Bella on the hard object, which allowed the girl could see that h excitation be too fast. Bella adhered strictly to his role at all times: it was an innocent girl and demure. Mr. Delmont, encouraged by the lack of resistance from her young friend, gave other steps even more determined. His hand wandered restless between light dresses Bella, and caressed her calves complacent. Then suddenly, while kissing passion with her red lips, her trembling fingers went below to tempt her plump thigh. Bella refused. At any other time he’d slept on their backs and would have helped make it worse, but remember the lesson, and played its role perfectly.Page 59Page 59 of 107 – Oh, what is bold of you! Cried the girl. What are they rude! I can not afford them! My uncle says I should not allow that anyone touch me there. In any case never before … Bella hesitated, stopped, and his face became silly. Mr. Delmont was as curious as lovesick. – Before what. Bella? – Oh, I should explain! I should not say anything about it. Only his rough manners I did forget. – Forget what? -Something that told me my uncle often said simply Bella. – But what is it? Tell me! I dare not. In addition, do not understand what it means. -I’ll explain if you tell me what it is. – Will you promise not to tell? – Certainly. -Well. For what he says is that I have never to let me put the hands there, and if anyone wants to do is to pay a lot for it. She said that, really? -Yes, of course. He said I can give you a good sum of money, and that there are many rich men pay for what you want to me, and also said I was not stupid enough to let loose the opportunity. -Really, Bella, your uncle is a perfect businessman, but did not think was a man of that kind. ‘Yes it is, cried Bella. It puffed up with the money, you know that, and I I hardly know what it means, but sometimes it says it will sell my virginity. – Is it possible? Delmont thought. What type should be that! Good eye for Business must have! The more he thought Mr. Delmont about it, the more I was convinced absolute truth of the naive explanation given by Bella. It was on sale, and he would buy. It was better to go this route than risk being discovered and punished by Secret relationships. Before, however, he could finish yourself these wise reflections, is was an interruption caused by the arrival of his daughter Julia. and while reluctantly, had to leave the company of Bella and compose their clothes properly. Bella soon gave an excuse and went home, leaving the events take their course.Page 60Page 60 of 107 The path taken by the pretty girl passed through meadows, and was a wagon road that left the highway near the residence of his uncle. This time the evening had fallen, and the weather was mild. The trail was several curves, and as Bella was amused way forward in watch the cattle grazing nearby. It got to a point where the road was lined with trees, and where tub series log straight line separating the road from the trail itself pedestrians. In the meadows next saw several men who tilled the field, and little further to a group of women who rested a moment of the work of the planting, entertaining in interesting discussions. Across the road was a near hedges, and as it happens look there, he saw something that astonished. In the meadow had two a****ls, a stallion and a mare. Obviously the first was dedicated to pursuing the second, until he got reach him not far from where he was Bella. But what surprised and appalled to it was the wonderful spectacle of the great brownish member that erect with excitement, belly hung stallion, and that of occasionally impatient hunched in search of the body of the female. This should have also warned that member throbbing, since it had arrested and remained quiet, offering its back the aggressor. The male was too urged by his amorous instincts to lose much time with compliments, and before the astonished eyes of the girl rode on female and attempted to introduce his instrument. Bella watched the show with bated breath, and saw how, at last, member filled the long horse and disappeared entirely on the backs of the female. To say that their sexual feelings were excited would be only express the natural result of lewd show. Actually I was more than excited, his instincts libidinous had unleashed. Hands stroking stared to observe all interest in the prurient spectacle, and when, after a fast and furious race, the a****l withdrew his dripping penis, Bella went to it a gourmand look, conceiving the insanity of take him to indulge herself. Obsessed with this idea, Bella knew he had to do something to erase his mind the powerful influence that the oppressed. Taking his courage averted eyes and resumed his way, but had hardly gone a dozen steps when his eye fell on something that certainly was not going to ease your passion. Just before her was a young rustic eighteen, of features beautiful, although goofy expression, with an eye to the loving dedicated to their hobby horses. A gap between the bushes that lined the way gave him an excellent angle of view, and was delivered to the contemplation of the spectacle with interest as evident as Bella.Page 61Page 61 of 107 But what it chained the attention of the boy was the state in which appeared his dress, and the emergence of a tremendous member of well-developed red head. that naked and showing off in full, stood shameless. There was no doubt about the fact that the show had developed in the meadow caused to the boy, since it had unbuttoned the pants for coarse between his nervous hands seize a weapon from which one Carmelite been proud. With eager eyes devoured the scene unfolding in the meadow, whereas with undressed right hand column for friccionaría firm vigorously up and downwards, completely oblivious to the fact that a kindred spirit was witnessed their acts. A startled gasp escaped involuntarily motivated Bella he looked around him. and discovered before him the beautiful girl in the lustful moment his cock was fully exposed in all its glory erection. – By God! Bella exclaimed as soon as he could recover speech. What vision so horrible! Shameless boy! What are you doing with this red thing? The boy, humiliated, tried to enter back into the object fly had prompted the question, but his obvious confusion and rigidity acquired by the member made the operation difficult. not to say that irksome. Bella came to his aid solicitous. – What is this? Let me help you. How does it go? How big is hard! And what long! My faith is a tremendous thing, naughty boy! Joining the action to the word, the girl placed her small hand in the erect Boy penis and squeezing it in her warm palm became harder still a possibility to return him to his hideout. Meanwhile the boy, who gradually regained his stolid presence of mind, and warned the innocence of his new unknown, failed to do anything in support of their laudable purpose of hiding the offensive rigid member. Actually it was impossible, even if he had put something in YOUR hand, as soon as his hand horn grabbed it acquired even greater proportions, while the swollen and red head shone like a ripe plum. – Oh, naughty boy! Bella he observed. What should I do? -He went on, while addressing an angry look to the face of the rustic beautiful boy. – Oh, how fun it is! Sighed the lad. Who could say you were so close to me when I felt so bad, and began to throb and swell to be as it is now? -This is incorrect-observed-the little lady, and further tightening feeling the flames of lust grew more and more inside her. This is terribly wrong, rogue.Page 62Page 62 of 107 – Did you see what they did the horses on the prairie? The boy asked, looking questioningly at Bella, whose beauty seemed projected onto the dull mind as the sun sneaks through a landscape the clouds. -Yes, I saw. The girl replied innocently. What were they doing? What mean? ‘They were k**ding,’ said the boy with a smile of lust. He wanted to the female and the female wanted the stallion, so we got together and set out to fuck. – Wow, that’s funny! Replied the girl, looking with the most c***dish simplicity the great object was still in his hands, to the dismay of lad. ‘Really it was fun, right? And what instrument yours! Right, Miss? -Immense Bella murmured while thinking a moment in which was rubbing up and down with his hand. – Oh, how I tickles! Sighed his companion. How beautiful you are! And how well he rubs! Please follow, miss. I have wanted to come to me. – Really? Bella murmured. I can do you come? Bella looked at the filled object, hardened mild tingling effect that was applied, and which seemed swollen head would explode. Observing pruritus what would be the effect of friction interrupted completely took possession of it, so was applied with redoubled commitment to the task. – Oh, yes, please! Follow! I am about to come to me! Oh! Oh! How well does! Squeeze more. . ., Rub faster. . . peel it right. . .! Now again .. . Oh, heavens! Oh! The long and hard thickened and heated instrument ever as she rubbed it up and down. – Ah! Ugh! Coming! Ugh! Oooh! Rustic cried brokenly as his knees were shaking and his body took on stiffness, and between contortions and their gasps expelled huge and powerful penis thick liquid jet on Bella’s little hands, which, eager to bathe in the hot viscous fluid, surrounded by Complete the huge dart, helping to deliver every last drop of semen. Bella, surprised and joyful. each drop-pumped would have been sucked in bold-and then extracted Holland her delicate handkerchief to wipe their hands perlina thick mass. After i youngster, humiliated and stupid air, tucked the faint member, and looked at his companion with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. – Where do you live? He asked at last, when he found words to speak .. -Not far from here, ‘said Bella. But you should not follow or try to get me, you know? If you do you go wrong -Continued the young lady, ‘because never again certify thee, and above serious punished. – Why do not we fuck like the stallion and filly?Page 63Page 63 of 107 Suggested the girl, whose ardor, scarcely subsided, began to manifest again. ‘Maybe we do someday, but not now. Wear hurry because I’m late. I have to go soon. -Let me tease your garments below. Tell me, when will you come back? ‘Not now,’ said Bella, retreating slowly, ‘but we find another time. Bella toying with the idea of ??indulging in the formidable object that lay behind their calzones. Tell me she asked. Ever. .. You screwed? -No, but I want to. Do not believe me? Okay, then I’ll tell you. .. yes, I made. – Good lord! -Said the girl -My father would also fuck-added without hesitation or pay attention to its retraction movement. – Does your father? How terrible! And how do you know? ‘Because my father and I we fuck the girls together. His instrument is greater than mine. -So you say. But is it true that your father and you do these horrible things together? -Yes, it is clear that when presented the opportunity. You should see him fuck. Uyuy! He laughed like an idiot. -You do not look very clever boy, ‘said Bella. ‘My father is not as smart as I am,’ replied the young man laughing more still, to while showing semienhiesta yerga again. Now I know how to fuck, but did it only once. You should see me fuck. What Bella could see was the great instrument of the boy, throbbing and erect. – Who did it, wicked boy? With a girl of f******n. Both fucked up, my father and I were the divide. – Who was the first? Bella asked. -I, and my father surprised me. Then he wanted to do it too and I did hold. I’ve seen fuck … Uyuy! A few minutes after Bella had resumed his way, and arrived home without subsequent adventures.Page 64Page 64 of 107 Chapter IX BEAUTIFUL STORY WHEN THE RESULT OF his interview that afternoon with Mr. Delmont, a muffled giggles of delight escaped the lips of the other two conspirators. He did not speak, however, the rustic lad who had encountered along the way. In that part of their adventures of the day considered entirely unnecessary to inform the wily Father Ambrose or his equally shrewd relative. The plot was evidently about to succeed. The seed as discreetly sown necessarily had to be fruitful, and when the thought of the Father Ambrose delicious entertainment that one day I would be in the person of the beautiful Julia Delmont, is alike cheered his spirit and his a****l passions, basking in advance with the tender delicacies close to being over and the obvious result that occurred a loosening of its membership and that their procedures denounced the deep excitement that had gripped him. Neither Mr. Verbouc remained impassive. Sensual extreme degree, is promised a great entertainment with the charms of the daughter of his neighbor, and the only thought of this treat produced the corresponding effects on your temperament nervous. However, there were some details to fix. Was clear that simple Mr. Delmont would take steps to find out what was true in the Bella assertion that his uncle was willing to sell her virginity. Father Ambrose, whose knowledge of the man had done to conceive such an idea, knew perfectly well who he was dealing. In fact, who, in the holy sacrament of confession, has not revealed the most intimate of his being the pious man who has had the privilege of being his confessor? Ambrose’s father was discreet; kept to the letter ordering him to silence their religion. But he had no qualms rely on the facts of which he was aware this way for their own purposes, and what were they and our readers know these heights. The plan was therefore completed. One day, a mutually agreed upon, Bella invite Julia to spend the day at his uncle’s house, and it was further agreed that Mr. Delmont would be invited to spend a pick on that occasion. After a lapse of innocent flirting by Bella, subject to what I would have explained previously, she would retire, and under the pretext that he had to take some precautions to avoid potential scandal, would you presented in a suitable room, lying on a sofa in which must depend his personal charms. Although head remain carefully hidden behind a curtain run. Thus Mr. Delmont anxious to have the tender place could snatch the coveted jewel that wanted both of their lovely victim, while she, unaware of who might be the aggressor, never could later accuse him of ****, nor ashamed before him. A Delmont had to explained to her all this, and felt sure his consent. A single thing had to block it out: that his own daughter would replace Bella. This does should know until it was too late.Page 65Page 65 of 107 Meanwhile Julia would have to be prepared gradually and secretly what going to happen, not to mention of course the catastrophic end and the person who actually consummate the act. In this regard, Father