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The LodgerSince the k**s have grown up and left home, as much as I love them, it has been bliss. No competing for the bathroom. No heaps of abandoned washing up appearing by the kitchen sink. But the biggest benefit for me has been the fact that, come the warmer months, I can abandon the tyranny of clothing and spend much of my time as nature intended around the house and, much more importantly, out in the garden. Our garden is reasonably private. The neighbours either can’t see, haven’t noticed, or just don’t care, as I’ve been naked in the garden for many years now. Mrs M, my Wife is always brazenly topless too. She has quite strident views on her right to get her lovely breasts out in any place it would be acceptable for a man to do the same, but despite any gentle encouragement on my part her bikini bottoms always remain firmly in place. It is a bit of a shame as there really is nothing aesthetically finer than a beautifully tanned fanny, but each to their own. Live and let live is my credo.Recently though my blissful little world was thrown a bit of a curve ball. We were asked if we could put up a young man in one of our spare rooms for a short while. Sort of a friend of the family. My Wife had known him since he was a small, and I had since his teens. He was now in his late twenties, but was in the process of splitting up with his girlfriend, was moving back to town, and needed somewhere to stay until he could get himself sorted out financially, and rent his own accommodation. We agreed to help, despite the fact that it would cramp our style a little. He was a nice enough lad though, fairly quiet, a little shy, so it wasn’t a problem to have him around. His work sometimes meant he was away for a couple of days at a time so it worked out ok, but I had to retrieve an old cotton dressing gown from the back of my cupboard to slip into when I would have normally wandered around the house nude. It was not a perfect solution for sparing this young man the sight of my naked, early fifties body, as the damn thing would fall open every five minutes, and require re-tying, but I’d got away with it so far. Of course all this discretion was for his benefit not mine, and it was somewhat of an imposition, so my belligerent side demanded the absolute minimum of compliance. A couple of weeks went by fairly smoothly, we made him welcome and chatted about all sorts, his recently failed relationship, being a regular topic of conversation. We offered advice and support where we could, and regaled him with tales of our own relationship disasters and tried to assure him that it all comes good in the end, once you find the right person. At least he now knew what he didn’t want in a partner, and that is sometimes more valuable than knowing what you do want in my experience. We all got along fairly well but I was missing my nude time, badly, so when finally a day off at home on my own arrived, I leapt at the chance to disrobe and get out into the sunny garden to top up my all over tan. I hung my “nude sunbathing from this point onwards” sign on the kitchen door handle in the hallway just in case, and laid out on my sun lounger just outside the door from the kitchen that led out into the garden. Laying on my back, I placed a cool damp towel over my face and head and gently drifted off into a sort of delicious, contented half sleep. I wasn’t expecting anyone back for hours. I was woken suddenly by noise coming from the kitchen. I laid still for a moment to listen, as it could have been just one of the cats up to some variety of no good. I heard more noise and it sounded human sized. My wife would have called out a greeting as soon as she entered the kitchen, and besides it was only 2pm, she shouldn’t be back until at least 5. I sat up, pulled on the shorts that I keep nearby should I be called upon to answer the front door during my nude time, and went to investigate. The kitchen door through to the hallway was now wide open. As I walked towards the door I saw through it our lodger emerging from one of the other doors off the hallway. “Hi” I said. He looked a little sheepishly at me and stuttered “I’m sorry……. I didn’t realise……. Until I’d put my head out of the back door to say Hi.”I gave him a big smile and said “It’s absolutely fine”. He immediately looked more relaxed. “I did put my little sign on the door handle to warn you” I said.“Oh. Oh yeah” he said, finally registering the little tin sign hanging on the door handle. “Honestly it really doesn’t bother me in the slightest” I reassured him. To help make light of it I asked him about his day, and we chatted about that for a bit until I said “right I’m off for a shower..”Thinking about what the look on his face must have been like as he genially popped his head out of the door to be faced with the sight of my naked body, made me smile for the rest of the day. I wondered whether he’d noticed the fact that my pubic area was completely smooth and hair free, and whether that had just compounded his embarrassment. Poor lad. That made me smile even more.The incident didn’t get mentioned over the next couple of days. I was half expecting to get a ticking off from Mrs M for terrifying the lodger with my middle aged man body, but he’d not, apparently, mentioned it to her, and I hadn’t, principally to avoid the ticking off. It would have been no big deal to her, except