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Big Tits

All characters are fictional.

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Thanks, yarnspinnerr ;->


Ruth and Carli made their way to the front door of the elegant house that Ruth and her husband Roger called home. They were giggling like schoolgirls at the suggestive comments Ruth had made to the taxi driver.

The young man was thoroughly scandalized by Ruth’s suggestion that he should enjoy riding two women at once. It would probably be the best ride he’d have all night, and they were even paying him for it!

As they pulled up to the address, Ruth paid and gave him a nice tip. Then she told him, “Have fun imagining what two hot, and drunk girls are going to do once inside.”

Actually Carli was also embarrassed by that one, she had heard Ruth make comments sexual about women before. Not as much as her comments about men, but enough to put a seed in Carli’s mind. If she was so uncomfortable with men, maybe she should at least entertain the idea of a woman. So she tried to play along when Ruth put her arm around her waist and pulled her tight, smashing their tits together and sneaking in a quick kiss on the lips.

Ruth was always saying inappropriate things to people, and Carli was always impressed, if not a little intimidated by Ruth’s ability to push the envelope. But this was going a bit further.

Ruth had taken Carli under her wing when she first came to work as an intern at the company Ruth had been working at for years. And Carli was grateful for the woman’s efforts. she considered Ruth her mentor.

She had been immediately impressed by Ruth. She had the kind of exciting, outgoing personality that Carli wished she could have. And she knew her job so well, that she didn’t need to take any shit from anyone. And she didn’t.

She was jealous of Ruth’s confidence, her ability to dress professionally, yet still be sexy. The older woman had a great body, which she was obviously proud of. Her long legs and round ass were always shown in a classy, yet sexy way. Her slender waist and firm ass were always hugged snugly by whatever she wore

She didn’t have huge tits, but she wore push up bras and low cut tops that were tasteful enough to not be scandalous, but definitely afforded a great view of her cleavage.

Her pale skin was a stark contrast with her natural red hair, and her blue eyes just brought it all together. She was a very attractive Gaelic woman.

For Ruth’s part, she had taken an immediate interest in Carli, the girl was beautiful, she had the high cheekbones, full lips and big dark eyes that spoke of her Latina heritage. And under her conservative clothing was a smoking hot body. She dressed conservatively, but her body was still evident in her graceful moves. Her short hair cut accentuated her long, sensuous neck.

She was only 5’2″, and never wore heels, which just made her seem even more diminutive.

Ruth had told her husband about the new intern the very first night after they met. Roger of course knew his wife well enough to know that she had a new target in her sights. And he was more than okay with it, his wife had great taste.

She excitedly described the new girl with great detail, as her husband hungrily feasted on her soaked pussy.

Ruth had been impressed with the young woman from a professional standpoint as well, so she had made a point of helping her to get hired by the company when she graduated college. Which meant that Ruth didn’t have to hurry to seduce the girl. Carli was obviously very shy, and it would be better not to rush things.

Carli was initially uncomfortable with Ruth’s attention. Her touchy, feely ways, her ability to add a sexual undertone to almost any situation. But she knew she could learn a lot from her, both professionally and personally, so she did her best to keep up.

The two women soon became good friends. Ruth would share personal information about her life, some of which caused Carli to blush profusely, and eventually Carli felt that she could open up to Ruth as well.

For Carli, it was nice to have a confidante at work. She had always been awkward with people, and making friends was not easy for her, especially in a busy, hectic workplace with so many different personalities and attitudes.

But Ruth, for all her irreverence, truly cared. Carli soon came to appreciate and admire the older woman. She wasn’t exactly like a sister to her, because of the age difference, but more like that crazy, fun aunt. The one who would provide sound guidance, yet allow, even encourage, a girl to do things her mom never would.

Ruth gradually began to draw Carli out of her shell. She started a girls night out with all the women from their department. Every other Friday after work the ladies would descend on the bar around the corner from the office.

These nights soon turned into crazy, boozy events that allowed all the girls to let their hair down. Carli, after a few drinks even started to loosen up. Laughing and joining in on the raunchy conversations İstinye Escort that never failed to come up.

Carli saw more than one of her coworkers leave with guys who they just met, and it shocked, yet titillated her. Ruth of course, cheered them on.