Ambrose was in his element, and through questions on track and a large number of explanations in the confessional, really unnecessary, had already put the girl in background things I had never dreamed of, all of which would have hastened to Bella explain and confirm. All details were finally agreed at a meeting with board, and consideration of the case in advance aroused such violent appetites in both men they set out to celebrate their good fortune indulging in possession of the lovely young Bella with a passion never achieved until then. The little lady, meanwhile, was also reluctant to lend to fantasies, and as Since in those times was lying on the couch with a hardened soft member in each hand, his emotions rose in intensity, and showed anxious delivered to the vigorous arms I knew were about to reclaim. As usual, Father Ambrose was the first. The turned upside down, making to exhibit his plump buttocks as possible. He stood for a moment rapt in contemplation of the delicious prospect, and small and delicate barely visible slit underneath. His weapon, formidable and well stocked with essence, straightened bravely, threatening both lovely love entries. Mr. Verbouc, as on other occasions, was about to witness the disproportionate assault, with the evident purpose of performing its role then favorite. Father Ambrose leer stared white and rounded promontories before him. Clerical tendencies of his education was invited to the commission of an act of infidelity to the goddess, but knowing what I expected from him his friend and patron, was contained for now. Delays are dangerous, he said. My testicles are full, the beloved c***d should receive your content, and you, my friend, you have to enjoy the abundant I can provide lubrication. This time, at least, Ambrose had said but the truth. His powerful weapon, whose summit appeared the red head flat and wide proportions, and facing the impression of a beautiful fruit in season, stood in front of his belly, and his immense testicles, heavy and round, were overloaded the poisonous liquor that is preparing to download. A thick, opaque drop-un courrier auant jet had of follow-appeared at the blunt tip of his penis when burning lust the satyr approaching his victim. Tilting its massive quickly dart, Ambrose took the large nut of his limb along the tender lips vulva gives Bella, and began to push inside. – Oh, how hard! How great it is! -Bella said. I do damage! Login too fast! Oh, stop!Page 66Page 66 of 107 As Bella had been appealing to the winds. A quick succession of shocks, a few pauses between them, more effort, and Bella was impaled. – Ah! Exclaimed the r****t, turning in triumph to his coadjutor, with twinkly eyes and drooling lips taste lustful. Ah, this is really tasty. How close is and yet it has everything inside. I’m in inside to the testicles! Mr. Verbouc performed a detailed examination. Ambrosio was right. Nothing of their genitals, apart from his big balls, was visible, and these were legs pressed against Bella. Meanwhile Bella felt the heat of the invader in her womb. He could tell how the huge member was inside was discovered and turned to cover, and rush in the act by a fit of lust came profusely, while leaving out a faint cry. Mr. Verbouc was delighted. – Push, push! ‘He said. Now I am happy. Give it all … Push! Ambrose did not need more incentives, and taking Bella for hips buried to the depths at each thrust. The enjoyment came early, it was back to removing the entire penis, except for the tip, to launch then thoroughly and give a low growl while throwing a real deluge of hot fluid inside the delicate body Bella. The girl felt warm and tingly jet fired any v******e in their inside, and once again paid tribute. The big jets flooded intervals vital organs, from the powerful reserves of Father Ambrose, whose unique gift about as we discussed earlier-Bella caused him the most delicious sensations, and raised the maximum pleasure during download. Just Ambrosio had retired when he took his niece Mr. Verbouc, and began a slow enjoyment of their most secret charms. Within twenty well counted minutes elapsed from the time the lecherous uncle started his enjoyment, until she gave complete satisfaction to their lust with a copious discharge, which Bella received with shivers of delight only able to be imagined by a mind sick. ‘I wonder,’ said Mr Verbouc after having recovered his breath, and revive with a big gulp of wine, I wonder why it is that this dear girl inspires me so complete rapture. In your arms I forget myself and the world. Carried away by the intoxication of the moment I am transported to the edge of ecstasy. The uncle observation or reflection, call it what you like-going as part addressed to the good father, and in part was the result of inner spiritual musings surfaced involuntarily converted into words. ‘I could tell you,’ said Ambrosio sententiously. Only maybe not want to follow my reasoning.Page 67Page 67 of 107 ‘Anyway you exponérmelo Verbouc replied. I’m all ears, and I interested to know what is the reason, according to you. -Me reason, or should I say my reasons said Father Ambrose-you become apparent when you meet my hypothesis. After taking a pinch of snuff, which was a habit of his when he was delivered to any important reflection he continued: -The sensual pleasure should always be in proportion to the circumstances means producing it. And this is paradoxical, since the more we enter the the more voluptuous sensuality and our tastes are, the greater is the need to introduce variation in such circumstances. You have to understand well what I mean, and so I will try to explain more clearly. Why must a man commit a ****, when surrounded by women eager to help you use your body? Just because it does not satisfy agree with the opposing party in satisfying their appetites. It is precisely the [Consent high where is the pleasure. There is doubt that at certain times a man of cruel mind that seeks only its satisfaction sensual woman is not to be provided to satisfy their appetites, ****s a woman or a girl, no more so than the immediate satisfaction of desires that crazy; but searches in the annals of such crimes, and find that most of them are designs the result of deliberate, planned and executed under circumstances that involve legal access and easy means of satisfaction. Opposition to the enjoyment projected serves to open sexual appetite, and add features act crime or v******e adding a delight that would not otherwise exist. It’s bad, is prohibited, then it is worth chasing, it becomes an obsession to achieve this. – Why, too, he went a man of vigorous constitution capable of providing satisfaction to an adult female creature just prefer a f******n? He replied that he finds delight in abnormal situation, which provides pleasure to your imagination, and is an exact adaptation to the speaking circumstances. Indeed, the working is, of course, imagination. The law of contrasts operates the same in this case as in all others. The simple difference between the sexes is not enough to sybaritic, you need to add other special contrasts to perfect the idea has conceived. The variants are endless, but they are all governed by the same rule, prefer tall men small women, the handsome, ugly women, the strong selected to tender and weak women, and these, in reverse, robust and vigorous fellow crave. Cupid’s darts incompatibility carry at their tips, and their plumage is that of the most incredible inconsistencies. No one except the lower a****ls, the real gross indulge in intercourse indiscriminately with the opposite sex, and even they sometimes express preferences and desires as irregular as those of men. Who has not seen the behavior unusual for a couple of stray dogs, or not laughed at the plight of the old cow that led the market with his flock, vent their sexual instincts piggybacking on the back of his nearest neighbor?Page 68Page 68 of 107 -In this way your questions answered-ended by saying-and explain your preferences for your niece, your sweet but forbidden playmate whose delicious legs’m stroking right now. When Father Ambrose had finished his dissertation, led a brief look at the pretty girl, which was enough to make your big gun acquired its greatest dimensions. -Come, my forbidden fruit, ‘he said. Let me fuck you, let me enjoy your person satisfaction. That is my greatest pleasure, my ecstasy, my delirious enjoyment. You Semen will flood, you inherit despite the dictates of society. You are mine! Bella glanced at the red and hard member of her confessor, and he observe his gaze fixed on his young body. Aware of his intentions, he prepared to satisfy them. As majestic penis had entered her body frequently throughout his extension, easing pain had already given way to pleasure, and youth and elastic flesh opened for that gigantic column with difficulty just limited to having to make the introduction carefully. The good man paused for a moment to contemplate the good prospect that before him, then stepped forward and parted labia red Bella, and put smooth including acorn that crowned his great weapon. Bella received a thrill of excitement. Ambrosio followed penetrating until, after a few furious thrusts, plunged the entire length of the narrow body member youth who received up to testicles. There followed a series of lunges, of vigorous contortions of part of one, and spasmodic sobs and gasps from the other. If the pious man’s pleasure was intense, that of his young playmate was equally ineffable and hard cock was already well lubricated as a result of the above discharge. Letting out a groan of intense emotion once again achieved the satisfaction of his appetite, and Bella felt the jets scorching semen violently guts. – Oh, how I flooded you both! Bella said. And as he spoke could observed an abundant runoff, from the junction of the thighs, ran down her legs enough to reach the ground. Before either of them could answer the observation, came to the quiet alcove a shouting from outside. which eventually attract the attention of all present, however increasingly weakened more. Arriving at this point I put my readers in a history of one or two things so far, given my travel problems, did not consider the case mention. The fact is that fleas, but agile members of society, can not reach everywhere at once, but can overcome this disadvantage with the deployment a rare agility, uncommon in other insects.Page 69Page 69 of 107 I should have explained, as a novelist, though perhaps more truthfulness, Bella’s aunt, Mrs. Verbouc, which I presented to my readers briefly in the opening chapter of my story, occupied a room in one of the wings of the house, where, as Mrs. Delmont, spent most of the time tasks given to devotees, and completely carefree worldly affairs, and I used to leave it to his niece the management of domestic affairs house. Mr. Verbouc had already reached the state of indifference to the blandishments of his better half, and rarely visited his room, or disturbed his rest in order to exercise his marital rights. Mrs. Verbouc, however, was still young-thirty-two springs had passed on his devoted and pious head was beautiful, and had contributed to her husband a considerable fortune. Despite their pious feelings, Mrs. Verbouc sometimes wanted comfort more earthy arms of her husband. and savored the exercise of true delight their rights in the occasional visits he made to his bedroom. On this occasion Mrs. Verbouc had retired at the early time when used to do, and this digression is essential in order to explain what that follows. Let this friendly lady delivered to the duties of the toilette, that neither even a flea dares defile, and talk of another and no less important character, whose behavior will also need to analyze. It so happened that the father Clement, whose prowess in the field of Goddess love we already had occasion to relate, resented the removal of the young Bella of the Society vestry, and knowing exactly who she was and where she could find, hovered for several days the residence of Mr. Verbouc, to repossess the delicious garment the wily Father Ambrose had retracted their confreres He helped the company in Superior, also complained bitterly that the loss suffered, although he did not suspect the role it had played in the Father Ambrose. That evening the father Clement had posted in the vicinity of the house, and. in search of opportunity, approached the window to peer through it, sure was giving Bella’s room. How vain are, however, human calculations! When the unhappy Clement, to who had been taken from his pleasures, was watching the room without losing detail, the object of his troubles was delivered in another room to the satisfaction of his lust in the arms of its rivals. As the night progressed, and looking all quiet Clemente, managed tiptoe to reach the level of the window. A faint light illuminated the room anxious that the cure could discover a lady delivered the full enjoyment of a dream deep.Page 70Page 70 of 107 No doubt you would be able to win again Bella favors only to to listen to his words, and recalling that represented happiness have enjoyed its charms, the bold rogue sneak opened the window and went into the bedroom. Well wrapped loosely in the monastic habit, and hiding her face under the cowl, slid into bed while his gigantic member. and awake to pleasure that was promised, stood against his hairy belly. Mrs. Verbouc, awakened from a pleasant dream, and unable even to suspect it was another and his faithful husband who so warmly embraced, turned with love toward the intruder, and. nothing reluctantly, willingly opened her thighs to facilitate the attack. Clement, meanwhile, sure it was the girl Bella who had among his arms, more so since no resistance to his touch, hastened the preliminary, climbing as quickly on the legs of lady to take your huge penis vulva lips well moistened. Fully cognizant of the difficulties they expect to find in a girl so young, pushed hard to the inside. There was a movement, gave another push down, he heard a whimper from the lady, and Slowly, but surely, the gigantic mass of hardened flesh was plunging, until he was completely buried. So while, came, Mrs. Verbouc warned for the first time the extraordinary difference that penis was at least double size as that of her husband. A continued doubt certainty. In the gloom lifted his head, and she could see above the excited face of fierce Father Clement. Instantly there was a struggle, a violent uproar, and yana attempt to part of the queen to escape the tight hug with which he held his assailant. But no matter what happened. Clement was in full possession and enjoyment of their person. There was a pause on the contrary, deaf to the cries, sank Member full length, and gave great hurry to consummate its ugly victory. Blind with rage and lust warned not even open the door to the room, or the rain of blows falling on his backside, until, through gritted teeth and the dull roar of a bull, the crisis came, and threw a flood of semen into the womb of his victim reluctantly. Only then woke up to reality and, fearful of the consequences of their outrage, is rose hastily hid his gun wet, and slipped out of bed in the side opposite to that in which his assailant. Dodging his best Mr. Verbouc beats, and maintaining the flights of his tunic over his head, in order to avoid being recognized, ran to the window through which he had entered, to give her a big jump from. Finally got disappear quickly in the dark, followed by the imprecations of enraged husband. Even before we had said that Mrs. Verbouc was invalid, or at least so believed it, and since the reader can imagine the effect on a person’s nerves demure ways insane and had to cause the reproach of. The enormous proportions of man, his strength and his anger had nearly killed him, and lay u*********s on the bed that was mute witness to their violation.Page 71Page 71 of 107 Mr. Verbouc was not endowed by nature with amazing attributes personal value, and when he saw his wife’s assailant stood satisfied with his feat, let it out peacefully. