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The Humiliation Of JaneJane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her.Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the library staff, and treated them all with contempt. After six months of this treatment, the staff was ready to strike back with vengeance.”Where are the books that I asked to be put aside for me,” screamed Jane, “You people are all morons, how will I pass my exam if I don’t have my books?”A young man who was the subject of her barrage remained calm though her tirade.Tom was used to her tantrums. But today, it seemed like he was almost trying to upset her by not putting out her books.”I have your books set aside in a special study carol,” said Tom, “I did not want anyone else getting their hands on your books. Come with me, and I’ll show you where they are.” “Let’s just hurry up with this,” said Jane, “I’ve got hours of studying yet to do tonight.”Tom led Jane into a small room in the back of the library. On the desk sat the books that she had requested.”I think you’ll find that this is a much more conducive place for studying,” said Tom, “You won’t have as many distractions here.””I don’t know why you didn’t just tell me the books were here in the first place,” said Jane, “Now just get the hell out of here. How do you expect me to study with you distracting me like this?””Sorry Ma’am,” said Tom as he shut the carol door.Tom left the room and went into the adjacent utility room. From that room, he could see Jane through the vent. He took out a small vial from his shirt, and then reached under the boiler to pull out an oxygen mask. He then smashed the bottle on the side of the wall next to the vent. Upon contact with air, the contents of the bottle turned into smoke which seeped through the vent into the carol where Jane was studying.”What the fuck?,” said Jane as she noticed the smoke coming through the vent. It was the last thing she said however, as the fumes quickly overcame her and she passed out. When Jane awoke, it was several hours later. As she looked up from her daze, she saw Tom.”Wake up little Janey,” said Tom, “You seem to have dozed off, the library’s been closed for over an hour.””Dozed off?,” said Jane, “There was some sort of smoke in here, I’m gonna sue the pants off of you and the whole library staff.””I don’t think you’ll be suing me, or anyone else for that matter, Janey,” said Tom. “That was no ordinary smoke. It was a powerful d**g that zapped that part of your brain that you might call your `free will.’ From now on you will be at the mercy of anyone and everyone here. You will do anything that they ask you to do, no matter how humiliating. Otherwise, you will remain your usual disagreeable self.””What the hell are you talking about,” said Jane, “I might feel a little groggy, but I’m in full command of my abilities. I am going to report you to the Chief Librarian.””I see that I’m going to have to demonstrate the full effects of this d**g,” said Tom, “Stand up!”Despite not wanted to follow Tom’s orders, Jane stood up.”I was just about to get up and leave anyway,” said Jane, trying to hide the fact that she couldn’t resist Tom’s request.”Oh, you will be leaving here soon,” said Tom, “but probably not the way that you anticipate. Take off your clothes, Jane.””What! I’ll have you up on charges,” said Jane, “The very idea of even suggesting that will land you in jail mister!”As she spoke, she started to unbutton her blouse.”If you think for one second that I’m going to fall for your story, you’re crazy!,” said kastamonu escort Jane as she removed her blouse and let her skirt fall to her feet.”You knock me out, and then try to convince me that I’m no longer in control of myself. What a laugh!,” said Jane as she undid her bra and let her breasts spring into view.”There’s as much chance of me taking off my clothes for you as there is me romping naked through campus,” said Jane as she slid off her panties, leaving her totally naked.”I guess your mind doesn’t know what your body is doing,” said Tom, “Nice pair of tits you have there Janey.””How the hell would you know,” said Jane.At that point, Jane looked down in horror and discovered her nakedness.”Oh my god, what have you done to me?!,” said Jane as she tried to cover herself from Tom’s intent gaze.”Me? I haven’t done anything,” said Tom. “You took your clothes off all by yourself. Put your arms to your sides and stop trying to cover up like that. In fact, why don’t you turn around and model a bit for me.””You bastard!,” shouted Jane as she slowly turned around to give Tom a better view of her body. “Why am I doing this?””You do seem a bit more open to suggestions than usual,” laughed Tom. “Let’s go into the main part of the library, there’s some people there waiting to see you.””What do you mean, you pervert,” said Jane, as she followed Tom out of the carol and into the main section of the library where about ten people were sitting their awaiting her arrival. As Jane came into view, she was greeted by the hoots, hollers, and whistles of the men and women there.”It worked!,” said