Carli had been a bookworm in college, and while she knew things like that happened at the parties she always passed on in college, she figured the girls were just sowing their oats and they would get it out of their system. She hadn’t known at the time that “adults” would act that way too.

She had plenty of men approach her at the bar every week. And even with Ruth’s encouragement to expand her horizons, she always chickened out.

Or the men would quickly discern that she was the type of girl that needed some wooing. This crowd was not interested in investing that much time. This crowd was just looking for an easy score.

Ruth explained it casually, that everyone had needs, and had to find the occasional outlet. “We all need to scratch that itch sometimes, sweetie!” She told her with a lewd smile.

She tried to hook Carli up with this hot guy, or that one. She told her friend that she didn’t have to deny herself pleasure. That she didn’t have to wait for Mr. Perfect to come and sweep her off her feet. But Carli was always afraid to go through with it.

She was embarrassed to admit it, even to Ruth, but her fear came mostly from a lack of experience. She had always been shy and reserved, and the only boyfriend she had ever had came so fast, as he roughly took her cherry, that she shied away from any more sexual activity.

Ruth even shared some of her past sexual experiences with her, stories of her younger, single days, and while Carli was scandalized by these tales, she was also very turned on, and wished she could be that brave.

She could picture a younger version of the beautiful woman in front of her, with one high heel on a public toilet seat and her skirt hiked up to her waist, fucking a guy she just met in a dirty ladies room.

Or blowing another man in a taxi on their way to her apartment, because she just couldn’t wait anymore for his cock. Ruth said she had felt it against her belly as she danced with the man.

Then she confessed that she had enjoyed that cock so much, and had such a chemistry with that guy, that she married him!

She went on to describe, in great detail, her husband’s fat 8″ cock, and some of the positions she liked best with it.

Ruth saw signs of arousal in her younger friend as she went on about sex with her husband. But she wanted to open up other potential avenues of pleasure in the girls mind also.

Carli had admitted that she had lost her cherry to her high school sweetheart just prior to them both heading off to their respective colleges. Carli gave Ruth the impression that it was a memory she would rather forget.

Apparently the beau had prematurely ejaculated as soon as he was all the way in. Then blamed Carli for making him wait so long. He got angry with her to cover his own embarrassment. And it never happened again.

It left a bad feeling toward everything sexual for Carli, and she was in no hurry to go through that again. She just had no good experiences to go by.

Ruth listened as Carli opened up with her sad tale about her only boyfriend. How she hadn’t had anymore since that asshole dumped her during the first semester of college.

Apparently he got to his school and discovered the smorgasbord of pussy available, and decided he didn’t want a girl who was afraid of everything.

Sitting alone together at a table in the back of the bar, Ruth smiled wickedly as she probed Carli about college. Didn’t she have any opportunities for naughty fun in the dorm? Ruth hinted at her own experiences, experimenting with her roommate, and other women on campus.

Carli was shocked by Ruth’s admission, but soon realized she shouldn’t be, that Ruth was just totally fearless. She admitted that she had been pursued by a woman in school, but that had frightened her even more than guys!

Ruth laughed and asked what she was afraid of? “Hell, with another woman you don’t even have to learn about new equipment!”

Carli forced a nervous giggle, mostly to play along with Ruth and her carefree attitude. But in her mind she envisioned what Ruth was hinting at. And she pictured Ruth with another woman. She briefly wondered what it would be like to be with her herself.

Then Ruth, reading the girls body language, asked, “You know how to get yourself off, right?” She steered the conversation to masturbating, whether she had any toys, or just used her fingers?

Blushing furiously, Carli eventually admitted to using her fingers, and occasionally her hairbrush handle, to find relief.

Ruth, completely aroused by the visual image of the hot young woman finally letting go and getting herself off, put her hands over Carli’s hands on the table. She assured her young friend that she Escort İstinye was perfectly normal in doing that.

She told Carli that they should make a visit to Ruth’s favorite adult book store, for some proper toys. Carli blushed as she imagined being in a place like that, with a woman like Ruth.

Ruth looked her up and down appraising her in an intimate way, and reminded her that she could have a man, or a woman, who would scratch that itch for her. That she was a beautiful woman, who simply needed some good sexual experiences to start her off.