from a houseguest adana escort etiquette point of view. The subject of sunbathing only came up again at the dinner table when he asked if it was ok for him to use the sun loungers that were dotted around the garden in strategic hotspots (and also, as far as the neighbours were concerned, blind spots) if we were out. Of course it was ok, so we showed him where the cushions were kept and where to find the beach towels to lay on. He lifted up his T shirt to show his slim pale midriff, with its little tuft of hair petering out before reaching his navel, and said “I need to get a bit of sun.”We are both advocates of the physical, meditative, and spiritual benefits of some safe sunbathing, so we agreed that it would definitely help him to relax and settle his mind. I came home one day the following week to find him out in the garden sunbathing in a pair of those huge surfing style swimming shorts. I hung out of the back door and offered him a glass of cordial. “Oooo. Yes please”.I took it out to him and couldn’t resist but to mention the acres of “white bits” those huge shorts were going to give him. “They’re all I’ve got.” He replied.“Ah, just whip them off “ I said, laughing, but only half joking.“I just wouldn’t feel comfortable” he said, a little nervously “What if, Mrs M came home from work early?”“It would be the first time ever, that she had.” I laughed again, knowing how true that was.“Nah, I wouldn’t feel comfortable. I wouldn’t be able to relax.”I smiled, handed him his drink, and walked back towards the house, pausing only to offer a light hearted “Just don’t knock it until you’ve tried it” as I went.The summer was proving to be long and hot, the only aspect I was finding stifling was my limited opportunities to spend time at home indulging my naturist tendencies. I find it uncomfortable laying out in the sun now with trunks or shorts on, and the thought of gaining a tan line, however feint, was extremely undesirable. I don’t go announcing my naturism unsolicited at dinner parties, but I don’t try to hide it either. It’s knowledge that is imparted on a need to know basis. If you don’t need to know then I probably won’t mention it, unless the subject comes up in conversation. In that case, I certainly wouldn’t deny it to anyone, and have, for a long time been happy to chat about it. I knew I needed to do something, as it was starting to introduce an element of resentment in my attitude to our lodger, which was unfair and unnecessary. So I decided to broach the subject with him during one of our chats. “As you might have noticed, I like to sunbathe naked” I tentatively slipped in to our chat about the weather forecast for the day. “I’ve been missing out on opportunities to top up my tan while you are around the house, because I don’t want to upset or offend you. So I thought I’d ask you straight. Would you mind if I sunbathe naked while you are at home?”I was surprised by the speed, maturity, and nonchalance of his reply “No. Not at all. It’s your home and I’m a guest here, and you’ve both been lovely, so I don’t want to stop you living how you want to. Besides I’ve seen it all before any way” he smiled. I smiled back and appreciatively tapped him on the shoulder, which somehow turned into a quick reciprocal hug. “Don’t forget to hang up the sign,” he said “then I’ll know what to expect.”“I will. Thank you so much.” I replied, sounding a little bit more grateful than I was hoping to give away. My heart skipping away with delight inside my chest.Over the next few days our new accord worked perfectly. I’d even called out to him when he arrived home from work on one occasion and he’d stood at the back door chatting for a couple of minutes, with me basking sweaty and naked on the nearest sun lounger. It all felt just fabulously unremarkable. He was telling me he was going to be working away for a couple of days. Mrs M and I made the most of having the house to ourselves for a couple of days and nights. It was quite a relief to have some time to relax, leave the dressing gowns on the hooks, and be a little less restrained with the volume of our bedroom fun. When I arrived home on Friday at about lunchtime I immediately stripped off all of my work clothes and put them straight into the washing machine ready to go on later with a full load. Padding around the house in nothing but a pair of flip flops, I grabbed the lounger cushions and associated paraphernalia and set up ready for a well deserved afternoon nap in the sun. It was a beautiful day. Clear blue skies but with a lovely cooling breeze, to take the edge off the heat of the sun. I propped up the backrest of the sun lounger farthest from the door on the patio outside the kitchen and settled down with my IPad to read a little more of the book I had downloaded on it. Reading never fails to make my eyelids heavy, but before I had a chance to get sleepy I heard a “Hi” and there the lodger is standing at the back door smiling with my little sign swinging from his finger. “You forgot to put the sign out.” “Sorry, I was too focused on getting out here and chilling out. If you’d been another ten minutes I’d probably have been asleep.” I held my hand up in the universal “guilty as charged” manner. “That sounds like a good idea” He replied. “Do you mind if I join you. I’ve driven miles today and I’m totally knackered.”