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Bella’s father, who followed the outraged husband from a safe distance from the door ajar witnessed the outcome of the strange scene, As soon as the r****t Bella rose both recognized as Ambrose. The first course had good reason, which will comprise the reader, to remember the Member huge swing that hung between his legs. Mutually interested in secrecy, was quite the exchange of a look to indicate the need to maintain the reserve, and left the chamber before that any movement on the part of the outraged would expose their proximity. It took several days before the poor lady Verbouc is recover and could leave the bed. The nervous shock was terrible, and only conciliatory attitude could give her husband raise its head. Mr. Verbouc had his own reasons for leaving the matter to forget, and not unceremoniously stopped to lighten the weight thereof. The day after the disaster that just described, Mr. Verbouc received visit his dear friend and neighbor, Mr. Delmont, and after having been closeted with him for an hour, split with broad smiles on their lips and most extravagant compliments. One was sold to his niece, the other thought he had bought that beautiful gem called virginity. When night Bella’s uncle announced that the sale had been agreed and that the matter was settled, reigned great rejoicing among the plotters. Ambrose’s father immediately took possession of the alleged virginity, and introducing inside girl full length of his cock, proceeded, in his words, to keep the heat in that home. Mr. Verbouc, which as usual was reserved for action after any completed their confrere. immediately attacked the same wet strength, as he jokingly named, aceitarle simply step to your friend. After finalized until the last detail, and the meeting broke up, trusting everyone the success of his stratagem.Page 72Page 72 of 107 Chapter X SINCE HIS MEETING WITH RUSTIC lad whose simplicity so you was concerned, in the rustic village that driving home, Bella not stopped thinking about the terms in which it was expressed, and the strange confession that the youngster had made on his father’s complicity in sexual acts. It was clear that her lover was so simple it was approaching to idiocy, and, judging by his observation that “my father is not as smart as I” assumed that the defect was congenital. And what she was asking was if the father of the simpleton had-such as declared the boy a member of even greater proportions than the c***d. Given his habit of thinking aloud almost always, I knew perfectly well that Bella did not care about the opinion of his uncle, or father feared him and Ambrose. Clearly some was determined to go their own way, what passeth go through, and therefore I admired least when the next day, at approximately the same time, vi move towards the meadow. In a field very close to the point where they observed the sexual encounter between the horse and mare, Bella found the waiter delivered a simple farm work. Beside he was a tall and remarkably dark, about forty-five years. Around the same time she spotted individuals, the youngster’s warned her, and ran to meet her, after apparently spoke a word of explanation to his companion, showing their joy with a grin of satisfaction. -This is my father said, pointing to who was behind him, come and pélasela. – What impudence is this, rogue! ‘Said Bella more inclined to laugh than to angry. How dare you use such language? – Why did you come? Asked the boy. Was not to fuck? At that time they had reached the point where he was the man, who stuck his spade into the ground, and smiled at the girl as much as I did the boy. He was strong and well formed, and. judging by appearances, Bella was found that if he has the attributes that his son spoke to him in his first interview. -Look at my father, not as I said? -Watched the youngster. You should see it dammit! There was no dissimulation. They understood each other perfectly, and their smiles were more wider than ever. The man seemed to accept the words of the c***d as a compliment, and laid his eyes on the delicate young lady. Probably never been encountered one of its kind, and it was impossible not to notice in your eyes a sensuality that is reflected in the glow of their big black eyes. Bella began to think it would have been better never have gone to that place. ‘I’d like to teach the baton that has my fatherPage 7373, page 107 Said the lad, and, lo and behold, he began to unbutton his pants respectable parent. Bella covered her eyes and started to leave. In the event the c***d is intercepted step, cutting off road access. -I would fuck father cried hoarsely. A Tim also like fuck you, so you should not go. Stay and be fucked. Bella was really scared. -I can not, ‘he said. Really, you should let me go. You can not hold me well. Not arrastréis me. Let go! Where are you taking me? There was a house in a corner of the field and were already at the gates of the same. A second later the couple had pushed inward, closing the door behind them, and then securing it with a wooden bar. Bella looked around, and saw that the place was clean and full of hay bales. Also could tell that it was useless to resist. It would be better to remain still, and perhaps ultimately the couple that would not hurt. He warned, however, the bumps on the fronts of both pants and had not the slightest doubt that his ideas went according to that excitement. -I want to see my father’s yerga and also get to see his balls! And he kept undoing the buttons on the fly of his father. He poked the skirt shirt, with something underneath uniquely bulking. Oh, be still and father whispered the c***d. Let him see Miss your baton. That said lifted his shirt and displayed in view of Bella a member tremendously erect, with a broad head like a plum, very red and thick, but not in size very unusual. Considerably hunched up, and head, divided into the middle by the tightness of the frenulum, leaning much more towards his hairy belly. The weapon was extremely thick, quite crushed and bloated tremendously. She felt the blood tingling in view of that member. The nut was as large as an egg, plump, purple, and gave off a strong odor. The boy made to come closer, and with his white little hand squeezing it. – Did not I say it was more than mine? -Continued the young man. See it, the mine is not even close in size to my father. Bella turned. The boy had opened his pants to leave entirely to the view his formidable penis. He was right: I could not compare in size with the father. The larger of the two grabbed Bella’s waist. Tim also tried to do it, so like putting their hands under their clothes. Entrambos the buffeted from side to another, until a sudden push she fell on the hay. Her skirt flying soon upwards.Page 74Page 74 of 107 Bella’s dress was light and airy, and the girl was not wearing panties. So Suddenly he saw a couple of men his shapely white legs, which give a snort threw both at once on it. There followed a struggle in which the father, more weight and stronger than the boy, took the lead. His pants were down to the heels and big thick fuck navel came very close to Bella. This spread her legs, eager to try it. He ran his hand down and found him hot as fire, and as hard as a iron bar. The man who mistook his purposes, rudely pushed his hand, and handedly placed the tip of his penis on the red lips Bella sex. This opened the more than could their youth members, and the peasant got several lunges host it halfway. At this point he was overwhelmed by the excitement and let out a terrible extremely thick fluid stream. Downloaded violently and, while doing so, is introduced into it until the big head struck her womb, within the which poured some of his semen. You’re killing me! Cried the girl, half suffocated. What is this that spill inside? ‘It’s milk, that’s what it is, observed Tim, who had bent to revel with the contemplation of the spectacle. Did not I say it was good to fuck? Bella thought the man let her go, and that would allow him to get up, but was wrong. The long shaft, which at that time was inserted to the depths of his being, thickened and stiffen much more than before. The farmer began to move forward and backward, pushing mercilessly in Bella’s private parts to each new attack. His joy seemed to be infinite. The download above the member made without difficulty slip movements forward and reverse, and the abruptness of these regions reached soft. Gradually Bella reached an extreme degree of excitement. He parted his mouth, spent his legs over the back of him and clung to them convulsively. This so any movement could encourage him, and delighted to feel the b**sts shaking with the subject sank his hot sexy gun in his gut. For about a quarter of an hour was a battle between the two. Bella had come frequently, and was about to do it again, when a raging waterfall Member semen man came and flooded her womb. The individual arose afterward, and withdrawing his shit, still exuded the last drops of his abundant ejaculation stared thoughtfully gasping body that had just left. His cock still stood menacingly in front of her, still steaming effect sheath heat. Tim, with true filial piety, proceeded to dry it and return it, swollen with excitement yet he was subjected to the fly of his pants father.Page 75Page 75 of 107 Doing so, the young man began to see with eyes of ram at Bella, who was still lying in hay, slowly recovering. Without resistance, it was about her and began to dig with their fingers on the girl’s private parts. This time it was the father who came to the rescue. He took in his hand the weapon of the son and began to peel, moving forward and backward, until it was stiff. Era a formidable mass of flesh that flapped against Bella’s face. – Let the heavens amparen me! I hope you’re not going to introduce it within me – Bella whispered. -Of course, if the boy replied with one of his stupid smiles. Dad me rub and I’m glad, now I’m gonna fuck you. The father was driving at the time the drill to the thighs of the girl. Her vulva, still flooded with ejaculations that the peasant had poured into his Inside, quickly received the red head. Tim pushed, and bending over it introduced the device until their hair brushed Bella’s skin. – Oh, is terribly long! She cried. You got too big, silly boy. Do not be so violent. Oh, you kill me! How to push! You can not go more inside now! Gently, please! Fully inside. I feel it in the waist. Oh, Tim! Boy horrible! -Give it murmured the father, while the testicles and tickled legs. Whole has to fit you, Tim. Is not it a beauty? What a pussy so tight have! Do not you boy? – Ugh! Do not talk, father, so I can not fuck. For a few minutes there was silence. We did not hear more noise than did the two bodies in the struggle under the hay. After the boy stopped. His face jo, though hard as iron, and firm as wax, not a single drop was expelled, the apparently. The extracted completely upright, airy and shiny with moisture. I can not come to me said, sorry. -Is masturbation ‘said the father. He’s doing it so often that now the strange. Bella lay panting and complete exhibition. Then the man put his hand to the yerga Tim, and began to rub vigorously back and forth. The girl waited for every moment that came over his face. After a while of this overstimulation of the son, the father suddenly took Burning head yerga Bella’s vulva, and when introducing a veritable deluge sperm came out, to drown the girl inside. Tim began to twist and to fight, and eventually bite on his arm.Page 76Page 76 of 107 When he had finished this download completely, and the huge member estremerse boy stopped, slowly pulled the youngster what Bella’s body, and this could rise. However, they had no intention of letting her go, because, after opening the door, the boy looked cautiously around, and then reattaching the bar, Bella turned and said: -It was fun, right? He observed, I told him my father was good at this. -Yes, you did, but now you have to let me go. Come on, be good. A grimace as a smile was his only response. Bella looked up at the man and was terrified to see him naked, stripped of all clothing, except his shirt and shoes, and a erection state was feared another assault against their charms, even more terrible than the above. His cock was literally livid effect of stress, and stood up to play his hairy belly. The head had swelled enormously as a result of irritation prior, and its tip dangled a shiny drop. Will you let me fuck you again? Asked the man, while holding on to the young lady by the waist and carried her hand to his instrument. -I do my best Bella murmured. And seeing that he could not any aid, suggested him to sit on the hay for her horse mounted on his knees and try to insert the meat mass brownish. After a few thrusts and kicks the member entered, and began a second battle no less violent than the first. A quarter of full time. To the Apparently, it was the eldest who now could not achieve ejaculation. How bothersome are!, Thought Bella. -Frótamelo, dear, ‘said the man, pulling his cock inside the her body, even harder than before. Bella caught him with his little hands and rubbed it up and down. After a while of this kind of excitement, stopped to watch the huge tube exuded a splash of semen. Just had fitted back inside when a torrent of milk broke into her breast. Rising and falling upon him alternately pumped Bella until