Ruth often reminded Carli that she should not be so reserved. That she was missing out on so much. Ruth reached out casually and opened the top two buttons on Carli’s dress shirt.

Carli held her breath as Ruth explained again, in a soft sensual voice, that she was beautiful and could have her pick of lovers. Carli was definitely starting to think that she should loosen up.

She knew she was missing out, and being around Ruth was showing her that it was okay to not be the good girl all the time. She started to scan the crowd for the cute guy who had flirted with her earlier.

Ruth’s coaxing, and the liquor, had her ready to at least make an effort. She was horny, and she knew Ruth was right about a brush handle only being so much fun.

But that’s when she saw him, walking out with a hot blonde in a skirt shorter than anything Carli would ever dare to wear.

Ruth had watched the girl grow excited at her stories, and saw her face as she hopefully scanned the crowd. Then she saw the crestfallen expression, and looked up to see the man leaving with another woman.

Ruth knew the girl was so close to opening up, to allowing herself some carnal release. She was rooting for her to find a way to relax and release her inner desires.

Ruth wanted nothing more than to bring Carli home to play with her and her husband some day. She had been grooming her to be more comfortable with her sexuality, hoping to get her some casual experience with sex. To open her up to the world of pleasure, so she could eventually add to that world.

When she saw her young friend crushed by the missed opportunity, she knew it was time for a different tact.

As Carli stared into her drink, mentally incriminating herself for being so awkward, Ruth was texting her husband. She explained the situation and told him that she was bringing Carli home. She quickly worked out a plan, and explained to Roger his part to play.

“Okay, that’s it! No pouting on girls night” Ruth proclaimed when she was done texting her husband. She reached out and gently took Carli’s pretty face in her hands and drew her eyes to her own.

“I’m sorry.” Carli whispered, her voice choked up with emotion. “It’s just that I always think. I can never just act. I’m always so fucking scared. I know I will never be as outgoing as you. But, fuck, I don’t know.”

Ruth was completely shocked, and aroused, by her young friend saying the word “Fuck”. She just sounded so sexy, saying it with so much emotion.

“Look sweetie,” Ruth said as she gathered her hand in her own again. “First of all, forget about me, and how ‘outgoing’ I am. It isn’t about me. You just need to build your confidence. You need a lover, or two under your belt, who makes you feel good about yourself, and lets you bloom like the beautiful flower that you are.”

Ruth purposely evaded using a man as an example, going with the term lover. She wanted to leave the door open for herself. “Now c’mon, get your purse, we’re out of here.”

“What? Where? Where are we going?” asked Carli, suddenly concerned that her friend was going to take her to visit a male prostitute or a strip club for girls, or, or something! Who knew what surprises this woman had?

“We’re going to my house!” Ruth stated simply. “I was texting my husband just now, and he’s drinking beer on the couch, bored out of his mind. We’re going to drink some wine, and talk some more. And maybe I will let you go through my toy box, maybe you can find something to borrow, and give the hairbrush a break. Roger wants to meet you anyway. Now c’mon.”

Ruth led the girl out of the bar, over her protestations that she didn’t want to intrude. She hailed the first cab that rolled by, and started to tease the cabbie almost right away, mostly to distract and cheer up Carli. But also to titillate her.

At her house, a 20 minute drive away, Ruth’s husband Roger put his bookmark in his Zane Gray novel and laid it on his nightstand.

Getting out of bed, feeling the anticipation and excitement already starting to surge through his body, he shed his tee shirt and his plain white underwear. His cock was already starting to rise up, and he pulled on it a few times, squeezing tightly.

He went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of silky blue boxer briefs, a pair that Ruth had bought for him, and he knew she liked the way the fabric showed off his dick.

He then went to the kitchen İstinye Escort Bayan and fished out as many empty beer cans as he could carry from the recycling bin, and went to the living room. He scattered the cans haphazardly on the coffee table and turned the TV on to ESPN. He returned to the kitchen and grabbed a fresh beer from the fridge, already drinking some as he returned to the living room.

He propped his pillows at one end of the couch and laid back, drinking beer with one hand, and stroking his cock with the other, awaiting his wife and her friend. It didn’t take long to get his cock to full erection, thinking about what could happen when they got there.