“No, escort adana I don’t mind at all. You can put your work stuff in the washing machine with mine, then there will be a full load.” “Ok will do.” And he disappeared back into the kitchen. I was not expecting him to just strip off down to his white boxers and come back out again, but that’s what he did with a “Couldn’t be bothered to go and get my shorts.” He said as he laid down on the lounger next to mine.“Fine by me” I said laying there wearing nothing, “Honestly, you know me l don’t mind at all. You could get rid of those too if you want to, Mrs M’s not going to be back for at least another four hours.”I must admit to being a little surprised when he said “Ok” and quickly slipped off his underpants and lay back down naked. I offered to fetch us both a damp towel to put over our faces as we napped. As I walked around the end of his sun lounger, I couldn’t resist a casual peek at his newly exposed member. Quite magnificent it was to. He was around six feet tall like me, quite slim built, not skinny, and not ripped, just normal. He was still fairly pale with very small tufts of quite fine hair on his chest and tummy. Emerging proudly from his unkempt pubes was his long, thick, uncircumcised cock. Against his slim hips it almost appeared out of proportion. Having been circumcised as a young c***d I’d never known anything different and always found myself utterly fascinated by what it must be like to have an intact foreskin to play with. As I walked past and through the kitchen door, I could see in my peripheral vision that it wasn’t just me who was curious. He took a good look at my skinny, tanned little dick with its bulbous permanently exposed glans, and big saggy balls jiggling around as I walked by. As I returned with the towels he said “Can I ask you a personal question?”“Yeah, of course” I replied, slightly apprehensive, as I had no idea where this was going.“Why do you, shave down there?”“Well…” I began as I sat back down and handed him a towel. “When I was about your age I had to shave myself for an operation, a vasectomy. When I did I discovered that I really, really liked the way it felt. Ever since then, I’ve always trimmed, or shaved, even partially. I’ve tried all sorts of variations, but I’ve settled on removing everything from about an inch below my navel to the tops of my legs. I’d get rid of all my body hair if I could, I love that look, but as you can see,” I pointed to my mass of wiry chest hair extending down to my waist “ that’s a battle I could never win, so I settle for this. A few years ago Mrs M got one of those pulsed light hair removal machines, and so I’ve used that to get rid of as much as I can completely, and I just shave away what’s left every couple of days.”“Isn’t it itchy when it grows back?”“Yeah, a bit, but what I’ve found is that if you really moisturise the skin two or three times a day, it’s ok.” I answered “That feels quite nice too” I added with a cheeky laugh.With his curiosity seemingly satisfied he laid back, placed the towel over his eyes and forehead and settled. I picked up my iPad and tried to carry on reading. It was difficult as I couldn’t resist the odd furtive glance at the lodger’s fascinating todger. I must have read the same paragraph about six times,as I kept losing my place. It was beautifully hot, but the cool breeze stroking my body was delicious. I could tell by the change in his breathing that my new sunbathing companion had drifted off to sleep. I would have settled down to join him but I noticed after a particularly pleasant gust that his cock had sort of rolled around from pointing straight down towards his feet to laying across his body. I watched in fascination as he became more swollen, his glans throbbing and growing until his once loose foreskin was tight around them. Then with a little involuntary grunt from underneath the towel his glorious cock became fully erect and bobbed around to point directly at his navel. My heart was fluttering with excitement, and my own cock began to thicken and move. I discreetly brushed a fingernail across my own glans and felt myself throb with pleasure. His glans were peeking out of the end of his foreskin now. His shaft as youthfully almost painfully hard as I remember mine being at that age. To be absolutely honest the only thing I wanted to do more than take my own cock in hand and wank myself silly, was to take his throbbing behemoth into my mouth and lick and wank him for all I was worth. I’m not, what I think of as gay. In the sense that I could never see myself ever having a full blown “relationship” with another man. I don’t even know if I would be classed as Bisexual. But the beauty of the world these days is it seems you can be anything you want to be. On the whole, I sometimes find my fellow man fairly unpleasant, smelly, obnoxious, and boorish. The male ego, I think, is what I can find singularly unattractive. I’d rather spend time with women than men as a rule. But, as I’ve said to Mrs M on one of the many occasions we’ve chatted about sex and sexuality (which usually ends up going from theory to practical by the end) I’ve admitted that I do find some men attractive sometimes. Could I have sex with or involving a man? Abso”bloody”lutely. But I live in the real world too, and was not going to upset anyone by having them wake up adana escort bayan to find me sucking enthusiastically but nonconsensually on their penis, or for that matter hammering away at my own while drooling longingly at their involuntary