he was finished completely, after which they let her go. At last came the day dawned the fateful morning in the beautiful Julia Delmont had to lose the coveted treasure is sought so avidly on the one hand, and as thoughtlessly lost by another.Page 7777, page 107 It was still early when Bella heard his footsteps on the stairs, and not well were together when a thousand pleasant chat topics gave fuel to tina animated conversation, until Julia warned that speaks something Bella reserved. In Indeed, his talk was nothing but a game-face more QUC hiding something that showed reluctant to trust your partner. -I guess I have something to tell me, Bella, something that still will not tell me, though want to. What is. Bella? – Can not you guess? It asked, with a mischievous smile toyed around the dimples that formed near the corners of her red lips. – Is it something related to the Father Ambrose? Julia asked. Oh, I feel so terribly guilty and ashamed when I see him now, though he told me that there was no malice in what he did! -I had not, that’s for sure. But what did he do? – Oh, if I told you! I said a few things .. and then put his arm around my waist and kissed me almost take my breath away. – And then? Bella asked. – What can I say, dear! He said and did many things, until llequé to think that going to lose my mind! Tell me some of them, at least. ‘Well, after kissing me so hard, put his hands under my clothes and played with my feet and my socks .., and then slid his hand above .., until I thought I was going to faint. – Ah, minx! I’m sure that at all times you liked his touch. -Sure. How could it be otherwise? It made me feel what ever ever felt in my life. -Come on, Julia, that was not all. Do not stop there, you know. – Oh, no, of course not! But I can not tell you about what he did next. – Stop being c***dish! Bella exclaimed, pretending to be annoyed by the reluctance of her friend. Why do not you admit it? I guess that can not be helped, but it seemed so outrageous, and it was all so new for me, and yet so without malice … After making me feel like dying a delicious shudder effect caused with his fingers, suddenly took my hand with it and landed on something I had him, and it seemed like the arm of a c***d. Me grab invited closely. I did what you told me, and then I looked down and saw it was something red, pure white skin and blue veins, with a curious tip Round purple, like a plum. Then I realized that the thing out between her legs, and that was covered at the base by a tuft of black hair and curly. Julia hesitated. -Follow-Bella said, encouragingly. ‘Well, kept my hand on it and made the rub over and over again. Was so long, was so stiff and so hot!Page 78Page 78 of 107 There was no hesitation, and was subjected to excitation by the little beauty. -He took my other hand and put them both on that furry object. Me freaked to see his eyes acquired brightness, and her breathing quickened, but he reassured. I called my dear c***d, and, rising, he asked me caress that thing hard on my breasts. I showed it close to my face. – Was it? Bella asked, coaxed. -No, no. Of course, it was everything but I feel so ashamed …! Should I continue? Is it right to disclose these things? Right. After that sheltered monster within me for some time, during which throbbed and pressed me hot and deliciously, asked me to kiss him. I indulged in the act. When I put my lips on it, I felt I exhaled a sensual aroma. At his request I kept kissing him. He asked me to open my lips and rub the tip of the thing between them. Then I noticed moisture on my tongue and moments later a thick stream of warm fluid spilled over my mouth and bathed then my face and my hands. He was still playing with the thing, when the sound of a door opening at the other end of the church forced the good father to hide what I had hoped, because he said the common people must not know what you know, or do what I’ve allowed to do. ” His manner was so gentle and courteous, which made me feel that I was completely different from all other girls. But tell me dear Bella, what were the mysterious news you wanted to communicate? I’m dying to know. -First, I want to know if the good Father Ambrose told you or not of the joys … or pleasures that provides the object with which you were jumping around, and if you explained some of the ways through which such delights can be achieved without sin. -Of course. He said that in certain cases the surrender to them was a merit. I suppose that after marriage, for example. She said nothing about it except that sometimes marriage brings many calamities, and it is sometimes desirable to break the promise marriage. Bella smiled. He remembered hearing something along the same lines of the sensual lips cure. ‘So in what circumstances, he said, would be allowed these joys? -Only when reason is against fair reasons other than those of complacency, and this only happens when a young girl, selected by others for psychic qualities, is dedicated to providing relief to the servers of religion. ‘I see,’ I said Bella. Follow.Page 79Page 79 of 107 -Then made me see how good I was, and what it would be very worthwhile for me exercise of the privilege granted me, and devote myself to the relief of his senses and all of those others whom they forbade marriage vows, or other satisfaction needs means that nature has given to every living thing. But Bella, you you have something to tell me, I’m sure. ‘All right, as I say, I’ll say, I guess there is no choice. Know, then, that the good Father Ambrose decided that the best thing for you would be to You will then begin then, and has taken steps to make this happen today. – Do not tell me! Alas! I will so embarrassed! I am so terribly shy! Oh, no, dear! He has thought of it all. Only a man so pious and considered as our dear confessor could arrange it in the form as it has done. He has arranged things so that you can enjoy good father all your lovely person beauties can offer without you see him, or he sees you. How? Is it in the dark, then? -By no means would preclude give satisfaction to the sense of sight, and miss the great pleasure of seeing the delicious delights in whose possession has on his illusion dear Father Ambrose. -Your flattery make me blush, Bella. But then, what will happen the things? -A full light-Bella said in the tone of a mother who turns to his daughter. Will in a nice room in my house, you lie on a couch right, and your head will be hidden behind a curtain, which will serve as a room door inside, so that only your body, completely naked, is made available to your assailant. – Nude! What a shame! – Ah, Julia. my sweet and tender Julia! Bella muttered at the same time a thrill of ecstasy through her body. Soon you will enjoy great treats! You’ll wake the exquisite pleasures reserved for immortals, and you will well account you’re approaching the period called puberty, whose joys’m sure you already need! – Please, Bella, do not say that! And when at last he went on his companion, whose imagination had already led to carnal dreams imperiously demanding her satisfaction, finish struggle comes spasm, and fire your throbbing much viscous fluid stream maddening. . . Oh! then she will feel the ecstasy, and will present its own offering. – What you mumbling? Bella stood up. I was thinking, ‘said dreamily delight in it than bad you express yourself.Page 80Page 80 of 107 There followed a conversation about trifles, and while it is developed, I found another opportunity to hear dialogue. no less interesting to me, and which, without But I will not give more than an excerpt to my readers. It happened in the library, and the gentlemen were partners and Verbouc Delmont. He had evidently versed, incredible as it may seem, on the delivery of Bella the person of Mr. Delmont, on payment of a certain amount, which later be reversed by the complacent Mr. Verbouc for the benefit of ‘the dear niece Notwithstanding rascal and sensual that the man was, he could not stop bribing of somehow his conscience by the infamous deal agreed. ‘Yes,’ said the complaisant and kind uncle, my niece’s interests are above all, Sir. Not that it is impossible for a marriage in the future, but the small favor I think you are asking is compensated by us – men of the world as we are, you understand, purely as men of world-for the payment of a sum sufficient to compensate for the loss of so frail belonging. At this point let out the laugh, mainly because its obtuse interlocutor could not understand him. At last they came to an agreement, and only stayed for grooming acts preliminary. Mr. Delmont was delighted, leaving his clumsy and stolid indifference when told that the sale was to be made on the spot, and that by therefore had to immediately take possession of the delicious virginity during so long yearned conquer. In the meantime, the good and generous of our dear Father Ambrose to and some time was in the mansion, and was ready the room where scheduled consummation of the sacrifice. At this point, after a breakfast feast way, Mr. Delmont found that there was only one door between him and the victim of his lust. What is not had the faintest idea of ??who was actually going to be his victim. Thought only Bella. Then turned the lock and entered the room, the soft warmth tempered the stimulated sexual instincts were about to take action, What a wonderful vision offered to his eyes entranced! In front of him, leaning on a couch, fully naked, was the body of a young girl. A glance was enough to reveal that she was a beauty, but it would have taken several minutes to describe in detail, after discovering separately each of its delicious parts her shapely limbs, infantile proportions, with few formed breasts two of the most selective and soft white flesh hills, crowned with two pinkish buttons, the blue veins running meandering here and there, which looked at through pearly surface as fluid streams of blood, and that gave prominence to the dazzling whiteness of the skin.Page 81Page 81 of 107 And, oh! also the central point for the men who sigh: the and tight rosy lips to that nature likes solozarse, of which she born and returning: the source! There it was, to the eye, most of tipobet his c***dhood in perfection. Everything was there except .. the head. This important part is to note its absence, and the gentle undulations of the beautiful unspoilt evidenced that she was not disadvantage that was not in view. Mr. Delmont not be amazed at this phenomenon, since it had been prepared for him, and to remain silent. He devoted himself therefore to observe with delight charms that had been prepared for him solace. No sooner had recovered from the surprise and excitement caused by his first sight the naked beauty, began to feel the effects caused by the show in the sexual organs that respond well soon man of his temperament to emotions that normally should cause them. His cock, hard and swollen, highlighted in his fly, and threatened to leave confinement. So I released allowing the gigantic gun that appeared without obstacles, and his red tip had stood in front of his prey. Reader: I’m just a flea, and thus my powers of perception are limited. For this reason I have no ability to describe the slow steps and how cautious that the r****t was enthralled gradually approaching his victim. Feeling safe and enjoy this confidence, Mr. Delmont ran his eyes with his hands around the body. His fingers opened the vulva, which had just a slight hair flourished, while the girl shuddered and writhed to feel the intruder in their most intimate parts to prevent lewd fondling with modesty own circumstances. Then pulled if and placed his warm lips on the lower abdomen and in the tender and sensitive nipples of her youthful breasts. With eager hand grabbed for his bombastic hips, pulling her closer to him spread her white legs and placed in the middle of them. Reader: I just remind you that I am just a flea. But even fleas have feelings, and try to explain what mine were when I saw excited that approach the prominent member of the wet vulva lips of Julia. I closed my eyes. Sexual instincts male flea woke me, and had -if desired, ardently wished it to be in the place of Mr. Delmont. Meanwhile, firmly and without regard, he was given the task killer. Giving a sudden jump tried to delve into unspoilt parts of the young Julia, failed blow. He tried again, and again the failed unit has been stiff and breathless on throbbing womb of his victim. During this trial period could Julia rolling certainly take the screaming plot more or less strong, had it not been for the precautions taken by the corrupting and prudent priest, Father Ambrose.Page 82Page 82 of 107 Julia was d**gged. Delmont once again went on the attack. Hard pushed forward, strengthened their feet on the floor, he was furious, threw foams and … Finally! the elastic and smooth barrier relented, allowing him to enter. Inside, with a triumphant feeling of ecstasy. In so the pleasure of the narrow and wet compression tore his lips sealed a whimper pleasure. Inside, just your weapon, buried to the hairs of his lower abdomen, was installed engruesando throbbing at times in her case, set as a glove. There followed a struggle that no flea would be able to describe. Moans of happiness and feelings of ecstasy escaped her drooling lips. Pushed and bent forward with wild eyes and parted lips, and unable to prevent the quick completion of his libidinous pleasure, this big man gave his soul, and with it a seminal fluid stream, hard shot inside, bathed the womb of his own daughter. Of all witnessed Ambrosio, who hid to witness the lustful drama, as Bella, the other side of the curtain was ready to prevent any spoken communication of his young visitor. This precaution was, however, completely unnecessary, as Julia, enough recovered from the effects of the narcotic to feel the pain, had fainted. Chapter XI AS SOON AS I WAS FINISHING THE FIGHT, and the winner, rising from the girl’s body trembling, began to recover from ecstasy caused by so delicious encounter, word suddenly the curtain, and appeared Bella itself behind it. If suddenly a cannon ball had passed along the astonished Mr. Delmont, not would have caused even half of the dismay he felt when, without full credit in his eyes, staring gaped alternatively the prostrate body of his victim and the appearance of which I thought had to own. Bella, whose lovely “negligee” highlighted to perfection his youthful charms, appeared to be equally astonished, but, pretending to have recovered, stepped back with a perfectly well studied in alarm. – What do … what is all this? Asked Delmont, which prevented him from turmoil even notice that order had not yet on your clothes, and still hanging between her legs the very