Sam, another member of the library staff,” I can’t believe that that stuff really worked!””I’ll have you all fired,” screamed Jane. “Wait until the head librarian finds out about this!””But I already know, my dear,” said Sarah, the head of the law school library. “I’ve been fed up with your tantrums for some time. We sort of hatched this plot together. A friend of mine is trying to develop a d**g that will help people to get more out of psychotherapy. The only problem with the d**g seems to be a permanent side effect if large doses are administered. If the dosage is large enough, the d**g actually permanently destroys the part of the brain that controls one’s free will. Everything else remains the same, the person’s personality and mind are left intact, yet they are very susceptible to doing whatever ANYONE asks of them. If my friend is correct, you are now at the mercy of everyone and anyone that asks you to do something. Let’s test it out. Why don’t you put on a little show for us. I want you to play with yourself in front of us.””This is all a bunch of nonsense!,” said Jane, as her hand gravitated towards her pubic area. “You can’t get away with this!””Ah, but what are we getting away with, Janey darling?,” said Sarah. “We haven’t laid a hand on you, you’re bringing all this on to yourself. Why don’t you lie down on this table and spread your legs so everyone can watch as you rub your little clitty.””My god! This is sooo humiliating,” sobbed Jane. “Please don’t make me do this in front of all these people.””You didn’t seem to mind humiliating my staff with your demands,” said Sarah. “Why don’t you cum for us now?”Jane started rubbing her clit faster and faster with one hand, and squeezed her breasts with her other hand.”No, no..let me stop, I’m cumming! Please, please, no more,” said Jane as her body began going into the convulsions from her orgasm. “You bastards!, you’ll live to regret doing this to me.””Like you regret treating everyone here like scum?,” asked Sarah. “Alright, you can stop now, I have some other things I want to try out anyway.””Other things?!,” cried Jane, “No, please, I’m sorry I treated all of you like I did. I’ll be nicer in the future.””A little late for that Janey,” said Sarah. “There isn’t an antidote to escort kastamonu the d**g you’ve ingested. I’m afraid that we couldn’t change what you’ve become even if we wanted to. Anyone else want to plant a suggestion in Jane’s mind?””I have an idea,” said Sam. “I think you need a change in diet. From now on, you will be addicted to sperm. You will live for the taste of cum. They always say the best time to start a new diet is now. Why don’t you sample some jism from my cock, Janey.”With tears rushing down her face, Jane went over to Sam and undid his zipper and pulled out his cock. She took it in her mouth and started sucking it, intent on getting from him the nectar she was now addicted to.”Take your time, and watch those damn teeth,” said Sam. “Otherwise, we’ll turn you into a whore and make you screw the whole damn school.””Please, please cum for me, I need to have your sperm,” said Jane. “This feels worse than an addiction to heroin.””OK, Janey, here it comes,” said Sam as he squirted streams of cum into her mouth. Then, she rushed over to lick up a splotch of sperm that had missed her mouth and landed on the library floor.”Tasted good, eh?,” laughed Sam, “Well, if you’re nice to me, you can come to me for a fix anytime.””Well little girl, I guess we’ve had enough fun for one night,” said Sarah, “But before you leave, I want to give you a little present that I had made for you. From now on, you’ll wear it everyday.”Sarah laughed as she held up a T-shirt that had, “Your wish is my command..” written across the front.”Put on your new T-shirt and your skirt and go on home,” said Sarah, “I hope you get used to your new lifestyle soon.””I said your t-shirt and skirt!,” said Sarah, as Jane started to don her panties, “Leave the rest of your clothing here.”I’ll figure out someway of beating this stuff,” said Jane, “And when I do, watch out…I’ll get even with all of you.””We shall see, my dear. We shall see,” laughed Sarah.PART IIJane woke up the next morning and thought that the horrors of the night before were all just a bad dream.”Must have been that pepperoni pizza I had for dinner,” thought Jane, “I’ve got to watch what I eat a bit more.”While Jane showered she thought back and what she thought was a very vivid dream.”Gee, just thinking about that dream has must be getting me horny,” thought Jane, “I have an urge to suck some poor guy’s cock dry.”Jane left the shower and began to don her clothes. She recoiled in shock when she looked in the mirror and saw the words written backwards in her reflection, “You wish is my command…””Oh my god!,” thought Jane, “Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all. I KNOW I didn’t have a shirt like this before. I’m really confused about all this. Maybe the assholes in the library d**gged me last night, but there’s no way that it could have done any permanent damage to my brain. I feel just fine. Those