When he heard the cab pull up out front, Roger took another healthy swig of beer and tucked away his cock in his underwear. It stretched the silky fabric and showed off his every detail of his dick

He stretched out on the couch and feigned sleep as he heard the women coming in the front door. He fought to control his breathing.

Ruth and Carli were giggling like schoolgirls when they entered the house. Carli saw the sports channel on the big screen TV, and a large hand dangling over the arm of the couch, which was facing away from them. She expected Roger to look up and greet them, but when he didn’t, Ruth looked at her with a naughty expression and put her finger over her lips to tell her friend to be quiet.

Ruth took Carli’s hand again and led her forward, until they could see Roger, all of him, sprawled out on the couch. His arms above his head, legs parted slightly.

Carli’s heart skipped a beat at the sight. Roger was tall and lean. All sinewy muscle and masculinity. He had thick black hair and a well trimmed beard and mustache, with a touch of gray at his temples, and more on his chin. He was very handsome and distinguished looking.

More black hair covered his toned chest, and tapered off to a thin line that ran down his flat stomach and disappeared into the snug boxer briefs. Carli, already horny, found herself unable to pull her eyes away.

It was what was trying to escape the underwear that really drew her attention. The thin silky fabric barely contained the hard cock inside. She could see it as plain as day. From the distinct shape of the swollen head, to the thick, veined shaft. Even his huge balls were obvious.

“I don’t know why guys like to watch sports in their underwear, but I never complain!” Ruth giggled, looking sideways at the younger girl, encouraged by the hunger she saw there. “I thought he would go get dressed after I told him we were coming here. I guess all the beer knocked him out first.”

“I, I should go!” Carli stuttered, pulling her eyes from the nearly naked man. “I shouldn’t be here.” She started to walk away, past Ruth and toward the door.

Ruth deftly reached an arm around her waist and turned her around, so they came to a stop still facing Roger, but with Ruth behind Carli, her arms encompassing her narrow waist, her tits pushing into her back.

“Why do you have to leave? Are you afraid of sleeping men too?” She chided the girl. She pulled Carli in tight to her, feeling her body tremble, smelling her perfume, as she pressed her tits into Carli’s back and whispered in her ear, “isn’t he sexy? I just love that body. That big dick makes me soo wet. Do you like it sweetie?”

“He’s your husband Ruth, I shouldn’t be seeing him like this!” Carli gasped. But she couldn’t take her eyes off the big lump in the man’s shorts.

“Your right, he is my husband. And I am damn proud of that. I think he’s just sexy as hell. Don’t you think he’s sexy sweetie?” Ruth asked with an extra squeeze of the girls body. She could feel Carli’s tits resting on her forearms, and fought the urge to cup them.

“Yeah, um, yes, he’s very, um, sexy.” Carli managed to say. The emotions in her voice were palpable. Her breath came in gasps.

“Does he make you wet too, honey? Don’t you like that feeling?” Ruth probed into Carli’s ear, being sure to breathe on her neck.

Carli squirmed uncomfortably, not knowing how to handle this new situation. “I guess.” She answered lamely. “But I should not feel this way about your husband!”

“Why? Why shouldn’t you? You aren’t sneaking behind my back to fuck him. I am showing him off to you, that makes it okay.” Ruth reassured her.

“I guess.” Carli whispered. She shuddered from her arousal, and the feeling of Ruth’s breath on her sensitive neck.

“So, doesn’t he make you feel excited? Wet? You can tell me, it’s natural to be horny, looking at a sexy man, especially one with such a beautiful cock.”

“I, I guess, I don’t know what to say.” Carli knew she was feeling exactly what Ruth was describing, but couldn’t admit it so easily.

“Sweetie, it’s okay.” Ruth reassured her. “Come here.” She directed the nervous girl. She let go of Carli’s slender waist and came around to draw her by the hand, closer to the couch, and the man on it.

For his part, Roger struggled to maintain his role as a person asleep. He fought off the urge to grab his cock and stroke himself, he was easily as horny now as the two women who were looking at him. He wanted desperately to sneak a peek at them. He had never seen Carli, but his wife had described her well enough that he wanted to see her for himself.

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