important instrument that just to satisfy their sexual impulses, still bloated, dripping, fully exposed between her legs. – Heaven! Is it possible that I committed a mistake so awful? Cried Bella, casting furtive glances at what constituted an attractive invitation. -For pity’s sake, tell me what the error is, and who is therePage 8383, page 107 Cried the trembling r****t, pointing as he spoke the naked person lying in front of him. – Oh, retire! Go! Bella shouted, heading rapidly towards dead followed by Mr. Delmont, anxious that the mystery will be explained. Bella walked to an attached toilet, shut the door, securing it well, and let fall on a luxurious couch, so stay in view its charms, at the same while pretending to be so overcome with horror, that he realized the indecency of his position. – Oh! What have I done? What have I done? Sobbed, his face hidden in their hands, apparently distraught. A terrible suspicion passed like lightning through the mind of his companion, who semiahogado panting with emotion, inquired: – Speak! Who was …? Who? -Not my fault. He could not know it was you who had brought for me … and knowing .., I put Julia in my place. Mr. Delmont went back, reeling. A feeling confused yet that something horrible had happened washed over his being, a dizziness clouded his view, then, gradually, was awakening to reality. However, before he could articulate a word, Bella, well-trained on how he had to act-is hastened to prevent him had time to think. – Shhh! She knows nothing. It was a mistake, a terrible mistake, and nothing else. If you are disappointed is my fault, not his. Never crossed my thinking that could be you. I think he added making a cute pout, while still throwing a significant sidelong glance at still protruding member-who was most unkind of them have told me that it was you. Mr. Delmont had before him the beautiful girl. The truth was that, pleasure regardless of any involuntary i****t found, had been frustrated in its original intent, losing something that had paid very good price. Oh, if they found out what I did! Bella murmured, modifying stance slightly to expose a leg to knee. Delmont’s eyes twinkled. In spite him feel calm again, her a****l passions surfaced again. – If they discover! Bella moaned again. While he spoke, he half rose to spend your lovely arms around father cheated neck. Mr. Delmont took her in a firm embrace.Page 84Page 84 of 107 – Oh, God! What’s this? Bella whispered, with a hand that had grabbed the sticky dart his companion, and squeeze and mold amused with its warm hand. The wretched man, sensitive to your touch and all its charms, and hot with again by lust, felt that the best thing that was in store for her but enjoy your youth virginity. -If I have to give Bella said, treat me with tenderness. Oh, what a way to Oh touch me, hence remove that hand! Heavens! What do you do? He had no time for anything but take a look at his red head member, stiffer and more swollen than ever, and a few moments later I was already on it. Bella did not resist, and inflamed by their lust loving Mr. Delmont quickly found the right spot. Taking advantage of their vantage pushed violently with his penis still lubricated into the tender and young girl’s private parts. Bella moaned. Gradually warm the dart was entering deeper and deeper, until it joined their bellies, and he was put to the testicles. Then began a violent and delicious battle, in which Bella played to perfection the role it was assigned, and excited by the new instrument of pleasure, was abandoned in a torrent of delights. Mr. Delmont soon followed his example, and unloaded inside Bella a copious stream of his prolific sperm. For a few moments remained both absent, bathed in the exudation their mutual k**nappings, and panting with the effort until a slight noise they returned the notion of the world. And before they could even attempt a retreat, or an unequivocal change in the position in which they stood, opened the toilet door and appeared, almost simultaneously, three people. These were the father Ambrose, Mr. Verbouc and gracious Julia Delmont. Between the two men held the girl’s body semidesvanecido whose head drooped limply to the side, resting on the shoulder sturdy father while Verbouc, no less favored by the proximity of the girl, holding the this lightweight body with nervous arm, and watched his face with a look of lust unsatisfied, you might just meet the reincarnation of the devil. Both men were in deshabille just decent, and the unfortunate Julia was naked, as, barely a quarter of an hour before, had been violently tainted by his own father. – Shhh! Bella whispered, putting her hand on her loving lips companion. For the love of God, do not blame yourself. They may not know who did this. Submit to confess all before so frightening fact. Would not spare. Abide careful not to disrupt their plans. Mr. Delmont could immediately see how true were the omens of Bella.Page 85Page 85 of 107 – Go, lustful man! Exclaimed the pious Father Ambrose. Behold the state in which we found this poor creature! And laying his paw on the mons hairless young Julia, shamelessly exhibited the other fingers wiping the discharge paternal. – Shocking! -Verbouc said. And if you become pregnant! – Abominable! Cried the Father Ambrose. Since then we have to stop it. Delmont gemiro Meanwhile., Ambrose and his coadjutor introduced his young victim in the room, and began to try and cherish throughout your body, and engage in implementation all lewd acts preceding the delivery unbridled lustful possession. Julia, still under the influence of sedative had been administered, and totally confused by the action of that virtuous couple, just realized the presence of her worthy father. which was still held by whites Bella’s arms, and with his Built-in member yet sweet belly. See how milk runs down her legs! Verbouc exclaimed, introducing his hand nervously between Julia’s thighs. What a shame! -Ha wrung her pretty little feet-observed Ambrosio, lifting one of his shapely legs, with the intention of proceeding to examine his fine boots k**, on which you could see more of a drop of seminal fluid, while with fiery eyes avidly explored pink like that crack was exposed to his gaze. Delmont moaned again. – Oh. God what a beauty! Verbouc shouted, slapping her round buttocks. Ambrose necessary to prevent any possible consequence of an event as unusual. Only the issuance of a vigorous man can remedy a similar situation. -Yes, it is true, we must administer it murmured Ambrose, whose state of excitement during this interval may be better imagined than described. His cassock clearly stood at the front, and all his actions betrayed his violent emotions. Ambrosio took off his cassock and released his huge member, whose ruddy and swollen head seemed to threaten the heavens. Julia, terribly frightened, started a movement to escape weak as Mr. Verbouc, joyful, he held displaying it in its entirety. Julia looked a second time terribly erect member of his confessor, and. guessing their intentions because of the initiation experience he had just spend almost panic faded.Page 8686 page 107 Ambrose, as if trying to offend the feelings of both, father and daughter left totally exposed his genitals tremendous, and waved the giant penis their faces. Delmont in terror, and feeling in the hands of the two conspirators, held his breath and took refuge behind Bella, which fully satisfied by the success of the plot, began to advise him not to do anything and allowed them to do his will. Verbouc, who had been teasing with your fingers the wet private parts little Julia, the girl gave the furious lust of his friend, preparing to enjoy their favorite pastime contemplate the violation. The priest, beside himself because of the lust that filled him, took off his clothes more intimate clothing, without thereby losing its rigidity member during operation and proceeded to the delicious task ahead, “the end is mine.” murmur. Ambrose immediately seized his prey, wrapped his arms around his body, and lifted her to carry the trembling girl to the couch next and pounce on his naked body. And gave body and soul to be satisfied. His monstrous weapon, tough as nails, played and pink pussy, which, although it had been lubricated by the Mr. Delmont semen was not a convenient cover for the giant penis that now threatened. Ambrose continued his efforts, and Mr. Delmont could only watch while lz cure figure writhing on the body of his daughter, an undulating mass of black and silky. With enough experience to be hampered for a long time, Ambrose was gaining ground, and was also self-possessed enough to avoid being dragged too soon for the pleasure overcame all opposition, and a piercing scream of Julia announced ram immense penetration. Scream after scream were happening until Ambrose finally buried firmly inside the girl, said she could not go deeper, and began the delicious pumping movements which were to put an end to his pleasure, while torture of his victim. Meanwhile Verbouc, whose lust was awakened violently in view of the scene between Mr. Delmont and her daughter, and that he subsequently staged foolish man and his niece, ran to Bella and her away from the hug that had his unhappy friend, I immediately opened legs, he glanced at his hole, and push one plunged his penis into her body, to enjoy the most intense emotions in a well lubricated vulva and the abundance of sperm he had received. Both couples, were then delivered to your delusional copulation in a silence disturbed only by the groans of the semi Julia, the rattle of the Ambrosio barbarian breathing, and the moans and sobs of Mr. Verbouc. The race was fast and delicious. Ambrose, who had entered by force in the narrow slit of the girl his gigantic penis, even murders of black hairs curly covering its root, was livid with lust. Pushed. impelled and lunged with strength of a bull, and had it not been because finally the favored nature taking its Ecstasy to completion, would have succumbed to the effects of such tremendous excitement, forPage 8787 page 107 fall prey to an attack that probably would have prevented forever repetition of such a scene. A loud cry escaped Ambrosio throat. Verbouc knew what it represented: it was coming. His ecstasy served to hasten to the other partner, and lust howl filled the area as the two monsters flooded their victims seminal fluid. But I took one, but were accurate three shocks of the prolific essence of the priest in the matrix of the tender young, that to subside the fever of desire that had gripped him. To simply say that Ambrose had downloaded, would not give a true picture of the facts. What he really did was throw true semen spurts inside Julia, in thick and strong jets, while he kept throwing moans of ecstasy every time one of those slimy injections ran along its enormous urethra, and streams flowed inside the dilated vessel. It was some minutes Before it was over, and leave his bloody brutal cure and torn victim. At the same time Mr. Verbouc left exposed and open thighs vulva smeared his niece, which lay still in the sleepy trance following the intense delight, Carefree thick exudation, drop by drop, would form a puddle on the floor between his legs encased in silk. – Ah, what a treat! Verbouc exclaimed. After all, you will find delight in the line of duty, is not it, Delmont? And turning to the desired subject, he continued: -If the Father Ambrose and I had not mixed our humble offerings with the prolific essence advantage apparently you as well, no one would mess would have predicted what happened. Oh, yeah, there’s nothing like doing things properly, is not it, Delmont? I do not know, I feel sick, I’m like a dream, without thereby be insensitive to feelings that cause me a renewed delight. I can not doubt his friendship .., you know secrecy. I enjoyed very much, and yet still excited. I can not say what I want. What will my friends? Ambrose’s father approached, and placing his paw on the shoulder of the poor man, gave him breath a few comforting words whispered in tone. As a flea that I am, I can not afford the freedom to mention what were these words, but had the effect of dissipating clouds soon horror obscured the life of Mr. Delmont. He sat down, and gradually recovered its calm. Julia also recovered and took a seat next to the burly priest, the other side had Bella. Long ago, both girls felt more or less comfortable. The holy man spoke to them as a kind father, and got Mr. Delmont abandon his introverted, and that this honorable man, after a copious libation wine, eat-zara also to feel at ease in the environment in which it was,Page 88Page 88 of 107 Soon the fumes of wine surtieron invigorating effect on Mr. Delmont started throwing eager glances towards his daughter. His excitement was evident and manifested in bulk which warned balo their clothes. Ambrose realized his desire and encouraged. He brought with Julia. which still naked, had no way to hide her charms. Her father looked at her with eyes that predominant lust. A second time would not be so sinful, he thought. Ambrose nodded encouragingly, as Bella unbuttoned his pants to grab his stiff penis, and squeeze gently between your hands. Mr. Delmont understood the position, and a few moments later he was over his daughter. Bella led the Member i****tuous sex red lips of Julia, and after a pushing again the semienloquecido father had completely penetrated inside the body of his cute daughter. The ensuing struggle was intensified by the circumstances of that awful connection. After a brutal and fast gallop Mr. Delmont downloaded, and her daughter received in the depths of his youthful emissions parent to blame his father denatured. Father Ambrose, who prevailed in the sexual instinct, had no weakness, that was to preach. He did it for about an hour, not so much on religious subjects, but referring to other more mundane, and certainly not usually sanctioned by the Holy Mother Church. This time I gave a speech that was impossible to follow, so I decided to lie down to sleep in the armpit of Bella. I do not know how long it would have lasted her dissertation, but as at that point the gentle Bella took possession of its huge flap between his hands and began to cosquillearlo, the good man was forced to pause, justified by the feelings aroused by it, Verbouc, meanwhile, will be remembered that all he desired was a pussy well lubricated, only cared about how good they were delicious oiled parts intimate of the newly won to the cause, Julia. In addition, the father’s presence contributed to increase appetite, rather than an impediment to these two refrain from lustful men enjoy the charms of her daughter. And Bella, who drain still felt his warm semen vulva, was dam battles