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The Mediterranean Guesthouse – Chapter 1All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *******************The Guesthouse – chapter 1The flight had arrived on time, but the luggage was taking ages to arrive. It was already midnight, and I was feeling tired after spending full day at work and then flying to Cyprus. I was just waiting to get to the guesthouse and get in a good nights sleep. Watching the other passengers I could tell this was what other people were thinking as well. Soft bed and hopefully a nice and peaceful hotel. No parties for me tonight!Finally the bags start to arrive and I spot mine after some minutes. Grab the bag and head for the car rental desk. Fortunately the rental car takes no time at all and in ten minutes I am in the car and driving out to the countryside. The guesthouse is located in a peaceful setting, a few minutes outside a village, about 20 miles outside Limassol. As I drive to the house, I can see it looks just like in the pictures. The front light is on, and I park the car and as I walk to the front door, it opens and Kate, the host, peers out and welcomes me.’Welcome! You found us ok?’ ‘ Yes, no problem.’ I answer. ‘Took just one wrong turn, but otherwise no problem, thank you for the email giving me such good directions.’I take a look at Kate as we exchange more pleasantries and she offers to show me to my room. She is same age as me and is quite tall, and has a very nice slim figure, from what I can tell. She has nice brown hair which she has tied up at a knot, a friendly face and eyeglasses. She is quite noticeably tan, compared to my nordic whiteness. ‘There is no other guests tonight, so you can choose the room you want’ she says as she shows me the rooms upstairs. The rooms are quite spacious, and have a nice big shared terrace facing the hilly vista that is now covered in warm mediterranean darkness. I choose the room and fetch my bags from the car. We chat a bit more with Kate, but I am really feeling tired now and after agreeing what time she should set up breakfast, we say good night.I decide to take a quick shower, the feeling of warm water running down my body feels good. As I lather myself with soap and my hands touch my cock and balls I think about jerking off in the shower, but I am too tired even for that. I feel that there is a slight stubble growing down there and I take some minutes to shave my cock and balls completely. I like the feeling of not having any hair. My cock twitches slightly as I think about Kate seeing me like this and I wonder if she likes men hairy and traditional or like me, shaved all over and smooth. I squeeze the head of my dick slightly and reconsider jerking off, but I decide against it. Too tired.I open the windows as it is nice and warm outside, and sleep with the warm southern night air at my face.***I wake up as the sun is rising, and as I check the time I decide it is time to get up and do my morning workout and stretching. I do my exercise and stretching for the normal 10 minutes and head downstairs to breakfast.’Good morning, Kate!”Good morning, did you sleep well?”Like a log. I am so hungry right now.’ I say as I watch the breakfast table, which is set only for one guest. I start with some myesli and yoghurt as Kate brings a steaming coffee pot to the table.’It is so quiet here, and so warm I could sleep with window open, I really like it.’ I say to herKate says she finds the air at night really cold, so we laugh at how different people can feel. Me coming from a colder climate, the night air here is deliciously warm. For her, used to the summer heat it is getting too cold. I notice she is wearing quite warm clothes even if it is maybe around 22 degrees C outside where the breakfast table is set.We chat some more and I explain her what my plan for the day is. I will head up to the mountains to do some walking and mountain biking.’Tonight the other guests will arrive, a french couple, I think they get in around eight.”Ok, it will be nice to meet them.’ I say as I finish my breakfast.’Thank you for the breakfast, it was delicious, and it was nice to have it set outside.’I head up to my room and get ready for the day, packing my stuff for the hike and bike. Plenty to drink, sun lotion, sports bars. After I am sure I got everything I head out to the car and drive to the bike rental place.***Up in the mountain the air is slightly cooler, but the scenery is awesome. The sun isn’t as hot as I was fearing. I first ride some trails and then a short 5k up the road which is nice 10% grade. I can feel the lactic acid in my muscles and my lungs are burning, a nice sensation I crave. I ride back down to the car and switch to my hiking boots and get a drink. It is quiet and there isn’t a lot of traffic on the road.The only sound is the wind in the weird looking pinetrees. I check the map and decide to walk couple miles to a waterfall and back, just to get rid of the lactic acid in my muscles. Also the walking trail is completely deserted which is nice.I breathe the nice mountain air and enjoy myself. It is so weird that so few people are up here and most of the tourists head to the crowded beaches. I don’t mind spending time at the beach but up here in the mountains is epic.