bastards are going to pay for what they did to me!”Jane left her room, intent on reporting the events of the night before to the dean. She walked across campus and stormed into the dean’s office.”Can I help you young lady?,” said the middle-aged secretary.”Where is the dean?,” said Jane, “I was d**gged and attacked by the library staff last night.””Oh dear,” said the secretary,” That’s terrible, I can’t imagine any of the library employees doing anything like that. I’ll see if the dean will see you.”The secretary buzzed the dean and relayed Jane’s message to him.”He will see you now,” said the secretary, “Just go in through that door.”Jane entered the Dean’s office, and said, “Mr. Johnson, I was d**gged and sexually assaulted by the entire library staff last night!”The dean looked skeptically at Jane and said, “That seems a bit hard to believe, Miss. How exactly did they `d**g’ you, and what did they do to you?”Jane proceeded to recount the events of the night before to the dean.”So, according kastamonu escort bayan to what they told you last night, you are now addicted to sperm, and you no longer have to will to control your own actions?,” asked the dean.”Yes, but I think they just d**gged me with something that affected my judgment last night, I’m sure its impossible to destroy one’s free will like that.”The dean smiled and said, “I agree, it seems extremely improbable that a d**g could have such a long lasting effect. Such a d**g, if it did exist would make you extremely vulnerable to the whims of others. I do have a question, though. Why would you actually wear that T-shirt that they gave you, if something like that had happened to me, there is no way I would ever wear the shirt.”Jane looked down and noticed that she was still wearing the T-shirt emblazoned with the words, “You wish is my command…””I..I…I’m really not sure,” Jane stammered. “It was sitting on my chair and I guess in my hurry to come here, I forgot to take it off.”The dean rubbed his chin and said, “Yes, I guess I could understand that.” His facial expression became to change a bit. His concerned smile began to look more like a leer. “Well Jane, there is probably only one way to see whether the d**g has affected your ability to resist other’s wishes.””What do you mean?,” asked Jane.”Well, why don’t you come over here and sit on my lap?,” asked the dean.”What?,” shrieked Jane,”You dirty old man! How dare you even suggest that!”As Jane yelled at the dean, she stood up and deposited herself on his lap.”Well, well,” said the dean, “There might be something to this all along.” He began to stroke Jane’s hair and said, “In fact, if the d**g does do what they said, you’re probably ready for another `fix’ of sperm.” The dean smiled and said, “I’d be glad to help you out my dear.””No, No, NO,” screamed Jane, “This can’t be happening!” She stood up and undid the dean’s zipper, reached into his pants and took out his now erect penis. Soon she was sucking it with great abandon.”Oh god….,” cried Jane, “Why can’t I stop doing this? I have to have your sperm. Please cum for me,” she pleaded.The dean began to moan from Jane’s work on his penis. “I have a better idea,” he said, “Take off all your clothes, and lie down across my desk.””No, please don’t **** me,” said Jane.”****?,” said the dean, “This isn’t ****. I’m not forcing you to do anything. I just asked you to screw me, and you’re doing it. It’s a situation of two consenting adults having a little fun.””Fun?,” sobbed Jane, as she finished removing her clothing and d****d herself across the large desk,” This isn’t fun, and no matter what you say, it’s still ****. You know I can’t help myself.””I hear that from all the women,” smirked the dean as he grabbed Jane’s ass pulling it closer to him so he could insert his dick into her.”You really are a good fuck,” said the Dean, as tears ran down Jane’s face. “I do feel bad that you don’t seem to be enjoying myself quite as much as I do. I want you to cum for me Jane. I want you to have orgasm after orgasm until I tell you to stop.”At his words, ripples of pleasure began to flow through Jane’s body. She became to convulse with orgasm.”Please let me stop,” yelled Jane, “I…I..I can’t take much more of this.”The writhing of Jane’s body further excited the dean, and a few minutes later he spurted cum into her pussy.”You can stop cumming now,” said the dean as he took out a handkerchief and wiped his brow. “I haven’t had a good workout like that in years,” he chuckled.As Jane lay across the dean’s desk, exhausted from the shear magnitude of her own orgasms, the dean’s cum began to seep from her pussy onto the desk.”My, my,” said the dean, “We can’t have that, can we. And you still have that other little problem of needing to eat sperm, don’t you.”The dean handed Jane his coffee cup and said, “Here, sit up and squeeze the rest of my cum into this cup.”Jane sat up and proceeded to fill the cup with the juices from their encounter.”Bottoms up Jane,” laughed the dean, as Jane hungrily drank from the cup, “Good to the last drop, eh?”The

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