longings earlier had failed to pacify the whole. Verbouc again began to address the charms of Julia c***d by applying lewd pat, shamelessly passing his hands over the rounded of her buttocks, and occasionally sliding his fingers between the hills. Father Ambrose, not less active, had spent his arm around the waist of Bella, and bringing him his naked body cute deposited in their hot lips kisses. As both men were given to these romps, desire communicated in their weapons, reddened and swollen as a result of previous skirmishes, and firmly raised with the menacing eye on the young creatures who were in his possession.Page 8989 page 107 Ambrose, whose lust never required large incentives TAKING soon Bella. This was allowed to be lying on the couch he had already witnessed two meetings above, where nothing reluctant, followed by contrast stimulating naked flaming fuck. to allow then inserted between her thighs, favoring disproportionate attack as much as he could, to bury completely in her wet slit the terrible instrument. The show got aroused such feelings of Mr. Delmont, who became clearly not because of more stimulus needed to try one seconds after coup that the priest had finished his assault. Mr. Verbouc, which for a while was throwing lascivious glances at the daughter of Mr. Delmont, was also able to enjoy once again. He reflected that repeated violations she had experienced from her father and priest would have left her ready for the kind of work he liked to perform, and realized, both by sight and by touch, that their private parts were lubricated enough to satisfy their cravings highest due to violent shock they had received. Verbouc glanced toward the priest, who at that time was enjoy entertaining his niece, and going after the beautiful Julia placed on a couch in ideal position to sink to his rigid testes in the her delicate body, which succeeded, though with considerable difficulty. This new and intense enjoyment Verbouc carried to the edges of the disposition; pressing against the tight pussy of the young, fit him like a glove, is trembled with joy from head to toe. – Oh, this is heaven itself! He muttered, as he buried his qran member until testes glued to the base. – God, what a tight! What lubricious delight! And another strong attack tore a moan to poor Julia. Meanwhile Father Ambrose, his eyes half closed, lips parted and the nostrils dilated, did not cease to fight against the beautiful private parts of the young Bella, whose sexual satisfaction denounced her cries of pleasure. – Oh, God! P. .. is too large … your huge huge thing! Woe me, I get to the waist! Oh! Oh! It too, not so hard, dear father! How empujáis! I kill! Gently .., slow down. . . I feel your great balls against my buttocks. – Stop for a moment! Cried Ambrosio, whose pleasure was already overwhelming, and whose milk was about to vertirse. Let us pause. Do we change partner, friend mine? I think the idea is appealing. – No, oh, no! I can not anymore! I have to follow. This beautiful creature is the delight in person. -Be still, my dear Bella, or do I come. Not oppress my weapon so ravishingly.Page 90Page 90 of 107 -I can not help it, I kill for pleasure. Go on, go on, but gently. Oh, not so abruptly! Do not push so brutally. Gosh, will cum! His eyes are closed, his lips open … God! I’re killing me with that huge thing descuartizáis. Ah! Oh! Come along, then! Come along dear .., father … Ambrosio. Give me your fiery milk … Oh! Pushing force now! Stronger .. plus .., kill me if you wish! Bella spent her white arms around his neck tan, opened as much as could their soft and beautiful thighs, and fully engulfed the enormous instrument to confuse and rub your hair with your pubic mound. Ambrose felt he was about to launch a major issue directly vital organs of the creature beneath him. – Pushing force, push now! Bella cried, forgetting all sense of modesty, and throwing his own discharge between spasms of pleasure. Pushing force … pushing force … stick it deep inside …! Oh yeah that! My God, what size, what length! I’re splitting in two, gross mine. Oh, oh! We’re coming. . . sorry …! God ….. . what milk! iOh, what jets! Ambrosio downloaded furiously as the stallion that was rammed with all forces the warm belly beneath him. At last he rose reluctantly off Bella, which, free from their claws, are turned to see the other couple. His uncle was managing a rapid series of short lunges to his girlfriend, and he was obviously close to ecstasy. Julia, meanwhile, whose recent **** and terrible treatment he received after a Ambrosio gross hands hurt and enervated had not experienced the lowest taste, but left to do, as an inert mass in the arms of his assailant. When at last, after a few more pushes, Verbouc fell forward at the time to make her voluptuous download, the only thing she realized was that something hot was injected inside force without feeling experienced more than the languor and fatigue. Followed another pause after the third insult, during which Mr. Delmont was slumped in a corner, and apparently fell asleep. Then began a series erotic activities. Ambrose leaned back on the couch, and made Bella kneel on it in order to apply his lips on her wet pussy, to fill kisses and touches of lewd and depraved as imaginable. Mr. Verbouc, not wanting to be outdone by his teammate, so toyed equally libidinous with the innocent Julia. Then he lay on the sofa, and lavished all kinds of pats to his charms, not hiding his admiration for his mons hairless, and the red lips of her young pussy.Page 91Page 91 of 107 They soon wishes be evidenced by two rigid straightening members, again like eager and ecstatic pleasures so selected as enjoyed above. However, at that time implemented a new program. Ambrosio was the first to propose it. -We have already had enough of their pussies crudely said, turning to Verbouc, who was playing with Bella’s nipples. Now let’s see what they are made their asses. This lovely creature would bite worthy of the Pope himself, and Bella has velvet buttocks and an ass worthy of an emperor who come within it. The idea was accepted immediately, and proceeded to reassure victims to carry it out. It was monstrous. and it seemed impossible that it can be consummated, given of the imbalance. The huge member of cure was pointing to the small Julia rear hole, while Verbouc threatened his niece in the same direction. A quarter of an hour was consumed in preparations, and after a dreadful lust and debauchery scene, both girls were in her womb the warm jets of the ungodly downloads. Finally succeeded calm the violent emotions that had taken hold in the monstrous actors scene, and attention was again in Mr. Delmont. That worthy citizen, as I said earlier, had retired to a corner paragraph, apparently being overcome by sleep, or drunk with wine, or perhaps both. She is very quiet-Verbouc observed. -An evil conscience is bad company said Father Ambrose, his attention focused on washing your oscillating tool. -Come on, man, did your turn. Here’s a gift for you, he went Verbouc, while showing in all its glory, to give the proper environment his words, the most intimate charms almost insensitive Julia. Arise enjoy them. But, what about this man? Heavens, that … What is this? Verbouc stepped back. Ambrose’s father leaned over the unfortunate Delmont to sound his heart. -He’s dead, he said quietly. Indeed, had died.Page 9292 page 107 Chapter XII SUDDEN DEATH IS A COMMON OCCURRENCE, especially the cases of people whose backgrounds have made to assume the existence of a functional disorder, surprise so soon gives way to the usual testimonies of sympathy, and then to a state of resignation to an event that no wonder. The transition can be expressed as follows: – Who would believe it? – Is it possible? -I always suspected. – Poor fellow! ‘No one should be surprised. This interesting formula was properly applied when the unhappy Mr. Delmont paid tribute to Mother Earth, as the common phrase. A fortnight after the unfortunate gentleman had left this life, all chords were friends that had long since been discovered symptoms more sooner or later have to be fatal. Almost took pride in their insight, although inscrutable reverently admitted the providence. As for me, my life was pretty much as usual, except that I figured that Julia’s legs should have a slight taste spicier than Bella, and consequently bled regularly for my sustenance, morning and evening. Nothing more natural than Julia spent most of his time with his beloved friend Bella, and the sensuous Father Ambrose and his protector, the lecherous relative of my dear Bella, try to find the time to repeat the above experiences with the young girl docile. I can attest that it was so good, since my nights were most unpleasant and uncomfortable, always exposed to my sleep interruptions by long hairy incursions members through the intricacies of the English in which I had I refugee temporarily and see me always in danger of entrained by the horribly sticky thick streams of a****l semen. In short, the young and impressionable Julia was completely ahormada, and Ambrose and his friend enjoyed owning it at home. They had reached their targets. What cared about their sacrifices? Meanwhile, other and very different were the thoughts of Bella, which I had left. But eventually, feeling somewhat disgusted by the Too often they give me to the new diet, I decided to leave the stockings of the beautiful Julia, and return-tempering to mon mouton, as the French say, to the sweet and feeding the salacious succulent Bella. So I did, and you resultat voici: One night Bella went to bed rather earlier than usual. The father Ambrosio was absent for having been sent on a mission to a secluded parish, and hisPage 9393 page 107 complacent dear uncle suffered a severe attack of gout, a condition that in the late relatively frequently afflicted him. The girl had already arranged her hair for the night, and had also devoid of some of her clothes. He was taking off his shirt at night, which had to go through the head, and in the course of this operation inadvertently dropped his pants, revealing, in the mirror, the beautiful bulges and exquisite smoothness and transparency of the skin of her buttocks. Such beauty had inflamed to a hermit, but alas! in that no far no sight ascetic enardecerse susceptible. As for me, very nearly to bankrupt me the longest of my antennas, and I torciera my right leg in their contortions to extract the garment over her head. At this point I should explain that since the Father Clement had astute been deprived of enjoying the charms of Bella, renewed the bestial and nothing pious oath which, though it be a surprise, would seize the fort again once already had been his. The memory of his happiness brought tears to her sensual eyes, while that, on reflection, he distended his enormous member. Clemente made the terrible oath that jodería Bella in natural state and brutal in his own words, and I, who am but a flea, I heard and understood its scope. The night was dark and raining. Ambrosio was absent and sick Verbouc helpless. Bella was forced to be alone. All these circumstances were known While Clemente, and acted accordingly. Encouraged by their recent experiences on the geography of the neighborhood, went straight to the bedroom window of Bella, and having found as expected, without running the latch and. therefore open, entered peacefully and scrambled to get under the bed. From this point of view Clemente’s throbbing pulse stared toilette beautiful Bella, until it began to take off his shirt in the manner and I described. Clemente could then enjoy the view of the girl in all her splendid nakedness and choked bellowed like a bull. In the recumbent position in which he found had no difficulty in seeing waist down all of her body and her eyes in contemplation solazaban twin globes were her buttocks, opening and closing as the Girl twisting her lithe body in the effort to pass the shirt over his head. Clemente could not take more time, his desire reached the boiling point, and quietly but promptly slid out of hiding to win in front of her, without waste of time embraced the nude body with one hand, while placing the another on her red lips. Bella’s first impulse was to scream, but she was female this resource forbidden. His second idea was faint, and is why we have chosen not to have mediated certain circumstances. This circumstance was the fact that while the boldPage 9494 page 107 assailant kept securely fastened beside him, something hard, long, hot pressing of insistently between her soft buttocks, and lay throbbing separation between them and along its back. At this critical moment Bella’s eyes encountered the image of it in the dresser mirror and recognized behind the ugly face bloated sexy priest, crowned by a circle of unruly red hair. Bella understood the situation in the blink of an eye. By now almost a week that had fallen from the embraces of Ambrose and his uncle, and this fact had much to see, of course, in what followed. What he did from that moment was pure dissimulation of the lewd girl. He dropped gently back on the strong father figure of Clement, and believing this happy individual who actually fainted while withdrawing the hand with which he closed his mouth used both arms to hold. The irresistible beauty of the person holding his arms took the excitement Clement almost to madness. Bella was practically naked, and he slid his polished hands over his skin, while his immense weapon, rigid and distended effect impatience, pounded vigorously on contact with the beautiful I had embraced. Trembling, Clemente brought his face to hers, and printed a long luscious sweet kiss on her lips. Bella shuddered and opened his eyes. Clement renewed his caresses. – Oh! Languidly exclaimed. How dare you come here? Please Let go on the spot! It is shameful! Clemente smiled smugly. He had always been ugly, but at that moment was truly odious by his terrible lust. -So she said. It’s a shame thus treat a girl so pretty, But so delicious, my darling! Bella sighed. More kisses and hands sliding over his naked body. A large hand and crude fell on her mons, and a daring finger, separating the wet lips, was introduced inside the warm slit to touch the sensitive clitoris. Bella closed her eyes and let out another sigh, at the same time that this sensitive body began to relax turn. For my young friend was in no way one a tiny organ, and that because of lewd massage Clemente rose ugly, is stiffened and leaned lips starting almost alone. Bella was on fire, and the glow of desire peered into his eyes. Had infected, and a glance at her seducer could see the terrible look of lust portrayed in her face as she played with her secret charms. The trembling girl