***I drive back to the guesthouse in the late afternoon. I think it is still siesta time as I see Kate nowhere. A quick wash of the cycling gear and a shower later I crash naked on the bed for a quick nap. The night before was too short a sleep.***I wake up as the sun is setting, feeling well rested and hungry. Heading downstairs, Kate is still nowhere to be seen, so I go to the car and drive couple miles to the market to do some shopping. After returning and fixing myself a nice tuna tortilla in the upstairs kitchen, I pop open a beer and sit in the upstairs terrace as the sun is now getting real low and the evening is getting darker.I hear a car drive up the driveway, this must be the french couple Kate mentioned. I hear them greeting in the yard and after a while the group heads up to the room next to mine. From the sounds it doesn’t sound like an old couple like I was expecting. Most of the young couples head up to the beach resorts, don’t they?I can hear them in the room, and then Kate opens the door to the terrace to show the guests the terrace. I get up from the lounger to greet them.Wow. I am facing the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. ‘Christine.’ she says and I stutter ‘Archie, nice to meet you.’ as I am still in shock at what a stunner she is. I turn to greet the man, Julien. We chat just a little as I still am taking in Christine. I am guessing she is mid twenties, slightly younger than Julien. She is quite bit shorter than Kate, more than a head shorter than me. She has darkest brown hair, little longer than shoulder length, tied to a ponytail. Delicate shoulders, a slender figure with still as nice set of breasts as I can make out without staring. And her face is straight from a fairytale story, an angel-face, with perfect nose and the largest set of dark brown eyes. Her mouth is a delicious set of natural lips. She wears little or no makeup as I can see. Julien is only slightly taller than her, with short dark hair and quite handsome face with well groomed appearance.They are obviously tired from the travelling, and head up inside and I return to the lounger to lie down in the cooling evening, with my mind now fully occupied by the beautiful couple türkçe bahis staying next door. My dick twiches in my shorts and stiffens at the thought of this young couple maybe making love in the next room tonight. I can feel the pressure of cum in my balls, it has been a few nights without release.The night darkens, I decide against heading out to find a restaurant, and fix myself another tuna tortilla and some salad from the stuff I bought from the market. I pour myself some wine and just sit at the terrace. I can hear Julien and Christine head out, maybe to a restaurant, shop or a fast food place. When they return an hour later I am still out there even if it is already ten in the evening.I head inside, and wonder at the sound insulation of the place. If I masturbate now, how quiet should I stay? Against my nature, I don’t do it and head to bed.***I wake up in the middle of the night to sounds of lovemaking from the next room. First I can hear Christine sighing and yelping, but no other sounds. Julien probably has his mouth on her pussy, licking her, I decide. From the sound of it she is liking this very much and tries to keep as silent as possible, but succeeds only barely. My cock is suddenly rock hard and strains against the sheets. I went to bed naked again. I imagine Julien’s face buried between Christine’s legs, his tongue flicking her pussy at the rhythm of the quiet sounds I hear. She has probably her hand on his head, guiding his mouth and tongue. Maybe her other hand caresses her breasts as her back arcs in pleasure. Maybe Julien’s hand joins his tongue and he inserts the tip of his finger into her pussy slowly, building speed with the pulse of her moans. Then another finger and he starts to fuck her with his hand and mouth together. After some minutes I can hear the bed starting to creak. Slowly at first, then with increasing rhythm. I start to jerk off to the rhythm of the fucking next door. I squeeze my dick and touch my balls with my other hand. My dick is soon ready to explode. I hear a break in the creaking and know they are switching positions. Christine on top? Or does Julien take her from behind? Oh, what I would give to see them at it right now. I hear a muffled screm next door and know that Christine has orgasmed with no break in the creaking. A short while later there is another scream that is joined by almost silent grunts from obviously Julien coming. I can’t hold off my own orgasm any longer and a huge load of cum spurts from my cock all over my stomach. My balls seem to have inexhaustible supply as spurt after spurt lands, some hitting all the way to my chin. After I am done, my whole chest is covered in sticky cum. I haven’t cum like this in a while.Embarrased, I realise that in my orgasm, I have cried out, probably with more volume than the couple next door. I can only hope they were still recovering from their own orgasms to hear. After cleaning up with a towel, I fall back to sleep.