hard on. I quickly hatched a slightly naughty plan though. I ensured the iPad, still in my hand, was on silent and discreetly took a few photos of the glorious sight before me for my very personal private collection, and to give me something to hammer away at later in private, should I wish to relive the moment. I couldn’t resist a naughty selfie of me and my anonymously towel covered new sunbathing buddy too, as a little keepsake. I switched the iPad off and put it down on the floor, covered my own face with my towel and tried to nap. My brain was not going to sleep now though not after such a thrill, so I adjusted the towel so that I could still keep an eye on things. Eventually I did drift off a little but was brought out of the reverie I had entered by a stirring on the next lounger. I watched surreptitiously as the lodgers hand lazily lifted up and over to his thickened cock, had a little stroke, and then with a start he must have remembered where he was. He froze for a second. I must have convincingly feigned sleep as he just quickly rolled over onto his front until his erection had subsided. He must have been too concerned with his own condition to notice that my cock was, although not fully erect, was still far more substantial than when he’d been sneakily checking me out earlier. I had my own little moment of panic when I sat up myself to turn over, noticing a big gobbet of pre-cum on the top of my leg that had leaked from my, now softened member. I nonchalantly wiped it onto my hand on the fictional pretext of having an itch to scratch and then discreetly licked it off my fingers.I rolled onto my front too, and then eventually did fall asleep. I was woken by Mrs M’s voice “Have you had company out here today then?” She was standing just inside the door smiling and gesturing at the empty towel covered sun lounger next to me.“Yes, the lodger joined me in a well deserved afternoon nap.” I smiled back“You pair of part-timers.” She laughed. “I hope you’re not getting him into your bad habits, sleeping in the sun all afternoon, you lazy old bugger.”“No” I replied “Only the good ones.” “Well it must have done him some good, he was just going out for the evening as I came in and he looked happy as Larry. Very chipper.”“Oh… Good.” I was pleased to hear it. “Anyway, it’s my turn now” she said as she stripped down to her thong in the doorway and came a sat on the now vacant lounger next to me. She lent over and kissed me. We always enjoy a good snog when we haven’t seen each other all day. I could feel her bare breasts and beautifully chunky nipples rubbing against my arm and chest. I felt another stirring in my aching, unsatiated loins. This time I would be able to do something about it. Epilogue:I stepped in through the front door into our hallway and locked the door behind me. It had been an early start and a hard day at work, and it was good to be home. I sat down on the little hallway chair and took off my work boots and socks. Literally, the only time I wear shoes and socks between about March and October is when I’m working, and I hate it. It’s pretty much the same with underpants too, as far as I can get away with it. I stretched out my toes and kicked my feet into the pair of flip flops I leave lying around in the hallway as general purpose house shoes. I pulled my work shirt over my head and threw it onto the stairs to take up later, and walked towards the kitchen. There on the door handle was my little sign. I must have left it there, I thought to myself. I hadn’t really seen much of our lodger for a couple of weeks. We’d passed like ships in the night, but as I walked into the kitchen I could see a familiar pair of feet and ankles on one of the pair of sun loungers at the end of the garden. I called out of the open back door “Would you like a glass of cordial?” “Oooo… Yes please” came the distant reply. I took the drink over. As I approached there was no sign of any huge shorts this time. The lodger was laying on his front completely nude. He smiled and said “Thanks” as he rolled over onto his back and took the drink. His nascent tan lines were fading and……. his lovely thick cock and balls were now completely smooth. In fact he’d removed the little tuft on his chest and tummy too. “Wow, you’ve had a trim” I said “It looks…. great.” He must have picked up on the delight in my voice, however hard I was trying not to sound like the eager old perv that I clearly was being. “Thanks” “How’s the itching?” I said quickly trying to regain at least the illusion of composure.“Not too bad. I’ve been moisturising regularly like you said…And.. “ he said a little sheepishly “l spoke to Mrs M about borrowing her machine. I said for my chest…. I didn’t mention… down there.”“What did she say?” I asked, this being the first I’d heard of it. “Actually she said, yes I could use it, if the fact that you use it on your balls, doesn’t bother me.”We both burst out laughing.“……And, does it?” I asked rhetorically, thinking to myself that Mrs M had a cheek as mine weren’t the only smooth genitals it was responsible for. She kept her gorgeous fanny beautifully smooth too“So far I’m liking the philosophy of ‘don’t knock it until you’ve tried it’” he said as I rushed off to grab some towels and divest myself of my trousers, to join in the sunbathing. “Me too” I smiled as I replied under my breath. “Me too”.

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