stirring, a burning desire for pleasure of intercourse possession of it, and unable to control their desires longer, quickly took itsPage 9595 page 107 right hand back to grab the huge weapon that threatened her buttocks, but not could do it in all its magnitude. Were found in both eyes, the lust burning in them. Bella smiled, Clement repeated his sensual kiss and introduced in her mouth his restless tongue. The girl did not took to second his lewd caresses, and left the field open to both their restless hands and their warm kisses. Slowly pulled a chair, in which sat Bella eager anticipation of what the priest wanted to do next. Clement stood before her. His black silk robe, reaching to heels, stood prominently on the front, his cheeks red hot by the v******e of his desires, were only rival in his fiery lips, and his breath was stirred in anticipation of ecstasy. He knew he had nothing to fear and much to enjoy. -This is too Bella murmured, gone! ‘Impossible, after having taken the trouble to enter. -But you can be discovered, and then my reputation will be ruined. -Not likely. You know you’re all alone, and that there is any chance of being disturbed. Besides, you’re so delicious, my little girl, as fresh, so young and so beautiful that. .. not remove the leg, just put my hand on your smooth thigh. The fact is I want to fuck you, dear. Bella could see the huge bulge he straightened more. – What are obscene! What words empleáis! – Do you think so, my darling little girl? Clemente said, taking back the sensitive clit between his thumb and index finger to massage it properly. I born for the pleasure of feeling this pussy gaping cunningly trying to dodge my touches. – Give Shame! Bella exclaimed, laughing, however, reluctantly. Clemente approached to bow to her and take her pretty face in his hands. By doing so, Bella could see that the cassock, almost lifted by the strength of the communicated to the member wishes of the father, he was a few inches to the chest of her so she could feel the beats that made black silk garment rise and fall alternately. The temptation was irresistible, and eventually pass beneath her delicate little hand the clothes of the priest and upload above enough to grab a furry mass the hanging two balls as big as chicken eggs. – Oh, God! How very huge! Murmured the girl. -All full of beautiful thick milk Clemente sighed, toying with two cute breasts so close to him. Bella sat better, and again caught with both hands hard and stiff trunk the huge penis.Page 9696 page 107 – How awful! This is a monster! Exclaimed the lewd girl. Really that is great! What size yours! -Yes, is not it a good fuck? -Observed Clemente, advancing and raising his cassock to better show the gigantic member. Bella could not resist the temptation, and raising even more clothes the priest left the penis in complete freedom and exposed throughout its length. Fleas do not know much of measures of space and time, and therefore does not I can give you the exact dimensions of the weapon it was in those girl moments our eyes. It was, however, of gigantic proportions. He had a large head red roma and emerging at the end of a long trunk brownish. The hole, which was at its peak, which is usually so small, it was in the If we consider a real crack wet with seminal fluid accumulated there. To all along that trunk thick blue veins running, and at the foot of the same growing a real tangle of shaggy red hair. Two large testicles hanging below. – Heaven! Holy Mother! Bella murmured, closing his eyes while giving them a slight squeeze. The wide, blunt head, swollen and reddened by exquisite tingling effect girl, was at that time totally naked, and emerged stiff, free of skin folds backwards Bella restiraba the large white column. She joyful fiddling with your purchase, and increasingly retreating behind the velvet skin the object he had in his hands. Clemente sighed. – What a delightful creature you are! She said, looking at her with eyes flashing. I have to fuck right away or throw it all about you. – No, you must not waste a drop! Bella exclaimed. You should be very urged to want enough to come along so soon. I can not help. Please be still a moment I will come. – What a great thing! How much milk will? Clemente stopped and whispered in her ear something I could not hear. – Truly delicious, but it’s amazing! -It is true, give me a chance to prove it. I look forward to it, cutie. Look at it! I have to fuck! Placing brandished his monstrous penis against her. Then he leaned down, then release it suddenly. He jumped up like a spring, and in doing so spontaneously discovered, giving way to red walnut, exuding a drop of semen the urethra.Page 9797 page 107 All this happened about Bella’s face, he felt a sensuous whiff emanating member, who came to increase the disorder of his senses. He continued to play with the penis, and stroking. -Enough, I beg you, dear, or waste it all in the air. Bella was still a few seconds, but grasped the full force of his hand to Clement fuck. Meanwhile he was amused in shape with one of his hands breasts juveniles girl, while the fingers of the other in its entirety ran her wet pussy. The mad romp. Her clit swelled and became hot, accelerated breathing, and the flames of desire ignited her cute face. The nut increasingly hardened: shining and as ripe fruit. Watching sneak belly ugly naked man, full of red hair, and brownish thighs, hairy like a monkey, Bella became crimson of lust. The big penis, each increasingly thick and threatening skies caused in being the most indescribable emotions. Greatly excited, his arms linked with the strong body of the great raw and covered with sensual kisses. His own ugliness increased his libidinous feelings. -No, you must not waste it, not let it squander . After stopping for a moment with a peculiar accent moaned with pleasure, and complacent head down her rosy lips opened immediately for most could the prurient delicacy. – Oh, what a treat! How cosquilleas! What … what pleasure you give me! -Do not allow waste it: drink every last drop whispered Bella aside for a moment his head gleaming walnut. Then lowering it again, placed her lips, projected forward over the large head, and opening gently received including wide urethra orifice. – Holy Mother cried Clemente. This is heaven! How am I going to come to me! God, I lick and suck! Bella applied his sharp tongue to the hole, and gave all his lengüetazas contours. What well know! You have to give me one or two drops still more. I can not go, I can not the priest murmured, pushing forward while his fingers tickling the clitoris hardened Bella, since the your fingertips. After Bella took back between his lips the head of that great yerga, more could not get the nut into his mouth full, so monstrously width was.Page 9898 page 107 Licking and sucking, sliding movements with slow, delicious skin red and tender around the back of the tremendous yerga, Bella was causing some results she knew they would not delay long in coming. – Oh, holy mother! Almost I’m coming! I feel.,. Oh. sucks now! You will receive! Clement raised his arms in the air, his head fell backwards, spread her legs, is hands twitched convulsively, his eyes went blank, and Bella felt a strong spasm ran the monstrous penis. Moments later he was almost knocked back by the continuous jet as hurled a torrent of cure genital and throat trickled down. But all his desires and efforts, the greedy girl could not prevent a jet escaping from the corner of his lips when Clement, beside himself with effect pleasure pushed forward with successive shocks, with each of which sent to her throat a new stream of milk. Bella resisted all shoving, and remained gripped the weapon from which flowed those spurts, till the whole was finished. – How much did you say? She muttered. A full cup of tea? There were two. – Adorable c***d! Clemente cried when he could finally catch her breath. What a divine pleasure you gave me! Now my turn, and you have to afford examine all these little things about you that I adore. – Oh, how delicious it was! I almost drowned, ‘said Bella. How sticky was! My God, how much! -Yes, cuteness. I promised you all, and turned me so that insurance received a good deal. Flowed in torrents. ‘Yes, indeed it was. -Now you will see how good I lick you, and how delicious. mind’ll fuck you later. Joining the action to the word, the sexy priest was placed between the thighs of Bella, white as milk, and advancing his face towards them introduced his tongue between red lips crack. After moving it around the hardened clitoris, gave with a tickle so exquisite, that she could hardly contain her screams. – Oh, God! I suck the life! Oh …! I’m … I will come to me! Me. I come! And with a sudden forward movement toward the active language, Bella came abundantly in the face of Clement, which he received as he could within their mouth, with epicurean delight. After the priest lifted. His huge penis, which had just softened, is tension was again virile, and emerged before him in a state of dreadful erection. Literally snorting with lust at the sight of the beautiful and well-disposed girl.Page 99Page 99 of 107 -Now I have to fuck you, ‘he said while pushing her towards the bed. I have to have you and give you a taste of this yerga in your little body. Ah, fucking you I will give! Quickly shedding his robe and underwear, the big brute, whose body was covered with hair and skin as dark as a mulatto, took the frail body of the beautiful Bella in his muscular arms and laid it gently on the bed. Clement looked for a moment his body stretched and throbbing, half the effect of desire and half in terror that caused the onslaught. Then smugly watched his tremendous penis erect with lust, and climbing Presto threw herself on her bed and pulled the bedclothes. Bella, half drowned beneath the great gross hairy, felt the stiff cock between her legs, and lowered his hand to tempt you again. – Heavens, what size! I never fit! -Yes, of course if: we have all come to the testicles, only you have to cooperate to not hurt you. Bella was spared the trouble of answering, because then penetrated anxious language in her mouth until almost suffocate. Then he realized that the priest had risen slowly and that hot head of his gigantic cock was trying to break through the wet lips of her pink slit. I can not proceed with the detailed account of the preliminaries. It díez took minutes, but at the end of which the clumsy Clement was buried up to the testes in the beautiful body of the girl, who, with her soft legs bound on the Tan back priest, receiving the caresses of this that basked upon his victim, and was beginning to lewd movements that were to lead him to get rid of his burning fluid. Ten inches at least had muscle hardening depth the private parts of the girl, and throbbed inside of them, at the same time a shaggy mop of hair rubbed the delicate mountain of unhappy Bella. – Oh, God! How you hurt me! She complained. -Heaven! I’re butchering! Clement started a movement. – I can not stand! It really is too big! Oh! Get him out! Ay, do lunges! Clemente mercilessly pushed two or three times. -Wait a minute, little devil, only until you choke on my milk. Oh, how close you are! Looks like you’re sipping yerga! Finally! now inside, and is all had.Page 100Page 100 of 107 – Mercy, please! Clemente rammed hard and fast push after push while spinning and writhed on the girl’s body dock, and suffered a real attack lust. His huge penis threatened to break from the intensity of his pleasure and maddening delight of the moment. -Now I’m finally fucking. – Jodedme! Bella muttered, opening up even more of your legs, as the intensity of the sensations came posesionando of person. Jodedme well! More hard! And with a deep groan of pleasure flooded his brutal r****t with copious descarqa, at the same time throwing themselves forward for a formidable onslaught of man. Bella’s legs flexed spasmodically when Clement was launched between them, inserting and removing continued his long and ardent member between them, with lustful movements. Some sighs mixed with tight kisses lips lewd invader of pasture groans and rapid vibrations of bed frame, denounced all the excitement of the scene. Clemente did not need incentives. The companion complacent ejaculation will had provided the average wet she wanted, and took advantage of it to start a series of movements in and out causing Bella much pleasure as pain. The girl seconded him with all his might. Completely stuffed, sighed deep and shuddered under his firm thrusts. Her breathing became a gasp, closed her eyes for effect-brutal pleasure she experienced in an almost spasm uninterrupted broadcast. The backside of his rude lover opened and closed at each new effort to strike lunges toward the body of the cute c***d. After much struggle paused. – I can not take it anymore, I’m going to come. Take my milk, Bella. You will receive torrents of it, sweetie. Bella. Knew. All their monstrous veins were swollen face his jo maximum tension. It was unbearably large. It seemed the giant member an ass. Clemente began to move again. From his lips fell saliva. With a feeling of ecstasy, Bella seminal expected current. Clement struck one or two putts, but profound, and groaned stiffened, shuddering only slightly from head to toe, and then left its yerga tremendous spurt of cum that flooded the girl’s womb. The big brute buried his head in the pillows, made a last effort to go deeper into it, resting with feet at the foot of the bed. – Oh, the milk! Bella shrieked. I feel! What a rush! Oh, Give it to me! Father Holy, what a pleasure!Page 101Page 101 of 107 There it is! Take it! Cried the priest while after the first jet thrown in within it, again lunged wildly inward with each thrust sending a new stream of warm milk. Oh, what a pleasure! Although Bella had anticipated the worst, had no idea of ??the immense amount of semen that the man was able to issue. The thick cast out into spurts they would crash into the same array. – Oh, I’m coming again! And Bella semidesfallecida sank under the robust man, while his burning followed by flooding with fluid viscous jets. Other five times that night, Bella received the contents of the large Clemente testicles, and had it not been for the glory of the day I realized it was time he left, had started again. When the wily Clemente left the house and hurried them off to his humble cell, dawn and was forced to admit that he had filled his belly with satisfaction, in the same way that Bella saw milk flooded his bowels. And luck had the girl of his two guards were disabled, because otherwise they would have discovered, for the sorry state they were in their youth private parts, that an intruder had crossed the threshold