***Next morning, heading to breakfast I did feel slightly akward. Had Julien and Christine heard me? Did they realise I had heard them? I decided to try to act as normal as I could, even if they heard me. I mean we are all adults, aren’t we?I am the first to arrive and Kate brings me my coffee. I enjoy the breakfast again and chat a bit with Kate about my plans for today. Suddenly I hear Julien and Christine behind me and turn to look at them. Christine looks at me with a shy smile and blushes, Julien’s gaze lingers a while longer, but he also sits down with a smile on his face. Was that a wink? I can’t believe so. Yup, they heard me all right.After slightly akward set of goodmornings, moment later we seem all to arrive to the conclusion that we should just act normal.We small talk about our plans for they day. They are going to check out the beaches and some museums today. I am again heading up to the mountain to do some more biking. Julien’s english is quite good, whereas Christine doesn’t speak much. I glance at her, she is wearing a white blouse and capris and looks, if possible, even more beautiful this morning than last night.Some time later I finish my breakfast and wish them a nice day at the beach, and head upstairs to gear up for the day. As I get to my car some 15 minutes later, they are still at breakfast and I wave them. Both of them wave back wishing me a nice ride.***The riding is awesome again. The scenery up in the hills is excellent, the weather is slightly warmer than yesterday. I do some uphill first on the road and then head for some trails. It would be nice to have both a roadbike and a MTB. At midday it is getting very hot, and I am sweating a lot. Already a few hours riding, I call it a day and head towards the guesthouse around 1pm. After getting back and a nice cool shower, I eat a late lunch (tuna salad again) and then I hit the bed naked. I Read for a while and then feel sleepy in the afternoon heat, and decide to take a nap.I wake up around half past four, and decide to head to the beach to check out what I have been missing. It is a short drive to the beach and thankfully the tourist season is almost over, so there is plenty of space to park not far from the beaches. Sun is still pretty high as I walk by the sea. There is still a lot of tourists in the sun. Some nice looking beach babes also, with small tight bikinis! I don’t feel like taking a sunlounger and just walk the beach up and down once and on my way back to the car, visit a grocery store to buy some sangria and some more foodstuffs for tomorrow. I am not really the partygoing or restaurant type of guy, mostly I like to eat stuff I prepare myself. As I reach the car the sun is setting. I drive back again anticipating a nice evening in the warm darkness in the terrace, sipping some sangria.As I arrive, I see Julien and Christine’s car parked in front. I go up and put my groceries to the fridge and go to my room. The sun is just setting and it is getting dusk. I take a quick shower, put on a clean white short sleeved shirt and shorts, grab a glass of sangria and open the terrace doors. I set myself on the lounger facing the sunset and just enjoy myself. Perfect.Some time later I hear the terrace door from the next room open, and I look over, and say hi to Julien and Christine. They sit down on their side of the terrace. They have opened a bottle of red wine. I can hear them chat in french with subdued voices. I glance over and see Christine looking at me. I smile to her and she drops her gaze and blushes, and then says something to Julien. Julien looks over to me.’Archie, would you like join us over here?’ I hear him say.’Sure I would be glad to.’ I get up and walk over to their side of the terrace. Julien is sitting in the lounger, and Christine is on the sofa. I sit on the other end of the sofa.’How was your day?’ I ask.’Oh it was excellent,’ Julien answers, ‘we actually decided to rent a car and drove all the way to Cape Greco and walked on the seafront. Great scenery!’We chat some more and I tell them about my day. As we talk, I get a chance to look at the wonderfully beautiful Christine sitting so close to me. She is wearing a long white thin dress which isn’t quite see-through thin. The dress leaves her shoulders bare. I think she is not wearing a bra. She has her hair open and it is falling straight to her shoulders. Julien also has on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Like me, he is also fit and slim with tanned arms and legs. After some time, suddenly Julien says ‘ know Archie, last night güvenilir bahis siteleri we thought we heard something from your room.’Shit. What to say now? I think I am blushing. ‘Yes, well, you know.. I was..I kind of heard some noises from your side and you know, I got a bit excited..’ I say.. my god this is embarrassing.. ‘No no, don’t be shy, we understood that we woke you up. We were trying to be as quiet as possible, but ..’I look over to Christine and she is also blushing and looks at me and smiles. ‘We just could not help it, this place is so romantic.. and we didn’t understand that the walls are so thin… we just realised when we heard you..’, she says.’Yes I understand perfectly, I mean we should not be embarrassed about it.’ I try to say.’So you were not shocked or anything?’ Julien asks.’No, no, not at all..”Good, we were a bit worried but after seeing you on breakfast and now chatting to you we see that we should not have worried about it.’ ‘Christine actually said something to me afterwards.’ He pauses for a moment. ‘Do you want to repeat it to Archie, Christine?’I look over to her, and she is even more blushed as before… ‘Julien, I don’t know…”Come on dear… he heard us and we heard him.’Christine is silent for a while and then looks at me shyly and says’I think it was exciting that you heard us and you became so aroused.. I was turned on by the thought that another man was in next room and hearing me and Julien.’I think about what to say for a moment.’I mean, I couldn’t help it.. when I heard you at it, I started to imagine it in my mind, and next thing you know… I just had to do something.’I take a sip of the wine, and Christine does also. Julien looks to be deep in thought and smiling.’Christine said something else last night as well. Christine, do you want to repeat that?’My eyes haven’t left Christine, and I wonder if it is possible for anyone to be more crimson than she is at the moment.’I… I was just saying…maybe… it would be exciting to…if you want… to look at us?’The words take a moment to sink in.’Look at you… you mean?….making love?’ I finally ask.’Yes… if you would like to.’Yes, it is possible to be more crimson, I think. It seems my heart has jumped to my throat and my dick jumps in my shorts and I know that in a few seconds I will have a full erection. ‘I … well… eeh… wow!’ I am stuttering ‘Well, I don’t know, I haven’t seen other people make love before…you know in real life… but…’Julien says ‘Come on, don’t be shy, Christine would really love it, wouldn’t you Christine?”Yes…I would really love it.’ she says finally, looking at me with her angel eyes and her delicious lips in a delicate smile.Have you ever got the feeling you need to pinch yourself to know if you are sleeping and having a fantasy dream?I mentally pinch myself. My dick is fully hard now. If my dick could speak, it would say: ”HELL YEAH MAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?”’Wow. Yes, in that case yes, I am sure I would love to watch.’ I finally answer with a sore whisper.’Great!’ Julien says and Christine smiles on the other end of the sofa. ‘What do you say Archie, if we go inside? The Terrace is getting slightly chilly.’Chilly or not, I can now see Christine’s nipples through her dress, they have swollen and hardened and stretch the fabric. I can see the curve of her breasts as she stands up and walks inside their room through the double doors, her hips swinging from side to side as her slim figure stretches the thin white dress. Julien walks inside also and pulls the curtains on the windows. He then sets up the armchair to the corner of the room and sets the wine bottle there and gestures for me to take a seat.I follow them wordlessly in to their room, feeling like in a dream or a movie. Is this really happening? I sit down to the chair and have to spread my legs a bit since by now I have a hard-on for the record books and it is slightly uncomfortable to sit.Julien closes the terrace doors and pulls the curtains. Christine is standing at the end of the bed, facing me and looking down at the bed. She shyly raises her eyes to look at me but when she sees me watching her she drops her eyes back down to the bed. I can’t take my eyes off her.Julien moves so that he is behind Christine and puts his hands on her waist, caressing her through her thin dress. As he touches her, Christine suddenly again raises her eyes to look at me and I can see her shiver as if electricity would run through her. Julien’s hands move to touch her hair, and he pulls her hair off her face so that it is running down her back, exposing her neck. Then he leans in and kisses her neck gently.Christine lets out a sigh and closes her eyes and tilts her head back. Julien’s hands have returned to caress Christine’s waist, moving up and down and exploring more of her body, he isn’t yet touching her breasts but he is moving closer with each stroke.Julien raises his hand and starts to slowly pull one of Christine’s dress straps from her shoulder. He does it slower than I think is possible, all the time continuing to kiss her neck and never stopping to feel her with his other hand. Christine lets out a small whimper when the strap finally clears the shoulder and Julien