of the same. Youth is elastic, the whole world knows. And Bella was very young and very elastic. If you had seen the huge machine of Clemente, it would have asserted me Its natural elasticity admit not only allowed the introduction of that ram, but also help but feel the slightest discomfort after a couple of days. Three days after this episode interesting Ambrosio returned the father. One of first concerns was to find Bella. Upon finding invited to enter a boudoir. – Sail! He shouted, showing his instrument, inflamed and present attitude weapons. I have not had any distractions for a week, and my yerga is hot, dear Bella. Two minutes later, Bella’s head lay on the table the department while collecting the clothes on his back, exposed her perky buttocks, the lascivious priest hit with his long shaft vigorously after solazado having sight in the contemplation of his plump buttocks. After another minute and his tool was introduced in the pussy from behind, just crush against the black rump hair curly base. After only a few lunges gushing milk threw up her waist. The good father was too excited by the long abstinence with only this rigidity lost his member, he withdrew himself an instrument that stallion, still slippery and steamy, to take the small hole between the couple of delicious buttocks of her friend. Bella helped him and, given how well oiled as it was,Page 102Page 102 of 107 slid inside, not by giving gifts to the girl with another tremendous prolific doses from their testicles. Bella felt the burning download, and received projected the warm milk willingly against his gut. Then put it back on the table and sucked the clitoris for about a quarter of an hour, forcing her to cum two times in his mouth. Then screwed in the natural form. Then Bella retired to his room to wash, and after a short rest is put his street clothes and left. That night it was reported that Mr. Verbouc had worsened. The attack had reached regions that were cause for alarm for GP. Bella wished his uncle who passed a good night and retired to his room. Julia had settled in Bella’s bedroom for the night, and both girls, by then already well aware of the nature and properties of males, were leaning exchanging ideas and adventures. -I thought I was going to die, ‘Julia said when Father Ambrose introduced its thing big ugly deep inside my poor body, and when it ended I thought had given him a attack, and could not understand what was that slimy thing, that hot substance cast within me. Oh! ‘Then, my dear, you began to feel the friction on your sensitive little thing, and the hot milk spurted Father Ambrose, covering everything. -Yes I did, and I still feel flooded when it does. – Silence! Did not you hear? Both girls got up and began to listen. Bella, more accustomed to the her bedroom features of what might be, Julia, turned his attention to the window. At the time of doing the shutter gradually subsided, and there was the head of a man. Julia discovered also appeared and was about to scream, but Bella made a motioned for silence. – Shhh! Do not be alarmed Bella whispered. We want to eat, just that it undue bother one of so cruel. – What do you want? Julia asked semiescondiendo her pretty head in her clothes to sleep, but still watching with keen eye the intruder. During this brief conversation the man was preparing to enter the chamber, and having already opened the window enough to do so, he slid his wide Mankind the through opening. When you set foot on the floor of the room were the discovered the ugly bulky figure and sensuous factions Father Clement. – Holy Mother, a priest! Cried Bella young guest. Well fat by true! Oh Bella! What do you want? -We will know soon whispered the other.Page 103Page 103 of 107 Meanwhile Clemente had approached the bed. – What? Is it possible? A double entertainment? He exclaimed. Charming Cute! This is truly an unexpected pleasure. – Shame on you, Father Clement! Julia had disappeared under the bedclothes. In two minutes the priest stripped of his garments, and without waiting to be told invited to do so, was launched as lightning on the bed. – Oh! Cried Julia. I is tempting! – Oh yeah! The two will be well thumbed, I assure Bella murmured as she felt the huge weapon Clemente pressing her back. That shameful behavior on you, to enter without our permission! ‘In that case, I can enter, gorgeous? ‘Said the priest, as he put in Bella’s hands his stiff instrument. -You can stay, since it is already inside. ‘Thank Clemente murmured, pulling Bella’s legs and inserting the huge head of his cock between them. Bella felt the blow, and mechanically put her arms around the back of Julia. Clemente pushed back, but Bella jumped scuttled. He stood, and aside the bedclothes exposed the hairy body of the priest and the gentle figure of his companion. Julia turned instinctively and found that pointed straight to his nose, straightening the penis rigid good father, who seemed ready to burst because of lust awakened in the holder by the company in which he was. -Tiéntalo Bella whispered. Without amazed, Julia grabbed her white little hand. – How late! Is becoming increasing my faith. Both girls are then fell out of bed, and anxious for the fun began to squeeze and rub the bulky penis priest until he was about to come. – This is heaven! Father Clement said staring, and a slight convulsive movement in his fingers denoting pleasure. -Enough, dear, otherwise it will come-watched Bella, adopting an air of experienced person, who believed he had the right, according to her, under its previous relations with the monster. For his part, Father Clement was not willing to waste their shots when they were within reach two objectives so cute. Remained inactive for fondling girls who submitted their penis, but now had attracted gently if the young Julia, to raise her shirt and letPage 104Page 104 of 107 to view all their secrets charms. He slid his eager hands around adorable thighs and buttocks of the girl, and then opened thumbs pink vulva, for enter their lascivious tongue inside her, and kiss her as for other exciting in same array. Julia could not remain insensitive to this treatment and when at last, trembling unbridled desire and lust, the daring priest turned his back on the bed, opened his youthful thighs and let him see the rosy edges of her tight slit. Clemente got between her legs, and advancing towards her thick wet the tip of his member in wet pussy lips. Bella lent its aid, and taking between their hands the huge penis, he discovered and routed properly to the hole. Julia gasped and bit her lip. Clement struck a violent thrust. Julia, brave as a lioness, endured the blow, and the head was introduced. More pushing, more pressure, and in less time it takes to write Julia had completely engulfed the huge penis priest. Once comfortably possession of his body, Clemente began a series of rhythmic thrusts thoroughly, and Julia, indescribable sensations prey, pushed back head, and covered his face with one hand while with the other he clutched the waist of Bella. – Oh, it’s huge, but what makes me happy! – It is completely inside! It has been buried up to the balls! Cried Bella. – Ah! What a treat! I will come to me! I can not stand! His body is velvet! Take! Take that! This followed a fierce onslaught. – Oh! Julia exclaimed. At that moment it occurred to libidinous fantasy giant, and extracting the vaporizing member Julia’s private parts. launched between Bella’s legs and Stayed inside her delicious vulva. The pulsating object is stuck deep inside of her young pussy while the owner of it drooled taste for the task that was delivered. Julia looked astonished the apparent ease with which the father sank his big yerga in white inside her friend’s body. After spending a quarter of an hour in this erotic pose, time in which Bella father pressed against his chest and twice gave his warm tribute on his head the huge rod again retires Clemente, and sought to calm the ardor that consumed him spilling his hot milk inside the delicate little person of Julia. Took the little lady in his arms again straddled his body, and without much difficulty, pressing his burning yerga against her pussy smooth, prepared to flood it with a lewd download. There followed a series of lunges furiously fast but deep, at the end of which Clemente, while letting out a deep sigh, pushed to the depths ofPage 105Page 105 of 107 the delicate girl, and began to vomit inside a real flood of semen. Spurt after spurt coming from his penis while he, with eyes and lips trembling, came to ecstasy. Julia’s excitement had peaked, and added to the enjoyment of her r****t in the final paroxysm, to a degree of alienation awful flea can no describe. The orgies that followed in this raunchy night were also something that exceeds my narrative skills. Clemente As soon as he had recovered from his first ejaculation, announced caliber words his intention to enjoy Bella. Y, said and done, immediately set to work. For a quarter of an hour long remained buried until the hairs on the pussy her, holding back until nature prevailed, that Bella received the download in her womb. The father took his handkerchief from Holland, with whom he wiped his dripping pussies both beauties. Then the two girls grabbed the member of the priest and applied so many tender and lascivious touches again excited the fiery temperament the priest, to the point of achieving infuse new strength and virility impossible describe. His huge penis, red and swollen under the previous exercises, threatening saw the couple taking him fingering you pray to one side, sometimes to another. Several sometimes angry Bella sucked head and tickled with the tip of his tongue the hole the urethra. This was, apparently, one of the favorite ways of enjoying Clemente. as introduced quickly as he could the head of his great yerga in the mouth of the girl. After the rolled over and over again, naked as they came into the world, beating his thick lips in their dripping pussies again and again. He kissed and fumbled noisily the roundness of her buttocks, occasionally inserting a finger in ass holes. Then Clement and Bella, two to one, Julia persuaded to allow him to father put in his mouth the tip of his penis, and after a good time to tickle and excite the monstrous fuck, threw such a torrent in the throat of the girl, who nearly drowned. There followed a short interval, and again the unusual fact to enjoy two so tempting and spiritual girls woke all the vigor of Clement. Placing next to each other began introducing its alternately member each, and after I removed some brutal onslaught of a pussy to put it in the other. Then he lay on his back, and attracting girls he sucked on Pussy to one while the other is buried in her hair yerga to join both bodies. Again and again threw them inside his prolific essence. Only dawn terminated those orgy scenes.Page 106Page 106 of 107 While such scenes unfolded in the house had a very different place in the bedroom of Mr. Verbouc, and when three days later the father returned Ambrosio another of his absences, he found his friend and protector on the verge of death. A few hours were enough to end life and adventures as eccentric gentleman. After his death his widow, who never distinguished for their intellectual lights, began to show signs of insanity, and in a paroxysm of madness never stopped call the priest. But when on one occasion an elderly and respectable father was emergency call, the good lady indignantly denied that this man could be a priest, and cried out that he sent “the great instrument of”. His language and his behavior were generally cause for scandal, so it had to lock in an asylum, where he remains in demand delirious large penis. Bella, which thus remained without protectors, soon listened to advice of her confessor, and agreed to take the veil. Julia, an orphan too, resolved to share the fate of his friend, and inasmuch as his mother immediately gave his consent, both girls were received in the arms of Holy Mother Church on the same day, and once the novitiate made a time final vows. How were observed these vows of chastity is not something that I, a humble flea, must judge. I can only say that after the ceremony both girls were taken privately to the seminar, in which f******n waiting cures. Without giving them little time to new devotees to undress, scoundrels, enfervorecidos by the prospect of such a precious reward set upon them, and one after another quench their devilish lust. Bella got up to twenty fervent downloads in all imaginable positions and Julia, just less vigorously assaulted, finally collapsing, exhausted by the roughness of the treatment he was subjected. The room was well insured, so there was no fear interruptions, and the sensuous community gathered to honor the newly admitted sisters, enjoyed his charms at ease. Ambrosio was also there, as had long been convinced of the Bella inability to keep to himself, and moreover feared animosity of his brothers . Clemente was also part of his team, and his enormous member caused havoc attacking boyish charms. The Superior was also an opportunity to give vent to their perverse tastes, and not even the recently deflowered and weak Julia escaped the ordeal of their attacks. He had toPage 107Page 107 of 107 submit and allow, among pleasant emotions indescribable, cast his viscous cum on her belly. The cries of those who came, breathing hard from those that were delivered to the sensual act, the squeaking and creaking of furniture, muffled voices and the interrupted conversations observers, all tended to give greater magnitude libidinous monstrosity of the scenes, and do more repulsive details of this ecclesiastical brouhaha. Obsessed with these ideas, and greatly upset by the proportions of the orgy, fled, and did not stop until he had put many miles between my be and the protagonists of this hateful story, nor, from that moment, stroked the idea of ??re-entering relationships of familiarity with Bella or Julia. I know that they came to be the normal means of satisfying the admitted to the seminary. No doubt the constant and strong sexual excitement they had to resent was to wither soon the youthful charm that so beautiful admiration inspired me. But to the best fit. my task is over, I kept my promise and have finished my first memories. And while it is an attribute of a Flea moralizing, yes is in your hand to choose their own food. Fed up with those little women on which I lectured, I did what many do others, however not fleas, as I reminded my readers to begin this first story, do the same, sucking blood: emigrated, with new promise to my readers of a second volume, in the pilgrimage to choose my own food.

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