allows it to drop. The dress is now hanging on her with only one strap, the other side of the dress is only supported by her breastJulien raises his hand and slowly touches her breast from the side. Again I can hear Christine sigh with pleasure as Julien’s hand gently moves to cup one of her boobs and his fingers close in on her erect nipple.Christine’s hands have moved behind her and she is clearly fondling and squeezing Julien’s cock through his shorts. If my own cock gets any harder, it will explode and then I will make the headlines of the tabloids: ”Man died because his cock exploded!” I am still too shocked to touch myself, but it is getting very difficult to sit and contain myself.Julien now starts to pull the other shoulder strap and slowly he moves it to the side. Now the dress is almost hanging only from Christine’s breasts and nipples. She is again looking at me, both at my eyes and I can also see her gaze dropping to my crotch, looking at the huge bulge down my shorts.Julien turns Christine around so that she has her back towards me and pulls down the dress. She is completely naked underneath. Her slim figure is now completely exposed. I admire her well muscled thighs, her small but yet round and firm ass and her impossibly narrow sexy waist. My eyes linger at the gap between her thighs, I can see her pussy lips waiting for the cock that Julien is surely only moments away to slide in into her waiting vagina.They start to kiss hungrily and moan and I can feel the desire and want and need build in the room. Julien reaches behind Christine to grab her ass and squeeze her ass cheeks. She is almost lifted off the floor, and I am rewarded with an even better view of her pussy and tight pink asshole. I think I can see her her pussy lips glistening with the anticipation.They breathe harder and deeper as they continue to kiss and I can see Christine rubbing Julien’s cock through the fabric of the shorts. Suddenly Julien pulls away and turns Christine around so that she is again facing me. She opens her eyes as I take in her full nakedness, admiring the sight of her perfect young breasts and taking in the almost totally shaved pussy, with only a very thin line of pubic hair an inch or two above it. He reaches around güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri and puts one hand on her breasts, squeezing the nipples and his other hand drops down to her crotch. She can’t keep her eyes on me anymore as it is clear she is almost reaching climax already, even though she hasn’t even been fucked yet.But Julien isn’t going to allow her to come so soon. After only a minute he again turns her around and pushes on her so that she has to sit on the end of the bed. He takes off his shirt and says something to her in french, and she pulls down his shorts. His dick jumps as it is finally freed. He also is well shaved but has a bit more hair above his dick. His balls are shaved and smooth. I think his dick is almost the same size as mine, my dick is possibly slightly thicker. She already knows what he wants her to do, and with one hand on his balls and other hand on the shaft of his penis, she leans in and takes his dick into her mouth and starts to suck it slowly moving her head so that I can see his dick going in and out her mouth, becoming shiny and slippery with her saliva and his precum.Now it is Julien’s turn to close his eyes and I can hear him sigh and say something in french as Christine continues to suck his dick, I hear her making slurping sounds and she is obviously enjoying herself pleasuring her husband while another man watches. She suddenly moves her head and pushes Julien slightly away and then she straightens her neck and pulls him back and takes his whole dick into her mouth and throat. I am amazed, I have never seen anyone deepthroat with such ease and grace. After a while she pushes him out and as his dick falls from her lips I can see long streams of saliva hang from it and Christine’s mouth.Now Julien reaches down and pulls christine up and throws her onto the bed, and goes down on his knees. I know what happens next, and so does Christine as she spreads her legs wide and raises her ass up from the bed. Julien goes down and buries his face in her pussy and I can see Christine watching her husband lick her pussy and clit and then Christine turns her eyes to me. There is hunger in her eyes as she has her hands on her breasts and her man is licking her at the same time.I can’t take it anymore and stand up and take off my shirt and drop my shorts, with Christine’s hungry eyes following my every move. My cock has never been bigger or harder and as I stand next to the bed, it is pointing straight to Christine’s face. Julien’s head is going up and down as he licks his wife’s pussy but I can see him watching intently. I want nothing more than to join the couple on the bed and sink my dick in the waiting mouth of the most beautiful woman I can imagine.Christine slowly lets one hand go from her breast and reaches slowly towards me and I know my fantasy is about to become real. I step one step closer and her hand can reach my dick. She touches it, first carefully and then she moves her hand and grabs the head of my dick. Now I can feel the electricity in her touch. She slowly moves her hand and touches my balls which are exploding from the need to release the biggest load I can remember to come. She grabs my balls and pulls me closer.Her head is close to the edge of the bed and as I get closer I bring my dick to her lips. She doesn’t take it into her mouth right away, but decides to lick it first all over as she continues to grab my balls.Julien rises up and stands with his dick in her pussy lips, ready to go in. He again says something to her and as she suddenly takes my dick deep in her mouth, at the same instant Julien pushes his cock all the way inside her waiting pussy. At the same moment we see Christine orgasm with her hand on my balls, squeezing them at the rhythm of her pleasure waves and she is crying out but cannot make loud noises as my dick is in her mouth. We see her back arch over and over again as she continues to climax as her fantasy of taking two men at the same time is realised.Finally as her orgasm is over, Julien has slowed down his fucking, but now he speeds up again slowly. She has barely recovered but now her husband is picking up speed and his dick slams in and out her pussy, faster and faster, with deep motions, completely pulling out of her pussy each time and then slamming back in to the hilt with each fucking motion. She resumes to suck my dick and squeeze my balls. I can feel her long fingernails in my balls and scrotum, and I am getting closer and closer to not being able to resist coming into her mouth. I am unsure if she likes it, but as I clearly come closer and closer she opens her eyes and looks at me and puts her hand around me on my ass and pulls me closer, clearly signalling that she doesn’t want me to pull out and she wants me to shoot my load down her throat.Julien is saying things to her in french which I can’t understand but it is clear he is also getting closer to come. Now he seems to find another gear and I watch his dick slam in and out of Christine’s pink pussy and it is clear he is seconds away from orgasm. So am I and I can feel the pressure begin in my balls as the load of a lifetime is coming. I moan and I can hear Christine’s muffled moans as she has my dick deep in her mouth and her husband’s dick in her pussy, pounding away. We are seconds from orgasming together.Christine now pulls my dick out of her mouth and with a final squeeze of my balls, sinks her fingernails in my balls and pulls me all the way in her mouth so that my dick disappears completely in her mouth and throat. I can feel the tightness of her throat and I can’t hold back anymore, and with a shout I shoot my load, spurt after spurt, down her throat. My climax seems neverending flood of cum but she doesn’t let me pull out and my huge load goes straight down her throat. Swallowing my load, she orgasms a second time and I can see her other hand squeezing the sheets and her breasts are bouncing at the combined rhythm of her orgasm and Julien’s fucking. Julien cannot avoid orgasming after seeing his wife deepthroat another man’s load down her throat. He cries out and shoots his load into her waiting, pulsing vagina.It must have taken a few minutes for us to recover, because I don’t seem to remember how we all ended up on the bed, but as we come to, I am on the bed with Christine next to me and Julien on her other side. Her hand is on my side and he is caressing her and whispering to her in french. She is smiling a content smile and she answers in a whisper to her husband and then looks at me and says: ‘thank you Archie, that was amazing!’What can you say to that? What do you answer to the most beautiful, sexy woman after you have just watched her husband fuck her to two orgasms and after you yourself have shot your cum down her throat while watching them fuck?’No Christine, thank you, It was my pleasure!’ I answer.’Maybe… maybe tomorrow night we can do it again?’ She asks shyly. I look at Julien who has his hands on her waist and looks at me expectantly.’I would love it!’ I answerAfter a minute, she looks up to me with her angel face shining with the double orgasm from moments earlier.’Maybe tomorrow … you would like to fuck me?’ Impossibly, after coming maybe five minutes earlier, somehow my dick seems to thing the wait to tomorrow is not necessary. But I don’t want to spoil the atmosphere. We are content now. It is time to rest.I reach and kiss her lips on her angel face as her husband is inches away. ‘I would like nothing more than to fuck you tomorrow.’ I whisper to her ear.We lie on the bed for few minutes longer and then I decide to stand up and go to my room. We say good night and I leave them naked on the bed, covered only with a sheet and enjoying the afterglow of a threesome in mediterranean darkness.TO BE CONTINUED

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